The world is eternal, like time. Orthodox faith - time - alphabet. The future through the eyes of the Orthodox worldview

Today's liturgical hymn was burning out above the ground. “Let all human flesh be silent, and let it stand with fear and trembling.”

The evening earth fell silent. At home, glass doors of icons were opened. I asked my father:

What is this for?

This is a sign that the doors of heaven open on Easter!

Before matins began, my father and I wanted to get some sleep, but we couldn’t. They lay on the bed next to each other, and he told how he had to celebrate Easter in Moscow as a boy.

Moscow Easter, son, mighty! Anyone who has seen her once will remember her to the grave. The first strike of the bell from Ivan the Great will ring out at midnight, as if the sky with the stars will fall to the ground! But the bell, son, contains six thousand pounds, and it took twelve people to swing the tongue! The first strike was timed to coincide with the striking of the clock on the Spasskaya Tower...

The father gets out of bed and speaks about Moscow with a trembling voice:

Yes... the clock on the Spasskaya Tower... The clock will strike, and immediately a rocket soars into the sky... followed by firing from the old guns on the Tainitskaya Tower - one hundred and one shots!..

Ivan the Great spreads across Moscow by sea, and the rest of the forty-forty echo him like rivers in flood! I’ll tell you, such a power floats above the Mother Throne that it’s as if you don’t walk, but sway on the waves like a small sliver! Mighty night, like the thunder of the Lord! Hey, son, don’t describe Easter Moscow in words!

The father falls silent and closes his eyes.

Are you falling asleep?

No. I look at Moscow.

Where do you have it?

Before my eyes. How alive...

Tell us something else about Easter!

I also had the opportunity to celebrate Easter in one monastery. In its simplicity and splendor it was even better than the Moscow one! One monastery is worth something! All around there is an untrodden forest, animal trails, and near the monastery walls there is a river splashing. The taiga trees look into it, and the church is built from strong resinous logs. For Bright Matins, a great many pilgrims gathered here from the surrounding villages. There was a rare custom here. After matins, girls with candles went out to the river, sang “Christ is Risen,” bowed at the waist to the river water, and then stuck the candles to a wooden round and floated them down the river one by one. There was a sign: if the Easter candle does not go out, the girl will get married, but if it goes out, she will remain a bitter century-old!

Just imagine what a miracle it was there! In the middle of the night, a hundred lights float on the water, and then the bells are ringing and the forest is noisy!

“Enough of your chatter,” my mother interrupted us, “you better get some sleep, otherwise you’ll be standing at matins like little sons!”

I had no time to sleep. My soul was filled with a premonition of something inexplicably huge, resembling either Moscow or a hundred candles floating along a forest river. He got out of bed, walked from corner to corner, interfered with his mother’s cooking and kept asking her:

Are you going to church soon?
- Don’t spin around like a slanted spindle! - she flared up quietly. - If you can’t wait, then go, don’t mess around there!

There are two whole hours until Matins, and the church fence is already full of children.

A night without a single star, without wind, and seemingly terrible in its unusualness and enormity. Easter cakes in white scarves floated along the dark street - only they were visible, but there were no people.

In the dimly lit church, near the Shroud, there is a line of hunters to read the Acts of the Apostles. I also joined. I was asked:

Well, then start first!

I went up to the lectern and began to write out: “I wrote the first word about Theophilus,” and I could not pronounce “Theophilus.” He became confused, lowered his head in embarrassment and stopped reading. They came up to me and made a remark:

I wanted to try it!..

You better try the Easter cakes,” and they pushed me aside.

There was no standing in the church. He went out into the fence and sat down on the steps of the temple.

Is it Easter somewhere? - I thought. - Does it hover in the sky, or does it walk outside the city, in the forest, along swamp hummocks, pine leaves, snowdrops, heather and juniper paths, and what image does it have? I remembered someone’s story that on the night of the Holy Resurrection of Christ a ladder descends from heaven to earth, and along it the Lord descends to us with the holy apostles, saints, passion-bearers and martyrs. The Lord goes around the earth; blesses fields, forests, lakes, rivers, birds, man, beast and everything created by His holy will, and the saints sing “Christ is risen from the dead...” The song of the saints scatters like grains on the earth, and from these grains thin fragrant lilies of the valley arise in the forests...

The time was approaching midnight. The fence is buzzing more and more with conversation. Someone came out of the church gatehouse with a lantern.

It's coming, it's coming! - the guys shouted furiously, clapping their hands.

Who's coming?

Beller Lexandra! Now it's going to crash!

And he banged...

From the first strike of the bell, it was as if a large silver wheel rolled on the ground, and when its buzz passed, another rolled, and after it a third, and the Easter night darkness swirled in the silver hum of all the city churches.

The beggar Yakov noticed me in the dark.

Bright ringing! - he said and crossed himself several times.

The church began to serve the “Great Midnight Office.” They sang “The Wave of the Sea.” Priests in white robes lifted the Shroud and took it to the altar, where it will lie on the throne until the Feast of the Ascension. The heavy golden tomb was pushed aside with a roar, to its usual place, and in this roar there was also a significant, Paschal sound, as if a huge stone was being rolled away from the Holy Sepulcher.

I saw my father and mother. He approached them and said:

I will never offend you! - he pressed himself close to them and exclaimed loudly: - How fun!

And the Easter joy kept expanding, like the Volga in the flood, about which my father spoke more than once. Tall banners swayed like spring trees in the sunny wind. They began to prepare for the procession around the church. From the altar they brought out a silver altar cross, a golden Gospel, a huge round bread - artos, the raised icons smiled, and everyone's red Easter candles were lit.

There was silence. It was transparent and so light that if you blew on it, it would vibrate like a cobweb. And in the midst of this silence they sang: “Thy Resurrection, O Christ the Savior, the angels sing in heaven.” And to the accompaniment of this inspiring song, the procession began to flow with lights. They stepped on my foot, dropped wax on my head, but I felt almost nothing and thought: “that’s how it’s supposed to be” - Easter! Easter of the Lord! - sunbeams ran through my soul. Huddled close to each other, in the darkness of the night, along the streams of the Sunday song, showered with ringing bells and warmed by the lights of candles, we walked around the church, white with hundreds of lights, and stopped waiting at the tightly closed doors. The bells fell silent. My heart sank. His face flushed with heat. The earth has disappeared somewhere - you are standing not on it, but as if in the blue heavens. What about people? Where are they? Everything turned into jubilant Easter candles!

And now, something huge, something I couldn’t grasp at first, has happened! They sang “Christ is Risen from the Dead.”

They sang “Christ is Risen” three times, and the doors of the high door swung open before us. We entered the resurrected church - and before our eyes, in the glow of chandeliers, large and small lamps, in the sparkles of silver, gold and precious stones on the icons, in the bright paper flowers on Easter cakes - the Lord's Easter flashed! The priest, enveloped in incense smoke, with a clear face, exclaimed brightly and loudly: “Christ is Risen,” and the people answered him with the roar of heavy, icy snow falling from a height - “Truly He is Risen.”

Grishka found himself nearby. I took his hands and said:

Tomorrow I will give you a red egg! The best! Christ is Risen!

Fedka was standing nearby. He was also promised a red egg. I saw the janitor Davyd, went up to him and said:

I will never call you a “martyr sweeper.” Christ is Risen!

And the words of the Easter canon flew through the church like lightning. Every word is a spark of cheerful rapid fire:

“Let the heavens rejoice with dignity, let the earth rejoice, let the world, visible and invisible, celebrate, for Christ has risen, eternal joy.”

My heart swelled with joy - near the pulpit I saw a girl with blond braids, whom I had noticed while carrying the Shroud! Not myself, I approached her, and blushing, lowering my eyes, I whispered:

Christ is Risen!

She became embarrassed, dropped the candle from her hands, reached out to me with a quiet flame, and we said Christ... and then we were so ashamed that we stood for a long time with our heads bowed.

And at this time, the Easter word of John Chrysostom thundered from the pulpit:

“If anyone is pious and God-loving, let him enjoy this good and bright celebration: Christ is Risen, and life abides!”

  • Lent
  • Christmas
  • 25.12 (07.01)
  • Circumcision
  • 01.01 (14.01)
  • Baptism
  • 06.01 (19.01)
  • Candlemas
  • 02.02 (15.02)
  • Annunciation
  • 25.03 (07.04)
  • Entrance to Jerusalem
  • Easter
  • Ascension of the Lord
  • Trinity
  • Peter and Paul
  • 29.06 (12.07)
  • Transfiguration
  • 06.08 (19.08)
  • Dormition
  • 15.08 (28.08)
  • Beheading
  • 29.08 (11.09)
  • Nativity of the Virgin Mary
  • Exaltation
  • 14.09 (27.09)
  • Cover
  • 01.10 (14.10)
  • Introduction to the Temple
  • 21.11 (04.12)
  • other holidays...


    V. Nikiforov-Volgin, story

    The Venerable Euphemia the Great passed through the snowstorm - the Empress Maslenitsa will be a snowstorm! Apostle Timothy passed through the half-winter road; behind him are three ecumenical saints; St. Nikita, Bishop of Novgorod, is the deliverer from fire and all kinds of burning; the wax candles of the Presentation of the Lord burned out - there were severe Sretensky frosts; Simeon the God-Receiver and Anna the Prophetess passed.

    The snow continues to cover the windows right up to the top, the frosts are like copper, the blizzard howls at night, but my heart is happy - half of the winter has passed. The days are getting brighter! In a dream you already see grass and birch catkins. The heart is like a bird ready to fly.

    In the bitter cold I announced to Grishka:

    Spring is coming!

    And he answered me:

    I should hit you in the back of the head for saying that! What kind of spring is it here if the bird freezes during the flight!

    “These are the last frosts,” I assured, blowing on my numb fingers, “the wind is already blowing more cheerfully, and the ice on the river howls at night... This is for spring!”

    Grishka doesn’t want to believe it, but I can see in his eyes that he, too, loves the spring words.

    The beggar Yakov Grib drank tea with us. Blowing on the saucer, he said in a drooping voice:

    Time flies... flies... Tomorrow comes the week about the publican and the Pharisee. Get ready for Lent - radish and horseradish, and the book of Ephraim.

    Everyone sighed, and I was happy. Lent is spring, streams, roosters crowing, yellow sun on white churches and ice drift on the river. During the all-night vigil, after the Gospel was brought into the middle of the church, they sang the prayer of repentance for the first time:

    Open the doors for repentance.
    Life Giver,
    For my spirit goes to the temple in the morning
    Thy Holy One.

    From Mytar's Week, preparations for Lent began in the house. A lamp was lit in front of the icons, and it became inextinguishable. On Wednesdays and Fridays we ate nothing meat. Before lunch and dinner they prayed “to the ground.” The mother became stricter and seemed to be withdrawing from the earth. Before the arrival of Great Lent, I hurried to take all its blessings from winter, rode on a sleigh, rolled in the snowdrifts, knocked down icicles with a stick, stood on the heels of a cab's sleigh, sucked on pieces of ice, went down into ravines and listened to the snow.

    Another week has arrived. It was called according to the church - the week of the Prodigal Son. During the all-night vigil they sang an even more bitter song than “Repentance” - “On the Rivers of Babylon.”

    On Sunday Yakov Grib came to warm up with us. Sitting down by the stove, he sang the old verse "Adam's Lament":

    My paradise, my paradise,
    My blessed paradise,
    Created for me,
    For Eve's sake, closed.

    This verse made my father start talking. He began to remember the great Russian roads along which blind elders walked with guides. They were called God's singers. On their staff they depicted a dove, a six-pointed cross, and others had a snake. They used to stop in front of the windows of the hut and sing about the hour of death, about the last trumpet of the Archangel, about Joseph the prince, about the entry into the desert. My mother remembered her grandmother:

    The master was able to sing spiritual poetry! It was so delightful that, listening to her, the soul was cured of sin and darkness!..

    Once upon a time I sang at fairs too! - Yakov responded, - until he drank his voice away. This business is profitable and comforting. The Russian people will remove the baptismal cross from themselves for their polite words! He will forget the whole thing. Sometimes he would lower his head and listen, but tears would just roll down his face!.. Yes, we cannot live without God, even if you are the most pure-blooded swindler and prisoner!

    These are not the times now,” the mother sighed, “the old verse has faded away!” More and more factory and gramophone singing!

    That’s how it is,” Yakov objected, “it’s true that the old days are rarely sung, but if your grandmother tries to binge now about Alexy the man of God or about the Antichrist, the robbers will cry and rejoice! Because this... the Russian in this verse will be heard... Great-grandfathers and grandfathers will stand before their eyes... All history will rise from the graves!.. Yes... You cannot run away from blood and from your land. She will take hers... blood!

    In the evening I saw a gentle turquoise patch of sky, and it seemed to me a sign of spring - early spring is always turquoise! I told Grishka about this, and he swore again.

    I'll hit you in the back of the head, snub-nosed Friday! I'm tired of you and your spring, worse than a bitter radish!

    The week of the Last Judgment has arrived. The day before they commemorated deceased relatives in the church. At home they prepared kutya from grains - as a sign of faith in the resurrection from the dead. On this day, the church commemorated everyone “from Adam to this day who has fallen asleep in piety and faith” and sent out a special prayer for those “whom the water covered, those who died from battle, fire and earthquake, those killed by murderers, those killed by lightning, killed by beasts and reptiles, from frost frozen..." And for those "even if you kill with a sword, even if you kill a horse, if you strangle a stone, or with a finger of sprinkles;

    On Sunday we read the Gospel of the Last Judgment during the liturgy. The days were terrible, like night lightning or distant rumbles of thunder.

    Two feelings fought within me: fear of the terrible judgment of God, and joy from the imminent onset of Maslenitsa. The last feeling was so strong and violent that I crossed myself and said: “Forgive me, Lord, my great sins!” Maslenitsa came in a light snowstorm. Long crimson posters hung on telegraph poles. For almost an hour, Grishka and I read tricky but enticing words:

    "Cinematograph "Lumiere". Live moving photographs and, in addition, a brilliant presentation of the low-barist Herculean juggler equilibrist "Bruno von Solerno", the prestidigitator Mühlberg and the magico-spiritual evening of the prestidigitator, effectist, fantastic evening of escamotage, nicknamed the king of dexterity Martin Lemberg."

    People smelled like pancakes. The rich baked pancakes on Monday, and the poor on Thursday. Mother baked pancakes with prayer. She placed the first baked pancake on the dormer window in memory of her deceased parents. Mother talked a lot about the village Maslenitsa, and I really regretted why my parents decided to move to the city. Everything was different there. In the village, Maslenitsa Monday was called a meeting; Tuesday - flirting; Wednesday is a gourmet; Thursday - fracture; Friday - mother-in-law's evening; Saturday - sister-in-law's gatherings; Sunday is a farewell and a day of forgiveness. Maslenitsa was also called Boyarina, Tsarina, Osudaryna, Mother, Gulena, Beauty. They sang songs woven from stars, sun rays, moons - golden horns, from snow, from rye ears.

    These days everyone was having fun, and only one church was mourning in its evening prayers. The priest was already reading the Lenten prayer of Ephraim the Syrian “Lord and Master of my life.” Forgiveness Sunday has arrived. During the day we went to the cemetery to say goodbye to our deceased relatives. In the church, after Vespers, the priest bowed at the feet of all the people and asked for forgiveness. Before going to bed, they bowed to each other, hugged and said: “Forgive me, for Christ’s sake,” and to this they answered: “God will forgive.” On this day, yarn was spotted in the village, that is, a skein of spinners was exposed to the morning dawn so that all the spinners were clean. I dreamed of the coming Great Lent, for some reason in the image of St. Sergius of Radonezh, walking through the snow and leaning on the black abbot’s staff.

    Dogmatic theology (Kastalsky-Borozdin) Archimandrite Alypiy

    VII. Time and eternity

    VII. Time and eternity

    The account of the creation of the world in the Bible begins with the words: in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth(Genesis 1:1). The “beginning” we are talking about here is the first moment in which the spiritual and material world arises. This moment marks the beginning of the time of the Universe, but the moment itself is elusive to thought. Time presupposes a certain duration, or process, in which past, present and future can be distinguished. But there is no temporal duration in a moment, it is indivisible, therefore a moment is timeless. According to the thoughts of St. Basil the Great, “just as the beginning of a path is not yet a path and the beginning of a house is not yet a home, so the beginning of time is not yet time and not even the smallest part of time.” This is the line between eternity and time. A moment is a “breakthrough into eternity,” because the present is without change, without duration, and represents the presence of eternity.

    Thus, the action of the Divine will in the creation of the world was instantaneous and timeless.

    The initial moment, which the 1st verse of the book of Genesis speaks of, is the point at which the eternal Divine will comes into contact with the created world. From now on, the world arises and changes, its change gives rise to time. “Time is reckoned from the creation of heaven and earth,” says St. Maximus the Confessor. And without the world there is no time, since in eternity there is duration and consistency. “For what is time,” asks St. Augustine, “if not various successive and consistent changes to which all of us and the whole world are subjected with unconditional necessity?” If there were no these changes, that is, if there were no creatures in which they occur, there would not be time itself. There was no time at all before the origin of creatures, but it appeared only with creatures, therefore it is more correct to say that God created the world not in time, but along with time. When asked what God did before the creation of the world, St. Augustine answered: “I will not answer as... one cunning man answered, that God prepared eternal torment for those who dare to experience the depths of incomprehensible mysteries,” and then continued: “Since God - Creator and time, it is a mistake to assume that there was some time before creation. There was no time before the creation of heaven and earth, and in this case it is unreasonable to pose the question: what did God do then (before creation)? Without time, “then” is unthinkable. Time is preceded not by time, but by the “non-lasting height of ever-present eternity.”

    The time we live in has a beginning and an end. There will come a moment in the life of the world when there will be no more time (Rev. 10:6). Saint John of Damascus writes that “time after the resurrection will no longer be counted in days and nights, or, better said, then there will be one non-evening day.” After the Second Coming, creation will join eternity, but the very createdness of the world presupposes an endless, albeit timeless process of perfection of creation in its ascent to God. Therefore, the eternity of the created world after its transfiguration, according to St. Maximus the Confessor, is a created eternity that had a beginning. It is, as it were, motionless time or an ever-lasting moment. Saint Dionysius the Areopagite says that God alone can be called eternal, but the eternity of creation is eternity, which is something between time and eternity.

    Eternity enters into the conditions of our time. It is no coincidence that the holy fathers avoid sharply contrasting time and eternity. Both had a beginning, so time and eternity are in a certain sense proportional. Time can be viewed as a sequence of moments, each of which participates in eternity. Eternity is stopped time, and time is moving eternity. According to St. Gregory the Theologian, when we bring the beginning and end of time into unity, we come to eternity.

    We can experience communion with eternity in prayer. When, having forgotten everything material, a person comes before God in prayer, then time seems to not exist for him.

    Also, by partaking of the Divine Eucharist, we unite with the Risen Christ, each in our own measure, join the Kingdom of His glory and enter eternity.

    If the Bible says that for God a thousand years are like yesterday (Ps. 89:5), then it does not at all follow that two thousand years are two days for the Lord. God, as already mentioned, is above the conditions of space and time. He is eternal and His eternity exceeds both created eternity and the moving time of the Universe. Saint Dionysius the Areopagite writes that God “rules eternally, for he precedes eternity and surpasses it, and His Kingdom is the Kingdom of all ages.”

    From the book Dogmatic Theology author Lossky Vladimir Nikolaevich

    (8) CREATION: TIME AND ETERNITY “In the beginning was the Word,” writes St. John the Theologian, and the Bible states: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Origen identifies these two texts: “God,” he says, “created everything in His Word, which means He created all eternity in Himself.”

    From the book Dogmatic Theology author Davydenkov Oleg

    2.2.3. Eternity This property denies the dependence of God on the conditions of time; it means that God does not depend on the conditions of time as a form of changeable existence. Concepts such as “before”, “after”, “now” and the like are not applicable to God, since everything associated with

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    ETERNITY 987. The Son of God is not afraid of either life or death, because the basis of his spiritual life is the feeling of sonship with God: the Lord is my Father, he thinks, and He is the Creator of all good things, all Good. But are you and I Do we really act like sons of God?988. I'm very

    From the book Book of Jewish Aphorisms by Jean Nodar

    From the book Favorites: The Greatness and Poverty of Metaphysics by Maritain Jacques

    Time and Eternity 26. With the considerations on which we focused our attention in the previous chapter and which concerned the subject, or the existent, the ground that holds or brings about existence, is connected the problem, or rather the most sublime and deepest mystery,

    From the book Lord author Guardini Romano

    Part Seven Apocalypse: time and eternity

    From the book Hermes Trismegistus and the Hermetic tradition of East and West author Bogutsky Konstantin

    XI. Time and eternity A) Opposition30) The movement of the world takes place in the life of Eternity, and in this Eternity there is a place for peace. It will never stop and will never be destroyed, for the continuity of life surrounds and protects it, like an earthen rampart. The world gives life to everything in

    From the book Non-Evening Light. Contemplation and speculation author Bulgakov Sergey Nikolaevich

    From the book Dogmatic Theology author (Kastalsky-Borozdin) Archimandrite Alipiy

    B. ETERNITY The limitations and variability of all created things give rise to the categories of space and time. Time is a condition for the existence of the world and man. Even Angels, being immortal, at the beginning of their origin are still limited in time, as created “in the beginning,” i.e.

    From the book Catechism. Introduction to Dogmatic Theology. Course of lectures. author Davydenkov Oleg

    VII. Time and eternity The account of the creation of the world in the Bible begins with the words: in the beginning God created heaven and earth (Gen. 1:1). The “beginning” we are talking about here is the first moment in which the spiritual and material world arises. This moment marks the beginning of time

    From the book The Far Future of the Universe [Eschatology in Cosmic Perspective] by Ellis George Eternity This property denies the dependence of God on the conditions of time as a form of changeable created existence. For God, time does not exist the way, for example, it exists for us. Being Himself the Creator of time, God is outside of time. Concepts such as "before"

    From the book Varnashrama-dharma. Perfect social order. Reflections author Khakimov Alexander Gennadievich

    From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 10 author Lopukhin Alexander

    Eternity Eternity is not the length of time, but its supporting force. Over time, everything in this world is destroyed, therefore, due to the destructive influence of time, this world cannot be eternal. But time also has a supporting force, which is called eternity.

    From the book Orthodox Dogmatic Theology. Volume I author Bulgakov Makarii

    6. At this Jesus said to them: My time has not yet come, but for you there is always time. 7. The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me, because I testify about it that its deeds are evil. 8. You go to this holiday; but I will not go to this holiday yet, because my time is not yet

    From the book Theology of Creation author Team of authors

    5. Eternity. When it is said that God is eternal (?????? - aeternus), this means that He has neither a beginning nor an end to his existence, and is generally free from all conditions of time. In the Holy Scriptures this quality -a) is repeatedly adopted God unto Himself: I live forever (Deut. 32:40); I'm the same, I'm the first and

    From the author's book

    5. “Oh eternity, time without time... beginning without end...” It is always difficult to unite time and eternity in the mind, especially if time and eternity are defined in relation to each other by mutual negation. Therefore, it seems advisable to again turn to the fathers’ proposal