My hobby is cacti research work. Research work on the topic "cactus - a prickly friend." Types of forest cacti


Cacti have perhaps lost some of the popularity they enjoyed fifty years ago. They may no longer top most-bought plant lists, but they can still be seen in millions of homes and are still the most misunderstood of all houseplants.

It is generally accepted that cacti feel great if they are not cared for at all. There is hardly any other living organism that can be placed in a house in such poor conditions as a cactus, and it still survives its owner! Therefore, millions of barely alive cacti throughout the country are kept for years as green decorations, appearing almost unchanged and only slightly increasing in size. Well, of course! After all, everyone knows that cacti naturally live in the desert, tolerate drought and constant heat well, and with luck, bloom once every seven years.

This is all wrong! Too much fine sand can actually kill cacti. The summer heat will make them hibernate. For normal development and regular flowering, they need a winter temperature that makes a person shiver, and in the summer many of the cacti would prefer open air to overheated stuffy rooms.

Now, when almost every office and home has computer equipment, there is an opinion that a cactus helps protect against all kinds of radiation emanating from a computer, but there is also a second opinion: cacti grow much better when they are near a computer.

So what kind of plant is this cactus, and how to care for it so that it becomes “alive” and helps us avoid radiation (if there is any)?

Based on this, we chose the topic of our work “Cacti and Computers”.

The purpose of the study was to study the literature about cacti and computers and conduct an experiment of growing a cactus near a computer.

Object of study: the process of growing a cactus near a computer.

Subject of research: conditions affecting cactus growth.

Hypothesis: The cactus grows faster near the computer.


  1. Study the available literature on the topics: “Cacti”, “Computers”.
  2. Conduct an experiment to establish a connection between a cactus and a computer.

Research methods:

  • Analysis of scientific literature;
  • Conducting an experiment;
  • Observation.

Chapter 1. Prickly strangers

Cacti belong to the group of perennial plants that can store and retain water for a long time. There are more than 3,000 species of cacti on earth. Their homeland is Mexico. The ancient Indians considered them sacred. Cacti gained fame in Europe only in the middle of the 15th century, after the discovery of America. Even eastern civilizations, tightly closed to Western influences, made an exception for cacti. Already at the end of the 17th century, these plants were mentioned in Japanese and Chinese literature. In 1867, the first cacti exhibition took place in Japan, at which 48 species were exhibited, and unusual, unnaturally colored cacti were also bred.

It is believed that the first collector of them was the London apothecary Morgan. The peak of interest in Central American and Mexican cacti: Echinocereus, Mammillaria, prickly pears occurred in the first half of the 18th century and then gradually subsided. Since the beginning of the 19th century, large collections have reappeared, made up of collections in nature by expeditions specially sent for cacti. At the same time, societies of lovers of these plants were created and special magazines dedicated exclusively to cacti began to be published. Since the end of the 19th century, growing cacti has ceased to be the privilege of a few amateurs; even inexperienced gardeners are trying to cultivate them widely. Before the Second World War, the European collection began to receive an influx of Bolivian, Argentine, Peruvian and Chilean cacti - types of lobivia, rebutia, parody.

As for Russia, rich people here have become interested in cacti. Interest was fueled by the high price and rarity of these plants - cacti decorated the most brilliant European palaces.

In Russia, during the time of Alexander I, a special expedition to America for cacti was organized. And a special connoisseur and truly fan of cacti, Prince Viktor Pavlovich Kochubey, who financed this expedition, was given three specimens of a completely new, unlike anything else, plant as a gift.

The prince donated one copy to the St. Petersburg Botanical Garden, left another in his collection, and sold the third for an absolutely fabulous sum of gold - the weight of this gold was many times greater than the weight of the cactus itself.

This deal was one of the most expensive in the history of cactus growing. Cacti have truly conquered the world - they are collected and eaten, used to decorate the house and even used for treatment.

Cacti are very different - tree-like, shrubby, herbaceous. Some look like a hedgehog, others like a pumpkin, and others like a candlestick. There are little ones 1 cm long and giants 25 meters long. Little ones weigh a few grams, and giants weigh tons. The cactus flower “Queen of the Night” has a petal length of up to 14 cm.

For us, cacti are decorative indoor plants. When caring for them, you need to know their individual characteristics. So, in summer, plants need a lot of water. Some stop their growth during the hot period of the year (this is noticeable by their appearance), and they need to be watered very rarely. With the onset of cool days in autumn, watering is gradually reduced. In winter, most cacti are kept at a temperature of 8 - 10°C. During the cold season, watering should be no more than 2-3 times a month, avoiding complete drying out. Cacti overwintering in warm rooms are watered more often. Such plants, not receiving winter rest, become exhausted and do not bloom. In spring, cacti require much more water. It is better to water early in the morning with boiled or settled tap water at room temperature. On cold days, the water is slightly heated. Excess and stagnation of water in pots can lead to plant rotting.

Most cacti are very light-loving. Therefore, it is better to keep them on the balcony or in a window box, covering the plants with plastic film in rainy weather. During the midday heat, the plants are shaded. In winter, it is better to place cacti on a light windowsill between the frames or on a window sill that is protected from room heat with film or glass.

The soil for cacti is coarse-grained, loose, quite nutritious, without rotted organic residues. Cacti are propagated by sowing seeds and cuttings - propagation by parts of stems or individual shoots - children, which are cut from the mother plant in the spring.

Thus, having studied the literature about cacti, we came to the conclusion: the cactus is a whimsical plant and in order for it to bloom, a lot of effort must be made

Chapter 2. Cacti and computers.

Humanity, born surrounded by the plant world, has learned to use its beneficial properties since ancient times. To date, the beneficial properties of tens of thousands of plants have been carefully studied, helping against almost all known diseases and ailments. But changes in the human environment pose new challenges, and, simultaneously with the massive advent of computers, the search began for plants that would help protect against radiation.

As numerous studies have shown, almost all types of cacti are “friendly” with computer technology. Experts from the Center for Electromagnetic Safety have developed sanitary standards. But there are simpler solutions - just place a pot of cacti on both sides of the equipment, and you will feel much better - electromagnetic radiation will not affect you, it will be “eaten” by these exotic thorns. The presence of a cactus indoors has a beneficial effect on a person.

Scientists believe that the healing properties of cacti are explained by their excellent adaptability to survival in conditions of increased radiation in their distant homeland - in the highlands of Peru and Mexico.

In addition, the article “Business Ecology” states:

“Cacti help protect yourself from all kinds of radiation. It turns out that they have a remarkable ability to “absorb” rays that negatively affect our body.” Therefore, in recent years, in the West, growing cacti directly in front of a computer monitor has become a kind of hobby.

It is especially important to grow plants in offices and apartments with outdated types of computers and monitors that do not have protection. Among other things, it is also very beautiful. By the way, scientists have noticed that cacti grow better and bloom more often in computer rooms.

Chapter 3. Experimental work

Experiment status: experiment conducted at home.

The purpose of the experiment appeared: to compare the growth process of a cactus near a computer and on a bookshelf.

Research methods:

  • Studying scientific literature;
  • Observation;
  • Creation of favorable conditions;

Experiment dates:

  • Start time: 08/18/09
  • Estimated completion time: 02/02/10

Description of the experiment:

On August 18, 2009, we placed cacti of the same length and age in the same room. One flower was placed near the computer, and the second on the bookshelf. During the period from 08/18/09. until 02/02/10 observed the growth of plants. 05.11.2009 a barely noticeable “daughter” appeared at the tip of the cactus standing near the computer. From 05.11. until 02.02. her height increased and reached 5 cm. And the cactus itself, standing near the computer, also grew by 2 cm.

The cactus standing on the shelf remained unchanged.

As a result of the research, the following was made conclusion : A cactus located near a computer grows faster than its counterpart growing on a shelf.


Analysis of the literature and work experience allowed us to highlight the following conclusions:

In order for plants to feel “at home” indoors, it is necessary, first of all, to know the basic requirements of each of them for humidity, light, temperature and soil. All this mainly depends on the origin of the plants in which they grow in their homeland.

We must immediately abandon the common misconception that any plant can grow in any room - you just need to water it regularly. It should be firmly remembered that each plant is a specific organism with its own “character”, its own requirements for environmental conditions. In addition, a cactus is a plant and, like any plant, it requires care. And it is not so important where the cactus stands, the main thing is to care and love the plant, and it will certainly repay you in kind in the form of a beautiful flower.

Based on our experience, we want to support scientists who noticed that when growing a cactus on a monitor, the plant is fed with radiation and heavy ions, which has a beneficial effect on its growth.

Bibliographic list.

  1. Klevenska T.M. “Flowers in the interior” - Moscow, 1990
  2. Lobko V.D. "Your green ones."
  3. "Computer cacti."
  4. Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius 2009
  5. "Cacti". - Rostov n/d, 2002
  6. Encyclopedia for children. Biology.
  7. A book for flower lovers. - M., 2000
  8. Hessayon ​​D.G. All about indoor plants - M., 2002.
  9. "What's happened? Who is this?”: T. 2 - 4th ed., revised. and additional - M.: Pedagogy-Press, 1999.
  10. Internet.

Project goal: Objectives: Find out the history of the cactus as a home ornamental plant; Determine the types of cacti in the house; Find out the conditions for growing cacti. Study what conditions a cactus needs for flowering and successful growth. Problem: house cacti do not bloom

History of the cactus Cactus is a collective name for plants of the cactus family (lat. Cactaceae). The word “cactus” itself comes from the old Greek word - Greek. κάκτος, which in classical Greek was used to designate some not entirely known plant, apparently quite thorny.

Cacti in Russia The appearance of the first cacti in Russia is associated with the name of Peter 1. At the beginning of the 18th century, one of the first botanical gardens was organized - the Apothecary Garden, now the Botanical Garden in St. Petersburg (Decree of Peter 1 in 1714). Cacti from greenhouses stepped into world of indoor plants. They were very expensive at that time: a cereus 2 m 50 cm high cost 4 rubles (at that time a botanical garden worker received about 2 rubles a month).

Did you know that... Thorns are the armor of a cactus. During a long dry period, the cactus drinks its water. US scientists dug a cactus out of the ground and hung it from the ceiling. The cactus lived in this state for 6 years!!! Cactus fruits can be eaten raw, dried, made into compotes, jam, candied or stewed as a side dish for meat.

Conclusions In our research, we found answers to the questions posed. From books and the Internet we learned the history of these plants and the conditions for caring for them. We were amazed that the cactus is a very useful plant. We believe that we have made a start in this matter and will happily wait for spring, the period of flowering of cacti.

They say - “green hedgehog”... But they don’t argue with the fact: It looks like everything - everything - Our favorite CACTUS Sources of information: Literary sources: 1. What is it. Who is it: children's encyclopedia. M.: AST, Smirnov K.A. Cacti in the home collection: Tsentrpoligraf, Dudinsky D.V. Growing cactus: Harvest, Internet 25 sources. Photos of cacti - from a personal photo collection and from the Internet.

Municipal educational budgetary institution

secondary school with. Vasylivki

2nd grade students

Klimenko Anastasia


Klimenko Lyudmila Sergeevna

primary school teacher


Amur region, Belogorsky district

Contents of the work .


    Main part:

Description of the green miracle.

    Practical part.

    1. 2.1. Care and monitoring of the plant.

      2.2. Comparison of two plants growing under different conditions.




A hedgehog came to me from the desert,

Living on the window:

Plump, green,

In love with the sun!

He rarely drinks, eats little,

And in winter, he could take a nap.

And then on a spring day

The hedgehog will turn into... a flower!

Do we know everything about cacti? What types of cacti are there? How should you care for them? Are they useful or harmful? How often do they bloom? What can we do for their growth and development?

After all, some people don’t even think about these questions because they don’t like or don’t notice this plant. And I love... I love cacti for their dangerous spines, I love them for their unusual structure, I love them for these amazing, delicate flowers with which they occasionally pamper us.

Hypothesis :

The less you water the cactus, the faster it will bloom.

Object of study : cactus.

Purpose of the research work : identify the factors influencing the flowering of a cactus, provide the necessary care for the plant so that it blooms.

I identified a number of tasks:

    study literature about cacti;

    find out what role cacti play in nature and human life;

    conduct observations of the growth and development of cacti;

Practical material will be useful to me in reading lessons and the surrounding world. This knowledge will help expand and deepen your knowledge about indoor plants.

Research methods:

    theoretical analysis of literature on the problem;

    observation method;

    practical method.

Main part.

For most people, communication with nature is very important, but in the city it is not always possible to be alone with it.In summer you can go to the forest or visit a park, but in winter you can’t do this either, so many try to bring their home as close as possible to nature by growing indoor plants.

I would like to talk about green hedgehogs, which can often be found on the windowsills of flower growers and housewives, each with their own character and whimsicality, and that’s all about them... about cacti. Where the name “cactus” came from is unknown. According to one version, Europeans first saw cacti during the discoveries of Columbus, and with them other plants of the American continent. For about 40 years, cacti were nameless wonders, and only after some time the first descriptions of cereus and prickly pear received the first descriptions. They belong to the family of dicotyledons, perennial plants, usually with fleshy, succulent stems. With their well-developed system of roots and fibers, they draw moisture. Cactus leaves are replaced with spines, hairs and bristles. This is a good protection against those who want to feast on the juicy pulp of the plant.

There are more than three thousand species of cacti. Different types of cacti have unexpected, bizarre shapes: round and ribbed balls, cakes, and columns. All cacti are covered with spines of various colors and sizes.I am closer to the Echinopsis cactus, which was once, as a joke, given to my mother for a holiday. I have long noticed that in my family they treat it not as a flower, but as an ordinary, uninteresting plant. I decided that it should bloom in order to surprise my loved ones with its beauty. But what can I do about this? To do this, I had to get to know this “green hedgehog” better. I decided to find out how to care for this type of cacti. To do this, I studied literature, asked friends and observed the plant.

Practical part.

With proper care, cacti bloom annually and even twice a year. So I decided to awaken flower buds to life. And this experiment was a success for me.

From April 2010 to September 2011, she conducted a study. Before expecting the cactus to bloom, it was necessary to create conditions that would promote favorable growth and development of the plant.

To do this, in May, from a cramped pot, I planted two babies from our Echinopsis cactus in different pots, in specially prepared soil. I watered the cactus well before replanting, then I took the earthen lump out of the pot, easily separated the babies, and the small roots remained intact so that the plant would not get sick. After transplanting, I increased watering and began to care for them, placing them in the light.

From May to December I watered it with water at room temperature. At certain times in the summer (July) and autumn (November) I fed them.

In December, I stopped routine care for one cactus and gave it a rest period for two months. The dormant period hardens the plants, they prepare for flowering. At this point, I watered the cactus only once a month, the soil was dry, but the plant did not die, as it is able to retain moisture for a long time. I did not fertilize the plant during the dormant period.

She continued to care for the second cactus as before. In March, I noticed that it had grown noticeably, expanded in width, and babies began to appear.

With the arrival of spring, I placed my first cactus in the sun and began to water it more often. In June, a lump appeared on it, it gradually grew over three days, then stretched into a tube. The Echinopsis flower has a long tube that grows from the side, this is its feature, as I later read. The tube stopped growing, but its end began to thicken and suddenly opened up and became like a gramophone. This is my cactus blooming, how beautiful it is! There was no limit to my joy that the experiment was a success, I even invited my girlfriends to see this miracle, how long I had been waiting for it, and everything happened. What a surprise my family was!

It bloomed for exactly three days.

On the fourth day, the tube became thinner, lost its elasticity, and on the fifth day it fell off completely.

On the second cactus, which I cared for extensively, the flower never appeared. Only now he has become very large, important and prickly, living today in my house.

By creating favorable conditions for cactus flowering at home, I acquired a lot of useful information about them and came to the conclusion that even a flowering cactus variety blooms only under certain conditions. This is an unpretentious plant, it is very easy to care for, the main thing is to do everything correctly. The hypothesis was confirmed: the cactus that I cared for the least bloomed.

I believe that every person should know how to plant and care for cacti. I was very interested in learning what it takes for a cactus to bloom. Now I know how to take care of them.

I introduced my classmates to my work. They listened with pleasure and became interested; perhaps someday they will start their own collection of cacti.

    don't water oftena plant that can retain moisture for a long time;

    feed it with precisely calculated doses of special fertilizers;

    if necessary, replant the cactus in fresh soil;

    in winter, give it a dry and cool rest period;

    in the spring, place the cactus in the sun as early as possible and try to provide it with bright lighting;

    it is better if from the very beginning of spring the cactus is turned to the sun with the same side;

    In summer, expose to fresh air.

And then he, the “green hedgehog,” will thank you with his flowering and prove that he is no worse than other flowering plants.

I proved this to my family, and now I have not just one cactus, but a small collection. Now I am taking care of two more cacti and will continue my research in the future, since this work has interested me and fascinated me.


    Astafiev V.I. Housekeeping tips. - Soviet encyclopedic dictionary, 1986.

    Lam, E. Cacti. - M.: Mir, 1985. p. 184.

    Maria D. B. “Indoor plants.” – M: Brief Encyclopedia of Household Economy, 1988.

    Pleshakov A.A. - The world around us. – M: Atlas of indoor plants, 2008.

Slide 1

Research project “Cactus - a prickly friend” Completed by: students of the 1st “D” class of Velikoglo Viktor Logunova Anastasia Primary school teacher: Somova R.V.
Municipal autonomous educational institution "School No. 18 of the city of Lipetsk"

Slide 2

If conditions close to natural are created for cacti, then these flowers can be successfully grown at home. The object of study in this work is cacti.

Slide 3

Project goal:
Objectives: Find out the history of the cactus as a home ornamental plant; Determine the types of cacti in the house; Find out the conditions for growing cacti.
As a result of observations, find out what conditions are necessary for a cactus to bloom.
Problem: house cacti do not bloom

Slide 4

Forms of work
Study of literature; Searching for information on the Internet; Observing flowers in the house; Experiment

Slide 5

History of the cactus
Cactus is a collective name for plants of the cactus family (lat. Cactaceae). The word “cactus” itself comes from the old Greek word ancient Greek. κάκτος, which in classical Greek was used to designate some not entirely known plant, apparently quite thorny.

Slide 6

Cacti in Russia
The appearance of the first cacti in Russia is associated with the name of Peter 1. At the beginning of the 18th century, one of the first botanical gardens was organized - the Apothecary Garden, now the Botanical Garden in St. Petersburg (Decree of Peter 1 in 1714). Cacti from greenhouses stepped into the world of indoor plants . They were very expensive at that time: a cereus 2 m 50 cm high cost 4 rubles (at that time a botanical garden worker received about 2 rubles a month).

Slide 7

Living conditions of a cactus
The soil is loose, well permeable to water and air, with a high sand content; plenty of sunlight; uniform summer watering; dry and cold wintering no higher than 10 degrees

Slide 8

Did you know that...
The spines are the armor of the cactus. During a long dry period, the cactus drinks its water. US scientists dug a cactus out of the ground and hung it from the ceiling. The cactus lived in this state for 6 years!!! Cactus fruits can be eaten raw, dried, made into compotes, jam, candied or stewed as a side dish for meat.

Slide 9

Practical activities.
Two cacti were selected for observation, placed in different conditions, and these plants were cared for differently. Research has been conducted on the growth and flowering conditions of cacti.

Slide 10

Experiment No. 1 How does the location of a cactus affect its growth and development.
Cactus No. 1 Cactus No. 2
Features of care: moved, placed in different places. Watered: in summer - 2 times a month, in winter - less often. Care features: stood on the windowsill in one, permanent place. Watered: in summer - 2 times a month, in winter - less often.
Observation result: Observation result:
less bright color, did not increase in growth. bright color; increased in height.

Slide 11

Experiment No. 2 How does the watering regime of a cactus affect its growth and development.
Cactus No. 1 Cactus No. 2
Care features: stood in a permanent place, watered more than once a week. Features of care: Stand in one place, the sun fell on the same side of the flower, watered as before: in the summer - 2 times a month, in the winter - less often.
Observation result Observation result
began to rot. bloomed.

Slide 12

Indoor plants improve the health of the air in the apartment, and prickly pear cacti, which look like prickly “cakes,” even absorb radiation from computer and TV screens. Cacti decorate our home with their blooms. They fill it with unusual shapes and colors, give us the warmth of distant countries, and delight all members of our family with greenery when it’s winter outside. They love us if we take good care of them, and give us their beautiful flowers.

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Text content of presentation slides:
Research work “Cactus - a prickly friend” The work was completed by: Yarullina Adela Faizovna, student of 4th “A” class, Nurlat RT MAOU “Nurlat Gymnasium” Teacher: Yakovleva Svetlana Nikolaevna Work plan: 1. Introduction2. Goal and objectives3. Main part4. What is a cactus? Cacti near us5. Transplantation and propagation of cacti6. How to grow a flowering cactus7. Poems about cacti8. How to issue a passport to cacti9. Conclusions10. Prospects for further research11. Using the project12. Literature used When I was 7 years old, I came to my mother’s work in a kindergarten. My attention was attracted by the cacti that stood on the windowsill, on the cabinets, high on the shelves, and the green vines freely descended down. Cacti struck my imagination with their variety of shapes and sizes, original spines, and flowers of amazing beauty. I fell in love with cacti, noticing my delight, my mother gave me a baby cactus. Cactus The word "cactus" comes from the Greek "kaktos", which in ancient Hellas called plants with thorns. Cacti came to Europe after the discovery of America. They belong to the family of dicotyledons, perennial plants, usually with fleshy, succulent stems. With their well-developed system of roots and fibers, they draw moisture with a force of up to 147 bar. Cactus leaves are replaced by spines, hairs and bristles. This is a good protection against those who want to feast on the juicy pulp of the plant. The color of the spines changes with age and is a decoration of many types of cactus. There are over 3,000 species of these plants in the world. There are tree-like, shrub-like and liana-like cacti. They can be found in arid deserts, on bare inaccessible rocks, near the seashore. Plants can be propagated in different ways: seeds, layering, cuttings. The simplest and fastest in terms of time is reproduction by “children”. The cacti themselves will tell you when it is best to replant them. As a rule, this happens in the spring once every two years, when they began to grow, their tops came out. At this time, it is necessary to increase watering and prepare an earthen mixture consisting of 2/3 earth with a small amount of fertilizer 1/3 sand. It is better not to water the cactus for several days before replanting, then the earthen ball can be easily removed from the pot, and the small roots remain intact. Cacti can be flowering or non-blooming. I was more interested in the flowering cacti. These include: Echinopsis, Mammillaria, Parody Rebutia, Gymnocamentium. With proper care, cacti bloom annually and even twice a year. So I decided to awaken flower buds to life. And this experiment was a success for me. To do this, in the spring I planted two babies from one Echinopsis cactus in different pots and began to care for them, put them in the light, watered them with water at room temperature at certain times in summer and winter, fed them, strictly maintained a dormant period that lasted seventy days . In December, I stopped routine care for one cactus, moved it to the shady side, stopped watering, feeding, and placing babies, and left it dormant for about two months. She continued to care for the first cactus as before. In March, I noticed that it had grown noticeably, expanded in width, and babies began to appear. In September, a cone appeared on my “second” cactus, it gradually grew over three days, then stretched into a tube. The tube stopped growing, but its end began to thicken and suddenly opened up, now it looked like a gramophone. This is my cactus opening, how beautiful it is. This is what the flower looked like on the second day. There was no limit to my joy that the experiment was a success, I even invited my girlfriends to see this miracle, how long I had been waiting for it, and everything happened. We even took a photo with a blooming cactus. It bloomed for exactly three days. I also noticed that the Echinopsis flower has a long tube and grows from the side, this is its feature, as I later read. On the fourth day, the tube became thinner, lost its elasticity, and on the fifth day it fell off completely. The flower did not appear on the first cactus. Only now it has become very large, important and prickly, living in my house today. By creating favorable conditions for the cactus to bloom at home, I acquired a lot of useful information about cacti and came to the conclusion that even a flowering cactus variety blooms only under certain conditions. Now I am taking care of two more cacti and will continue my research in the future, since this work has interested me and fascinated me. I had to visit a flower exhibition, where I noticed that each cactus has its own passport, in which the name of the family is written, like the surname and name of the plant in Russian and scientific in Latin. Its homeland and place of growth, signs of longevity, plant number and care. I also made a passport for my cactus. Echinopsis / Echinopsis Fam. Cactus "Cactacae" Homeland - South America. Biology - "succulent" succulent. Care: location - bright, sunny, likes warmth in summer, cool in winter. Humidity is low. Watering when the soil surface dries out, in winter - sparingly. During the flowering period, feed and regularly spray with water. Humus, clay-turf soil, sand “1: 1:1”. Propagated by children. Cereus peruvianus (monstrous form) / Cereus peruvianusf. monstrosaFam. Cactus (Cactacae)Homeland - South AmericaBiology - succulentCare: undemanding to conditions. All year in bright sun Leaf and turf soil, weathered clay, coarse sand (2: 2: 1: 2) Reproduces vegetatively. Opuntia /Opuntia azurea Family. Cactus (Cactacae)Homeland - South AmericaBiology - succulentCare: location - bright, sunny, likes warmth in summer, cool in winter. Humidity is low. Watering when the soil surface dries out, in winter - sparingly. Spray regularly with water. Leaf and turf soil, weathered clay, coarse sand (2: 2: 1: 2) Reproduces vegetatively. Mammillaria / Mammillaria elongata Fam. Cactus (Cactacae)Homeland - MexicoBiology - succulentCare: location - bright, sunny, likes warmth in summer, cool in winter. Humidity is low. Watering when the soil surface dries out. Leaf, turf, peat soil, sand, brick chips (1: 1: 1: 1/2: 1/2) Reproduces vegetatively. Pachypodium Madagascar palm / Pachypodium lamerei Fam. Kutrovye (Apocynaceae)Homeland - about. Madagascar Biology – succulent Care: location – bright, sunny, likes warmth in summer, cool in winter. Humidity is low. Watering when the soil surface dries out, in winter - sparingly. Humus, leaf soil, peat, sand in equal parts. Poem about a cactus They say “green hedgehog”... But it’s not true! It doesn’t look like a hedgehog, And it’s a different color. So I see a chick, In delicate white fluff, And now in front of me is a long-eared hare. The old grandfather looks sternly, With a gray beard .A motley bun rolls along a forest path. A snake crawls along the wall, arching its neck. Well, the crows’ nests are waiting for their owners. Here is some kind of rock, With steep slopes, cliffs, And beautiful stars are burning on the ball. Nearby is the star itself, Multi-colored scarlet. And a tired butterfly sat down on the stones... They say - “green hedgehog”... But they don’t argue with fact: He looks like everything - our favorite CACTUS! My project can be used by anyone who wants to learn more about the cactus family without leafing through a lot of books; they could easily determine the name of their prickly pet, the rules for caring for it, and how to grow them. And finally: what I learned while working on the project: select literature, collect information and highlight the main, interesting things from it, learned to use a digital camera, insert photographs into the text, draw up a passport for a plant, use the Internet. In April, I will try to hold a presentation and introduce and interest my classmates in the product of my project. List of used literature:1. Great encyclopedia of living nature. Moscow “Swallowtail” 2006; 2. Soviet encyclopedic dictionary 1986. Tips on home economics. Astafiev V.I.3. Atlas of indoor plants. Publishing house EKSMO 2015. The world around us A.A. Pleshakov. Enlightenment 2015 4. Van der Neer. All about cacti. – St. Petersburg. : LLC "SZKEO "Crystal", 2005, 5. Cacti and other succulents. Moscow "Astrel", 2004.