My first business project competition. The “My First Business” competition for schoolchildren has opened applications. "if it's raining outside"

The participants of the competition are high school students. Many have already opened their own businesses. The winners will be able to take a course at one of the largest universities in Russia.

This grant in hand means that immediately after graduation they will receive free training at the Faculty of Business “Captains” of the Plekhanov University of Economics. A start to a new, exciting life.

“This is just cool, wonderful, emotions are going over the edge now, I honestly didn’t expect that I would receive it, it’s breathtaking. This is a ticket to a good future, as we are told, here it is written: “We are not preparing for life, but living,” says Daria Zubatova, a participant in the “Captains - My First Business” project.

The winners of the “Captains - My First Business” project proved that they are the best among two thousand applicants. For three days at educational camps across the country, they built the city of the future: they participated in master classes and solved business problems.

Basically, all tasks were designed to be completed as a team. But it was also necessary to demonstrate leadership qualities. This is one of the main criteria by which the jury, consisting of current students of the “Captain Faculty,” evaluated the applicants. They helped the children get used to the new environment and discussed their business projects. It is important that budding entrepreneurs want to implement their ideas in our country. And some have already started, like, for example, eleventh grader Maxim Vlasov. This is the second year he has been conducting educational quests at his school - teaching his peers financial literacy.

“Our country is huge. And there are many minds and many possibilities. It is not necessary to take on just one business; you can develop many. We have a lot of land in our country, a lot of different unimagined ideas,” says Maxim Vlasov, a participant in the “Captains - My First Business” project.

“Captains - my first business” is part of a larger project “Russia – a land of opportunities.” It gives young and promising managers a chance to prove themselves. The work of this competition is closely monitored by the Presidential Administration. For ordinary schoolchildren, this is a chance to communicate with business leaders and regional heads. Talk about your plans and ask for advice.

“The future belongs to these guys. You are brave, erudite and have a good future. And we will support you,” promised the governor of the Saratov region, Valery Radaev.

“It’s very nice that the authorities are communicating with us. They hear us, they listen to us. The coolest thing, probably, at my age is to be heard,” notes Semyon Kulikov, a participant in the “Captains - My First Business” project.

In the Novgorod region, Governor Andrei Nikitin shared his experience in developing ideas. He himself worked in business for more than ten years.

“If any of us wants to turn our idea into reality, is there any support for young entrepreneurs in our city?” - asked Regina Lovetskaya, a participant in the project “Captains - my first business”

“We have a fund to support small businesses. I think I’ll ask my colleagues, they’ll give me their phone numbers,” responded the governor of the Novgorod region, Andrei Nikitin.

Tomorrow all participants in the “My First Business” project will go home. The organizers are confident that there are no losers in the competition. During these three days, everyone, without exception, gained invaluable experience that will help in realizing their own ideas.

MOSCOW, October 1 – RIA Novosti. The second annual international competition “My First Business” has been launched in Moscow, which is a unique tool for the development of youth entrepreneurship in Russia and allows people to take their first steps in business from school age.

This project provides an opportunity for students from 5th to 11th grade to present their ideas and developments in the field of entrepreneurship, discuss them with experienced mentors and learn project management skills.

In addition, as Sergei Kiriyenko, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, said at the ceremony, this competition gives its participants the opportunity to master various social and professional roles, regardless of what a person plans to do in the future.

“It takes decades to master different competencies even in large companies. And entrepreneurship is a unique thing that allows you to try out all the roles at the very early stage, on the smallest project. An entrepreneur is always a creator, a researcher, an organizer, and a team leader.” , emphasized the deputy head of the Administration.

At the same time, according to the founder of the charitable foundation for supporting educational programs "Captains" Alexey Nechaev, in the "My First Business" project, not only victory is important, but also participation itself.

“This competition is an opportunity for schoolchildren, without fear of anything, to do what they have long wanted to do. No one will give you a bad mark or criticize your mistakes. Don’t be shy, don’t deny yourself the pleasure of participating and maybe even winning,” called Nechaev.

As the finalists of last year’s stage noted, participation in the competition had a noticeable impact on their professional advancement: it taught them to look at things more broadly, make decisions more confidently, cope with mistakes more easily and, most importantly, not be afraid to move towards their goals.

According to the organizers, in 2017 the competition caused a great stir among young people, collecting more than 400 thousand applications for participation. This season, the organizers expect to cross the threshold of half a million requests, about 50 thousand of which are expected from schoolchildren from other countries.

The collection of applications for participation in the “My First Business” competition will take place from October 1 to December 10, 2018 on a special portal The best projects will be selected in the categories “Innovation”, “Do It Yourself”, YouTube and E-commerce. Also this year, a new direction will be launched - “Team Business Project”.

Participants will compete for more than 12 thousand prizes, including grants for training, trips to the All-Russian children's center "Orlyonok", the educational center "Sirius", as well as 1.5 thousand tickets to educational business intensives of the faculty "Captains" of REU. G.V. Plekhanov.

The “My First Business” competition is one of the flagship projects of the “Russia – Land of Opportunities” platform.

On March 14, 2018, as part of the “Russia - Land of Opportunities” Forum at VDNKh, a ceremony was held to award the winners of the “My First Business” competition for schoolchildren. The Innovation Promotion Foundation acted as a partner of the event.

The goal of the competition is to increase the interest of high school students in the implementation of their own entrepreneurial ideas and business projects in the Russian Federation, to provide motivation for obtaining specialized higher professional and additional education and to increase the desire to realize themselves through innovative activities.

Based on the results of all events, the 100 best participants were selected who will receive grants for training at the Faculty of Business “Captains” of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov. The winners were congratulated by the President of JSC Faberlic, founder of the Captains of Russia program Alexey Nechaev and the dean of the Faculty of Business "Captains" of REU. Plekhanov Konstantin Barmashov.

“Our competition “My First Business” showed how many children are interested in the topic of entrepreneurship. And, in my opinion, the most important thing was not to identify the winners, but to involve more than 400 thousand schoolchildren in this competition and in this topic,” noted Alexey Nechaev.

As part of the event, projects were selected for the “SMART CAPTAINS” competition. Schoolchildren who were selected from among the participants in the “Innovation” track competed in a competition for a grant from the Foundation in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. Based on the results of the correspondence examination, 32 best projects were selected to participate in the finals of the competition; the winners were 10 innovators from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk region, Kaluga region, Kemerovo region, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Krasnodar Territory, Volgograd and Smolensk regions.

“The “My First Business” competition gives young and promising managers a real chance to prove themselves. We congratulate the first winners of this competition and expect them to implement their ideas. In turn, the Fund is ready to continue to help young innovators in their desire to develop and build a knowledge-intensive business,” concluded Ivan Bortnik, Advisor to the General Director of the Innovation Promotion Fund.

In October 2017, the All-Russian competition “My First Business” started, within the framework of which schoolchildren from all over Russia have the opportunity to realize their business ideas. The competition is aimed at developing intellectual and creative abilities among senior schoolchildren (grades 8-11), as well as at creating an institute for the development of youth entrepreneurship in the country. The competition is held with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, the Innovation Promotion Fund, the Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME Corporation), the Internet Initiatives Development Fund, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, Rosmolodezh and the Russian Schoolchildren Movement.