Sputum in the bronchi treatment. All about cleaning the lungs and bronchi from phlegm and mucus. Also, how to remove phlegm from the lungs. Online lung health tests

They require complex treatment, including antibacterial or antiviral therapy, antipyretics and antihistamines, immunostimulants and immunomodulators. Pathogenetic treatment is aimed at reducing signs of inflammation, bronchodilation, restoring the patency of the respiratory tract, as well as liquefying and removing sputum.

For this purpose, patients are prescribed expectorants. This is a group of drugs that ensure the removal of bronchial secretions from the respiratory tract.

Healthy people constantly produce a mucous secretion designed to moisturize and cleanse the epithelium of the respiratory tract. With infection and inflammation of the respiratory tract, the activity of the cilia of epithelial cells decreases and sputum production increases.

  • It becomes viscous and difficult to separate. To cope with this problem and eliminate a productive cough, medications that help thin and expectorate sputum will help. They restore the functioning of the ciliated epithelium and accelerate the movement of tracheobronchial secretions. Drugs in this group are divided into 2 large subgroups:
  • Secretomotor means, directly stimulating expectoration.

Mucolytics or secretolytics

, thinning phlegm.

Expectorants are intended for the treatment of productive cough with viscous and thick discharge, which occurs when the bronchi, bronchioles, lungs, trachea are affected, as well as other diseases.

Mucolytic and expectorant drugs are auxiliary drugs that make the patient’s life easier, but do not eliminate the cause of cough. They should be used only in combination with etiotropic antimicrobial therapy.

– a reflex act that protects the body from foreign substances by removing them from the respiratory system. This is the most important sign of bronchopulmonary diseases. The cough reflex occurs when the receptors in the mucous membrane of the bronchi and trachea are irritated, which becomes inflamed and swollen. It intensively produces thick mucus, which does not come out, but continues to stimulate cough receptors.

Cough also happens. In the first case, it is necessary to use drugs that improve the removal of sputum, but do not suppress the cough - mucolytic and expectorant drugs. They dilute mucus and promote its movement from the lower parts of the respiratory tract to the upper ones. Despite the fact that this group includes a large number of drugs, they all differ in their main pharmacological action.


Medicinal herbs, herbal infusions, pharmacological preparations and folk remedies have an expectorant effect.

Only a doctor must select one or another cough medicine, taking into account the form and stage of the disease, the patient’s condition, the nature of the sputum and the presence of concomitant pathologies.

Herbal medicines and folk remedies are safe, but often ineffective. Potent synthetic drugs that have a number of contraindications and side effects deserve special attention. Most of them have a symptomatic effect, and some drugs have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

  • Synthetic secretolytics are used to eliminate cough, which is a symptom of inflammation of the bronchi, lungs, and trachea. They are prescribed to premature babies and young children in whom the synthesis of surfactant, a substance that stabilizes the pulmonary alveoli, is reduced.- an effective mucolytic, which is prescribed to persons with spastic bronchitis, bronchiectasis. Bromhexine is a synthetic analogue of the active plant substance vasicin, which can thin and remove mucus. In the human body, bromhexine is absorbed into the blood and, as a result of a number of metabolic reactions, is converted into ambroxol. The drug is produced in tablet form, syrup and drops for inhalation. The effect of the drug begins one day after the start of treatment: the viscosity of sputum decreases, the work of the ciliated epithelium increases, the volume of sputum and its excretion increases. Bromhexine ensures stability of the alveoli during breathing through the production of pulmonary surfactant. Side effects are dyspepsia and allergies. Currently, bromhexine is considered an outdated drug, and doctors recommend it less and less.
  • "Ambroxol"– a medicine that protects the mucous membrane of the respiratory system from external influences, including infection. This drug is considered vital and is widely used in medical practice. Thanks to the effect of the drug, the mobility of the villi of the ciliated epithelium is activated, mucociliary transport is restored, resulting in the formation of a less viscous discharge. Increased production of surfactant protects cells and tissues from the invasion of pathogenic microbes. Ambroxol is a metabolite of bromhexine and has identical properties. It has a pronounced antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is used for prophylactic purposes before and after operations. Ambroxol is used in tablet form to treat wet cough in adults. Children under one year old are given delicious syrup in an age-appropriate dosage.

  • Acetylcysteine
    is the main active ingredient of the drug "ACC" and its analogues. This is an effective mucolytic that can dilute viscous bronchial secretions and remove it from the body. "ACC" is prescribed to persons with infectious pathology of the respiratory system, accompanied by the formation of thick mucus: bronchitis, tracheitis, as well as. Acetylcysteine ​​is used to treat colds and is included in the complex therapy of serious diseases such as cystic fibrosis, lung disease and others. Acetylcysteine ​​is an important medicine that is available in the form of powder and effervescent tablets. Side effects include allergic reactions, shortness of breath, and bronchospasm.
  • Carbocisteine- a mucolytic agent with a bronchosecretolytic effect. It thins, breaks down and dissolves difficult to expectorate viscous mucus, and also slows down the process of its formation. “Carbocisteine”, “Libexin Muco”, “Mukosol” and other analogues normalize the condition of the mucous membranes and promote their regeneration. These medications do not provoke bronchospasm and are safer than ACC. The very next day after the start of treatment, the removal of sputum and mucus from the respiratory tract improves, which makes breathing easier and reduces coughing.
  • Combined expectorants are potent drugs used according to strict indications and doctor’s recommendations. The most common representative of this group is Ascoril. Despite their high efficiency and rapid onset of therapeutic effect, drugs in this group have many contraindications and cause a variety of side effects. Codelac Broncho is available in different dosage forms: tablets, syrup, elixir. The syrup is prescribed mainly to children in a dosage appropriate to their age. It reduces the viscosity of mucus, promotes its clearance, weakens the cough reflex and reduces the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract.

    "Bromhexine" and "Ambroxol" promote the penetration of antibiotics from the group of penicillins, cephalosporins, macrolides, and fluoroquinolones into the sputum. In this regard, expectorants based on these drugs are prescribed together with antimicrobial agents.

    In case of chronic obstructive inflammation of the bronchi, a good therapeutic effect is achieved by the combined use of mucolytics, bronchodilators, antispasmodics - “Salbutamol”, “Eufillin”. During the treatment process, the work of the ciliated epithelium is enhanced, inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane is reduced, and sputum production is facilitated.


    Some medicinal herbs have an expectorant effect and clear the bronchi of mucus. Official medicine allows the use of these herbs for wet coughs. You can purchase them at the pharmacy chain and use them strictly according to the instructions.

    Expectorant herbs include:

    • Plantain,
    • Altey,
    • Coltsfoot,
    • Thyme,
    • Licorice,
    • Sage,
    • Calendula,
    • Chamomile,
    • Thermopsis,
    • Oregano.

    These herbs irritate the gastric mucosa and brain centers, and then reflexively activate the mucous glands in the bronchi and the contractility of the bronchial muscles. Thanks to this, sputum becomes liquid and abundant, it moves faster through the respiratory tract and leaves the body.

    Breast mixtures are prepared from medicinal herbs or brewed separately. Decoctions, infusions, syrups, herbal teas and drinks provide a good therapeutic effect. Most people suffering from productive cough choose natural remedies and confirm their high effectiveness. Modern pharmaceuticals produce a huge number of herbal medicines based on medicinal herbs.

    Folk remedies

    Traditional cough medicine, actively used at home, is quite effective and accessible to everyone. This mild expectorant therapy gives good results, the main thing is to stock up on the necessary ingredients and patience. Before proceeding to self-medication, you should consult a specialist.

    To cleanse the bronchi from unwanted and excessive mucus, you need to drink as much liquid as possible and do herbal and essential inhalations.

    Video: cough and expectorants, Dr. Komarovsky

Diseases that are associated with the respiratory system are very often accompanied by sputum. In the bronchi of an absolutely healthy person, sputum is formed in a quantity normal for the body, so he copes with it on his own. And for a person with a weakened immune system, this can be a real challenge. Therefore, it is very important to know how to remove phlegm from the bronchi quickly, and most importantly, effectively.

But first you need to understand the causes of sputum, as well as the stages of the corresponding diseases.

Discharge from the bronchi and their causes

Intense sputum production causes a number of diseases, such as:

  • bronchitis;
  • ARVI;
  • bronchial asthma and other diseases that are accompanied by a severe cough.

In order to cure bronchitis or other pathology associated with the respiratory system, it is necessary to completely clean the respiratory system, that is, get rid of phlegm.

Doctors divide mucus into several stages:

  • watery or serous;
  • viscous in moderation;
  • purulent (the mucus is very thick with a green or yellow tint);
  • mucopurulent (possibly with bloody discharge).

It is difficult to remove sputum even at an early stage of the disease. As medical practice shows, the thicker the mucus, the more difficult it is to completely get rid of it without the help of doctors. And if it concerns a child, then you need to act with extreme caution.

In order for the bronchi and lungs to completely get rid of “n” welcome guests"in your "kingdom", it is necessary to carry out therapy in two main directions:

  • reducing the thickness of sputum, as well as thinning mucus;
  • taking expectorants.

What to do to get rid of phlegm?

The bronchial tree is a very delicate human organ. Therefore, you need to constantly take care of it. But if it happens that you get sick, then don’t panic. There are several standard procedures that will help you quickly and effectively get rid of phlegm and its consequences. Experts advise combining several approaches for effectiveness and quick recovery.

First of all, you must take expectorants that thin out the mucus. You can use both pharmaceutical preparations and homemade remedies that were prepared according to traditional medicine recipes.

Inhalations of various types also help remove mucus from the bronchi. Inhalations can be carried out either by steam or using nebulizers. For a child, this is an absolutely harmless and safe method of treatment.

Daily breathing exercises help speed up recovery and cleanse the lungs of all harmful substances. Gymnastics, by the way, can be done not only for illness, but also for prevention and improvement of immunity.

Taking mixtures and tinctures of medicinal herbs is another safe method of combating mucus in the throat. They promote expectoration of mucus and also strengthen the respiratory muscles.

These are standard methods that are used to treat the throat. They help in the early stages of the disease, as well as in more advanced cases.

Treatment with folk remedies

In modern society, oddly enough, folk methods of removing phlegm from the lungs are still popular. Each method of fighting mucus has its own decoction.

To rid the bronchi of phlegm, infusions and decoctions of the following herbs are most often used:

  • St. John's wort;
  • coltsfoot;
  • licorice and many others.

Radish juice and syrup, which is prepared from onions and garlic, are also very often used. To prepare the last medicine, you need to chop the onion very finely and crush the garlic. After this, you need to put them in a regular jar, add a few tablespoons of sugar and leave in a warm place for a couple of hours.

After this, we collect all the juice and take it 3 times a day, one spoonful at a time. Even a child will like this medicine.

Radish juice is very easy to make. It is passed through a grater and the resulting liquid is collected. Mix the juice with honey and take it in a similar way.

An infusion of pine buds will help even with the most advanced stages of the disease. It's very easy to prepare:

  1. Take 2 tablespoons of pine buds.
  2. Pour boiling water over everything (1 cup).
  3. Wrap the entire mixture in a towel and leave for 1 hour in a warm place.

This medicine should be taken strictly after meals. Portions should not be large - approximately half a glass.

Herbs not only help get rid of phlegm, but also strengthen the immune system and improve the human nervous system. When treating with folk remedies, preference should be given only to proven methods. Ask your healthcare provider if you are allergic to any herbs. Otherwise, you will not only not cure the phlegm, but will also develop other health problems.

It is possible to remove phlegm from a child using folk remedies, but you should not experiment, because children’s bodies are very delicate and unprotected.

Traditional medicine always comes to the rescue

It must be remembered that the appearance of sputum can be caused not only by a simple disease. This symptom may indicate a serious chronic illness.

The ideal option is a timely visit to a doctor who can determine an accurate diagnosis and also prescribe effective treatment. This applies not only to adults, but also to children, and especially infants.

When visiting a doctor with complaints of phlegm in the throat, the first thing they do is order an x-ray. In extreme cases, the doctor prescribes bronchoscopy or even tomography. If these studies do not help in making a diagnosis, then doctors prescribe clinical tests. It is not advisable to perform fluoroscopy for a baby, so doctors immediately prescribe tests.

If you notice yellow or green mucus when coughing up, as well as bloody discharge, then you should not self-medicate. You should seek immediate medical attention.

But you can also cure phlegm yourself using inhalations. This procedure helps remove stagnant mucus from the lungs. Inhalations have a very positive effect not only on the bronchi or lungs, but also on the entire body. This procedure will be especially effective with a special device called a nebulizer. Very often, expectorants are used in combination with inhalations.

  • acetylcysteine ​​- it is best to use Fluimucil;
  • Ambroxol – these are drugs such as Lazolvan and Ambrobene;
  • among herbal medicines, it is best to choose Mucaltin (tablet), Gedelix and Sinupret.

All of the above-mentioned expectorant and thinning medications are diluted with saline solution strictly according to the instructions. For a child, this procedure will not be the most pleasant, but it will be effective.

Hi all! The article “How to cleanse the bronchi of phlegm once and for all” is about what you need to do when you already have something to clean, after many years of smoking abuse.

1. A few words about smokers

Today we will talk about how to clean the bronchi from phlegm.

Surely you are all familiar with these words from Viktor Tsoi’s song:

“If you have a pack of cigarettes in your pocket, then everything is not so bad today.”

And we all willingly agree with this. After all, solving problems is hard. It is much easier to fight them passively, with another lit cigarette. But thinking about “helping” the soul, we forget about the harm to the lungs. And then, in fear, we type into a search engine: “How to cure a cough?”

Yes, if you are a smoker, then your constant companions are cough and mucous discharge.

3.How to cleanse the bronchi from phlegm using folk remedies

3.1 Bananas

To begin with, as always, I want to describe the removal of phlegm using folk remedies and the advantages of this method. Sputum removal can be organized without spending money on an expectorant. For example, bananas. Yes, yes, you were right – the effect is felt after the first dose. After making a paste from a banana and a spoon of sugar, consume it as often as possible. You won’t even notice how your problems will resolve.

The first medicine is bananas

3.2 Goose fat and onion juice

This method is also popularly known as rubbing the throat and neck with goose fat and onion juice taken in equal proportions. So if you have any leftover fat from this bird after cooking some dish, try it. The result will pleasantly surprise you.

Goose fat

3.3 Wine and milk

You can get rid of the unfortunate mucus using wine or milk with minor adjustments. Add half a teaspoon of ground black pepper to the wine and be sure to drink it hot, otherwise it will lose its properties.

And while heating the container with milk, add a small onion, cut into pieces, and take a teaspoon five times a day.

Kind with healthy

3.4. Inhalation

Do you have thick phlegm? In this case, you need to know how to liquefy it yourself. The best and most proven method, in my opinion, is inhalation. For a liter of water, take 8 drops of iodine and a teaspoon of baking soda. The procedure is carried out within five minutes throughout the week.

Phlegm in the throat is a viscous substance that is produced by the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and tracheobronchial tree.

TEST: Find out what's wrong with your throat

Did you have an elevated body temperature on the first day of illness (the first day symptoms appeared)?

In connection with a sore throat you:

How often have you experienced these symptoms (sore throat) recently (6-12 months)?

Feel the area of ​​the neck just below the lower jaw. Your feelings:

If your temperature suddenly increased, you took an antipyretic drug (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol). After that:

What sensations do you experience when you open your mouth?

How would you rate the effect of throat lozenges and other topical painkillers (candies, sprays, etc.)?

Ask someone close to you to look down your throat. To do this, rinse your mouth with clean water for 1-2 minutes, open your mouth wide. Your assistant should shine a flashlight on himself and look into the oral cavity by pressing the root of the tongue with a spoon.

On the first day of illness, you clearly feel an unpleasant putrid bite in your mouth and your loved ones can confirm the presence of an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.

Can you say that in addition to a sore throat, you are bothered by a cough (more than 5 attacks per day)?

In case of inflammation of the ENT organs, goblet cells contained in the ciliated epithelium begin to secrete an excess amount of secretion, which is an ideal substrate for the development of pathogenic agents. How to get rid of it?

You can reduce the volume of sputum secreted by the tracheobronchial tree using. They contain components that thin out viscous mucus, which speeds up the process of its evacuation from the throat. Elimination of mucus prevents irritation of nociceptors, as a result of which tickling, cough and symptoms associated with the disease - nausea, rawness and sore throat - are eliminated.

Causes of sputum

How to get rid of phlegm in the throat? Treatment methods are determined by the causes of pathological symptoms. In the absence of catarrhal processes in the respiratory organs, bronchial secretions are produced in a small volume to moisturize the mucous membranes. It contains immunocompetent cells that prevent the proliferation of opportunistic microbes, fungi and viruses.

The spread of pathogenic flora in the ciliated epithelium stimulates the production of sputum, through which neutrophils, granulocytes, phagocytes and other antibodies penetrate into the lesions. The accumulation of mucus in the throat causes irritation of the cough receptors, resulting in activation of the cough reflex.

The true causes and treatment of ENT pathologies can only be determined by a specialist. The drug therapy regimen depends on the type of infectious agent and the location of the lesions. An accurate diagnosis allows the patient to be prescribed appropriate medications with pathogenetic and symptomatic action. In most cases, the following types of ENT diseases can provoke hypersecretion of sputum:

Important! If phlegm constantly accumulates in the throat only in the morning after waking up, this may indicate gastrointestinal dysfunction.

In some cases, hypersecretion of viscous mucus occurs when drinking hot drinks, smoking and inhaling polluted air. The problem is most often encountered by patients working in hazardous industries producing paints and varnishes and adhesive mixtures.

Therapy methods

Mucus accumulates in the throat, how to get rid of it? The consistency of the pathological secretion largely depends on the stage of development of catarrhal processes in the respiratory organs, complications and the causative agent of infection. Therapeutic measures aimed at liquefying and evacuating mucus allow you to quickly clear the airways of mucus.

You can remove pathological secretions accumulating in the pharynx by following the following recommendations:

  • regular air humidification;
  • frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • active hydration of the body;
  • taking expectorants;
  • use of inhalations.

Treatment of sputum in the throat should be carried out under the supervision of an otolaryngologist. Untimely removal of mucus from the respiratory tract interferes with normal ventilation of the lungs, as a result of which pathological fluid begins to accumulate in the bronchi, which is fraught with the development of chronic obstructive disease (COPD).

Classification of expectorants

What medications help remove the viscous secretion accumulated in the throat? So-called expectorants, which thin mucus and remove it from the respiratory tract, allow mucus to be removed from the throat. Some of them transform a dry cough into a productive one, due to which the process of evacuation of viscous secretions from the tracheobronchial tree, trachea, throat, etc. is accelerated. According to the principle of action, expectorants are divided into two categories:

  • secretomotor - drugs that stimulate expectoration of sputum; They are conventionally divided into two subtypes: resorptive action (stimulate the secretory activity of goblet cells, which leads to a decrease in mucus density) and reflex action (cause irritation of cough centers, thereby accelerating the process of evacuation of pathological secretions);
  • mucolytic - drugs that reduce the viscosity of mucous secretions; There are three subtypes of mucolytics: mucoregulators (stimulate the production of glycoproteins, due to which sputum is liquefied), acetylcysteines (destroy disulfide bonds between protein components in mucus, resulting in a decrease in its density) and proteolytic enzymes (break down glycoprotein complexes, which leads to a decrease in the elasticity of mucus) .

Expectorant medications only alleviate the patient’s condition, but do not eliminate the cause of the development of ENT pathology.

Secretomotor and mucolytic agents help remove mucus from the throat, but they are used as auxiliary drugs in the treatment of infectious diseases. They are prescribed to patients suffering from bronchiectasis, bronchitis, COPD and other respiratory diseases accompanied by the secretion of excess amounts of viscous mucus.

Mucolytic drugs

What to do if there is mucus in the throat? Before using expectorants, it is necessary to reduce the viscosity of the sputum. For this purpose, medications with mucolytic (secretolytic) action are used. They affect the gel phase of bronchial mucus, due to which the sputum thins out, but does not increase in volume.

How to get rid of phlegm? Mucolytics are the safest expectorants that are actively used in the treatment of sinusitis, sinusitis, cystic fibrosis and bacterial rhinitis. Effective drugs accelerate the evacuation of not only clear exudate, but also purulent mucous secretions that accumulate between the nose and throat. Secretolytic drugs are often used in pediatrics for the treatment of ENT pathologies in children in the first 3-4 years of life.

If mucus accumulates in the throat, how to get rid of it? To make breathing easier and eliminate pathological secretions in the airways, you need to use the following medications:

  • “ACC” – depolymerizes mucoproteins, thereby reducing the viscosity of the pathological secretion;
  • "Bromhexine" - increases the volume of fluid secreted by the membranes of the tracheobronchial tree, which leads to a decrease in the elasticity of sputum;
  • "Fluifort" - reduces the density and elasticity of sputum due to the intensive production of sialic transferase by goblet cells;
  • “Carbocysteine” - thins mucus and stimulates the activity of the ciliated epithelium in the throat, which accelerates the evacuation of pathological secretions from the airways;
  • "Mesna" - destroys the disulfide bonds of polysaccharides contained in sputum, as a result of which its density decreases.

Important! It is undesirable to take mucolytics for more than 5 days in a row if you have gastrointestinal diseases, as they irritate the gastric mucosa.

Expectoration of mucous masses restores the functionality of the ciliated epithelium, as a result of which tissue reactivity increases. If, within 3 days after using mucolytics, a viscous secretion continues to “stand” in the throat, you need to seek help from an otolaryngologist. The absence of a predicted therapeutic effect may indicate the development of purulent processes in the tissues of the pharynx.

Secretomotor drugs

How to get rid of phlegm in the throat? Medicines that stimulate the activity of goblet cells can normalize the drainage function of the bronchi and eliminate the constantly accumulating mucus in the respiratory tract. By increasing the volume of produced liquid, its density is significantly reduced, which facilitates the process of its separation from the surface of the mucous membranes.

It should be understood that treating phlegm in children with expectorants can only be done under the supervision of a pediatrician. Patients under 2 years of age are not able to effectively cough up mucus, so an increase in its volume in the bronchi can lead to the development of obstructive syndrome. Subsequent reinfection of the lungs entails chronic inflammation of the ENT organs.

Increasing the single dose of secretomotor drugs is fraught with the appearance of adverse reactions - nausea, vomiting, dizziness, etc.

If a patient complains that mucus accumulates in his throat, taking the following medications will help eliminate the unpleasant symptoms:

  • “Thermopsis” – activates the work of cough centers and dilutes pathological secretions;
  • “Bronchophyte” - stimulates the work of the glands located in the mucous membrane of the bronchi, thereby reducing the viscosity of the mucus;
  • "Guaifenesin" - reduces the viscosity of difficult to separate sputum and accelerates the process of its removal from the throat;
  • “Likorin” – increases the tone of smooth muscles and reduces the viscosity of sputum, thereby accelerating the process of cleansing the airways from pathological secretions;
  • “Terpinhydrate” – enhances the secretory activity of goblet cells and reduces the viscosity of mucus in the throat.

Important! Expectorants can cause allergic reactions, so before using them you need to make sure that there are no contraindications specified in the instructions for the medicine.

Why does mucus appear in the throat? The causes and treatment of pathological changes in the ENT organs can only be determined by the attending physician. To prevent relapses of inflammation, patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs along with expectorant drugs. Herbal remedies based on coltsfoot, thyme and St. John's wort envelop the walls of the airways, which prevents the penetration of pathogenic agents into the tissues. Regression of inflammation helps to normalize the functioning of goblet cells, which leads to the restoration of the secretory function of the mucous membranes.

Inhalation with a nebulizer

How to remove phlegm from the lungs and throat using inhalation? Inhalation with a nebulizer allows you to remove viscous mucus in the respiratory organs. In combination with the reception Secretolytic and expectorant drugs help restore the drainage function of the lungs. How to remove mucus and what drugs to use for this?

To carry out therapeutic measures, it is more advisable to use compressor or ultrasonic inhalers (nebulizers). They do not destroy the active components of medications, due to which the maximum concentration of medicinal substances is achieved in the affected organs. Before treating a wet cough with a nebulizer, you should consult your doctor.

How to cure ENT diseases accompanied by the accumulation of pathological secretions in the pharynx? The following can be used as mucus thinners:

  • "Sinupret";
  • "Rotokan";
  • "Fluimucil";
  • "Pertussin";
  • "Ambrobene";
  • "Beroteka".

It should be understood that a cured cough does not always indicate the absence of inflammatory reactions in the respiratory organs. To prevent relapses, after eliminating local and general symptoms of an ENT disease, it is necessary to take immunostimulating agents and vitamin-mineral complexes that increase the body's resistance.

Sputum in the bronchi is a discharge that appears during various diseases, to which particles of saliva and nasal mucosa are added at the exit. Sputum may be normal or pathological. It has various functions and properties. A wide variety of diseases provoke secretion from the bronchi.

Sputum in the bronchi: norm and pathology

A person constantly produces mucus in the bronchi. It is needed to protect the lower respiratory organs from dust and germs that enter the body when inhaled. The secretion produced contains immune bodies.

The inner surface of the bronchi is covered with cilia, which push mucus out of the respiratory system. The person swallows it completely unnoticed. This is a normal process that occurs in every healthy body.

When painful processes begin in the respiratory organs, the amount of secretion increases significantly (sometimes ten to fifteen times). The color and nature of mucus in diseases can be different.

The nature of sputum in the bronchi is:

  • serous;
  • mucous membrane (colorless, viscous; often appears after an attack of bronchial asthma);
  • purulent mucous membrane (thick, viscous, leaving in the form of casts of the bronchi; appears with obstructive bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, infectious-allergic type of bronchial asthma);
  • bloody (containing clots or streaks of blood, scarlet foamy blood; indicates pulmonary hemorrhage);
  • glassy (viscous and transparent).

Causes of sputum:

  • bronchitis;
  • flu;
  • bronchial asthma and other diseases accompanied by cough and sputum production.

The color of sputum in the bronchi is:

  • with particles of some drinks (wine or coffee, for example);
  • with the finest bloody fibers (for lung cancer of the bronchogenic type);
  • yellow-green with a purulent tint, sometimes with an admixture of blood (with bronchitis and flu);
  • bright yellow (if there are a large number of eosinophils in the bronchial secretion; for example, with bronchial asthma);
  • rusty (with lobar pneumonia);
  • black (for pneumoconiosis associated with inhalation of coal dust particles).

Cough with phlegm

This symptom is characteristic of many diseases accompanied by increased production of bronchial secretions. To make a diagnosis and subsequently monitor the effect of treatment, it is important to analyze the appearance of the mucus coughed up.

Dangerous options:

  • The appearance of copious, unpleasant-smelling, purulent sputum against the background of a cough may indicate a rupture of a respiratory abscess.
  • An increase in cough and an increase in the volume of mucus against the background of a deterioration in the patient’s general condition indicates the transition of the inflammatory process to a chronic form. Cough with phlegm intensifies especially with a sudden change in body position (for example, when getting out of bed).

How to remove mucus from the bronchi?

Removing mucus from the bronchi helps cleanse the inner lining of the respiratory tract. As a result, recovery occurs faster, airway patency improves, and pathogenic bacteria are removed from the body.

Stagnation of sputum in the bronchi significantly complicates the treatment process and can provoke serious complications.

So, how to clear phlegm from the bronchi?

  • Consult a doctor for a diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
  • Drink more fluids, which will dilute the viscous secretion and promote its rapid removal from the body. The drink should be warm, alkaline (warm milk with soda, mineral water, etc.). Various herbal infusions give a good effect.
  • Humidify the air in the room. To do this, you can use a humidifier or hang wet towels and diapers on heating radiators.
  • The bronchi are cleared of mucus well when postural drainage is performed. These are special exercises that free the respiratory organs from phlegm:
    • The patient is placed on his back on a bed without a pillow. Slowly rotates around the body axis by 45°. Takes a deep breath and exhales. If mucus is released, it should be spat out. Repeat this exercise four to six times.
    • The patient kneels and leans forward six times in a row. Then - a minute's rest. And again - six inclinations. This exercise should be done six times a day.
    • The patient is placed on the edge of the bed without a pillow. Turning on his side, he hangs his upper body as much as possible. Repeat this manipulation four times. Then you need to do the same, but on the other side. During the day you must perform this exercise at least six times.
    • The patient is placed on a bed without a pillow. Under your feet there is a cushion twenty to thirty centimeters high. You need to lie in this position for half an hour. Then you can rest for fifteen minutes and repeat the procedure again.
  • Treatment of sputum in the bronchi using steam inhalation (for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, for example). Steam activates blood and lymph flow in the respiratory organs. You can use the following inhalation recipes yourself:
    • with soda and salt (for two hundred milliliters of water - a quarter teaspoon of soda and half a teaspoon of salt);
    • with alkaline mineral water;
    • with a validol tablet diluted in boiling water;
    • with a decoction of eucalyptus leaves, chamomile or pine buds.
  • Taking expectorants. Medicines in this group dilute mucus and accelerate its removal from the respiratory tract. Expectorants have different principles of action:
    • reflex (affect the stomach, speed up the work of the bronchial glands, increase the amount of mucus, make it more fluid and liquid; medicines such as marshmallow root, thermopsis herb, licorice root, thyme herb and others have a reflex effect);
    • direct (act directly on the sputum itself and the bronchi; this group includes mucolytics, essential oils and other drugs).

Expectorants are prescribed for diseases accompanied by a wet cough and thick sputum (acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, laryngitis, tracheitis, sinusitis, pneumonia and other diseases). Young children are usually given bronchial syrup.

  • Plants that help thin and remove mucus:
    • black radish (juice mixed with honey);
    • coltsfoot;
    • St. John's wort;
    • ivy;
    • marshmallow root;
    • lingonberries and others.

With the rapid removal of sputum, the bronchi are easily cleared, and recovery occurs.