Monastic and spiritual knightly orders of Western Europe during the Middle Ages. Medieval monastic orders

    100 k1. The most famous medieval knightly order. (Interactive game).

    The answer - the Order of the Templars - gets 40 points.

    The answer - Order of Malta - gets 80 points.

    The answer - Teutonic Order - gets 120 points.

    The answer - Livonian Order - gets 160 points.

    The answer - the Order of St. George - gets 200 points.

    The answer - Crusaders - gets 240 points.

    The order of knights is on the top line - Templars- for these knights we can win 40 points;

    in second place was the Order of the Knight - Maltese- such knights will help you get 80 points;

    on the next line we remembered the order of knighthood - Teutonic- for such an answer we will earn 120 points;

    The final line is occupied by a medieval knightly order called - Crusaders- we’ll add 240 points for these knights, good luck!

    For our contemporaries, medieval chivalry is shrouded in a veil of adventure and romance. But in fact, the knights most often had to lead a difficult life, preparing for severe trials and hardships starting from the young age of fifteen, limiting their desires to harsh oaths and vows (the vow of poverty and celibacy among the Templars, for example), spending the best years of their lives in grueling crusades. campaigns and military battles.

    • Templars - 40 points
    • Maltese - 80 points
    • Teutonic - 120 points
    • Livonian - 160 points
    • St. George - 200 points
    • Crusaders - 240 points
  • The most famous medieval knightly orders.

    1. The Templars are the most famous order that came to a bad end.
    2. Maltese - they are also Hospitallers, they are also Johannites.
    3. Teutonic is the third most important order in the Holy Land.
    4. Livonian - a small branch of the Teutons.
    5. St. George is still the highest military award.
    6. Crusaders are the general name of all orders.
  • That's it... simply amazing questions began to be asked to game users, interesting to such an extent that even a seditious thought arose - maybe take part? The names of these Christian orders are not kept so close in memory (only a few), I had to look for them... And this is how their participants arranged them -

    You can only know the names of knightly orders thanks to historical books and films, so those who are interested in this topic will easily remember the names:

    1. Templars
    2. Maltese
    3. Teutonic
    4. Livonian
    5. St. George
    6. Crusaders
  • 1st line - Templars and scores 40 points

    2nd line - Maltese and scores 80 points

    3rd line - Teutonic and scores 120 points

    4th line - Lebanese and scores 160 points

    5th line - St. George and scores 200 points

    6th line - Crusaders and scores 240 points.

    The military-monastic organizations of knights are best known to us from the period of the Crusades in 1113 centuries. in Western Europe, they still conceal many mysteries, and therefore are popular among writers, historians, and filmmakers, essentially knightly orders are the fulfillment of the Christian duty of love for those in need and the willingness to give their lives for the friends of medieval Christians; Some of these organizations have survived to this day, having become secular.

    The answers to the interactive game are 100 to 1.

    you can see it in the screenshot

    In first place is the most famous spiritual knightly order of the Templars, and the crusaders were named the rarest:

    40 points - Knights Templar: founded in the Holy Land in 1119 by a small group of knights led by Hugh de Payns;

    80 points - The Order of Malta, today seen as a dwarf state, has observer status with the UN and the Council of Europe, and began as a Christian organization, caring for the poor, sick or wounded pilgrims in the Holy Land, founded in 1080 Amalfi hospital;

    120 points - Teutonic Order: founded at the end of the 12th century, motto Help Protect Heal

    160 points - Livonian Order: Catholic military organization of German crusader knights in Livonia (12371562);

    200 points - Order of St. George, known since the 13th century

    240 points - hospital monastic order of the Crusaders.

    those not included in the top 6 most popular were also named, for example, the Order of the Hospitallers, the Holy Sepulcher, the Albigenses, and the Benedictines.

    This 100 to 1 game question will appeal to professional historians and lovers of historical novels describing the times of the distant Middle Ages - here are the names of famous knightly orders:

    1 (40) - Templars;

    2 (80) - Maltese;

    3 (120) - Teutonic;

    4 (160) - Livonian;

    5 (200) - St. George;

    6 (240) - Crusaders.

Emergence knightly orders, due to the advent of the Crusades in the XII-XIII centuries. Such organizations were communities of military personalities and Catholic monks. The ideology of the orders was associated with the confrontation between infidels, pagans, robbers, heretics, Muslims and other unholy heresies they considered. Knights of such orders were on the side of the Inquisition and fought against witches. The plans of the orders included constant attacks and raids on the Holy Land, the Ottoman Empire, Spain, Lithuania, Estonia, Prussia and even Russia. In these lands, their necessity was to introduce Catholicism to the Orthodox believers, or to overthrow Muslim rule by force.
Many knightly orders, under the influence of constant support from the state, became wealthy and dominant. At their disposal were land plots, peasant labor, economics and politics.
At the head of the knightly order was the Grand Master or Grandmaster. Its leadership was appointed by the Catholic Pope. The master gave instructions to commanders, commanders and marshals. The chiefs had subordinate provincial divisions of the orders. The marshals managed financial affairs. The commanders carried out the orders of castles and fortresses. Volunteers who just joined the orders were called neophytes. Each newcomer underwent a rite of passage. Serving in the knightly order was considered honorable and prestigious. Heroic deeds were greatly appreciated by their fans.
In total there were about 19 orders of knighthood. The most famous of them are the Templar Order, the Hospitaller Order and the Teutonic Order. They are so famous that legends are made about them to this day, books are written, films are made and games are programmed.

Teutonic Order

Teutonic Order was a German, knightly community with a spiritual ideology, which was formed at the end 12th century.
According to one version, the founder of the order was a noble duke Frederick of Swabia November 19, 1190. During this period, he captured Acre fortress V Israel, where hospital residents found a permanent home for him. According to another version, at the moment when the Teutons captured Acre, a hospital was organized. Ultimately, Frederick transformed it into a spiritual knightly order led by the clergyman Conrad. IN 1198 the community of knights was finally approved under the name of the spiritual knightly order. Many spiritual figures of the Templars and Hospitallers, as well as clergy from Jerusalem, arrived at the solemn event.
The main goal of the Teutonic Order was to protect local knights, heal the sick and fight heretics who, by their actions, contradicted the tenets of the Catholic Church. The most important leaders of the German community were Pope And Holy Roman Emperor.
IN 1212-1220. The Teutonic Order was moved from Israel to Germany , to the city Eschenbach, which belonged to the lands of Bavaria. Such an initiative came to the mind of Count Boppo von Wertheim and he turned his idea into reality with the permission of the church. Now the spiritual knightly order began to rightfully be considered German.
By this time, the success of the knightly order began to bring great enrichment and glory. Such a merit could not have been achieved without the Grand Master Hermann von Salza. In Western countries, many fans of the Teutons are beginning to appear, wanting to take advantage of the mighty strength and military power of the German knights. So, Hungarian King Andras II turned to the Teutonic Order for help in the fight against the Cumans. Thanks to this, German soldiers gained autonomy in the lands of Burzenland, southeastern Transylvania. Here the Teutons built 5 famous castles: Schwarzenburg, Marienburg, Kreuzburg, Kronstadt and Rosenau. With such protective support and support, the cleansing of the Polovtsians was carried out at an accelerated pace. In 1225, the Hungarian nobility and their king became very jealous of the Teutonic Order. This led to numerous evictions from Hungary, with only a small number of Germans remaining, joining the Saxons.
The Teutonic Order was involved in the fight against the Prussian pagans in 1217 who began to seize Polish lands. Prince of Poland, Konrad Mazowiecki, asked for help from the Teutonic Knights, in return, promising the captured lands, as well as the cities of Kulm and Dobryn. Sphere of influence began in 1232 , when the first fortress was built near the Vistula River. This justification marked the beginning of the construction of the city of Thorn. Following this, numerous castles began to be erected in the northern regions of Poland. These included: Velun, Kandau, Durben, Velau, Tilsit, Ragnit, Georgenburg, Marienwerder, Barga and famous Koenigsberg. The Prussian army was larger than the Teutonic one, but the Germans cunningly entered into battles with small detachments and lured many to their side. Thus, the Teutonic Order was able to defeat them, even despite the assistance of the enemy from the Lithuanians and the Pomeranians.
The Teutons also invaded Russian lands, taking advantage of the moment of their weakening from the Mongol oppressors. Gathering a united army Baltic And Danish crusaders, and also inspired by the instructions of the Catholic Pope, the German order attacked Pskov possessions of Rus' and captured village Izborsk. Pskov was under siege for a long time, and later was finally captured. The reason for this was the betrayal of many Russian residents of this region. IN Novgorodskiy lands, the crusaders built a fortress Koporye . Russian sovereign Alexander Nevsky, during the battles liberated this fortress. And ultimately, united with Vladimir reinforcements, he returned Pskov to Rus' in a decisive Battle on the Ice April 5, 1242 on Lake Peipsi. The Teutonic troops were defeated. The decisive defeat forced the order to leave the Russian lands.
Ultimately, the Teutonic Order began to weaken and significantly lose its power. The constant influence of the German invaders, aggressive Lithuania And Poland against the order . Polish army And Principality of Lithuania forced the Teutons to suffer defeat at the Battle of Grunwald July 15, 1410. Half of the army of the Teutonic Order was destroyed, captured, and the main commanders were killed.

Order of Calatrava

Order of Calatrava was the very first knightly and Catholic order of Spain since the 12th century. The order was founded by Cistercian monks in Castile in 1157. And in 1164, the order was officially confirmed by the pope Alexander III. The name itself " Calatrava" originates from the name of the Moorish castle, located in the lands of Castile and held in battle by the king Alfonso VII V 1147. The existing castle was constantly attacked by enemies. At first it was defended by the Templars, and later, at the insistence of Abbot Raymond, monastic knights of peasant origin came to the rescue, led by Diego Velasquez. After constant clashes with enemies, Order of Calatrava, received a new birth in 1157 under the leadership of King Alfonso.
Later, after 1163 years The influence of the order expanded significantly, which made it possible to carry out attack raids. Many knights did not like the new militarization and left the community. New rules were included in the disciplinary routine. Warriors had to go to bed in knightly armor and wear white cloth, with a symbol of a cross-shaped flower in the form of a red lily.
The Order of Calatrava organized a number of military campaigns with successful military forays. The king of Castile rewarded the knights, where victorious glory warmed up the warriors to serve Aragon. But after the glorious victories, a streak of defeats followed. Irreconcilable enmity with the Moors from Africa forced the warriors of the order to surrender their positions and the fortress to Calatrava in 1195. After this, the order began to accumulate new forces in a new, built Salvatierre Castle . New warriors were invited there. But in 1211 and this castle fell miserably to the Moors. The Crusade helped return the lost Calatrava to the knights. 1212. Under such pressure, the Moors weakened and their dominance lost significance. The Order of Calatrava, for security reasons, moved its residence to a new location. The distance from the old location was about 8 miles. Under new influence, 2 new orders were organized: Alcantara and Avisa.
In the 13th century, the Order of Calatrava became strong and powerful. In military participation, the community could field a huge number of knights. But further wealth and power made the royal nobility show envy towards him and give rise to new conflicts.

Order of Avis

The appearance is due community Calatravas when former participants at the time of the crusade 1212, for reliability, organized in the new lands, Portuguese Order of Avis for protection from the Moors. In the interests of the kings, the idea arose to keep crusading knights in the service to fight the infidels. The Templars, who previously lived in Portuguese lands, had a huge influence on the Order of Avis. IN 1166 knightly community, the eastern city was successfully liberated Evora. In honor of such a significant event, the sovereign presented the leadership of the order with existing lands. IN XV century, the Royal Council of Portugal, organized a campaign in North Africa. The very first leader of Avis became Pedro Afonso. The Avis Castle was made the main center of the order. Important decisions and spiritual regulations were made here. Ultimately, the knights of the Order of Avis became full landowners with their own colonies. The Portuguese Order gained financial power, which allowed it to control political and economic decisions.

Order of Santiago

Order of Santiago was a Spanish order of knighthood that was formed around 1160. The word "Santiago" was named after the patron saint of Spain. The main task of the order was to protect the pilgrims' road to the chambers of the Apostle James. The order arose in two cities at once, Leon And Cuenca. These 2 urban lands competed with each other, thereby taking the dominant influence into their hands. But after their unification by the Castilian king Ferdinand III, the problem was successfully resolved. The Order was moved to the city of Cuenca.
Unlike other knightly communities and Calatrava, Santiago's routine was much gentler than others. All members of the order had the right to marry. Thanks to this, the Order of Santiago was much larger in the number of its inhabitants and in its proportionate volume. It had 2 cities, more than a hundred villages and 5 monasteries.
The number of troops was 400 horsemen and 1000 foot knights. The Order of Santiago actively participated in battles with Muslims and the Crusades. The charter required newcomers to serve as rowers for a six-month period before joining the ranks of soldiers. All ancestors of a given crusader had to be noble and of noble blood.
The managing leaders of the order were constantly replaced by others. Over the course of several centuries, 40 masters were replaced. All 15th century, was in the championship for the rightful influence over the order.

Order of Saint Lazarus

Order of Saint Lazarus arose in Palestine under the influence of the Crusaders and Hospitallers in 1098. At first, the community was a hospital for visitors. Knights suffering from leprosy were received in her chambers. Later, it turned into a powerful, paramilitary military order. It contained Greek ideology, which was responsible for spiritual decisions. The symbol of Lazarus was a green cross on a white background. This image was painted on coats of arms and on clothes made of light-colored material. At the very beginning of the historical period, the Order of Lazarus was not recognized by the church leadership and was considered to exist unofficially.
"Saint Lazarus"took part in hostilities against Muslims in Jerusalem. This was the period of the Third Crusade in 1187. And in 1244 The Order of Lazarus lost the battle in Forbia which happened October 17. Such a defeat ended with the expulsion of the knights from Palestine. The order was moved to France, where it began to engage in medical craft.
IN 1517 there was a unification of the community with the Order of St. Mauritius. Despite this, the Order of Lazarus still continued to exist.

Order of Montegaudio

Order of Montegaudio is a Spanish order of chivalry, which was founded by Count Rodrigo Alvarez in 1172. This founder was a member of the Order of Santiago. The name Montegaudio was given by the participants in honor of one hill from which the crusaders discovered Jerusalem. Thus, a fortress was built on this hill, and soon the order itself was formed. IN 1180 the community officially recognized the church leadership and the Catholic pope Alexander III. The symbol of Montegaudio was a red and white cross, which was half painted over. It was worn on all attributes of equipment, including on clothes made of white cloth. All members of the community led an alienated lifestyle. Their life routine was similar to that of the Cistercians.
IN 1187 Many members of the Order of Montegaudio took part in the bloody battle of Hattin with the Muslim armies. The outcome of the duel ended in the complete defeat of Montegaudio, where most of the knights were killed. The survivors took refuge in Aragon. Here in 1188, V Teruel city, members of the former knightly community organized a medical hospital Holy Redeemer.
IN 1196, the Order of Montegaudio was disbanded due to a lack of knights to join the ranks. Its former members united with Templars and with Order of Calatrava .

Order of the Sword

Order of the Sword was a German, knightly order with a Catholic ideology, formed in 1202 monk Theodoric. He was also Deputy Bishop Albert Buxhoeveden from Latvia, who preached in Livonia. The order was officially approved by the Catholic Church in 1210. The main symbolizing design was a red cross drawn on top of a scarlet sword on a white background.
The sword-bearers were subject to the leadership of the bishop. All actions were carried out only with his approval. The entire routine was supported by the Templar charter. The community of the order was divided into knights, priests and servants. The knights were descendants of small feudal lords. Servants were recruited from ordinary townspeople, who became squires, servants, messengers and artisans. Master stood at the head of the order, and chapter decided his important matters.
As in all other orders, castles were built and fortified in the occupied territories. Most of the captured lands were transferred to the rule of the order. The rest was handed over to the bishop.
The Order of the Swordsmen was at enmity with Lithuania and the Semigallians. Military campaigns were carried out by both sides against each other. Russian princes often participated on the side of the Lithuanians. IN February 1236 took place crusade against Lithuania, which ended in the complete defeat of the order and the murder master's degree Volguina von Namburg. The remnants of the Swordsmen joined the Teutonic Order May 12, 1237.

Dobrinsky Order

Dobrinsky Order Poland, was organized as a defense against Prussian invasions. Its founders are Polish princes and bishops who wanted to create a prototype of the Teutonic Order. 1222, a significant date of its creation. The symbolism of the community was very similar to the sword bearers. The routine and discipline were exactly like them and the Templar Order.
In the images the same red sword was visible, but only in place of the cross was a scarlet star. It characterized Jesus' appeal to the pagans. The drawing could be seen on all the knightly paraphernalia of this community.
The Order was hiring 1500 German knights for his retinue, who gathered in the Polish city of Dobrynya. At the head" dobrinichi" got up Konrad Mazowiecki.
The glory and exploits of the Dobrin Order were unsuccessful. The community existed for about 20 years and only 1233, in the battle of Sirgun the knights distinguished themselves by winning 1000+ Prussians. Further, the order united with the Teutons, with the favor of the pope. Later, in 1237 Konrad Mazowiecki wanted to reassemble the Order of Dobrin in the Polish castle of Dorogiczyn, but Danil Galitsky broke them. The final cessation of existence occurred in XIV century, when absolutely all the leaders of the order died.

Order of Montesa

Order of Montesa was a Spanish knightly order that was formed in XIV century. It was organized in 1317, in Aragon. He continued the ideology of the Templars and roughly followed the tradition of the Crusaders. The Spanish crown was in great need of protection from the Moors from the south, so it was always glad to receive the support of the followers of the Templars. New decree of the Catholic Pope 1312, who oppressed the rights of the Templars, obliged them to transfer to the ranks of this Order of Montesa at the command of King of Sicily Jaime II.
The order was named after the fortress Saint George in Montes. It was here that he was first educated. IN 1400 there was a merger with the order San Jorge de Alfama, doubling the existing force. IN 1587 the kingdom of Spain subjugated Montesa's property and the order began to depend on him. This situation continued until 19th century until all the possessions of the knightly community were confiscated by Spain.

Order of Christ

Order of Christ was a knightly order in Portugal, which continued the craft of the Templars. IN 1318 Portuguese King Danish, officially adopted and established this community. All members of the order received dominant lands and a castle from Pope John Tomar . This stone defense withstood the formidable onslaught of the warring Moors.
IN 1312 the order turned out to be dissolved and for many noble leaders this situation did not suit them. IN 1318 King Danish gathers all the former knights into a new community called "Christ's Militia". The new castle became the habitat Castro Marim in the south of the Algarve. After a turbulent time in combat with the Moors, the knights were again in danger of collapse. Prince Henry turned the order against the rulers of Morocco in order to collect taxes from African products for the restoration of the castle of Tomar.
Many members of the order took part in seafaring voyages, including with Vasca da Gama. The ships' sails bore the symbols of the order, in the form of a large scarlet cross. Some members of the order began to contradict the rules and regulations associated with celibacy. Therefore, Pope Alexander Borzhdu had to make significant changes to the internal regulations of the discipline, in favor of its participants.
King Manuel relied on the constant support of the order and ultimately, such dependence led to the seizure of church property in favor of the state. The final transition of the Order of Christ from ecclesiastical influence to the kingdom took place in 1789.

Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem

The foundation of this order belongs to Godfrey of Bouillon. This famous leader led First Crusade, and after graduation, created a community in 1113 with blessings Popes. Godfrey had a great opportunity to take the proposed power into his own hands by ruling the Kingdom of Jerusalem. But the noble character of the knight chose the path of renouncing the throne, choosing at the same time the status of the main defender of the Holy Sepulcher.
The main goal of all members of the order was to protect Christian pilgrims from aggressive foreigners and spread the faith in the earthen districts of Palestine. Many of the pilgrims eventually decided to join the knightly community. Recruitment to the ranks of the sacred warriors could be carried out by mercenaries from Palestine.
IN 1496 Order of the Holy Sepulcher of the Lord of Jerusalem was moved from Jerusalem V Rome. This position contributed to leading the community Pope Alexander IV as Grand Master.

Order of St. George

Order of St. George- this is a knightly order Hungary created by the king Karl Robert in 1326. The reason for the creation of such an order was to strengthen the position of the king, which was under threat from the Hungarian aristocracy. The whole mess escalated into armed confrontation between the true sovereign and the barons. In this fight, Karl Robert I had to steadfastly adhere to my title position, which was encroached upon by outside nobility. Many nobles supported the king and his views.
The knight's tournament served as a demonstration event marking the official beginning of the opening of the order. The number of knights of St. George did not exceed 50. They took an oath to serve faithfully to their king, protect the church craft from heretics and pagans, and also protect the weak from vile enemies and invaders. New warriors were accepted only with the agreement of all members of the community. The Order, unlike many, did not have a Grand Master. But St. George had a chancellor, as well as a secular and spiritual judge.
The symbol of the order was a red shield with a white double cross on it.

8-04-2017, 13:38 |

The monastic and knightly orders of Western Europe are perhaps the most attractive topic of the Middle Ages. Probably, in terms of popularity, it is on a par with. The theme of knightly orders is attractive for its mystical meaning, which many contemporaries surrounded it with. Knightly and monastic orders later became the prototype for the creation of various secret organizations in Europe.

The most famous order is the Knights Templar. He has already been mystified to such an extent that many curses and murders have been attributed to him. Not everything is so simple. This topic is not entirely purely historical. It is more like a more philosophical topic that requires deep understanding. Understanding is needed in order to understand what a medieval order is, whether mysticism is inherent in it, and whether all the secrets of these organizations have been unraveled.

The emergence of knightly orders

Traditionally, the time of origin of the orders of knights is attributed to the period - this is approximately the beginning of the 12th century. If you remember, in Clermont in 1096, Pope Urban II convened a council and proclaimed the idea of ​​​​committing a crusade. It was necessary to recapture the holy lands in Jerusalem, which were captured by the Muslims, where the main shrines of Christians were located. The participants of the campaign had to forgive all their sins.

In the course of the movement, knightly orders were born, which retained their monastic rules. The very word “order” literally means to obey. This is how half-monks and half-warriors appeared in the Early Middle Ages. Moreover, this was not very typical for that period. At the same time, members of the order could shed blood and pray, while they protected pilgrims () on the way to Jerusalem.

If we go into more detail, the monastic orders had their own humane prehistory. Orders were formed gradually starting from the 7th century. At that time there was a hospital for pilgrims. This is a place where pilgrims could rest and heal. It was located in Jerusalem. There, believers could take a break before heading home. The hospital existed on donations from Christian countries and wealthy pilgrims. After civil strife in the Arab Caliphate, the hospital was closed, but in 1023, by order of the Egyptian Caliph, it was reopened.

How did a simple hospital become related to monastic orders? The fact is that the provision of medical care was associated with the activities of monasteries. The monks were obliged to provide shelter and assistance to wanderers and pilgrims. So the hospital named after St. John the Baptist in Jerusalem soon became monastic. Those monks were called Ionites, or Hospitallers.

Transformation of a monastic order into a knightly one

In order for a monastic order to become a military or knightly order, only one step had to be taken. The military at that time was needed to protect pilgrims on the caravan routes on the way to Jerusalem. Initially, these soldiers were even recruited from among local Muslim Arabs. In principle, this did not matter much. They were simply people who accompanied caravans of pilgrims.

In 1096 everything changed, in 1099 the first was successful and they took Jerusalem. Pilgrims (crusaders) and their military guards entered the city. The establishment of the Kingdom of Jerusalem begins. Gradually, some of the knights, from among the crusaders, entered service at John's Hospital in Jerusalem.

1099-1113 This is a period of hidden development of the hospital. At that time it was not yet clear what kind of organization this was. Either this is a hospital with a small military guard, or it is still a knightly military organization. Further, the activities of this hospital intersect with the activities of another knightly organization. It will become, along with the Hospitallers, the most famous knightly monastic order. And her activities will attract the attention of historians and other scientists.

The emergence of a new knightly monastic order

Hugh de Payen and other knights and servants organized a detachment that was supposed to guard the pilgrims who were traveling to Jerusalem along the dry route. Arriving in Jerusalem, the knights turned to the king with a request to appoint them officially as guards of pilgrims and to provide premises for the placement of the order. So they promised to defend the Christian faith and bring income to the local treasury.

The knights were given premises in former stables, which were located in a previously existing Jewish temple. Later they received their name from the French language - Templars. This is how the next knightly monastic order appears, which does not yet have official status. There are no rules yet, no charter. Initially, it was simply an organization of people who decided to devote themselves to such activities - that is, to wage war against the infidels and protect the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

Gradually another new order appears. There in Jerusalem, at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, that is, in the center of the Christian faith. This is the guard of the Holy Sepulchre. Now they are called the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher and are often confused with the Order of the Templars. First of all, their emblems are similar at first glance. Unlike other orders, these knights do not have a leader (master). And they report directly to the king of Jerusalem. As part of the king's personal army, the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher received various privileges from him.

The Knights of the Holy Sepulcher received payment from the King of Jerusalem. However, their respect in society was somewhat less than that of the Hospitallers and Templars. These two orders lived off donations from pilgrims and merchants. The Templars were also respected and received donations from church communities and other people who were not directly involved in the campaign. However, these people wanted to receive the Pope's blessing and have their sins absolved.

Registration of the status of knightly orders

Only 20 years after the start of the activities of these orders, a monk and a very revered man, Saint Bernard wrote a treatise or charter of the knightly monastic order. In it, he clearly defined that the knight-monk is a completely new, elite and prestigious, holy and formidable social stratum. The presence of such status in a person sharply elevated him in society.

A member of the order - he is a monk, that's why

  1. Must be restrained;
  2. Observe all fasts;
  3. Pray daily;
  4. He has no right to touch women;
  5. Cannot have his own property.

In exchange for such obedience, he receives good food, clothing, and weapons. They fought and were considered the military elite of that time. It was for such knights that the modern concept of pension provision subsequently appeared. A wounded or maimed warrior still continued to be a member of the order and received food and other benefits. The spiritual aspect was also important - a representative of the order could count on the salvation of his soul. Even if he committed some misdeeds, the war with the Muslims atoned for everything.

Such knightly organizations represented a microstate. They obeyed the master, submitted to discipline. This made it an important part of the military structure. For them there was no term of service in a year, as was the case, for example, with ordinary knights. They must always be ready to go into battle at the first call.

The structure and life of knightly monastic orders

The Templars and other orders were always ready. Even when there was no military action, the knight had to engage in daily military training:

  1. Workout;
  2. Education;
  3. taking care of your horse;
  4. caring for your weapon;

All these are the main occupations of a member of the order. If you take a Knight Hospitaller, he also serves in a hospital, that is, he receives medical skills. At the same time, it doesn’t matter what family the knight belongs to and what his rank is, he must do this.

It can be assumed that in this way the military elite became more and more disciplined and moderate. Everyone in the order must understand that they serve a higher purpose and must submit to it. The main goal is more important than any humiliation and misfortune, it is above all.

Knightly monastic orders become over time a new militia, a new elite of the military hierarchy. And many subsequent victories are connected precisely with the actions of the orders. Any successes increased the status of the orders and elevated them among other military units. Attempts were made to found new orders; several dozen of them were founded later. The largest orders have been studied by historians, some of them have survived to this day in one form or another, mainly as charitable organizations.

When joining the ranks of the order, the knight renounced his property and all material benefits. He passed it on to his relatives. Very often, knights donated their wealth to the order. Over time, many knightly organizations became rich in this way, mainly through plots of land. These were feudal plots inhabited by serfs. They fulfilled all feudal duties, and the income went to the benefit of the order.

The rise of spiritual orders

With all the wealth that the orders received as donations, they did not stop there. By having overall management of their properties, they streamlined their farms and made them more productive. Thus their wealth increased even more. It can be assumed that religious orders became the first capitalist organizations in Europe.

Over time, the economy of such orders began to play an even greater role than their military component. They continued to protect pilgrims and religious sites in the same way. At the same time, they did this in small detachments. Only a noble person could become a member of the order. Usually these were the younger sons of feudal lords, who could no longer claim to inherit a land plot.

Thus, knightly organizations arose from the beginning. Over time, they turned into a powerful military organization that had its own charter and was very disciplined. During their heyday, they had extensive economic activities, from which they received income for the benefit of the order.

Knightly orders video


The modern official name is the Sovereign Military, Hospitable Order of St. John, Jerusalem, Rhodes and Malta. The official residence is in Rome (Italy).
It got its name from the hospital and church of St. John the Baptist, where the monastic order created in 1113 was located, which over time turned into a military-spiritual organization. In terms of their fighting qualities and military prowess, the Ioanites were rightfully considered the best warriors in Europe. After the Crusaders were expelled from Palestine, the Hospitallers crossed to Cyprus, where they built a fleet and captured the island of Rhodes in 1309. In 1522, after a six-month siege of Rhodes by the Turks, the fleet of knights moved to the island of Malta, where the order ruled until 1798. At the present time, the order is engaged in charitable and merciful activities.


The official name is the Order of the Knights of Solomon's Temple, also the Order of the Knights of Christ. It arose in 1119 in Jerusalem from knights who had previously served at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Along with the Hospitallers, he was engaged in the protection of pilgrims and the protection of Christian possessions in Palestine. He was also engaged in trade, usury and banking, due to which he accumulated enormous wealth. After the expulsion from Palestine, the order almost completely switched to financial activities. In 1307, by order of Pope Clement V and the French King Philip IV, arrests of members of the order on charges of heresy and confiscation of property began. After the execution of several members, including the Grand Master, the order was dissolved by papal bull in 1312.


The official name is Fratrum Theutonicorum ecclesiae S. Mariae Hiersolymitanae. Founded in 1190 on the basis of a hospital founded by German pilgrims in Acre. In 1196 it was reorganized into a spiritual knightly order headed by a master. Goals: protecting German knights, treating the sick, fighting the enemies of the Catholic Church. At the beginning of the 13th century, he transferred his activities to Prussia and the Baltic states, where he took part in the crusades against the Slavs and Balts. In fact, the state of the Teutonic Knights, Livonia, was formed on the conquered lands. The decline of the order began after the defeat in the Battle of Grunwald in 1410. Currently, the order is engaged in charity and treatment of the sick. The headquarters is located in Vienna.


The spiritual knightly order of Calatrava (Calatrava la Vieja) was founded in Spain in 1158 by the monk Raymond de Fetero. Pope Alexander III approved the charter of the order in 1164. The knightly order got its name from the Calatrava fortress conquered from the Arabs. The distinctive sign of the members of the order was white and black clothing with a red cross. The Order took an active part in the reconquest of lands captured by the Moors on the Iberian Peninsula (Reconquista). Ceased to exist in 1873.


The official name is the Grand Military Order of the Sword of St. James of Compostela. Founded in Spain around 1160. Named after the patron saint of Spain. He took part in the crusades and wars with Muslims. It operates to this day as a civil order of knighthood under the patronage of the King of Spain.


The spiritual knightly order of Alcantara was founded in 1156 in Spain. Initially it was a military-religious brotherhood of knights, bearing the name San Julian de Pereiro. In 1217, the Knights of the Order of Calatrava, with the permission of the king, transferred the city of Alcantara and all the possessions of the Order of Calatrava in Leon to the Order of San Julian de Pereiro. After which the Order of San Julian de Pereiro was renamed the Knightly Order of Alcantara. The Order took part in the Reconquista. In the 1830s. the order was nationalized and ceased to exist.


The official name is the Order of St. Bennett of Avish. The order was created in 1147 to protect the city of Evora, which had recently been recaptured from the Moors. In 1223
The residence of the order was moved to the city of Avis, donated by the King of Portugal and fortified by the knights. The Order took part in the Portuguese part of the Reconquista and the colonization of the African coast. Dissolved in 1910, but in 1917 restored as a purely civilian body, headed by the President of Portugal.


The Order of the Swordsmen is a German Catholic spiritual-knightly order, officially called the "Brothers of Christ's Host". It was created in 1202 on the initiative of the Bremen canon Albert, who became the first bishop of Riga. The goal was to capture the Eastern Baltic, carried out crusades against the Baltic peoples, while a third of the captured lands were assigned to the order. After a series of defeats from the Russian princes and Lithuania, the remnants of the order joined the Teutonic Order in 1237.


Spiritually - a knightly order, the successor of the Templars in Portugal. Established in 1318 by the Portuguese king Dinis to continue the fight against Muslims begun by the Templars. Pope John XXII allowed all the possessions of the Portuguese Templars to be transferred to the order, including the castle of Tomar, which in 1347 became the residence of the Grand Master. Hence the second name of the order - Tomarsky. The Tomar knights, like their Avis brothers, took an active part in the overseas travels of Portuguese sailors. Vasco da Gama and other Tomar knights-errant sailed under sails with the emblem of the order. Like the Order of Aviz, it was dissolved in 1910, but in 1917 it was restored as a purely civilian one, headed by the President of Portugal.


The official name is the Military and Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem. Founded by the Crusaders in Palestine in 1098 on the basis of a hospital for lepers, which existed under the jurisdiction of the Greek Patriarchate. The Order accepted into its ranks knights who fell ill with leprosy. The symbol of the order was a green cross on a white cloak. After Saladin's capture of Jerusalem in October 1187, the order saw action, particularly during the Third Crusade. In the Battle of Forbia on October 17, 1244, the order lost all its personnel (both healthy and leper knights along with the master). After the expulsion of the crusaders from Palestine, the order settled in France, where it continued its hospital activities. The modern Order of Saint Lazarus has branches in 24 countries around the world and continues its charitable activities.

Organized into congregations and brotherhoods occupies important positions. Currently there are about 140 monastic orders, whose activities are led by the Vatican Congregation for Sanctified Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. The most influential monastic orders are the Dominicans, Franciscans and Jesuits. Each of them has its own specifics and its own history of development.


Founder of the Benedictine monastery - Benedict of Nursia(480-547) became the founder of the first monastic rule. He founded a monastery in Monte in 530 Cassino, in which he established strict rules. This charter became the basis and example for the monks of other monasteries. The main rule was community life away from the bustle of the world. Monasteries were built in remote places, away from the influence of the world. Initially, there was no central organization; each monastery was independent. Monasteries became centers of education and training. The Benedictines were engaged in missionary activities in the Slavic lands and the Baltic states. Currently, the Benedictine Order unites over 10 thousand monks and 20 thousand nuns.

Monastic orders appeared in 910, after the abbot About from the monastery Cluny undertook a reform of the monastic organization. He proposed to unite many monasteries performing common tasks into orders, which should submit to the central government. The purpose of such a unification was a return to strict observance of the rules, the deprivation of monasteries of autonomy and subordination to the pope, bypassing bishops, and the independence of the church from secular power.


Founder - Berthold of Calabria, leader of the crusaders. The order was founded in 1155 after the victorious Crusade. It got its name from its location - at the foot of the mountain Carmel in Palestine. After the crusaders were defeated, in the 13th century. The order moved to Western Europe. In the 16th century The Carmelite Order split into several movements. A women's order arose in Spain Barefoot Carmelites, and then male. The peculiarities of the order include a reclusive lifestyle and living on alms. Carmelite monks are mainly engaged in missionary activities, raising and educating children and youth.


The monastery was founded in 1084 in the province Chartreuse(lat. - Cartusia). It was officially approved in 1176. There is a female branch of the order, which was formed in 1234. A special feature of the monastery is the presence of large land property. The main source of wealth is the production and sale of Chartreuse liqueur.


First appeared in 1098 in a desert area Sieve (Cito). Since the 14th century There are nunnery monasteries. In 1115 the order was reformed Bernard of Clairvaux and received the name Bernardine. The monks of the order actively participated in, supported the pope in his struggle with the secular authorities.


The monastery organized Francis of Assisi in 1207-1209 in Italy near Assisi. Francis of Assisi spoke out against the acquisitiveness of the papal hierarchs, against the distribution of positions by the pope to his relatives, and against simony (the buying and selling of church positions). He preached the benevolence of poverty, the renunciation of all property, sympathy for the poor, and a cheerful, poetic attitude towards nature. His mysticism was permeated with love for people. These ideas became very popular and in a short time gained recognition in other European countries. Francis of Assisi created "Order of Friars Minor" - religious and moral community. Minorites- “the least of all people” - lived not in monasteries, but in the world, traveled, preached in the language of the common people, and were engaged in charity.

The renunciation of property aroused suspicion among the pope. At first, Francis of Assisi was forbidden to preach, then in 1210 he was allowed, but demanded to abandon the call to poverty. Francis did not comply. After his death, the order split. Extreme followers of Francis fratinelli(brothers) were declared heretics, many were burned. The remaining moderate followers became the pope's support. In 1525, the Franciscans separated capuchins(pointed hoods) to counteract. Since 1619, the Capuchins became an independent order.


The order was founded in 1216 by a Spaniard Dominic de Guzman. The purpose of the order was to fight heresy Albigensians, which spread to France, Germany and Italy. The Albigensians opposed the Catholic Church, which hindered the development of cities. A crusade was declared against the Albigensians, which ended in the defeat of the heretics. The Dominicans also fought the heresy of the Cathars and other movements opposed to the Catholic Church, showing particular cruelty and uncompromisingness.

Dominicans take a vow of poverty, abstinence and obedience, and they are forbidden to eat. The requirement of poverty applies only to individuals, not to congregations. The emblem of the order is a dog with a lit torch in its mouth. They call themselves “dogs of the Lord” (lat. - dominicanes). In 1232 they were given leadership of the Inquisition. They become censors of Catholic orthodoxy. In their activities, the Dominicans used torture, executions, and prisons. They abandoned physical labor in favor of teaching and scientific work. Prominent Catholic theologians emerged from the ranks of the order, including Thomas Aquinas, as well as several popes.

Knight brotherhoods

Spiritual knightly orders began to emerge in the territory of Palestine, conquered during the first Crusade, to protect the conquered lands. The knights took three monastic vows: chastity, poverty and obedience. Unlike ordinary monks, members of the orders had to fight for the faith with weapons in their hands. They obeyed only the pope and the order authorities - the chapter and the grand masters.


Around 1070 a hospice house was built in Jerusalem ( hospitalis) for wounded and sick pilgrims. The house was given the name of St. John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria. Soon the monks caring for the wounded began to take part in the fighting themselves. In 1113, the pope approved the order's charter, according to which the Hospitallers, or Johannites, were called upon to fight the infidels. After the conquest of Palestine by the Muslims in 1309, the Johannites took possession of the island of Rhodes, and then, when the Ottomans captured it in 1522, they moved to the island of Malta, after which the order received the name Maltese. The distinctive feature of the order was a red cloak with a white cross.

Templars or Templars

The Order of the Templars or Templars arose at the beginning of the 12th century. It was named for the location of his residence near King Solomon's Temple. The distinctive feature of the order was a white cloak with a red cross. The Order accumulated significant funds. After the fall of Jerusalem, the order moved to Cyprus, then to France. King Philip IV the Fair, seeking to seize the wealth of the order, accused the Templars of Manichaeism (a synthesis of Zoroastrianism and Christianity). In 1310, the knights were burned, the property passed to the king, and the order was abolished.

Teutonic Order

In the 12th century In 1190, German crusaders created a military monastic order in Palestine, based on the hospital of the Holy Virgin Mary - the Teutonic Order - after the name of the German tribe. At the beginning of the 13th century. he was transferred to the Baltic states, where he launched military activities in Prussia. The Order carried out a policy of feudal-Catholic expansion in the Baltic states and the northwestern Russian principalities. The difference between the Teutons was a white cloak with a black cross.


The name comes from Lat. SocietasJesu- "Society of Jesus" The order was formed in 1534, approved by the pope in 1540. The founder was a Spanish Basque, a nobleman, a former brave officer, crippled in battle, Ignatius of Loyola(1491-1556). The purpose of the order is to fight the Reformation, spread Catholicism, and unquestioning submission to the pope. The Jesuits are characterized by a strictly hierarchical structure, headed by a general subordinate to the pope. The Order is engaged in worldwide missionary activities.