Moral decay of man. Moral decay. Causes and types of dementia

Personality decay and inner life

We are far from freeing ourselves from the power of a bygone era - the one that ended with the War - and in many ways we are still only obedient continuers of the main trends of the hated 19th century. In particular, the sense of personality, as it was defined in that era, remains largely dominant today. Its main feature is the decisive transfer of the center of gravity from the outside to the inside. Hence, the flourishing of the so-called “inner life” and, as its consequence, a certain basic discord: a consciously accepted and justified inconsistency between our Self and its manifestations in the world.

True, this discord had been evident for a long time, but only in the 19th century did it become a dominant phenomenon and even proclaimed the norm of all genuine life. In the pre-war decades it reached its extreme forms, and today - very slowly - it is declining.

Let us first consider this phenomenon using an extremely simplified and schematized example.

Someone X. (the “average” person of the 19th century) sleeps, eats, goes to work there, etc.... Let us assume that in a similar way we are given all the external manifestations of his personality. Do we know X? It turns out not. For X. will resolutely refuse to identify himself with his own discoveries. The real X is something else and more: it actually begins only where these discoveries end. The place he occupies in the universe is largely accidental: it is not entirely determined by his inner essence. The actions that fill every day of his life, his entire life, are by no means an adequate expression of his actual desires, tastes, thoughts - in a word, his true self. This self lives secretly, somehow aloof from its own acts, almost without participating in them.

So, X. believes that he is something completely different from what he is on the outside. He thinks, feels, suffers, rejoices - and all this almost in no way changes the course of his life, which is left to its own inertia and moves according to some of its own laws, alien to him. He lives simultaneously, as it were, in two incommensurable planes. He does not have the strength to coordinate his actions with his state of mind, but he will never give up mental states, since they are clearly refuted by his own actions. He accepts the separation and eventually begins to find a special, painful sweetness in it. Moreover, he always has at hand various and cheap substitutes for life, eliminating the need to really live: a novel, newspapers, alcohol... With them he feeds his “inner life.” And the “inner life” becomes more complex, strengthens at the expense of the outer life and, in the end, diverts all the active energies of his being from action (which requires determination and choice) to dreamy self-absorption (which requires only inertia). The inconsistency between the external and the internal is growing, and the further it goes, the more difficult it is to restore unity.

Accumulating his inner treasures, X. only follows the line of least resistance. And at the same time, his attractive impotence justifies itself with obliging sophistry: he proudly believes that these imaginary riches legitimately relieve him of the need to struggle with the real poverty of his life.

That X. is not at all an exception is evidenced by almost all fiction of the 19th century. Moreover, X is the hero of this literature. The fact that he lives in discord with himself and refutes himself with his life is touching. On the contrary, any Y. who dares to be what he is and adequately expresses his (usually insignificant, but real) essence - Y. arouses indignation and contempt. It ends with Y. himself beginning to be ashamed of his integrity and wants to assure himself and others that he, too, is not without discord: I am, supposedly, engaged in commercial representation, but if you looked into my soul... etc. In the end, Y. actually becomes ill with his inner life, and the epidemic grows.

In order to designate this kind of phenomenon, Jules de Gautier even coined the word “Bovarism” (in honor of Flaubert’s heroine, whom he considers the classic expression of this discord). The word has taken root - further proof that it expresses an essential fact. However, Gautier himself sees here not a temporary anomaly, but some basic and eternal law; his definition of “Bovarism” is this: every being recognizes itself as other than what it really is. If we slightly modify this formula, which sounds almost Hegelian, and properly limit the scope of its application, then we get a simple and undeniable statement: a person of the 19th century usually does not dare to be what he recognizes himself to be, and does not want to recognize himself as that that he is.

The case we have considered is the simplest and most banal. But at the highest levels of culture and life, the discord is even deeper. Here it takes on diverse and extremely complex forms, all the more dangerous and infectious because among poets and philosophers they are clothed with all the temptations of talent and sophisticated dialectics. Art and philosophy are turning into powerful drugs. The technique of oblivion reaches high perfection. Don't live, don't act, don't want; create a captivating and illusory world within yourself, completely submissive to your capricious arbitrariness - shut yourself up in it!

However, the external life of such a person can sometimes be extremely complex and eventful. But that doesn't change anything. All these events are just acute stimuli for him, with which he tirelessly irritates, worries and complicates his inner life. He can change countries, cities, lovers. But wherever he is, whoever he is with, everywhere, he always looks only for himself: his sadness, his pride, his joy, his despair. They are the only ones he needs. He hopelessly imprisoned himself in his inner prison. All the diversity of the world in order to diversify, refine and taste your reactions to the world again and again, in ever new conditions, for ever new reasons. That is, he no longer lives in the world, no longer judges the world, but only amuses himself with its capricious reflections in himself.

The opposite case is also possible. Instead of hiding from external life, you can, on the contrary, become a “man of action,” but only then to forget yourself, get away from the painful rhythm of your liberated consciousness, lose yourself in events and deeds...

In all these cases, one thing is revealed: the form of the personality (the way it manifests itself outside) and its content (the way it recognizes itself from the inside) - in other words, action and consciousness - have ceased to be two inseparable aspects of the single Self. Having lost their unity, the personality loses its living connection with the world. And the reason for all this is the so-called “richness of inner life”, which the man of the 19th century was so proud of.

But what is “inner life”? This is consciousness that has lost direct contact with reality, become an end in itself and therefore ceased to be a force shaping life.

A tree that grows and, obedient to the rhythm of times, slowly unfolds its essence into a visible image; a vulture circling smoothly and falling steeply onto its prey; a lark soaring into the azure, and a predator gathered for a swift jump - they are all completely and without a trace present in each of their acts, their being fully realizes itself at any given moment of its existence. Hence the impression of unattainable, as if divine perfection, which amazes us in the forms and phenomena of cosmic life.

Here, appearance and essence, organ and its function, desire and act, feeling and expression, being and appearance - in a word, external and internal - are inseparably one. That is, the form here is not at all an alien shell, enveloping and hiding the content, but, on the contrary, its purest expression. The hidden essence ascends to a visible form, being blossoms into appearance and joyfully reveals itself in it to the last depths.

Nature is the tireless creative germination of the invisible into the visible, living identity of the external and the internal. This inspired Goethe with a significant formula, which will serve as a leitmotif for further exposition:

Nothing is inside, nothing is outside, For everything that is inside is outside!

But from this essential unity, from this living integrity of the cosmos, man feels as if excluded:

Equanimity in everything,

There is complete agreement in nature;

Only in our illusory freedom

We are aware of the discord with her.

Where and how did the discord arise?..

Yes, where did the discord come from? What new factor has grown and, like a wedge, entered between us and our actions, between our inner Self and its visible manifestation in the world, and tore apart our ancient unity? The name of this new factor is consciousness.

But what is consciousness? The possibility of fluctuation and choice, i.e. freedom.

To be more precise, consciousness - as Bergson partly defines it - is nothing more than the ability to choose between several equally feasible acts. Where external influence, desire or idea automatically, necessarily cause an act, there is no place for consciousness, in the proper sense. There is no delay, no hesitation between the desire (or external reason) and the act accompanying it. Hence the impression of integrity and perfection in the natural phenomena that I spoke about. And hence the possibility of discord in a person. A possibility, but not yet a fact.

For consciousness is freedom, and all freedom is dual. On the one hand, it is positive freedom to choose between possibilities, that is, to consciously and firmly move from experience to act, in other words: to assert one’s unity through a free effort.

But, on the other hand, consciousness is also negative freedom: the freedom to evade active choice, to stop at a transitional moment, that is, to indulge in fruitless contemplation of unrealizable or unrealizable possibilities. This means surrendering to self-consciousness without self-realization, i.e., “inner life.”

So, the unity that is given to everything that exists by the very fact of its existence - man must conquer it by force and implement it by will. He alone is given a high and dangerous freedom: he is free to be or not to be whole.

That is why the words of Goethe just quoted, which only establish a fact present in cosmic life, in relation to man sound like a call and an obligation.

Having defined the function of consciousness as a choice between several possible acts, we have thereby established its normal function. It is only the reverse side of the act, only a transitional state, as if a preliminary stage of a preparing and maturing action. And only in relation to this action, preceded by it, does consciousness receive its meaning and its place. If you tear it away from the act to which it gravitates as its normal completion, and turn it into an end in itself, then “inner life” arises and, as its inevitable consequence, a gap between the form and content of the personality.

I emphasize that this is what I mean by “inner life” (i.e., consciousness that has become an end in itself, self-awareness in addition to self-realization). If this is not the case, if it imperiously gravitates towards the act and is inseparable from it, then it is inappropriate to talk about “inner life”; it is already simply life, that is, in accordance with the previous one: the creative identity of the external and internal, the tireless germination of the invisible in visible.

But how is this “inner life” formed and where is its source? The answer will seem, at first glance, somewhat strange.

Inner life arises from cowardly voluptuousness and impotent greed. She feeds and lives with these same feelings.

In fact, the germination of consciousness into an act, internal into external, as we have just seen, is carried out in choice. And “to choose,” in the literal sense of the word, means: to affirm some possibilities, courageously rejecting others, innumerable. For in order for only one of them to become reality, many others have to be abandoned. So, a real choice presupposes, first of all, a readiness to renounce.

If this readiness is not there, if the spirit voluptuously and greedily clings to all the contradictory possibilities that open before it and does not want to give up anything from this still illusory wealth, then there is only one thing left for it: to evade implementation (for this, after all, presupposes the renunciation of much and desired). And so he stops at the transitional moment of consciousness and indulges in admiring the possibilities for their own sake.

After all, having sacrificed fulfillment, there is no need to sacrifice anything further: in the “inner life” everything is mixed, everything is combined, everything is reunited, the most contradictory elements live side by side and sweetly complement each other - just don’t try to realize them!

So the sensualist populates his mental world with these stillborn acts - the ghosts of acts that are not destined to become reality - and enjoys them in secret. It turns the sphere of consciousness - where choice must be made through renunciation - into a place of painful pleasures, and thought into an empty game of the spirit with itself.

So, “inner life” does not actually have any positive content. It is composed - everyone can check this for themselves - from images of what is not feasible or has not been realized, what we cannot or do not dare or do not want to implement - but which we still do not dare to completely abandon, imperiously push away in oblivion. On the contrary, we carefully cultivate these images; turning away from the world, we greedily peer into their vague flow and look for our Self in it. Plunging into this flickering murkiness, we believe that we are “plunging into ourselves” - into our innermost and essential depths...

It is significant that precisely in those moments of highest tension, when a person is most himself, he least of all thinks about himself: his gaze is turned not inward, to his Self, but outward, to the world, to the object of action. He is all about his act. And this happens in all spheres of life: it doesn’t matter whether he is a theologian reflecting on the nature of original sin, or a commander leading his squadron into an attack, a surgeon operating on a patient, or a lover in the bed of his beloved. The internal is specifically identified with the external; the feeling of oneself, of one’s integrity and completeness permeates the act itself, inseparably accompanies its rhythm and, like a pungent aftertaste, accompanies its implementation.

Everyone, in one form or another, has experienced this and can remember that this real sense of personality is least of all similar to self-absorption and self-contemplation. No, for self-deepening and self-contemplation one must first blossom, soften, that is, cease to be oneself. Therefore, it is no wonder that all the introspective contemplatives who set out in search of their own Self through introspection and introspection ultimately did not find any Self: under their searching gaze it invariably disintegrated into spiritual atoms, into some kind of mental shreds and fragments not connected in any way. unity. All psychological-analytical fiction, completed by Proust, illustrates this phenomenon, the meaning of which can be summarized in the words of one of its characteristic representatives, Amiel: “Through introspection I abolished myself.” Under the influence of this literature, many decisively proclaimed that personality is just a fiction, a myth, a concept of legal origin, or an empty collective name for unrelated psychological states.

That the “inner self” was not found is understandable, because there really is no such thing. I am the subject of action and, to that extent, is present only in action, reveals itself only in it. It is not something purely internal, just as little, however, as something purely external. Like every act of genuine life, like life itself, personality is also a living identity of external and internal.

Since this identity is broken, there is no longer a personality. All that remains is the material from which it can be created: isolated psychological states and random acts unrelated to them. Therefore, it was pointless to look for the unity of personality in yourself, which you yourself had destroyed, and then be surprised that you did not find it.

This unity cannot simply be found in oneself in a ready-made form, it can only be realized: by a tireless effort to raise one’s hidden essence into its visible detection, with all the will, with all the consciousness to grow into an act, into action, into the world. - So that everything that is inside is outside.

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A person's personality traits become apparent after late adolescence and either remain unchanged throughout life or change slightly or fade with age. The diagnosis of personality disorder (ICD-10 code) is several types of mental pathologies. This disease affects all areas of a person’s life, the symptoms of which lead to severe distress and disruption of the normal functioning of all systems and organs.

What is a personality disorder

Pathology is characterized by a person’s behavioral tendency, which differs significantly from the accepted cultural norms in society. A patient suffering from this mental illness experiences social disintegration and severe discomfort when communicating with other people. As practice shows, specific signs of a personality disorder arise in adolescence, so an accurate diagnosis can only be made at the age of 15-16. Before this, mental disorders are associated with physiological changes in the human body.


Mental personality disorders arise for various reasons - from genetic predispositions and birth trauma to violence suffered in different life situations. Often the disease occurs against the background of parental neglect of a child, intimate abuse, or the child living in a family of alcoholics. Scientific research shows that men are more susceptible to pathology than women. Risk factors that provoke the disease:

  • suicidal tendencies;
  • alcohol or drug addiction;
  • depressive states;
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder;
  • schizophrenia.


People who have a personality disorder are characterized by an antisocial or inappropriate attitude towards all problems. This provokes difficulties in relationships with other people. Patients do not notice their inadequacy in behavioral patterns and thoughts, so they very rarely seek help from professionals on their own. Most individuals with personality pathologies are dissatisfied with their lives and suffer from constant increased anxiety, bad mood, and eating disorders. The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • periods of loss of reality
  • difficulty in relationships with marriage partners, children and/or parents;
  • feeling of devastation;
  • avoidance of social contacts
  • inability to cope with negative emotions;
  • the presence of feelings such as uselessness, anxiety, resentment, anger.


To be diagnosed with a personal disorder according to one of the ICD-10, the pathology must satisfy three or more of the following criteria:

  • the disorder is accompanied by deterioration in professional productivity;
  • mental conditions lead to personal distress;
  • abnormal behavior is pervasive;
  • the chronic nature of stress is not limited to episodes;
  • noticeable disharmony in behavior and personal positions.

The disease is also classified according to DSM-IV and DSM-5, which group the entire disorder into 3 clusters:

  1. Cluster A (eccentric or unusual disorders). They are divided into schizotypal (301.22), schizoid (301.20), paranoid (301.0).
  2. Cluster B (fluctuating, emotional or theatrical disorders). They are divided into antisocial (301.7), narcissistic (301.81), hysterical (201.50), borderline (301.83), unspecified (60.9), disinhibited (60.5).
  3. Cluster C (panic and anxiety disorders). They are dependent (301.6), obsessive-compulsive (301.4), avoidant (301.82).

In Russia, before the adoption of the ICD classification, there was its own orientation of personality psychopathies according to P. B. Gannushkin. The system of a famous Russian psychiatrist, developed by a doctor at the beginning of the 20th century, was used. The classification includes several types of pathologies:

  • unstable (weak-willed);
  • affective;
  • hysterical;
  • excitable;
  • paranoid;
  • schizoid;
  • psychasthenic;
  • asthenic.

Types of Personality Disorders

The prevalence of the disease reaches up to 23% of all mental disorders of the human population. Personality pathology has several types, which differ in the causes and symptoms of the disease, the method of intensity and classification. Different forms of the disorder require an individual approach to treatment, so the diagnosis should be treated with special care in order to avoid dangerous consequences.


This personality disorder is a partial disorder that occurs after severe stress or moral shock. The pathology does not lead to a chronic manifestation of the disease and is not a severe mental illness. Transistor disorder can last from 1 month to 1 day. Prolonged stress is provoked by the following life situations:

  • regular overstrain due to conflicts at work, nervous conditions in the family;
  • tedious journey;
  • going through divorce proceedings;
  • forced separation from loved ones;
  • being in prison;
  • domestic violence.


Characterized by the rapid flow of associative processes. The patient's thoughts change so quickly to each other that he does not have time to pronounce them. Associative disorder manifests itself in the fact that the patient's thinking becomes superficial. The patient is prone to switching attention every second, so it is very difficult to grasp the meaning of his speech. The pathological picture of the disease also manifests itself in a slowdown in thinking, when it is very difficult for the patient to switch to another topic and it is impossible to highlight the main idea.


This is a violation in the cognitive sphere of life. Psychiatry points to such an important symptom of cognitive personality disorder as a decrease in the quality of brain performance. With the help of the central part of the nervous system, a person comprehends, interconnects and interacts with the outside world. The causes of cognitive impairment can be many pathologies, differing in the condition and mechanism of occurrence. Among them are a decrease in brain mass or organ atrophy, circulatory failure and others. Main symptoms of the disease:

  • memory impairment;
  • difficulty expressing thoughts;
  • deterioration in concentration;
  • difficulty in counting.


Translated from Latin, the word “destructiveness” means destruction of structure. The psychological term destructive disorder indicates an individual's negative attitude towards external and internal objects. The personality blocks the release of fruitful energy due to failures in self-realization, remaining unhappy even after achieving the goal. Examples of destructive behavior of a metapsychopath:

  • destruction of the natural environment (ecocide, environmental terrorism);
  • damage to works of art, monuments, valuable items (vandalism);
  • undermining public relations, society (terrorist attacks, military actions);
  • purposeful decomposition of another person’s personality;
  • destruction (murder) of another person.


This type of personality disorder is the least studied by scientists. The patient exhibits one or another type of psychological disorder that is not persistent. For this reason, mixed personality disorder is also called mosaic psychopathy. The patient's instability of character appears due to the development of certain types of addiction: gaming, drug addiction, alcoholism. Psychopathic personalities often combine paranoid and schizoid symptoms. Patients suffer from increased suspicion and are prone to threats, scandals, and complaints.


Unlike other types of psychopathy, infantile disorder is characterized by social immaturity. A person cannot resist stress and does not know how to relieve tension. In difficult situations, the individual does not control emotions and behaves like a child. Infantile disorders first appear in adolescence, progressing as they grow older. Even with age, the patient does not learn to control fear, aggression, and anxiety, so they are denied group work and are not accepted into military service or the police.


Dissocial behavior in histrionic disorder manifests itself in the search for attention and increased excessive emotionality. Patients constantly demand from those around them confirmation of the correctness of their qualities, actions, and approval. This manifests itself in louder conversation, louder laughter, and inadequate reaction in order to concentrate the attention of others on oneself at any cost. Men and women with histrionic personality disorder display inappropriately sexual clothing and eccentric passive-aggressive behavior, which is a challenge to society.


The difference between psychoneurosis is that the patient does not lose contact with reality, being fully aware of his problem. Psychiatrists distinguish three types of psychoneurotic disorders: phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder and conversion hysteria. Psychoneurosis can be provoked by great mental or physical stress. First-graders often face such stress. In adults, psychoneurological shocks are caused by the following life situations:

  • marriage or divorce;
  • job change or dismissal;
  • death of a loved one;
  • career failures;
  • lack of money and others.

Diagnosis of personality disorder

The main criteria for the differential diagnosis of a personality disorder are poor subjective well-being, loss of social adaptation and performance, and disturbances in other areas of life. To make a correct diagnosis, it is important for the doctor to determine the stability of the pathology, take into account the cultural characteristics of the patient, and compare it with other types of mental disorders. Basic diagnostic tools:

  • checklists;
  • self-esteem questionnaires;
  • structured and standardized patient interviews.

Treatment for Personality Disorder

Depending on the attribution, comorbidity and severity of the disease, treatment is prescribed. Drug therapy includes taking serotonin antidepressants (Paroxetine), atypical antipsychotics (Olanzapine) and lithium salts. Psychotherapy is carried out in attempts to change behavior, make up for educational gaps, and search for motivation.

Video: Personality Disorders

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Types of mental personality disorders - signs, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

After all, he completely loses the ability to develop and improve. It is so important to establish the root cause and try to eliminate it (of course, if this is possible).

Personality degradation

In a broader sense, this concept means a person’s loss of mental calm, efficiency, sober mind and the ability to think logically. Moreover, not the best character traits are shown: irritability, passivity, and often aggressiveness. The ability to concentrate gradually fades away, feelings become dulled, and the person lives his own life, understandable only to him. Personality degradation can cause a complete loss of connections with the outside world, and the most serious consequence is dementia.

How to recognize degradation?

It is very important to notice any deviations in behavior in time in order to be able to help a loved one. Signs of personality degradation concern both external appearance and internal state. In this condition, less and less attention is paid to what a person looks like and what he says. Speech becomes quite simplified, no one tries to convey their thoughts in publicly accessible words (this also requires quite active brain activity). The social circle is becoming narrower, those who cause trouble simply disappear from life. The main phrase becomes “I want,” and detachment from everything, family, children develops. A person does not want to think or care about someone, he seems to fade and plunge into himself, moving away from loved ones.

Causes of personality destruction

It is not only important to notice the signs of personality degradation, but also to understand the reasons. Undoubtedly, a serious tragedy can cause such a state. Depression and mental anguish can completely change consciousness and lead to the destruction of moral foundations and principles. Often retirement is the trigger for this disorder. After all, for a long time a person was needed, he was in a team, but now he is forced to rest. Feelings of guilt, apathy and even banal laziness can make changes in consciousness. In the modern world, where money plays a significant role, material values, the struggle for them and the opportunities they give, often lead to spiritual destruction. And, of course, drug addiction and alcoholism are the main causes of mental disorders. Alcoholic personality degradation is a fairly common occurrence, and this becomes a serious danger. The human appearance is completely lost, thoughts are directed only to where to get poison. You need to know that personality degradation due to alcoholism is irreversible; there are no drunkards who have not lost their normal moral character. It doesn’t matter the type of alcoholic drink; even beer that seems light at first glance can become a source of personal destruction.

Stages of personality degradation

If personality degradation is caused by depression, strong emotional experiences, then the following stages are observed. First, a person loses his ideals, his purpose in life. Then moral principles and internal norms are lost. He becomes unable to overcome the difficulties that arise along the path of life. Among the feelings, envy, aggressiveness, and apathy predominate. Then the ability to actively act and think, to understand others, disappears. A person simply repeats other people's thoughts and actions. And finally, it all ends with a complete loss of the sense of reality. The main argument of such people is to argue over any issue; to achieve their short-term goals, they are capable of vile acts. Very often they try to live at the expense of others, but the relationships that such people are able to create are pathological and destructive. Anyone who stops appreciating and respecting himself is unable to appreciate another. Interestingly, women are less at risk of completely degenerating; their maternal instinct saves them.

Alcoholism and stages of destruction of moral character

Alcohol poses a serious danger to maintaining moral character and normal functioning. Personality degradation occurs quite quickly. At the initial stage, there is a psychological dependence on alcoholic drinks; it is more comfortable, more fun, and easier to find a common language with. A characteristic feature is that large doses of drinks are tolerated quite easily, so their quantity is poorly controlled. But quality requirements are decreasing. The second stage is characterized by the development of physical dependence, a hangover syndrome appears. In addition, temporary memory loss is possible. Very often at this stage, all sorts of injuries arise during a drunken state, professional qualities deteriorate, quarrels do not stop in the family (and often it simply falls apart). Aggression increases, psychosis is possible. Alcohol degradation reaches its maximum level at the third level. Binge drinking, amnesia, decreased tolerance to strong drinks, nervous disorders - these are symptoms that the personality is losing its normal appearance. Over time, the ability to work is completely lost.

How can I help?

Personality degradation can stop. First of all, you should take a critical look at yourself from the outside and adequately evaluate your actions. To escape from heavy thoughts, you need to spend as much time as possible with people, go to the cinema, to exhibitions, and read more books. You shouldn't be alone with yourself. Help people - good deeds add meaning, you will experience the pleasure of knowing that someone needs you. An active life position, a favorite job, a lot of hobbies - this is the guarantee that personality destruction will bypass. Don’t be shy about asking your loved ones for help; they will happily surround you with warmth and attention.

Treatment of alcoholism

With alcohol degradation, things are somewhat more complicated. After all, a person does not admit that he is sick and needs help. In addition, there are often cases when there is no one in particular to help him. The greater the dependence, the more often all social ties are destroyed. At the last stage, mental problems are accompanied by enormous intoxication of the body. Therapy should be carried out by both a narcologist and a psychotherapist. At the same time, it is very important to ensure that the patient understands all the destructive effects of alcohol and changes his attitude towards its use. And, of course, help remove toxic substances from the body and relieve withdrawal symptoms. Gender, the amount of alcohol consumed, and mental state also matter. The sooner treatment is started, the higher the likelihood that a person will return to a normal lifestyle. And even reasonable doses of alcohol drunk in the future will not cause binge drinking or other negative reactions.

Dementia - causes, forms, diagnosis, treatment, answers to questions

What is dementia syndrome?

Causes and types of dementia

  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • dementia with Lewy bodies;
  • Pick's disease, etc.

In other cases, damage to the central nervous system is secondary, and is a complication of the underlying disease (chronic vascular pathology, infection, trauma, intoxication, systemic damage to nervous tissue, etc.).

In some cases, dementia develops as a result of multiple causes. A classic example of such a pathology is senile (senile) mixed dementia.

Functional and anatomical types of dementia

1. Cortical dementia is a predominant lesion of the cerebral cortex. This type is most typical for Alzheimer's disease, alcoholic dementia, and Pick's disease.

2. Subcortical dementia. With this type of pathology, the subcortical structures are primarily affected, which causes neurological symptoms. A typical example is Parkinson's disease with predominant damage to the neurons of the substantia nigra of the midbrain, and specific motor disorders: tremor, general muscle stiffness (“doll gait”, mask-like face, etc.).

3. Cortical-subcortical dementia is a mixed type of lesion, characteristic of pathology caused by vascular disorders.

4. Multifocal dementia is a pathology characterized by multiple lesions in all parts of the central nervous system. Steadily progressing dementia is accompanied by severe and varied neurological symptoms.

Forms of dementia



Basic classification of presenile and senile dementias

1. Alzheimer's (atrophic) type of dementia, which is based on primary degenerative processes in nerve cells.

2. Vascular type of dementia, in which degeneration of the central nervous system develops secondarily, as a result of severe circulatory disorders in the vessels of the brain.

3. Mixed type, which is characterized by both mechanisms of disease development.

Clinical course and prognosis

Severity (stage) of dementia

Mild degree

Moderate degree

Severe dementia


1. Signs of memory impairment – ​​both long-term and short-term (subjective data from a survey of the patient and his relatives are supplemented by an objective study).

2. The presence of at least one of the following disorders characteristic of organic dementia:

  • signs of decreased ability for abstract thinking (according to objective research);
  • symptoms of decreased criticality of perception (discovered when making real plans for the next period of life in relation to oneself and others);
  • triple A syndrome:
  • aphasia – various types of disorders of already formed speech;
  • apraxia (literally “inactivity”) – difficulties in performing purposeful actions while maintaining the ability to move;
  • Agnosia – various disturbances of perception while maintaining consciousness and sensitivity. For example, the patient hears sounds, but does not understand the speech addressed to him (auditory-verbal agnosia), or ignores a part of the body (does not wash or put on one foot - somatoagnosia), or does not recognize certain objects or faces of people with intact vision (visual agnosia). etc.;
  • personal changes (rudeness, irritability, disappearance of shame, sense of duty, unmotivated attacks of aggression, etc.).
  • 3. Violation of social interactions in the family and at work.

    4. Absence of manifestations of delirious changes in consciousness at the time of diagnosis (there are no signs of hallucinations, the patient is oriented in time, space and his own personality, as far as his condition allows).

    5. A certain organic defect (results of special studies in the patient’s medical history).

    Differential diagnosis of organic dementia

    Alzheimer's type dementia

    Concept of dementia in Alzheimer's disease

    Risk factors for developing the disease

    • age (the most dangerous limit is 80 years);
    • the presence of relatives suffering from Alzheimer's disease (the risk increases many times if the relatives develop the pathology before the age of 65);
    • hypertension;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • obesity;
    • sedentary lifestyle;
    • diseases occurring with chronic hypoxia (respiratory failure, severe anemia, etc.);
    • traumatic brain injuries;
    • low level of education;
    • lack of active intellectual activity throughout life;
    • female

    First signs

    Characteristics of the advanced stage of progressive dementia of the Alzheimer's type

    These signs are called senile (senile) personality restructuring. In the future, against their background, a very specific type of Alzheimer’s dementia may develop. delirium of damage: the patient accuses relatives and neighbors of constantly robbing him, wishing for his death, etc.

    • sexual incontinence;
    • gluttony with a special penchant for sweets;
    • craving for vagrancy;
    • fussy, disorderly activity (walking from corner to corner, shifting things, etc.).

    At the stage of severe dementia, the delusional system disintegrates, and behavioral disorders disappear due to extreme weakness of mental activity. Patients plunge into complete apathy and do not experience hunger or thirst. Movement disorders soon develop, so that patients cannot walk or chew food normally. Death occurs from complications due to complete immobility, or from concomitant diseases.

    Diagnosis of Alzheimer's type dementia


    • homeopathic remedy ginkgo biloba extract;
    • nootropics (piracetam, cerebrolysin);
    • drugs that improve blood circulation in the vessels of the brain (nicergoline);
    • stimulator of dopamine receptors in the central nervous system (piribedil);
    • phosphatidylcholine (part of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter of the central nervous system, therefore improves the functioning of neurons in the cerebral cortex);
    • actovegin (improves the utilization of oxygen and glucose by brain cells, and thereby increases their energy potential).

    At the stage of advanced manifestations, drugs from the group of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (donepezil, etc.) are prescribed. Clinical studies have shown that the use of this type of medication significantly improves the social adaptation of patients and reduces the burden on caregivers.


    Vascular dementia

    Dementia due to cerebral vascular lesions

    1. Hemorrhagic stroke (vascular rupture).

    2. Ischemic stroke (blockage of a vessel with cessation or deterioration of blood circulation in a certain area).

    What disease can cause vascular type dementia?

    Risk factors

    • hypertension, or symptomatic arterial hypertension;
    • increased levels of lipids in blood plasma;
    • systemic atherosclerosis;
    • smoking;
    • cardiac pathologies (coronary heart disease, arrhythmias, heart valve damage);
    • sedentary lifestyle;
    • overweight;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • tendency to thrombosis;
    • systemic vasculitis (vascular diseases).

    Symptoms and course of senile vascular dementia

    1. Pseudobulbar syndrome, which includes impaired articulation (dysarthria), changes in voice timbre (dysphonia), less often - impaired swallowing (dysphagia), forced laughter and crying.

    2. Gait disturbances (shuffling, mincing gait, “skier’s gait”, etc.).

    3. Decreased motor activity, so-called “vascular parkinsonism” (poor facial expressions and gestures, slowness of movements).


    Senile dementia with Lewy bodies

    • orthostatic hypotension (a sharp decrease in blood pressure when moving from a horizontal to a vertical position);
    • fainting;
    • arrhythmias;
    • disruption of the digestive tract with a tendency to constipation;
    • urinary retention, etc.

    Treatment for senile dementia with Lewy bodies is similar to that for dementia of the Alzheimer's type.

    Alcoholic dementia

    Epileptic dementia

    How to prevent dementia - video

    Answers to the most popular questions about causes, symptoms and

    Are dementia and dementia the same thing? How does dementia occur in children? What is the difference between childhood dementia and mental retardation?

    Is unexpected untidiness the first sign of senile dementia? Are symptoms such as untidiness and sloppiness always present?

    What is mixed dementia? Does it always lead to disability? How to treat mixed dementia?

    Treatment of mixed dementia is aimed at stabilizing the process, therefore it includes combating vascular disorders and mitigating the developed symptoms of dementia. Therapy, as a rule, is carried out with the same drugs and according to the same regimens as for vascular dementia.

    Among my relatives there were patients with senile dementia. How likely am I to develop a mental disorder? What is the prevention of senile dementia? Are there any medications that can prevent the disease?

    1. Prevention and timely treatment of diseases leading to circulatory disorders in the brain and hypoxia (hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus).

    2. Dosed physical activity.

    3. Constantly engaged in intellectual activity (you can make crosswords, solve puzzles, etc.).

    Personality degradation

    The term “degradation” is used in each branch of science with a special meaning, but the essence of the concept remains the same. Degradation is regression, that is, the process opposite to progress. Degradation - decline, decay, deterioration in quality.

    Personality degradation is a concept used in psychology to denote the process of destruction of personality structure, replacement of positive qualities and properties with negative ones. If the development of personality, its growth is a movement forward and upward, then degradation is a descent, a fall down.

    Degradation as a psychological phenomenon

    The degradation of a person is noticeable from the outside, but is rarely realized by him. It can be difficult to notice for a subject whose society and environment can be called degrading. When everyone around you behaves immorally and basely, it seems that this is normal behavior.

    The problem of personal degradation is connected with the problem of societal degradation.

    Degradation does not happen instantly; it is a prolonged loss of a person’s “human appearance.” A person gradually stops paying attention to how he looks, what he says and what he does. He stops taking into account those around him and caring about their interests. He also doesn’t care what happens to himself.

    Personality degradation manifests itself as:

    • deterioration in the ability to think, concentrate, perceive, remember;
    • impoverishment of vocabulary, problems with speech;
    • loss of ability to work, unwillingness to work;
    • fading of positive qualities, manifestation of negative ones;
    • communication difficulties, inability to communicate and negotiate;
    • emotional incontinence and lack of will;
    • aggressiveness or withdrawal;
    • selfishness and eccentric thinking.

    All signs of degradation may appear at once. It is impossible to talk about personality degradation based on only one sign. Thus, problems in the emotional-volitional sphere do not always indicate the development of degradation. A self-actualizing person also has difficulty regulating his emotions and behavior.

    Why does it happen that a person “goes down”? Is it always his own fault?

    To answer these questions, you need to understand the causes of the phenomenon of personality degradation.

    There are many reasons for human degradation:

    Inaction is also an action. A person decides to be uninitiative, apathetic, lazy and bored, instead of moving forward and developing. He does not know how to motivate himself and set achievable goals.

    The social role “Child” is a dangerous life position. It’s nice and joyful to entrust problems and concerns to someone, but without the ability to overcome difficulties on your own, there is no personal development. Regression is a psychological defense mechanism for returning to childhood behavior that underlies this cause of degradation.

    This mental disorder can have many causes, such as trouble, grief, illness, psychological trauma and other suffering. Being in a state of mental devastation and a feeling of the meaninglessness of life for a long time, the personality stops developing. Depression is a serious and complex condition and a kind of personal suicide.

    Another heavy negative feeling. It gives rise to a feeling of one’s own insignificance, depravity, and hopelessness. A person decides that there is no point in working on himself: “Everything is my fault! I’m bad and I can’t be corrected.”

    The desire to develop is stimulated by higher emotions and socially conditioned feelings. If a person feels useless to anyone, he does not understand for whom and for what to become better. He decides for himself that he will wait until he is loved, and then he will begin to develop as a person. The individual for whose sake it is always worth developing is the person himself. Self-love gives rise to the love of others.

    A feeling of powerlessness, injured pride, hidden resentment, uncertainty in one’s abilities, in the ability to reach heights of development and self-fulfillment have a negative impact on self-esteem and deprive a person of the desire to work on oneself and change.

    Abuse of anything negatively affects brain function. Harmful chemical compounds destroy the brain, and subsequently the personality degrades. It has been proven that the brain of alcoholics literally dries out, decreases in size, voids form in it, and the convolutions of the cerebral cortex are smoothed out. Injuries and dysfunctions of the brain lead to the loss of the ability to be a full-fledged person. The brain is the organ responsible for the functioning of the psyche. For the normal functioning of the brain, you need to eat right, get rid of bad habits, and engage in mental and physical labor.

    A person who commits offenses and crimes suppresses positive human qualities and abilities, depriving himself of the opportunity to reveal his potential in activities useful to society.

    In old age, irreversible changes occur in the human body and brain: the ability to think logically is lost, memory, attention deteriorate, and so on. Decline in work performance or loss of mental function in older adults has been shown to be associated with retirement. Hence the conclusion: if you want to maintain a sober mind longer, you need to remain a socially active person.

    Development requires work on oneself, and to degrade it is enough to do nothing.

    Human degradation is the path of least resistance, because growing above oneself and striving for self-realization is more difficult than falling down.

    How to stop personality degradation

    The sooner the degradation that has begun is detected, the sooner the personality regression will stop. With significant changes in the structure of the personality and the functioning of the brain, the help of specialists is needed: psychologists, psychiatrists, doctors.

    In the initial stages of degradation, everything is in the hands of the individual. Every person has noticed a stop in development, but not everyone perceived this as a signal to start working on themselves.

    Personality degradation can be stopped and reversed through one’s own efforts.

    A person who managed to rise, develop and grow above himself, even if his environment did not contribute to this, deserves respect. Any work on yourself is worthy of praise.

    An individual who has gotten rid of a bad habit, overcome fear, received additional education, mastered a new type of work activity, or committed another volitional act not under coercion, but of his own free will, has left his comfort zone and risen one step higher in the development of his own personality.

    To stop personality degradation you need:

    1. Realize the fact of personality disintegration, find real reasons for this. Write down the reasons in a concise form: uninteresting work with no prospects for professional growth; bad company, negative influence of friends; pathological laziness; lack of incentive for development, etc.
    2. Identify development paths, identify ways to change behavior and thinking, and write them down in the form of a correction plan. If it is difficult to do this on your own, you need to contact a loved one, a psychologist, or read the relevant literature.
    3. Start corrective work. Working on yourself is the most difficult job. It involves changing the way of life, the usual way of thinking and behavior. This is a change in priorities, principles, attitudes, attitudes towards oneself and life, a change in worldview.

    To prevent personal decline and as ways to develop personality, the following recommendations are suitable:

    • develop culturally: read classical, scientific, educational literature, attend cultural events and places, take an interest in art;
    • communicate and make friends with educated, respected, positive people;
    • engage in creativity, do something with your own hands, draw, master playing a musical instrument, work not for reward, but for the pleasure of work;
    • lead an active and healthy lifestyle: work, study, play sports, be in nature;
    • love yourself and life: enjoy life, see its positive sides, be a confident person and your strengths, be responsive, kind, caring, make friends and love.

    For a person who has the desire to be happy and the awareness that this is a real goal, nothing is impossible.

    Signs of Personality Decay

    Personality degradation is a reverse development, regression, loss of stability, weakening of activity, decline in performance and mental balance. Simply put, a personality loses its inherent traits simultaneously with the impoverishment of all skills and qualities: judgments, feelings, talents, activity.

    We can identify such symptoms of personality degradation as increased irritability, narrowing of interests, dysfunction of memory and attention, and decreased adaptive capabilities. Also, the violation in question can be expressed in the development of carelessness, complacency, and weak character.

    The most severe type of personality degradation is considered to be insanity, which manifests itself in carelessness, dementia, loss of contact with the environment, and complete indifference to the environment. A common cause of the described disorder is alcoholism, accompanied by severe somatic disorders and neurological dysfunctions caused by the abuse of alcohol-containing liquids. Alcoholics lose social connections, professional functioning and work activity also suffer.

    Causes of personality degradation

    It is believed that the human subject completely degrades if he ceases to develop spiritually, since the brain atrophies due to “uselessness”. There are many reasons for personality degradation that cause the individual to lose faith in himself, which gives rise to a loss of interest in existence. Such people stop developing intellectually and monitoring current events. They forget their previous hobbies. Also, the decline in interest in one’s own existence can be affected by the death of a loved one, the collapse of hopes, or due to a series of failures. Lonely people are more susceptible to personal disintegration.

    The listed factors, for the most part, do not in themselves threaten personality degradation. The described disorder is caused by people’s desire to seek oblivion in alcohol. Such a harmful “hobby” sooner or later degenerates into binge drinking.

    Spiritual degradation of the individual is an urgent problem in modern society. Often, personal decline occurs in people of an older age group as a result of resignation or retirement. Many psychologists are convinced that ending professional activity with retirement is harmful for people. The lack of need to load the brain with responsibility and duties gradually leads to a weakening of personal qualities.

    Along with this, there are many elderly people who have retained their mental alertness and clarity of thought. If an individual in old age tries to remain a multifaceted personality, constantly invents new entertaining activities for himself, if retirement age is not a death sentence, but only frees up time and opportunities for new achievements, then such a person is not in danger of degenerating his personality. In addition, the disorder in question may be a consequence of mental illnesses or organic pathologies of the brain (epilepsy, schizophrenia, trauma).

    A frequent cause of regression in personal development is a feeling of guilt. Individuals who feel useless and superfluous often experience a loss of their best qualities. In addition, if the subject has ceased to believe in his own potential due to several consecutive failures, then the likelihood of personality degradation is also high.

    We can identify a number of factors that contribute to the weakening of personal qualities, namely drug addiction, lack of will, cruelty, senile insanity, banal laziness and procrastination (the tendency to put off unpleasant things or important tasks). However, first of all, the spiritual degradation of the individual occurs due to the lack of compassion, intelligence, love and sincerity. It is these listed components that make a person out of a human subject.

    Senile insanity, which is considered a severe form of personal degradation, is a progressive illness that is an irreversible mental disorder. The reason for its onset lies in the atrophy of the processes that occur in the brain, resulting from the pathology of the capillaries. A hereditary factor may aggravate the situation.

    The disease gradually develops. Oddities in behavioral patterns are not immediately visible. At first, the individual becomes absent-minded, a little forgetful, grumbling, greedy and self-centered. As the disease progresses, the symptoms become brighter. Memory deteriorates, false memories appear about incidents that did not happen. One can identify the main symptoms of personality degradation during insanity as complete indifference to what is happening and carelessness.

    Signs of personality degradation

    To be able to react in time and help your loved one, it is necessary to promptly notice any behavioral deviations.

    Social degradation of personality is revealed both in the external appearance of the human subject and in changes in his internal state. A degenerating subject pays less attention to spoken words, his own appearance, neatness and neatness. His speech becomes more simplified, and his circle of contacts becomes limited. Patients avoid people who bring unnecessary trouble into their existence. The defining motto of a declining personality becomes the phrase “I want.” Detachment from relatives, family and other concerns gradually develops.

    A person who has chosen the path of degradation does not want to think or care about others. He seems to fade and plunge into himself, moving away from his loved ones. Long before the complete destruction of personality, the first harbingers of approaching degradation appear. The range of hobbies narrows, mainly in general cultural terms: they do not attend concerts and theater performances, they stop reading and watching TV shows. They become characterized by frivolity, flat humor, frivolity, carelessness at the same time as capriciousness, inconstancy, dissatisfaction and grumbling. A declining individual turns into a familiar, annoying subject, whose judgments are characterized by superficiality and frivolity, and whose behavior is characterized by swagger, cynicism, a decrease in disgust and a sense of shame. Traits such as egocentrism, selfishness and deceit progress.

    As symptoms escalate, intellectual impairment becomes more pronounced. The character of such a person is transformed. A declining individual becomes hot-tempered and irritable. A negative worldview, a prejudiced attitude towards everything that happens, anxiety and internal fear become the dominant features. In addition, the individual experiences a decrease in memory, narrowing of interests, and impoverishment of judgment. The ability to concentrate deteriorates sharply.

    Signs of personality degradation are lack of will, carelessness and excessive complacency. The destruction of personality can be noticed with the naked eye by a sloppy appearance, stooped appearance, an indifferent look, and inappropriate behavior.

    The famous psychologist A. Maslow argued that social degradation of personality is characterized by the following stages of progression:

    The formation of the “pawn” psychology is the phenomenon of “learned helplessness” (a person feels completely dependent on circumstances or other forces);

    The emergence of a lack of basic goods when initial needs become dominant (food, survival, sexual satisfaction);

    The formation of a “pure” surrounding society (society is divided into good individuals and bad ones, “insiders” and “outsiders”), the social world for them becomes like black and white;

    The emergence of increased self-criticism - the so-called cult of “self-criticism” (the subject admits himself guilty even of actions that he did not commit);

    Depletion of vocabulary (the subject uses elementary phrases in his own speech, it is difficult for him to describe something, the selection of adjectives is especially difficult, since they express human feelings and emotions);

    Defense of the “sacred bases” (the individual absolutely does not want to think about the fundamental prerequisites of the worldview, he has no doubts about his own “sublime foundations”, such a person is unable to look at them skeptically, that is, the person considers his own opinion to be the only correct one);

    The emergence of various dependencies.

    Below are twelve life aspects that neutralize the threat of personality degradation:

    Reading, because it is the book that contains the age-old wisdom of people, which trains the “gray matter” and does not allow the brain to dry out;

    Taking care of your appearance even in the most difficult periods of life;

    Fighting bad habits (excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, excessive incontinence in food, smoking marijuana - activities unworthy of a well-mannered, developed personality;

    Faith in the best (saddened pessimists are the first candidates for degeneration);

    The feeling of love (you need to love your parents and other relatives, pets, partner, life), a loving person will never give up;

    Stop worrying about trifles, you don’t need to suffer just because the world is unfair and people are unhappy, if the problem can be solved, then it doesn’t exist, and if there is no solution, then worry and anxiety still won’t help get rid of it;

    Self-development (learning new things, watching educational videos, attending various trainings, reading, getting a second education - all this will not allow a person to give up);

    Belief in inevitable retribution for bad deeds committed (most criminals commit offenses because of the conviction of their own exclusivity and, accordingly, impunity, both before a posthumous court and before the current legislation);

    Following moral standards (lying, stealing, envy, gossiping, committing meanness and nasty things - destroys the personality);

    You should not abuse obscene language, since obscenities and obscene words destroy the soul;

    Following the rules of decency (public scratching of the genitals, public picking of the nose, slurping, licking fingers or plates are considered signs of personal degradation);

    While the human subject is alive, one should not give up, because only after death nothing can be changed, so one must fight under any, even the most insurmountable circumstances.

    Personality degradation in alcoholism

    Many people have suffered from this serious illness. However, the terrible statistics do not stop anyone. Everyone believes that alcoholism will not happen to them and that intoxicating drinks will not be pulled into their own snares. At first, a person only tries alcohol, choosing the one he likes, then he begins to abuse intoxicating drinks, which gives rise to a harmful addiction. At the same time, the drinker is not able to comprehend that excessive libations of alcoholic beverages are called this terrible word - alcoholism.

    A mental progressive disorder called alcoholism belongs to the category of chronic illnesses that are a type of substance abuse. It manifests itself as a gradual increase in alcohol dependence, decreased self-control regarding the use of alcohol-containing liquids, progressive development of somatic dysfunctions, increased irritability, often aggressiveness, superficial thinking, decreased critical perception of one’s own actions, and imprecise movements. The last stages of the disease are characterized by loss of social contacts, severe ataxia, and destruction of personality.

    The problem of personality degradation and chronic alcoholism are inextricably interconnected. In a person who abuses intoxicating drinks, intellectual activity is impaired, memory decreases, and self-criticism disappears. Alcoholics blame the surrounding society or circumstances for all their troubles. People suffering from alcoholism become rude, overly self-confident, unresponsive, soulless, incorrect, and cynical. Their sleep is disturbed and characterized by frequent awakenings. As the doses consumed increase and become more frequent, the circle of hobbies among alcoholics narrows. All their thoughts are only about alcohol; nothing else can interest them. Alcoholics do not perceive the meaning of many everyday situations; the surrounding society does not affect them. People who abuse strong drinks stop reading books, attending theaters or other public cultural events. This is how personality degradation debuts.

    Responsibility and duty to relatives, children, partners, teams, friends, and society for alcoholics either weakens or disappears altogether. They lose disgust, a sense of shame and guilt, as a result of which they become unkempt, familiar, annoying, and do not understand the ridiculousness or wrongness of their actions. An alcoholic often turns into a mercantile subject who is not necessary in his professional activities. He is unable to learn new things, concentrate, and separate the important from the unimportant.

    The drinker's movements accelerate due to the relaxation of braking impulses, inaccuracies and defects in work appear. The consequence of this is loss of qualifications, dismissal or demotion, loss of social connections. Alcoholics do not realize their own downfall, making unrealistic false promises, trying to impress and embellish reality. The humor of drunkards is permeated with flat jokes on important topics. Alcoholics pester others with their sentimentality and obsessive frankness. Surrounded by drinking buddies, they extol each other and convince each other of mutual selflessness and devotion. They condemn people who avoid their company and discuss them with hostility.

    In the workplace, alcoholics try their best to evade official duties without losing material benefits. Behind their endless demagoguery, drinkers try to hide their formal approach to work and their laziness.

    The first symptoms of personality regression become noticeable approximately six to eight years after the beginning of systematic abuse of alcohol-containing liquids.

    Some drinkers become easily excitable, others become carefree and complacent, frivolous, capricious, grumpy, others become apathetic, depressed and inert, and others become intimately disinhibited. Often one condition can be replaced by another. Some drinkers in life are timid and insecure subjects who consider themselves worse than everyone else. Such patients have low self-esteem. However, the state of intoxication transforms them, turning them into boastful and picky individuals. They tend to make scandals and get offended for no reason. Such people, when sober, are rather quiet subjects, but when intoxicated, they turn into brawlers and brawlers. Most often, such behavior manifests itself in family relationships, when there is no need to restrain oneself and control.

    Alcohol degradation has a destructive effect on the individual, it destroys families. It brings suffering to the drunkard’s relatives, inconvenience to neighbors, and problems in the work environment. Reverse personality development caused by alcohol disfigures the life of the drinking individual and society. Alcoholism is a serious illness that leads to loss of personality and causes social death of the individual. Therefore, timely treatment of personality degradation caused by excessive libations is so important. Excessive cravings for alcohol-containing drinks must be treated, since every person has the right to a healthy and fulfilling existence.

    Personal degeneration and the consequences of personality degradation can be eliminated provided that there is an absolute refusal to consume alcohol-containing liquids.

    Treatment of personality degradation caused by alcoholism is the responsibility of psychotherapists, and the elimination of dependence on alcoholic beverages is the responsibility of narcologists. The most important conditions for an adequate therapeutic effect are the drinker’s awareness of the destructive effects of alcohol or other intoxicating liquids and the patient’s desire to stop consuming alcohol-containing drinks in the future. Compliance with the above conditions will make the task of doctors as easy as possible, which will have a beneficial effect on the therapy itself, and will also contribute to the speedy relief from manifestations of degradation.

    Therapeutic measures focused on eliminating the consequences of destruction of an individual’s personality not only include complete abstinence from alcohol, but also require psychological help, as well as the support of loved ones. The alcoholic's relatives and immediate circle should pay more attention to him. Individuals who have decided to forever free themselves from destructive cravings need the help of those closest to them. And they certainly don’t need their condemnation. It is often quite difficult for recent alcoholics to stop thinking about drinking. Therefore, the task of the family is to distract them from the destructive attraction. You can come up with a hobby that can not only interest a sick relative, but also that will distract him and take up his free time and thoughts. Otherwise, there is a high risk of failure. Without the support of family and friends, it is almost impossible for an individual suffering from alcoholism to free himself from this terrible illness.

    Popular psychology

    Characteristics of psychosis

    Psychosis is one of the most serious mental problems. A person suffering from psychosis undergoes a number of striking changes in thinking, behavior and emotions. The basis of these changes is the loss of normal perception of reality, characteristic in a situation of psychosis. Here are examples from observations of a number of patients with psychosis that show what this “falling away from reality” represents (Torrey, 1988).

    Everything is in pieces. In your head you put together a picture from these pieces. It's like putting together a torn photograph piece by piece. Scared to move.

    I feel like I can set the weather to suit my mood, even control the movement of the sun.

    For the last week I was with a girl, and suddenly she began to seem larger and larger to me, like a monster that was getting closer and closer.

    Psychotic thinking. Psychoses are erroneous beliefs that extend to all obvious facts. People suffering from psychosis insist that their hallucinations are true, despite the fact that the facts contradict this. An example is a 43-year-old man with schizophrenia who was confident that he was pregnant (Mansouri & Adityanjee, 1995).

    Here are some common types of delusions: 1) depressive delusions, in which people feel that they have committed terrible crimes or sinful acts; 2) somatic delusion, in which a person thinks that his body is decomposing or that it emits a foul odor; 3) delusions of grandeur, in which a person imagines himself to be a particularly important person; 4) delusion of influence, in which people feel that they are being controlled or influenced by other people or invisible forces; 5) delusion of persecution, when a person thinks that someone wants to catch up with him; and 6) relational delusions, in which non-individual events are assigned personal significance. For example, a person may think that a television program is a special message to him or her personally (DSM - IV, 1994).

    Hallucinations and sensations. Hallucinations are imaginary sensations when a person sees, hears and smells objects that are not really there. The most common type of psychotic hallucination is an auditory hallucination. Sometimes audible voices command a person to harm himself. Unfortunately, many obey them (Kasper, Rogers & Adams, 1996).

    Less common are people with psychosis, in which it seems to them “that insects are crawling under their skin,” or patients feel the taste of “poison” in their food or the smell of “gas” with which “enemies” are going to “finish off” them. Sensory changes such as anesthesia (loss of sensation) or increased sensitivity to heat, cold, pain, or touch also occur.

    Emotional disturbances. Emotions can fluctuate wildly between being overly elated and depressed. A person with psychosis may be over-emotional, depressed, emotionally flat, or apathetic. For example, with the flattening affect, it is almost impossible to detect any emotions. Usually there is a frozen, empty expression on the person’s face. However, behind their “frozen masks,” psychotic individuals continue to experience emotions as strongly as before (Sison et al., 1996).

    Communication breakdown. Some psychotic symptoms may be considered a primitive form of communication. By their actions, many patients say: “I need help” or “I can’t handle this anymore.” Nonverbal pleas for help are sometimes necessary, since impaired verbal communication is a classic syndrome of psychosis. Psychotic speech can be distorted and chaotic. Sometimes it sounds like “verbal okroshka.”

    Personality disintegration. Most disorders such as those just discussed (as well as additional problems associated with thinking, memory and attention) lead to a breakdown of personality and a disconnect from reality. Personality breakdown is associated with a loss of coordination between thoughts, actions and emotions. The result is a serious deterioration in work, social relationships and self-care. When psychotic disturbances and personality fragmentation are observed over a period of several weeks or months (often including a period of deterioration, an active phase and a residual phase), the person suffers from psychosis (DSM - IV, 1994).

    Indeed, the description given above is somewhat exaggerated. It is rare for all these changes to occur simultaneously. You may be disappointed by a visit to a psychiatric ward if you expect to encounter unusual, dramatic, or incomprehensible behavior. Extreme psychotic behavior occurs as a brief episode. Symptoms of psychosis come and go, most of the time the symptoms are quite mild.

    There are different types of psychoses.

    Organic psychosis is based on brain pathologies - organic brain diseases, gunshot wounds, trauma and other physical causes. Conversely, functional psychosis is caused by unknown causes or psychological factors.

    As we will see later, functional psychoses can also lead to physical changes in the brain. It turns out that all psychoses are partly organic. However, the term "organic psychosis" is usually used for disorders associated with a clear brain disorder or disease of the brain.

    Organic psychoses

    Psychotic disorders are sometimes directly related to brain diseases. One example is progressive paralysis, which occurs when syphilis attacks brain cells. In cases of developing but untreated syphilis, the patient's behavior may become disorganized and uncontrollable. This can lead to profane and indecent behavior - the "dirty old man" syndrome.

    Lead or mercury poisoning may be a particular cause of organic psychosis causing anxiety. Although rare, poisoning can affect the brain and cause hallucinations, delusions, and loss of emotional control. Old buildings that were painted with lead paint are especially dangerous. Lead tastes sweet. Therefore, small children may be tempted by chipped pieces of lead paint and eat them like candy. Children who eat lead paint may become psychotic or developmentally delayed (Dyer, 1993; Mielke, 1999). Lead paint can release lead dust into the air. Children may inhale or ingest dust after touching contaminated toys. Other sources containing lead include sealed water pipes, old drinking fountains lined with lead, lead-glazed cookware, and lead from automobile exhaust. More broadly, another type of “poisoning,” in the form of drug abuse, can also cause psychosis (DSM IV, 1994).

    The most common organic problem is dementia, a serious mental disorder associated with deteriorating brain function. In dementia there are underlying impairments in memory, thinking, judgment, impulse control and personality. This combination of disturbances typically leaves the person confused, suspicious, apathetic, or withdrawn (Larson, 1990). One of the main causes of dementia is Alzheimer's disease. Other causes may be poor circulation, repeated strokes, general shrinkage or atrophy of the brain.

    The three main types of functional psychoses are delusional disorders, schizophrenia and psychotic mood disorders.

    Causes of human degradation in modern society

    What does the word "degradation" mean? The word “degradation” comes up quite often. It is used when talking about the gradual deterioration, decline, loss of valuable qualities and properties observed in various areas of life - culture, society, art, environment. This term is also used in relation to physical, chemical and biological processes: degradation of soils, proteins, etc.

    Psychologists use it when they talk about the destruction of personality - the narrowing and impoverishment of interests, feelings, talents and judgments, a decrease in mental activity and performance, up to complete indifference and loss of contact with the environment. Personality degradation is also called mental dullness. One of the severe forms of personality degradation is marasmus, or profound dementia. Personality degradation is an integral part of a deeper breakdown of the human psyche: dementia, or dementia.

    How does personality degradation manifest itself?

    The first signs of degradation appear long before the complete collapse of the personality. The range of interests of such people narrows, mainly in the general cultural aspect: they stop watching films, reading books, and attending concerts. They are characterized by frivolity, flat humor, carelessness along with capriciousness, discontent and grumbling. They become annoying and familiar. Their judgments are frivolous and superficial, and their behavior is characterized by swagger, a tendency toward cynicism, and a decreased sense of shame and disgust. Such qualities as selfishness, deceit, and egocentrism develop.

    As the disease progresses, intellectual impairment increases. The character changes for the worse: the person becomes irritable and hot-tempered. Its main features are a negative worldview - an attitude towards all events with a negative prejudice, internal fear and anxiety. Memory deteriorates, interests narrow, and judgments and feelings become impoverished. It becomes difficult for a person to concentrate his attention on anything.

    Another manifestation of personality degradation is lack of will, excessive complacency and carelessness. Carelessness and complete indifference to the surrounding world are observed in a severe form of degradation - insanity. Personality degradation also affects a person’s appearance. Characteristic changes in appearance are visible, one might say, to the naked eye: sloppiness, stooping, an indifferent look, inappropriate behavior. That’s what they say about such people – degenerate ones.

    American psychologist Maslow identified several qualities inherent in people with personality degradation:

    • treating yourself as a pawn, on which nothing depends, either in public or in personal life;
    • the main thing in their life becomes the satisfaction of basic primary needs;
    • They divide the world into “us” and “strangers” and try to protect themselves from “strangers”;
    • they believe that their opinion is unshakable and is not subject to criticism and discussion;
    • their language is poor, they use elementary figures of speech. Their brains don't want to expend effort on verbal functions.

    Why does personality degradation occur?

    A person degrades when he stops developing spiritually. His brain seems to begin to atrophy “as unnecessary.” There can be many reasons why a person gives up and loses faith in himself, he becomes uninterested in life, he stops following events, develops intellectually, and forgets about his previous hobbies. This happens to someone when they lose a loved one, someone loses their taste for life after a collapse of hopes or a series of failures. The most susceptible to personality degradation are lonely people who feel like losers and useless to anyone.

    But these factors in most cases threaten degradation not in themselves, but because a person begins to seek solace and oblivion in alcohol and sooner or later goes on a drinking binge. The concepts of alcoholism and personality degradation are inseparable. Moreover, alcoholism can be both the cause of degradation and its consequence.

    Unfortunately, quite often personality degradation develops in older people after retirement. Psychologists even say that retirement is very harmful. Lack of duties, responsibility, and the need to load the brain lead to gradual spiritual death.

    At the same time, there are many elderly people who have retained a lively and clear mind. If a person remains a multifaceted personality in old age, does not sit idle, if retirement frees up time and energy for new activities, then he is not in danger of personality degradation. Personality degradation can be a consequence of mental illness or organic diseases of the brain (schizophrenia, epilepsy, intoxication, trauma, etc.).

    Senile insanity as a form of personality degradation

    Senile insanity is a progressive disease that is an irreversible mental disorder. Its cause is the atrophy of all processes that occur in the brain, and this happens mainly due to pathological changes in its blood vessels. Heredity also aggravates the situation.

    The disease develops gradually, over years, and others do not immediately notice strange behavior. The person just becomes distracted, forgetful, grumpy, stingy and self-centered. But as the symptoms progress, they become more and more pronounced, and it is no longer possible not to notice them. Memory deteriorates, false memories arise of events that did not happen. Eventually, a person stops recognizing loved ones, loses self-care skills, and needs constant monitoring and help.

    Alcoholism and personality degradation

    Another example of complete personality degradation is alcoholism. For an alcoholic, alcohol is the main need of life, and his brain works with one goal - where and how to get alcohol. An alcoholic's thoughts are superficial, phrases and words are simple and unpretentious.

    Symptoms of personality degradation in alcoholics appear already in the first stages of alcoholism. They are emotionally unstable: tearfulness, touchiness, and pessimism can suddenly give way to excitability, irritation and anger. They lack a sense of guilt and understanding of their actions, but they experience carelessness, euphoria, and underestimation of life’s difficulties. Their actions are inadequate and unpredictable. Alcoholics become rude, deceitful and selfish.

    How to avoid personality degradation?

    Unfortunately, no one is immune from the risk of spiritual degradation - it threatens any person who “goes with the flow” and does not engage in self-development. If you don’t improve and don’t invest time and effort into your development, spiritual death may occur before physical death. Another poet N. Zabolotsky wrote:

    “Don’t let your soul be lazy!

    So as not to pound water in a mortar,

    The soul must work

    And day and night, and day and night!

    If you decide to cut her some slack,

    Freeing from work,

    She's the last shirt

    He will rip you off without pity.”

    People who overcome their passivity, maintain an active physical state, are interested in everything that happens in the world, and take an active life position are unlikely to face personality degradation. The immediate environment is also important: so that there are people nearby who would infect you with their desire for new knowledge and skills.

    As for senile insanity, it is impossible to cure it completely, but at an early stage it can be corrected. Therefore, when the first signs appear, it is worth examining: if its cause is vascular diseases of the brain, for example atherosclerosis, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment. B vitamins, in particular B6 and folic acid, and Ginkgo biloba extract or capsules will help stop the development of senile insanity.

    The consulting division of PwC, Strategy&, released a report on the personnel situation among senior executives of companies. Experts found that in 2018, the proportion of managers removed from their posts for violating moral and ethical standards increased significantly - by 50%, compared to an increase of 26% a year earlier.

    The report by Strategy&, PwC's strategic consulting arm, focuses on the turnover and succession of senior executives in companies (CEO Success Study). Experts note that at the end of 2018, staff turnover among heads of companies around the world reached a record level of 17.5%. At the same time, there remains a group of managers who maintain stable positions in their companies. As part of the study, an analysis was carried out of the change in leadership of the 2,500 largest public companies in the world over the past 19 years. According to the results, 19% of respondents remained in their position for 10 years or more, although the average length of a manager's tenure is five years.

    In 2018, executive turnover increased markedly in all regions except China.

    Turnover was highest in countries classified as “other advanced economies” (such as Australia, Chile and Poland), at 21.9%, almost the same as Brazil, Russia and India (21 .6%).

    Slightly lower rates were found in Western Europe (19.8%), and the lowest turnover rate remains in North America (14.7%). When analyzed by industry, experts found that the highest turnover of executive personnel in 2018 was characteristic of telecommunications companies (24.5%), followed by the materials (22.3%) and fuel and energy sectors (19.7%).

    The lowest turnover of management personnel in 2018 was observed in the healthcare sector (11.6%). The report states that “despite the emergence of new disruptive technologies, intense competition and investor activity, the average tenure of this group of senior executives is 14 years, they are more effective, and they are less likely to be forced to retire than among managers with less experience.”

    When it comes to regional differences, the researchers point to a higher likelihood of long-term executives in North America (30%), slightly less in Western Europe (19%), followed by Japan, Brazil, Russia and India (9% each), and in China The position of top management is one of the most unstable (7%).

    In 2018 for the first time throughout the history of this study number of executives fired due to ethical violations, it turned out to be more (39% share of all layoffs) than due to dissatisfaction with financial performance or disagreements in the board of directors - the most common reasons in the past. The number of top managers fired for unethical behavior in 2018 increased by 50%, a year earlier the increase in the number of such dismissals was 26%.

    Another trend was a decrease in the share of women among new managers in 2018 to 4.9%.

    In 2017, there were 6% of new female managers. However, the report clarifies that compared to the lowest level of 1% in 2008, the upward trend continues. Irina Gaida, partner at Strategy& in Russia, believes that “only coordinated efforts of business, academia, government and public organizations will allow the full potential of women and men to be realized in business and in leadership positions.”

    Unlike 2017, when the share of women among new CEOs jumped sharply to 9.3% in the US and Canada, in 2018 the highest percentage was in the group of countries Brazil, Russia and India (8.8%). , China and other developing countries. The largest number of female executives appeared in the utilities, trade and other service sectors (9.5%), followed by the communications services and financial services sectors (7.5% and 7.4%, respectively).