Grilled sea bass. Grilled red sea bass. The simplest recipe ever

Sea bass is not only very healthy, but also tasty. If you don’t know how to cook it correctly, this article is definitely for you. In it, we will share eight of the best cooking recipes - from frying pan to grill. By preparing one of these dishes for your family members, you are sure to receive a lot of rave reviews from them. In addition, from this material you will learn about the benefits of sea bass and what you should pay attention to when purchasing it. We will not forget about the contraindications to eating this fish.

About the benefits of fish

Sea bass contains many beneficial substances. They promote proper metabolic processes in the body, normalize cholesterol in the blood, and prevent diseases of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. Taurine, which is found in fish, has a good effect on the growth of cells and tissues, is involved in metabolic processes, and vitamin B12 promotes DNA synthesis.

Perch also contains an antioxidant called myelin, which is involved in fat metabolism. In acute and chronic hypoxia, it increases oxygen consumption by cells. This fish will be extremely useful for those who suffer from atherosclerosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system and pancreas, as well as hypertension and diabetics. It is necessary for healthy skin and mucous membranes.

Important! The diet of children, pregnant women and the elderly should certainly include sea bass dishes. Of course, if they have no contraindications.

Smart product selection

Now we will teach you how to choose good and fresh sea bass:

  • Buy fish only with the head! Otherwise, you risk buying its cheaper brother, hake, under the guise of sea bass.
  • Avoid fish with cloudy eyes or soft flesh.
  • Remember that the carcass and gills should be brightly colored.
  • Already when cutting, please note that after separating the scales, the skin should have a characteristic white color.
And of course, don’t forget about the smell, because it is what always gives away stale products.

Fried sea bass

Well, let's get straight to the recipes. Let's start with fried fish.

Required Ingredients

  • Sea bass without heads - 1.8 kg
  • - 0.5 pcs.
  • , ground black pepper - to taste
  • Flour - for frying.

Step by step recipe

First, we remove the plumage from the carcasses. Be careful not to get hurt by the thorns! Remove scales from the fish. Cut the fish into portions, remove the entrails and film and wash the pieces. When cutting, try not to rip the belly! Make several deep cuts (down to the bone) on each piece.
Place the fish in a container and squeeze half a lemon into it. Add salt and pepper. Mix everything well and set aside while you prepare everything else. Pour oil into a frying pan and heat it well.
Dip the fish pieces in flour, frying them on each side for 5 minutes (until golden brown). It is advisable that at least half of this time the frying pan is covered with a lid, then the fish will heat up more evenly and deeply.

Sea bass in the oven

Now let's find out how to cook this fish in the oven.

Product List

  • Red sea bass - 4 pcs. (approximately 350 g each)
  • Lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • - 3 cloves
  • - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Provençal herbs - 2 tsp.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Fresh dill - 1 bunch

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Cut off the heads of the fish, clean the carcasses. Prepare the marinade: combine lemon juice, squeezed garlic, olive oil, Provençal herbs, and salt. Mix everything well.
Place the fish in a deep saucepan or bowl and pour the marinade over it. Let it sit for half an hour. Place the carcasses on foil (each on a separate sheet) and wrap the fish in envelopes.
Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Send the envelopes there for 30 minutes.

With sour cream and mustard sauce

This fish is also cooked in an unusual and tasty sauce - sour cream and mustard. Don't forget that you'll need foil here too!

Required Ingredients

  • Sea bass - 4 pcs.
  • Thyme, salt, pepper, lemon juice - to taste
  • For the sauce:
  • - 5 tbsp. l.
  • - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice - a few drops
  • Dill, salt - to taste

Step by step recipe

Salt and pepper each carcass on both sides and add thyme. Wrap in foil. Place the fish in the oven for half an hour, preheating the oven to 180 degrees.
While the fish is baking, make the sauce. Place sour cream in a container, add mustard, dill (finely chopped in advance), lemon juice and a little salt. Mix everything.
When the fish is ready, take it out, unwrap the foil, and sprinkle the pieces with lemon. Serve along with the sauce.

Did you know? In our restaurants, sea bass is often found under the name “sea bass”. This is a general name for many perciform fish. By the way, in Latin this fish is called “sebastes”.

In wine sauce

Gourmets love to cook sea bass in wine sauce. Try it too, because the dish turns out simply divine!

Product List

  • Sea bass - 6 pcs.
  • Leeks - 3 pcs.
  • Salt, black and white ground pepper - to taste
  • Butter - for frying

For the sauce:

  • - 300 ml
  • - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Balsamic vinegar - 3 tsp.
  • , - a pinch of each
  • Ground black pepper - to taste

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Cut off the heads of the fish, remove the scales, remove the entrails and rinse the carcasses in cold water. Make a mesh on both sides of each fish, that is, several crosswise cuts. Salt and pepper the carcasses (all on both sides). Place in the oven for 20 minutes.
Prepare the sauce: pour wine into a saucepan, add sugar, a little cinnamon, cloves, and ground black pepper. Put it on the fire. Meanwhile, cut the leek into rings. Fry it in butter.
3 minutes before turning off the sauce, add balsamic vinegar. Place the finished carcasses on leek beds. Pour the sauce over them and you can serve.

Grilled sea bass

If you have the opportunity to grill this saltwater fish, great! After all, it turns out to be an incredibly tasty and healthy dish.

Required Ingredients

  • Red sea bass - 2 pcs.
  • Lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Olive oil
  • Salt, pepper mixture, oregano - to taste

Step by step recipe

Pour a little salt, a mixture of pepper and oregano into the mortar. There is also peeled and chopped garlic. Grind everything thoroughly. Add a little olive oil to the resulting mixture and squeeze in lemon juice. Cut off the heads of the fish carcasses, remove the scales, cut off the spines, and remove the entrails. Rinse the perch.
You can make cuts on both sides of the carcasses, but then a white liquid will be released from them during the cooking process; not everyone likes this. So do at your own discretion.
Pour the marinade over the fish, rub it into the carcasses (don’t forget to add a little inside). Place the perch on the grill and bake for about 30-40 minutes. Perhaps longer. You need to watch how it bakes.

Sea bass in the oven with potatoes, onions, champignons

This recipe will definitely appeal to those who don’t know what to serve as a side dish for this fish. Here, by the way, you will also need foil.

Product List

  • Sea bass - 2 pcs.
  • - 3 pcs. (large)
  • - 2 pcs. (large)
  • Onion - 2 pcs. (large)
  • Champignons - 6 pcs.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • - 1 bunch
  • Salt, pepper, seasoning, thyme, basil - to taste
  • Vegetable oil

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Clean the carcasses (without heads and entrails) with a grater. Rinse under running water. Trim the fins and tail. Salt the fish on each side and season. Pour in the juice of half a lemon. Cut the potatoes into slices and place them in a glass baking container. Season with salt and pepper on top.
Place onion slices and carrots cut into rings on top. Drizzle a little with vegetable oil. Marinate the champignons in spices (thyme, basil, rosemary) and vegetable oil.
Meanwhile, place the perch in a glass container (on top of the vegetables). Place mushrooms next to them. Pour a little vegetable oil onto the fish. Place a slice of lemon on each carcass.
Cover the pan with foil. And put it in the oven for 40 minutes. Remove the pan, remove the foil and return it to the oven for 20 minutes. That's it, the fish is ready!

Stuffed with mushrooms and cheese

This sea fish can also be stuffed. It turns out to be finger licking good!

Required Ingredients

  • Sea bass (without head) - 2 pcs.
  • Oyster mushrooms - 100 g
  • Hard cheese - 60 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, pepper mixture - 0.5 tsp each.
  • Water - half a glass

Step by step recipe

Clean the fish, cut off the fins and tails, remove the insides, and wash it. Finely chop the onion and place it in a bowl. Cut the oyster mushrooms into small cubes and add them to the onion. Add two tablespoons of sour cream, lightly salt (0.5 spoon should be distributed over both the filling and the fish itself), and pepper. Mix everything well.
Each fish needs a separate piece of foil. Place the carcass on foil and stuff its belly. Brush the top with sour cream (on each side). Lightly salt and sprinkle with a mixture of peppers. Wrap the fish in foil in an envelope. Place it on a baking sheet and pour half a glass of water there so that the baking sheet does not burn.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, send the fish there for half an hour. Meanwhile, grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Take out the baking sheet, open the foil, sprinkle the fish on top with cheese. Without wrapping it back, return the pan to the oven for just 5 minutes. Place the finished fish on plates and serve.

  • Greens (chard leaves, basil), sun-dried cherry tomatoes - for decoration.
  • Step-by-step recipe with photos

    Start with the marinade. Peel the carrots, celery, onions and chop them. Pour olive oil into a saucepan. First, fry the onion a little in it, adding garlic, chopped thyme and rosemary. Add carrots and celery, then raisins and dried apricots. Add salt, pepper and simmer for another 5 minutes. Salt and pepper the perch fillet and fry in olive oil on both sides (until half cooked).
    Place the fillet in a saucepan and cover it with vegetables. Place the container on the stove and cook until done - about 5-7 minutes. To achieve full flavor, let the perch steep for at least three hours. Place it on a plate and garnish with herbs. You can add sun-dried cherry tomatoes.

    Who will have to give up meals?

    Unfortunately, such healthy fish also have their own contraindications. But there are not many of them: it is better not to eat sea bass dishes if you suffer from idiosyncrasy.

    Important! Be extremely careful when cutting up sea bass carcasses! Its fins have poisonous spines; injury from them can lead to partial paralysis!

    As you can see, sea bass is an extremely healthy fish. And how many different goodies can be prepared from it! Therefore, after reading our article, do not waste your time, but hurry to the store. We think your family will be grateful to you for such a dinner. And not only tasty, but also rich in healthy vitamins and minerals.

    The fishing trick says: have you had too much alcohol? Eat fatty fish. The hangover won't last long! Nutritionists explain this fact by the presence in sea bass of many unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins E and D. The complex of benefits combats the full severity of the post-holiday morning.

    To grill sea bass you will need:

    • Perch (medium size) - 2 fish.
    • Sea salt - to taste.
    • Honey - 1 tbsp.

    For the sauce:

    • Wine vinegar - 2 tbsp.
    • Mustard (preferably Dijon, delicate) - 1 tbsp.
    • Vegetable oil (preferably olive oil) - 100ml.
    • Honey – 1 tsp.

    It is better to cook fish with its scales on. No need to bother with cleaning. Moreover, it is very easy to remove after baking.

    Here's how to prepare grilled sea bass with honey:

    Clean the insides of the perches and rub them with a mixture of salt, pepper and honey. Just don't overdo it with sweetness. Honey should add some piquancy. Place parsley in the bellies. You can get creative with other herbs: dill, cilantro. Leave to marinate for 30 minutes. During this time, the aroma of herbs will mix with honey and permeate the fish from the inside.

    Place the fish on the grill and, depending on the heat, bake over the coals. If you have an oven with a grill, adjust the height of the grill. Usually, 10-15 minutes of baking each side is enough.

    Norwegian sauce for sea bass

    Combine and vigorously whisk olive oil with wine vinegar, honey and mustard. But there is one subtlety here. It is better to use French vinegar in the recipe. The peculiarity of this seasoning is the aroma of tarragon. Nothing could be easier! Add some tarragon sprigs to the wine vinegar.

    Delicious ideas

    No Dijon mustard - no problem, you can make other sauces. For example, French Gourmet mustard sauce also has a delicate taste. The idea of ​​marinating fish from the inside with spices and herbs is not new. See how the famous Hemingway cooked trout with bacon over the fire.

    Fish cooked over coals is not inferior to meat in taste. A great option for grilling is sea bass. Its tasty, tender pulp has an optimal fat content (from 3.5 to 6%) and goes well with vegetables, rice, herbs, and seasonings. How to cook sea bass on the grill? This can be done at home, but best of all - at the dacha on the grill. Perch is fried whole, in steaks, fillet slices, on skewers or skewers, in foil.

    To ensure a rich taste, first, but this is not necessary. The simplest marinade for grilled sea bass is olive oil. A more sophisticated dish will require aromatic seasonings.

    On skewers

    For such a dish you need large fish so that the pieces are large enough to thread on skewers.

    Divide the perch loin into portions and marinate. Universal marinade - vegetable oil, lemon juice, onion rings. Keep the fish in the sauce for half an hour, then thread it onto skewers and bake over the coals.

    Whole grilled

    How to cook delicious grilled sea bass? You can bake it on a wire rack and serve it with grilled vegetables. To add flavor to the fish, it is recommended to make a marinade of spices. There is no exact recipe, everything is done by eye.

    You will need:

    • a couple of perch carcasses;
    • one lemon;
    • vegetable oil;
    • a bunch of dill;
    • green onion feathers;
    • ground red pepper, cumin, turmeric, coriander, fennel, salt - a pinch.

    For the sauce:

    • natural unsweetened yogurt without dyes and fruits;
    • sour cream;
    • garlic;
    • greens: onion, parsley, dill, basil.

    From vegetables:

    • eggplant;
    • zucchini;
    • sweet pepper;
    • tomatoes;
    • onions.

    1. Clean the fish and make transverse cuts on the carcasses.
    2. Mix all the spices with vegetable oil, add chopped green onions and parsley, squeeze out lemon juice.
    3. Dip the perch in the marinade, place it in the belly and cuts, and leave to soak for an hour.
    4. Cut the vegetables into circles, place them on the grill, brush with marinade and bake for about 7 minutes.
    5. When the perch is marinated, place it between the doors of the double grill and send it to the grill to fry until a brown crust appears.
    6. For the sauce, mix yogurt, sour cream, chopped garlic and herbs.

    Serve grilled sea bass with grilled vegetables and white sauce.

    In foil with vegetables

    • two small zucchini;
    • one sweet pepper;
    • ground hot pepper - on the tip of a knife;
    • parmesan (grated) - a quarter cup;
    • salt - to taste.
    1. Cut the pepper into half rings, cut the zucchini into half-centimeter thick circles.
    2. Prepare a piece of foil for each fillet.
    3. Rub the fish with salt and pepper, place on foil, sprinkle with cheese, top with zucchini rings and half rings of pepper and wrap properly in foil.
    4. Place on the grill and bake until done.

    Steaks with savoy cabbage

    How to cook sea bass tasty and original? For example, you can wrap steaks in cabbage leaves.

    You will need:

    • several sea bass steaks;
    • olive oil;
    • Savoy cabbage (forks);
    • a few basil leaves;
    • garlic;
    • pepper;
    • salt.
    1. Separate the cabbage leaves from the head, scald them with boiling water, then place them under cold water in a colander.
    2. Finely chop the garlic and basil leaves with a knife.
    3. Combine garlic, basil, salt, pepper, olive oil and mix.
    4. Grease the steaks with the prepared mixture, place each on a separate cabbage leaf, cover with another leaf, tuck and tie with twine.
    5. Grill on both sides until done.

    Grilled sea bass fillet with spices

    Spices and herbs for marinade and vegetables for garnish should be chosen to your taste. To do this, it is recommended to cook, taste and compare more often.

    You will need:

    • fish - 4 pcs. fillet;
    • dried garlic - teaspoon;
    • medium ground salt - teaspoon;
    • olive oil - a tablespoon;
    • paprika - two teaspoons;
    • ground red pepper - ½ teaspoon;
    • dried basil, oregano and thyme - to taste;
    • any vegetables as a side dish.

    1. Make a mixture of all the spices and herbs.
    2. Coat the fish fillet with olive oil and roll in the seasoning mixture.
    3. Place the fillets in a bowl, cover and refrigerate for an hour.
    4. Grease the grill with any vegetable oil, place the fish on it, fry on both sides for 7-8 minutes.

    Serve any vegetables with grilled sea bass.

    Sea bass is always on sale on the shelves of fish stores. There is no need to bypass it. You can prepare very tasty dishes from it. For example, a sea bass recipe on the grill will reveal the taste of this ruffly fish. You will learn how sea bass on coals loses the smell of the sea under the influence of the native smell of a fire. About the secrets of preparing a real fire, with excellent and “tasty” coals - a separate topic about this below.

    The perch lies in oil before the grill

    When choosing sea bass, focus on medium-sized fish, so that it fits onto the grill grate. You can choose a large perch, but then it will need to be cut into portions, and cooking the dish will take a little longer. Therefore, for now we are choosing a medium-sized perch to place on the grill.

    What is required after purchasing a perch? You can clean fish at home or on site - in nature, where your grill is located. Still, it’s more convenient to do this at home, especially if your barbecue is twenty or thirty minutes away. This time is enough for the perch to soak in vegetable oil (sesame or olive, or, alternatively, sunflower).

    First, clean the fish of scales, fins, tail and head. Rinse it, then salt it, rub it with pepper and other spices you like, put it in a pan, and pour in oil. While the fish lies in oil, it is saturated with additional fat, saturated with spices and then gives excellent juice and taste.

    Therefore, sea bass on a fire reaches readiness after a short marinade in a quarter of an hour, maximum in 20 minutes.

    Pieces of sea bass on a skewer

    Experience shows that grilled sea bass cooked on a grill is not much different from another outdoor dish - sea bass kebab.

    Pre-treatment of fish and preparation for frying is the same. The only difference is the size of the fish. Shish kebab is usually prepared from large perch, when the fish can be divided into portions from the fillet part. Such portioned pieces of fish can be strung on a skewer. In this case, season the marinated perch with lemon juice, string pieces of fillet meat onto a skewer, generously laying them with large onion rings and plump tomato slices.

    Camping fish dishes

    Sea bass's cousin is river perch. It is prepared in nature using almost the same method. The only difference is that river perch has enough of its own fat to give good juice and taste. Therefore, you can not use additional fats and do without preliminary marinade in oil. You will need salt and spices, which you use to process the perch carcass, and place the fish on the grill, and then send it to the coals of the fire.

    Therefore, river perch cooks faster on the grill than its sea counterpart. It takes almost ten minutes less time until this camp dish is fully prepared, that is, 10-15 minutes and you can eat fish.

    It is impossible not to mention the most common option for cooking perch on the banks of a river, lake or pond. This is a perch on a fire, which fishermen use in the fishing process. Immediately after the morning bite, the first perches go for the most long-awaited and appetizing breakfast.

    After cleaning and gutting, the perch is immediately salted, peppered, strung on a thin skewer and placed on the hot coals of the fire. Fishermen think it is very tasty.

    Another option is to wrap the cleaned perch, after treating it with salt and spices, in a large burdock leaf and place it on the coals of the fire. Experts believe that this is a very successful way of cooking. The perch turns out almost steamy, and the burdock juice has nutritious and piquant tastes and aromas that saturate the fish carcass.

    What are good coals for a fire?

    In order for sea bass on coals or river perch on a grill to turn out “yat”, not only well-prepared fish is required. You also need a good fire, or rather, excellent coals. This problem can be solved by purchasing charcoal at the store. This is a fairly simple and affordable way for everyone to purchase fuel for a fire. But in order for your picnic to be a success and your food to be closer to nature, find real firewood.

    Place the sea bass fillets into the boiling liquid. Place the perch fillets on the grill and grill, uncovered, for about 3-4 minutes on each side. Grilled sea bass according to this recipe is easy to prepare.

    Now coat the fish thoroughly on both sides and inside with mayonnaise. The fish is placed inside such grates and is well preserved during cooking on the grill. We've found that inexpensive freshwater or saltwater fish with a neutral flavor that aren't as good when cooked differently are particularly good for grilling.

    In fact, you can also use river perch, but smarida or other sea perch have more tender meat and a more subtle aroma. In this story I want to tell you about my BBQ perch recipe.

    I usually don't fuss too much with the recipe for perch - sprinkle with salt, pepper and into the pan. There are a lot of recipes on the Internet in which fish is coated with melted butter. You can easily turn the fish over in the grill and don’t worry about anything. Perch has very tasty meat - it is a predatory fish. Previously, after cutting the chicken, chicken breast was lying in my freezer for a rainy day. Now I offer you a recipe that has completely changed my attitude towards this part of the chicken.

    Grilling is an excellent cooking method for sea bass. What they caught was what they ate. That's what Norwegian fishermen say. The dish, grilled sea bass with honey, was shared with us by tourists and fans of fishing tours, which are so popular in Scandinavia. It is better to cook fish with its scales on. No need to bother with cleaning. Place the fish on the grill and, depending on the heat, bake over the coals.

    1. Brush the perch fillet on all sides with olive oil. Make cuts on the marinated fish and brush with olive oil. Place the perches on a preheated grill pan with olive oil. Grilled over coals, any fish acquires an appetizing golden crust. There are many ways to cook it on the grill: using skewers, on the grill whole, in steaks or as fillets with the skin on. You can also bake the fish in foil with aromatic spices.

    Sea bass is a light fish with a high oil and moisture content and belongs to the perciformes family. Preheat the grill to medium heat and coat it with oil or nonstick cooking spray to prevent the fish from sticking. Dredge the sea bass in flour and place it in the egg. Dip fish in cornmeal to coat both sides.

    Sea Bass occupies one of the first places in terms of taste quality; in addition, it is very healthy, it serves as a good source of proteins, contains a lot of vitamin B12, and is an antioxidant. Sea bass is especially good for the thyroid gland. It gained the greatest popularity in Japan, where it is called “spring” fish. So, let's move on to cooking. Let's prepare the fish. To do this, you need to defrost it, wash it, and gut it.

    After this time, the fish can be baked. Bake for about 40 minutes, turning the grill periodically to ensure that the fish does not burn. Any medium or large sized fish is suitable for grilling.

    Grilled sea bass

    Smoking during barbecuing gives this fish a bright and rich taste. The best fish on the grill are rainbow and brown (lake) trout, as well as sea crucian carp. Of course, this is up to you to decide. In our opinion, fresh products are tasty on their own and do not need to be pickled. I put lemon slices and fennel inside the fish.

    Place the fish on the grill (barbecue grill), where it will be cooked with heat from the coals (but not direct flame) and smoked with smoke from wood chips. Keep the BBQ grill lid closed. Cook medium-sized fish without turning it to prevent it from breaking.

    Well, on the grill - this is in the summer at the dacha. And in winter, then bake in the oven. And another important point is not to forget about the quality of the fish itself. And hormones and antibiotics that are not visible to the eye can be harmful. If the fish was raised according to all the rules and slaughtered on time, then it is not dangerous and of good quality.

    Grilled sea bass with grapefruit marinade

    The latter is much drier and rougher, because it gets there during the period of life after spawning, exhausted and emaciated. Pour dry white wine over the fish, squeeze half a lemon and place in the refrigerator. After the fish has marinated, take it out of the refrigerator. And this activity, I tell you, is not a pleasant one.

    One big problem with river fish is the smell of river mud. Paprika and parsley help reduce this smell, and the ideal way to get rid of this smell is to soak the fish in milk for about an hour. There was no time for this - I decided to just put a little butter inside the fish for a test - I think it will melt on the fire itself.

    So, sprinkle chopped garlic all over the fish and add a little inside. Lightly sprinkle with oregano and stuff the cavity of the fish thoroughly with parsley. They say you can use dill, but I liked it so much with parsley that I just can’t bring myself to try it with dill.

    Serve sea bass fillet with vegetables and chili pepper (optional). Today we will prepare a very tasty dish that fish lovers will especially appreciate. Grilled sea bass - a unique step-by-step recipe with photos that can bring real delight! Prepare the sea bass fillets either by marinating for 1-2 hours before cooking or by rubbing the fish with your favorite seasonings.