It is possible or not to wet manta rays and what will happen if you wet them. Why is mantu vaccinated, how many days should you not get it wet, possible reactions and side effects

Most of us in childhood had to undergo a not very pleasant, but necessary procedure called mantu. After the vaccination itself, everyone is warned that it is forbidden to wet the manta ray for 3 days, but they do not explain why. It's time to figure out what a mantu test is, whether it is possible to wet a mantu, and how the ingress of water affects the injection site.

What is Mantoux

The Mantoux test is a special research method that determines the reaction of the child’s body to the introduction of the antigen of the causative agent of tuberculosis. Also, this vaccination can be used as a test to confirm the presence of this infectious disease, or as a final analysis of the effectiveness of treatment.

It is also called a tuberculin test, since the reaction test is carried out using tuberculin - a special extract from destroyed mycobacteria, which is the causative agent of tuberculosis. This drug was officially introduced by the German doctor Robert Koch, who at one time discovered this pathogen.

At first, tuberculin was applied to damaged skin in a special way, and only after a while the idea of ​​making a subcutaneous injection came up. The principle of the reaction is to observe the consequences of tuberculin administration. In the area of ​​the skin where the needle was inserted, a slight inflammation occurs, which is caused by the accumulation of T-lymphocytes. They are called blood cells, which are responsible for the fight against tuberculosis. The introduced mycobacterial particles attract T-lymphocytes in their own way, but not all of them, but only those that have already interacted with the tuberculosis bacillus.

After 72 hours or on the third day (that is, after as long as you can’t wet the manta), the size of the inflammation on the hand is measured with a ruler.

A button with a diameter of 4 millimeters or less means that until now the body has not interacted with the tuberculosis virus in any way.

This reaction is called negative. If after 72 hours the mantu takes a size from 4 to 16 millimeters, there is abnormal immune protection against tuberculosis. A larger size on the third day, as well as the appearance of pustules, indicate that there are a large number of tuberculosis bacteria in the body, and most likely the person is infected.

In order for the study to proceed correctly and show the correct results, the child needs to follow some rules for handling the mantu, namely, do not comb or wet your hand during the 3rd period. Why? Let's figure it out.

Water influence

In fact, there is no answer to the question of why manta rays should not be wetted, because this is a pure myth and a hopeless relic of the past. The thing is that until the 70s of the twentieth century, tuberculosis was diagnosed differently than it is now. Instead of injecting it under the skin from the outside, a reagent was applied to an area of ​​the arm, after which the area of ​​application was scratched to allow it to penetrate inside.

Naturally, the result of such a procedure could not be influenced by anything, especially water, since if a child suddenly wetted such an inoculation, the substance would simply be washed off. And doctors warned young patients not to wet the damaged area under any circumstances. Today, the method of vaccination has been significantly improved and subcutaneous administration is practiced in every school. However, the ancient tradition of not getting manta rays wet is still alive among doctors, although tuberculin cannot be washed off in any way, since it is located under the skin.

On the other hand, this request is not without meaning, because the circumstances can be very different.

If the baby simply wets the limb on which Mantoux was performed, this will not affect the quality of the study in any way. But if a child finds himself in a steamy and humid room, such as a sauna or bathhouse, under the influence of high temperature the blood circulation will accelerate enormously and then the most unexpected reaction may occur. That is why on vaccination days it is better to limit your stay in places like a swimming pool or sauna, because manta rays cannot be wetted in such a long-term intensive manner.

Each skin has a unique structure. Some people have extremely sensitive skin, and if you rub the injection site with a washcloth while washing, the body may then develop allergies and irritation, which is completely undesirable for us

It is strictly not recommended to cover the vaccine with a band-aid, since sweat and fat will certainly accumulate under it, which will distort the result of the study. In order not to explain all these subtle nuances to small children, after the procedure the smart doctor simply advises making sure that the manta ray is not wetted for 3 days. In this way, you can protect your child from several negative factors at once.

As you can see, there is no particular danger in letting a small amount of moisture get on the manta ray. Another thing is scratching, rubbing, or, worst of all, squeezing out the substance by children. To prevent this from happening, make sure that the child cannot harm the area of ​​skin where the vaccination was carried out.

Video “Whether to wet the Mantoux sample”

After watching the video, you will find out whether it is possible to wet a button after the Mantoux test.

One of the most important vaccinations in the modern world is vaccination against tuberculosis. But to carry it out, children are first given a test for tuberculosis, which is called mantu. This seemingly harmless vaccination is not always clearly perceived by parents. Moreover, not all doctors explain what to do after it. The most important question for mothers is the question of how many days a manta ray should not be wetted and why.

It’s worth saying right away that mantu is not a vaccine, in the usual sense of the term. This is simply a test with which the doctor can determine whether there are pathogens of tuberculosis in the baby’s body.

To swim with a manta ray or not – myth or reality

One can argue for quite a long time about how long one should not wet manta rays. Some doctors allow the baby to be bathed on the day of the test, but prohibit rubbing the injection site with a washcloth. Other doctors recommend refraining from water procedures for a period of 24 to 96 hours after the test. This point of view is supported by the majority of experts, relying not so much on the results of Mantoux, but on the fact that any vaccination, even diagnostic, is stressful for the baby. His body is currently forced to work in an intense mode, trying to cope with the introduced “guests,” and it is difficult to predict how the body will behave in combination with bathing.

In addition, doctors say that it is impossible to wet manta rays because a number of undesirable substances that are contained in tap water can get into an open wound when swimming. Therefore, you can blur the real picture of the diagnostic study, which can cause a number of negative consequences - over-vaccination, visiting a TB clinic, etc.

But is this really so? As was said just above, mantu is not a vaccination, but only a tuberculin test. It is not intended to protect the baby from this or that disease, but serves only to assess the current health of the baby. The main purpose of mantoux is the ability to make an accurate diagnosis of the presence or absence of tuberculosis pathogens in the body. The test is done intradermally, and the drug is not administered according to the same algorithm as other vaccinations. Therefore, in order for water to get to the same place where the mantoux sample was injected, it will need to be poured in using a syringe. The liquid simply cannot get inside the skin in any other way. Well, you wouldn’t give your child water, would you? Therefore, the belief that it is prohibited to wet manta rays can be safely called a myth.

History of the myth

We all know that certain prejudices do not arise out of nowhere. The situation is exactly the same with mantu. The myth that manta rays are afraid of water comes from history. Back in the late 60s, a test for tuberculosis was administered not intradermally, but cutaneously. At that time, the Koch test and the Pirquet test were practiced. This diagnostic procedure was as follows:

  1. A solution of the drug was dripped onto the baby's skin.
  2. Scratches (small cuts) were made directly into the solution.
  3. Then they looked at the results.

This form of diagnosis naturally assumed the absence of irritating factors at the test site. In addition to the fact that any pathogenic organisms could get into such scratches along with water, water could simply wash the drug out of the scratches. To avoid such situations and fully carry out diagnostics, parents were strictly forbidden to wet the vaccination site during the first day, and they did not even have a question about why they should not wet the manta ray.

But the modern world does not stand still. Today we have almost forgotten that previously diagnostics were carried out using a completely different method. But everyone still continues to remember what was banned at that time. And not all doctors want to take responsibility and make fundamental changes to already established prejudices. Therefore, we can safely say that decades of stereotypes were not in vain.

What you can and can't really do

If you are one of those parents who prefer to be “overweight” rather than “underweight,” then it is better for you not to even delve into the question of whether bathing can affect the child’s mantoux reaction. The ideal option for you would be to avoid swimming for the recommended period. Yes, just in case. But even if you decide not to bathe your baby after vaccination, you should know how and how much to protect your hand and what is strictly prohibited.

  1. Do not tape a child's hand at the injection site.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to rub the sample site. If you comb a child's hand, you can blur the diagnostic picture.
  3. If a strong reaction begins on the child’s hand (“the button” turns red and swollen), do not try to help the child at home. Only a doctor should make a final conclusion and prescribe the appropriate examination.
  4. Do not smear your hand with brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Do not apply warming ointments to the injection site.
  6. Avoid applying creams to your baby's skin for at least a day.
  7. Don't take your child to the bathhouse.

The question of how long you need to protect a child’s hand from physical influences can be figured out quite simply. Just remember what the doctor said - the reaction to manta rays occurs after 48-72 hours. It is after three days that you can completely forget about all issues related to mantu. And even the most impressionable mothers, who are afraid to touch their child’s hand once again, will be able to bathe the baby, wet their hand, and live a full life without fear.

Possible mantoux reactions

It has been decided how long after mantu you can wash. The only question that remains unclear is what the mantoux reaction should be. You can read about this in detail. One thing we can briefly say is that a tuberculin test, or rather the reaction to it, can show only a small amount of information about how common tuberculosis is in each individual person. And the first mantoux test is often erroneous, since the body encounters foreign “bodies” for the first time. Therefore, there is no need to panic. The most important thing is to listen to doctors’ recommendations and maintain basic hygiene.

Tuberculosis is a common and dangerous infection that requires long-term drug therapy. The Mantoux reaction is a diagnostic test, the purpose of which is to determine whether the child has a tuberculosis bacillus in the body. It is very important to obtain reliable test results, so you need to know whether Mantu can be wetted and how to eliminate all aspects that could distort the test results.

Tuberculin is used to carry out the reaction. This is the name given to the extract from destroyed and therefore safe mycobacterium tuberculosis. They are no longer capable of harming humans, but retain the antigenic identity of the causative agent of a dangerous infection. Therefore, the immune system reacts to this test as if active tuberculosis bacilli had entered the body.

Using a special syringe, tuberculin is injected intradermally into the area of ​​the inner surface of the forearm. This provokes a local allergic reaction that develops within three days. After this time, the doctor should assess the size of the lump and the severity of hyperemia (redness) at the injection site.

What should you be wary of when assessing the results of the administered antigen? If there is no redness or swelling at the injection site or their diameter is less than 0.5 cm, this indicates a lack of immune protection against the tuberculosis bacillus. Most often, this reaction is observed in children who were not treated in the maternity hospital.

The size of the papule is more than 5 mm and the formation of an abscess at the injection site is alarming. It is important to understand that even with a positive tuberculin test result, it is impossible to conclude that a child has tuberculosis. It is necessary to consult a pediatric phthisiatrist and undergo all additional examinations.

Advantages of a test with intradermal injection of tuberculin:

  • ease of implementation;
  • speed of obtaining results;
  • the information content of the test if it is carried out correctly and parents follow medical recommendations.

The disadvantage of the sample is its sensitivity to external and internal factors (exposure to water, health status, etc.) that can distort the results. Therefore, parents are often interested in whether it is possible to wet the injection site.

The influence of water on Mantoux

Tuberculin is injected into the skin, water comes into contact with the surface of the skin. Therefore, their interaction is unlikely, but possible under the influence of a number of factors. It is necessary to prevent the baby from overheating or staying in a stuffy, damp room for a long time. You should not visit the sauna, bathhouse or swimming pool, since under the influence of heat and moisture, the skin pores expand and moisture enters the skin.

It is important to constantly monitor the child to prevent scratching the injection site or trying to squeeze out the resulting “button”. All these circumstances can contribute to the penetration of moisture into the skin layer through enlarged pores or damaged skin epithelium. In this case, a false positive reaction is possible.

Other factors affecting the test result

External factors can cause irritation, damage and secondary infection of the skin. These include:

  1. Mechanical reasons (scratching, rubbing the injection site). It is unacceptable to apply a bandage or seal it with a plaster, as this leads to the impact of accumulated sweat and sebum on the site of tuberculin injection. It is better not to dress your child in woolen items with long sleeves or clothes made of coarse fibers that irritate the skin.
  2. Chemical agents. Lubrication with iodine and other antiseptic solutions, cream, contact with soap, shower gel can cause an allergic skin reaction.

There are a number of internal factors that can distort Mantoux's results. They affect the immunological status: preventive (the test is done before any vaccination or a month after it), exacerbation of chronic skin and infectious-allergic diseases.

Products that are allergens (fish, chocolate, citrus fruits, spices) may have an effect. Fever and poor general health against the background of any acute conditions are also a contraindication to the test.

Why can't you wet Mantu?

Distortion of results due to wetting of the injection site is typical for the Pirquet test. In this case, tuberculin is applied to the skin, then a scratch is made. The water that gets in will dilute the allergen and the results will be unreliable.

This does not happen when Mantoux is administered subcutaneously, but it is still advisable to avoid getting moisture at the injection site. Water contains various chemical impurities, including chlorine, and the presence of pathogens of various diseases cannot be ruled out. These components can enhance the local allergic reaction, distorting the test results.

How many days can you not wet Mantu?

The results of the immunological test are recorded after three days. Before the follow-up medical examination, it is better not to touch the Mantoux test at all; soaping the injection site or using a washcloth is strictly prohibited.

Also during this period you cannot visit the bathhouse and sauna. Humidity and high temperatures can trigger unexpected reactions and affect the results.

What to do if water gets into the tuberculin injection site?

It is advisable to be careful not to wet the injection site, but if this does happen, do not panic. Mantu can be gently blotted with a clean towel; no additional measures are required.

In most cases, accidental contact with water at the site of tuberculin injection has no effect. But if the test is positive, be sure to inform the doctor about the fact that water got into the injection site.

What to do to avoid getting Mantu wet?

Careful parental control of the child’s behavior is required from the moment the test is taken until its results are checked and assistance to the child during hygiene procedures (bathing, hand washing). For older children, the doctor and parents should explain the meaning of the procedure and the danger of moisture getting into the injection site.

The tuberculin test, which is better known by its name, is one of the most famous and mandatory on. Probably everyone remembers how in childhood adults said: “Don’t wet the vaccine!” But not everyone understood how to do this and what would happen if water did get into the injection site. And in general, when can it be wetted?

Features of the sample

There are such tuberculin tests: intradermal - Mantoux, subcutaneous - Koch, cutaneous - Pirquet (applying tuberculin to the skin is used for people prone to reactions).

The test is performed for:

  • identifying patients and those at increased risk;
  • selection of those who are subject to re-vaccination
  • calculating the percentage of infection among the population.
vaccinated every year (after reaching the age of one), regardless of previous results.

Important! A correctly used Mantoux test is invaluable in checking suspected tuberculosis in a child. The main thing is to remember how many days you can’t get the vaccine wet.

How does water affect the button test?

A distorted result when wetting the injection site usually occurs after the Pirquet test. After all, its process is like this: Tuberculin is applied to the skin, then a scratch is made. And water usually dilutes the allergen, which leads to incorrect results.

This is unlikely to happen with subcutaneous vaccination, but it is still better to be careful with water, because it contains all sorts of impurities, for example, chlorine. It is also possible that there are pathogens of some kind of disease that can be infected in this way. All this will only increase the unwanted reaction. Therefore, in order to be less nervous and worried, avoid any exposure to Manta and do not wet it with water (even on day 2!).

By the way, all doctors, in principle, agree on the relative influence of water on Mantoux and how long a child should not wet it.

How long should you avoid contact with water?

A control examination of the test occurs after three days. Before this, it is advisable not to touch the sample at all, much less soap it or use a washcloth. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to wet the Mantoux spot on the first day, which arises for most parents, disappears by itself.

Important! Many people wonder whether a child can visit a swimming pool or steam room at this time. The answer is definitely no, since moisture and elevated temperatures can only contribute to an unexpected reaction. Remember: it is not recommended to wet the Mantoux vaccine!

Factors that may affect Mantoux

In addition to water, there are some other external factors that affect the test performance:

  • It is not allowed to comb, rub the injection site, put a bandage on it, or seal it, as accumulated sweat and sebum will have a negative impact. Do not dress your child in woolen items with long sleeves or clothes that irritate the skin;
  • iodine and other antiseptics, creams, soaps can help.
There are also internal reasons that distort the Mantoux reaction, regardless of how many days the child does not wet the Mantoux vaccination site. We must not forget about them, these are:
  • preventive vaccinations (the test is performed before them or a month later);
  • exacerbation of chronic skin, infectious and allergic diseases.
Allergenic foods can also have an effect: fish, citrus fruits, chocolate, spices.

Did you know? Classic tuberculin was invented back in 1890 by the famous German doctor Robert Koch, after whom the causative agent of tuberculosis, Koch's bacillus, was also named.

How not to get wet

On what day can you wet Manta, we figured it out. Now the question is how to avoid contact with water. Parental supervision and assistance to the child during bathing and hand washing are definitely needed here.

Older children should be explained the meaning of the Mantoux vaccination and why they should not get it wet.

What to do if a lot of water gets on the sample?

If you have forgotten how many days after you can wet the Mantoux test, and water still gets on the graft, carefully blot it with a clean towel. You don't need to do anything else.

Did you know? Tuberculosis is one of the oldest diseases of humanity. According to some sources, it appeared about 70 thousand years ago.

As already mentioned, getting a small amount of water in will not do anything bad. But if the test result is positive, be sure to tell your doctor what happened.

Of course, such a vaccination will not protect against tuberculosis. It is needed for the timely detection of infection, which in our time is easy to contract, but difficult to cure. Therefore, the sooner the diagnosis is made, the better and faster the treatment will be.

Vyacheslav Pales / Photobank Lori

Why do a Mantoux test every year?

The Mantoux test is an intradermal allergen test. That is, the drug (tuberculin) is injected between the layers of the skin, the structure is quite dense. Any medical professional who performs intradermal injections will tell you that you can only inject anything intradermally with significant physical effort.

Tuberculin - these are “fragments” of microbacteria, rods that cause. There is nothing living there, and you can’t get sick from it either. However, we must not forget that this is an allergen that provokes allergies.

Why do the Mantoux test every year (and for children who have not been vaccinated against tuberculosis (BCG) twice a year)? Then, to find out whether the child had contact with a person with tuberculosis or not. If yes, take all measures to prevent the child from getting sick.

It is also done in order to select children at the age of 7 for re-vaccination with BCG (it can only be done for those who have a negative Mantoux test). In tuberculosis children's hospitals, the sample is used to diagnose the disease.

There is no point in this ban

Why is it possible to wet Mantu and even wash it with soap, although even some authors of regulatory documents think otherwise? The test is intradermal. And in order for water to get inside the skin where the test was made and an allergic reaction occurs, it must be injected in the same way with a syringe under pressure. And no one in their right mind does this to their children.

Why do almost all pediatricians and nurses say that it is forbidden to deprive the child of water procedures for three days? Everything is very simple: until approximately the end of the 1960-1970s, instead of the Mantoux test (intradermal), the Pirquet cutaneous test was used. It is still done here and there in tuberculosis dispensaries, when a tuberculin solution is dripped onto the child’s hand and cuts (scratches) are made through this solution. It is this sample that really absolutely cannot be wetted, especially in the first 24 hours while the reaction begins. Otherwise, the allergen is washed out of the scratches and the result can be completely unpredictable.

Even the authors of the instructions for the modern synthetic allergen Diaskintest, which is free from nonspecific reactions and is used for accurate diagnosis of true tuberculosis infection, for some reason wrote in the instructions for the drug that the test should not be wetted. In fact, the technology is the same as the Mantoux test, intradermal, and there is no point in this ban. For approximately the same reasons, the rule “you cannot bathe a child after vaccination” appeared..

They didn’t “drive”, but “sent to be examined”

“So we made this Mantu and drove us to the dispensary.” Sometimes this is necessary. The main thing is to understand why this is being done. Then the word “drove” is replaced by the word “sent to be examined.”

Sometimes, with a sharp increase in the Mantoux test (more than 6 mm per year), the transition of a negative test (only an injection mark or redness) to a positive one, and the presence of bubbles at the test site, a reasonable suspicion arises of recent tuberculosis infection. And since the risk of the disease in a child is highest in the first two years after this event, it is possible to be examined and treated.

All such additional studies are prescribed by a TB doctor. Sometimes he is for children, sometimes (in small towns) he conducts both children’s and adult receptions at once.