Can pregnant women use oxolinic ointment? Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy: a panacea for sores or a “dummy.” Is Oksolin allowed for expectant mothers, including in the early stages?

- This is an inexpensive and popular means for the prevention of influenza and ARVI. The composition contains the main component oxolin. The question arises whether a pregnant woman can use oxolinic ointment and how to use it.

Oxolin is the main component of the medication. It is characterized by virucidal effectiveness and is effective:

  • for skin and eye diseases of a viral nature;
  • with a viral runny nose;
  • with the flu;
  • with chickenpox;
  • for rashes caused by adenoviruses and herpes.

After oxolinka gets into the painful area, the virus is blocked. The drug renders him inactive. This principle of influence allows the use of oxolinka for preventive purposes. By anointing the nasal mucosa with the medicine, the transfer of the virus up the respiratory tract is prevented. The product creates a barrier that protects the pregnant woman from seasonal ailments. When applying the drug to the nasal mucosa, up to 20% of the medication is absorbed. In the body of a pregnant woman, the substance does not accumulate and is released through the kidneys within one day.
The advantage of this product is that it is inexpensive compared to other drugs. One tube is enough for the whole season.

Is it possible to use oxolinic ointment during pregnancy?

There are no direct prohibitions on the use of oxolinic ointment during pregnancy. The instructions only indicate hypersensitivity to the active component. In this case, a strong burning sensation may appear at the site where the composition is located. The instructions also state that oxolinic ointment can be applied during pregnancy if the positive effect outweighs the possible danger to the fetus.
There have been no scientific studies testing the effects of using the drug in pregnant women. Therefore, there is some danger when using this drug.
Regardless of this fact, many doctors still recommend that pregnant women use this remedy at all stages of gestation. In favor of using oxolinic ointment during pregnancy is the fact that the risk of infection in a weak organism is quite high. The consequences of the disease can have a bad effect on the fetus. Therefore, applying the medicine during an epidemic is justified.

Instructions for use

The medicine is available with a concentration of the active component of 0.25% and 3%. The first is used to cure and prevent viral diseases. The second remedy is indicated for skin rashes such as:

  • various types of lichen;
  • herpes simplex;
  • warts;
  • molluscum contagiosum.

Pregnant women are only recommended to use the drug nasally. As a preventative measure, it should be smeared into the nostrils when there is a need to visit a crowded place. To do this, you can simply take a cotton swab.
Take the composition in such quantity that there is enough of it to cleanse the nose, but at the same time there is no excess. The optimal dose is a pea of ​​medicine with a diameter of 5 mm. Distribute the composition along the aisle with light movements. When you get home, remove the excess with warm water. The period of continuous prophylactic use of this active substance should not exceed 30 days.

At the time of a viral infection during pregnancy, apply the composition 2-3 times a day. If it occurs, then first the nostrils must be cleaned, and then the composition should be smeared. The duration of therapy is no more than 4 days.
When using the medication in case of herpes, the drug should be applied to clean skin affected by the virus. The previous layer must be removed.
If a pregnant woman needs to stay close to someone with the flu for a long time, other preventive measures will be required.
In addition to oxolinka, the expectant mother must wear a bandage. It is possible to increase your immunity with the help of well-chosen nutrition. It is prohibited to smear the composition after the expiration date. But oxolin is not active against bacteria that cause sore throat or pneumonia.
For most, an important factor when purchasing a medicine is the reviews of those who have already used the medicine. Reviews about the use of oxolinic ointment are very positive. Women consider this remedy to be one of the most effective drugs of this pharmacological group.

Side effects

No complex complications or third-party reactions were identified after using the drug composition. Among the reactions that occur are a burning sensation at the site of application and mild redness. Sometimes more mucus comes out of the nostrils.
Such symptoms disappear soon after the start of treatment with oxolinka. If any other effects not described in the instructions occur, it is necessary to stop applying oxolinka.
It is important to know that, like other drugs, oxolinka can cause an allergic reaction. The use of the product is prohibited for patients who are intolerant to any components in the product.


If oxolinka is not suitable, then the pregnant woman can use any other analogue. The same therapeutic effect is characterized by:

  • Tetraxoline;
  • Oxonaphthylene.

The main substance in their composition is also oxolin. For allergies, these drugs will not be an adequate analogue.
There are other means that have a similar effect. The difference is in the composition. It is possible to replace the medication with Viferon. This medication is produced in the form of:

  • ointments;
  • drops;
  • gel;
  • suppositories.

Oxolinic ointment, like all its analogues, helps both the baby and the mother stay healthy during pregnancy. Usually these drugs are harmless, but the risk of complications cannot be ruled out.
The use of oxolinka during pregnancy is possible, but only under the supervision of the attending physician. Otherwise, you can harm your health. Under no circumstances should you adjust the dosage yourself. If any third-party reactions occur, you should immediately consult a doctor and stop taking the medication.

Colds during pregnancy overtake expectant mothers, both during cold and hot periods. This is due to a weakened body and immune system. Most tablets and syrups are contraindicated while pregnant, so women fight colds with antiviral ointments. The trend in recent years has been the use of Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy; this drug is used both in the treatment of acute respiratory infections and for preventive purposes.

Action and use of Oksolin

Oxolinic ointment is an antiviral drug for local use. The ointment effectively reduces the activity of viruses and prevents their spread at the cellular level. Oxolin is a potent synthetic substance, and over the decades of its existence, viruses have not developed resistance to it.

The spectrum of action of the drug mainly extends to:

  • herpes;
  • chickenpox;
  • ARVI;
  • adenovirus;

The action of Oksolin is based on direct penetration into the biological material in which viruses are located, preventing their reproduction. As a result, the viral particles die and the person recovers. A distinctive feature of the ointment is its ability to prevent the penetration of pathogenic material into cells and block all movement.

Oxolin partially enters the circulatory system and is excreted by the kidneys within 24 hours.

Important! When using the drug externally, no more than 6% of oxolinic ointment enters the bloodstream, while when applied to the mucous membrane, absorption will increase to 20% of the substance.

Oxolinic ointment comes in two types: for nasal and external use, they differ in the concentration of the active substance, Oxolin. The difference in concentration suggests the use of the drug for different symptoms and viruses. For example, a 3% drug is intended for the treatment of lichen, herpes, warts and dermatitis, and oxolin 0.25% is used for rhinitis, conjunctivitis, prevention and treatment of ARVI.

Is it possible to use Oxolinic ointment for pregnant women?

While carrying a child, the ointment should be used in moderation; a particularly dangerous period is pregnancy at 4-12 weeks. Oxolin is prescribed during pregnancy if the risk to the fetus is minimal, the degree of risk is determined by the attending physician. Although pregnancy is not a contraindication for use, the effect of the drug on fetal development has not been fully studied. If a pregnant woman has a hard time tolerating the symptoms of ARVI, she is prescribed Oxolin with restrictions in use; as a rule, treatment does not last longer than two weeks. The most common model of use recommended by doctors is daily lubrication of the nasal cavity and sinuses with the drug.

Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy provides good protection during periods of epidemics, and if we compare the risks from ARVI with the risks from using the ointment, the latter are minimal. The virucidal activity of the drug does not have a direct effect on the fetus, but can cause allergic reactions, as a result of which the pregnant woman will experience discomfort. Many expectant mothers are afraid that Oxolin penetrates into the blood. In fact, the degree of its penetration is minimal and, according to Russian doctors, cannot affect the development of the child.

If a pregnant woman is not sick, but wants to use Oxolin as a preventive measure, then the nasal method can be used. During a flu epidemic, expectant mothers are advised to place a thin layer of ointment in their sinuses.

Important! In early pregnancy, excessive use of the drug can cause nausea and dizziness, and in rare cases even vomiting.

A number of foreign doctors do not agree with domestic gynecologists and advise against using the ointment during the formation of the fetal nervous system. Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy is not recommended by specialists from countries such as Turkey, Iran and Argentina, which is determined not by the evidence base, but only by the lack of clinical studies.

Instructions for use

Oxolinic ointment is quite easy to use - the instructions included with the drug give a complete picture of its use.

If Oksolin is used as a prophylaxis, then an ointment with a concentration of 0.25% should be applied in a thin layer to the nasal mucosa; It is important to remember that the drug is concentrated and a small amount is enough. The nostrils should be lubricated twice a day. During a difficult epidemiological situation, use three times a day is allowed. When the drug is used by a pregnant woman, and the pregnancy occurs with a number of complications, the ointment should not be used more than once within 24 hours.

For conjunctivitis, Oxolin is used to lubricate the inner surface of the eyelid. The number of procedures depends on the stage of the disease, but it should not exceed 3 times a day.

If you have rhinitis, or in close contact with an infected person, the duration of use of the ointment increases and can last up to 2 or 3 weeks. Application is similar to the preventive procedure: Oxolin is placed in the nose.

Oxolinic ointment with a concentration of 3% is used to treat skin diseases; it should be applied directly to the affected areas of the epidermis. Sometimes treatment can be lengthy, from 3 weeks to one and a half months.

The instructions for Oxolinic ointment clearly describe the nuances of use at various stages of diseases.

Contraindications and side effects

Among the side effects caused by Oxolinic ointment, the most common are:

  • clear, copious nasal discharge, rhinitis;
  • burning sensation of varying intensity, from weak to strong, sometimes itching;
  • blue discoloration of the epidermis at the sites of application
  • nausea (occurs if a pregnant woman uses the drug and the pregnancy is at an early stage)
  • mild tremors in the limbs (caused by conditions such as pregnancy and severe influenza)

Oxolinic ointment is not recommended for use when the body contains even a minimal dose of alcohol. The drug is absorbed into the blood and its interaction with alcohol can cause increased dizziness, darkening of the eyes and drowsiness.

Also, the drug should not be used simultaneously with a number of adrinomimetic drugs, this leads to drying of the mucous membranes, itching in the sinuses and complications of rhinitis.

In case of overdose, Oxolinic ointment causes severe itching and burning; in conditions such as pregnancy, vomiting may occur. If the drug is ingested, an urgent gastric lavage is necessary, otherwise the pregnancy may end in miscarriage in expectant mothers.

Analogues of Oxolinic ointment

Oxolinic ointment has no absolute analogues, but there are a number of drugs that are similar in pharmacological group. These include:

  1. Infagel. This is a nasal gel, which, like Oxolinic ointment, is used in the treatment of ARVI. Its active ingredient is interferon. The drug is not recommended for children, and its effects on conditions such as Alzheimer's disease and pregnancy have not been studied.
  2. Viferon. This antiviral drug is often confused with Oxolin, but it differs in composition and action. It is readily recommended to pregnant women and is also prescribed during lactation. Approved for children from 12 months. Viferon is minimally absorbed into the blood - instructions for Viferon during pregnancy.
  3. Amiksin. A drug produced in tablet form that has an antiviral effect. Prohibited for children under 6 years of age and not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. An overdose of the drug can lead to gastrointestinal problems and poisoning.
  4. Kagocel. The action is similar to Oxilin, but is taken orally in the form of tablets. The drug is considered potent and is not recommended for children under three years of age. Kagocel is characterized by a number of side effects, such as nausea, weakness and dizziness.

Oxolin has been proving its effectiveness for decades, having such features as an affordable price and a gentle effect on the body. You can find somewhat conflicting reviews about the drug, from enthusiastic to negative, but 60 out of 100 patients are satisfied with the result of the treatment. Regarding the use of Oksolin during pregnancy and lactation, if the dosage is observed and used correctly, complications occur in only 2% of a hundred.

Important! When purchasing Oxolinic ointment, it is important to pay attention to the expiration date and storage conditions, as well as the integrity of the packaging.

Pregnant women are often susceptible to various colds, the reason for this is a decrease in the protective functions of the immune system. It is necessary to treat ARVI with the help of special medications that have no contraindications and no negative effect on the fetus. A good option in this case is Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy.

Properties of the product

It is very difficult to protect yourself from a viral infection, especially during an epidemic. People with weakened immune systems, as well as pregnant women, are at risk. Many medications should not be used during pregnancy, as they can harm the baby. In this regard, it is necessary to use the safest means possible; one of such medications is Oxolinic ointment.

The active component of the ointment is a synthetic substance - oxolin, which suppresses the activity of influenza and herpes viruses, as well as adenovirus. Based on this component, various antiviral drugs are produced (Tetraxolin, Osonafthylin). There are several forms of release of the ointment, depending on the amount of active substance contained in it: 3%; 1%; 0.5%; 0.25%.

In addition to colds, oxolin is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Shingles and scaly lichen.
  • Viral rhinitis.
  • Herpetic rashes.
  • Warts and molluscum contagiosum.
  • Psoriasis and Dühring's dermatitis.
  • Skin and eye diseases caused by the activity of the virus.

Oxolin does not accumulate in the body and is not toxic. When using it, only 20% of the product is absorbed. The drug has virtually no contraindications, so it is approved for use even by pregnant women.

It is very important to contact a specialist at the first symptoms of a flu or cold so that they do not develop into more serious problems for which Oxolinic ointment will no longer help.

Methods of application

The remedy is relevant for various diseases or types of virus, it is used as follows:

  1. Keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis. An ointment with an amount of active substance of 0.25% is applied to the eyelid several times a day.
  2. Viral rhinitis. The 0.25% product is used to treat the nasal mucosa throughout the day. The processing time is 3–4 days.
  3. Flu. During an ARVI epidemic, you need to use the product several times a day. The duration of treatment should not exceed 25 days.
  4. Skin diseases. Use 3% product several times a day on problem areas. The course of treatment depends on the complexity of the disease, from 2 to 8 weeks.

The indicated dosages and duration of treatment are approximate; only a doctor will give more precise instructions for the use of Oxolinic ointment.

For various skin diseases, the ointment is applied to problem areas every 2 hours. Residues that were applied before must be wiped off.

The drug is often used to prevent the development of ARVI. To do this, you need to lubricate the nasal mucosa with ointment before going outside. This is especially true during the development of a flu epidemic and when visiting places with large crowds of people (shopping centers, cinemas, transport).

Use during pregnancy

Women who are lucky enough to become pregnant try to protect themselves from all types of diseases. This is not always possible, since you can become infected with the influenza virus and many other viral infections in public places where there is a large flow of people.

Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy is one of the best options for both prevention and treatment. The use of the drug prevents the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the respiratory tract, since during inhalation the nasal mucosa is protected by oxoline. Bacteria do not multiply, but die immediately. The product is safe for the body and copes well with ARVI.

A pregnant woman needs to be treated correctly so that there are no negative consequences. Prevention and elimination of viral diseases are carried out with various dosages prescribed by the doctor. For preventive purposes, you can use the drug 0.25–0.5% for no more than 25 days. The amount of ointment should not be more than a match head. The drug should be rubbed well over the entire surface of the nasal mucosa before each exit from the house. Since the drug traps viruses, it must be washed off upon returning home.

When the first symptoms of the disease have already appeared, the number of lubrications can reach 3-4 times a day, but the treatment period should not exceed 5 days. It is recommended to apply the ointment every 4 hours. Before carrying out the next lubrication, you need to rinse your nose well, this allows you to get rid of mucous secretions and remnants of the product, which already contains microbes.

Due to its good effectiveness and harmlessness, it is recommended to use the ointment in the early stages of pregnancy as a therapeutic and prophylactic antiviral agent.

Are there any risks when using it?

Before you start using the product, you should consult your doctor. Like all drugs, the ointment has certain contraindications. According to the instructions, it can be used during pregnancy, but the risk of adverse reactions has not been thoroughly studied. This means that a woman should decide whether or not to use a remedy for the virus after consulting a doctor. Most often, the expected benefits of the product and the possible risk to the embryo are taken into account.

Some side effects may occur when using the drug:

  • Hypersensitivity of the nasal mucosa.
  • Low effectiveness against viruses and mutated infections.
  • A slight burning sensation when applied to the nasal mucous membranes.
  • Increased blood pressure, which can lead to uterine tone.

Based on the data presented, we can conclude that you should not get carried away with Oxolinic ointment during the period of bearing a child. The dosage and frequency of use should only be determined by a specialist in each specific case individually.

It is extremely important for a pregnant girl to maintain her immunity under protection. Unfortunately, no matter how good a person’s health is, during an epidemic of influenza or ARVI, the risk of illness increases hundreds of times. For this reason, it is necessary to take preventive measures. And one of the most effective means for preventing the disease is Oxolinic ointment. This medicinal ointment, familiar to everyone from childhood, copes well with viral infections, which is especially important during pregnancy. We will tell you about all the intricacies of using Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy in this article.

This medicine is available exclusively in ointment form. Today it goes on sale in the following forms:

  • naphthalene-1,2,3,4-tetron content 0.25% (taken nasally);
  • active ingredient concentration 3% (for external use).

In terms of its consistency, the substance is a translucent mass with high density and viscosity, as well as a grayish-white tint. The product is homogeneous, without any inclusions. Depending on the percentage of Oxolin, the ointment can be applied to various areas of the human body - mucous membrane, conjunctival sac, skin, eye shell, etc.

Currently, the drug with any degree of concentration of the active substance is produced in aluminum tubes. Oxolinic ointment 0.25% can be found in packages of 5 ml, 10 ml, 25 ml and 30 ml, and a more saturated 3% solution is supplied to pharmacists in tubes of 10 ml, 25 ml and 30 ml.

Impact of Oxolin

While carrying a baby, the mother’s main task is to protect the fetus from all kinds of negative influences and give it maximum nutrients for development. Therefore, the spread of a viral disease becomes a real challenge. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that during pregnancy, traditional antipyretic and antiviral drugs are not allowed, and the list of folk remedies is extremely limited.

Oxolin is a synthetic antiviral substance. The mechanism of action of such an ointment is quite simple: when the drug enters the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, the active components are absorbed and enter the bloodstream, exhibiting an immunostimulating effect.

A person using Oxolinic ointment literally creates a protective barrier through which the virus cannot enter body tissue. Thus, infectious agents become passive. However, it is important to take into account the fact that the medicinal effect of the drug during pregnancy is aimed exclusively at adenoviruses, i.e. herpes, flu. Otherwise, the use of Oxolinic ointment will not give a noticeable effect.

The advantages of such a drug are its low cost and wide availability. The ointment can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription and used as a preventive measure. In addition, Oksolin is often used after infection with a virus to reduce the activity of upper respiratory tract infections. This will eliminate the symptoms of a prolonged runny nose, reduce irritability of the mucous membrane and mucus secretion. If necessary, the ointment can be used not only nasally, but also placed in the conjunctival sac of the eye.

The advantages of using Oksolin during pregnancy also include the possibility of use in the early stages, when the formation of the child’s systems and organs is still underway. Since during this period the fetus is most vulnerable, even the slightest negative impact can result in tragic consequences. Therefore, Oxolinic ointment becomes a kind of “lifesaver” that helps create a protective barrier for maternal and child organisms.

However, during pregnancy, any use of the drug is allowed only after consultation with your doctor.

Indications for use of Oxolin

Oxolinic ointment with 0.25% naphthalene-1,2,3,4-tetron content 0.25% is used for preventive measures, as well as for the treatment of such common diseases as:

  • rhinitis (runny nose);
  • keratitis;
  • inflammation, burning, dryness of the nasal mucosa;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • prevention of infection with influenza and ARVI.

Oxolinic ointment with a 3% concentration of naphthalene-1,2,3,4-tetron is used to treat external problems and is intended to eliminate symptoms in the following conditions:

  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • psoriasis (partially, combination with other means of therapy is necessary);
  • warts, papillomas;
  • herpes zoster;
  • herpes (simple);
  • eczema;
  • ringworm;
  • lichen scaly.

Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy: instructions

A medicinal ointment with 0.25% active substance content is intended for the treatment of rhinitis caused by an infection of viral origin. To do this, you must adhere to the following rules of use:

  1. The ointment is applied to each nasal passage daily for 3-4 days. The recommended frequency of nasal applications is 2-3 times a day.
  2. The product should be applied carefully without damaging the mucous tissue.
  3. The ointment layer should be small so as not to interfere with the natural process of human breathing.
  4. The optimal tool for applying Oxolin is a plastic spatula or a cotton swab for cleaning the ears, with which you can place the drug deep enough without injuring the mucous membrane of the nasal passages.
  5. Before using medicinal ointment, it is strictly not recommended to treat the nasal passages with vasoconstrictor drops for a runny nose.

If it is necessary to treat an eye damaged by a viral infection, then the ointment should be applied with a special plastic spatula, placing it in the conjunctival sac 2-3 times a day. In the case of complex therapy for eye damage, Oxolin is applied once a day, before bedtime. The duration of treatment is determined by how quickly normal eye functions are restored, i.e. until complete recovery.

For preventive purposes, pregnant women are recommended to use the drug every time before going outside. Especially if you plan to go to crowded places - supermarket, public transport, office, theater, market, etc. To do this, simply lubricate the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and rub lightly. Also, do not forget to wash off any remaining Oxolin with warm water every time you return home.

Oxolinic ointment 3% for external use is applied to the affected area of ​​tissue 2-3 times a day. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the following features:

  1. The volume of ointment should be distributed over the skin with light massaging movements, without trying to rub the drug.
  2. After this, a sterile gauze bandage is applied to the treated area of ​​the body. It must be secured with an elastic bandage without pressing on the vessels.
  3. When treating severe diseases, an occlusive bandage with wax paper should be applied over the applied ointment, which is wrapped with polyethylene on top. This bandage must remain on the body for at least 24 hours.

The duration of use of Oxolin depends on the speed of skin restoration, however, as a rule, it is 2 – 8 weeks.

Oxolin for warts

Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of warts. This skin disease is caused by the proliferation of epithelial tissue. As a rule, papilloma does not pose a danger to the development of the fetus and does not cause pain. However, with careless movement, there is a risk of tearing off the wart, as a result of which multiple bacteria enter the wound. In addition, such growths add an unaesthetic appearance and also have a tendency to quickly multiply on the skin.

Using medicinal ointment to eliminate papilloma is quite an effective, but lengthy process. Therapy usually lasts 2-3 months. For the course of treatment, a 3% ointment is used, which must be applied daily 2-4 times a day. Features of the wart treatment process come down to the following aspects:

  1. Oksolin must be applied to the papilloma itself in a thin layer so that it covers the entire diameter of the growth.
  2. A gauze pad should be placed over the treated area of ​​skin.
  3. Finally, you need to cover the affected surface with wax paper or a regular napkin, securing it with polyethylene. In order for the bandage to hold well, you can secure all layers with a tightly wound elastic bandage.

Each time you change the bandage, you should wash the wart and reapply Oxolinic ointment to clean skin.

Is it possible to use Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy?

When studying the instructions for use of the drug, you will notice that it does not indicate any restrictions for use by pregnant women, however, the ointment should be used with extreme caution. Due to changes in hormonal levels and other changes in the body of the expectant mother, many biochemical processes are distorted. Therefore, the use of Oksolin, which previously did not cause harm, may have other reactions and consequences during the period of gestation.

From the point of view of traditional medicine, there is no evidence of the effectiveness of nasal use of Oxolin. For this reason, many therapists, in order to prevent infection by ARVI, influenza, and herpes viruses, prefer vaccination and recommend that women in an “interesting situation” resort to general measures to protect against infection - taking vitamin supplements, limiting communication with unfamiliar people on the street as much as possible, as well as rinsing sinuses with a weak salt solution.

However, there is an alternative opinion. Other doctors, on the contrary, recommend taking preventive measures using medicinal ointment in order to create additional protection for yourself and the baby in the womb from the penetration of a viral infection inside. Therefore, it is recommended to put a small amount of the substance into the nasal passages before each visit to any institution or travel by public transport, especially during a viral epidemic.

Oxolinic ointment in early pregnancy

Exposure to external factors has virtually no effect on the division of the egg in the first two weeks of pregnancy, so the development of the fetus will not be affected in any way if the cell is viable. For this reason, the use of Oxolinic ointment is allowed in the early stages of gestation. Let's look at the picture in more detail.

1st trimester

Starting from the second week of pregnancy, the process of laying the fetal organs begins. Therefore, the use of Oksolin should be treated with caution, due to the possible occurrence of an allergic reaction to the active substance of the drug.

2nd trimester

At 12 weeks, fetal development is active, its organs are partially formed. The use of Oxolinic ointment will not harm the baby at all; on the contrary, it will create an additional protective barrier against damage to the mother’s body by a viral infection.

3rd trimester

At this stage of pregnancy, the fetus is fully formed and this drug can be taken without fear. Despite the synthetic origin of Oksolin, its action is completely harmless and will not harm a mature, developed baby.

Side effects

The only contraindication to the use of the ointment is individual intolerance to the chemical elements of the drug. In this regard, in rare cases, rhinorrhea, burning and dryness of the nasal mucosa are observed. In exceptional cases, a bluish tint may appear on the nasal mucosa.

Is oxolinic ointment dangerous during pregnancy?

Not everyone is able to protect themselves from the disease during an ARVI epidemic. Under the influence of many factors, our immunity becomes weaker over the years, and viruses constantly mutate, thereby disarming a person. Until now, the most popular therapeutic and prophylactic agent is oxolinic ointment, which is used by most of the population during an epidemic outbreak. It is especially dangerous for a woman to catch the virus during pregnancy. The disease can negatively affect the development of the child. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that there are not so many medications and even traditional medicine for acute respiratory infections that are approved for use during pregnancy. Therefore, any infection transmitted by airborne droplets poses a great danger to a pregnant woman. That is why, when asked whether oxolinic ointment can be used for pregnant women, gynecologists and therapists unequivocally say to their patients: “Yes!” The active substance in this ointment is oxolin, on its basis pharmacists develop and produce preventive and therapeutic drugs for viral diseases. One of them is oxolinic ointment. Depending on the oxoline content in it, the product is 0.25%; 0.5%; 1% and 3%.

How to use oxolinic ointment?

Oxolinic ointment is very easy to use during pregnancy. To protect yourself from infection during an epidemic, the nasal mucosa is treated with ointment in the morning and evening. Women are also interested in the question of whether pregnant women can use oxolinic ointment to treat common herpes. Yes, doctors recommend using the drug to get rid of herpes. During pregnancy, oxolinic ointment is applied every time before going outside, especially when you go to a crowded place. You just need to put a small amount of oxolinic ointment in each nostril and rub it a little.

Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy. Are there any contraindications?

Pregnancy is not mentioned among the contraindications for the use of the ointment. The only contraindication is increased sensitivity to oxolin, which is manifested by a burning sensation at the site of application of the ointment.

But it is worth paying attention to the fact that in the paragraph “lactation and pregnancy” it is written that the use of the drug during such periods is permissible only if the planned benefit for the woman exceeds the probable risk for the child. Despite all this, in most cases, doctors allow oxolinic ointment during pregnancy without any fear. They assure that treatment with it during pregnancy is not only possible at any stage, but also necessary. After all, the chances of catching an infectious disease in a vulnerable and weakened body of a pregnant woman are very high. This is especially true for those women who often visit crowded places. But some doctors still recommend giving preference to homeopathic medicines.