Is it possible to whiten a dead tooth or a tooth with a filling? Revealing secrets. Is teeth whitening harmful? Is it possible to whiten teeth in dentistry?

If you do not properly care for your teeth and oral cavity, over time they begin to darken and acquire a yellow tint. Strong coffee, tea, and smoking affect the color of teeth. When there is a desire to whiten the enamel, it should be taken into account that the enamel will become lighter, but the filling material will not. Small fillings can be replaced after whitening or, after removing the top layer, covered with a new one, choosing a tone in accordance with the color of the enamel. Over time, the enamel will darken again, and the fillings will again differ from it.

Expert opinion

Biryukov Andrey Anatolievich

doctor implantologist orthopedic surgeon Graduated from Crimean Medical University. Institute in 1991. Specialization in therapeutic, surgical and orthopedic dentistry including implantology and implant prosthetics.

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I believe that you can still save a lot on visits to the dentist. Of course I'm talking about dental care. After all, if you carefully look after them, then treatment may indeed not come to the point - it won’t be necessary. Microcracks and small caries on teeth can be removed with regular toothpaste. How? The so-called filling paste. For myself, I highlight Denta Seal. Try it too.

If your teeth are healthy and strong, you can lighten the enamel by 2-10 shades. There are chemical, ultrasonic, laser, photobleaching. The Air flow procedure involves high-quality cleaning, during which the enamel becomes lighter by several tones. The procedure is contraindicated for asthma, bronchitis, and during pregnancy. There are other restrictions; consultation with a doctor is necessary.

After whitening, teeth look spotted if the fillings are large. The problem can be solved by installing it on the front teeth. Pulpless teeth differ in yellowness from other teeth. The doctor applies a solution to the dead tooth, sodium perborate to the enamel for lightening, and a light-thermal radiation device is used to speed up the process.

Do you feel nervous before visiting the dentist?


There must be clinical indications for the whitening procedure. There is a risk of demineralization of teeth, occurrence. Lightening procedures take 6-7 weeks.

How to bleach

Before whitening, you need to sanitize the oral cavity and eliminate problems. Bleaching cannot be carried out with. Teeth should be treated and old fillings that have been in place for more than 2 years should be replaced. The bleaching solution will get into the gaps formed and will corrode the tooth from the inside.

Professionals will carry out whitening in stages:

  • cleaning – the dentist cleans the teeth of soft and hard deposits (tartar);
  • whitening procedure;
  • restoration of old fillings with replacement of the top layer with a new one (corresponding tone).

You should contact a hygienist for cleaning once every six months to a year to preserve your teeth. Doctors do not recommend whitening filled teeth; the procedure increases their sensitivity and weakens the enamel. After whitening, you need to brush your teeth (which have become hypersensitive) with a new (soft) brush with whitening paste.

Are fillings bleached?

After teeth whitening, if you have fillings, the enamel will lighten, but the fillings will not. Fillings in the smile area will become especially noticeable. Photopolymer filling allows for whitening. Low-quality fillings cannot be whitened. Having removed the top layer of the filling, the doctor can replace it by selecting the desired color. Over time, whitening will be needed again.

You can get a beautiful smile with large fillings or by getting veneers.

Thin porcelain (or composite) plates are placed on the front teeth, hiding all flaws (irregularities, stains). They replace enamel, adding beauty and shine to a smile and never darken.

Contraindications to bleaching

The whitening procedure is contraindicated:

  • minor children;
  • pregnant women;
  • allergy sufferers to bleaching components (urea, hydrogen peroxide);
  • people with hypersensitive teeth;
  • wearing braces;
  • having many fillings;
  • suffering from periodontitis, caries;

The procedure cannot be performed six months after tooth extraction, if there is a pulp chamber in the tooth.

The procedure is useless for smokers; the whitening effect will quickly disappear. After cleansing, you need to refrain from coffee, strong tea, coloring products and smoking (at least for 3-5 hours).

Side effects of teeth whitening

During the procedure, irritation of the oral mucosa (gums, cheeks, palate) is possible. The products used are caustic, the doctor applies a protective gel and places rubber gaskets on the surfaces surrounding the tooth.

To ensure the safety of the process, no anesthesia is given during the procedure. There may be discomfort and pain, which should be reported to the dentist in order to prevent a chemical burn.

After teeth whitening is completed, there may be side effects:

  • sensitivity to hot and cold (stabbing, pulsed pain);
  • tugging and aching (aching) pain;
  • redness of the gums.

Unpleasant symptoms persist after a couple of days. During the recovery period, you can use pastes that reduce tooth sensitivity, and apply fluoride-containing gel to the enamel. To relieve discomfort, you can take Ibuprofen, Voltaren.

Whitening at home

There are ways to whiten your teeth yourself. Dentists do not welcome such products. They recommend that, without first consulting a doctor regarding dental and oral health, the following procedures should not be used:

  1. To maintain the whitening effect, it is recommended to brush your teeth 2 times a week using a stiff-bristled brush and whitening paste. You can apply and hold the paste for 5-10 minutes, then rinse your mouth.
  2. Apply the mixture (2 teaspoons of 10 percent peroxide with 2 drops of ammonia) to your teeth and hold for several minutes. The mixture whitens without destroying the enamel.
  3. Apply lemon juice to your teeth with a cotton swab and leave for 15 minutes. Instead of lemon, you can dilute 1 g of lemon juice in 1 tsp. water. The procedure can be done 2 times a day.
  4. Baking soda cleanses and brightens teeth. Mix baking soda with water, apply the mixture (paste consistency) to the brush and brush.
  5. Enamel darkened by smoking and drinks (black tea, coffee) can be lightened by chewing gum with whitening ingredients.
  6. It is useful to rub the inside of a banana peel on your teeth. The peel contains micro- and macroelements (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, etc.) that help whiten the enamel.

If home methods do not help lighten the fillings on your front teeth, you will have to resort to the help of a dentist, who will try to do this with professional means. A reasonable solution would be to apply a new layer of color to the filling.

After enamel whitening procedures, do not eat vegetables and berries with a coloring effect (beets, carrots, blueberries), refrain from coffee, strong tea, and chocolate.

Prevention after bleaching

To maintain healthy gums and teeth, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures daily. Use a brush and dental floss to remove plaque and food debris. The remaining plaque forms tartar, which favors the development of bacteria.

Over time, the inflammatory process spreads deeper, affecting the gums and destroying teeth.

It is necessary to have hygienic cleaning done by a professional. The dentist will remove tartar and plaque from the corners gently and painlessly, which is impossible to do. Only a doctor can remove tartar in the hard-to-reach supragingival area, which is vulnerable to infection. Teeth polishing is a cleaning procedure that reduces the risk of stone formation. The professional cleaning procedure is important for maintaining healthy teeth and oral cavity, and is a preventive measure against periodontitis and caries.

In order for the cleaning results to last longer, you need to maintain oral hygiene at home:

  • brush your teeth correctly (in the morning and before bed), using supersonic brushes gives the best cleansing effect;
  • To clean the interdental spaces, it is recommended to use dental floss, irrigators (water pulsation devices) and special brushes (electric brushes with different attachments);
  • use rinse aids. Nowadays there are many mouthwashes on the market. Use (1-2 rubles/day) will help eliminate bad breath, strengthen gums and tooth enamel. However, their choice must be approached carefully, in consultation with a dentist. If the composition contains the disinfectant chlorhexidine, it can be used for a short time to combat advanced periodontitis, in case of acute oral infection. For many people, mouthwash can have side effects.

Natura Siberica's mouthwashes are popular and harmless; they have a bactericidal effect, are made from natural ingredients and essential oils, are recommended for daily use, and have no contraindications.

From a huge list of different rinses, your dentist will help you choose the one that is useful for you, taking into account its composition (components) and effects (from caries, infection, gum inflammation): Elmex. PresidentClassic Plus, Lacalut Aktiv, Paradontax.

Looking at the reflection in the mirror, many dream of a beautiful snow-white Hollywood smile. In many ways, the color of teeth depends on the structure of enamel, dentin, their thickness and properties. The natural whiteness of teeth is not always an indicator of their health. In your quest to brighten your smile, you need to remember the side effects of the procedure and follow your doctor’s recommendations for caring for whitened teeth.

How are teeth whitened in dentistry?

There are 3 types of teeth whitening: mechanical, chemical and laser.

Types of teeth whitening depending on the mechanism of action of the bleaching agent:

  • chemical bleaching
  • mechanical bleaching
  • laser whitening

The first involves the use of liquid or gel-like products based on hydrogen peroxide, phosphoric and hydrochloric acids, carbamide peroxide, and enzymes. Such preparations are applied either directly to the surface of previously cleaned and dried teeth, or in special mouth guards that are placed on the dentition. There are products for professional use in a dental office or for home use. Mechanical teeth whitening involves cleaning the colored surface layer of enamel to natural whiteness. The Air Flow technique is based on the fact that an air-water mixture with sodium bicarbonate powder is supplied under pressure at different angles to the surface of the teeth. In this way, mechanical cleansing of the enamel is achieved. Laser whitening involves the use of hydrogen peroxide-based gels that are applied to the teeth and illuminated with a laser for 2 minutes. In this case, the activity of the bleaching agent increases.

Teeth whitening at home

To lighten teeth outside the doctor's office, you can use both ready-made preparations and folk remedies. Ready-made products:

  • Whitening toothpastes (Lakalut White, President White Plus, SPLAT Whitening Plus, ROCS Sensational Whitening, New Pearl Whitening and many others).
  • Systems with trays for home whitening (Yotuel, Opalescence Trèswhite Supreme). A ready-made or custom-made mouth guard is used together with the gel and placed over the entire dentition for several hours or overnight.
  • Application products used regularly or as needed. For example, before an important meeting or interview (Dr.White strips, Crest Whatstrips, Yotuel Whitening Stick).
  • Systems for home whitening with an LED lamp (for example, Renov’smile is used from the age of 16, the kit includes a silicone tray, lamp, whitening gel. Course of use - 4 times for 15 minutes for 2 days).

Traditional recipes for teeth whitening at home:

  1. Dead sea salt crushed in a coffee grinder is rubbed into the surface of the teeth 1–2 times a month,
  2. apply lemon juice and baking soda to a damp toothbrush and clean your teeth,
  3. crushed activated carbon is rubbed into the surface of the teeth with a brush,
  4. hydrogen peroxide 3% is mixed with soda to a pasty consistency, then brush your teeth with this mixture (1-2 times a week),
  5. essential oils of lemon and grapefruit, 1 drop each, mixed with ground salt and baking soda, applied to a damp brush and brushed teeth (1-2 times a week),
  6. application of 3% hydrogen peroxide to the surface of the teeth on cotton pads for several minutes,
  7. brushing teeth with wood ash,
  8. application of lemon juice to the surface of the teeth.

It should be remembered that folk remedies for whitening do not help everyone. Much depends on the structure of the enamel, its thickness and the degree of staining. If the color of your teeth has changed in response to food dyes penetrating the surface layer of enamel, products such as baking soda or ash may help. But if the teeth have darkened as a result of injury, chronic dental disease (periodontitis) or have erupted like this from a very early age, contacting a specialist cannot be avoided.

What is the safest and most effective teeth whitening?

To whiten teeth at home, you can use special toothpastes.

It should be remembered that teeth whitening can damage the enamel and cause increased tooth sensitivity in the future, so ideally it is better to seek help from a dentist. The more aggressive the impact on the surface of the teeth, the more the enamel can be damaged. For example, whitening toothpastes contain a certain concentration of active agents and abrasives, and when ordinary soda or ash is applied to the teeth, the friction of the brush on the surface of the teeth is much stronger. The softening, foaming and enveloping components of the pastes were not added by chance. They do not allow abrasives to severely “scratch” the enamel. The action of acids on enamel can thin and soften it, causing it to become even more stained over time. The density of dental tissue determines the degree of their protection from damaging external influences. How to choose a whitening method is up to each patient to decide for himself. The darker the teeth, the stronger and more active the effect on the enamel should be and the more dangerous it is to try to lighten teeth at home.

How often can you whiten your teeth?

It all depends on the whitening method used. For example, the mechanical Air Flow procedure can be performed no more than 1-2 times a year. Chemical products are designed for course use, and when the desired result is achieved, the procedure is repeated no earlier than several months later. It should be remembered that whitened teeth require additional care, especially in the first days after the procedure. If teeth whitening is achieved with toothpaste, its use is usually limited to 1-2 weeks. After 2–3 months you can repeat the course. If, after teeth whitening, the enamel has become sensitive to cold, sour, and sweet foods, the procedure can be carried out only after strengthening the dental tissues, and this indicator depends on the individual characteristics of each individual person.

If the teeth initially erupted in a dark yellow or gray color, then we can assume the effect of a systemic factor on the structure of the enamel - drugs, toxins, metabolic products in chronic diseases. The influence of nutrition, maternal illnesses during pregnancy, medications taken, radiation and much more determines the structure of the enamel. In such cases, only professional means will help lighten your teeth. If your teeth darken from the habit of often drinking strong coffee or tea, smoking, and folk remedies for cleaning the enamel from plaque will also help to whiten your teeth. If the enamel is naturally weak and sensitive, chips and cracks are often observed, the necks of the teeth are exposed, and whitening is not recommended at all. If pain occurs when eating after the procedure, you can use toothpaste for sensitive teeth and products for the treatment of enamel hyperesthesia. The doctor also warns the patient about the need to follow a certain diet in the first days after the procedure: limit the intake of colored drinks and foods, avoid smoking, do not eat pure citrus juices and sour fruits, and carbonated drinks. Teeth whitening can provide lasting, long-lasting results, but only if a professional system designed for use in a dental office was used.

Is it possible to whiten teeth during pregnancy?

It's no secret that during pregnancy a woman's hormonal background changes greatly and this often affects the condition of her gums. Doctors identify a pregnancy-specific inflammatory disease in response to a change in the ratio of hormones in the body of the expectant mother. Treatment in such cases comes down to local symptomatic effects on the gum tissue. Teeth whitening by chemical and mechanical methods can greatly aggravate the disease, since during the teeth whitening procedure the gums are often injured and they are irritated by solutions and gels. In addition, a lack of calcium affects the resistance of hard dental tissues to negative factors. This explains the loss of fillings and the exacerbation of diseases of teeth and gums during pregnancy. Even the use of whitening toothpastes is not suitable for everyone. Only if the expectant mother is not bothered by bleeding gums, tooth sensitivity, or pain during brushing, can she try brushing her teeth with whitening pastes. Although no one is immune from complications in the future. Therefore, it is wise to weigh the pros and cons, assess the risks and decide on the advisability of teeth whitening at such an important period in a woman’s life.

A beautiful snow-white smile determines a person’s self-confidence, the power of his charm and attractiveness. Of course, it’s no secret that people primarily evaluate each other’s appearance, which is why the color of teeth is so important in our time. Good regular oral hygiene and the absence of bad habits can save money intended for teeth whitening. If such a procedure is still necessary, it is better to seek help from a specialist and avoid unwanted dental problems in the future. Incorrectly used bleaching agents can provoke the development of gum and dental diseases, the treatment of which will take a long time. Take care of your natural enamel - the protective shell of the tooth, take care of it in reasonable ways, without injuring or thinning it in the pursuit of fashion.

The visible part of the tooth, or crown, consists of enamel and dentin. Whitening is the process of applying a certain composition (gel) to the teeth, which penetrates into their hard tissue (dentin).

The color and transparency of the tooth depends on the shade of dentin, so the task of the product is to break it down into intermediate products that are lighter than the original ones.

Enamel is the translucent shell of the tooth; in order to reach the dentin and lighten it, the gel creates tiny pores in the enamel, which overlap over time. But there are cases when the enamel is not restored, and grooves form on it, and sensitivity also increases. Laser whitening occurs in the same way, only laser beams are used instead of gel.

It can be concluded that whitening is harmful and can damage the enamel, especially for those with sensitive teeth.


Tooth enamel is incapable of regeneration, so it is important to know that not all teeth can be whitened without harm to health. To avoid mistakes, you need to study the contraindications:

  • age younger than 20 years, since before this age the enamel is not yet fully formed;
  • periodontal disease, caries, pulpitis;
  • allergy to individual components in the gel;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • high sensitivity;
  • increased tooth wear;
  • crowns and fillings on the front teeth may change color;
  • teeth with congenital enamel defects and gray shades are practically impossible to whiten;
  • period of illness.

Whitening at home

Perhaps the most inexpensive and widespread method, but it requires care, since people often rely more on their own intuition, neglecting the rules and instructions. The following methods exist:

Professional whitening

For people who want to protect their dental health as much as possible, the best option is whitening at the dentist. Professional whitening is divided into mechanical and chemical.

Mechanical bleaching

Mechanical bleaching is a prerequisite before chemical bleaching and does not cause any harm to the health of the enamel, and even is useful. The procedure helps get rid of caries, stones and is a prevention of gum diseases such as periodontitis and periodontal disease. For healthy teeth, it is recommended to do it once every six months, and for inflammation, once every 3–4 months..

This procedure consists of 4 stages:

Chemical bleaching

This type of whitening is expensive and carries high risks, as may cause irreversible harm. Even in dentistry they cannot guarantee a 100% result and there are many cases of not obtaining the promised effect. The method requires mandatory preliminary consultation with a dentist. Chemical whitening may be recommended if your teeth were previously white but have turned yellow with age, or if you are concerned about discoloration of one or more teeth. The following types of chemical bleaching exist:

  1. Using gel in a mouth guard.
  2. Using a laser.
  3. Photobleaching or lamp bleaching.

Is teeth whitening with gel safe?

In this type of whitening, the active ingredient is hydrogen peroxide. When the gel comes into contact with the enamel, active oxygen is released, resulting in whitening.


  • if you strictly follow the instructions, you can achieve good results;
  • takes little time (modern gels need only be held for 1–2 minutes).


  • it is difficult to predict exactly how long it will take for the harmful effects of the interaction of hydrogen peroxide with dental tissues to appear (for some it occurs after the first procedure, and for others after 2–3 weeks);
  • the acid that is part of the gel has a negative effect on the enamel;
  • sensitivity appears;
  • vitamins and microelements are lost.

Is laser whitening safe?

The procedure involves applying a special gel to the teeth, and laser beams create a chemical reaction that leads to discoloration.

In this case, the base is also hydrogen peroxide. This technique considered safe, since it rarely leads to negative consequences due to the speed of implementation.


  • saving time;
  • effective result;
  • the possibility of repeating the procedure over time;
  • no harm to the enamel due to the speed of the procedure;
  • no heating.


  • in rare cases, increased sensitivity;
  • sometimes causes pain.

Is photobleaching safe?

Today it is a very common technique. The principle of operation is the same as the previous method, the only difference is that a polarizing lamp is used instead of a laser.

Lamp beams are more harmful than laser beams, as they heat up the enamel. Having undergone photobleaching, the patient risks ultimately spending more on restoration than on the bleaching itself. This appearance occurs only in the case of severe darkening.


  • low price relative to laser whitening;
  • good result.


  • the patient's enamel heats up;
  • The gel is applied several times per session;
  • too concentrated gel composition;
  • enamel is destroyed;
  • painful sensations;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • there is a possibility of stains on the teeth.

Is teeth whitening in dentistry harmful?

To sum up, we can conclude that The safest type of bleaching is mechanical, since it does no harm at all and even treats various diseases, such as caries or periodontal disease.

The secret lies in the fact that the main effect is on deposits located on the surface of the enamel. At the same time, no substances penetrate into it. If the patient wants to get a more impressive result and decides to use a chemical method, then it is best to choose a laser method, since it has practically no side effects. A good option would also be to use home systems, which are selected in dentistry individually for each person.

How to minimize the harm from procedures

  1. To begin with, it is necessary consult with an experienced specialist in dentistry with a good reputation or with a dentist whom the patient trusts. Only dentistry will be able to determine all contraindications, identify diseases or possible allergic reactions to drug components.
  2. If the patient decides to undergo chemical whitening, it is necessary to do preliminary mechanical cleaning.
  3. If any diseases are present, then first you need to fully heal.
  4. In order for the whitening effect to be maximum, it is necessary two weeks and after stick to a white diet. It consists in consuming predominantly white foods, which contain a minimum of coloring substances. Red vegetables and fruits, red wine, as well as coffee and tea are excluded from the diet. If the patient smokes, you should refrain from the addiction.
  5. Since chemical bleaching is associated with high risks, do not use cheap drugs, they can burn the enamel.
  6. Doctors recommend after direct bleaching to carry out restorative procedures, such as remineralization or fluoridation.

Before whitening, you should think carefully: do you need this procedure and are you ready for the accelerated development of caries?

  • Method of “home” teeth whitening in the 4th dental clinic in Minsk

comment 21 to the article “Teeth whitening. Who can have their teeth whitened?

    Laconic, useful, great!
    Thank you.

    But some people's teeth are darker by nature, and not because of deposits. Do abrasive substances really help here too?

    I dare to suggest that formative substances are useless in this case. After all, the principle of their action is to erase the top layer (this makes sense, for example, when removing rust from a product).

    True, it is better to ask your dentist why your teeth are dark.

    short and clear :)

    Whitening, which only involves the removal of dental plaque (ultrasound, chemicals, instruments), is not exactly whitening - it is just the removal of dental plaque 🙂 ​​... The procedure is necessary and important - it prevents the development of caries...

    Whitening usually means “internal” tooth whitening... Chemical is used. substances, the simplest of which is hydrogen peroxide. The rest are known to me from chemistry. properties are very similar. This procedure cannot be useful by definition, the effect is purely cosmetic.

    I would like to whiten my teeth, they have been yellow for as long as I can remember!!! but there are fillings in the front teeth and more than one! what to do in this situation???

    The most logical thing is to consult a dentist...

    Hello! Please tell me, I’m a smoker, but let’s say I can go 3 days without smoking. I’m having a wedding and I would like to whiten my teeth for a short period of time, maybe there’s something gentle? I heard that teeth can be covered with enamel, it will be temporary!

    If you care about your teeth and do not want to damage them, you need to have your teeth whitened by a dentist. And therefore, he should also choose the method of bleaching.

    It is clear that in order for the whitening agent to reach the tooth, the tooth must be clean, without tartar, plaque, or fluoride varnish. At home whitening The concentration of the bleaching agent ranges from 3% to 22%. It takes many days to get SUPER results. At professional whitening concentration of 35% and above: it is necessary to protect the gums and soft tissues of the oral cavity. SUPER result (not always guaranteed... for 1 visit) in 1 hour.

    Special lamps or lasers and special catalysts are used. + everything is very individual. After high-quality professional whitening and a very “long-term home” whitening, the original color does not return in people with excellent oral hygiene (you smoke or drink coffee, juices, etc.). The new color may, however, fade slightly.

    About sensitivity your teeth: everything is very individual. Decide with your doctor here. Even if teeth are initially insensitive, analgesics may be needed for several days immediately after whitening. Sensitivity, however, is reversible in such cases.

    Diabetes mellitus, cracks in enamel, cancer, age under 16 years (?.....), periodontal diseases are not contraindications to teeth whitening. Everything else is correct.

    Whitening systems affect the organic matrix of the tooth. The structure of hard tissues does not change, the teeth do not become weaker.

    Does the organic matrix not affect the “strength” of the tooth? 🙂 Do you have a link to clinical studies?

    In addition, whitening will not help in the case of “tetracycline teeth” - if the patient took tetracycline in childhood. This drug changes the color of dental tissue.

    Hello! I have 20-30% of my front incisor left, the rest of the tooth is a photopolymer filling reinforced with a fiberglass pin. The part of the tooth where the living tissue remains has turned very yellow and is clearly different from the filling. Tell me, is it possible to use surface bleaching? Because I don’t really want to use intra-channel ones.

    living in general is harmful... :) and white teeth look great, decorate your smile and improve your well-being)

    and I always use whitening pastes, my teeth become whiter and everything is intact for now)) I buy Rox pastes, I like them because they whiten well and there are few abrasive substances in them compared to other pastes.

    Pastes really help, but you need to use them regularly, and not occasionally, otherwise there will be no effect. In this regard, I like Mexidol dent, it whitens well.

    hello, please help me, I decided to whiten my teeth at the dentist; I already had fluorosis, the doctor said that they can whiten by 2 tones! After whitening, the stains on my teeth did not go away! bleached polyestens as the doctor told me! what should I do now? can I get my money back if there is no effect?

Many people believe that teeth whitening is a harmful and dangerous procedure. But is this really so? Which method will be the least harmful and most effective? Let's sort the situation out once and for all.

There are four main groups of teeth whitening methods.

  1. Mechanical. This type includes regular hygienic brushing of teeth in the morning and evening, and a professional service in the dentist’s office.
  2. Abrasive. Most often, these types of cleansing include non-traditional and folk recipes. For example, using activated carbon slurry or peeled banana skin. Such methods allow you to whiten the enamel a couple of tones, but their effectiveness is short-lived.
  3. Chemical. The most commonly used group. This involves the use of hydrogen peroxide and its derivatives. This category includes the most effective, but also the most dangerous methods.
  4. Combined. They combine the properties of several groups disclosed above.

Teeth brushing is a mechanical type. The use of coal is an abrasive method. Chemical is clarification using hydrogen.

Oksana Shiyka


Surprisingly, the most effective procedure is also the safest. This is ultrasonic teeth whitening using the Air flow device. It gently cleanses the enamel and returns tooth enamel to its original shine in just one use. True, it will not be possible to create a snow-white Hollywood smile in this way, because this technology is an abrasive method and does not affect the internal tissues of the tooth.

Air flow cleaning is considered a very effective and safe way

Features of chemical enamel lightening

Peroxide is a strong urea or hydrogen acid that penetrates dentin and changes its structure. Due to this, the transparent layer of the tooth changes and becomes white. The duration and frequency of the procedure, as well as the strength of the catalyst used, determine the final result and its shelf life.

Oksana Shiyka


Using this method, you can lighten your teeth to a snow-white shade. However, this will cause serious harm to the oral cavity.

During the procedure, peroxide penetrates the dentin through the enamel, damaging its integrity. The substance has a huge effect on teeth:

  • Enamel. It is damaged due to exposure to acids. This is especially dangerous with constant, long-term and over-catalytic action.
  • Dentine. Under the influence of peroxides, bone tissue necrosis occurs, due to which the color changes from transparent to white. In return, the dead tissue does not receive additional nutrition in the form of minerals and vitamins and is quickly destroyed.
  • Nerve endings. Due to the death of dentin, nerve endings can become pinched inside the bone. This causes chronic toothaches. In addition, exposure to acids negatively affects the sensitivity of the nerve, causing internal burns, thereby temporarily increasing the sensitivity of the tooth to the limit.
  • Gums. Peroxides, as powerful acids, can cause severe burns to the mouth and gums.

Too frequent whitening negatively affects enamel and gums

This is important to know

Before using any method, you should consult your dentist. Most often, ultrasound is sufficient to achieve the optimal effect.

Among chemical agents for lightening enamel, LED is considered the most effective and safe. It is also the most expensive. The LED allows you to minimize the impact on tooth enamel and accelerate the ossification of dentin. Thus, despite the high damage to the inner layer of the tooth, the nerve endings and enamel remain intact, which allows you to keep your teeth relatively healthy for several years.

LED whitening machine

Oksana Shiyka


It is recommended to carry out professional chemical lightening no more than once every five to seven years. This is exactly how much the body needs to replace all cells, including damaged areas in the oral cavity. But mechanical and ultrasonic cleaning can be carried out up to several times a year.

Whether the procedure is worth doing is up to you to decide. In the video below, a dentist explains whether teeth whitening is harmful:

The harm of one-time bleaching with accompanying factors can be almost unnoticeable. But frequent procedure is dangerous for oral health. Remember that repeated bleaching with peroxides has less effect than the previous one, but a greater risk of occurrence and formation of side effects.