Is it possible to pass the MSE with temporary registration? The procedure for registering disability: all the nuances of the issue. Conditions for registering disability

Peculiarities of living not according to registration.”. I don’t know what topic my question is about... Good afternoon! I don’t currently live according to my registration, my child is already assigned to a clinic near my place of actual residence, can I apply for disability here at a local clinic not at my place of registration? Thanks in advance for your answer. “The ball is spinning and spinning. Sometimes the path is like a stairway to heaven. Life grinds us like a mill, but I believe in the best.” lawyer Quote: Elenka90 from September 07, 1974, 06:54:44 Good afternoon! I don’t currently live according to my registration, my child is already assigned to a clinic near my place of actual residence, can I apply for disability here at a local clinic not at my place of registration? You can receive a referral at the clinic where your child is assigned for observation, but the Medical and Social Examination will take place at the Bureau at the place of permanent registration of your child.

Apply for disability without registration

During the commission meeting, minutes are kept in which all questions and answers are recorded. The decision is made after voting by all members of the commission. If doubts or disagreements arise, the patient may be referred for additional examination, and then, after collecting all the necessary additional information, the commission meets again to make a final decision.


After assigning a disability group, a corresponding certificate and an individual rehabilitation program are issued. After which the patient is sent to the pension fund department, where a disability pension is issued, and to the social security department, where the patient will be put on a waiting list to receive free personal rehabilitation equipment. If the commission refuses to receive disability If the patient is not satisfied with the commission's conclusions, he has the right to appeal the decision legally.

How to apply for disability without registration

In order for the patient to be given a date for the examination, for which he must appear without delay, the commission will need the following documents:

  1. Referral for medical and sanitary examination. The referral can be issued not only by the attending doctor at the clinic, but also by a person attached to the pension authorities, or by responsible persons from the social security authorities. In addition, the procedure for registering disability allows the patient to contact the regional office of the ITU independently - provided that the patient has a written refusal from the attending physician.
  2. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and its photocopy.
  3. Working citizens provide a photocopy of their work book certified by the HR department, and non-working citizens provide the original.
  4. Working citizens provide production characteristics containing information about working conditions.

How to obtain disability and what documents are needed to obtain it

An application for appeal can be submitted no later than one month from the date of the examination. The application is submitted either in the usual paper form or electronically, and is sent to the address of the bureau that conducted the examination, or to the higher ITU bureau supervising the regional office. The application for appeal must contain the following information:

  • name of the bureau to which the application is written;
  • passport information of the recipient of the service;
  • a detailed statement of the essence of the claim, indicating the composition of the commission and the name of the regional ITU where the examination was carried out;
  • request for re-examination.

The ITU regional office sends the complaint to the main bureau within three days, attaching all the necessary documents.
The Main Bureau is obliged to schedule a re-examination within 30 days.

List of documents required for MSEC when registering disability

Taisiya Knyazeva I would like to share my experience of undergoing medical examination not at the place of registration and even without temporary registration - maybe it will be useful for someone. To begin with, we issued a medical policy at the place of our new stay - we just came with passports and that’s it - then we went and simply assigned the child to the clinic . They do not have the right to refuse attachment, because To provide basic medical care, you only need Russian citizenship (for emergency medical care, you don’t even need this). After that, they came and took a referral for MSE at the clinic - they also do not have the right to refuse, because MSA is related to basic medical care. help. There were, however, difficulties at the ITU itself - we were given disability for only two years, the motivation was “This is the first time we’ve seen you.”
I didn’t argue - I appealed to the ITU and was given up to 18 years.

Registration of disability during temporary registration

Their list includes:

  • referral for a medical and social examination (form 088/u-06) with a medical opinion;
  • application for status, which is issued directly to the bureau when submitting documentation;
  • identification document and its copy;
  • outpatient follow-up card from the local clinic (examination);
  • extracts and results of medical examinations not attached to the outpatient card (laboratory test results, inpatient examinations, conclusions);
  • open sick leave (if available);
  • work book and income certificate (in case of employment).

All these documents for registration of disability must be submitted to the ITU office, and then wait for an invitation to a medical and social examination.

Based on the performance characteristics, the commission members will make a decision on the possibility of continuing the patient’s main work activity.

  • Certificate of income (not always).
  • Sick leave (if available).
  • All available medical documents and certificates - mailing list, outpatient card, tests, examination results, and so on.
  • SNILS - photocopy and original.
  • If it is impossible to engage in your main professional activity, the following additional documents will need to be attached to the main list:
  • documents about existing occupational diseases;
  • certificate of work injury in form N-1;
  • characteristics of the workplace.

In addition, the patient has the right to submit any other documents not specified in the list, but which, in his opinion, may influence the decision of the commission.

How to apply for disability and what needs to be done?

A citizen who wishes to obtain the status of a disabled person must undergo a special medical and social examination for this. Referral for examination is made by an organization engaged in the provision of treatment and preventive care, bodies providing pensions or social protection. The examination is carried out at the office at the place of residence, place of stay or location of the pension case.

Registration of disability without registration Carrying out an examination in the main or federal bureau is possible when appealing the decision of a lower division or if it is necessary to conduct special examinations. It is also possible to conduct an examination at home, in situations where the person being examined does not have the opportunity to personally appear at a medical institution due to his health condition.

What documents are needed to register disability?

The Individual Rehabilitation (Habilitation) Program also does not change on the basis you specified. Quote: totoshka from March 26, 2016, 00:13:07 if we registered disability while registered in Moscow, and now we want to register it in the territory annexed to the city of Moscow, the child will not lose anything in terms of the amount of payments (it seems like they are all established by federal law? ), sanatorium and resort provision, etc.? No, he won't lose it. Please note that: 1. I should ask all legal questions only in “Lawyer Consultations” on relevant topics.

2. I only explain the provisions of laws and other normative legal acts on the forum, without expressing any attitude towards their content.3. If you disagree with them, you have the right to appeal these provisions of laws and other regulatory legal acts in the Constitutional and Supreme Courts of the Russian Federation according to the rules established for this.

Documents for registration of disability in Moscow

But before applying for disability, you will need to undergo a serious medical examination in order to confirm the diagnosis and prove that the disease really interferes with living and working fully. Registration of disability will not only provide an opportunity for preferential medical care, but also additional funds in the form of a pension, which can be spent on the main goal - recovery! Who can apply for registration of disability The conditions and criteria by which a person can be recognized as disabled are described in detail in Article No. 95 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006. This means that the patient’s desire alone is not enough - an established and confirmed diagnosis must be included in the list approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, which gives the right to receive the first, second or third disability group.


Home Services Execution of powers of attorney, documents, certificates Execution of documents Documents for registration of disability in Moscow Here you can quickly get legal advice online or by phone. The process of registering disability is very confusing and cumbersome, despite the constant simplification of requirements and the number of bureaucratic procedures. People need to confirm the fact of absence or disability with various certificates, certificates and other documentation.

You have to overcome the barrier of your own inferiority and document what is required by law. Namely, the right to all kinds of benefits, increased pensions and additional social benefits. To save time and effort, it is recommended to obtain competent legal advice in advance or even entrust the collection of information.

Disability can be registered if there is:

  • health impairment with persistent impairment of body functions caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects;
  • limitation of life activity (complete or partial loss by a citizen of the ability or ability to carry out self-care, move independently, navigate, communicate, control one’s behavior, study or engage in work);
  • the need for social protection measures, including rehabilitation and habilitation.

The decision to recognize a person as disabled is made based on the results of a medical and social examination (MSE).

Depending on their health status, adults are assigned disability group I, II or III, and children under 18 years of age are assigned the category “disabled child.”

2. How to get a referral to the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise?

Referrals for medical and social examination are issued by medical organizations (the legal form of the medical organization and your place of residence do not matter).

When determining whether you have signs of disability, the doctor must rely on diagnostic tests, results of treatment, rehabilitation and habilitation. Therefore, it is best to contact your attending physician for a referral to MSA. But you can also go, for example, to the chief doctor of the medical organization where you are being treated.

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 20, 2006 No. 95 “On the procedure and conditions for recognizing a person as disabled.”

"> according to the law, if a person needs social protection, social protection authorities and pension authorities can also issue a referral to MSE, but only if they have medical documents that confirm impairment of body functions due to diseases, consequences of injuries or defects. In practice, this means that you will still have to contact a medical organization.

If you are denied a referral, request that you receive a written refusal. With this certificate, you have the right to contact the ITU office yourself. In this case, the staff of the ITU bureau will prescribe an examination for you, and based on its results they will determine whether there is a need for a medical and social examination.

After you receive the referral, you will be scheduled for a medical and social examination at the ITU office.

3. What documents are needed to register a child for ITU?

To register your child for a medical and social examination, you will need:

  • application (children over 14 years of age fill out and sign the application on their own; for children under 14 years of age this must be done by legal representatives);
  • identification document (for children under 14 years old - birth certificate, for children over 14 years old - passport);
  • medical documents indicating the state of health of a citizen (outpatient card, extracts from hospitals, consultants’ reports, examination results - usually issued by the doctor who issued the referral for medical examination);
  • SNILS;
  • passport of the parent or guardian;
  • to the guardian (representative of the guardianship and trusteeship authority) - a document establishing guardianship.

4. What documents do adults need to register for ITU?

To sign up for a medical and social examination, you will need:

  • application (can be filled out by both the citizen himself and his representative);
  • identity document (original and copy);
  • referral to medical examination issued by the attending physician;
  • work book (original and copy);
  • professional and production characteristics from the place of work - for working citizens;
  • medical or military medical documents indicating the citizen’s state of health (outpatient card, hospital extracts, consultant reports, examination results, Red Army or military record book, certificate of injury, etc.);
  • SNILS;
  • if the documents are submitted by a representative - a power of attorney for the representative and his passport.

In some cases it may be necessary Additional documents (depending on the specific case):

  • act on an industrial accident in form N-1 (certified copy);
  • act on occupational disease (certified copy);
  • conclusion of the interdepartmental expert council on the causal relationship of the disease, disability with exposure to radioactive factors (certified copy, original presented in person);
  • ID of a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or living in the exclusion or resettlement zone (copy, original presented in person);
  • for foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing on the territory of the Russian Federation - a residence permit;
  • for refugees - a refugee certificate (to be presented in person);
  • for nonresident citizens - a certificate of registration at the place of residence;
  • for those discharged from military service - a certificate of illness drawn up by the Military Military Commission (a certified copy, the original must be presented in person).
">additional documents.

An application for a medical and social examination can be considered up to one month from the date of submission of the application.

5. Which ITU office should I contact?

Medical and social examination is carried out at the ITU office at the place of residence. In some cases, MSE may be carried out:

  • in the ITU Main Bureau - in case of appeal against the bureau's decision, as well as in the direction of the bureau in cases requiring special types of examination;
  • in the ITU Federal Bureau - in case of appeal against the decision of the ITU Main Bureau, as well as in the direction of the ITU Main Bureau in cases requiring particularly complex special types of examination;
  • at home - if a citizen cannot come to the bureau (ITU Main Bureau, ITU Federal Bureau) for health reasons, as confirmed by the conclusion of a medical organization, or in a hospital where the citizen is being treated, or in absentia by decision of the relevant bureau.

6. How is the examination carried out?

During the examination, the bureau’s specialists will study the documents you submitted and analyze social, professional, labor, psychological and other data.

In some cases, ITU specialists may prescribe additional examination for you. You can refuse it. In this case, the decision to recognize you as disabled or to refuse to recognize you as disabled will be made based only on the data you provide. Your refusal will be reflected in the ITU protocol, which is maintained during the examination.

Representatives of state extra-budgetary funds, the Federal Service for Labor and Employment, as well as specialists of the relevant profile (consultants) can participate in the medical and social examination at the invitation of the head of the bureau with the right of an advisory vote. You also have the right to invite any specialist with his consent, he will have the right to an advisory vote.

The decision to recognize a person as disabled or to refuse to recognize him as a disabled person is made by a simple majority vote of the specialists who conducted the medical and social examination, based on a discussion of the results of the medical and social examination.

Based on the results, a medical and social examination report is drawn up. You have the right to request copies of both the act and the protocol.

In addition, the bureau’s specialists, after conducting a medical and social examination, will prepare an individual rehabilitation and habilitation program (IPRA) for you.

7. What documents are issued after the examination?

A citizen recognized as disabled is issued:

  • a certificate confirming the fact of disability, indicating the disability group;
  • individual rehabilitation or habilitation program (IPRA).

A citizen who is not recognized as disabled, at his request, is issued a certificate of the results of a medical and social examination.

If it is necessary to make changes (new personal data, technical errors) to the IPRA or if it is necessary to clarify the characteristics of previously recommended types of rehabilitation and (or) habilitation measures, there is no need to undergo a new medical and social examination. It is enough to write an application to the ITU bureau that issued the document. You will be given a new IPRA.

The date of determination of disability is the day the bureau receives an application for medical examination. Disability is established until the 1st day of the month following the month for which the next ITU (re-examination) is scheduled.

8. How to get re-examined?

Re-examination of disabled people of group I is carried out once every 2 years, disabled people of groups II and III - once a year, and disabled children - once during the period for which the category “disabled child” is established for the child.

Re-examination can be carried out in advance, but no more than 2 months before the expiration of the established period of disability.

If disability is established without specifying the period for re-examination, or if re-examination needs to be carried out earlier than the established period, it can be carried out:

  • at the personal request of a disabled person (or his legal or authorized representative);
  • in the direction of a medical organization due to a change in health status;
  • . More information about the work of the ITU Bureau can be found on the website

Is it possible to apply for disability without registration? A citizen who works in another region of the country and whose health condition forces him to apply for disability status may be faced with the need to obtain a reliable answer to this question. The law provides for this possibility, and below we will describe the detailed process of registering disability without registration at the place of residence.

Where to go and what documents to prepare to obtain the status of a disabled person without registration?

The social status of a disabled person can be assigned to a person only after he has passed a special medical examination. To pass it, you need to receive a referral, which is issued by social protection authorities, medical institutions and, in some cases, pension organizations. At the same time, whether a citizen has a residence permit does not play any role, since receiving medical care is a right enshrined in all Russians by the main law of the country - the Constitution.

From the above it follows that it is possible to register disability without registration not only at the place of residence, but also at the place of stay. To do this, you can contact a medical institution or the social security office of the area in which you live.

The process of obtaining the status of a disabled person in our country, unfortunately, is not a quick procedure, accompanied by bureaucratic red tape and delays without any particular reason. To achieve a positive result in resolving a disability issue, it will be useful to obtain advice from a competent lawyer in advance. Contact our legal center - we will solve your problems quickly and efficiently!

Registration of disability is a labor-intensive and time-consuming procedure, as it involves collecting a large number of necessary documents and undergoing an extensive medical examination to confirm the diagnosis. The purpose of all these actions is for the sick person to obtain evidence that the illness prevents him from living and working fully.

Before starting to apply for disability, citizens must find out what grounds exist for obtaining it. They are officially established in law:

  1. Persistent health disorder, loss of ability to control one’s actions, work, care for oneself, etc.
  2. Impairment of body functions, such as injury or illness, acquired during life, in childhood, or present from birth.
  3. There is a constant need to restore health and rehabilitation in order to prevent its deterioration.

The commission may declare recognition of disability impossible if only one point is confirmed. It is necessary that at least 2 of the above are confirmed, but each case is considered individually based on the examination results.

Citizens who are planning to begin the process of registering disability should be aware of the sequence of all actions in order to go through them step by step one after another, gradually moving towards the goal: obtaining the conclusion of a medical commission.

The entire procedure for confirming the presence of a disease comes down to visits to medical specialists, the list of which will be determined by the local doctor depending on the disease.

His responsibilities include writing out all the necessary referrals to specialists and tests. The doctor must record all the patient’s complaints in his outpatient card. The tests must be carried out promptly, since most of them are valid for a maximum of 2 weeks.

It is possible that, due to the visitor’s condition, the local doctor gives a referral to the patient for examination in a hospital setting.

Where to contact?

A citizen is officially recognized as disabled on the basis of a documented conclusion of a medical and social examination. She reviews the conclusions of the specialists the patient is undergoing and the test results. The provided medical documents must become the basis for assigning a disability group.

The commission is the final stage of the procedure for obtaining disability. The authority from which the process begins is the local therapist, who is familiar with the course of the disease of the permanent patient, the methods of treatment and what its results are.

The initiative to register a disability can come from the local therapist himself, when it becomes obvious that there is no significant progress in treatment, and disability is a status that allows the patient to receive certain benefits for the purchase of medicines, as well as a pension.

Required Documentation

To register a disability, you must provide the following documents:

  1. Copy and original passport.
  2. Application in special form 088/у-06, the form of which you can.
  3. A copy of the work record, certified by a specialist from the HR department from the citizen’s place of employment.
  4. A certificate from the personnel department from the citizen’s place of work indicating the nature and conditions of work.
  5. Medical documents from medical institutions where the patient was previously treated or examined.
  6. SNILS.

The documents are accompanied by an examination form with specialist resolutions and test results confirming the presence of the disease.

How to register disability for a patient who is bedridden?

Patients who are unable to go to the clinic themselves to register their disability must call their local doctor at home so that he can issue a referral for tests and a medical examination by specialists. Most likely, the doctor will issue a referral for examination in a hospital setting due to the citizen’s inability to move. If the patient is in serious condition, then it is necessary to call emergency services, which will transport him to the hospital.

The attending physician issues a referral for a medical commission when he is convinced that the patient’s condition requires registration of disabled status. Passing the commission is also possible in a hospital setting. When a patient undergoes treatment, he is simultaneously examined by specialized specialists in order to obtain disability.

Alternatively, relatives can agree with doctors to conduct an examination at home, but this option is associated with difficulties in getting doctors and laboratory technicians to take tests.

During the examination, doctors must come to the conclusion that the patient’s condition is invariably serious, his life activity is limited, and he needs additional measures of social and medical protection and rehabilitation. Confirmation must come from the results of the current examination and provided documents that indicate that the citizen has been ill for a long time.

The commission issues a conclusion with which the relatives of the bedridden patient can apply to the social security authorities at their place of residence to register disability.

Features of registration of disability groups 1, 2 and 3

The legislation does not provide specific instructions for the presence of which diseases a disability group is assigned. The list of diseases is prescribed in the law, but the criteria for assessing the patient’s condition by doctors, according to which the commission determines the group, are also important. Each of them is characterized by a list of restrictions, the severity of the disease and the degree of the citizen’s need for outside help.

In the list of diseases for which it can be assigned 1 group disability, includes illnesses with a severe form: loss of organs, limbs, diseases that lead to the loss of the ability to care for oneself.

2nd group assigned to citizens in the presence of health problems that limit the normal functioning of various internal organs.

3 group assigned to citizens when an examination has established and confirmed diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular systems, and musculoskeletal system.

Groups 2 and 3 are assigned with the caveat of whether or not citizens with disabilities are allowed to work.

If there are violations of a certain severity, the issue of assigning a specific group is decided.

The group is assigned for 1 year, subsequently the patient is obliged to renew its validity annually, but there are diseases in the presence of which disability is assigned indefinitely. This list is prescribed in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 95.

Is it possible to register a disability with temporary registration?

Lack of registration cannot be an obstacle to sending a citizen for a medical examination. This is due to the fact that the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees every citizen of the country the inalienable right to receive medical care.

Referrals for medical examination of citizens who apply for disability are carried out by social security authorities, pension funds, and medical institutions. The survey is carried out at the place of residence of citizens or at the location of their pension file. The examination is carried out both at the place of official registration and at the place of stay, that is, it can be a service residential premises, specialized institutions: boarding houses, sanatoriums, rest homes, hotels, campsites, tourist centers, hospitals where a person without registration is located , and applied for disability registration.

Who has the right to apply for disability?

The opinion that only an elderly person can obtain the status of a disabled person does not correspond to reality. A person's age is not relevant to this concept. We are talking only about diseases that citizens have. Accordingly, both an old person and a child can be recognized as disabled.

Depending on the severity of the disease, a certain disability group is assigned. Assignment of a disability group gives citizens the right to receive additional benefits, financial assistance for rehabilitation and, if possible, restoration of health.

When is a refusal possible, and what to do if refused?

The desire to register a disability is often met with refusal from the authorities called upon to refer citizens for examination, or the medical commission does not recognize the documents provided as sufficient to assign this status to the citizen.

In case of disagreement with the decision of the competent authorities, citizens must contact specialists independently, having with them the relevant medical documents. They must confirm that, according to medical indicators, the citizen has a violation of body functions that occurred as a result of diseases or injuries. Bodies that are competent to receive such complaints: social protection, medical examination bureau. They are authorized to send a complaint within 3 days to the main Federal Bureau of Expertise.

Within a month, the commission must conduct a second examination and make a new decision based on the newly obtained results. If the assignment of a disability group is again denied, you can appeal the decision to the Federal Bureau of Expertise, and then to the court.

Features of registering disability for a child

A child who is recommended to register as a disabled person may have a congenital disease or acquire it as a result of injury or for other objective reasons. The diagnosis must be made by a specialist, after which the local pediatrician issues a referral for the child to undergo a medical examination. A similar referral can be issued by the specialist who made the diagnosis, as well as by the social protection authority.

By the time the medical examination is completed, the family must have another medical document - an epicrisis from the local pediatrician with a description of the child’s condition from the moment of birth, a list of all the diseases he has suffered, and vaccination data. The epicrisis must be signed by the chief physician of the clinic. After this, the package of documents can be considered fully completed and submitted to the expert commission, which makes a decision on assigning disability or refuses to do so.

Along with a written act on assigning a group, the commission must issue the family a certificate stating that the disability was established following a meeting by the expert commission, as well as an extract from the child’s examination report. In addition, the commission gives recommendations to treating doctors to develop an individual rehabilitation program. At the clinic, a child with disabled status is placed on a special register, treatment is prescribed according to the program, and free medications are provided for this purpose.

Legislative framework

All issues, from the procedure for assigning disability to the benefits that are intended subsequently, are spelled out in Federal Law No. 181 “On the social protection of people with disabilities.”

In addition, other regulations regulate issues related to the recognition of disability, rehabilitation, benefits, medical support, etc.:

  • Government Decree No. 95 on the procedure for assigning disabled status to citizens;
  • Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 535 on the criteria that are applied when passing the ITU;
  • Federal Law No. 122 on social support for people with disabilities;
  • Tax Code.

Registration of disability (video)

This video describes in detail what disability groups exist, as well as a list of necessary documentation for obtaining the status of a disabled person.

Social adaptation and protection of citizens with disabilities is one of the main directions of state policy of the Russian government, therefore a solid legal foundation regulates their protection and the procedure for processing documentation. Control over the implementation of legislation is entrusted to the social protection authorities.

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