You can undergo a full examination in the hospital. A complete comprehensive examination of the body is the path to maintaining health. Prices for specialized diagnostic programs

Firstly, early comprehensive diagnosis makes it possible to identify a predisposition to a particular disease or diagnose it at the earliest stages. It is possible to detect cardiovascular, pulmonary, endocrinological, gynecological, and oncological disorders.

Secondly, save on expensive treatment due to early detection of diseases. More than 80% of diseases diagnosed in the early stages are quite successfully cured.

Many of the world's clinics have a good material base, highly qualified medical personnel and offer a program of complete (comprehensive) examination of the body, the so-called check-up program.

Leading clinics abroad

Why abroad?

  1. In many countries, the full diagnostic program has already been sufficiently developed.
  2. European countries are far ahead compared to Russia in the provision of high-quality diagnostic services.
  3. The latest equipment allows you to perform a quick examination of the body; all diagnostic procedures are performed in a minimum time with maximum comfort and efficiency.

Examination abroad - combining a tourist holiday with health care.

You can perform such an examination during your vacation, combining tourist entertainment with health care.

What is a whole body examination?

Clinics providing this service create a schedule for each individual patient. The schedule is drawn up in such a way that a complex examination of the whole body in a hospital takes one to two days. Be sure to take into account a burdened family history, for example, of cardiovascular diseases or cancer (of course, if there is one).

  1. Therapist. The examination begins with an appointment with a general practitioner and a conversation with him. An anamnesis is collected to determine further actions.
  2. Measurement of physical parameters. Physical parameters must be measured, including blood pressure, and the body mass index is determined.
  3. Electrocardiogram. An electrocardiogram is performed, both under load and without it. Based on the cardiogram, the cardiologist gives an opinion on the state of the cardiovascular system and determines whether additional examinations in this area are needed.
  4. Spirometry. Spirometry is done to determine how well the lungs are doing their job.
  5. General blood and urine analysis. A general blood and urine test and, if necessary, a stool test are performed. A detailed biochemical blood test will give a three-dimensional picture of the condition and functioning of the body.

What does a detailed blood test include?

  • Sugar level
  • cholesterol level
  • Determination of C-reactive protein,
  • The amount of thyroid hormones
  • Liver and pancreas function indicators are determined,
  • Kidney function test,
  • Analysis of blood gas exchange and mineral metabolism in the body,
  • Determination of tumor markers.
  1. Ophthalmologist. Among specialist doctors, as a rule, a comprehensive examination includes an examination by an ophthalmologist who checks the fundus, intraocular pressure, and visual acuity.
  2. Other specialists. Examinations by other specialists may also be included.
  3. Conclusion based on the examination results. At the end of all examinations, the patient meets with the therapist again and receives his conclusion on the results of the examination, including a written one.

A complete medical examination of the body for women, in addition to general examinations, also includes specific ones that are necessary specifically for the female body, and taking into account age characteristics.

Additional examinations for women:

  • PAP test for early detection of cervical cancer,
  • Ultrasound pelvic organs,
  • Mammography,
  • Computed tomography bone thickness to determine the presence and degree of development of osteoporosis,
  • Blood test. At an age close to the onset of menopause, a blood test is performed to determine the level of female hormones.

These examinations will allow us to identify both serious diseases and the beginning of physiological changes in the female body. This means that it will be possible to correct the condition and well-being or cope with the disease before it causes damage to the body.

Complete examination of the child's body

Early diagnosis of health problems is extremely important for a child’s body.

For examining children, the most modern developments are usually offered in order to obtain the most accurate data in the shortest possible time. Early detection of problems in a child’s body is extremely important for the child’s future life.

For example, poor academic success may be associated not with laziness, but with a lack of thyroid hormones. This problem can be quickly corrected.

And adolescent cardiovascular abnormalities detected in time with adequate treatment can be completely overcome.

Leading specialists from clinics abroad

Read more about some examination methods

This diagnostic method makes it possible to obtain images of various parts of the body as a result of exposure to magnetic fields. Thanks to MRI, you can see soft tissues, which, for example, X-ray examination does not provide.

The procedure can last up to 1 hour. Using an MRI examination of the whole body, you can identify changes in the brain and spinal cord, see brain tumors and metastases, and determine the condition of the joints, spine, and intervertebral discs.

In modern diagnostic centers in Europe, magnetic resonance examination of the whole body is carried out using a device, the so-called open tomograph. Unlike closed ones (where the patient is completely isolated), a person does not feel discomfort during the examination and can maintain normal contact with the doctor.

Computer examination

The presence of ultra-modern computed tomographs in European clinics and Israeli clinics is one of the reasons for the popularity of comprehensive health examinations in these countries. This survey method allows you to obtain very accurate data. A CT scanner uses X-rays to produce a cross-sectional image of any area of ​​the body.

When is a CT scan needed?

  • To study the state of the brain.
  • For visualization of vessels to diagnose aneurysm, stenosis, condition of the walls of the coronary arteries.
  • Examination of the lungs to exclude embolism, tumors or metastases.
  • A study of the skeletal system, which will show degenerative changes in the spine, loss of calcium in the bones, and the presence of tumors.
  • Examination of the genitourinary organs and kidneys.
  • Examination of the colon using computed tomography occurs without endoscopic intervention, which is more comfortable and calmer for the patient.

According to reviews, a computer examination of the body provides clearer visualization of the organ with tissue differentiation. This means that there is no layering of images, as with conventional X-rays, for example. For one rotation of the X-ray tube on a high-quality tomograph, you can obtain up to 128 sections of one organ.

Bioresonance examination

About 30 years ago in Germany, the use of devices based on bioresonance technology began. Today, this diagnostic method is used not only in this country.

Pathogenic factors give rise to new, pathological sources of electromagnetic oscillations in the human body. By recording and analyzing these vibrations, a bioresonance examination is carried out.

An examination using this diagnostic technology allows you to find out whether a particular patient has a pathology, in which organ it is located, what is the cause and nature of the disease, and how the body will react to treatment with one method or another.

The reviews on the use of bioresonance examination of the body are most positive: it gives a complete picture of the condition, as well as specific recommendations for overcoming diseases.

Where to start

Today, the choice of foreign clinics where you can undergo an examination of the body is quite large. It can be difficult to choose on your own. We will try to answer the question: how to undergo a complete examination of the body?

First, you should decide whether a full comprehensive examination of the body in a hospital is required, assess your health status, whether there are already identified serious pathologies, the assessment of which requires certain equipment or qualified medical personnel. If there is, then the choice should be limited to more specialized clinics, or undergo a full examination of the body in a sanatorium.

If there are no specific health complaints, then you can plan the examination in such a way as to combine it with a business trip or vacation in a certain country.

Well, if you can’t decide yet, then contact travel agencies, study the level of service, prices, and then choose a clinic.

Having a medical record will allow the doctor to track the dynamics of your condition.

Today you can reserve a place in many clinics by phone or directly on their websites. Also, a travel company can take care of the entire organization of your survey, including accommodation and entertainment.

Do not forget to prepare your medical record, because it may contain valuable information for the doctor about previous illnesses, test results or examinations. This will allow you to track some of the dynamics of your condition.

Where to get tested

Generally recognized, trustworthy medical clinics and diagnostic centers are primarily European medical institutions. Switzerland, Germany, France, a complete examination of the body in Israel - these are the most popular places for medical tourism.

But today, the same medical clinics equipped with the latest technology have appeared in Korea, Thailand and other countries. In order not to go blind, you can go through the websites of these organizations; many of them have Russian-language versions of their websites or provide information on Russian-language medical portals.

How much does it cost

It is clear that the brand is always more expensive. Therefore, the cost of a complete examination of the body is highest in Germany, where the technology has been worked out to the smallest detail, where the medical staff is highly qualified, and the equipment is of the highest quality. Here you will have complete comfort and a personal translator; the cost of the examination may also include meeting at the airport, transfer to the clinic and escort.

In general, in Germany the price for a comprehensive examination of the body ranges from 495 to 4,500 euros.

In South Korea, for example, the examination is slightly cheaper, but a general examination of the body costs about $450 and includes only blood tests, urine tests, a general condition analysis and a chest x-ray. In diagnostic centers in European countries, ultrasound of some organs is included even in the most minimal diagnostic kit. But if we compare a detailed examination, then with approximately the same set of diagnostic procedures it will cost twice as much. Perhaps because the service here includes both meals at the clinic and translation services.

The price for a full body examination, including MRI and computer examinations in Asian and European countries is approximately the same.

Approximate cost of body examination

Experience shows that a complete diagnostic examination in many cases solves serious problems. If you once undergo a full examination, then it will be enough to only monitor in more detail the diseases that have been identified. The main thing is that timely, high-quality examination allows you to receive treatment on time.

For more information, see the section.

    identification of individual risk factors,

    early diagnosis of diseases before clinical manifestations,

As part of the Annual Preventive Health Diagnostics Program for men, the following services are provided:

    blood tests (strictly on an empty stomach): clinical blood test with leukocyte count; erythrocyte sedimentation rate; glucose; total cholesterol; LDL cholesterol; HDL cholesterol; triglycerides; total protein; creatinine; urea; AsAT; AlAT; GGT; alkaline phosphatase; total bilirubin; bilirubin direct fraction; PSA total; PSA free; uric acid; electrolytes; TSH; T4 free; vitamin D; glycated hemoglobin; antibodies to HIV ½ + p24 antigen; hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg); antibodies to hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV), total; treponemal antigen microprecipitation reaction (RPR); antibodies to measles virus, IgG;

    ECG at rest;

    Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;

    consultation with a urologist with ultrasound of the pelvic organs and retroperitoneum and uroflowmetry;

    consultation with an ophthalmologist;

    consultation with a cardiologist;

    ECG with stress;

    consultation with a neurologist;

    consultation with a psychotherapist;

A written conclusion based on the examination results is issued after the supervising physician receives all the research results. The date of issue of the conclusion is discussed at a consultation with the supervising physician based on the results of the examination.

You can undergo a full medical examination at EMC clinics at the following addresses: Orlovsky Lane, 7 and st. Shchepkina, 35.

For women under 35 years old

Comprehensive diagnostic programs are an effective and convenient solution for taking care of your health. The program includes an optimal amount of research and consultations in accordance with international recommendations.

After completing the comprehensive Program, you receive:

    comprehensive assessment of the body’s condition,

for women up to 35 years old the following services are provided:

    blood tests (strictly on an empty stomach): clinical blood test with leukocyte count; erythrocyte sedimentation rate; glucose; total cholesterol; LDL cholesterol; HDL cholesterol; triglycerides; total protein; creatinine; urea; AsAT; AlAT; GGT; alkaline phosphatase; total bilirubin; bilirubin direct fraction; uric acid; electrolytes; calcium; magnesium; inorganic phosphorus; TSH; T4 free; vitamin D; antibodies to HIV ½ + p24 antigen; hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg); antibodies to hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV), total; treponemal antigen microprecipitation reaction (RPR); antibodies to measles virus, IgG;

    clinical urine analysis with sediment microscopy;

    ECG at rest;

    Ultrasound of the abdominal organs (strictly on an empty stomach);

    Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;

    extended consultation with a general practitioner (supervisor);

    consultation with an ophthalmologist;

    screening low-dose CT of the lungs;

    2 departments of MSCT or MRI as prescribed by the supervising doctor;

    Ultrasound of the mammary glands

    consultation with a mammologist;

    consultation with a cardiologist;

    transthoracic echocardiography;

    ECG with stress;

    fibrogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy under medicinal sleep (during gastroscopy/colonoscopy, biopsy material can be taken, polyps removed, and histological examination of the biopsy material can be performed);

    consultation with a dermatologist;

    consultation with a psychotherapist;

    consultation with a physician-supervisor based on the results of the examination;

    stay in a single room for 1.5 days.

The cost of this examination is presented at the bottom of the page.

For women over 35 years old

Comprehensive diagnostic programs are an effective and convenient solution for taking care of your health. The program includes an optimal amount of research and consultations in accordance with international recommendations.

After completing the comprehensive Program, you receive:

    comprehensive assessment of the body’s condition,

    identification of individual risk factors,

    early diagnosis of diseases before clinical manifestations,

As part of the annual preventive health diagnostics program for women over 35 years old the following services are provided:

    blood tests (strictly on an empty stomach): clinical blood test with leukocyte count; erythrocyte sedimentation rate; glucose; total cholesterol; LDL cholesterol; HDL cholesterol; triglycerides; total protein; creatinine; urea; AsAT; AlAT; GGT; alkaline phosphatase; total bilirubin; bilirubin direct fraction; uric acid; electrolytes; calcium; magnesium; inorganic phosphorus; TSH; T4 free; vitamin D; antibodies to HIV ½ + p24 antigen; hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg); antibodies to hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV), total; treponemal antigen microprecipitation reaction (RPR); glycated hemoglobin); antibodies to measles virus, IgG;

  • complex cytological examination PAP test and HPV typing;
  • clinical urine analysis with sediment microscopy;

    ECG at rest;

    Ultrasound of the abdominal organs (strictly on an empty stomach);

    Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;

    extended consultation with a general practitioner (supervisor);

    consultation with a gynecologist with ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs;

    consultation with an ophthalmologist;

    consultation with an endocrinologist;

    screening low-dose CT of the lungs;

    2 departments of MSCT or MRI as prescribed by the supervising doctor;

    Ultrasound of the mammary glands (performed only from the 6th to the 12th day of the cycle);

    Mammography (performed only from the 6th to the 12th day of the cycle);

    consultation with a mammologist;

    consultation with a cardiologist;

    transthoracic echocardiography;

    ECG with stress;

    fibrogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy under medicinal sleep (during gastroscopy/colonoscopy, biopsy material can be taken, polyps removed, and histological examination of the biopsy material can be performed);

    consultation with a dermatologist;

    consultation with a psychotherapist;

    consultation with a physician-supervisor based on the results of the examination;

    stay in a single room for 1.5 days.

A written conclusion based on the examination results is issued upon receipt of all research results by the supervising physician. The date of issue of the conclusion is discussed at a consultation with the supervising physician based on the results of the examination.

The cost of this examination is presented at the bottom of the page.

Queues at clinics, inattentive doctors, lack of modern instruments - there are many reasons why people avoid going to medical institutions. This approach is fundamentally wrong, doctors say. After all, by refusing examinations, people risk that many diseases, which can be treated quite well in the initial stages, turn into incurable ones. Moreover, today there are many options on how you can check your health for free from highly professional specialists. Where to go and what documents you need to have with you - in the material

Women's question

It is no secret that today diseases of the female reproductive system are very common. Inflammation, neoplasms, oncological processes, infertility and much more - it is more important than ever to detect pathology on time. At the same time, many ladies know that the waiting list at district clinics for at least the same ultrasound lasts six months, and getting to the local gynecologist is generally a difficult quest to complete. To get checked for a fee, you will have to shell out several monthly salaries at once.

It is possible to undergo the examination completely free of charge, experts say. For this purpose, there is the “White Rose” project, which was initiated by the Foundation for Socio-Cultural Initiatives. He has been working for 6 years and during this time he has helped a huge number of women. Today it is a network of medical centers throughout the country. Here you can undergo an examination by a specialist, get the results of a pelvic ultrasound and take the necessary tests to check for infections. A distinctive feature of such a project is the creation of a favorable atmosphere for women so that their attitude towards regular preventive examinations changes in a positive direction. In addition, there is also psychological support for ladies who have been given a disappointing diagnosis, for example, oncology. Patients in need of further examination and treatment are provided with the necessary patronage.

Registration for an appointment with a specialist opens several times a month - on the first and third Thursday. In order to make an appointment, you only need to have your passport, compulsory medical insurance policy and SNILS on hand.

Oncologist consultation

Cancer is a global threat. Cancer is getting younger, becoming more aggressive and is extremely rarely detected in the early stages. In addition, it is no secret that it is practically impossible for people in small towns to receive qualified medical care from oncologists. The non-profit partnership “Equal Right to Life” decided to correct this situation. And it offers people the opportunity to have online consultations with leading oncologists of the most famous scientific center named after Blokhin.

To receive advice, you should either send a fax to the center or fill out the form provided on the organization’s website. In it you must indicate your address to which the response should be sent. In addition, the following package of documents must be attached to the application:

A detailed statement of illness written by a doctor.

A clearly formulated purpose of the consultation, i.e. a question for a specialist.

Fresh blood tests - both clinical and biochemical.

X-ray of the lungs, results of ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and pelvis - the research option that approaches the troubling problem.

Completed written consent form for the processing of your personal data.

You can also contact the organization by calling the hotline. A consultation with an oncologist in this form can be a real salvation for a person who, for one reason or another, does not have the opportunity to go to Moscow. A free consultation with an oncologist provides an excellent opportunity to get an expert opinion on the existing disease, hear the prognosis and advice on further treatment.

Comprehensive programs

The all-Russian public organization “League of Nations” has been conducting comprehensive health screening programs in Russian cities for several years now. True, such events are temporary, and it is worth carefully monitoring information about where and when they will take place. But at the same time, during them you can completely check your health, since the programs include such actions and projects as “Check your heart”, “Check your spine”, “Check your cholesterol levels”, “Check your hearing”, “Rinse” the nose is a barrier to viruses”, “Mobile health centers”, “Active longevity”, “Diabetes: time to act”, etc. All of them are part of one comprehensive program.

Anyone can take part in the survey.

Health centers

You can take care of yourself before a number of symptoms appear and without visiting clinics in specially created health centers. The program began its work in 2009, and today there are such centers in all regions of the country. Here you can assess your physical fitness, get help in getting rid of bad habits, analyze your diet, find out whether there is a risk of cardiovascular diseases, and receive the necessary recommendations. Moreover, all this is completely free!

Any citizen of the Russian Federation over 18 years of age can apply to such health centers (there are special children's centers for children). You should have only 2 documents with you: a passport and a compulsory medical insurance policy. At the first visit, the patient is given a health card and a list of necessary examinations, which he will undergo here. Based on the results, the doctor will give his recommendations and paint a picture of the person’s condition. If necessary, you can be observed here systematically, as well as attend classes at health schools and physical therapy rooms.

Clinical examination is a set of tests and studies that doctors recommend to undergo at various intervals (but at least once every two years).

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The first thing you need to do is remember your family history: what did your grandparents die from, and if they are still alive, what chronic diseases do they suffer from? For example, my grandmother on my mother’s side was blind in both eyes from the age of 75, because she developed glaucoma, so I need to check the condition of the fundus every year starting at the age of 40.

The fact is that, knowing what your ancestors were sick with and what they died from, it will be easier for the doctor to create an individual medical examination plan for you.

But even if we put aside the individual characteristics of your genetic tree, all women without exception need:

Take a general blood test (from a finger or from a vein),

Take a general urine test

Take a biochemical blood test for a number of indicators, which will be discussed a little later,

Get examined by a gynecologist,

Get examined by a mammologist,

Get tested for vaginal flora,

Undergo an examination of the mammary glands (ultrasound - if you are under 35–40 years old, mammography - if you are already 35 or 40 years old; the doctor, after listening to your medical history, in borderline cases based on age, will decide which examination is best suited for you),

Undergo an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs (to detect diseases and neoplasms),

Undergo colposcopy (examination of cervical tissue to exclude the degeneration of cells into malignant ones),

Check your lipid profile (this will show how high your risk of blood clots is),

Do an ECG,

Donate blood for sugar (in order not to miss the onset of diabetes mellitus),

Check tumor markers (take a blood test for at least three tumor markers: CA-125 - for ovarian cancer, CA-15-3 - for breast cancer, CA-19-19 - for colon and rectal cancer, which is in third place most common in women after breast and lung cancer),

Hormone analysis (must be taken at the beginning and on the 20th day of the cycle). It will show how well your ovaries and thyroid gland are working.

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Now let's move on to deciphering the biochemical blood test indicators.

Alanine aminotransferase (AMT) shows whether there is liver damage (chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis or cancer). If its level is elevated, this is a reason for doctors to suspect the disease. However, it is difficult to make an accurate diagnosis using this analysis, so additional research may be required.

Total amylase in serum is a pancreatic enzyme. The test will tell you whether you have pancreatitis or other damage to the pancreas. Again, if its level is elevated, then doctors will sound the alarm, but they won’t be able to say for sure what’s wrong with you yet: additional research is needed.

Antibodies to thyroid peroxidase are an indicator of autoimmune thyroid diseases.

Antithrombin III has a depressant effect on blood clotting. A decrease in its concentration indicates that there is a risk of blood clots.

Total protein in whey. Blood proteins are divided into albumins (synthesized from dietary protein in the liver) and globulins (support immunity, transport nutrients to tissues, ensure normal blood clotting, and are also represented by enzymes and hormones. Doctors may be concerned about the fact that the amount of protein yours is reduced, and they are interested in the absolute value, and not the relative one, which depends on the retention or, conversely, loss of fluid. So, if the absolute content of protein in the blood is reduced, then this may indicate a violation of protein metabolism, which in itself can. be a symptom of impaired liver function (as albumin levels usually decrease), kidney function, or endocrine system disorders. In general, if they find out that something is wrong, they will suggest further examination.

Total bilirubin is bilirubin, a breakdown product of hemoglobin contained in red blood cells that die naturally or something provokes their death. Normally, 1% of red blood cells disintegrate per day in a healthy person; Accordingly, approximately 100–250 mg of bilirubin enters the blood. Bilirubin may increase due to increased breakdown of red blood cells (which is typical for some types of anemia) or liver damage (for example, with hepatitis). The fact is that further processing of bilirubin occurs in the liver in order to remove it from the body, but if the liver is damaged in any way, then bilirubin from the damaged cells is released and enters the blood. An increase in bilirubin can also be associated with difficulties in the outflow of bile (for example, if the bile duct is compressed by something, for example, a tumor, an enlarged lymph node, a stone or a scar), then this condition is called bile duct dyskinesia. To find out if you have one of these abnormalities in body functions, this test is prescribed.

Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) is an enzyme that is found in the cells of the liver and bile ducts, respectively, the result again shows how your liver functions. The test result will help determine whether you have bile stagnation (cholistasis). At the same time, the production of this enzyme is also triggered by alcohol, so on the eve of the test you should not drink or take paracetamol or phenobarbital (contained in Corvalol), which also increase the GGT level.

Plasma glucose. This is not about a popular singer on the screen, but about a result that will help find out if you have diabetes. This is important because diabetes begins with minor symptoms that can easily be missed. The analysis is especially necessary for those who have a genetic predisposition to diabetes (the closest relative is a diabetic), are overweight, or are over 45 years old.

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Homocysteine. Accumulating in the body, homocysteine ​​begins to attack the internal walls of blood vessels, the intima lined with endothelium. And the body strives to heal the resulting gaps. To do this, the body contains cholesterol and calcium, which form atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of damaged vessels. And everything would be fine if these plaques did not ultimately lead to blockage of the vessels being repaired! Homocysteine ​​should definitely be checked if your immediate family has had blood clots, coronary heart disease, or strokes with heart attacks. It is necessary to closely monitor its level if such diseases developed in the family before the age of 50.

Iron in serum. You are not in danger of becoming a tin lumberjack if your test is normal. If you have anemia, then this indicator will help to find out whether it is associated with low iron levels in the body or, perhaps, it has developed, for example, due to a lack of vitamin B12. If your iron content, on the contrary, is elevated, this may be due to hereditary hemochromatosis (a disease associated with increased absorption and accumulation of iron) or an overdose of iron supplements.

Serum calcium. Calcium is the main building material of the body; in addition, it is involved in the contraction of muscles and the heart. This mineral is in constant balance with phosphorus. That is, if the amount of calcium in the blood decreases, the phosphorus content increases, and vice versa. Therefore, they talk about phosphorus-calcium metabolism. The level of calcium in the blood is regulated by the parathyroid and thyroid glands. This test shows calcium metabolism in the body, which is important for assessing kidney function (they excrete calcium), indirectly assesses whether there is breast, lung, brain or throat cancer, whether there is myeloma (a type of blood cancer), and also indirectly indicates hyperthyroidism ( if calcium levels are elevated). However, this analysis will not tell doctors anything about the calcium content in the bones of the skeleton! To assess this indicator, there is a separate technique - densiometry.

Coagulogram (prothrombin according to Quick and INR) - the result shows how well the blood clots.

The leukocyte formula (leukogram) shows, firstly, how much the body can resist infection, and secondly, it can show, with a shift to the left (that is, an increase in immature leukocytes), cancer of some organs, including the breast.

In addition to all of the above, you must definitely check for the presence of antibodies to rubella in the blood, and if they are not there (you have not been sick and have not been vaccinated), then get vaccinated against rubella! After all, you have probably heard about terrible fetal defects if the mother suffered from rubella during pregnancy.

Whole body MRI is the primary diagnosis of organs and tissues in order to identify and localize tumors, the presence of serious pathological changes in internal organs and tissues. MRI examination of the body is used when it is not possible to determine the cause of the disease, if a closed injury is diagnosed, as well as for certain indications. Whole body tomography (MRI) is performed using a screening technique in several planes. A child can undergo a complete examination of the entire body using MRI at any age. This type of diagnosis has practically no age restrictions, however, due to the need to remain immobile for a fairly long period of time, the study is carried out for young children under anesthesia or using sedatives.

Complete diagnostics of the body,


Indications for a comprehensive examination of the whole body using MRI are: systemic, widespread damage to organs, blood vessels, lymph nodes, etc.; search for metastases and tumors if cancer is suspected; complex diagnostic cases in which it is difficult to draw conclusions about the localization of the pathological process in the body and its nature; combined injuries; preventive examination to identify possible diseases.


Complete diagnosis of the body using MRI is highly accurate and safe, without radiation exposure. There is no need to prepare specifically for the study. Contraindications to the procedure include metal elements in the body (pacemakers, vascular clips, implants, etc.), early pregnancy, and allergies to contrast. In case of intolerance to a confined space, it is possible to do a tomography under anesthesia.

More details


The cost of a whole-body MRI in Moscow ranges from 14,800 to 75,000 rubles. The average price is 32,460 rubles.

Where can I get an MRI of the whole body?

Our portal contains all the clinics where you can get an MRI of the whole body in Moscow. Choose a clinic that suits your price and location and make an appointment on our website or by phone.