Muslim sonic interpretation of sleep. What information do dreams carry? The history of the creation of a dream book on the Koran

Names: origin and forms

Yakov- (from Hebrew) next.

Old: Jacob.
Derivatives: Yakovka, Yakunya, Yakukha, Yakusha, Yasha, Yashata, Yashunya, Yashuta, Yashonya, Yanya, Yasya.

Directory of Russian names

From Jacob, the stammerer, follows someone(from Hebrew).

Fate strives to give him a surprise, often not the best one. Smart, cunning. Every now and then steps fall out of his social ladder. Farsighted, anticipating events. The Yakovs are supposedly indifferent to the female sex.

The mystery of the name

Yakov- Russian form of the name Jacob - next on the heels (Hebrew), the second by birth of two twins, appearing “on the heels” of the first.
Jacob- the ancestor of the Israeli people, one of the main characters in the cycle of Biblical tales: Esau, returning home from hunting hungry, asked his twin friend Jacob to give him part of the lentil stew that he had prepared.
Jacob agreed on the condition that he would receive the right of birthright for this, which means the right of the eldest son to inherit his father’s property and the defeat of the head of the clan.
In the 19th - 1st half of the 20th centuries the name was common, but nowadays it is rare.
Zodiac name: Taurus.
Planet: Moon.
Name color: red.
Talisman stone: red jasper.
Auspicious plant: chestnut, purslane.
Patron name: yak.
Happy day: Friday.
Happy time of year: spring.
Main features: practicality, prudence.


Jacob Alfeev, apostle of the twelve, brother of the holy evangelist Matthew. For his faith in Christ he was crucified on the cross in Egypt, July 13 (June 30), October 22 (9).
Jacob Brother of the Lord according to the flesh, Apostle of the Seventy, 1st Bishop of Jerusalem, Hieromartyr, January 17 (4), November 5 (October 23).
Jacob Bryleevsky, Rev., April 24 (11).
Jacob Zheleznoborovsky, Rev., disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, April 24 (11), May 18 (5).
Jacob Zebedee, apostle of the twelve, brother of the Apostle John the Theologian. He preached the Holy Gospel in Spain and other countries. He died as a martyr in Jerusalem in 42 AD, on May 13 (April 30), July 13 (June 30).
Jacob of Carmel (Palestinian), hermit, faster, March 17 (4).
Jacob of Catania (Sicilian), bishop, confessor, April 3 (March 21), April 6 (March 24).
Jacob of Constantinople, martyr, August 22 (9).
Jacob Menyuzhsky, Novgorod, July 7 (June 24).
Jacob of Mesukevia, Georgian, martyr, April 28 (15).
Jacob of Nizibia (Nisibi), bishop, January 26 (13).
Jacob Omuchsky, Rev., November 3 (October 21).
Jacob of Persia, presbyter, martyr, April 23 (10).
Jacob the Persian, Great Martyr, C) December (November 27).
Jacob the Zealot, Persian, presbyter, martyr, November 14 (1).
Jacob Rostovsky, bishop, June 5 (May 23), December 10 (November 27).
Jacob of Samosat, martyr, February 11 (January 29). Jacob of Serbia, Archbishop, September 12 (August 30).
Jacob the Syrian, hermit, December 9 (November 26).
Jacob (Israel), son of Isaac, Old Testament patriarch.
Jacob Borovichsky, Novgorod, Fool for Christ's sake, November 5 (October 23). Righteous Jacob, even in his adolescence, took upon himself the severe feat of foolishness for Christ's sake. Nothing more is known about his life. The Lord glorified him after his death. In 1540, a large ice floe floated against the current to the village of Borovichi (in the Novgorod region), on which stood the coffin with the body of a young man. Frightened residents pushed the ice floe into the middle of the river three times, but it returned to the shore again. At night, the young man they saw on the ice floe appeared in a dream to the village elders and said: “I am a Christian like you. Do not persecute me. My name is Jacob...” After this, the relics of the holy youth were removed from the ice floe and placed in the chapel. Glorifying his saint, the Lord bestowed healing power on the relics, affirming the holiness of the life of the unknown youth, and already in 1544 a church celebration was established for the righteous Jacob of Borovichi.



Yasha is a lively, careless child, always walking around with bruises, broken knees, and bumps on his head. There is no point in punishing him, he is already in pain, he himself does not understand how he gets into such situations. A boy with a difficult character, he is not easy to convince, he cannot stand advice and is convinced that he can do it himself in life. Yasha easily grasps information and notices everything behind everyone. He is an average student at school, his knowledge is superficial, and his friends are not very educated.

Adult Yakov is agile, active, and cunning. He has a synthetic mindset that allows him to perceive events as they are and find the right solution. He is hardworking, stubborn, and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goal. Often he achieves high mastery in his chosen profession, becoming famous and authoritative. A career as a journalist is very suitable for him, since his ability to witness any kind of event is simply phenomenal. Jacob can be a writer, comedian, tailor, hairdresser, jeweler, watchmaker. He is a fashion master, many people turn to him, even strangers - Yasha never refuses. Jacob can go into business - he is a practical, prudent, decisive person, but he is slow to adapt to changing circumstances.

Yakov loves to travel and not necessarily with comfort; in his youth he was an avid tourist, he understands what a friendly shoulder means, he is able to help a friend, but on the condition that others do the same.

Jacob considers pleasure and enjoyment to be the highest good of life. He receives sensual pleasure even at the sight of a beautiful woman on the beach; a light kiss on the cheek is already a love game for him, causing desire. But Yakov feels true attraction to a certain woman, a long-standing attachment with whom he can feel free.

In relationships with women, Yakov is delicate, gentle, and will never offend. He chooses a businesslike, intelligent, “homely” woman as his wife. The wife completely runs the house, Yakov interferes only in the most important matters. He loves children, they also dote on him. Yakov’s happiest marriage can be with Galina, Inna, Claudia, Lyudmila, Polina, Tamara.

Surname: Yakovlevich, Yakovlevna.


Yakov Alexandrovich Bruce (1732-1791) - count, the last representative of the famous Scottish family, which had four generations in Russia. Married to Countess Praskovya Alexandrovna Rumyantseva, he enjoyed the patronage of strong and noble relatives. During the reign of Catherine II, he quickly reached the highest ranks, thanks to the exceptional favor that his wife enjoyed with the empress until she was caught by her in relations with her favorite I.N. Korsakov.

In 1771, Count Bruce accepted an order to take measures to protect St. Petersburg from the plague that was raging in Moscow. In 1773, Bruce was promoted to general-in-chief, received St. Andrew's ribbon and was appointed governor-general of both capitals and commander-in-chief in Moscow. A scandal with his wife at court led to Bruce’s relocation to Moscow, which he was dissatisfied with, finding here “old customs and a darkness of prejudices.” But Moscow didn’t like him either, especially as the successor to the enlightened nobleman Count Z.G. Chernysheva. The contrast was sharp - Bruce is a narrow-minded and rude person. However, he was only an exact executor of Catherine’s orders. This is how he revealed himself in describing Novikov’s printing house, from which “many strange books come out,” which Bruce could not figure out, not knowing whether they were “for enlightenment” or “for corruption.”

The death of his wife in 1786 resulted in Bruce's long-desired return to St. Petersburg to the post of Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief. Without showing any special activity in this high post, Count Yakov Alexandrovich Bruce died and was unusually magnificently buried in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.
  • Male name
  • Meaning and origin of the name Jacob: This ancient biblical name means "Heel Follower."
  • Energy named after Yakov: Optimistic, practical, passionate

Most often, Yasha is a great lover of life, a lively person, but easy-going. His name does little to incline him to show firmness, and besides, Yakov early begins to understand that with gentleness and good-natured fun one can achieve much more from those around him. He usually has great pride, but it easily finds satisfaction in caring for his own well-being. Yasha will try not to miss out on his own benefits, and it’s not for nothing that this name has become one of the most beloved among Russian gypsies.

Most Jacobs are purely earthly people; the energy of the name does not call them to search for some abstract spiritual values, of which they recognize only the freedom of their desires. This allows Yasha to become little attached to anything, for example, losing friends, which he, of course, does not want, he nevertheless easily finds new ones. The same situation can arise in a family, to which the joint household and convenience tie him much more than anything else. It is possible that Yasha, with a light heart, will begin to look for additional pleasures on the side, while, most likely, he will very easily find an excuse for himself in the fact that all men do this, while the rest are just worthless men. However, with all his confidence, he will still keep these novels secret from his wife, just in case.

Of all human feelings, Yakov usually prefers cheerful good nature; he can easily laugh at himself and at others, but very rarely uses this quality as a weapon for ridicule. Sometimes he becomes hot-tempered, he can even become violent, especially when drunk, however, it is unlikely that it will be difficult for him to be the first to reconcile. All this makes his name extremely convenient for communication and life, but women should hardly hope too much for Yasha’s special affection for them. In addition, in the family he is unlikely to tolerate the decisive role of the wife, although for reasons of convenience he is capable of playing the role of henpecked. Don't worry, this is just a role that can easily be seen as a person for whom the highest priorities are the priorities of his desires.

One can hardly expect that Jacob can be captivated by ambitious dreams of a career - ambition usually has nothing to do with it and it will easily give way to concerns about well-being. Thus, there is very little chance that he will be attracted to the roles of public leaders or heights of creativity, but he can successfully realize himself both in business and in a well-paid management job.

What do you think of the name Jacob?

According to Mendelev

A brave, bright and strong name, where, in addition to those mentioned, the characteristics “good”, “simple” and “joyful” stand out especially noticeably.

Yakov is a fast, decisive, bright and courageous man, he is respected by everyone who knows him. He often achieves high mastery in his chosen specialty. He becomes famous and authoritative, so that many, previously complete strangers, turn to him. Yakov can be, for example, a doctor-healer who is able to perform a miracle that is inaccessible to others, or an irreplaceable auto repairman, or a jeweler whose products are wildly successful. His word is firm, he will never let down anyone who trusted him.

The profession does not bring much income to Yakov, but it does bring true satisfaction; he does not abandon or change her sometimes all his life. In everyday life, he is a very calm, balanced and self-confident person. Does not hunt for wealth, fame and fortune. Yakov is happy with life and does not shy away from its joys. His wife loves him, and his children dote on him.

Yasha is almost the same as Yakov, but all the characteristic features of his name are expressed somewhat less sharply and prominently.

This is a person living in complete harmony with himself. He doesn’t have to pretend or pretend.

The name is relatively rare these days.

The color of the name is bright scarlet.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Yakov loves everything beautiful; he literally receives sensual pleasure from the sight of a beautiful woman lying somewhere on the shore under the rays of the sun. At the moment of intimacy, Yakov experiences a deep feeling of tenderness and gratitude for his partner; he is soft and delicate, capable of strong emotional outbursts. He, like no one else, needs female affection; a light kiss on the cheek upon meeting is perceived by him as the first physical contact. For Yakov, a kiss is already a love game that evokes desire in him. However, Yakov experiences a strong sexual attraction only to a certain partner, as a rule, to a long-standing and strong attachment, with whom he can, having rejected all prohibitions, feel free. He views sex as a means of his spiritual self-discovery, allowing him to moderate his inner passions, and at the same time an inexhaustible source of joy. Yakov is caring and patient with a woman, he likes to gradually kindle passion in her and then bring her to frenzy. He will “tame” a woman for a long time, without getting irritated and without showing his displeasure if she does not initially accept his frank caresses.

“Winter” Yakov is somewhat different from others. He enjoys it when his partner takes the initiative, tends to idealize her, and completely follow her.

Prefers very sexually experienced women. Attaches great importance to sexual harmony in marital relations. He should not marry a girl born in winter.

1. Personality: male riders

2.Color: blue

3. Main features: intuition - intelligence - sociability - receptivity.

4. Totem plant: nettle

5. Totem animal: horse

6. Sign: cancer

7. Type. These are mobile and active people, in other words, arrow men. But they are not always easy to communicate, because their totem plant is nettle.

8. Psyche. Such men feel good when they actively participate in life; they must interfere in everything, advise everyone, change something, otherwise they feel useless and even unhappy. They are overwhelmed by pride and strive to please everyone, to be recognized by everyone.

9. Will. In order for it to become active, it must be excited all the time.

10. Excitability. Easily excitable. Friendship with them, as a rule, does not last long; they do not like to constantly see the same faces in their surroundings. They are self-centered and difficult to be friends with.

11. Reaction speed. Fortunately, such people are balanced, which allows them to ride around these charming “foals.”

12. Field of activity. Their activity depends on the chosen profession. If they don't like a job, they will change it until they find what they need. They can become interested in music, theater, and dancing. Among them there are artists, clothing designers, and talented architects. They love to travel.

13. Intuition. Excessive. They are hypersensitive, which often alienates boys from their father and brings them closer to their mother.

14. Intelligence. Its level is very high. The ability to analyze is combined with an equally developed ability to synthesize.

15. Receptivity. Too receptive and sensitive. Relatives and friends must ensure that the lives of these boys do not depend entirely on feelings.

16. Morality. They are ruled by innate egoism with a certain amount of hedonism, which, as we know, considers pleasure and enjoyment to be the highest good of life.

17. Health. Should be flawless, but still causes them minor troubles. They get tired very quickly and are prone to nervous and mental stress. Predisposed to obesity. The weak point is the eyes. It is recommended to monitor your blood pressure.

18. Sexuality. Creates some problems for them. Such boys need to develop masculine character traits from childhood - with the help of sports and a rational lifestyle. Don't let them indulge in narcissism.

19. Activity. Contains some signs of exhibitionism: Yakov and others like him behave extravagantly and not in the best way. They are not always objective and may even be unfair, since they only consider their own point of view.

20. Sociability. They have all the ingredients to be charming people. They love to organize receptions, large and lengthy feasts.

21. Conclusion. You shouldn't pay much attention to what they say and do. It is useful to make such people feel that they should not play smart.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: “Following on the heels” (biblical)

Energy of the name and character: Most often, Yasha is a great lover of life, a lively person, but easy-going. His name does little to incline him to show firmness; moreover, Yakov early begins to understand that with gentleness and good-natured fun one can achieve much more from those around him. He usually has great pride, but it easily finds satisfaction in caring for his own well-being. Yasha will try not to miss out on his own benefits, and it’s not for nothing that this name has become one of the most beloved among Russian gypsies.

Most Jacobs are purely earthly people; the energy of the name does not call them to search for some abstract spiritual values, of which they recognize only the freedom of their desires. This allows Yasha to become little attached to anything, for example, losing friends, which he, of course, does not want, he nevertheless easily finds new ones. The same situation can arise in a family, to which the joint household and convenience tie him much more than anything else. It is possible that Yasha, with a light heart, will begin to look for additional pleasures on the side, while, most likely, he will very easily find an excuse for himself in the fact that all men do this, while the rest are just worthless men. However, with all his confidence, he will still keep these novels secret from his wife, just in case.

Of all human feelings, Yakov usually prefers cheerful good nature; he can easily laugh at himself and at others, but very rarely uses this quality as a weapon for ridicule. Sometimes he becomes hot-tempered, he can even become violent, especially when drunk, however, it is unlikely that it will be difficult for him to be the first to reconcile. All this makes his name extremely convenient for communication and life, but women should hardly hope too much for Yasha’s special affection for them. In addition, in the family he is unlikely to tolerate the decisive role of the wife, although for reasons of convenience he is capable of playing the role of henpecked. Don't worry, this is just a role that can easily be seen as a person for whom the highest priorities are the priorities of his desires.

One can hardly expect that Jacob can be captivated by ambitious dreams of a career - ambition usually has nothing to do with it and it will easily give way to concerns about well-being. Thus, there is very little chance that he will be attracted to the roles of public leaders or heights of creativity, but he can successfully realize himself both in business and in a well-paid management job.

Secrets of communication: In the event of any conflicts with Yakov, you probably shouldn’t be too offended by his ardor; in the very near future, most likely, there will be no trace of it left. Moreover, it is often very convenient to involve Yasha in resolving other people’s conflicts in the role of an arbitrator; believe me, he is well suited for the role of a peacemaker. But if you are going to bargain with him or, God forbid, resolve financial disputes, then you should pay less attention to his good nature. Most often, he will simply attribute his persistence to the firmness of his partners or even to his wife, while continuing to stick to his line.

The name's trace in history:

Yakov Kulnev

It must be said that, as a rule, the good nature inherent in Jacobs does not leave room for anguish in their souls; and they are able to perceive even an unpleasant situation that hurts their pride easily and with a joke. In this regard, a real historical anecdote that happened to Major General Yakov Kulnev (1763–1812) is noteworthy - a fearless and courageous man of action who went down in history during the War of 1812 as a gallant commander of a cavalry detachment and distinguished himself in the victory over the French corps of Marshal Oudinot.

During the time when Kulnev was still a major, Emperor Paul, wanting to accustom his subjects to moderation, established the number of meals according to classes, and for employees - according to rank. The majors were determined to have three dishes at the table, no more and no less. Kulnev at that time was very poor and could not afford such an unheard of luxury. One day Paul asked him:

- Mister Major, how many dishes do you serve at dinners?

- Three, Your Imperial Majesty.

- Let me know which ones exactly?

“Flat chicken, rib-side chicken and sideways chicken,” Kulnev answered cheerfully.

According to Higir

Russian form from Jacob (Hebrew origin, literally: heel. In a figurative sense: second by birth, appearing “on the heels”).

Yasha is one of the practical, calculating children. He is a little slow-witted and must get used to a new situation and new people. Always gives preference to old, trusted friends.

He easily develops respiratory diseases. Loves adventure novels. He treats his father with special respect and, growing up, does not lose his spiritual connection with him.

Yakov is hardworking and strives to complete any task. Has good commercial abilities due to the ability to get along with people, resolve and mitigate interpersonal conflicts.

He chooses a businesslike, intelligent, but at the same time “homely” woman as his wife. A homebody and wife would like to see the same. A powerful woman will turn away Jacob, since he himself is delicate, gentle in relationships with women, and will never offend them. In important matters, he will insist on his own way; he will not spoil the nerves of either himself or his wife over trifles.

He keeps in touch with friends and is always ready to help them. Friends love to visit Yasha’s house: he drinks in moderation and prefers fine wines to strong drinks.

He devotes a lot of time to communicating with children and goes on vacation with his family.

It is difficult for Yakov to refuse people something. The wife needs to be on her guard: a determined woman, knowing this, will be able to play on Yakov’s “pity” and “lead” him away.

It is best for him to marry someone whose name is Alina, Berta, Galina, Inna, Claudia, Lilia. A marriage with Dina, Ekaterina, Lyudmila, Marta or Raisa may not work out.