My husband begged me to come back and cried. The ex wants to come back after he left, should he accept it or drive him away? What to do if your ex-husband wants to come back

I can’t live like this anymore and I don’t know how to change everything in my life, I don’t have the strength anymore.

I’ll tell you my story: I’ve been living with my husband for 13 years. We are raising 2 sons...But first things first.
I got married at 24 to my colleague, they lived hard, rented a room, then got a hostel. Soon I became pregnant and a son was born. Gradually, my husband advanced in his career, I worked, but there weren’t enough stars in the sky, devoting myself more and more to my son. Over time, my husband began to insult and humiliate me more and more, especially in front of the child. With the words, look, our mother is a fool, or worse, your mother is a fool, after giving birth I gained weight, this was generally a reason for ridicule... Your mother broke the sofa, the cow is fat, how can I sleep with you, etc. etc.

At one point, I took charge of myself and lost weight until I was 44. The worst thing is that he could allow this in front of his mother and brother. His mother began to insert the same remarks towards me and my child, if the child did something wrong, then it’s all about the mother, and if anything is good, it’s all about the father. Gradually, I learned to live like this, just like with a stranger, I didn’t want to tell or share something with him, I began to notice that I was more psychologically comfortable without him than with him. By that time, I had already returned to work a long time ago; we bought a two-room apartment with a mortgage, two cars, a dacha, and everything seemed to be fine.

Then an accident happened to me - I suffered a fracture of the spine and could not care for my husband and son, I became a bedridden patient. When this happened, my husband supported me, sort of taught me to walk. But while I was feeling bad, he took me to my parents, under the pretext that it would be better for me. I brought my son only for the weekend. I asked to be picked up, he told me, until you take care of yourself and cook food, I won’t take you home. Only for the sake of my son, I began to crawl on my knees at first, lying to my husband that I could already do a lot, I begged to go home. After a year of this hell, I recovered, it couldn’t have been any other way, I did everything for the sake of my son. I didn’t pay attention to my husband’s ridicule, I had already adapted or something, or I’m so easy-going, I don’t know.
My son went to first grade, and I clearly remember how my husband raised his hand to me for the first time in front of the line early in the morning. I once again expressed my complaints to him that he could ask for time off during the line, because he is not involved in education anyway. To which he had such a flash of anger that he grabbed me by the neck and began to choke me until I began to choke, he did not unclench his hands. I cried and forgave him, I just never raised this topic again, somewhere inside myself I completely crossed him out of my life with my son.
There was no question of divorce. Once I complained to my mother-in-law about what I should do, to which I received the answer that if something doesn’t suit you, leave. Mom actually told me, well, he doesn’t drink, does he? My life is even worse.
Yes, I must say that my father drank, scandals were not uncommon, and at the age of 12 he drowned me in a bathtub, dunked my head in water, beat me several times drunk, my mother forgave him, treated him and believed in the best. And she advised me that she works and doesn’t drink, she brings everything to the family... I lived with a drunk all my youth and you live for the sake of your son. I must say that my mother managed to save the family, my father stopped drinking so much and rarely drinks just red wine. In general, I did not receive any support, there was no one to complain to.

Time went on as usual, my son and I finally moved away from my husband, work, home, periodic scandals, but somehow I began to isolate myself from everything.
I began to live with my husband as a roommate or roommate, there was almost no intimacy, no hugs, nothing... Problems began with my son, we began to go to a family psychologist, to which he advised me to change something in the family, my husband too I went to consultations. But he considered all this nonsense; he was already happy with everything in our relationship.
One fine day, my husband packed his things and confronted me with the fact that he had been offered a higher position, and he was leaving for Moscow, and I could fly with him for a week while he was at work, to help him find an apartment and arrange his life. I, a naive Chukchi girl, agree. I fly home, and my husband calls less and less, neither to me nor to the child. But I still hope, I call myself, buy tickets, fly for the weekend, and this went on for 8 months. Until one day I realized that he didn’t need us, he just didn’t need us. I decided for myself a long time ago that that’s it. He doesn’t want a second child, he doesn’t perceive me as a woman, and in general, as he said, in response to my question: when will you fly home for good, he told me, people have been waiting for years. In general, I set a big point for myself.

I filed for divorce, I didn’t say anything to my husband, and in fact he didn’t call... After a while, I had another man, I didn’t even think that it was possible to love like that, the feelings turned out to be mutual, I hid this relationship from all my relatives, first of all, from parents. My mother constantly threw hysterics at me about the divorce, so that I wouldn’t be stupid and come to my senses, you can’t raise a child alone, etc. etc. This was a must see. I didn’t even understand how this man became so close to me, I talked with his parents, his mother and father constantly invited me to visit, they wanted to meet their son. His mother constantly called me, and he called me every hour, probably for the first time in so many years I felt that I was needed.
Two months later, my husband began calling to insult and intimidate that he was taking the child, I’m not a mother, but I’m a viper, I need to think about my son, but I sent my husband away and took a lover.
Moreover, he flew in and went to my parents, caused a scandal, to which my mother came to our house and began an educational conversation. What kind of a mother am I, and I don’t need a child, and stuff like that.
I decided to fight for my love, I kicked her out of the apartment, stopped picking up calls from all my relatives, it was just me and my son. I didn’t want to give up my feminine happiness, for the first time I felt needed and loved, that someone was ready to listen to me for hours, with whom I could always chat about everything. I introduced my son to this young man. They became friends, by that time the trial was constantly being postponed, my husband did not give consent, every morning he called me at work, home, humiliated and insulted me. While I waited faithfully, I asked him to call, write an email, go on Skype, he was always busy, but here there was such interest.
Moreover, using his connections with the mobile operator, he found out the number of the subscriber with whom I communicate so nicely. Calls were sent to my new man, I don’t know what he said there, but we broke up, it was hard for both of us, but we decided that it would be better, he still wouldn’t give life.
I must say, after all sorts of insults, gifts, courtship, etc., etc. began from my husband.
My husband begged me to come back, cried, said that he realized everything. He really wants a second child, everything will be different now, he has changed, very much... At the third meeting I made a mistake, I withdrew the application. And my son and I moved to Moscow.
Hell began even worse than before.
My husband began to forbid me to communicate with friends, parents and all those who were from our hometown. He demanded forceful sex three times at the bottom. Soon I became pregnant. The beatings began again, being pregnant with my second, he beat me, I was walking around all blue, my face was swollen, my lips covered half my face, he promised to use a stun gun and finally dismember me and throw the bag into the garbage chute. I escaped from the apartment in horror and ran to the police, where they filmed the beating, and I filed a report against him.
The husband was given a fine of 1,000 rubles and warned that he would give up his hands again and he would be imprisoned for 6 months. Frightened by prison, he became quiet.

A second son was born, I still don’t see anything from my husband other than insults and humiliations; moreover, he began to humiliate his eldest son, calling him a donkey and an idiot. Besides the fact that I’m a worthless housewife, a hysteric, a fool, I haven’t heard simple normal words from him for a long time. For some time now it has also begun to seem to me that my husband is right. In order not to completely go crazy from such thoughts and to prove it to him, I went to study for a second higher education. I pass all my exams ahead of schedule, as if I’m proving to him, look, I’m also worth something. I stopped wanting to go out at all, nervous breakdowns began to occur, when he is not at home, I often cry, look at websites of my hometown. I still haven’t gotten used to Moscow, although two and a half years have passed. When I come home for the holidays, I feel happy, I only miss my husband for the first week. In general, I began to doubt whether we love each other, although we cannot be apart either, we constantly call each other, several times at a time. After the scandal, everything ends monotonously, as if according to the script, my tears, I express everything, he responds, then we make peace, and peace sets in for several days. Now I’m planning to go home with my children forever in the fall, my husband vows to come in two months, but I don’t have that confidence. Sometimes it seems that he is bluffing and will not go anywhere from Moscow, he just wants to be alone once again.
When I lived in Novosibirsk, as it turned out, he was constantly dating a certain woman Olya, she wrote to me on social networks, and everything he said about me was how he was slinging mud.
I answered her, well, it was, because I myself also dated. I don't know how to live anymore...
Something needs to be changed in the relationship; divorce is not the answer.

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Tired, age: 37 / 05/28/2014


My dear, you are tired! Divorce is the solution you are looking for. No relationship, no love, no respect.
Who is he to you? You can get 3 more higher educations, you can turn yourself inside out, but your husband DOESN’T LOVE YOU! And you yourself already understand this, but don’t accept it. Leave, don’t be afraid, everything will be fine with you. How many more years will you have enough patience? At 10-20? You are only 37, your whole life is ahead of you and the best too. You will never see this good with your husband. Run away from him if you don’t want your sons to treat you the same way as your husband. Good luck to you!

Vera, age: 54 / 05/28/2014

Why isn't there a way out? This is exactly the first thing to do.
In my opinion, the first time you simply gave up, you were afraid of your tyrant husband, the hysteria of your mother, who could not build her life, but decided to ruin yours, she herself was not happy and deprived you of it. And your husband needed you, alas, only as a victim: for humiliation, scandals, beatings. With your second child, your husband simply tied you to himself.
The advice is simple: leave for good, file for divorce and alimony and build your life without your husband and other relatives. Otherwise you will create a lot of problems for yourself. And the children will not forgive you for allowing their father to humiliate them.

Vera, age: 36 / 05/28/2014

Tired, if divorce is not an option, then you will endure humiliation, beatings and disrespect in the future from your sons. You did not fight for your happiness, and this is your decision. And everything that happens to you is your decision. Maybe you are a masochist and can’t live without all this “tent”?
In any case, this is also your decision. What can I add here...

mirinza, age: 40 / 05/28/2014

Dear, dear, I barely read your letter to the end, because I was overcome by a wave of indignation, and I began to shake at what you yourself had done with your life. Yes, we must try to save the family. But no matter what, believe me. You gave your husband a chance at one time, but he did not appreciate it. He began to return you, as an elementary sense of ownership worked. It seemed to you that the person was returning you because he loved you. No, not like that. Believe me, you can see better from the outside. And so he got you, like a hunter gets his prey, and began to mock you again. Write: “We can’t be apart.” But this does not mean love, but dependence. When there is love, they love, cherish, appreciate, and do not beat and do not mock morally.
Your mother is largely to blame - she raised you with victim syndrome. And now you are repeating her fate. The only difference between you is that you have sons growing up. Then how will you look your daughters-in-law in the eyes when they come running to cry on your knees with bruises and abrasions after beatings at the hands of your sons, God forbid?! Can they grow up different if their father’s behavior towards their mother is the norm?
If you can’t do it for yourself, then for the sake of your sons, at least put an end to this unhealthy relationship. And they are really unhealthy! It's up to you, your life. I would break up. You have already done everything to save your family. And your face is hitting the table again, sorry for the rudeness.

Only now you need to go to the Temple. To confession. You will not have God’s help until you confess your sin of adultery and repent. No matter how difficult it was for you and your husband, you should not have started a relationship with that man. You caught this affection and attention because you didn’t feel it in your marriage.

Your situation reminded me of an episode from the first film "Brother", when the hero Sergei Bodrov began a relationship with a married woman - a tram driver. Remember how he stood up for her when her husband started to beat her again? And she remained with her tyrant husband. Well? Her choice.

Your last phrase killed me: “divorce is not an option.” What then is the solution in your situation?
It turns out you don’t want to break up. And you can’t stay with him either, because... You feel bad with him. Just believe me, things will never go well for you, forgive me for the bitter truth. Your husband has crossed this line. So he will beat and mock. He has neither love nor respect for you. He's been wiping his feet on you for a long time now, don't you see? Get out of this vicious circle, otherwise you will remain “Tired” all your life.

Sorry if I offended you. I didn't want to offend. I wanted you to look at your life from the outside and be horrified at what a nightmare you are living in.
Read Rita 51’s response to Alena’s letter (under your letter).
There is nothing more to add.

Ekaterina, age: 38 / 05/28/2014

Dear woman named Tired,
You are not defining yourself correctly. You are not tired, you are not taking yourself into account. You have probably had this habit since childhood. From my father. But how did you submit to this state!

Divorce is not the solution. What is the solution? And who goes where?
Do you know what you need to do? Find the most correct verb that reflects the whole essence of your husband’s attitude towards you.
You talk a lot, you remember the past, but tell yourself without patterns: what is your husband doing to you? He humiliates you. And deprives you of the right to your life.
You were almost able to live without him. This is about that relationship with a man. But he simply broke them. And you allowed him to do it again.
And I didn’t break it because I didn’t want your changes. No, that's not why. He needs you precisely and precisely in that state when you depend on him. You depend on everything. And you know this deep within yourself. But you can’t break this addiction. This state is almost a dead end. You don’t have the strength to change, you don’t have the strength to resist, you can do almost nothing on your own.

How is your relationship with your mother? Why didn’t your mother support you?

Your husband has a lot of carrots and sticks in his bins. And all this is for you.
But there is no such thing as respect in his bins. You know, your habit of being beaten is already becoming your leading habit.
I will not lie to you and set you up for the fact that a revolution will suddenly take place in your husband’s mind. That as a result of this revolution he will begin to appreciate you. Believe me, this is not the main thing.
The main thing is your life after such a serious injury. Do you realize that you could not get up at all? But the Lord gave you the happiness of walking, running and just sitting. By yourself. Without the help of crutches and nurses. I just don’t know how to convey to you that your recovery is a MIRACLE that happens only once in life. And not everyone has.
This Miracle happened to you. How did you manage this Miracle? You survived for the sake of your son. Now you have two sons. You must survive again.
And if life in a bee hive in Moscow is not to your liking, you have a home.

Try, however, to take a month of silence and listen only to yourself. Talk to your mom that living with this man means turning your life into some kind of thriller with elements of melodrama.
Mostly a thriller, sometimes a melodrama.
You probably no longer believe that you don’t have to be afraid, that you can just be happy in the morning because your mother will make coffee and you will make cheesecakes. And together with your children you will eat it all, smiling at each other. This is also a family: grandmother, mother and two children. This is also a family! This is real value.

You, like a tree, were uprooted from your native soil and transplanted somewhere 3000 kilometers away. Your phone number is available to your husband. He can invade your life. You have not taken root in Moscow.
But you are alive and have the will. You are suffocating without love and from fear. It’s like a description of the life of a captive person. Without the possibility of change.
Is this true? Doesn’t change come from you yourself?
Yes, you have already forgotten about yourself many times and followed your husband’s lead. But you are still your own boss.
And you know how to live on. You’re just afraid of change.

Yes, divorce is not an option.
This is the entrance to another life.

Nina Vishnevskaya, age: 44 / 05/28/2014

Honey, you really made a mistake. When they didn't get divorced at the third meeting.
I don't understand why at all. After all, looking soberly as the child of a woman who “at all costs” saved her family and an alcoholic father, whom you hardly needed as a child with his beatings - you are completely repeating the mistakes of your mother. FOR WHAT?! How you could not leave after those beatings when you were pregnant is a complete mystery to me. Understand that your victim syndrome was instilled by your mother as a child. There is no need to repeat her fate. Your children should not repeat your fate. Nobody needs such a “family”. Stop reveling in your sacrifice, as your mother did, “I lived with a drunk.” Think about the fact that you don’t have to give your only life to anyone like that. You need to live it as happily as possible, and give happiness and peace of mind to your children. And divorce is the only way to a normal state in your case. I personally am every day proud of my mother, who, having realized that love had passed between father and mother, a tense situation in the family began - she really found the strength to say - let's remain friends, for the sake of the children, get a divorce and not spoil each other's lives and the psyche of the children . Yes, maybe I would like my father to live with us, but their quarrel alone - they simply raised their voices at each other - was enough to make five-year-old me very frightened and stressed. And indeed, thanks to them for protecting me from the nightmare that you described. Be prepared for the fact that your husband will not just let you go, because he considers you his property. Don't let him manipulate you. You still have enough time to enjoy life, raise your sons with dignity, and build your own life. Just believe in yourself and don't let ANYONE ruin your life. Especially your mother. How she can be so blind and cruel towards you is beyond me. Therefore, think about yourself and your children first. Leave your husband and never think that he will change for the better. Don’t ruin the lives of yourself and your children, be smarter than your mother.

Anna, age: 32 / 05/28/2014

Dear girl, read the materials on this site. Everything related to addictions, especially. And a victim complex.
Go to a good psychologist - you have so much to work through, so many situations from your past to talk through!! Don't ignore this please. You have already allowed other people to do so many terrible things to your life!! But God is very merciful to you, He still gives you the opportunity to fix everything.
you are only 37 and you have time to get out of this psychological trap. You fell into it since childhood, largely the fault of your parents. But now you are already a mother yourself and can look at this situation from the position of an adult.
And yet, divorce, in your case, is not just a way out, but salvation! For your children especially.

Lyubasha, age: 35 / 05/28/2014

Hello, Tired!
I really sympathize with you, living in such a hell is unbearable, I myself experienced something similar, I couldn’t stand it and kicked him out, and that’s what he was. Now I really regret that when we were together, I didn’t fight for our family. but only reacted negatively to everything that was happening. For myself, I understood the main things:
1. I carry the reason for everything within myself. I will find another man, a husband, but after some time he will do the same to me.
2. I myself behave incorrectly in many ways with my man, my husband. The most important thing is how I feel about him in my soul, why I need him. Do I respect my husband and do I love him? A man feels our true attitude towards him.
3. Without God's help I cannot change anything. For me, in your situation, the worst thing is that your sons see your husband’s attitude towards you and there is a high probability that they will also begin to treat you the same way when they grow up, and their wives. I would ask with all my heart for help from the Lord, from the Most Holy Theotokos. I would go to church, talk to the priest, confess, take communion. In Moscow there is a great helper to people - the Holy Blessed Matrona of Moscow. I would go to Her relics and ask for help and understanding. There are saints Gury, Samone and Aviv. He compiled an akathist, prayers that are read by the wives of husbands like yours. Read about these saints. This comes first. During this period, I would try not to provoke my husband in any way, I would treat him as a seriously ill person who should not be irritated. And definitely! work with yourself, with what has been inherent in you since childhood, what you absorbed from your mother. If there is a good psychotherapist, preferably an Orthodox one, then I would seek help, because your situation needs to change very quickly because of the children, so that they do not absorb this attitude. I would give myself a certain period of time and, doing all this, see if there is a tendency for improvement. Sorry, it’s not easy for me to advise this, I missed it all myself. This is how I would act. I would fight to the last. At least so that there is nothing to reproach yourself with later. This is just my opinion. Lord help and enlighten you!

Tatyana, age: 39 / 05/29/2014

Dear girl, why didn’t you and your beloved man change your phone numbers and stop communicating with your husband while the trials were postponed? What does this mean, I wouldn’t give my life anyway???? (For some reason I remembered Korney Chukovsky’s fairy tale “The Cockroach”, a brilliant thing :)).
But it also seems to me that divorce is really not an option. In your marriage you receive something so important to you that you cannot live without it. And this is not love, not happiness, not respect, not freedom, not joy, not support, not acceptance, you can live without all this. Just what this is, I wish I could understand.
A family psychologist directed you to change something in the family. Have you tried it yourself, alone? Your husband considered everything nonsense; he was happy with everything anyway. You give him the right to decide for you how to live your only life. From the outside, your husband’s behavior is very logical - his way of keeping you works, and it’s also effective, so why should he change????
And I also want to tell you that in fact you are a very strong, tenacious and persistent girl. Moreover, she is still young and smart, and probably very attractive.
Look for yourself, you went through a difficult period with your husband until you both started earning money. You wanted to lose weight after giving birth - you lost weight, but you didn’t start eating buns and everyone complains about being overweight. You and your husband earned money for a decent life and helped him. How you recovered from a serious injury is a real miracle, you are so great!!! God bless! In the conflict with my mother, I also found the strength to defend myself. You went to the police and stopped the beatings, defended yourself, and your husband calmed down. Now you are receiving a second higher education, you are trying. This is very cool, simply wonderful, in such and such an atmosphere you find somewhere within yourself a resource to successfully study and pass exams ahead of schedule, to develop. You have had the experience of another man caring for you, now you understand what it means to love and be loved. You have such strength of spirit, but you don’t even feel it, you take it for granted, but this is a huge value, and not everyone has it. What a pity that almost all of your strength goes not in the direction that would make you truly happy, but in making you unhappy.
During a difficult period, the lectures of Professor Alexey Ilyich Osipov helped me a lot; try listening or reading at least one about a happy family. There is a lot of valuable information on this site that can help you; there are also lectures by Nina Krygina, a professor of psychology, about the family. You are in such a mood now that a small push is enough to start gradually changing everything for the better. You will succeed, believe me.
Best regards, Victoria.

Victoria, age: 36 / 05/29/2014

Divorce is the only way out. You have had low self-esteem since childhood, your mother tried to do this. You CANNOT tolerate it. Your children see all this, absorb all this “life.” Do you want them to build the same relationships in their families when they grow up? Go home, improve your life without him, before he completely tramples you! NOTHING is normal in your life, so what should you protect?

Ksenia, age: 36 / 05/29/2014

Dear Tired, to be honest, after reading your story, there is a taste of terrible horror in my mouth, a real thriller.
I am very sorry for you, but, I repeat the opinion of many here - you yourself have crippled part of your life.
I understand perfectly how the heart wants to believe that a person will change, that everything will be as before, how the heart does not want to let go of everything that happened between you.
Don't let go of good memories. Let the person go.
Grigory Leps has a song “I listened to the rain”, among the lines there is the phrase “and so that no one would separate us, I turned you into a memory.”

Divorce is a way out, and a way out of the constant feeling of humiliation/pain/antidepressants/physical and moral violence.

Just imagine that another man is trying to enter your life. Yes, he will be completely different from your husband. But you don’t give him a single chance, clinging not just to an illusion... To a dream within a dream, I would say. There is not only no peace between you and your husband, there is absolutely no peace at all... You are smart, gifted, with a higher education, but just understand that this is not what your husband wants to see in you.

Just like my ex-husband :)

Your husband is selfish to the point of disgrace, he likes to see you in the role of property/thing that always agrees with him, is silent when the relationship needs to be sorted out, and everything depends on the husband’s mood. HE LIKES to enjoy your emotional dependence, but this is NOT LOVE!!!

This is pure sadism to mock yourself like that, BUT!
Try, no matter how painful it may be, to accept that you yourself are to blame for your strong emotional dependence. You and only you. Your husband has done NOTHING worthwhile for you to drag yourself into the dirt for the sake of his well-being and self-affirmation.

It was difficult for me to accept the fact that I myself and no one else was to blame for my addiction, I’m trying very hard to get out of all the complexes that my ex-husband gave me, every day I quietly pray and climb up, up from the life in which I lived just a few weeks ago...

It will be difficult for you.
Very difficult.

But this is not the end.
This is a new beginning.
The beginning of knowing yourself, your real self, the beginning of getting rid of complexes, the victim complex is scary, you need the support and help of good friends!

I can only recommend reading Larisa Renard’s books “Circle of Feminine Power”, “Finding a New Self”, “Elixir of Love”. These are amazing books about the psychology of relationships, read in one sitting....
Do something you’ve never done: go to the gym, sing, walk in parks with your children, go out into nature, play badminton - you will see that the world consists of amazing people, always busy with something, with eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. ...

And someday you will say: GOD, there are so many amazing people around, and I lost so much time on THIS :)

I sincerely hug you and wish you a speedy recovery!

Nika, age: 26/05/29/2014

Tired, I am very sorry for you, and especially for your children.
What do you do with them? How can you do this to yourself and to them?

The worst thing is that your sons will grow up to be men who will never know how to love their wife and family, because all their little lives before their eyes they see only the horror that is happening in your family.
You were already given a chance to change your life, you rejected it. And I am sure that if you yourself had not failed once again, you would have been happy with a caring and loving person and your eldest son would not now be a “donkey and an idiot.”
Something had to be changed in the relationship earlier, you already tried once and what was the result? Your “husband” does not see you as a woman, you are nothing to him, an empty place. Although no, an empty place is not humiliated or insulted. For him, you are like a whipping girl who can be bullied, because that’s what she’s meant for. Why? But because you allowed it from the very beginning, and now after so many years you think that you can change everything?
Dear, I hasten to disappoint you, nothing will change, because to change the situation in the family you need the desire of both spouses. Only I doubt that you yourself are ready for a radical change in yourself, I’m not talking about your husband, because until you change yourself, he definitely won’t change. Why does he need this? Apparently, everything suits him - there is a victim who can be bullied, the second one has grown up (the eldest son), and soon the third one will grow up (the youngest one).
Your mother was unable to change her life for the sake of herself and you, and now you are repeating the same scenario, and then your children will repeat it, only who will they be - a victim or a tormentor?
Tell me, why are you holding on like this? For love? For happiness? For kindness and respect? What is keeping you in this nightmare? Material goods?
As far as I understand, you have somewhere to go, you won’t be left without a roof over your head, you work, you won’t die of hunger.
Well, love yourself, take pity on the children.

Accidia, age: 35 / 05/29/2014

Thanks to everyone who responded to my story.
I didn’t write everything in my previous presentation. Since writing all this will not be enough in one day.
After the injury, when I was recovering, I believed in God, began to read a lot of spiritual literature, confess, take communion, and this saved me. My husband generally thought it was all nonsense, he swore that I started putting up icons at home, and there were a lot of other things. But these are all minor things. Why I wrote that divorce is not a solution, but because I talked a lot with the priests in church, because divorce is a sin and each subsequent husband will be worse than the previous one, there are many stories about that. And this is the simplest thing, all this time I prayed several times a day, even when he threw mud at me during all these meetings. Through the power of prayer, my husband changed a lot; when we reconciled, we began to travel to Holy places, we visited a lot of places. Finally, we visited Ksenia of Petersburg. I see how he has changed for the better. I even nailed a shelf for icons and began to enter the church. Isn’t this a miracle? Maybe later I will regret that I didn’t get divorced, but I really want to believe in a fairy tale... After all, when I lived without him and got divorced, I still felt sorry for him, took his things out of the closet, smelled his suits, it seemed to me that they kept his scent . Well, I couldn’t erase him from my life, although it seemed like my tormentor, but I still reach out. Because I know that time will pass, I will leave, then I will be bored, I need to change something in myself, it is correctly noted that everything is from childhood, for some reason I am very afraid to be alone. I feel somehow inferior or something, this is not right at all. Yesterday I plucked up my courage and had a serious conversation with my husband. He promised to take into account my wishes. I will try for some more time, as during the next conversation my father gave me Elena Zhivava’s book “Swimming the River”, I read it in one evening. I read a prayer book at night, and in the morning I woke up and was overcome with such pity for my husband that I was here with my son, and he was there alone, and no one needed him, that all my anger at him went away. Father says to pray for him, that he himself is kind, but all sorts of temptations and passions enslave him, after all, God initially created everyone good.
And I see that he is changing, it just takes time.

Tired, age: 37 / 05/29/2014

Dear Tired, I read your last letter. I will write you a few lines about myself, because this applies to your situation too. My husband and I once loved each other. They began to move away from each other gradually, as it seems to me now because my first steps towards God, towards the temple began. My worldview began to change, my spiritual growth began (sorry, it sounds like I’m bragging). This annoyed my husband. He spent less and less time with his family. Mine did not allow such bullying as yours, but nevertheless I began to put my hands to it. Further - more. At first I endured out of love, I forgave. Then she endured it like a Christian wife. I also prayed and hoped that someday we would go to church together and get married. Only the evil one took it into circulation in such a way that betrayal on his part entered our lives. Then a child from his mistress. Mountains of lies and deceit. A husband's life for two families. I also fought to save my family. But my husband is there now. Of course, I also made a lot of mistakes in my marriage....
What am I talking about? We all always believe in the best. I agree with the Christian position that only love and patience can change something. But in practice for some reason it turns out differently. You humble yourself, you give in, but they don’t appreciate it, but regard it differently, namely, they begin to wipe their feet on you.
If you wrote here, it means you feel bad. You want love, affection, understanding, a strong family, but this is no longer there.
After reading your last message, I see only one way out for you: endure, do not grumble, humble yourself, bear your cross if you consider it your cross, and DO NOT WRITE here on this site anymore, because everyone here is advising you completely the opposite. God help you!

Ekaterina, age: 38 / 05/29/2014

P.S. The fact that you have pity for your husband is good. This characterizes you as a kind and unforgiving person. But why pity only for him? What about children?
And you also need to understand where the line is between Christian humility and when you allow your own dignity to be trampled (not to be confused with pride). This is how I found this edge in my life. At one time I was also afraid to take off my cross. Maybe the Lord took it off me, allowing my husband to cheat. Don't know.
And it also seems to me that your husband is not alone. God forgive me if I'm wrong.

Ekaterina, age: 38 / 05/30/2014

Dear girl, I don't quite understand. In your first letter, you wrote that after the birth of your second child you do not hear normal words from your husband, only insults, and he has already begun to mock your eldest son. You write that you have begun to have nervous breakdowns, that you cry often, do not want to go out, and begin to believe the insulting words of your husband, that is, you feel very bad.
And in the second letter you write that your husband has changed a lot, you began to travel to holy places together, and your husband began to go to church and is not against the icons at home. Is this all that your husband has changed? Have your husband observed any internal changes, a change in his attitude towards you, towards the children (voluntary changes, and not out of fear of going to prison)? You can travel to all the holy places, go to church and continue to destroy your loved ones. You wrote here and yesterday plucked up the courage to talk to your husband, which means there is some benefit from your visit to this site. It seemed to me that your attention was focused on your husband’s behavior. Is it because you don’t know what exactly to do with yourself, because you don’t think about yourself at all?
Best regards, Victoria.

Victoria, age: 36 / 05/30/2014

Tired, after your last message I wanted to tell you - we are all God’s beloved creatures, his children, he created us for love, creating goodness and happiness, and not so that we allow ourselves to be trampled and humiliated.
Catherine told you that if you think that this is your cross, then carry it. I agree with this, but I cannot agree with the fact that your children should bear your cross with you. I could understand you if your spouse did not affect the children, but the fact that your children suffer is beyond my understanding. What is all this for them - “A second son was born, I still don’t see anything from my husband other than insults and humiliations, moreover, he began to humiliate his eldest son, calling him a donkey, an idiot.”??? Why don't you protect your children from this? You treat them the same way your mother did with you - the result is obvious, you are completely dependent, you are in the constant role of a victim - the situation, the husband, the parents. Aren't you afraid that in the future you will become a victim of your sons? After all, raising children is a constant example of the life of parents, first and foremost. And your family life with your husband cannot be called an example to follow. On this site I read the story of a woman who, just like you, for years hoped and believed in a fairy tale about her husband changing, everything is like in your situation, only there is one son - the result is this, the husband left, he met a woman who is self-sufficient, self-confident, and son... The grown-up son of this woman does not respect his mother, treat her the same way his father previously treated her. Here's the story. Of course, everything may be different for you, but why don’t you become different, change yourself, and not wait for changes in your spouse? Become a self-sufficient person, a person who is respected and valued not for convenience, but for the fact that you are a PERSON. Personality is not how many higher educations you have, not what kind of housewife you are, it is something big, it is, first of all, self-respect. And I’m sorry, I’m just sorry for you.
If you don’t want to get a divorce, don’t get a divorce, but why not live separately from your spouse? You can pray for him and your family from a distance, give yourself the opportunity to rest, come to your senses, evaluate all the pros and cons of living together; children - peace and relaxation from such a “family idyll”; and the opportunity for your husband to understand what he can actually lose or gain with your departure, to realize his actions, to understand what you really mean to him, or to understand that he does not need you. After all, he never realized or understood anything after you left then, that time he only understood that his thing was being taken away from him, his humble sacrifice, he was not afraid of losing you, he really didn’t want someone else took his place in your life. Because if he realized and understood, then there would be no return to everything that was. And for you everything has returned to what it was before. He sent you home, you yourself say that he wants to be alone, that he will not come to you. But you don’t want to see this, you find excuses for everything, cover up your fears with the words of priests, but they are the same people, they can also make mistakes, real advice can only be given to you by the priest who has been with you for several years, who knows your family, her story.
Your second message is simply an excuse for your reluctance and fear to change the situation, because well, it can’t be so bad (Your first post is humiliating, insulting) and so good at the same time (Your second post - he is improving, has become better, travels to holy places with You). In your last post I see only fear, nothing more, and all your words that your husband began to change, that everything is getting better, this is only an excuse for you and your fear of being left without a man by your side, nothing more, because it is not felt in your words confidence that everything is changing, because “I want to believe in a fairy tale.” Well, believe, wait, hope.
You have the typical behavior of a “victim”; you justify your “tormentor” with all your might.
Why then was your first visit to the site, riddled with pain, suffering, emotions, and detailed descriptions of your torment next to your husband? Probably because you do not see that your husband is capable of changing, you are afraid of continuing your suffering next to him, you hope that you will find advice here that will help you change the situation in your family. But we were faced with the fact that everyone, as one, advised to leave her husband. You didn't expect this, right? Then what did you expect?
and also, what do you think, if something similar happened to you like before, do you think he won’t leave you again? He then made it clear to you what you mean in his life, what place you occupy in it - “he told me, until you take care of yourself and cook food, I won’t take you home.”
Read articles about addiction on the site, and articles on friendly sites, you really need this.

Accidia, age: 35/05/30/2014

Hello! Most likely my review will not be published, but I can’t help but write to you. Tired, how I feel sorry for your children! They have to grow up in the hell you call good intentions. And judging by your last statement, where out of this whole truly dramatic story you feel most sorry for your sadistic husband... there are simply no words - you are going to repeat the story of your mother. Once your mother could not protect you, now you yourself have decided, washed with tears, to sacrifice yourself and drag your innocent children with you. How terrible it all is! And there is no end to such stories! I don’t know if I can reach you? Judging by your findings, no. I pray for your children, they need God's help and protection while you revel in the suffering of your spouse.

Yuu, age: 38 / 05/30/2014

Tired! You are 37 years old... I reminded you that at this age you need to understand a lot..., be able to give an assessment to everything that happens, want to listen to the view from the outside and listen... For some reason you don’t understand a lot... On On this site you don’t even have to write your own stories, just read comments on other stories and in many ways find answers for yourself. There are wonderful, SMART women here, with a sense of struggle and pain at the same time, but who WANTED to survive. The one who wanted to - survived, and coped, and... won.
So you write - “Something needs to be changed in the relationship, divorce is not an option.” If you can change it, then change it, but if it’s your husband who has to change, then you are powerless here. I agree with many of the responses, someone wrote harshly (but this is useful for you), someone, seeing your state, “chewed”... There is nothing to add, they wrote EVERYTHING for you, apply the advice - you asked for it... and with Tired at least rename yourself to Growing Up, because many of us started as Murdered and ended up as Happy...

Olga, age: 52 / 05/31/2014

This story is truly sad! Life passes in quarrels, betrayals, scandals. For what? What does he really want? Why did he bring you back? After returning, sex 3 times a day. Then back to the old ways. So from the outside everything is normal, I would like to live and be happy: 2 sons, moving to the capital, work, apparently normal income.
You need to understand what motivates him. What makes him behave this way? Why does he need to humiliate his loved ones? And as you wrote, apparently this is hereditary, his mother does the same.
Could this be a mental disorder? Psychopathy?
Are you sure that through prayer you are changing it? Maybe you yourself are changing and becoming more tolerant? But it may not change, because disorders only intensify with age. Look at things rationally. Do not think that you can change a person, do not take on the role of a creator and do not rise spiritually in your thoughts above your husband. You feel so sorry for him, you write that it smacks of holiness. But a mother shouldn't be a saint. A mother must take care of her offspring. A wife should not be a saint, she should take care of her husband, but not condone him in his sin. He cheated on you, humiliated you, left you, sent you into the arms of his lover, then he turned the tables on you and started doing the old thing again. Based on what you have, it won't get any better. There is a saying that a fool gets rich with his thoughts. Don’t get rich in thoughts that he will change, it won’t happen. Consider heredity, yours and his. There is definitely a way out of your situation, and only you know it, believe yourself and get out, don’t be afraid of anything. If you leave it as is, you know how it will end, you know everything.

Tatyana, age: 32 / 06/06/2014

Previous request Next request

They ask you - someone cannot “get through” to you. There may be problems with loved ones or children.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Husband, man

For a woman to see in a dream that her husband, lover or close friend got married is a prediction that separation and loneliness will soon await her.

If you dream that you are looking for your husband, but he is not there, or you are calling him, and he has turned his back to you and does not respond, or that he has left you, then your relationship is ruined. Mutual understanding and tender affection have been lost between you. And if you have a hard time, your husband will not support you.

Seeing him in a dream as painfully pale, unlike himself, means that troubles await you, because of which you will lose peace and sleep.

Seeing your husband handsome (without frills) and pleasant in a dream is a sign of joy and pleasant troubles.

A dream in which you saw that your husband is infatuated with another lady tells you that you should pay more attention to him in order to make your life together more attractive and interesting, since your husband is currently dissatisfied with his life with you.

Quarreling and swearing, fighting with him in a dream is the opposite dream, which foreshadows joyful events and peace in the house.

Seeing your husband killed in a dream means that you yourself can create a situation in the family, followed by divorce.

For a man to do women's work in a dream - a sign of troubles, losses, stagnation in business.

Sometimes such a dream predicts death from an accident for the sleeper. Seeing a man with a white beard in a dream means that you should take care of your health.

Seeing a dead man on the street in a dream is a sign that you will be able to find a new source of enrichment. Sometimes such a dream means that your worries and troubles will soon end.

Seeing your husband dead in a dream is a sign of loss and great misfortune.

Seeing a lot of men in a dream is a sign that you will not find a place for yourself. If a woman dreams of a young, pleasant-looking man and speaks to her, then changes in her personal life will soon await her. Remember this person's words and what he looks like. If your impression of him in a dream is pleasant, then such changes will occur. And vice versa.

Seeing a freak in a dream and getting scared is a sign of anxiety, trouble and grief. Sometimes such a dream means that a loved one will betray or deceive you.

See interpretation: beard, freak, stranger, dead man.

Interpretation of dreams from

But no. Despite the fact that he himself made the decision to break up, the man continues to call, constantly finds a reason to meet, visits your page on social networks and asks all mutual acquaintances about what is happening to you and whether you have a new boyfriend.

What is this? Awareness of your own mistake and the desire to return? Or is it just behavior from the series: I don’t like it myself, and I won’t give it to others? This is what we will talk about today. As well as whether it’s worth taking a step forward or whether it’s better to change your phone number and finally leave this man in the past, like, when you leave, go away.

How to understand that your ex wants to come back

A man wants to be in your life if he doesn't just call or show curiosity when talking to people you know. He is also taking active steps, or at least showing that he is ready for them. For example, he constantly offers his help, it is important to him how your plumbing works, whether all the lights are on, whether it will be difficult for you to drag heavy bags from the store before some holiday. Just remember that if he really wants to return, then the initiative comes exclusively from himself, and not as a response to your request, since help for an ex-wife or girlfriend is not refused not only by those who want to build a relationship with her again, but also someone who is simply well brought up.

Another sign that the ex wants to become the current one is realizing one’s own mistakes and trying to correct them. Anyone who tries to enter the same river for the second time draws conclusions from the past and does not behave as he once did. He tries to re-conquer a woman, commits actions unusual for him. Moreover, regardless of whether he left on his own, or whether you sent him to resign. Only those who are ready to change in order to be with a woman again truly want to come back.

Although we must immediately make a reservation that there are some individuals who, having once abandoned a woman, and then, not having settled their personal life with someone else, believe that their desire alone is enough for the woman to accept them again. Such a man simply comes and says: here I am, love me and favor me. That is, he believes that he is such a gift that the woman will be happy only because he paid attention to her again. In this case, you need to run away from such a man, otherwise after a while he will go on a free voyage again, again he will find nothing, or rather, he will not find anyone, he will return, and you will wait and forgive, and, accordingly, you will be unhappy.

A sign that a man still wants to be with you is his desire for open dialogue. The one who is silent, who does not voice his plans and feelings, does not yet know what he wants, or it is convenient for him to use his ex-wife (lover), for example, to satisfy his sexual needs, without promising anything in return.

Moreover, a man does not always speak directly about his plans and feelings; there can be hints and reservations. After all, at his core, a man is a proud beast, and it is difficult for him to immediately admit that he was once wrong. Although if he doesn’t voice anything at all, this is a reason to be wary; this is where the “dog in the manger” syndrome may manifest itself. That is, he may not need you at all, he simply cannot bear to think that you will be with someone else.

How to help your ex get back

If you are sure that you want your ex-man back, do not play cat and mouse with him. Be sincere and open. A man must feel that you have forgiven him (and this is very difficult, because grievances do not go away so easily). And since a man first of all loves with his eyes, you should greet him every time with a smile and dazzling appearance - well-groomed hands, beautiful clothes, elegant hairstyle and makeup. And at the same time, in no case should you complain about your life. The only thing you can afford is to hint to a man that you feel bad or difficult without him. But just to hint.

There’s no need to do a man a favor - like, of course, I’m offended and in pain, and in general, I’m doing just fine without you, but if you really want it... This behavior backfires. A man, no matter how much you want it, does not begin to feel his guilt more acutely; on the contrary, he begins to look not for a reason to return, but for reasons why he should not do this or does not want to. And this happens because the man subconsciously feels that you, having gained power over him, will constantly remind him that he left, and then “came crawling” himself, you will play on this situation, use it for your own purposes . Of course, it would be easier for you if you could cause him equal pain, but this is a dead end in a relationship, and, sooner or later, such a relationship will end again, only this time completely.

You can also show your readiness to take the man back through tactile contact, that is, through touch. But here you need to act very delicately (in general, in this problem, delicacy is the first priority). Don't obsessively try to take your ex-man by the hand or put your arm around his shoulders when you pass by to put the kettle on. It is quite enough to sometimes lightly touch his hand with your fingertips when talking. It is also appropriate to hug him when you meet him (if he comes to your house) - cordially and easily, as if in passing. And immediately pull away. This is a signal - you are glad to see him, you are ready to start a dialogue.
If there is a place in your home where your ex-man is most comfortable, then welcome him there - this way you will show him that “his territory” is still waiting for him. The exception, of course, is the bedroom as such, that is, you can put him on the sofa in the living room, even if this sofa is your sleeping place, but bringing him into a room where there is only a double bed and a wardrobe is not recommended. In the bedroom, a man’s thoughts do not rush to the future, but to the specific present, that is, strictly downward, and this is an invitation to sex, and not a help to the man to return. True, in a certain situation, sex can also serve as a help, but only if up to this point you have avoided intimacy with this man in every possible way.

When you shouldn't help and forgive

As mentioned above, first of all, you yourself must want to be with this person again, but if you have even the slightest doubt that you need this, then look for another man. And even more so, you need to think 33 times whether you want your ex to return, if there is already another man next to you who is trying his best to make you happy. And even if you don’t love him until you lose your pulse, there is no guarantee that, having accepted your ex, in a week you will not regret that you missed the person who did not betray you, for the sake of the dubious pleasure of “stepping on the same rake” again "

There are other situations:

If you are constantly being given some promises, but nothing is fulfilled, then there is no need to justify a man by saying that he simply has no time. This self-deception can take you too far. The one who wants to return everything will not “feed you breakfast”, but will act.
If a man calls you only when he is heavily intoxicated, then you should not console yourself with the hope that: what is on the mind of a sober man is on the tongue of a drunken man. This is far from true. And it is not the subconscious that speaks in a man at this moment, but loneliness or the desire to talk (or have sex).

If, in conversations with you, your ex constantly mentions those women he was with after he broke up with you. A person who really wants to come back will spare your feelings and, accordingly, will try to at least convince you that he was just going “nowhere.” And even if you clearly know that this is not so, his attempts at “white lies” are a good sign. If every now and then in his stories he returns to his recent past, in which you were not there, but there were other women, then he regrets precisely that time, and not his past life with you.

If a man says that he wants everything back, that he wants to come back and be with you, but in the meantime he prefers to spend time not with you, but with his friends, at work or at the sports club, that is, he does not put your interests above his own. In this case, he only cares about his comfort, and he wants to return to you precisely because you are part of a comfortable life (clean shirts, hot food, regular sex). This is a manifestation of selfishness, and by definition we are not talking about any love here. He doesn’t want to return to you, he doesn’t care who will be there, as long as he doesn’t be lonely and unkempt.

In general, the issue of returning an ex-man is a slippery issue. On the one hand, maybe fate is giving you both a second chance at happiness, and if you take advantage of it, nothing will separate you. But on the other hand, according to statistics, only 1 out of 20 couples live together for more than 3 years after reunification. Therefore, you should only accept your ex if you yourself are ready to forget about the past, that is, do not remember past grievances, do not reproach or blame the man. Two must change. You should not think that when a man returns, he automatically becomes your thing and falls into eternal slavery. And that he, feeling guilty, will put up with any of your whims. And you yourself are unlikely to be able to forgive him for his new betrayal. Therefore, a man must understand that from now on he will have to carefully work on his relationship with you. So only a joint desire to be together and work towards this goal will make the second attempt successful and, perhaps, bring happiness.

It is known that when love comes, it can be recognized by the timbre of the voice and the unusual shine of the eyes, by the enthusiastic state that makes you admire everything around.

Gestures, facial expressions, body position are a kind of language through which you can influence a person’s subconscious and interest him more easily than other methods. Lengthy conversations are not required. And how to do this?

In recent years, representatives of the fair half have often begun to turn to psychologists with a rather sensitive question: “My husband has stopped wanting me in bed. Does that mean he doesn’t love anymore?”

People have now almost completely lost the ability to sense subtle body odors; they constantly cover them up with deodorants, colognes and perfumes, which is completely in vain.

“All good men have been dealt with long ago”, “I am completely satisfied with such relationships”, “Princes only exist in fairy tales” - this is what a woman or girl usually thinks when she enters into a relationship with a man who has a wife.

Until there are no more men in the world, the question of how to please them will always be relevant.

It is always better to understand the character and shortcomings of a potential love partner before that fateful moment when he captures your heart.

How to remove a love spell yourself if your husband is trapped in this ritual?

Every man in his life has thought about cheating at least once.

Treason is the end of the old world and the beginning of a new existence - full of suspicion, resentment and pain. If you love, then you simply cannot imagine how you can survive betrayal, much less forgive it.

Men are called the stronger sex, therefore it is believed that they are not afraid of anything, that they do not know internal torment and fears. Maybe that was once the case.

The appearance of a rival is stressful for every woman, especially if she was 100% sure that her man would definitely not look “on the other side”.

Many women, when they get married, dream of becoming their husband's ideal wife. But not everyone has any idea how to achieve this. Some people think that they need to indulge their husband in everything, some begin to demonstrate their qualities as a good housewife, and some rely on sex. And still they do not achieve perfection. Today we’ll talk about what you really need to do to become an ideal wife.

We women are constantly unsatisfied with something even in our most beloved men. Some of them, according to tradition, leave a tube of toothpaste open; someone throws socks everywhere. And some people love to pour the next portion of coffee into a fresh cup, storing the dirty ones in the kitchen sink, or even on the computer desk or on the floor next to the sofa. These are all minor things, of course. There are also more serious shortcomings. Today we’ll talk about how to deal with these same shortcomings.

There are no ideal men. However, like women. There is a worm of imperfection in each of us. But in some it is small, like an apple, and in others it looks more like a boa constrictor. And in many ways, our perfection or imperfection depends on what star we were born under. Or rather, what zodiac sign we belong to.

Many of us are haunted by an ancient legend that tells us that once a man and a woman were one, but the gods were angry with a perfect and self-sufficient creature and separated the man from the woman, “scattering” them all over the world. And since then, the halves of one whole have been wandering around the world in search of each other. And happy is the one who finds his soul mate, because then he will find true, eternal love. Today we’ll talk about how to find your “soul mate.”

For some lucky women, to understand that the man to whom they are drawn is in fact their destiny, it is enough to remember their dreams. For those who have the gift of foresight or see prophetic dreams, the man of their life appears in a dream in advance. True, between sleep and the appearance of this man, 10 or 15 years can pass. However, if this is truly your destiny, such dreams are not forgotten.

So you met a person, it seems to you that he is your soulmate, whom you have been waiting for for many years, and that you are ready to go with him not only down the aisle, but also to the ends of the world. But those around you persistently tell you that he is not a match for you, that you and him are too different, that he will not make you happy.

People in marriage behave differently, just as each person approaches the family “from his own perspective.” Some people completely dissolve in their spouse, while others expect compensation for every affectionate glance. Some people do not strive to start a family at all, while others realize their ambitions through marriage.

Out of curiosity, I went online and was surprised to find that when I searched for “mistakes in bed,” most of them came up with articles on the topic of how men make mistakes during sex. You might think that we women are completely perfect creatures who never make mistakes and have absolutely flawless sex. So here it is. Don't flatter yourself! Women also do things that their partners don't like. This is what we will talk about today.

You are tormented by vague doubts, gradually turning into firm confidence: your man is cheating on you! But is this really so? How not to make a mistake, how not to accept groundless jealousy and fear of being abandoned for the already accomplished fact of a man’s betrayal? How to recognize cheating? And the most important thing that many women are interested in is how to prevent it, or, if it does happen, how to forgive? And should we forgive her? This is what we will talk about today.

No matter how you break up with your ex-man, whether good or bad, sooner or later he comes into your dreams, and sometimes getting rid of his image can be very difficult. And sometimes you want it that way!

Someone will say that it’s easy to please a man, you just need to bring him to orgasm. But he can bring himself to orgasm himself.

Do you really like a man, but he doesn’t show any reciprocal interest in you? Try to tame him! Nature has generously rewarded us women with hundreds of opportunities for seduction.

The art of seduction is the most ancient form of female creativity on Earth. The main thing in the skill of a successful “hunter” is an individual approach to each individual...

Everyone knows that men are eternal children. They need maternal care until they are very old. Find out about the weakness of your chosen one

Eating from cracked, broken dishes - unfortunately, to a “cracked” life. - Broken dishes have always symbolized inferiority, misfortune - with the exception of...

Breaking up is always difficult and painful. Especially if this happened when the love of one of the partners had not yet passed. Most often, a woman takes a very long time to come to her senses and hopes until the last moment that her now ex-husband will change his mind and return. So, in order not to indulge yourself with vain illusions, just read this article. It describes point by point how to understand that he will return and how to behave in such a situation.


It is much easier to understand the intentions of a person with whom you have lived side by side for a sufficient amount of time, because most likely, during your intimacy, you have already managed to study the habits, character and manner of communication of your ex-husband quite well. However, it is also common for ex-wives to see in a once loved person something that may not actually exist. So, how can you understand that your ex-husband wants to return and not be at the mercy of self-deception?

First, remember that in such situations it is best to take the man’s actions rather than his words as the truth. Former partners can talk for hours: both with you and with someone else who agrees to listen. But if your husband comes to you not out of habit, but to help, for example, screw in a light bulb or help with repairs, this indicates that he is interested in taking care of you.

Not sure? Try asking him for help yourself - if he agrees, then all is not lost. Although, perhaps he is just a well-mannered person who understands that it is difficult for you to run a household without a strong male hand. Therefore, when assessing his behavior, take more into account the number of personal initiatives.

Another indicator that your ex-husband still loves you is sincere repentance for his actions. And it doesn’t matter at all what the reason for the breakup was (of course, if you were not the initiator of the divorce), a loving man will always be able to admit that he was wrong and will try with all his might to make up for the pain he caused you.

So, if he is trying to win you back and is sincerely willing to change his behavior to suit your interests, he still loves you.

Just an ex

What should a girl who has been abandoned by her lover do? How can you tell if he wants the relationship back? Yes, in general, the behavior of married and single men in these matters is not too different. However, some signs can still be identified as characteristic only of a young couple:

  1. You can tell that your ex-boyfriend misses you by how much he is interested in you, despite the breakup. If he calls you himself or through friends asks how you live, what you think and asks other questions that in no way relate to the guy himself, he has not forgotten you.
  2. He has a lot of excuses to cross paths with you. After breaking up, did you start seeing him more often than you did when you were together, and these meetings happen in places that he didn’t even know about before? The guy remembers that you forgot his comb/elastic band/toothbrush and other little things, which he, as an honest person, returns to you one a day? If the answers to these questions are positive, it's easy to understand that your ex-boyfriend cares about you and hopes to get you back.
  3. He has changed noticeably: he began to take care of himself, although before he was afraid of a toothbrush like fire, he tried to remove from his vocabulary vulgar jokes and dirty words that you never liked. He happily gives you cute little things and talks about your future together and still remembers how much you wanted to go to sea. Or has this person’s behavior changed not so dramatically, but you personally feel these changes?

Congratulations, in order to be with you, he is ready to give up what at one time irritated you so much, and for a man such things are almost a marriage proposal. So you can accept it as a fact and understand that he will return - later or earlier does not matter. The main thing is that you will definitely be together. Also read how to understand a Cancer woman that she is in love.
But if a guy promises and says one thing, but in reality it turns out completely differently, you can immediately turn around and leave. He can promise a lot, especially if at the moment it is beneficial for a man to be with you for some mysterious reason.

But if even in response to your innocent request for help, he instantly finds ten excuses, it is better not to hope and not to guess whether the guy will return or not, but to directly send the sly man to where he has already gone once.

For guys: girls come back sometimes too

Yes, yes, if you are a guy who was dumped by his beloved and just stoically read the entire top part of the article, this section is especially for you. And although it is officially believed that it is logically impossible to understand a girl, the female half of humanity also has its own algorithms for communicating and choosing gentlemen.

So, how to understand that a girl wants to return you and at the same time remain a normal person:

  • First, the question is: why do you need to know whether she wants to come back or not? Be a man - seek her attention and affection, at worst, take advantage of your many years of experience in bride kidnapping. Yes, yes, girls love strong men who know what they need. And there, neither her initial motives nor desires are completely unimportant.
  • Well, or, if you are used to acting traditionally, just watch her behavior. A woman in love will not leave her “victim” unattended, that is, if you often intersect with her, especially with your eyes, it means she is watching you and you are not indifferent to her.
  • For harsh methods, inducing jealousy is suitable. Walk past your ex hand in hand with some beauty (it could even be your sister, the main thing is that SHE doesn’t know her) and see if her behavior has changed. If she laughs unnaturally loudly, is nervous, or kills your companion with her gaze, she is not indifferent to you.

In secret...

Probably every girl faces the problem of being overweight? After all, sometimes it’s not easy to lose weight, look slim and beautiful, or trim your sides or belly. Diets don’t help, you don’t have the strength or desire to go to the gym, or it doesn’t bring tangible results.

Breaking up is always difficult and painful. Especially if this happened when the love of one of the partners had not yet passed. Most often, a woman takes a very long time to come to her senses and hopes until the last moment that her now ex-husband will change his mind and return. So, in order not to indulge yourself with vain illusions, just read this article. It describes point by point how to understand that he will return and how to behave in such a situation.

Ex-husband It is much easier to understand the intentions of a person with whom you have lived side by side for a sufficient amount of time, because most likely, during your intimacy, you have already managed to study the habits, character and manner of communication of your ex-husband quite well. However, it is also common for ex-wives to see in a once loved person something that may not actually exist. So, how to understand that your ex-husband wants to return and not be in the grip of self-deception.

To begin with, remember that in such situations it is best to accept as truth not the words, but the actions of a man. Former partners can talk for hours: both with you and with someone else who agrees to listen. But if your husband comes to you not out of habit, but to help, for example, screw in a light bulb or help with repairs, this indicates that he is interested in taking care of you. Not sure? Try asking him for help yourself - if he agrees, then all is not lost. Although, perhaps he is just a well-mannered person who understands that it is difficult for you to run a household without a strong male hand. Therefore, when assessing his behavior, take more into account the number of personal initiatives.

Another indicator that your ex-husband still loves you is sincere repentance for his actions. And it doesn’t matter at all what the reason for the breakup was (of course, if you were not the initiator of the divorce), a loving man will always be able to admit that he was wrong and will try with all his might to make up for the pain he caused you. So, if he is trying to win you back and is sincerely willing to change his behavior to suit your interests, he still loves you.

There is another way to understand whether your husband will return to the family or whether it is simply convenient for this person to “use” you at the moment because there is no one worthy of a queen nearby. Open dialogue is your assistant in clarifying intentions. Just explain your feelings and experiences to the man honestly and in as much detail as possible: a man who truly values ​​you will do everything he can to convince you of the sincerity of his intentions. And even if not through words and beautiful gestures, the main thing is that the man’s deeds coincide with what he says.

Just an ex. What should a girl who has been abandoned by her lover do? How can you tell if he wants the relationship back? Yes, in general, the behavior of married and single men in these matters is not too different. However, some signs can still be identified as characteristic only of a young couple:

1. You can understand that your ex-boyfriend misses you by how much he is interested in you, despite the breakup. If he calls you himself or through friends asks how you live, what you think and asks other questions that in no way relate to the guy himself, he has not forgotten you.

2. He has a lot of excuses to cross paths with you. After breaking up, did you start seeing him more often than you did when you were together, and these meetings happen in places that he didn’t even know about before? The guy remembers that you forgot his comb/elastic band/toothbrush and other little things, which he, as an honest person, returns to you one a day? If the answers to these questions are positive, it's easy to understand that your ex-boyfriend cares about you and hopes to get you back.

3. He has changed noticeably: he began to take care of himself, although he used to be afraid of a toothbrush like fire, he tried to remove vulgar jokes and dirty words that you never liked from his vocabulary. He happily gives you cute little things and talks about your future together and still remembers how much you wanted to go to sea. Or has this person’s behavior changed not so dramatically, but you personally feel these changes?

Congratulations, in order to be with you, he is ready to give up what at one time irritated you so much, and for a man such things are almost a marriage proposal. So you can accept it as a fact and understand that he will return - later or earlier does not matter. The main thing is that you will definitely be together.

But if a guy promises and says one thing, but in reality it turns out completely differently, you can immediately turn around and leave. He can promise a lot, especially if at the moment it is beneficial for a man to be with you for some mysterious reason. But if, even in response to your innocent request for help, he instantly finds ten excuses, it is better not to hope and not to guess whether the guy will return or not, but to directly send the sly man to where he has already gone once.

For guys: girls sometimes come back too Yes, yes, if you are a guy who was abandoned by his beloved, and just stoically read the entire top part of the article, this section is especially for you. And although it is officially believed that it is logically impossible to understand a girl, the female half of humanity also has its own algorithms for communicating and choosing gentlemen.

So, how to understand that a girl wants to return you and at the same time remain a normal person:

1. First, a question: why do you need to know whether she wants to come back or not? Be a man - seek her attention and affection, at worst, take advantage of your many years of experience in bride kidnapping. Yes, yes, girls love strong men who know what they need. And there, neither her initial motives nor desires are completely unimportant.

2. Well, or, if you are used to acting traditionally, just watch her behavior. A woman in love will not leave her “victim” unattended, that is, if you often intersect with her, especially with your eyes, it means she is watching you and you are not indifferent to her.

3. For harsh methods, inducing jealousy is suitable. Walk past your ex hand in hand with some beauty (it could even be your sister, the main thing is that SHE doesn’t know her) and see if her behavior has changed. If she laughs unnaturally loudly, is nervous, or kills your companion with her gaze, she is not indifferent to you.

Beauty and HealthLove and Relationships

The reasons for divorcing your husband can be completely different circumstances: from his infidelity to his unwillingness to provide for his family. The initiators of separation are most often women, but sometimes men as well. In this case, the fair sex takes the breakup very hard, secretly hoping that things can still get better. But how can you understand what your ex-husband is thinking about when he constantly finds reasons to chat, meet or come to visit. Can he be trusted and will he betray him again?

How to understand your ex. What does he want

After a breakup, as a rule, communication between people who were once in love with each other stops. Each of them needs time to come to their senses, get used to the changes in life, analyze everything that happened, and understand themselves. Women try to understand where they were wrong, what they did wrong, what they did wrong, even if their husband cheated on them. At this time, it is very important not to overdo it with soul-searching and searching for all conceivable and inconceivable shortcomings in yourself. People are imperfect, and not all troubles are a person's fault. It is very important to allow others to take responsibility for their own mistakes, rather than taking the blame upon yourself. Therefore, you don’t need to immediately believe what your ex-husband says when he appears on the doorstep again.

Very often, as soon as a representative of the sex gets used to the fact that her life is changing its course, she has new problems and responsibilities that require attention and strength, the ex begins to constantly remind himself. If you have children together, this can be attributed to his desire to be with them, but when he meets every now and then, wherever you go, calls with or without reason, tries to establish communication, although you broke up several months ago, he pursues his own goals. But they are not always, unfortunately, associated with his repentance or desire to improve and become the man you will love again, learn to trust and be proud of.

Rarely does a separation go painlessly and with the consent of both parties. That’s why it’s so difficult to establish friendly communication after it and you just want to forget everything, like a bad dream. If it is not possible to avoid meetings, your ex-husband’s attempts to see you as often as possible may indicate his desire to improve the relationship. Don’t rush to draw conclusions and don’t rush to meet him. Focus on your feelings. If meetings with him make you irritated, angry or sad, ask him not to bother you so often or for a while, explain that you are not ready yet. If you are not in the mood to communicate with him at all, say so. Don’t give him hope, don’t try to be overly mannered when a person doesn’t understand the hints that he’s not welcome at all.

If you leave yourself a chance to try to build a relationship with him again, and he agrees to leave you alone for a while, and then starts calling again, asking to meet and talk with him, do not refuse. Even if the relationship does not develop into something big, at least you will no longer bitterly remember the years you lived together or regret that you did not try to give the relationship another chance. After all, it is so important not to harbor resentment in your soul, not to torture yourself needlessly, but to treat this page in life as a useful experience that allows you to look at the world around you and your personal life in a new way.

In the same case, when the man himself decided to break off the relationship and after a while is looking for a meeting with you, it means that he began to doubt the decision made. Don't think that he will quickly offer to live together. At the moment he is trying to understand whether he did the right thing, whether he was in no hurry, or whether he made a mistake. If you want him back, give him a reason to stay. Show him that you understand your mistakes, have corrected yourself and are ready to build a relationship together and accept him for who he is, without trying to correct him or criticizing him for any reason.

When he calls only when he is in a very cheerful state, after drinking several glasses of alcohol, he appears for the night, and then disappears again, without explaining anything, unfortunately, for him the ex-girlfriend is just a convenient option. He's not going back. Everything suits him. He spends his free time with friends, relaxing and minding his own business, but when he wants to feel care and affection, he remembers his ex. He hasn’t changed, hasn’t admitted his mistakes, and isn’t going to change anything in his life. There is no need to talk about any feelings here. It will not be possible to return him, and to restore good relations either. If you don’t want to feel like an “alternate” airfield, try to explain to him as quickly as possible that you have a new life and there is no place for him in it. Have pity on yourself, let him go and allow yourself to enjoy life, and not depend on the whim of a man who simply uses you for his own personal interests.

  • If your husband left the family because of another woman, but does not refuse to communicate with you, this does not mean at all that he still loves you. Take a closer look at him and his behavior. In the case when he promises to come help and does not come, without even bothering to call and warn that he will not come, his feelings have cooled down, and only out of the kindness of his heart he agrees to help you. Don't waste the best years of your life on him, hoping that he still loves you and will come back soon. Forget about him and move on with your own personal life. But if his new passion does not want your communication or she has some problems, and he prefers to help you, then everything is not so smooth in his new family. If you have managed to forgive him and want to return him at any cost, surround him with care, become an understanding, affectionate woman with whom he has so much in common. And very soon he will return home. They don't refuse good things...
  • Your ex-husband constantly calls and asks how you are living, if you need his help, he definitely dreams of returning home. So it depends only on your desire when this happens. But don't agree to take him back too quickly. Let him realize that you respect yourself and are giving him one last chance, so he should appreciate it. Otherwise, he will perceive your surrender as his personal victory and decide that you are crazy about him and will forgive everything he does. You must respect yourself, otherwise in a few years everything may happen again.
  • If a man continues to take care of you, pamper you with small gifts, and has become much more affectionate and attentive than when you lived together, he is again trying to conquer you. The ex-husband who was caught cheating in this way tries to make amends, hoping that everything can still be corrected. And the man you broke up with because he disappointed you tries to convince you that you were in a hurry to break up, and demonstrates how good he is and deserves your love.
  • When conversations with your ex-husband on the phone drag on, and the calls themselves are heard more and more often, and he repeats how pleased he was to hear from you, he dreams of being nearby and renewing the relationship.
  • Trying to do things together that unite you does not indicate his desire to return. He may still have feelings for you, but not strong enough to renew the relationship. In this way, he controls you, creating the illusion that he has everything under control and not wanting to give up the feeling of stability that you gave him.
  • When any conversations between you, one way or another, come down to discussing why you broke up, he has not yet realized why this happened and wants to understand how to get everything back on track. A man's pride does not allow him to admit his own mistakes. Only you can understand this situation. If you need him, make it clear that you don't mind trying to start over and subtly hint where he was wrong. If you want to get rid of him forever, stop communicating altogether.
  • If he often asks your mutual friends how you live, who you communicate with, he is interested in learning about your status. On the one hand, it could be ordinary jealousy, when feelings have not yet cooled down, and in this case there is every chance of returning him, and on the other hand, it can be a sense of ownership, as they say neither to themselves nor to people.

Do not rush to draw conclusions until you are sure that your ex-husband has truly realized his mistake and is ready to correct himself. Don't try to find out the truth by trying to get answers from him. Observe him, test him and only then make a decision: whether you get along with him again or is it better to limit your communication forever.

Tags: how to understand your ex-husband

Hello dear readers of the Samprosvetbyulleten blog!

“I came across such a situation, a woman, she worries, then calms down and suddenly this ex wants to come back to her again. Should you accept it or drive it away from you?” — writes Zhanna.

“My ex wants to get back after leaving me for another girl. They were together for two years, then they broke up, she went away to study somewhere, and now she has returned and started calling him. He told me that something might work out for him here, since they were happy together. After 3 months he suddenly started calling me, at first he just asked how I was doing and what I was doing. Then he called again to say that he was only thinking about me. I still miss and love him too. But I’m afraid that if I take it now, it will all happen again, and it will hurt me even more. Please advise how to behave? — Victoria writes.

Why we can't let go of past relationships see →.

The biggest mistake couples can make after a breakup is simply getting back together. They mistakenly believe that if their feelings are still strong, a second attempt at being together might work. Most do not try to understand what really happened between them and what changes they need. They simply pick up where they left and continue on.

They try to restart relationships that did not work out before. But repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity and insanity.

When you take milk out of the refrigerator and find it's spoiled, you don't put it back in the hope that it will be fresh tomorrow, do you? You will want to purchase fresh milk and get rid of the spoiled milk.

The practice of family psychology shows that second-round relationships only work if the partners:

  • have become different people compared to who they were at the time of separation;
  • retained the qualities that attracted them to each other earlier;
  • They begin to build relationships from scratch, and do not just stick together at the place where they separated.

Psychological trap - returning what was lost

Although I always encourage looking for the positive in any situation, now I have to recommend the opposite. If your ex wants to come back, ignore the positive from his appearance and look for the negative. This approach will save you from repeated disappointment and injury and will show what is happening in full perspective.

It is very easy to fall into a psychological trap now if your feelings are still strong and you have not yet met a new love. Your wound is still fresh and painful, and it seems like getting your ex back is the best cure.

If you still have a feeling of emotional loss, then you want to return what was lost and regain your previous state. But this actually means going into the past, which is impossible. And does this make sense?

If some path in life led you to disappointment and pain, then why return to it again? It probably makes sense to take a different path, avoiding past mistakes. And then the question will be whether you and your ex are on the same path.

Reasons for leaving and returning

Is there a second chance with an ex who wants back? It depends on the motives of his action. You may believe that he was brought back by a conscious and hard-won decision to connect his future with you, but in fact, he may be driven by completely inappropriate, unpleasant motives.

Let's look at a few examples:

1.Searching for convenient options and unwillingness to make efforts

I will give an example from personal experience. Once upon a time, I began to develop an acquaintance with one gentleman, but suddenly he decided to try again with his ex-girlfriend, who wanted to get back together with him. We broke up, and a few months later he appeared, saying that things didn’t work out with his girlfriend. I continued to communicate with him in a friendly manner, and soon he told me that he wanted to try to find happiness with a colleague who confessed her love to him.

Then he moved to work in another city, left his colleague and began dating a local woman, because she is always nearby and he doesn’t have to travel anywhere. So throughout his strategy one line was traced - to make it simple, comfortable and without extra costs.

Such a person may return to you, simply because it is easier for him than to look for someone else. Should he dial your phone number and say that he misses you and is thinking about you? You already know each other, something has formed between you, there is no need to start all over again. If he is not accepted, he will simply call the next one and so on. If you accept him, he will leave you again when a more convenient option comes along.

2. Fears and psychological immaturity

I remembered a story that happened to our neighbor. After a year of marriage, her husband went to buy diapers for his son and did not return. He turned off the phone and didn’t even want to explain himself. The neighbor filed for divorce. A year later he knocked on her door.

- “Why did you leave us?” she asked.

“It was hard because of the child, you paid little attention to me, I was afraid that it would always be like this. But I felt bad without you,” he replied.

Men of this type cannot understand what they need in life; they are characterized by irrational fears, inability to cope with responsibility and overcome daily difficulties, immaturity, and uncertainty about their goals and desires. In other words, such people cannot be relied upon; they are unreliable and unpredictable. With them, you risk getting an unpleasant surprise again after some time.

3. Influence of third parties

Your partner leaves you under the influence of your mother, relatives and friends, but then realizes that he was wrong. And here the question arises: how susceptible is he to influence? Is he capable of making independent decisions? Is there a guarantee that he will not succumb to the pressure of authority again?

4. Life circumstances

In my practice, there have been stories when men were forced to separate from their lovers due to some factors little dependent on them: moving, illness of a child or parent, difficult financial problems, loss of a job. They believed that they could not offer themselves while they had unresolved problems. Later, when their life began to return to normal, they wanted to return. For some of these couples, things got better again.

There may also be a variety of other reasons that prompted a man to leave, depending on his unique circumstances and personal characteristics.

So, if your ex who left you wants to come back:

  1. Don’t give in to the first delight, look for the negative, ignore the positive.
  2. Find the real motives behind his behavior.
  3. Get an idea of ​​what kind of relationship you want and what kind of person might suit you.
  4. Determine whether the answers to points 1 and 2 fit into this view?
  5. If you still decide not to drive your ex away, start over from scratch without repeating old mistakes. Otherwise, you will create a precedent that you can be left and then, as if nothing had happened, return to your previous positions.

If you still have doubts about what to do when your ex wants to return, ask for advice from loved ones you trust. It's useful to get an outside perspective. You can also contact me at

Hello friends! In this article I want to tell you about how to get your ex-husband back without resorting to violence) That is. your loved one will ask you to return to him. Want to know how?

Of course you want! So...

He slammed the door and went on a free swim, leaving you with nothing? It’s bitter and hard, but you shouldn’t think that life ends there.

How to behave in order to return your sweetheart?

Let's talk about the reasons for the divorce, about your desire to get him back, look at the mistakes and look at tips for restoring the relationship.

Each of us gets used to our chosen one.

Now you are free. It seems that there is no need to defend one’s innocence, there is no need to collect dirty socks all over the house and carry responsibility for two people - but my soul is empty than ever.

Or another situation: you were afraid of every quarrel and now you wake up alone. You howl with anguish, go to fortune tellers, call him and spy on his page on a social network. Even if he often beat you up or, worse, slowly destroyed your self-esteem.

In the first case, you are held back by the habit of the previous arrangement of life. You remember previous moments that, if not ideal, were certainly stable. Are you scared to start over from scratch?

In the second option, you should think about whether your feelings are a love addiction? This state can be understood as love, but it is not fully love.

In this case, you need to visit a good psychologist to understand yourself.

Children are a separate matter. It is difficult to let go even of an unloved person if you have a child.

Is it worth keeping the past?

Indeed, is it necessary to return your husband? Are there significant reasons for this?

Remember the reasons for your disagreements

  1. Maybe the roads diverged long ago, and a break was the only acceptable option?
  2. Or did aggression flare up between you every now and then?
  3. Your option (reason) for divorce

Don't try to answer this question right now. Give yourself time to weigh the pros and cons so as not to follow impulses that could be destructive.

First, you must understand that sadness and loneliness are completely normal feelings after loss. Don’t give up on these states, but also allow yourself to doubt the advisability of restoring the connection.

So. Your action plan.

How to get your loved one back after divorce?

If you have made your final decision, listen to the recommendations below.

  • Understand yourself

First, calmly analyze your marriage. Evaluate all events thoughtfully, without offense or accusations: you need to find the exact reason for the separation.

To do this, remember what specifically irritated your husband, try to patch up the annoying gaps. This way you will learn to avoid painful issues or completely eliminate them.

As a final touch, assess how much you are willing to change in order to reunite with your boyfriend. If this requires giving up desires, aspirations and worldview, perhaps he is just a stranger.

  • If the initiative is yours

What to do if it’s not you who’s been abandoned, but you yourself? Try to get your spouse to talk. Just don’t try to do this intrusively - it’s better to schedule a meeting on neutral territory, where you can dot all the i’s.

Moreover, wait at least a week for his resentment to dull. Surely he has thought about how he will rebuff you.

The conversation should be calm and unobtrusive. Remember that annoyingness is an unspoken sense of possessiveness that will play a bad joke on you.

Listen to him, do not interrupt and do not try to prove that you are right. Accept his point of view, then express yours in a supportive tone. It is possible that you will be able to forgive each other and start over.

  • If you have a mistress

Perhaps this is the most difficult situation for an abandoned wife - if he already has another one. First of all, no matter how painful it is, recognize his right to freedom. As well as yours: let them know that you are not going to become an alternate airfield.

The best place to start is with a conversation. Let your ex-husband understand that you just want to fully understand the negative aspects of marriage. I hope you know that blackmail and begging will only drive you further away from each other.

The new passion cannot be criticized. You should not directly lead your ex away from your mistress.

It is best to pretend that you calmly accept this fact, and in general the world has not converged on her like a wedge. At the same time, do not pretend to be her role: hint at noble, friendly relations.

Invite him to joint events: walks with children, spending time with relatives, etc. Such a warm and neutral attitude will make him think about the correctness of his action.

But don't forget about yourself! A man is not the meaning of your life. In your free time, engage in hobbies, surround yourself with fans and emphasize in every possible way.

  • Lack of feelings

You don't have to wait for him to leave. Even if he doesn’t want you as a woman, this is a wake-up call.

Unfortunately, one thing can be said here: you cannot return feelings by force. Especially if the young man got married and left for another family.

It is necessary to bring your husband to a frank conversation. Having understood each other, disperse without unnecessary complaints and insults.

Sometimes it takes time to understand love. Give it to your lover. And take care of yourself: become the one to whom he once proposed.

He himself will ask you to come back

I am sure that this course can significantly help in your business. And, most likely, your ex will come running to your house.


Human relationships are complex and multifaceted. We forget how dear we are to each other, and then we think about how to return love.

It's not too late to meet your loved one halfway to restore the relationship. Or at least understand the thoughts of those with whom you shared life and feelings, let them go without hatred and empty hope.

Maybe start over with a new leaf. But this is a completely different story, and in order not to miss it, subscribe to new blog articles. Just below there are social buttons. networks and for someone (including me) it will be very useful if you click on them. Thank you)

Love and take care of each other!

Always with you, Sasha Bogdanova