The male hormone makes men bald. Why do men go bald: main causes and treatment methods Why do women not go bald

Why does a man go bald? This question interests many representatives of the stronger sex who have this problem. In this regard, we decided to devote this article to this topic.

Why do men go bald early?

This problem can be caused by many factors. However, it should be noted that the strong half of humanity tends to ignore this problem due to their ignorance. Moreover, most men believe that today there are no products that can stop hair loss. But that's not true.

Before you find out which remedy for baldness is the most effective, you need to find out why you have this problem.


In some cases it is caused by androgens (testosterone). This is hereditary hair loss. It can begin in the strong half of humanity at any age, but only after reaching puberty.

Why does a man go bald? With androgenetic alopecia, the hair in the temporal areas begins to shrink significantly. At the same time, its density and duration of the growth phase decreases. During hereditary baldness, hair shafts decrease in length and diameter. In addition, they may take on a lighter shade. It should be especially noted that hair loss in men is inherited from the father or mother and only appears when the amount of androgens in the body increases.


If a person is exposed to prolonged and quite severe stress, the blood vessels in the scalp begin to narrow. And literally after 2-3 months this can lead to insufficient nutrition of the hair roots, and then to baldness. If nervous or emotional stress occurs rarely, then such trouble is temporary.

Side effect from taking medications

Why does a man go bald? The answer to this question may well be taking some strong medications. Thus, baldness (photo presented in this article) often occurs after the use of antidepressants, diuretics, aspirin, etc. If you experience such a side effect, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Autoimmune mechanism

With this kind of baldness, the human body may perceive hair follicles as foreign bodies and try to get rid of them. The nature of this phenomenon has not yet been fully studied. However, there is a version that autoimmune baldness can be inherited or manifest as a result of intoxication of the body.

Endocrine disorders

The usual remedy for baldness will not help a person get his hair back if the reason lies in the disruption of the endocrine glands, including the thyroid. By the way, with this deviation, the first bald patches usually appear in the area of ​​the outer eyebrows, near the forehead and on the back of the head.

If the thyroid gland does not work properly, hair becomes dull and dry, thin and sparse. If atrophy of the gland occurs, then a person may experience increased baldness, which is characteristic of old age. In addition, hair loss can be caused by an enlarged thyroid gland.


Why do men go bald? According to research from Taiwan University, a bad habit such as smoking can cause an increased risk of baldness in the stronger sex. Thus, scientists analyzed the health status of about 750 men, whose average age was 60 years. The results of these studies showed that when balding patients smoked approximately 20 cigarettes (or more) per day, the vast majority resulted in moderate to significant hair loss. Scientists explained this pattern by the fact that during smoking, the hair follicle, where the root part of the hair is located, is quickly destroyed. In addition, this bad habit can disrupt the circulation of hormones, which increases estrogen production and, of course, leads to baldness.

Other reasons

Why does a man go bald? Among other things, the reasons for this deviation may include:

  • poor nutrition or alcohol abuse;
  • incorrect choice of hair care products;
  • various diseases (diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, anemia, etc.);
  • direct sunlight;
  • frosty air;
  • temperature fluctuations;
  • radioactive exposure, etc.

Only an experienced trichologist can determine the true cause in men. It should be noted that timely clarification of this fact will help prevent further baldness and quickly solve this problem.

How to treat baldness?

You can prevent the loss of your own hair only after you establish the true cause of its loss. For example, genetic baldness is often slowed down with the help of medications. To do this, use tools such as “Finpecia” or “Propecia”.

If baldness in the stronger sex occurs due to constant stress and nervous tension, then they are advised to avoid emotional shocks and take medications that improve blood circulation and strengthen blood vessels.

One cannot ignore the fact that today there is an incredible number of folk methods with which hair loss can be stopped not only in men, but also in women. Let's look at the most effective recipes in more detail.

Onion peel mask

To prepare the reducing mass, take a half-liter jar and fill it. After that, add a few cloves to the same container and pour in 400 ml of regular vodka. It is recommended to leave the resulting mixture for 11-15 days, then strain and rub into the scalp, especially in areas of baldness. After these steps, you need to put on a bathing cap, tie a scarf or wrap yourself in a terry towel. After half an hour, the mask must be washed off the head under warm water. It is advisable to carry out this treatment procedure 2-4 times a week until the hairline is completely restored and the bald spots are overgrown.

Pepper tincture mask

To make such a healing mask, you need to prepare only 2 pharmaceutical products: castor oil (one part) and (two parts). Both components should be mixed and placed in a glass container. After this, the mixture needs to be rubbed into the balding areas and wrapped in the same way as presented in the previous version. After an hour, you need to wash your hair using baby shampoo or soap (there is no other way to remove castor oil). This procedure is recommended to be performed 2-4 times a week until recovery.

For those who do not know how to make pepper tincture, we will present its detailed recipe. Four pods of the spicy plant should be placed in a glass container, and then 500 ml of vodka should be added to them. In this composition, the ingredients must be infused for three weeks. The resulting mixture can be used both as an independent remedy and as a basis for preparing other masks against baldness.

Herbal decoction

To prepare this, you can use completely different plants. But the most effective are the following: willow bark, burdock leaves and roots, wormwood, lungwort, sage, plantain, centaury, coltsfoot and nettle. It should be especially noted that in folk medicine such plants are quite often used for To prepare a healing decoction yourself, you should take a mixture of several of the above-mentioned dried herbs, add a little linden honey to them (about 2 dessert spoons), pour boiling water and leave at room temperature until complete cooling of the liquid. After the water becomes warm or slightly cool, it must be filtered and then rinsed thoroughly. It is advisable to carry out this procedure after regular hair washing.

In addition to using masks, as well as taking medications, to prevent baldness, representatives of the stronger and weaker sex are advised to refrain from dyeing and perming their hair. In addition, it is advisable to avoid contact with irons, hair dryers, fixing gels, varnishes and other cosmetics.

To improve hair growth, men should purchase only medicated shampoos that are sold in pharmacy chains. When purchasing them, you need to make sure that the detergent contains hot capsicum, castor or burdock oil.

The problem of baldness in men has remained one of the most pressing for a long time. Almost every second representative of the stronger sex suffers from hair loss. This condition can cause many different problems and disorders in the body.

Main causes of baldness

Many people are interested in the question: why do men go bald and how to prevent this problem? The main influence on the condition of hair is testosterone, which is produced by the sex glands. The following factors can contribute to the formation of baldness:

  • wrong lifestyle;
  • frequent stress;
  • various diseases;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • incorrectly selected hair care products;
  • radioactive radiation.

All these reasons lead to the fact that a man begins to go bald, but testosterone has the main influence on the condition of the hair. Alopecia can also be triggered by various skin diseases, as well as serious illnesses, especially those associated with a disorder of the immune system.

Effect of testosterone

Why do men go bald? This question interests many, since this condition causes a lot of inconvenience. The hormone testosterone has a negative effect on the condition of hair. If for some reason the gonads begin to release an increased amount of this hormone into the blood, then it begins to negatively affect the hair.

Initially, the hair begins to become thinner, and then on the balding part, instead of the usual thick hair, fluff is observed. After some time, a bald spot forms in this place.

Genetic predisposition

Some people are interested in why men go bald before the age of 30 and how to deal with it. A hereditary factor can lead to baldness, since if there is a predisposition to alopecia in the family, then the man will also lose his hair quite early.

During the research, a gene was discovered that activates the production of reductase. It is inherited from parents. The enzyme reductase leads to the conversion of testosterone into its biologically active form - dihydrotestosterone. It leads to blocking the vital activity of the hair follicle in the frontal and parietal parts of the head. As a result, intense baldness begins.

Hormonal fluctuations

The reason why men go bald may be due to hormonal surges. As a result of various kinds of hormonal explosions, the condition of the hair begins to deteriorate sharply. Even a young man can observe the following signs:

  • increased oiliness of hair;
  • thinning and slow growth;
  • uniform hair loss in the frontal and parietal parts.

Hair loss sometimes begins at the back of the head or along the lower hairline. Over time, hair follicles atrophy and it will be impossible to restore hair. If a man begins to go bald, he needs to immediately consult a doctor for an examination and choose a method of hair restoration.

Various diseases

It is very important to know why a man goes bald. The reasons for this may lie not only in genetic activity; sometimes absolutely any disease can provoke such a condition. In such cases, baldness has a focal lesion, and hair in the beard and eyebrows may fall out. The reason for such baldness is autoimmune diseases, as well as disorders in the functioning of the immune system.

In addition, focal baldness can be observed:

  • with ringworm;
  • syphilis;
  • iron deficiency;
  • tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland.

Hair loss can be caused by taking certain medications, vitamin supplements, or an unbalanced diet.

When does baldness occur?

It is important not only to know why men go bald, but also at what age it happens. This depends on the individual characteristics of the stronger sex. If there is a tendency towards alopecia, then you need to constantly monitor the amount of hair falling out. It is important to look at how much hair remains on the pillow after sleep.

For a person with average hair density, more than twenty hairs that have fallen out is already considered a lot, although how many hairs have fallen out before is of great importance. If the amount increases, then you need to contact a trichologist.

How to deal with baldness

Many men are interested in: “I’m going bald, what should I do and how to deal with this problem?” It is almost impossible to avoid hair loss if you have a genetic predisposition. However, it is quite possible to delay or slow down this process.

Medications can help cope with the problem of baldness. You can fight alopecia by reducing the effect of testosterone on the hair follicles. For this, hormonal drugs are used, which must be taken under the strict supervision of an andrologist or endocrinologist. In addition, you can use external products rubbed into the scalp that contain estrogen. Only a qualified doctor can help you choose a medication for baldness.

If you have a tendency toward baldness, then foods that stimulate the production of sebaceous glands, as well as those rich in cholesterol, can aggravate this condition.

Frequent hair washing significantly increases the risk of hair loss, especially if you wash your hair with chlorinated water. It is best to take boiled or drinking water for this. Vitamin complexes will help maintain good hair condition. In addition, you need to vigorously rub your scalp with a soft towel every day for ten minutes. In just three to four months the result will be noticeable.

A very good remedy for baldness is shampoo, which contains components that protect hair follicles and prevent hair loss. Traditional medicines that stimulate hair growth are also widely used. Such means include the following:

  • burdock and castor oil;
  • plants that irritate the scalp (garlic, onions, peppers);
  • nettle tincture.

All these products provide support for damaged hair, saturating it with oxygen. A radical method of hair restoration is to transplant it from the back of the head to the place of baldness. This is a rather expensive, time-consuming and painful method, which is why not everyone can afford it.

Why do men go bald more often than women?

"Why do men go bald but women don't?" - this question interests many people, but this is not entirely true, because women are also susceptible to baldness. With age, ladies also begin to lose hair, as the hair follicles weaken, and metabolic processes in the body slow down. In addition, there is the factor of heredity. High levels of testosterone in men lead to baldness, and if it is elevated in women, this, on the contrary, provokes hair growth throughout the body. Over the years, this hormone increases in a woman’s body, which is why male-pattern hair growth is often observed in old age.

Women do not go bald as often as men, since the genetic factor is predominantly characteristic of males. In addition, women are more successful in monitoring their weight and, when fat deposits appear, they try to get rid of them immediately. Almost every man has bad habits, among which drinking and smoking occupy a significant place. Women, as a rule, try not to abuse alcohol, so they have much fewer problems with hair.

Stressful situations play a significant role in hair loss. Most balding men occupy high positions, since their work involves a lot of stress and a kind of struggle, which significantly affects the condition of the man’s body.

Women carefully care for their hair, nourishing it with the help of various masks and many other means. Men go bald much more often because they pay much less attention to their health and hair.

Is this what happens?

What causes baldness?

In fact, baldness can be caused by many factors. Among these very factors, hereditary ones, transmitted by genetics, are more common. It turns out that men get genetic characteristics from their mothers, despite the fact that the latter may not suffer from the problem of baldness at all; hormonal changes, especially if there are problems with the thyroid gland; stress, both physically and emotionally. By the way, this point is explained simply. The thing is that when a stressful situation occurs, it occurs, as a result of which blood flows poorly to the head.

The hair follicles have nothing to feed on, which ultimately leads to hair loss.

Excess weight also affects baldness. Due to fat accumulation, the level of cholesterol in the blood increases, this clogs the sebaceous ducts on the head, causing the hair follicles to die.

Why do bald spots on the top of men's heads appear more often?

Based on the above reasons, you can understand why women do not go bald as often as men. Firstly, as has already become known, the genetic background plays a big role, which is displayed exclusively on males. Secondly, women pay more attention to excess weight and try to get rid of it than men. Thirdly, almost every man has bad habits, including drinking alcohol or nicotine. Women try to give up bad habits, and therefore they have fewer problems with their hair. Fourthly, stress plays a huge role! Have you noticed that most bald men are among politicians, actors, and businessmen? And all because their work involves a huge amount of stress and a kind of struggle, which generally affects the state of the body.

In addition, women constantly monitor their hair, nourishing it using a variety of masks and other methods.

Men go bald more often than women for the simple reason that they pay less attention to their health. And perhaps if they tried to change their point of view, they would have much less problems with their hair. Although, women are even considered sexier.

Why are small, bald and bow-legged men the sexiest?
- Because otherwise they would have degenerated long ago.

I would like to start with this anecdote, not funny, but intellectual. For some reason, among the female half of our society, the opinion about the hypersexuality of bald men has become firmly established. Bald means God in bed. Is this true? By what parameters do women generally evaluate men? And perhaps the root of the problem is why do men go bald, often even before the age of 30?

Baldness from stress
Just as men went bald a hundred, two hundred, three hundred years ago, they continue to go bald in the current age of high technology. About half of all men begin to lose their hair permanently after 25 years of age. With the question of why this was happening, I turned to the trichologist at the regional cosmetology hospital, Anastasia Alexandrovna Davydova.
- Anastasia Alexandrovna, why do men go bald?
- Typically, hair lives for seven years, and the hair follicle is programmed for about fifteen hair renewals. That is, in principle, there should be enough hair for our life. There are two types of baldness - associated and not associated with heredity. Today, scientists know about the existence of at least one gene responsible for baldness, or more precisely, for the incorrect response of the hair follicle from which hair grows to the male sex hormone testosterone. This process is quite complex and is regulated by a special enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. A cure for baldness in the 21st century will be created if scientists learn to control its work.
Hereditary predisposition is responsible for 9 out of 10 cases of baldness and is passed on from a mother who does not suffer from baldness to her son. At the same time, genetic laws do not work in favor of men.
The incorrect reaction of the hair follicles is that the male hormone disrupts the nutrition of the hair, which causes it to fall out. It is curious that only the hair follicles located on the forehead and in the parietal region are affected. On the temples and back of the head, hair continues to grow even after a shiny bald spot has completely divided the former hairy continent into several islands.
- What are the non-hereditary causes of baldness?
- There are many non-hereditary causes of baldness. This includes poor nutrition, stress, exposure to radioactive substances, medications, and temporary hormonal changes. A distinctive feature of hair loss in such cases is the complete or partial restoration of lost hair.
Hair loss associated with hormonal imbalances usually occurs between the ages of 20 and 30. The reason is a malfunction of the thyroid gland, which intermittently begins to produce special hormones involved in the creation of bone cells, tendons and hair.
Baldness can be associated with a stressful lifestyle, physical or emotional stress - surgery, serious illness, severe fear, death of a close relative. Scientists explain this simply. When stress occurs, vasospasm occurs. Blood flows poorly to the head, hair nutrition is disrupted, and it falls out. By the way, among writers and scientists, that is, those who are engaged in creative work, there are much fewer bald people than among politicians, businessmen and financiers, whose life is an endless struggle.
Smoking, alcohol, and some medications cause hair loss. Antibiotics and antitumor drugs are especially dangerous. When treating cancer, hair loss usually begins 1-2 weeks after the start of chemotherapy. But after that the hair grows back and becomes even better than before.
It is worth paying attention to tight hats, wigs, and hairpieces. They can impede blood circulation and cause hair loss.
Baldness can be caused by too cold or too dry air. Such discomfort affects blood circulation, disrupts metabolism, and nutrients cannot reach the hair roots.
Unsafe for hair and excess weight. Fat accumulation causes an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood, which can be released on the scalp and clog the ducts of the sweat and sebaceous glands.
- How can you stop the process of baldness or you can’t fool nature?
- We often consult men with the problem of baldness. Of course, it is difficult to deceive nature, but it is quite possible to stop the process of baldness. If the process has just begun, you can use special lotions for rubbing. And for a 100% result, you should undergo a course of mesotherapy for the scalp. This course is held twice a year and costs about 6 thousand rubles. A more radical method is to transplant your own hair, but this is not yet carried out in Irkutsk. I would like to note that many men simply resign themselves to their problem, which is fundamentally wrong. Medicine is quite capable of helping in this situation. Maybe that’s why the myth about the hypersexuality of bald men is so persistent.
If there is nothing to cut
Natalya Kalinkina, universal hairdresser:
- Men with primary signs of baldness come to our hairdresser. They also need to get their hair cut. If baldness is just beginning, men ask for model haircuts. But most often they are still sports. This is the best option, the most beneficial in appearance. If the bald spot is extensive, that is, only fluff remains on the frontal-parietal part of the head, it is better to remove it completely and do something neutral.
To avoid baldness, you need to massage your head, as this stimulates blood circulation in the hair follicles. You can also use stimulating masks and various traditional medicines.
A man's bald head doesn't mean anything.
Many ladies literally prey on bald men. They believe that baldness is a sign of increased sexuality, since an excess of the male hormone testosterone is to blame for early hair loss. However, doctors completely refuted this claim. And sexuality has nothing to do with it.
How long should an ideal man's hair be?
He must be bald or shaven
He should have a normal hairstyle
He must have long hair
...and in old age - mustachioed and bearded
20 women were interviewed.