What are allergies to in a country house? Allergies at home. Mold in the bathroom

First of all, let's deal with the manifestations of allergies. Here are the main ones:
  1. All sorts of irritations appear on the skin: in the form of spots, bubbles and blisters. Their sizes depend on the severity of the disease.
  2. , as a type of rash on the skin. It is accompanied by itching and burning.
  3. The nasal mucosa becomes inflamed, a runny nose appears, and the child’s breathing becomes difficult. Less commonly, Quincke's edema occurs in advanced stages of the disease. Most often, such symptoms are possible due to an allergic reaction to pollen and substances in household chemicals.
  4. Conjunctivitis, tearing and redness of the eyes.
  5. Difficulty breathing due to swelling of the larynx often develops into bronchial asthma. There are attacks of suffocation.

7 main allergens in our home

What in our homes can provoke intolerance in children? As it turns out, these are, at first glance, completely harmless things that are fraught with danger:
  1. Indoor plants, or rather mold, which often appears in flower pots due to excessive watering. So try to keep an eye on your green friends.
  2. Pets. Any animal waste products can cause illness, since the protein found there is a strong allergen for babies.
  3. Carpeting, furniture and soft toys. All of them are big “collectors” of dust and small mites, which are known to us for their harmful secretions.
  4. Bed and pillows. Natural filler (down and bird feathers) often contains harmful microbes and the same mites mentioned above.
  5. Bathroom. Mold loves to live here due to the humid and warm air. It can be seen with the naked eye near the sink, toilet and in the joints between the tiles.
  6. Kitchen. Mold also often appears here, but mostly on food products.
  7. Air purifiers and air conditioners. If they are not cleaned on time, they become carriers of harmful microbes, dust and pollen.

How can I help the baby?

What to do if you notice signs allergies your child in the apartment?
First of all, of course, you need to see a doctor to determine the allergen. Based on this, the baby will be prescribed medication. But to avoid negative consequences, you should adhere to basic preventive measures to care for your home:
  1. Remove the allergen from your child’s habitat and diet
  2. Do wet cleaning more often
  3. Ventilate the room
  4. Clean the filter in your air conditioner every 6 months
  5. Minimize the use of household chemicals
  6. Limit contact with four-legged friends.

Any type of plant is susceptible to mold developing in them, so they need to be looked after regularly, avoiding stagnation of water in the pots and cutting off rotten leaves.


Animals in the house are not only a source of positive emotions, but also a common cause of allergic reactions. They are caused by proteins found in animal dander, hair, urine and saliva, so it is important to wash your hands regularly and clean your premises frequently.

Rugs and carpets

This type of flooring performs a practical and aesthetic function, but it has a significant drawback - dust accumulates in carpets and rugs, and this is one of the strongest allergens. To avoid allergies caused by dust, you need to constantly clean with a vacuum cleaner, preferably keeping it damp.


Mites often hide and multiply on the covers of books, and mold can also appear on them, so it is recommended to keep books in closed cabinets or regularly vacuum their spines. There is no need to allow high humidity in the house, since it is the main cause of mold on books.

Upholstered furniture

This is the favorite place of ticks and their most frequent habitat. Additionally, furniture can become a breeding ground for mold if it is not used. Any pieces of furniture should be regularly vacuumed or cleaned in other ways, and it is best to get rid of old sofas, armchairs and ottomans rather than store them in closets. We must not forget about regular ventilation of the premises.


Each person spends a lot of time in bed, so the optimal solution would be to purchase anti-allergic mattresses, bed linen and pillows. Washing at high temperatures works well against ticks.

Soft toys

In addition to sofas and beds, mites like to live in soft toys, which often leads to allergic reactions. Toys need to be washed regularly, and it is better to avoid large ones altogether, since not all of them will fit into the washing machine.

Mold in the bathroom

The bathroom is a warm and humid room, and these are ideal conditions for the emergence of powerful allergens - fungus and mold. Therefore, the room must be regularly ventilated and periodically cleaned with bleach.


In the kitchen, spoiled food and trash cans become sources of mold growth. To avoid allergies, the kitchen must be kept clean at all times.

Air conditioners

In hot weather, these devices provide coolness and filter the air from allergens. But if you do not regularly clean the filters and do not treat the air conditioner with disinfectants, this device can cause severe allergic reactions.


Allergen No. 1 – household dust

Even if you regularly clean your house and maintain literally perfect cleanliness, household dust will still be present. It accumulates invisibly in various corners of the house - on shelves, in books, soft toys, home textiles, bedding and furniture. It is impossible to get rid of household dust, because people themselves are its “producers”: pollen, dead particles of the epidermis, hair flakes, dandruff, mineral components, cellulose particles, chitinous particles of pet shells, pet hair, mold, were found in the allergen. bacteria and other components. All of the listed components of household dust can cause an allergic reaction in a person, which will be expressed by the following syndromes:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • runny nose;
  • itchy skin;
  • sneezing;
  • rash on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • cough (dry, spasmodic);
  • development of eczema.

These symptoms of an allergic reaction are present in a person all year round, and are especially pronounced in autumn and winter, which can be explained simply - a person is forced to spend most of his time indoors and not outdoors.

The most dangerous manifestation of an allergy to household dust is bronchial asthma, and this disease can be triggered by the dust itself and other manifestations of allergies (for example, the notorious rhinitis). Therefore, doctors recommend not to ignore a runny nose in the morning, periodic hives or lacrimation while cleaning the premises - these phenomena are already a reason to visit an allergist.

To reduce the risk of developing an allergy to household dust, you need to follow several rules:

If the above measures do not help cope with allergies and household dust provokes a worsening of the condition, then doctors will prescribe desensitizing agents and specific drugs that will relieve unpleasant allergy symptoms. In particularly severe cases, patients are given corticosteroid drugs.

Allergen No. 2 – mold

Mold present in the house causes a severe allergic reaction, and more than 20 varieties of mold fungi are already known that negatively affect human health. Any type of mold is an aggressive allergen, and when inhaled, the following symptoms appear:

In addition, a person who is allergic to mold may complain of nausea and vomiting, regular diarrhea (diarrhea), and periodic stomach pain.

Treatment of mold allergies involves taking symptomatic and desensitizing medications. But to obtain the desired result, you will need to take a number of preventive measures:

  1. The humidity level in the house must be constantly monitored using a special device. Readings of 40-60% are considered normal.
  2. When cleaning the house, you need to especially carefully clean the places where mold is most likely to accumulate: bathroom, kitchen, toilet, ventilation grilles, pantry. To properly clean these areas, it is recommended to use a soda solution (3 tablespoons of baking soda per liter of hot water) or replace it with special anti-mold products. Pronounced foci of mold should be wiped with a solution of table vinegar (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of warm water).

  3. After taking a bath (shower), the tiles on the walls and the floor in the room must be thoroughly dried.
  4. The premises should be frequently ventilated, and any water leaks should be eliminated as quickly as possible.
  5. Books must be regularly vacuumed, ventilated, dried in the sun, and sprinkled with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution (from a spray bottle) from time to time.
  6. It is highly advisable to avoid indoor flowers.

Allergen No. 3 – pets

Doctors note that quite often allergies are diagnosed to pets, or, more precisely, to the protein contained in particles of their saliva, fur and dander. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the pet be fluffy - the allergy will make itself felt in any case. The disease can appear from the first hours of the animal’s appearance in the house, but it can develop much later. Typical pet allergy symptoms include:

  • sore eyes and excessive lacrimation;
  • skin itching, redness and rash;
  • frequent sneezing and unexplained runny nose;
  • shortness of breath due to difficulty breathing.

In especially severe cases, an allergy to a pet can trigger the rapid development of angioedema or anaphylactic shock.

According to doctors, allergies most often appear to cats, but the same inadequate reaction of the body can develop to rabbits, dogs, goats, birds, horses, cows and rodents, in general to any domestic animal! That is why doctors recommend avoiding close contact with pets - either do not bring them into the house at all, or (if available) give them into good hands. If this is not possible, then the following instructions from doctors should be followed:

  1. The living space of the animal in the house must be clearly limited.
  2. Let your pet walk in the fresh air as often as possible.
  3. Strictly prohibit your pet from entering the bedroom, lying on the bed, chair or tables.
  4. Wash bed linen at least twice a week, regularly clean the mattress and clean pillows and furniture covers in any way - places where animal protein can accumulate.
  5. Regularly arrange drafts in the bedroom; all other rooms simply need to be ventilated frequently.
  6. Remove all carpets and rugs from the home.
  7. Carry out wet cleaning regularly.
  8. You need to install a special air purifier in your house.

In addition, you need to regularly bathe your pet and take care of its health - give it multivitamin complexes and provide it with proper nutrition.

To treat allergies to pets, antihistamines, symptomatic drugs and sorbents are most often used.

Allergen No. 4 – household chemicals

Those household chemicals that every person comes into contact with daily can cause allergies. The fact is that detergents for washing dishes and toilets, floors and tiles and other household chemicals contain chemical components, and each of them can become a powerful irritant. Allergies most often manifest themselves in:

  • formaldehyde - included in mold killers;
  • nitrobenzene - used to prepare floor and furniture polishes;
  • phosphates - found in almost all washing powders and detergents;
  • dyes/flavors/fragrances – included in every household chemical product;
  • Chlorine – used in disinfectants and bleaches.

Allergens found in household chemicals can affect the body in different ways:

  • through the skin: allergens enter the body if a person does not work with household chemicals wearing gloves;
  • through the respiratory tract: small particles of allergens tend to evaporate from surfaces and from laundry.

The first symptoms of an allergy to household chemicals (itching and redness of the skin, frequent sneezing and excessive watery eyes, nasal congestion and dry cough, mild headache and drowsiness) should be a reason to visit an allergist. Only a specialist can accurately determine the cause of the allergy and give recommendations to prevent its development:

When treating allergies to household chemicals with medication, the doctor prescribes antihistamines, symptomatic medications, and creams/ointments based on corticosteroid drugs.

Allergen No. 5 – paints and varnishes

Everyone knows that low-quality paints and varnishes contain a lot of potential allergens. But allergies can be triggered not only by construction or finishing materials, but also by printing ink, textile ink, and cosmetic ink. In this case, the allergy will manifest itself with the following symptoms:

In case of severe allergies to paints and varnishes, the development of bronchial asthma, collapse, convulsions, eczema and anaphylactic shock is possible.

Quite often, allergies are provoked by cosmetic hair dyes or decorative nail polish, and this inadequate reaction of the body is expressed by redness, burning and itching of the skin. In very severe cases, blisters and erosions may appear on the surface of the skin, and in many people it ends in Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock.

To minimize the risks of developing the allergy in question, it is worth following the recommendations of specialists:

  1. Any artistic and painting work should be carried out only in well-ventilated areas.
  2. When working with any paint and varnish materials, use gloves.
  3. Before using cosmetic paints, be sure to test on a small area of ​​skin.
  4. If possible, avoid working with materials that can provoke a strong allergic reaction; it is advisable to replace them with hypoallergenic ones.

Allergen No. 6 – indoor plants

Houseplants, like any living organism, breathe and release various substances into the air - they can provoke a severe allergic reaction. It is also worth considering that dust or mold may accumulate on the leaves of indoor plants, which is also a reason for an inadequate reaction of the body. Such proximity to indoor plants can lead to the following symptoms:

  • bronchospasm;
  • runny nose and sneezing;
  • dry cough.

Most often, allergies are caused by plants that release essential oils into the air. These include geranium, pelargonium, hydrangea, ferns, indoor maple, cyclamen, dracaena, primrose and many others. To get rid of allergies, you need to get rid of the source of the irritant and undergo a course of treatment with antihistamines (prescribed by an allergist). To minimize the risk of developing allergies to indoor plants, you should follow some rules:

Allergen No. 7 – latex

Latex is found in a large number of objects that surround a person - toys, rugs, chewing gum, gloves, hosiery, condoms, elastic bands and much more. It is latex that can cause a fairly severe allergy, which will be manifested by difficulty breathing, itching and swelling of the skin, nasal congestion and itchy eyes. In especially severe cases, latex provokes a more powerful allergic reaction of the body:

  • rapid heartbeat or sudden slowing of pulse;
  • severe swelling of the tongue, lips, face, neck and/or genitals;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • fainting, blue lips;
  • apathy or, conversely, excessive nervous excitability.

An allergy to latex can occur immediately after contact with the product, or after several hours. It is noteworthy that people with latex allergies are also allergic to cherries, potatoes, bananas, kiwis and peaches, avocados and nuts. The fact is that both latex and the listed food products contain the same protein - it is this protein that provokes allergies.

To exclude an allergy to latex, you just need to prevent any contact with products made from it. And antihistamines and symptomatic medications can restore the body with symptoms of developing allergies.

Allergens are everywhere in our home. You can try and exclude them from everyday life, you can endlessly restore order and refuse to use chemicals. But what about the outside world? This is where allergists will come to the rescue - they will not only find out exactly what irritant negatively affects the body, but will also prescribe effective treatment.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category



  1. Get rid of pillows filled with down or feathers. Moreover, take out of the apartment not only those pillows on which you sleep, but also decorative thoughts. By the way, pillows with foam rubber are also not suitable for you: as soon as a small amount of moisture gets in, mold appears on it. The same fate - being taken out of the apartment - should also befall the duvets. Replace wool blankets and blankets with synthetic or cotton ones, and wash them more often. Air the mattress and don’t forget to change your linen.
  2. Clear the area where your baby sleeps of soft toys. Are allergy manifestations pronounced? Then hide the soft toys altogether. Instead, give your child plastic ones or ones that can be washed frequently.
  3. Purchase special allergen-proof mattress and pillow covers. You rarely see these on store shelves; it’s easier to order online.
  4. Don't store things under the bed. If there is absolutely nowhere else, then in special vacuum bags, which you will have to regularly wipe off the dust.
  5. Move the crib in which your baby sleeps, as well as your bed, away from the window. This is especially necessary in spring and summer, when not only dust from the streets, but also pollen from flowering plants can get onto the bed through the window.


  1. Remove fabric-covered furniture from the bedroom. Replace chairs with wooden or plastic chairs, do not hang covers or blankets on them.
  2. If possible, get rid of carpets, or at least those with long pile.
  3. Avoid furniture with carvings. Dust accumulates in the recesses, which is of no use to a child with allergies.
  4. Hide books away; if you can’t refuse bookshelves, choose ones that close. And wipe the dust off them often with a damp cloth. And hide various figurines and photo frames away. These are real dust collectors.
  5. Do not use the bedroom and balcony as a storage room. Go through your things, get rid of junk, put the rest in a lockable closet or bedside tables.
  6. Do not throw clothes on chairs and armrests - they are also potential dust collectors. Not to mention that it is simply unhygienic. So hide all your clothes in the closet and close the doors tightly.
  7. Ideally, the windows should not have curtains, but blinds. If you are categorically against it and consider curtains indispensable in the interior, give preference not to massive tapestries, but to cotton ones. And wash them often.
  8. Find out from the manufacturer of the furniture with which your apartment is furnished whether these products are allergenic. For example, formaldehyde is used in the manufacture of particle boards, and it can cause allergies.

Air purification and ventilation

  1. The bedroom door must be closed. And if you have animals in your home (not just a cat or a dog, but also, say, a hamster), remember: entry for them is a strict taboo.
  2. During the period when most plants are flowering and producing pollen, bedroom windows should be closed. Just like during the poplar flowering period.
  3. Insert special filters into the ventilation holes. Economy option - cover with gauze.
  4. Avoid fans. They collect dust and drive it around the room.
  5. Consider purchasing an air conditioner. It is best to choose a device labeled HERA (high efficiency particulate accumulator, which translates as “highly efficient microparticle collector”). This means that such an air conditioner can remove pollen, mold, mite waste products, animal skin particles, harmful substances contained in cigarette smoke, and mite waste products from the air. By the way, when purchasing, be sure to ask how often you need to change the filter and follow these recommendations.
  6. And, of course, do not smoke at all at home or on the street - if you are walking with a child.

Features of indoor cleaning

  1. Rule number one: wet cleaning is preferable to dry cleaning.
  2. You cannot vacuum a room when a child is in it, because vacuum cleaners raise dust. For the same reason, after you have finished vacuuming, it is necessary to ventilate the room. It is preferable to use a unit with a water filter - this is a guarantee that some of the dust and mites will not come back. Ideally, it is recommended to purchase a vacuum cleaner with the same HERA marking.
  3. When cleaning floors, use a disinfectant. It kills mold particles.
  4. Smoking in the apartment is strictly prohibited. Yes, even on the balcony.
  5. Avoid other allergens and irritants in the air: toilet waters and
  6. Deodorants, air fresheners, houseplants, baby talcum powder, cosmetics, mothballs, any insect repellent.


Are you allergic? Well, be careful, because allergy sources are everywhere. Allergy triggers such as mold, dust and animal dander can be found in the most unexpected places. So, let's find out about the 10 main sources of allergies that may be right under your nose.

See also the issue - The culprits of allergies in all their glory, 10 Poisonous Fruits and Vegetables We Eat Every Day

(Total 10 photos)

Be very careful with them. Mold can grow in pots and spread to the floor. To prevent this from happening, trim off dead leaves and use flower pot trays or saucers to avoid flooding your flowers when watering them.

Yes, we love them, but sometimes they can be a nuisance. Allergies are often associated with pets, but their fur is not always the main cause. The main source of allergies is a protein found in animal saliva, urine and dander, which, by the way, flies everywhere and lands on our carpets, furniture and beds. Wool can be a source of allergies if allergens such as dust or pollen collect on it. Keeping your pet out of the bedroom helps only partly, because allergens quietly “roam” around the house, moving through the air. Tip: Vacuum your apartment often and wash your hands after playing with your dog.

Carpets and rugs in the home can play a role that you may not even suspect. They collect dust and become home to mites, a very well-known source of allergies. To get rid of this problem, you can clean your apartment using vacuum cleaners with a HEPA filter or simply throw away old carpets. The humidity in the room should not exceed 55%. In addition, you need to regularly ventilate the rooms.

Your brain food is potential pest food. Mites, mold and other similar microorganisms can hide in book dust. If you suspect your allergies are caused by books, try vacuuming the covers or keeping them in a locked cabinet. Lowering the humidity in your home and removing dust will also help reduce the number of dangerous microorganisms.

Oooh, this is the favorite residence of ticks. Vacuum your furniture regularly. Allergens develop less frequently on leather and vinyl flooring. Plus, furniture you've tossed into the basement can also be a great breeding ground for mold. Dehumidifiers can be used to reduce humidity levels.

You spend up to eight hours a day in it (and some more). Therefore, a lot of dead skin particles gradually collect on the sheets, which attract ticks. The main solution to this problem is to buy anti-allergenic mattresses, duvet covers and pillows. Also wash your bedding every week on a high temperature. It is better not to buy pillows and bedding that cannot be washed.

Yes, they also attract a lot of ticks. Of course, you shouldn’t throw them away, but it’s better to buy only those toys that can be washed. As with bedding, soft toys that your child often plays with should be washed weekly on a high temperature.

The bathroom can be an ideal “residence” for mold, because it has all the conditions for its growth: it is warm and humid. Black mold forms in hidden areas under the floor. It's best to keep your bathroom clean and dry. Repair valves and other water sources if they are leaking, as leaks contribute to increased humidity. Clean surfaces with bleach regularly.

The favorite place for mold to grow in your home is the kitchen. Feel free to throw away stale food from the refrigerator, as it may become moldy. Cover trash cans and keep food in covered containers to avoid attracting insects.

Air conditioners help our home stay cool and also filter out allergens from street dust and pollen. However, it is air conditioners that can become the main source of allergies, due to the allergens that remain in the filters. To get rid of this problem, you need to clean the filters regularly. Also, once a year, call a specialist to treat the air conditioner with a disinfectant.

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Allergies in the home
Natashka Date: Tuesday, 2008-03-11 14:15:48 | Message #1
Unfortunately, more and more often children suffer from all kinds of allergic diseases. Most experts are of the opinion that this is due to a sharp deterioration in the environmental situation in the country and, as a consequence, reduced immunity. And according to one theory, almost all people are allergic. It just manifests itself in different ways. Some people sneeze and cry at the sight of their beloved cat, while others have a similar reaction, but to sand from the Sahara Desert. But they have never been there and are unlikely to be there. In addition, many mothers cannot immediately recognize allergic symptoms in their children and endlessly treat them for a cold, a runny nose, or prickly heat.

Hostile life

Doctors believe that household allergies can be caused by anything. Therefore, together with them, we have compiled for you a map of “hot spots” in your apartment that can provoke an allergic reaction in a child.


Dust is everywhere, even in the apartment of an ideal housewife, a few minutes after she has finished general cleaning. Soft toys, carpets, bedspreads, upholstered furniture collect huge amounts of dust. Microscopic mites (cloth mites) can live in house dust and can cause allergies. And even the most modern vacuum cleaner, no matter what the commercials promise you, is not able to completely remove all this.

What to do:

Vacuum carpets, rugs, curtains and upholstery regularly. Air your pillows and blankets outdoors once a week. At least twice a year (in the summer in the sun and in the winter in the cold), take the carpets outside. The most effective way to clean carpets and rugs is grandma's method - beating in the snow. Clothes mites die at temperatures below zero. Therefore, to get rid of ticks in soft toys, put the toy in the freezer (or on the balcony), and wash it in hot water the next day.

It is not advisable to cover the floor with carpet under the baseboard. In this case, you will not be able to regularly clean it in hard-to-reach places, and it is under the carpet that clothes mites can accumulate.


It is believed that if during pregnancy the expectant mother had animals around all the time, then the likelihood of the newborn developing an allergy to animals is very low. But this is just a theory that has no scientific evidence. The main allergens are pet fur, food and feces.

What to do:

Make sure that the cat's litter box is out of reach of the baby. If your pet accidentally leaves a puddle on the floor or sofa, thoroughly wash the puddle with special (preferably labeled “hypoallergenic”) products.

Give the animals a place to eat and do not let their food be thrown anywhere. Four-legged friends must have special dishes. Do not allow animals to eat from your plates, and do not wash your pets' bowls with the same sponge as other dishes. Change the water in drinking bowls daily and throw away uneaten pieces of food.

Do not allow animals, even if they have received all their vaccinations, to go into a crib, stroller or playpen. Make sure that your baby does not climb onto the bedding where your four-legged friend sleeps.

Despite their visual appeal, many indoor plants can cause allergies, and some are poisonous. In addition, fertilizers and soil in pots pose a danger.

What to do:

Do not place plants in a child's room, or at least within 5 meters of a child's crib. Everyone knows that plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. But in the absence of sunlight, a reverse reaction occurs and the leaves begin to actively absorb oxygen. Here is a list of the most “dangerous” plants for a child prone to allergies: aloe, popularly agave, indoor maple, hydrangea, dracaena, primrose.

Try to use mineral fertilizers in liquid form or those diluted in water. They are absorbed faster and penetrate deeply into the soil, so their vapors enter the air in minimal quantities.

Make sure that the child cannot reach the flower pots and does not taste the leaves (especially plants of the euphorbia family) or, if you use dry food, do not drag these peas into the mouth.

Wipe the flower leaves with a damp sponge at least once a week: indoor plants, if not properly cared for, are collectors of dust.

Mold, or rather its smell, is a strong allergen. Mold usually appears due to dampness in the bathroom or toilet. But sometimes it can appear in the most unpredictable places: in the wardrobe or on books. The thing is that there are two types of mold: blue-green, which occurs due to dampness, and white, which forms on books, wooden furniture, and walls due to lack of sunlight and lack of air circulation.

What to do:

To prevent the appearance of mold, ventilate your apartment more often. Keep blackout curtains or blinds open during the day to ensure adequate sunlight. Do not block vents in bathtubs, toilets, and kitchens. Try to leave a small gap between the wall and the furniture.

For prevention, once a month, wash areas of high humidity with a solution of baking soda in water (3 tablespoons per liter of hot water) or special detergents against mold. If the fungus has already appeared, it is recommended to wipe the area where it is concentrated with diluted vinegar (1 teaspoon of table vinegar per glass of warm water).

To prevent, as well as at the first signs of the appearance of mold in dry places, for example on books, it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the moldy area, dry it in the sun, and wipe the surface with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. Do not wipe off mold from paper or wood surfaces with a rag. This way you don't remove it, but rub it in.

Household chemicals
When cleaning the apartment, disinfecting the bath or toilet, we use all kinds of detergents, cleaning and polishing products that can cause a severe allergic reaction.

What to do:

Of course, everyone knows that children’s clothes need to be washed with a special children’s powder. But during the first year of life, it is advisable to wash not only all the children’s clothes, but also your own clothes with this powder. Just do it separately.

In principle, while the baby is exploring the space, tasting it, almost all household chemicals can be replaced with baby powder. Although it does not clean the surface as effectively, it does not cause allergies. When choosing household chemicals, give preference to products marked “hypoallergenic”. Try not to use aerosols and powders; give preference to bottles with liquid. When working with household chemicals, be sure to wear rubber gloves, and then wash your hands thoroughly before touching your child.

Never mix household products that contain ammonia and chlorine. The vapors from this mixture are not only allergenic, but also highly toxic!

Parquet mastic and water-based paints used to paint ceilings and walls contain mercury. Oil paints and finishing varnishes contain large amounts of lead. The latter is also present in most printing inks.

What to do:

Do not make repairs in the presence of a child. Most paints continue to intensively release harmful substances for a long time after application. As a rule, at least 30 days should pass from the moment the paint dries until the baby arrives, and then only with regular ventilation of the room. Do not store leftover paint at home. Opened paint, firstly, releases many harmful substances, and secondly, it thickens and deteriorates.

Particular attention should be paid to the material from which children's furniture is made, as well as to the finishing paint and varnish, and wallpaper. Curious kids will definitely try the crib or chair railings. Therefore, make sure that all children's furniture and other items that surround the little person are made of environmentally friendly material.

Do not buy children's books and toys of dubious origin. All “store-bought” toys are required to undergo safety testing, which cannot be said about goods from the market.

Do not let your child play with newspapers and adult magazines, especially fresh ones that are still stained with paint.

Food allergies
Recently, food allergies occur in almost every child. Depending on age, different allergic symptoms may appear to different foods. Pediatricians identify three “dangerous” periods for the development of this type of allergy.

Allergic symptoms:

* runny nose, constant stuffy nose;
* tearing, pain in the eyes;
* sneezing, difficulty breathing;
* dizziness;
* redness, rash and itching of the skin.

Up to a year
The main allergens: cow's milk, or rather cow's milk protein or milk sugar (lactose), purees and juices from orange or red fruits.
Symptoms: frequent and loose stools with foam or a greenish tint, abdominal pain, redness and rash on the skin.
Rules of conduct. The best food for a newborn is mother's milk, but it can also cause allergies. If a woman is breastfeeding, then it is necessary to give up some tasty but highly allergenic foods, such as chocolate, coffee, and also avoid eating fatty and pickled foods.
When such children switch to artificial feeding, doctors recommend abandoning formulas prepared on the basis of cow's milk and switching to dairy-free nutrition based on soy protein (read more in the “Gogol-mogol” section).

From one to three years
Main allergens: citrus fruits, red fruits and berries, cereals.
Symptoms: abnormal bowel movements, sore throat, choking cough, skin rash or itching.
Rules of conduct. The body of a one-year-old child is still very susceptible, so even familiar foods can cause an allergic reaction. Try not to overfeed your baby. Even an extra spoonful of your favorite porridge eaten “for dad” can cause anxiety. Particular attention should be paid to the rules of cooking. For example, it is not recommended to give meat broth to a small child; due to the high content of extractive substances, it can cause an exacerbation of an allergic reaction.

From three to seven years

Main allergens: chocolate, cocoa, peanuts, crabs, shrimp, crayfish, salmon fish, pickles, marinades and seasonings.
Symptoms: rash or itching on the skin.
Rules of conduct. When a child reaches three years of age, parents often stop paying due attention to his nutrition and transfer the child to the “common” table. Adult food is a huge burden even for a completely healthy baby, not to mention a child with allergies. But even if the baby is not prone to allergies, it is necessary to minimize the consumption of salt, sugar, and spices.

How to treat food allergies?

To begin treatment, it is necessary to install the “harmful” product as quickly as possible. As a rule, the first symptoms appear within 4-6 hours after eating. Therefore, each new product should be given to the baby in small quantities, gradually increasing the dose, and it is advisable to do this in the first half of the day. “Having caught an allergen,” you should exclude it from the child’s diet for a while. After 5-6 months, you can try giving this product again. Perhaps this time there will be no negative reaction.
The fact is that with age, intolerance to certain foods usually decreases, and sometimes disappears completely.
Many parents want to make their child’s diet as varied as possible as quickly as possible. Without knowing it, they expose the child's body to excessive stress. By the way, an allergic reaction to dirt often occurs. Therefore, it is worth paying great attention to the sterilization of bottles and nipples, vegetables and fruits.

We treat household allergies

Some mothers believe that allergies are just an annoying nuisance that cannot be gotten rid of. In fact, according to allergist Galina Ignatievna Alekseeva, this disease is far from harmless, as it seems at first glance. If it is not possible to exclude contact with the allergen, then the disease must be treated, and the sooner you start, the better. If the disease is started and the child is constantly fed antihistamines, this can lead to decreased immunity, upper respiratory tract disease and many other troubles.
Parents need to remember that household allergies are almost impossible to cure on their own at home. This should be done by a specialist. Only in rare cases does the allergy go away on its own. This is especially true for the female body. During puberty, as well as after childbirth, the allergic reaction may disappear without a trace. Conversely, new manifestations of an allergic reaction may appear. Now almost all major cities have medical centers specializing in the treatment of allergies. Unfortunately, testing to identify an allergen is not cheap, but can there be anything more expensive than children's health? Thanks to this analysis, the allergen is determined. This may be one factor or a combination of several. The more factors that can trigger an allergy, the more difficult and lengthy the treatment will be.

There are two ways to get rid of allergies: homeopathic and chemical.
The chemical method of treatment consists of introducing into the body a medicine that is similar in combination of basic chemical elements to the component that the child’s body cannot tolerate. In very small quantities, it is introduced into the body by injection or offered as a tablet. As a rule, the procedure must be repeated several times. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the characteristics of the body, the number and aggressiveness of allergens. Usually, five sessions are enough for a complete recovery; the main thing is to choose the right medications. But only children over fourteen years of age can be treated in this way. This therapy is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.
The homeopathic method of treatment takes longer, but is completely harmless to the body and is suitable for both adults and small children. Using minimal doses of various herbal preparations, the homeopathic doctor selects the desired combination and prescribes treatment. The process is simple and does not require special skills. It is enough to eat a certain amount of homeopathic pellets every day; sometimes the medicine is diluted in water, and the baby drinks it. After a month, you need to take a test to determine how effective the treatment is.

Allergies sneezing runny nose red eyes

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An allergic reaction can occur in a person to absolutely any irritant. Most often, a person does not even suspect that this particular allergen can cause the development of an allergy.

At home, the development of allergies is quite likely. Even without leaving the room, a person is at great risk of getting a serious illness.

In home realities, it is not always possible to quickly determine the cause of an allergy. If a person has not been exposed to flowering plants and has not consumed foods that cause allergies, then it is worth paying attention to some factors that could trigger its appearance in the house.

1 It is worth paying attention to house plants that live on the windowsill. Often these invisible inhabitants become the source of mold, which causes an allergic reaction. It will be enough to remove dried leaves in time and not to overfill the flowers with water.

2 Pets are another cause of home allergies. Nowadays, no one will be surprised by the body’s reaction to wool, this allergy is so common. But, as it turned out, allergies occur not only to animal fur. The protein contained in a pet's saliva can cause a negative reaction for humans. The precautions to take in this case are:

  • Keep your pet out of the steel room.
  • Thoroughly clean the entire house once a week.
  • Wash your hands after every contact with an animal.

3 The sleeping area can also be an unsafe place where home allergies can develop. Bed linen contains particles of dead human skin and sweat. These are the best conditions for the proliferation of ticks and bacteria. It is important to change the bedding every week and wash it at high temperatures.

4 The bathroom is an ideal damp place for mold to thrive. It often occurs in hard-to-reach places. You should keep the bathroom clean and dry, and eliminate any leaks.

5 Air conditioner filters may contain allergens that, when they enter the human body, cause a negative reaction. It is necessary to clean filters and disinfect them as often as possible.

Allergy to house and dust

Carpets in an apartment or house are a huge place for a large accumulation of dust, and with it dust mites. And such mites are known to very often cause an allergic reaction. You should frequently ventilate the room, and if possible, get rid of old carpets altogether and solve this problem at once.

For lovers of a large collection of paper books, book dust can become a serious problem, as it carries a hidden threat: mites, mold and other harmful organisms. If you develop an allergy to book dust, you will need to place all books in a closed cabinet.

Treating allergies at home

If a person experiences long-term symptoms, such as a severe cough, runny nose, redness on the body, increased sweating, or skin rashes, they should immediately seek help and carefully inspect the home for irritants.

First of all, the substance or object that caused the allergic process is eliminated. By donating blood for a test, you can get an accurate diagnosis and find out exactly what the allergy is.

The allergy could be caused by anything, but it is still worth sticking to a small diet. Eliminate all allergenic and harmful foods from your diet. The human immune system does not need extra stress during such a period.

Treat allergies at home without pills

Avoiding all dairy products will help reduce allergy symptoms, since milk protein is poorly absorbed by the body.

Constant intake of vitamin C will also help eliminate allergies. Its beneficial properties help fight any manifestations of allergies.

It is worth adding foods high in omega-3 to the diet of a person who suffers from allergies:

  • nuts;
  • mackerel;
  • seeds;
  • sardines.

Insufficient intake of pure mineral water delays the release of toxins from their body. During allergy periods, you need to drink as much water as possible.

Over the past 10 years, allergic diseases have become increasingly common. Their steady growth continues today. The number of agents that cause allergies at home is also multiplying.

Recently, information has appeared that sterile conditions in childhood can give you allergies for life. Contact with microbes is necessary. Thus, the children’s immune system learns to respond adequately to the antigen. And as a result of the beloved impeccable cleanliness, an inadequate reaction of the body to external agents occurs, that is, an allergic reaction.

Today, even at home you can’t hide from allergies. There are quite a lot of provoking agents in the home environment.

Most often the source is:

  • dusty;
  • (, guinea pigs, etc.);
  • (etc.);
  • mold;
  • plastic windows, suspended ceilings, linoleum;
  • living in panel and brick houses;
  • Wood dust can cause allergies in a wooden house.

Pictured: Common allergens in the home

Features of allergies in a wooden house

Allergies at home most often occur in the form of conjunctivitis and bronchitis. Possible development of bronchial asthma and eczema. There are also more acute forms - urticaria. Much depends on the type of allergen and the strength of the body’s reaction.

The course of the disease is mainly characterized by duration, lethargy, and year-round occurrence. It does not depend on the change of seasons. All other signs are non-specific and do not differ from allergic diseases provoked outside the home. Of particular note is the occurrence of allergies in wooden houses.

Specific to such dwellings is the presence of wood dust, which provokes allergies in those sensitive to it. Otherwise, houses made of wood are considered more environmentally friendly than those made of other materials and living in them is more favorable for allergy sufferers.

Symptoms of home allergies

Manifestations of allergies depend on the type of allergen and the location of the process. The most common general symptoms are:

  1. Allergic rhinitis is characterized by nasal congestion, clear discharge, and sneezing.
  2. With conjunctivitis there will be redness of the eyes, lacrimation, photophobia, and a feeling of sand in the eyes.
  3. Bronchitis of an allergic nature will be indicated by prolonged dryness, especially at night, deterioration in general health, and the appearance of shortness of breath.
  4. Bronchial asthma is characterized by paroxysmal cough, turning into shortness of breath.
  5. Redness of the skin, accompanied by itching, swelling, formation of vesicles followed by opening and turning into erosion - occur with allergic dermatitis and eczema.
  6. With urticaria, you can find blisters on the skin that tend to merge and subsequently disappear without a trace, causing severe itching of the skin.
  7. Quincke's edema is characterized by the appearance of swelling of the mucous membrane, skin and subcutaneous tissue at the site of contact with the allergen. More often it appears on the face, in the mouth, on the genitals and is accompanied by pain and burning. The most dangerous is swelling of the larynx, pharynx, and tongue. In this case, there is difficulty breathing, a “barking” cough, hoarseness, redness, and then paleness of the skin. Angioedema goes away with a favorable course in a couple of days.

Home allergy treatment

The provision of assistance is determined by the type of reaction, the severity of symptoms and the general condition of the patient. The reason to call an ambulance is life-threatening conditions. These are acute urticaria, Quincke's edema, an attack of suffocation, a sharp drop in blood pressure, accompanied by the appearance of fear of death. More often, of course, the situation is more favorable. In any case, an allergist should treat.

You will have to be patient and undergo a series of tests, which is important to find out the cause and select the optimal treatment. Often the allergen cannot be found. You shouldn’t be upset about this, you’ll just have to create an anti-allergenic environment at home. This will be discussed below. In addition, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines, local treatment if necessary, anti-inflammatory and other drugs, everything is decided individually.

How to protect your home from allergens?

  • First of all, try to remove everything that collects dust: carpets, various ekibans, etc.
  • It is better to replace fabric upholstery of upholstered furniture with leatherette or leather.
  • Instead of heavy curtains and blinds, you will have to hang light curtains.
  • The presence of mice and cockroaches, if any, should be kept to a minimum.
  • Excessive cleanliness is no longer a guarantee of health, so it is necessary to minimize the use of detergents and wear gloves when working with them.
  • It is important to regularly clean humidifiers and air conditioners. Monitor the condition of the products and prevent mold from appearing.
  • Pillows and mattresses should be dried periodically and feathers should not be used as filler.
  • It is better to evict pets or at least limit their area of ​​stay.
  • The rooms should be regularly ventilated and should be cool, but not damp.
  • It is preferable to store books, souvenirs and various trinkets in closed cabinets. Furniture with open shelving is not suitable for allergy sufferers.

All these activities are not as difficult as they seem. Everything can be done gradually and not necessarily in one day. Prevention can be adjusted depending on the identified allergen. You'll have to work a little harder. To maintain health, you need to make an effort, because preventive measures are already 50% of the treatment.

Runny nose, rash, excessive lacrimation, sneezing, difficulty breathing - these symptoms can turn into a real test for someone who is “attacked” by allergens. Each of us has at least once encountered these unpleasant reactions of the body. Moreover, most of the factors that provoke the development of allergic reactions are present in every home. The main ones are considered to be seven:

  • dust;
  • mold;
  • pet hair;
  • household chemicals;
  • paint and varnish materials;
  • indoor plants;
  • latex.

In some cases, the cause of an allergy can only be determined by a specialist in the appropriate field: an allergist, by taking a special sample.

There are fewer and fewer people nowadays who are never allergic to anything. If you notice that your tears, runny nose and sneezing begin soon after you wiped dust from the mezzanine or smelled geranium, and a rash on your hands appears with enviable frequency after washing dishes, the following information is for you.

So, let's start in order:

1. Household dust

The most insidious allergen. After all, there is no exact formula for the composition of dust. If you look at dust under a microscope, it consists of: dead particles of the epidermis (that is, our own skin), hair flakes, dandruff, pollen, mineral components, cellulose particles, chitinous particles of insect shells, pet hair, mold, bacteria and others unpleasant components. It is completely impossible to get rid of household dust, because people themselves are partly its “producers.”

Even if you regularly clean your house and maintain literally perfect cleanliness, household dust will still be present. It accumulates invisibly in various corners of the house - on shelves, in books, soft toys, home textiles, bedding and furniture. It is impossible to completely get rid of household dust, but you can take some measures to combat its habitats.

Symptoms of a dust allergy are:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • runny nose;
  • itchy skin;
  • sneezing;
  • rash on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • cough (dry, spasmodic);
  • development of eczema.

These symptoms are present in a person all year round, becoming especially pronounced in autumn and winter, when a person is forced to spend most of his time indoors rather than outdoors.

The most dangerous consequence of an allergy to household dust is bronchial asthma, and this disease can be triggered by the dust itself and other manifestations of allergies (for example, the notorious rhinitis). Therefore, doctors recommend not to ignore a runny nose in the morning, periodic hives or lacrimation while cleaning premises - these phenomena are already a reason to visit an allergist, and to observe the following at home Rules for dealing with household dust:

1. Reduce the number of places where dust can accumulate. You will have to slightly change the design of the room: remove carpets and rugs, change curtains to blinds, change velor furniture to leather, in a word, minimize fabrics that tend to hold and accumulate dust on their surface. It is also worth taking care of how to store books and soft toys - they, like clothes, should be put in closets.

2. Think about what you sleep on. It is better to replace your usual mattress - a lot of dust has probably already accumulated in it, so it would be advisable to purchase one that can be easily cleaned using a non-chemical method. A new mattress needs to be fitted with a cover that will completely cover it. This will extend its service life. But even the most expensive and comfortable mattress needs to be changed every 8-10 years.

If you still sleep on down and feather pillows, replace them with products with synthetic filling. And change every 2-3 years.

When choosing a blanket, preference should be given to products made from easily washable, lint-free fabrics. It is advisable to wash bed linen twice a week, using special products that can destroy dust mites.

3. Carry out wet cleaning of the house every day: wipe the dust, wash the floors.

4. Take care of additional purification and humidification of indoor air - install air purifiers, ionizers, air conditioners with a humidification system. And change filters regularly, because mold can form on them - another dangerous enemy of our immune system.

2. Mold

Mold is a very aggressive “household” allergen that can cause a severe reaction. In the house it lives in places of high humidity (kitchen, bathroom), and can also live on walls. Today, more than 20 varieties of mold fungi are known that negatively affect human health.

When mold is inhaled, a person will experience the following symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing and shortness of breath;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • cough;
  • itchy skin, small red rashes (urticaria);
  • bouts of sneezing;
  • runny nose;
  • in rare cases: nausea, upset stomach, sometimes pain.

The danger of mold is that it can multiply very quickly and penetrate into places that are difficult to clean. To prevent mold from blooming wildly in your home, you will need to carry out a number of preventive measures:

1. Mold loves moisture. The humidity level in the house must be constantly monitored using a special device. Readings of no more than 40-60% are considered normal.

2. When cleaning the house, you need to especially carefully clean the places where mold is most likely to accumulate: bathroom, kitchen, toilet, ventilation grilles, pantry. Dry the tiles on the walls and floors in the room after taking a bath (shower). To properly clean these areas, it is recommended to use a soda solution (3 tablespoons of baking soda per liter of hot water) or replace it with special anti-mold products. Pronounced foci of mold should be wiped with a solution of table vinegar (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of warm water).

3. Ventilate your home more often.

4. Books, in which mold also loves to “settle”, need to be vacuumed from time to time, ventilated, dried in the sun and, if necessary, irrigated with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide (from a spray bottle).

5. If you are allergic to mold, it is advisable to avoid indoor flowers. Or at least monitor the condition of your plants: wipe the leaves, monitor the condition of the soil.

And let us remind you that since mold is a very aggressive allergen, these measures are rather auxiliary against the background of drug treatment, which should be prescribed by a doctor.

3. Pets

Alas, this is true: our pet can cause a deterioration in our health.

The reason for this is the protein contained in saliva, sweat, particles of their skin and fur. Therefore, an allergy may well occur to an animal that is not particularly fluffy.

You may notice allergy symptoms from the first hours of an animal's appearance in the house, but the disease can develop much later.

Typical pet allergy symptoms include:

  • sore eyes and excessive lacrimation;
  • skin itching, redness and rash;
  • frequent sneezing and unexplained runny nose;
  • shortness of breath due to difficulty breathing;
  • in especially severe cases, an allergy to a pet can provoke the rapid development of angioedema or anaphylactic shock.

According to doctors, allergies most often appear to cats, but the same reaction of the body can develop to rabbits, dogs, goats, birds, horses, cows and rodents, in general to any domestic animal. Therefore, doctors do not recommend close contact with pets. For people prone to this type of allergy, it is better, sad as it may be, to give their pet into good hands and not have any more pets. If parting with your beloved cat is not possible, then Please pay attention to the following points:

1. The animal's habitat is in the apartment. Do not allow him to enter your room or kitchen.

2. Frequent walking. Let your animal spend time in the fresh air more often.

3. Discipline. You will have to prohibit your pet from lying on the bed, chair or walking on tables.

4. Places where protein secreted by animals can accumulate. Wash your bed linen at least twice a week, vacuum your mattress, pillows and furniture covers more often (after all, particles of animal hair and skin are also part of the dust).

5 .Ventilation of premises. Drafts should be created more often in the bedroom and other rooms in the house.

6. Carpets and rugs. They are also dust and fur collectors, so they will have to be removed.

7 .Room humidity. As mentioned above, the optimal indoor humidity level is 40-60%. Carry out wet cleaning in the house regularly - dust and wool should not “fly”.

8. Air purification. An air purifier is a useful thing in all respects.

9 .Health and hygiene of your pet. You need to regularly bathe your pet and take care of its health - give it multivitamin complexes, provide it with a balanced diet, because our smaller brothers can also suffer from allergies.

To treat severe manifestations of allergies to pets in humans, antihistamines, symptomatic drugs and sorbents are most often used.

4. Household chemicals

Those household chemicals that we come into contact with every day can cause allergies. The fact is that dishwashing detergents, tiles, plumbing fixtures and floors contain chemical components, and each of them can become a powerful irritant. So read the ingredients carefully.

Most often this allergy manifests itself in:

  • formaldehyde (included in mold killers);
  • nitrobenzene (used to prepare floor and furniture polishes);
  • phosphates (found in almost all washing powders and detergents);
  • dyes/flavors/fragrances (included in every household chemical product).
  • Allergens found in household chemicals can affect the body in different ways:
  • through the skin (if a person does not work with household chemicals wearing gloves);
  • through the respiratory tract (since small particles of allergens tend to evaporate from surfaces);
  • and even through contact with bedding and clothing that have not been rinsed sufficiently after washing.

Symptoms There are many allergies to household chemicals.

  • itching and redness of the skin;
  • frequent sneezing and excessive lacrimation;
  • nasal congestion;
  • dry cough;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness.

The repetition of these unpleasant conditions should be a reason to visit an allergist. Only a specialist can accurately determine the cause of the allergy.

1. Give preference to hypoallergenic products. They do not contain phosphates, chlorine, dyes, parabens and fragrances.

2. When cleaning the house and washing dishes, use protective cream and wear rubber gloves.

2. For cleaning, it is better to use natural, “grandmother’s” products: mustard, baking soda, vinegar, salt, ammonia and lemon juice.

4. Ventilate the premises thoroughly after cleaning.

5. Don't wash by hand - leave it to the washing machine, and always set it to an extra rinse cycle.

6. By the way, about washing powder: it is better to give preference to liquid detergents, including cleaning products.

When treating allergies to household chemicals with medication, doctors usually prescribe creams/ointments based on corticosteroid drugs, antihistamines, and symptomatic medications.

5. Paints and varnishes

Everyone knows that low-quality paints and varnishes contain a lot of potential allergens. But it can be provoked not only by construction or finishing materials, but also by printing, textile, and cosmetic paints.

In this case, the allergy will manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • rashes, peeling, itching and redness on the skin;
  • sore throat and cough;
  • nausea;
  • pain in the eyes and profuse lacrimation;
  • dizziness;
  • suffocation.
  • In case of severe allergies to paints and varnishes, the development of bronchial asthma, convulsions, eczema and anaphylactic shock is possible.

Quite often, allergies are triggered by cosmetic hair dyes or decorative nail polish. Also dangerous are materials and compositions for repairing premises.

To minimize the risk of developing these reactions, you should follow the recommendations of specialists:

1. Any artistic and painting work should be carried out only in well-ventilated areas.

2. When working with any paint and varnish materials, use gloves.

3 .Work in a special respirator mask.

4. Before using cosmetic dyes (for example, hair dye), you must test on a small area of ​​skin, usually the skin of the wrist.

5. If possible, avoid working with materials that can provoke a strong allergic reaction; it is advisable to replace them with hypoallergenic ones (for example, water-based varnishes and paints are much safer than acetone-containing ones).

6. Houseplants

Houseplants, like any living organism, breathe and release various substances into the air - they can provoke a severe allergic reaction. Also, dust or mold may accumulate on the leaves of indoor plants, which is a reason for an inadequate reaction of the body.

Neighborhood with indoor plants can lead to the following symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • runny nose and sneezing;
  • dry cough.

Most often, allergies are caused by plants that release essential oils into the air.

These include geranium, pelargonium, hydrangea, ferns, indoor maple, cyclamen, dracaena, primrose and many others. Plant pollen is also very insidious. To get rid of allergies, you need to get rid of the source of the irritant and undergo a course of treatment with antihistamines prescribed by an allergist.

1. Carefully choose plants for your home, excluding those that are likely to cause allergies.

2. Do not place plants in the bedroom (the same applies to vases with bouquets).

3. Once a week, remove dust from the leaves of plants - wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or give the plant a “shower”.

4 Spray and fertilize plants outside or on the balcony.

5. Try not to inhale pollen.

7. Latex

Latex is found in a large number of objects that surround a person - toys, rugs, chewing gum, gloves, hosiery, condoms, clothespins, kitchen utensils and many others. Latex can cause quite severe allergies, which will manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • difficulty breathing;
  • itching and swelling of the skin;
  • nasal congestion;
  • redness and itching of the eyes.
  • In especially severe cases: rapid heartbeat or a sharp slowdown in pulse;
  • severe swelling of the tongue, lips, face, neck and/or genitals;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • fainting, blue lips;
  • apathy or, conversely, excessive nervous excitability.

An allergy to latex can occur immediately after contact with the product, or after several hours. It is noteworthy that people with latex allergies also have food allergies: to cherries, potatoes, bananas, kiwi, peaches, avocados, and nuts.

The fact is that both latex and the listed food products contain the same protein - it is this protein that provokes allergies.

To exclude an allergy to latex, you just need to prevent any contact with products made from it.

Antihistamines and symptomatic medications can restore the body with symptoms of developing allergies.

Allergens are hidden everywhere in our home. You can try to exclude them from everyday life, you can endlessly restore order and refuse to use chemicals. But what about the outside world? Dust, flowering plants, painted objects, car exhausts also await us on the street... This is where allergists will come to the rescue - they will not only find out exactly what irritant negatively affects the body, but will also prescribe effective treatment.