Should I eat dairy products? Dairy products: pros and cons you need to know about. Symptoms of a milk allergy

Anyone who has encountered one of the symptoms of gastritis - heartburn - at least once in their life, has probably been advised to drink milk. Indeed, natural cow's or goat's milk relieves the unpleasant burning sensation behind the sternum and soothes stomach pain. What do gastroenterologists think about this? Are dairy products and milk good for gastritis?

Acute gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa caused by a variety of reasons (alcohol intoxication, long-term use of medications, poisoning, intestinal infections) and occurring suddenly with vivid clinical manifestations.

  1. In the first days of the disease, the consumption of milk and dairy products is strictly prohibited. During the period of severe symptoms, a strict diet is prescribed, in which weak tea without sugar, rosehip decoction, and still water are allowed.
  2. Starting from the 3-4th day of illness, the patient is recommended to drink a small amount of cow's and goat's milk with honey. Dairy products allowed include natural cream and a delicate steam soufflé made from pureed low-fat cottage cheese.

Contrary to popular belief, milk for gastritis does not have any special medicinal effect. But doctors note that this is a product with high energy value, which has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Also among its beneficial properties is the ability to “lining” the gastric mucosa and thereby protecting it from the action of aggressive gastric juice.

Features of use for chronic gastritis

Chronic gastritis is a disease with a long, sluggish course, in which periods of successful remission are followed by exacerbations. There are two variants of the course of the disease:

  • gastritis with high acidity - drinking milk and eating low-fat cottage cheese and cream is allowed. You should not eat fermented milk products (kefir, sour cream, yogurt, fermented baked milk), as they significantly increase acidity;
  • gastritis with low acidity - milk is also possible, the list of permitted dairy products is significantly expanding. Sour cream and sour cottage cheese are still prohibited.

Drinking tea and coffee with milk

Weak warm tea with milk is a useful product for exacerbation of gastritis: it does not increase the acidity of gastric juice and does not irritate the inflamed mucous membrane.

Coffee is a drink that is strictly prohibited for inflammation of the gastric mucosa with high acidity. For hypoacid gastritis, drinking a small amount of coffee with milk is allowed.

The situation is similar with condensed milk. Of course, sometimes it is very difficult to resist the temptation to eat something tasty during a strict medical diet. Let all those with a sweet tooth breathe a sigh of relief: you can use condensed milk for gastritis. True, in limited quantities - 2-3 teaspoons per day, since excessively fatty foods negatively affect the mucous membrane of the inflamed stomach.

Treatment of gastritis with milk and honey

In folk medicine, there are many recipes for treating gastritis with milk. In combination with honey, this product provides quick and effective elimination of symptoms of the disease and relief from exacerbation.

For a three-week course of treatment, daily consumption of 1 glass of milk with two tablespoons of honey is enough. Therapy can be carried out in the absence of individual intolerance to the components of the drink.

Treatment with goat milk

Some patients note that cow's milk causes them to develop bloating, flatulence, and nausea. This is due to enzymatic deficiency in the body: protein is not completely digested and affects the functioning of the digestive system. Then goat milk comes to the rescue - a product with high energy value, which is almost completely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment with goat milk consists of drinking 1 glass in the morning and before bed: you need to drink in small sips. It is recommended to start with half a glass of goat milk in the morning, gradually increasing the dose to two glasses per day.

In general, milk is a tasty and healthy product that can help relieve the unpleasant symptoms of gastritis. Together with diet and comprehensive medication therapy, it will quickly eliminate pain, heartburn and lead to recovery.

Even 20 years ago, no one could even think that someday there would be a debate about the fact that milk is harmful. On the Internet and in the media you can find many arguments about both the benefits and harms of this product. Moreover, speaking of the negative impact on health, many researchers focus specifically on adult consumers, arguing that they do not need milk. So is milk harmful for adults or can people of all ages drink it without fear? This issue needs to be dealt with in detail.

General composition

To make the picture complete, you must first consider the chemical composition of milk. These products contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates, their quantity depends on the nutrition of the cows that give milk, as well as on the method of further processing. The content of other components - fatty and organic acids, sucrose, cholesterol, a complex of vitamins and microelements - also depends on these factors.

Milk contains large quantities of potassium and calcium, as well as magnesium, chlorine, sodium, phosphorus, and sulfur. The product also contains important microelements - zinc, iron, copper, iodine, selenium, manganese and fluorine. The energy content of this product may vary significantly. Milk can contain 40-70 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Nowadays you can rarely find natural milk in stores; all products undergo pre-processing.

What harm can milk cause to adults?

Milk is harmful to adults if it is consumed incorrectly.
. But this applies not only to dairy products, but to absolutely all food products.

When people start drinking too much milk and mixing it with other foods, it sooner or later leads to a number of different diseases. Although it’s time for everyone to remember that this product does not combine well with other foods, so it must be consumed separately from everything else. Previously, children grew up strong and healthy because they ate exclusively natural milk from the cow; now on store shelves you can only find milk-containing products or harmful surrogates of unknown origin.

Our ancestors called milk a food, not a drink, and consumed it as a separate dish.

If a person likes to drink full-fat milk every day and uses it as a drink to wash down other foods, then excess weight will not be long in coming. Quite a lot of people suffer from digestive pathologies, and they don’t even realize that they are lactose intolerant, which is found in abundance in cow’s milk.

Almost all doctors unanimously recommend consuming more dairy products, arguing that this is a constant source of calcium that strengthens bones and teeth. But in fact there is no data to support this argument. On the contrary, in the USA a lot of people suffer from osteoporosis, and it is in this country that the dairy industry is most developed and such products are regularly consumed by everyone, young and old.

Another consequence of frequent milk consumption includes the following. Milk has a high glycemic index, which is not much lower than white bread. After just one glass of this product, the composition of the blood changes dramatically. People who drink this drink daily experience fluctuating blood glucose levels, weakness, and noticeable fat deposits.

In the course of research, it was noted that the aging process among dairy product lovers is accelerated.

Large quantities of milk of any fat content should not be drunk by adults who have the following diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • chronic heart and vascular diseases;
  • obesity of varying degrees;
  • diabetes mellitus

Many people believe that milk is only beneficial. As arguments, they give the example that villagers are always healthier and stronger than city dwellers, and yet they consume a lot of dairy products. But do not forget that in the village the cows graze on natural pastures, they are not stuffed with antibiotics, food additives and vaccinations. And milk from a cow is unlikely to be reconstituted or normalized, as we are used to seeing in stores.

All this suggests that You can consume store-bought milk only in limited quantities. But a natural product, without processing or additives, can and should be drunk, but it must not be mixed with other food products. Even the usual cereals with milk do more harm than good to an adult.

You can buy homemade milk only from trusted farms and from healthy cows. Do not forget that cows often suffer from diseases that can affect human health.

The benefits of milk

It is impossible not to mention the benefits of milk and dairy products in general. If the product is consumed correctly, that is, not mixed with other foods, then the benefits from it are quite great. Milk is good for a number of diseases; it is prescribed to people in the following cases:

  • With severe cough of various origins. Most often it is prescribed with Borjomi or soda, although there are recipes with honey.
  • For physical and nervous exhaustion. Milk can quickly restore strength; it is not without reason that this product is indicated for difficult and harmful working conditions.
  • With vitamin deficiency. Dairy products contain a complex of vitamins and microelements, and therefore can restore the normal balance of these substances in the body.
  • For dysbacteriosis, fermented milk products are prescribed, since they contain bifidobacteria.

Besides this, dairy products are indicated for poor blood tests, in particular, with a lack of hemoglobin.

Milk is also used for cosmetic purposes. Masks, creams and nourishing compositions for hair are prepared from it.

Is it possible to drink sour milk?

Some people like to make yogurt at home. To do this, a container of fresh milk is left to sour at room temperature overnight. But not everyone can accurately answer the question: is it possible to drink milk that has soured in this way? The answer will be surprising to many, It is not recommended to use such curdled milk. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Fermentation of the product could be caused by pathogenic bacteria, so when consuming such a product, a person risks getting poisoned or a serious infectious disease.
  2. The milk did not undergo heat treatment before souring; if it contained harmful microbes, the person would get sick.

If you want to prepare fermented milk products at home, you should take milk only from trusted farms from healthy cows and ferment it with special starters, which can be found in the pharmacy. Such preparations contain only beneficial bacteria.

Store-bought processed milk does not sour well, and most often it does not sour at all, but becomes rancid. This is something to think about.

Can I use powdered milk?

This product is produced by evaporating liquid from regular milk, due to which the product takes on a different shape and composition.
. The shelf life of powdered milk is much longer than regular milk. The production of a dry product is regulated by various GOSTs, which ultimately makes it possible to obtain a powder approved for use in the daily diet.

During heat treatment, vitamins in such milk are almost completely neutralized, but microelements remain almost in their original volume. Powdered milk is indicated for a number of diseases and conditions. It is included in a person’s menu after major operations, for certain diseases of the stomach and intestines, and also to normalize sleep. Due to the high content of potassium and magnesium, the condition of the heart and vascular walls improves.

You should not drink powdered milk if you are allergic to milk protein or if you are lactose intolerant.. In addition, such a product should be eaten with caution if the functions of the gallbladder and pancreas are impaired.

Powdered milk contains a lot of oxysterols, which have a negative effect on blood vessels. If the dry product is consumed too often, cancer may develop.

Milk is definitely necessary not only for children, but also for adults. However, in order for this valuable product to bring only benefits, you need to know a sense of proportion.

Thrush is a disease that requires an integrated approach to treatment. Patients can be prescribed topical medications as well as systemic medications. But besides this, the patient needs to eat and drink, like any patient. Today we will look at the question of which dairy products are acceptable and which are not advisable for thrush.

It is worth understanding that to finally get rid of a fungal infection, just one use of medications is not enough; the treatment process includes many more aspects, for example, proper adherence to the rules of intimate hygiene, sanitization of chronic foci of infection, as well as adjustments to the diet.

The right one will help slow down or completely stop the active growth of yeast-like fungi. Is it possible to drink kefir if you have thrush? What can we say about cottage cheese, sour cream, and other dairy products?

It is worth noting that lifestyle, habits, and dietary habits play an important role in the development of the disease. If you use medications, but continue to consume foods that will “feed” yeast-like fungi, then all treatment may be ineffective.

The basis of nutrition for candidiasis should be foods that have antibacterial and antifungal properties. For example, garlic is a natural antibiotic that should be included in your diet not only during an exacerbation, but also during remission. The product will increase immunity and the body’s defenses will be able to adequately resist attacks from harmful microorganisms.

During the treatment period, it is better to avoid products that contain preservatives, food colorings or harmful additives. Even for a healthy person, such nutrition can be harmful, so what can we say about the body weakened by an infectious lesion.

Can I eat dairy products if I have thrush?

As you know, thrush causes unpleasant symptoms, such as burning and itching of the genitals, swelling and redness of the genitals, problems with urination, and pain during sexual intercourse. But one of the main symptoms of the disease is the appearance of cheesy discharge. In appearance, they resemble curdled milk. Does this mean that dairy products should not be consumed if you have thrush?

As you know, dairy products, unlike whole milk, are characterized by rapid digestion and absorption. When milk is processed, under the influence of certain enzymes, a light substance is obtained, which consists of simple proteins.

Fermented milk products are not only possible, they must be consumed for candidiasis. Such food populates the microflora with beneficial bacteria that can fight fungal infections.

Cottage cheese for thrush

To the question of whether you can use cottage cheese for thrush, you can answer without a shadow of a doubt that it is possible. In general, cottage cheese is rich in various amino acids that support our body.

According to experts, it is almost completely absorbed by the body. If candidiasis is accompanied by exhaustion, anemia, loss of strength, weakened immunity, then it is recommended to eat cottage cheese with the addition of sour cream.

An important point to remember is that absolutely all fermented milk products will be useful in this case. Kefir, yogurt, unsweetened yogurt, sour cream will give a positive effect for thrush.

The healing effect of these products for candidiasis is simply invaluable. As you know, the processes of decay in our body poison it from the inside, and fermented milk products inhibit this pathological process. In addition, it inhibits the activity of pathogenic microflora, reducing the development of the disease.

It turns out that fermented milk products are natural antibiotics for bacteria and natural fungicidal agents for fungal infections.

Yogurt for thrush

If the disease bothers you, unsweetened yogurt can also provide invaluable help. The fact is that yoghurts quickly extract nutrients from the food entering the body and subsequently participate in all processes.

In addition, yogurt is a fortified product, for example, it contains vitamins A, B, C. Eating yogurt supports the immune system, protects the body from harmful radicals, and also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membranes. Microelements included in yoghurts improve metabolic processes and also have a positive effect on the most important organs and systems in the body.

Yogurts are natural ones that have a beneficial effect on the natural intestinal microflora and also suppress the growth of putrefactive microorganisms. That is why regular consumption of yoghurt helps not only in the treatment of fungal infections, but also various gastrointestinal disorders.

According to experts, yoghurts have a diuretic effect, which can be effective in treating fungal infections of the urinary system.

But we should not forget about the dangers. The fact is that not all manufacturers add live bacteria to yogurt, and to increase the shelf life they contain preservatives and stabilizers. To enhance the taste, syrups and flavorings can be added, which will not be beneficial for thrush and may even be harmful.

It’s better, of course, to make your own yogurt; the pharmacy chain sells various starters. This is a simple process, but you will have one hundred percent confidence in the absolute naturalness of the product you are using.

You can be sure that regular consumption of fermented milk products will help you completely get rid of the disease, and there are at least three reasons for this:

  • restoration of natural microflora;
  • the presence of B vitamins allows you to quickly remove toxins from a fungal infection;
  • the presence of amino acids such as albumin and globulin helps strengthen the body's defenses.

Kefir for thrush

Kefir is not just a product that has a beneficial effect on digestion processes. It contains acidophilus bacillus, which restores microflora.

In general, there are many provoking factors that can lead to candidiasis, diabetes mellitus is one of them. Consuming kefir will help not only in the fight against fungal infection, but also the cause itself - diabetes.

Indications for including kefir in your diet are: intoxication, diseases of the digestive system, vitamin deficiency, stress, chronic fatigue, etc. The benefits of kefir are so great that almost all dietary tables include its use. However, long-term use of kefir is also not recommended, otherwise pathogenic microflora may develop resistance to its effects.

The use of fermented milk products can be combined with other healthy foods for candidiasis: fresh and stewed vegetables, lean meats and fish, cereals, eggs, seafood.

It is worth noting that there is a difference in the hormonal background and microflora composition of men and women; therefore, men are not recommended to consume fermented milk products during the treatment period.

Can I drink milk?

It is worth immediately noting that milk consumption does not provoke the development of candidiasis, but an indirect connection still exists. The fact is that when treating thrush, doctors recommend excluding foods that cause fermentation processes in the body, including milk. Whole milk contains complex proteins, so the body takes a long time to digest it.

Unlike infants, adults do not have a special enzyme to quickly digest milk. If the milk is enzymatically processed, then it can be consumed for candidiasis

These include sweets, fruits, yeast products, carbonated drinks, fast foods, animal fats, mayonnaise, sauces, tea, coffee. Eating these foods may increase the growth and development of yeast-like fungi. At first glance, it may seem that the diet is harsh, but this is not so, food can be tasty and varied, but at the same time healthy.

So, nutritional habits play a big role in the treatment of thrush. In case of thrush, dairy products are the “enemy” of yeast-like fungi; it not only gets rid of the most pathogenic microflora, but also affects the very reason for the activation of the pathological process. Eat right, follow your doctor's recommendations, and you can forget about thrush once and for all!

Milk and dairy products have been with humans for thousands of years. The Mediterranean diet and Ayurveda include milk and dairy products in the list of essential health benefits, but modern dietetics is not so supportive. Who to trust and how not to harm your body? In order to make the right decision, you need to have sufficient information about the product and know well the individual characteristics of your body.

Useful properties of milk

Humans are the only animal that drinks milk after emerging from infancy. Many experts believe that this is one of the reasons to abandon this product. But the history of milk consumption goes back more than one thousand years; it has become an integral part of our diet for a reason. Milk contains many microelements in an easily digestible form. First of all, these are vitamin D, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, B vitamins, vitamin A. Milk promotes good functioning of the cardiovascular system and brain. It is a source of protein and fat. Fermented milk products improve digestion and heal the intestinal microflora.

Allergies and intolerances

Despite its beneficial properties, milk may be contraindicated for many people, because it is one of the most allergenic products. People who are lactose intolerant or allergic or sensitive to casein, a protein found in cows, may have problems digesting milk.

Lactose intolerance occurs when the body does not produce enough enzymes to digest milk. Most often we are talking about milk in its pure form; many people with lactose intolerance have no problems consuming fermented milk products. But there are times when even a small amount of milk can cause bloating or diarrhea. For such cases, there are dairy products with the addition of the necessary enzymes.

A milk allergy manifests itself differently. These are a skin reaction, gastrointestinal pain, vomiting, sometimes diarrhea, asthma and pneumonia. If you are allergic, you should not consume all types of dairy products.

Sensitivity to casein does not have acute symptoms, so many do not even suspect that frequent colds, runny nose, acne, and internal inflammation are caused by milk. Once dairy products are removed from the diet, symptoms go away.

Harm of milk

Some studies collect information about the dangers of dairy products. Perhaps the most famous of these is Colin Campbell's China Study, which spent 20 years studying families in Chinese provinces, their diet, lifestyle and illnesses. As a result of the study, the author came to the conclusion that animal products, including milk, lead to the development of cancer. The book became a worldwide bestseller and the “bible” of vegetarians. But many nutritionists have repeatedly criticized this study. Health status is influenced by many factors. Nutrition, food quality, physical activity, ecology, psychological state, environment, etc. Therefore, even with a strong desire, it is impossible to say with 100% accuracy that a specific product is to blame for the development of a particular disease.

The effect of milk on inflammatory processes in the body is a real fact, but we are most often talking about sensitivity to casein, and not about the dangers of milk for all people who consume it. Sensitivity to cow protein is much more common than we think.

Hazardous production

The real harm of milk for our health, which needs to be discussed, lies not in the milk itself, but in the method of its production. Production of milk on an industrial scale leads to the fact that cows do not lead their usual lifestyle. They do not walk on the grass, but spend their lives in cramped stalls and eat mixed feed, which affects the composition of milk for the worse. In addition, under such conditions, cows often get sick, so they are given antibiotics. And in order to produce more milk, hormones are used. During pasteurization, antibiotics and hormones do not disappear, but enter the human body. As a result, the digestive and hormonal systems and immunity suffer. If giving up milk is not an option, you should switch to farm and village products. There is no guarantee that they will not contain hormones and antibiotics, but the concentration will definitely be lower than in store-bought milk, and the nutrition of such cows is much richer, which means the composition of the milk is better.

Strengthening Bones

For many years, milk has been considered a good source of calcium because it is present in abundance. But many studies, including Harvard, have shown that milk not only does not prevent bone fragility, but also contributes to the development of osteoporosis when consumed more than 3 glasses per day. One of the reasons for this is the excess vitamin D content in milk. This vitamin is necessary for our body and for the absorption of calcium, but too much of it interferes with this process.

Milk and oncology

The English medical journal Lancet published the results of a study by Harvard scientists led by Daniel Kramer, linking milk consumption and the development of ovarian cancer in women. The milk carbohydrate lactose in our body is converted into galactose, which in turn breaks down into enzymes that can affect the condition of the ovaries. But this depends on individual health characteristics. Milk has a negative effect on those women who do not have enough enzymes in their bodies. Milk can also affect the development of prostate and breast cancer.

Controversial issue

Conflicting information can confuse anyone. If you are serious about your health, it is best to get tested for food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities. Natural dairy products, and especially fermented milk products, have many beneficial properties, but you should not consume more than three servings per day. In addition, try to choose farm or country-produced dairy products without dyes, flavor enhancers, flavors, stabilizers or other additives.

Yulia Chekhonina, Candidate of Medical Sciences, researcher at the Clinic of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, expert nutritionist of the “Give Yourself Life” and “About the Most Important” programs.

Is milk good or bad? Should you drink kefir before bed? There are many myths and misconceptions associated with milk and dairy products. Nutritionist Yulia Chekhonina answers your questions.

Staphy Hello, Yulia! I used to have a normal reaction to milk, and recently - after milk, curd cheese, etc. - bloating. Is it true that milk should not be consumed as you age?

Hello! Let me start with the fact that you should not exclude milk from your diet as you age. You should not believe this myth. Milk is a source of protein and calcium necessary for the body. Refusal of milk is justified only in case of intolerance, or lactase deficiency, if taking milk causes increased gas formation with sensations of “bloating”, painful distension in the intestines and diarrhea.

In some cases, the prevention of these unpleasant phenomena can be boiled by boiling milk before drinking it; milk porridges are an excellent option for those who want to keep milk in their diet, but are afraid of discomfort in the stomach.

Abdominal bloating after eating cheese curds most likely occurs due to excess fat contained in them. Therefore, you should limit their consumption, and it is better to replace them with natural low-fat cottage cheese.

Luselinda Good afternoon. I really love dairy products, any kind. I eat them very often. Everywhere they write that after 23 pm milk is not healthy, why? where does this come from? There are people who have had dairy on their menu all their lives and every day and are happy and healthy :) and also: some say the value of milk is in its real fat content (from 3.2 and above), others - exclusively low-fat dairy products. so which ones are better? more useful? Is it possible to drink tea IMMEDIATELY after a morning breakfast of cottage cheese, for example with fruit and honey? It seems that tea washes away calcium... and also - it is recommended to eat cottage cheese at night and with sour cream, because... better absorbed - is this true? Thank you:)

Good afternoon Milk is good for both children and adults! 1 liter of milk contains the daily requirement of calcium for a person. Milk and dairy products are a source of protein, vitamins, antioxidants, and the value of milk lies in them, and not in its fat content. To maintain a slim figure, I advise you to take milk with a fat content of no more than 3.2%, and other dairy products with a fat content of no more than 5%.

After eating cottage cheese breakfast, you can drink tea. Tea, unlike coffee, does not help remove calcium from the body, and tea does not affect the absorption of dairy products.
It is not for nothing that tea with milk is a traditional drink for many peoples; milk neutralizes possible harmful impurities in tea.

By eating cottage cheese with sour cream at night, you risk gaining a couple of extra pounds. Sour cream is added to cottage cheese to improve taste; it does not affect absorption. It is better to replace sour cream with yogurt up to 3.2% fat; such a late dinner will be healthy, light and will satisfy the feeling of hunger.

Paulwhite Good afternoon! Please tell me, now there is such a huge selection of fermented milk products (kefir, acidophilus, yogurt, sour milk, kumiss, ayran, etc.), is there any priority among them in terms of consumption in a healthy body. And another question interests me: Velle oat product? Is it really possible that it contains probiotic cultures if there is no hint of a dairy component in the composition? Best regards, Pavel

Pavel, thank you for the question. The main priority when choosing natural dairy products is the fat content and personal taste preferences. But try not to “fixate” on one product, try all the abundance and variety presented, try to give preference to low-fat, natural products. When choosing dairy products, give preference to those whose fat content does not exceed 5%.

Oat products contain not probiotic cultures (probiotics, microorganisms, representatives of normal human microflora, lacto- and bifidobacteria), but prebiotic cultures (prebiotics, food components that stimulate the growth and vital activity of beneficial microflora in the intestine). Both probiotics and prebiotics have a positive effect on digestion.

Nata3889 I recently read in a magazine that supposedly calcium from low-fat dairy products is not absorbed. Is this true? I'm on a diet and I don't need the extra "fat" from milk and kefir...

This is a misconception. Firstly, there are no completely low-fat foods; there are foods with low fat content. Even a very small amount of fat is absolutely enough for the normal absorption of calcium and nutrients from milk. Secondly, the digestibility of calcium and fat are not closely related. The daily requirement of calcium for an adult is contained in 1 liter of milk, and you can drink this liter during the day without worrying about your waist and sides, if the fat content of the milk does not exceed 3.2%. Do not be afraid of dairy products up to 5% fat, they do not contain excess fat.

Zukhra Hello! Please tell me, is it harmful to eat 200 grams of cottage cheese with a fat content of 1.8% every day at one meal? I love cottage cheese very much and generally cannot imagine life without dairy products. Thank you!

Zukhra, no, it is absolutely not harmful, and even useful. 200g of cottage cheese replaces a full meal, which is very convenient at work. If daily use does not cause any unpleasant sensations, then there is no reason to stop. But still, variety in dairy products will never be superfluous. But isn’t it “Dmitrovsky” cottage cheese with 1.8% fat content that you mean? If yes, then I have to disappoint you, its true fat content is much higher, up to 30%. And this is not natural cottage cheese; it contains palm oil. Well, let it be on the conscience of the manufacturers.

Sergey Which milk is healthier: bought in a store or fresh, that is, immediately after receiving it?

If we talk about fresh milk, we cannot remain silent about all its beneficial components, such as antioxidants - vitamins and carotenoids. In purchased milk, their quantity is much smaller due to pasteurization and heat treatment of milk. Therefore, answering the question “what is healthier?” the answer will be paired. But when drinking fresh milk, you should remember safety. Take into account the conditions for obtaining and storing milk, and drink fresh milk only if you are sure that all hygiene standards are observed. If you are not sure about this, be sure to boil the milk! In such cases, safety comes first.

Rosemarina Julia, good afternoon! I have a question for you regarding the relationship between the quality and fat content of dairy products. Let's say, if you take cottage cheese, then in stores there are samples of very dubious quality, with a very long shelf life and not the best taste characteristics, but you can choose a low-fat version. At the same time, if you take homemade farm cottage cheese, it would seem to be healthier, but the percentage of fat is not standardized or indicated, but, most often, it is very high. What should you do - eat tasteless cottage cheese that has been stored for months from the store and not be tormented by thoughts about the amount of fat you have eaten, or prefer the farm version, but which contains more fat? The same applies to Mechnikov’s yogurt - it’s usually 4%, is it worth consuming it or is it better to drink 1% kefir, it has no less benefits? Thanks for your answers!)

Good afternoon You are right, the fat content of farm cottage cheese is often higher than store-bought cottage cheese, and the exact percentage of fat in it is not indicated. If you control your body weight, then you shouldn’t often treat yourself to “homemade” farm cottage cheese with an unknown amount of fat. When purchasing such a product, you must be especially careful not to buy cottage cheese of a dubious type and from an unknown manufacturer. You need to buy cottage cheese with an exact indication of fat content on the package, and to improve the taste you can add natural or fruit yogurt.
The difference between 1% and 4% fat in dairy products is not significant. You can drink kefir and yogurt, the fat content of which does not exceed 5%, without fear of gaining weight.

Sergey Hello! Let me ask about cheese. Which hard cheese is less dangerous for weight/health? Or is it still worth completely abandoning the hard ones and switching to soft ones? And which of the soft varieties is preferable to choose? You can answer questions by contradiction - say which varieties are most dangerous for a person watching their weight. And one more question. Processed cheeses - only harmful or in moderation - OK? And then: how much is a “moderate amount”?

Cheese is not a product that should have a “duty” shelf in the refrigerator for a person who limits calorie intake and watches their body weight. Since even the lowest-calorie cheeses have a fat content of about 9%, and often much higher, in addition, any cheese has a high cholesterol content. Cheese is best considered as a holiday product and consumed in small quantities, no more than 30 g, regardless of the type and brand of cheese.

Vladimir Hello! Please tell me how the beneficial properties of milk are related to its fat content? The fattier the milk, the healthier it is?

The beneficial properties of milk do not depend on its fat content. The benefits of milk are mainly due to the content of milk protein, calcium and phosphorus. Do not try to buy milk with a high percentage of fat content or, conversely, with too little. The main thing is to regularly consume milk and a variety of dairy products.

Igor Good afternoon! I drink a liter of milk every day (I really love it). Will this affect my health?

Igor, you have an excellent habit, don’t worry, it will only have a positive effect on your health. Drinking a liter of milk per day means replenishing the body's daily calcium requirement.

Svetlana Hello, Yulia. Which porridges are best cooked with milk and which with water. Is it better to add milk to already prepared porridge? Thank you.

Cooking porridge in milk or boiling it in water is a matter of taste; almost all types of cereals will go well with both water and milk. Milk does not significantly increase the calorie content of a dish, and there is no need to worry about your appearance when eating milk porridge for breakfast. I note that milk saturates the dish with calcium, phosphorus and protein, and also that the percentage of absorption of vegetable protein is higher from milk porridge than from porridges cooked in water. The rest is a matter of taste.

Zhenya Yulia, hello! Tell me, 250 ml fat-free. For a person trying to lose excess weight, can drinking kefir an hour before bedtime interfere with weight loss? And how many dairy products are recommended to consume per day for those who want to lose weight? Personally, I simply cannot do without half a liter of fermented milk product a day... of course I choose the minimum fat content. And another question: my child (1.2 months) constantly drinks milk, the color we take for the whole family, regular cow milk from the store (fat content 3.2%), and loves it very much, although many pediatricians believe that it is still better give preference to infant formula... How relevant is this? Thank you!

Good afternoon, Zhenya! 250 ml of low-fat kefir an hour before bedtime, an excellent option for those who are losing excess weight. This allows you to dull the feeling of hunger before bed with a tasty low-calorie drink. 1 glass of kefir will not put a strain on digestion, which is important just before bed.
You need to consume at least 2 dairy products per day, and in the best case, have snacks with yogurt, kefir, Varents and fruit between breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as an hour before bedtime.

Marina Hello, Yulia, I really like tea with milk, I drink it quite often a day, and recently I heard briefly on TV that it’s harmful, what do you think?

No, it's not harmful. People have been drinking tea with milk for quite a long time. This is in the traditions of many peoples, and the culture of drinking tea with milk or cream arose for a reason. Milk neutralizes harmful components and impurities of the tea mixture, which in ancient times was not pure, and often to this day; not many teas can boast of the exclusivity of their composition and the conditions of collection and preparation. In addition, tea with milk has a diuretic effect, and this in turn has a good effect on metabolism.

Stanislav Hello, I have two questions. How to distinguish the fat content of cottage cheese at home or how to check sellers at the market? Is it possible to eat exclusively low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese 1.8; kefir 1, milk 1.5, etc.)?

Stanislav, hello! The fat content of cottage cheese on the market can be determined using a simple test. You need to take a small piece and rub it between your fingers, if a clear oily trace remains, then the cottage cheese has a high percentage of fat content, and perhaps even contains harmful palm oil (pay attention to the composition of the cottage cheese and in stores, there should be no palm oil in the cottage cheese) . When rubbing cottage cheese in your hand, pay attention to its consistency, cottage cheese necessarily contains small lumps, even fatty cottage cheese has these lumps, but dry cottage cheese has a clear granular structure. If there are no “grains”, the mass is tender and homogeneous, then it is not cottage cheese at all, but a curd product, which should also be avoided. By the way, you can check cottage cheese in stores in this way without opening the package; the quality of the curd mass can be easily felt through the packaging.
To answer the second question, I repeat, you can consume dairy products with a fat content of no more than 5%, this is a healthy, complete fat content, and it will not allow you to gain weight.

Nadya Good afternoon! Is it true that dairy products worsen problem skin?

I cannot agree with this statement. Dairy products, as such, do not worsen skin condition. Excessive consumption of carbohydrates and fats negatively affects the condition of the skin. Dairy products with a low percentage of fat have a positive effect on human health in general, and skin health in particular. The high content of beneficial bacteria in fermented milk products, minerals and vitamins in milk is the key to normal metabolism in the body, and therefore clear skin.

Anya Hello. Please tell me, is it possible to eat glazed cheeses, curds and drink fruit yoghurts if a person is trying to keep in shape and how often can this be done?

If you are serious about maintaining your slim figure, then frequent consumption of glazed curds and sweet curds should be stopped. They have a high fat content and practically no protein. Natural low-fat cottage cheese, prepared with fruits, nuts or yogurt, can replace these delicacies.
Drinking fruit yoghurts do not need to be limited in consumption; the main thing is to pay attention to their composition, fat content and the presence of preservatives.
To maintain a slim figure and good health, do not limit yourself to dairy products; be sure to consume them 2-3 times a day.

Bailarinanna has been accustomed to sheep and goat milk since childhood; unfortunately, it is easier to find cheeses made from them on sale, which are quite fatty. Is it possible to consume them daily in the amount of 25-30 grams? Wouldn't the load on the gastrointestinal organs from increased fat content be too great?

There will be no load on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract if you consume 25-30g of cheese daily. The body of a healthy person can cope with this amount.

Elena Good afternoon, Yulia! I have one question: is kefir good for you after training? I go to the gym and swimming pool (on different days). I come home late after training (2 hours before bedtime). Accordingly, I don’t think it’s necessary to eat anymore, but I’ve read that kefir, on the contrary, is very good for muscles. And the trainer advises not to drink kefir, but just drink some water and go to bed. I am accordingly confused - is kefir beneficial after training or, on the contrary, not? Thank you very much in advance!

Good afternoon, Elena! You can not only drink kefir after a workout, but also need to. Unlike water, it contains milk protein, albeit in small quantities. After workouts, muscles need it. A glass of kefir will help slightly satisfy your hunger and will not put a strain on your digestion.

Lady_selena81 Hello! Please tell me, is it true that consuming fermented milk products can be a preventive measure against colds?

Yes, it can. A nutritious diet, which includes the consumption of fermented milk products, is the key to good health. Fermented milk products make an invaluable contribution to the functioning of the intestinal microflora, and this, in turn, is important for the immune system.

Olga_JRS Hello! Isn’t it harmful for your figure to eat porridge with milk at night (a couple of hours before bedtime)? like oatmeal or Fitness cereal?

Eating carbohydrates at night will definitely not make you slim. It is better to have porridge with milk for breakfast. And for late dinner, leave low-fat yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk and Varenets.

Tanya What kind of fats are contained in dairy products? Are they harmful or not? What is the optimal fat content of dairy products necessary for proper nutrition? What is the daily requirement for an adult and a teenager in cheese, milk, cottage cheese, kefir? Thanks in advance for your answer!

Dairy fat is not harmful, but it is necessary to control the fat content of dairy products. The optimal fat content of milk should not exceed 3.2%, and of other dairy products - 5%. There is no daily intake of milk, cottage cheese or cheese. There is a daily protein intake, which includes proteins obtained from meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. As for how much dairy products you need to consume, several snacks with dairy products a day can be considered optimal, for example, a second breakfast in the form of yogurt with fruit, an afternoon snack - cottage cheese, an hour before bedtime - a glass of kefir.

Tatyana Hello! My child does not eat dairy products at all, he categorically refuses! How bad is this, and what to do in this case?

Tatyana, in your situation, I can advise you to gradually introduce dairy products into your child’s diet. You can offer your child various cottage cheese casseroles, cheesecakes - everything that the child can eat without whims. You can season fruit salads with yogurt, and by offering yogurt as an independent dish, decorate it with fruits and nuts, making the dish beautiful and attractive to the child. Dairy products are necessary for a growing body and it is very important that the child receives all microelements and vitamins. The skill of proper nutrition must be laid down from early childhood; pay close attention to this issue, and in the future your child will be grateful to you.

Milk Oolong Julia, hello! Packages of cottage cheese sold in stores often indicate that calcium chloride has been added. As I understand it, artificially added calcium and calcium contained in natural milk are not the same thing, but how healthy/harmless is cottage cheese fortified with calcium, and is there any benefit from it at all? Thank you!

Don’t be afraid to buy cottage cheese that contains calcium chloride.
Calcium chloride is used to curdle milk; it is an absolutely safe additive.

Wel Yulia, hello! After drinking kefir before bed, heartburn often occurs. It’s easier for me to give up consuming fermented milk products altogether, but I know that to prevent osteoporosis it is necessary to consume them. What should I do? Thank you!

Perhaps heartburn occurs due to the fact that you drink kefir immediately before bed, then you lie down, and in a horizontal position the stomach contents are thrown into the esophagus, which causes heartburn and discomfort. In this case, not only kefir, but also any other food can cause discomfort. It is better to consume kefir 40-60 minutes before bedtime and give preference to non-acidic kefir or yogurt. And be sure to consult a gastroenterologist; heartburn is a serious symptom.