Namina from dentures treatment. Repairing dentures at home. After a month of wearing a removable denture. I eat cutlets, but why can’t I taste them?

Prosthetics are considered one of the most popular dental procedures. Its correct implementation allows you to restore the patient’s dentition, and, as a result, the beauty and snow-whiteness of a smile. But sometimes unpleasant moments such as damage to the dental structure occur. This article will discuss how to repair dentures at home.

When repairs are needed

Despite the high strength of the materials used in the manufacture of dentures, over time the products can still break. The wearer of such a design often has to deal with such a procedure as repairing dentures, and often urgently.

The main reasons that may lead to the need for repairs include:

  • changing the color of the structure;
  • the occurrence of unpleasant sensations or discomfort when wearing prostheses, which the patient has not encountered before;
  • detachment of a small part of the prosthesis, detachment or chipping;
  • mechanical damage that can occur for various reasons.

If a prosthesis breaks down, it is advisable to immediately seek help from a specialist who was directly involved in the manufacture of the product and its installation. Only in this case will all the necessary repair conditions be met. After a thorough examination, the doctor will be able to analyze the damage to the prosthesis and announce the cost of restoring the prosthesis (if this is even possible in a particular case).

If you compare repairing artificial teeth with making new ones, it will certainly cost much less. But in rare cases, defects may arise that even a qualified specialist cannot cope with, let alone repair at home.

Causes of failure

Since such structures return a normal way of life to those people who were unfortunate enough to lose one or more teeth, they can rightfully be called a real lifeline. Having installed one or another design, the doctor gives the patient all the necessary knowledge about care, thereby guaranteeing a long service life of the prostheses. Of course, the duration of this period primarily depends on the material used in the manufacture of the structure.

Dentures often become damaged or completely lose their functionality, and in most cases this happens at the most inopportune time. There are many reasons for failure, let's look at the most common ones.

  1. The service life of the prostheses has expired.
  2. Damage to the structure resulting from a fall on the floor or other hard surface.
  3. Violation of technology in the manufacture of a product or failure to comply with the required proportions of materials in the composition.
  4. The appearance of air bubbles (voids) during the prosthetic process.

Trouble does not come alone, so along with the failure of a denture, the patient is forced to face many other problems. In addition, defects in the form of cracks or chips on the surface may appear on the damaged structure. In rare cases, tooth color may change slightly due to damage. Quite often, the entire structure breaks down, as well as its individual parts - for example, fixing elements. All this forces you to quickly make a decision about repairing the product, but first you need to become more familiar with this process.

Features of restoration

People often mistakenly believe that denture repair is an expensive procedure. In most cases, restoration of a dental structure will not put a big dent in your wallet, although there may be situations when it will be cheaper to pay for the manufacture of new dentures than to repair old ones. It all depends on the specific case.

First, it’s worth understanding what the restoration process is and what it roughly looks like. First of all, the product is thoroughly cleaned, after which, using special resins used in dentistry, the damaged parts of the structure are glued together. This allows for an optimal seal. As a result, all parts of the dentures are firmly glued together, and the structure itself is practically no different from the new one and perfectly performs its tasks.

If a change in the color of artificial teeth is detected as a result of exposure to tobacco, wine, coffee or tea, it is necessary to clean the surface with strong substances. This procedure should be carried out by a professional so that the glossy surface of the prosthesis is not damaged as a result of cleaning. The appearance must remain perfect.

Even if the entire structure remains intact, but a small part or tooth breaks off, then you shouldn’t worry too much about this either. A qualified dental technician will be able to replace the lost part of the tooth without much difficulty or reattach it in its place if the loss has not been severely damaged.

What is used for gluing

Reliable and durable materials are used to make dental crowns, so if you decide to glue a broken denture on your own, remember that this procedure is temporary. If such an opportunity arises, visit a specialist who will inspect the product and, if necessary, correct your errors.

Some people use regular superglue for repairs.

You can also reliably repair the product at home; you just need to follow some recommendations:

  • Before starting the repair, you need to slightly warm up the structure to melt the wax, only after that you can proceed with subsequent actions. Of course, we are talking about removable structures;
  • give the special plaster protrusions a conical shape. For this purpose, it is necessary to apply heat to the dentures;
  • When the gluing process is completed, be sure to sand all the resulting scale with sandpaper. Then secure the crowns to the structure. Try not to mix them up;
  • When all the particles are positioned correctly, glue them together using wax or other adhesive. Do not overdo it with the viscous composition;
  • wait the required amount of time so that the structure can completely dry after gluing. After trying on your repaired dentures, remove any excess wax.

For gluing, you can purchase glue in a specialized store, which is intended for fixing prosthetic elements. Of course, manipulations performed at home do not last forever, so if possible, entrust this task to a real master who, for a fee, will “resurrect” the structure. If you allow yourself to make any mistakes during repairs, then, most likely, such prostheses will no longer be repairable.

Repairing a removable denture

High-quality restoration of dental structures requires good experience and skill, so before you begin repair procedures, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. This is due to possible risks: for example, after repairing a nylon structure, more serious damage may occur, and the bite may also be disrupted. This will make the product useless, because its main functions will not be performed.

All basic functions and properties of the prosthesis will be restored only with a professional approach. In this case, the patient will be able to experience all the comfort that he experienced when wearing the entire structure. Below are step-by-step instructions for repairing dental structures using special equipment.

Table. Instructions for repairing plate dentures.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Start by aligning all the parts of the denture in the correct position, and then secure them using retaining elements and adhesive wax.

Apply the isolating agent to the prosthesis from the side of the prosthetic bed. This is done in order to prevent adhesion of the plaster and plastic. To apply the product, use a special brush or paint brush.

Make a casting (fixing model) from plaster. To do this you need to use first class gypsum. All parts of the denture are separated, and the fracture lines of the structure are carefully processed using a micromotor and cutters. Periodically, parts of the prosthesis are fixed to the casting, but as a result, the distance between them at the fracture site should not be more than 3 mm.

At the final stage, form a rebate, maintaining a bevel angle of 45 to the base of the prosthesis. This is necessary for a smoother transition of new plastic into old, as well as their better chemical connection.

Apply a special insulating agent to the surface of the plaster to ensure that the bonding material used does not absorb liquid from the plastic, as this can lead to porosity. Having treated all the parts of the prosthesis to be glued with monomer and fixed them on the model, proceed to mixing the plastic. This must happen strictly according to the instructions.

After the prepared plastic swells, apply it to the denture with excess, gently pressing with your fingers. After this, the structure is placed in a special apparatus for polymerization of plastic.

Remove excess material using a micromotor and cutters. Carefully level the surface of the prosthesis with special tools and then polish it. After careful processing, the structure is ready for use.

Restoration of the prosthesis in the clinic

The optimal restoration method will be selected after determining the extent of damage to the prosthesis through visual inspection. The examination should be performed by a qualified dental technician.

As noted earlier, cleaning must be carried out before repairing the structure. If the surface is not properly cleaned, then the adhesive used will not be able to bond well to all parts of the denture. After gluing, the specialist ensures sealing of the prosthesis in the gluing areas.

Important! If the structure has too much damage, the patient is recommended to make new dentures instead of repair. This is done in order to save time and money.

Only if there is minor damage, the product can still be saved. In most cases, the problem lies in the loss of one or more supporting crowns. This problem can be solved by gluing new crowns into place. The resulting cracks are glued together and then sealed. The work must be carried out in such a way that the result is a solid dental structure without defects.

If you compare self-repair with the work of a professional dental technician, then gluing a denture at home is nothing more than temporary measures. As a result, you will still have to seek help from a specialist. Only a dental technician, using the necessary materials and tools, will be able to complete this work as quickly and efficiently as possible. In addition, the patient will have the opportunity to return the original whiteness of the product, which has lost its color over the years of use. An experienced master will be able to restore the beautiful appearance of dentures without any damage.

Note! Unfortunately, not all products can be repaired. It is impossible to repair stamped structures, as well as those prostheses that were made without the use of metal.

Price issue

Depending on the degree of complexity of the work performed and the material of construction, the cost of repairing dentures may vary. Elimination of defects such as fractures, cracks, as well as restoration of metal-ceramic products can cost 1500-1800 rubles.

If it is necessary to install a new artificial tooth into the structure, the patient will have to pay at least 2,500 rubles. For professional cleaning of the surface of the prosthesis, as well as for the elimination of all undesirable manifestations, you need to pay from 600 to 1200 rubles. The price may vary depending on the material of the product, as well as the complex of procedures performed. In any case, you will need to pay for the work of specialists. If you decide to restore the dentures yourself, then be prepared that the structure may soon fall apart again.

Video - Repairing a nylon prosthesis

The problem of missing one or more teeth can be solved by dentures. Even with the high level of development of dentistry, complete or partial loss of teeth is not such a rare occurrence.

The service of dental prosthetics still remains relevant. Moreover, implantation is necessary not only for aesthetic reasons.

The absence of several teeth negatively affects the health of the entire oral cavity. In the area of ​​the resulting defect, the bone tissue decreases in volume. As a result, the load on the entire human chewing apparatus increases.

Depending on the type, prostheses are divided into fixed, conditionally removable and removable structures. The latter are used in cases of complete absence of teeth. They effectively restore lost functions of the jaw system.

In turn, removable dentures are divided into complete, with the restoration of the masticatory apparatus, and partial, when several teeth are recreated.

The selection of an artificial jaw system is carried out by an orthopedic dentist. Depending on what kind of oral defect needs to be eliminated, the type of prosthesis is selected.

The process of dental prosthetics is divided into several stages:

  • clinical examination of the patient;
  • preparing the oral cavity for prosthetics;
  • making impressions of the upper and lower jaw;
  • trial installation and adjustment;
  • wax modeling of the jaw bed;
  • wax removal and denture installation;
  • checking occlusion and aesthetics;
  • production of a complete prosthesis.

After an examination with a mandatory x-ray of the oral cavity, the doctor treats the remaining teeth to eliminate pockets of infection.

If necessary, completely destroyed teeth are removed and gum treatment is prescribed.

After the final version of the prosthesis is made in the laboratory, the patient tries on the false jaw. Properly selected designs should not cause inconvenience.

Types and cost

Modern dentures are made from high quality materials. During operation, they do not change shape and do not lose elasticity. The following materials are used for manufacturing:

  • acrylic plastic;
  • clasp;
  • nylon.

When choosing a certain type of prosthetics, the financial capabilities and wishes of the patient must be taken into account.

With proper use, a long service life of false jaws is observed, regardless of the material of manufacture.

Some removable structures require additional adjustment, which becomes apparent after the first days of use.


Such a prosthesis is firmly fixed to the gum due to the rarefied space between the artificial tooth and the oral mucosa.

The average lifespan of an acrylic system is 4 years. The reason for the wide popularity of acrylic prostheses is their affordable cost, which averages from 8 to 15 thousand rubles.


Clasp dentures consist of a metal frame (clasp), which is characterized by potential comfort. They are fixed on the gums with special latches (clasps) or micro-locks (attachments).

Small branches of the metal frame are called clasps. Dental jaws with clasp fixation are simple and reliable to use.

They have only one drawback - the metal latches are noticeable when you smile.

Clasp systems with micro-locks are a more progressive type of prosthetics. They are securely fixed to the crowns of surviving teeth. The metal fasteners are located in such a way that they are completely invisible from the outside.

The cost of clasp jaws with clasps is 25 - 30 thousand rubles, the cost of locking dentures is about 40 thousand rubles.


Removable dentures made of elastic nylon are easy to use. This prosthetics is indicated for complete or partial absence of teeth.

Their main advantage is high aesthetic qualities and affordable cost.

Nylon dentures reliably imitate living dental tissue. The main disadvantage is not entirely comfortable operation, which is due to the uneven distribution of load during chewing.

During wearing, the artificial structure may sag; therefore, it needs regular correction. The cost of a complete prosthesis is 25 thousand rubles.

Physiological addiction

The process of addiction is complicated by the physiological characteristics of the body. The immune system perceives the installed prosthesis as a foreign body.

Even an initially perfectly fitted orthodontic design causes the sensation of a foreign object in the mouth.

Practice shows that addiction lasts about a month. The process of rejection of a foreign object is accompanied by the following physiological symptoms:

  • attacks of nausea;
  • increased salivation;
  • dullness of taste;
  • pain in the gums;
  • articulation disorder.

After completing the process of adaptation to dentures, the patient ceases to feel their presence in the mouth.

The period of adaptation depends on the size of the dentures, the material, the quality of the dentist’s work and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

To partially neutralize unpleasant symptoms during the adaptation period, you should follow some recommendations.

You will learn how to live fully with removable dentures from the video material.

Pain in gums

Even light dentures cause pain at first. Unpleasant sensations intensify while eating.

In some cases, the addiction process is complicated by inflammation and bleeding of the gums. In this case, correction is necessary.

After the correction is completed, the habituation process resumes. A well-fitting prosthesis will definitely cause pain.

This is due to the fact that the gums are accustomed to the absence of a tooth. The appearance of a prosthesis is perceived as an additional burden.

It is better to grind the meat into minced meat, and simmer the cabbage until fully cooked. To avoid accidentally injuring your gums and cheeks, you should chew food slowly. You can return to your usual diet within a month.

Tip: for constant pain in the gums, a light massage will help. With cleanly washed hands, massage the area of ​​the oral cavity around the prosthesis in a circular motion for 2 to 3 minutes.

Dull taste

According to statistics, about 40% of patients complain of changes in taste after dentures. The problem is temporary. Usually the sense of taste is restored after two weeks.

Slow chewing will help you feel the taste of the dish during the adaptation process. You should chew every bite of food thoroughly and with gusto.

Articulation disorder

Modern dentures fully replace lost teeth and should not cause problems with articulation. Intensive pronunciation of words will help restore diction.

Pronunciation of tongue twisters helps to restore speech functions well. Words should be pronounced clearly, avoiding rapid pronouncement of phrases.

Attacks of nausea and dizziness

An increased gag reflex occurs as a natural reaction of the body to a foreign body. To relieve an attack of nausea, it is enough to make several deep entries through the nose.

Mint tablets and lozenges will help cope with prolonged vomiting.

If nausea is accompanied by dizziness, you should consult a doctor. Additional correction of the prosthesis may be required.

Increased salivation

Excessive salivation is also a natural reaction of the body to a foreign object. Drooling increases because the body perceives removable structures installed in the oral cavity as food.

When the brain sends the appropriate signal, processes in the oral cavity are enhanced that facilitate thorough digestion of food mass. Rinsing your mouth with a weak salt solution will help reduce salivation.

Tip: During the adaptation period, it is useful to wet the removable jaw with water before placing it in the oral cavity.

Instead of water, you can use a special fixative, which is sold at the pharmacy.

How to speed up the adaptation process?

To avoid injury to the gums, you should carefully rehearse the process of installing dentures. It is recommended to practice in front of a mirror for a few minutes.

The adjustment process will be less painful if the dentures are removed at night.

They should be hygienically cleaned every day before going to bed. Plaque and tartar can form on false teeth. To prolong their service life, it is recommended to clean them daily with a soft brush.

To store them overnight, place them in an individual container.

During the day, new dentures compress the gums, causing wounds and micro-inflammations to appear in the oral cavity.

In order for the adaptation process to go quickly, painlessly and without problems, it is necessary to fully care for the oral cavity.

Regularly before going to bed after removing dentures, it is recommended to rinse your gums with decoctions of chamomile, calendula or sage. Regular rinsing will help relieve the symptoms of inflammation.

If after a month the artificial teeth continue to cause discomfort, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the artificial structure is not suitable for reasons of individual intolerance.

You will learn about the indications and wearing of removable dentures from the video.

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Rubbing of the gums (rubbing) occurs due to the pressure of the base of the removable denture on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Painful sensations under a removable denture can arise from a newly made removable denture, after a new removable denture is placed on the jaw. During chewing, the removable denture “shrinks.” The soft, mobile mucosa, under the influence of the chewing load, which is transmitted evenly to the base of the removable denture, “takes the shape of the base” of the removable denture, forming the so-called prosthetic bed. This is where chafing appears.
There are people with reduced pain, due to their general illness of the body; with severe gum injuries, they have minimal complaints of pain. Upon examination, it is revealed that the edge of the removable denture has cut the mucous membrane in the area of ​​the transitional fold into two halves, while complaints of pain are minimal. These patients remain in removable dentures until visiting a doctor, without removing them. The other opposite group, as a rule, is women of short stature with varying atrophy of the jaw bone tissue. They complain of “severe” pain under a removable denture, examining the mucous membrane of the prosthetic bed, no visible deposits are found, the color of the entire mucous membrane is not changed and is uniform.
A removable denture is not a micro-precision design. In the process of making a removable denture: taking an impression, casting a model, modeling removable dentures from wax, transferring wax into plastic, processing removable dentures welded from plastic, changes occur. The true mobility and softness of the mucous membrane for the future bed is difficult to discern when taking a functional impression, therefore, after applying a removable denture, rubbing appears, plus pain from chewing pressure increases when loaded with food, during which the mucous membrane is crushed. Also, removable dentures can chafe if worn incorrectly. Each denture has a specific insertion route.
Rubbing from removable dentures can appear after wearing a denture for more than 5 years, when the hard, unchanging part of the plastic base lying on the gum does not change, and the bone tissue with the mucous membrane covering it atrophies over time and decreases in volume.
As a rule, abrasion from a removable denture is present in several places; it is easiest for the doctor to remove the excess plastic base of the removable denture, located at its edge.
Namins rarely bleed, the compressed area of ​​the mucous membrane has a reddened appearance or whitish areas against the background of the general red-pink mucous membrane. Stronger pressure from a removable denture manifests itself in a larger oval-shaped lesion with clear boundaries and a whitish color inside, which causes pain when pressure is applied to it.
After mechanical removal of the removable denture, it is necessary to apply Farmadont collagen plates for gums to the painful areas of the gums on the painful area of ​​the oral mucosa until completely dissolved, 3 times a day. When the therapeutic compress is in the oral cavity, the removable denture is not worn, so as not to injure the unaffected areas of the prosthetic bed. Farmadont collagen plates for gums, thanks to their unique composition, are of great help. They contain three-dimensional collagen of animal origin, digestase - an enzyme extracted from the pancreas of the Kamchatka crab, and extracts of medicinal plants. These plates significantly speed up the process of chafing regeneration and restore the mucous membrane.

Dentures replace lost teeth, restore chewing functions and restore an attractive smile. However, after prosthetics, patients often turn to an orthopedist with a complaint that the prosthesis rubs and injures tissues during use. The first advice that experts give is not to correct the removable denture yourself, and not to remove partially removable structures during the adaptation period. This will only make the problem worse.

Inflammation and irritation of the gums and mucous membranes of the alveolar process caused by a removable denture should be dealt with under the supervision of a specialist. He will also inspect and adjust dentures if errors are noticed in their manufacture and installation.

Symptoms of gum inflammation

Inflammation of the gums when wearing dentures is determined by the following signs: (we recommend reading: how to quickly relieve inflammation of the gums under a tooth at home?)

Causes of pain in the gums under the denture

Pain and inflammation under the prosthesis often arise due to the unprofessionalism of the doctor. In this case, they will make themselves felt within the first two weeks after installation. What to do when it hurts under a bridge after several months or even years? You should consult your dentist. If the area under the prosthesis is swollen, the doctor will first determine the cause of the inflammation. It could be:

Allergy to prosthetic material

If you are allergic to the frame of bridge structures, patients complain of swelling and swelling of the gums. More often it appears on metal-ceramics, sometimes it occurs on plastic (if the plastic manufacturing technology is violated). Taking antihistamines brings temporary relief. In severe situations, in the absence of timely assistance, Quincke's edema develops.

If a reaction to metal or plastic is detected, the structures should be replaced. The most suitable type of prosthetics is selected by the doctor. Metal-free analogues with zirconium dioxide are often used.

Incorrect installation

Any foreign structure in the mouth takes time to get used to. Moreover, even a millimeter of discrepancy during installation of the prosthesis brings tangible discomfort to its owner. If it is made and selected incorrectly, it will rub and press for a long time, causing discomfort in the gums. Overhanging edges of crowns and dentures can also injure soft gum tissue. This happens when structures are manufactured incorrectly.

Sometimes the orthopedic dentist decides to adjust the prosthesis by filing it on both sides. Repairing redistributes the load, and you have to go to the doctor several times until the desired effect is achieved. They file only in serious cases - from periodic and frequent manipulations the structure quickly becomes unusable.

Candidiasis or gingivitis

If structures are installed incorrectly or as a result of infection, fungal stomatitis, gingivitis and other diseases can develop in the oral cavity. The rubbed gum becomes inflamed, turns red, and forms ulcers and erosions with a white coating. The patient is bothered by an unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth, pain during eating, burning and discomfort in soft tissues. First aid in such situations is to treat the infection, after which repair of removable dentures is possible.

With gingivitis, the cause of inflammation is soft plaque accumulated under the denture. The gums swell, hurt, bleed, and there is discomfort on palpation (we recommend reading: what to do if your gums hurt badly?). If left untreated, the disease becomes chronic and causes deep periodontal damage. Antibacterial gels and ointments help fight the disease.

Other reasons

Other “provocateurs” of gum inflammation include diseases of the supporting teeth. Before prosthetics, they are depulped and sanded. Being under a crown, over time, teeth may become susceptible to caries (we recommend reading: what to do if a smell starts to appear from under the crown?). Pathogenic microorganisms in the cavity penetrate to the roots and provoke deep inflammation of periodontal tissue. In the absence of preventive examinations, the patient becomes aware of the problem at the last stage of caries, since the tooth is pulpless and does not hurt. Treatment or tooth extraction is carried out after removal of the prosthesis.

Often the reason why the gums become inflamed is medical errors, mechanical injury to the soft tissues of the oral cavity, and reduced immunity (we recommend reading: what to do if your gums are severely inflamed?). Each of them has its own approach to choosing medical care.

What to do if the denture rubs the gum?

The problem that led to the denture rubbing on the gums should be resolved in the dentist’s office. The specialist considers the issue comprehensively, prescribes medication and correction of the prosthesis.

If the structure puts pressure on the gums and causes swelling, you can use folk methods at home aimed at combating inflammatory processes.

Treatment at the dentist

Treatment by a dentist is aimed at eliminating the cause of inflammation. Preventive cleaning, plaque removal, stone removal, canal refilling, and treatment of diseased teeth are carried out. You should visit a doctor wearing a prosthesis, even if it hurts. For subsequent adjustments, he must see the rubbing and imprint on the gum; based on the results of the examination, a decision is made to change or adjust.

Depending on the nature of the problem, the following may be prescribed to relieve inflammation:

At the doctor's appointment, irrigation with medicinal solutions, medicinal treatment of gums, oxygen therapy, and darsonvalization are also carried out. For bedsores, necrotizing tissue is removed and medications are prescribed to improve regeneration. During treatment, it is important to avoid spicy, rough, and hot foods. Until the unpleasant symptoms subside, removable structures should not be left in the mouth overnight.

Treatment at home

If you use exclusively traditional methods, you will not be able to overcome abrasions and inflammation. However, they complement and make the treatment prescribed by the dentist more effective, relieve pain and prevent the spread of the inflammatory process. The most effective ways to deal with the problem if your denture has rubbed:

Prevention of gum inflammation

Thorough oral hygiene is a prerequisite for owners of dentures. Prevention of gum inflammation in this situation is as follows:

Caring for dentures

Proper care of structures is an important point in the prevention of gum inflammation. Regular hygiene procedures will extend their service life, reduce the likelihood of needing repairs of removable dentures and the risk of dental problems.

Maintenance of structures includes:

  • use of special cleaning agents (Corega, Rocs, Protefix);
  • daily cleaning of removable bridges with a soft-bristled brush with the correct toothpaste;
  • thorough cleaning of the inner surface of fixed crowns and bridges;
  • for long-term storage of a removable structure - the use of special solutions and containers;
  • the use of fixing creams and gels for removable and partially removable structures (they will allow you to quickly get used to the prosthesis and make its use comfortable);
  • using an irrigator for fixed dentures (it will clean the denture better than a brush and provide a gentle massage to the gums).

When using removable and non-removable structures, you should avoid eating hard and viscous products (“taffy”, toffee), the consumption of which leads to “breakage” of the jaw. When chewing, it is important to distribute the load evenly on both sides of the cheeks to prevent the denture from moving.

A well-made and correctly installed prosthesis is indispensable in case of tooth loss. Taking good care of it will reduce the risk of inflammation and pain in the gums and maintain oral health.

In dentistry, the problem of missing teeth has long been solved through prosthetics. But even the most modern materials and techniques do not guarantee complete comfort. Sometimes the prosthesis rubs the gums, causing the patient pain, bruising and causing. This leads to the appearance of open wounds and abrasions, which easily become inflamed when pathogenic microorganisms enter from saliva. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the structure and carry out disease prevention to avoid negative consequences.

More than half of people of all ages face the problem of losing molars. Dentists note that they are increasingly being approached by young patients who have lost an incisor or chewing crown after injury, pregnancy, due to poor diet or excessive love of sweets. Sometimes the doctor has to remove a completely healthy molar because of or, remove it to secure the leveling plate. This disrupts the process of chewing food and makes a person feel embarrassed about their smile.

Prosthetics help solve these problems. There are two main types of structures:

  1. Permanent: screwed into the jaw bone or attached to adjacent ground teeth.
  2. Removable: can replace a large area of ​​the dentition, can be easily removed if necessary and for hygiene procedures.

A wide variety of materials are used for their manufacture, from practical plastic to aesthetic ceramics. Metal crowns are becoming a thing of the past and are being replaced by lighter and more practical alloys. Each denture must be custom-made to accommodate all the curves, protrusions and structure of the patient’s jaw.

Why does the denture rub the gums?

The production process of any structure for replacing teeth is very long and can take from 2-3 weeks. It goes through several stages: from taking an impression to repeated adjustments directly on the dentist's client. But even the most experienced doctor cannot guarantee that a situation will not occur when the prosthesis rubs the gums and causes pain.

There are three main complaints that patients come with:

  1. The problem began immediately after installation of the structure, and is expressed in swelling of the mucous membranes and redness.
  2. A person does not know how to put on a prosthesis correctly, so it does not fix, moves, etc.
  3. Chafing begins after several years of use and is often associated with worn metal parts, receding gums, or tooth decay.

At the first stage, sometimes it is enough to simply adjust the design and adjust it to a specific complaint. Many people believe that there should be a period of “grinding in”, and discomfort, a feeling of fullness and pain in the first months are the norm. Doctors say that correct installation can bring only slight inconvenience, which quickly passes as you get used to it.

There are many problems in which the prosthesis rubs the gums and causes abrasions:

  • allergies to metals and alloys;
  • irritation after getting particles of food, spices and under the structure;
  • spicy ;
  • inflammation of the gums when they appear, or other diseases.

In each case, a complete diagnosis is necessary. It should include an examination of the entire oral cavity, the teeth on which the prosthesis itself is attached. For any rash or irritation, the patient is recommended to undergo the necessary allergy tests and tests for different types of bacteria.

What to do if the denture rubs the gums

Wearing an uncomfortable or broken design risks damaging the mucous membranes. Wounds and scratches remain near the teeth. Plaque after eating, pathogenic bacteria and microbes get into them and actively multiply. Before treating the consequences of such careless attitude to health, it is necessary to eliminate the cause itself.

If any component in the alloy is at fault, the prosthesis must be removed and a new one selected. Most patients have this reaction to nickel, chromium and cobalt. Fortunately, they are used less and less and only in cheap versions. To avoid encountering such a problem, you need to carefully choose a clinic and a specialist, first study reviews from visitors, and ask questions about the method of work.

In the first days after prosthetics, a person may experience slight discomfort. The gums have become accustomed to the absence of several teeth, and a row has shifted slightly. Doctors advise taking more careful care of your mouth during this period and using chamomile or sage infusions for rinsing. If the prosthesis is removable, it can be placed for 4–5 hours and then removed, giving the mucous membrane the opportunity to restore normal blood circulation. Sometimes special strips made of medical silicone are used, which are placed between the itchy area and the structure.

How to treat inflammation and irritation

If the prosthesis rubs the gums until wounds and abrasions appear, it is necessary to begin treatment as quickly as possible. In case of a severe allergic reaction, the patient must take special medications: Zodak, Tavegil, Suprastin, Diazolin. Externally inflamed areas are generously lubricated with light Fenistil gel, ice cubes wrapped in sterile gauze are applied.