Common name violetta who she was. What does the name Violetta mean? Angel's day, name day

For a girl, it allows us to talk about her as a person with a persistent and courageous character. They often present surprises to close people, and not in all cases good ones. The interpretation of the name allows us to talk about the presence of masculine traits in the character. You can notice this very easily in almost any area of ​​life.

Origin of the name Violetta

The name Violetta is translated from Latin “viola” meaning “violet”. This is the name of the heroine of Verdi's opera La Traviata.

There is another spelling of the name Violetta - with one letter “t” - Violeta. From the name Viola (“viola” - violet) the male names Violo or Violetto are formed.

It is possible that Violetta is a diminutive term for Viola, but recently this name has become independent. Most likely, the name Yolanda comes from the same root.

Diminutive addresses for Violetta Olya, Vita, Viola, Volya, Veta are also independent names.

Character of the name Violetta

The most characteristic character traits for Violetta are hard work, sociability, will and intelligence. Violetta has a slightly choleric temperament, but at the same time is capable of deep empathy and sacrifice.

The girl's life passes in attempts to balance these two character traits. Violetta has a well-developed intuition, but she rarely uses it. The girl has an analytical mind, which helps her find a way out of almost any situation.

Violetta has been brave and courageous since childhood. He begins to live independently early. He strives to eliminate problems without the intervention of outsiders, and he shows stubbornness and determination. Violetta is active and restless. Growing up, a girl does not lose these traits.

In order for the work to be done efficiently and diligently, Violetta must like it. The girl has good taste and strives to dress beautifully and fashionably. She often designs her own clothes herself.

Violetta thinks objectively and soberly. She is confident in her abilities and does not accept submission to anyone. The girl is characterized by discipline.

He chooses a job that allows him to take care of others, for example, a flight attendant, an orderly, a nurse. “Summer” Violetta shows a passion for symphonic music. Often she becomes an architect or teacher, less often an engineer or sports coach.

So, violet is the meaning of the name Violetta. For a girl who was named this way, from the first years of life there is nothing more important than independence. The child grasps everything on the fly and early learns to cope without the help of his parents in everyday matters.

The owner of the name rarely has relationships with peers; she prefers to communicate with those who are older than her.

Decisive, lively, active - such is little Violetta. She likes to surprise children and adults and attract attention. The owner of the name is unlikely to admit her mistake, even if she realizes that she is wrong.

Violetta loves herself too much for this. What other information will be useful for parents who are interested in the meaning of the name Violetta for a girl and the fate of its owner? You can hardly expect excellent grades from a child who is named that way.

The owner of the name is too independent and self-sufficient to study subjects that she considers unnecessary and boring. However, Violetta knows perfectly well what she is really interested in.


Viola is extremely amorous, which means that she, without hesitation, rushes headlong into the deepest pool. These women are extremely fickle in their affections. New experiences are of great importance to them. This is what pushes them into more and more love affairs.


As a rule, these women have more than one marriage. Married life often cracks due to Viola's inconstancy. Scandals in the family can break out due to the jealousy of the spouse. Veta's husband can hardly stand her originality and brightness.

Viola rarely lives with her mother-in-law. They cannot find a common language, which means that there are certain difficulties in the relationship. This is why separate family living is of great importance to Veta.

Viola can achieve career advancement only in the professional field to which her “soul lies.” Emotional peace is of considerable importance to her. In her favorite job, she is able to show miracles of hard work and diligence, and therefore quickly achieve success.

Veta makes good money. In addition to her salary, she can also improve her financial situation with the help of various cash draws and gifts.

The mystery of the name Violetta

Violetta is highly emotional, she is a courageous and strong woman. In childhood, such a woman is stubborn and determined; growing up, she remains the same. In the morning Violetta likes to sleep, and in the evening she gets to work. She does it with all diligence and is easy to rely on.

Such a woman is very attractive, knows how to dress with taste and choose an unusually beautiful image. Can be married twice. At the same time, her husbands are very jealous of such a woman.

Violetta is sociable, attractive and smart. She loves spending time in noisy companies, with many friends. She begins to live separately from her parents as early as possible and becomes independent.

Translated from Latin - “violet”.

Violetta is a brave and courageous woman, these traits are already evident in the little girl. She is restless, stubborn and determined. If he offends someone, he will never ask for forgiveness, even if he understands that he is wrong. She becomes independent early.

Adult Violetta is emotional, but just as direct and decisive as in childhood. She likes to sleep longer in the morning; she works late in the evening (“night owl”).

She is diligent, but she only does well what she has a passion for. She has excellent taste, she is always dressed unconventionally, and she often comes up with the styles of her outfits herself.

Violettas are outwardly very attractive women, and their husbands are jealous of them, not without reason. They are amorous, and summer Violettas are married twice.

They are very sociable, love noisy company and are always aware of the affairs of their many friends, relatives and friends. They prefer to live apart from their parents, and even more so from their mother-in-law, relationships with whom are very difficult.

Summer Violettas are fond of symphonic music and have a sweet tooth. Among women with this name there are architects, music and foreign language teachers, engineers, and sports coaches. These are strong personalities, leaders, but they are often unlucky in life.

Character: 90%

Radiation: 83%

Vibration: 70,000 vibrations/s

Color: red.

Basic features: excitability - sociability - receptivity - morality.

Type: People named Violetta are sensitive, phlegmatic women. There is something of children in them. Cute and easy to live with, they quickly adapt to any situation.

Psyche: They like to surround themselves with people. They get lost at the slightest criticism, feel uneasy, all the time thinking about whether they did something good or bad, whether they are loved or not.

Will: when starting a project, they rarely fail to complete it.

Excitability: Their mental balance is easy to upset. These women simply die without love, which sometimes ends in mental illness. They do not know how to differentiate between feelings of sympathy and sexual attraction.

Speed reactions: very weak. They are confident in themselves, and most likely, in their charm.

Activity: very weak. They do their job, but mainly out of a sense of duty.

Intuition: lacking both intuition and imagination.

Intelligence: They have an analytical mind and excellent memory, but are not inquisitive. I have a very high opinion of myself.

Susceptibility: very impressionable, they have an extremely difficult time dealing with betrayal.

Moral: Their free behavior suggests that there are no moral standards for them, but in fact this is not at all the case.

Health: predisposed to lung and bronchial diseases. They are strictly prohibited from smoking!

Sexuality: it is impossible to recognize their desire: either it is there or it is not. Parents are obliged to explain to these girls how far one can go in such a game.

Field activities: It is necessary to ensure that coquetry does not become the only thing these girls do at school. They often change jobs.

Sociability: is an urgent need for them. They are very sincere. A chance meeting often ends in marriage.

Additionally: Do not be too deceived by their imaginary calm and leisurely behavior, since you can expect any surprise from such women.

Positive traits of the name

Violetta's character is purposeful, lively, sensual, even passionate. There is a sense of activity in her, but at the same time a certain lack of soulfulness makes her somewhat cold.

Violetta is very sober about issues of friendship, duty, and love. There is a certain pragmatism and efficiency in her, which often hides sensuality. However, logic often deprives Violetta’s emotions of naturalness.

A practical view of things, the search for profit and some eccentricity, combined with sensuality, can take over Violetta’s heart, and then pent-up passions will take on some dangerous forms in the depths of her soul.

Choosing a profession by name

Violetta loves wide communication, tries to make profitable acquaintances, loves comfort, luxury, art, dancing, and sports. She can make a career in art and in organizing tourist travel, entertainment, restaurants, hotels, etc. But she should stop in time so that her whims do not take her too far.

The impact of a name on business

Violetta rarely needs money: it flows to her in any form: gifts, winnings, prestigious work, etc. However, due to some of her carelessness, she may end up in poverty in old age.

The influence of a name on health

Violetta has good health, but promiscuity can worsen it, causing heart disease and high blood pressure.

Psychology of a name

Name forms

  • Full name: Violetta
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Vela, Veta, Vetta, Viola, Vilya, Vita, Letta, Tusya, Tussya, Vitulya, Vitusya, Volya.
  • Declension of the name – Violetta – Violetta - Violetta
  • There is no church name in Orthodoxy. At baptism, children are called differently.

Violetta is a very beautiful and gentle name. By giving it to their newborn daughter, parents thereby make the baby stand out from the crowd. Most likely, at school and university, among colleagues and friends, she will be the only owner of such an extraordinary and rather rare name. And how melodic are its short forms: Viola, Letta, Vitsa, Vela, Vita, Tusya...

Origin of the name Violetta

The name has Latin roots. Translated from the ancient language, viola means “violet”. In ancient times, in those countries where Latin was actively used, babies were often named this way. Especially if they were born in the spring, when the air was filled with the aroma of wonderful violets. It was also customary to call girls Violetta or Viola if nature rewarded the little ones with eyes of piercing blue with a lilac tint. But the name gained particular popularity after the release of Verdi’s opera La Traviata. The main character of the work is the girl Violetta. The mystery of the name at that time interested not only classical lovers, but all people who listen to music without exception.

Gradually it began to spread throughout the world. Nowadays, a large number of Violettas can be found in France, Italy, Spain, as well as in the countries of North and South America. In the post-Soviet space, it has also found its niche and is actively used by young parents who are looking for a bright and organic version of the name. Some linguists say that the name Violetta was originally a diminutive form of Viola. But gradually it became completely independent.


Having received an affectionate, tender name, the girl does not live up to her parents' expectations. Violetta does not look like a princess or fairy fairy at all. The meaning of the name, associated with a spring flower, does not have a positive effect on the baby. Instead of a shy and obedient mother's assistant, a little hooligan is growing up. She is determined and stubborn. He will defend his rightness until he is hoarse. And having learned that she was far from the truth, she will not apologize.

Violetta often starts fights. If a group of children climbed into someone else's garden and picked apples, be sure that the owner of this name was at the head of the tomboys. The girl is so restless that her parents never know where their daughter is running or jumping. Basements and attics, abandoned buildings and construction sites are the places where you can find it. Sitting on a bench in the yard and peacefully combing dolls is not an activity for Violetta. She would rather run with the boys on another exploration of unfamiliar territories than to be sour in the company of female friends her age who are uninteresting to her.


As she gets a little older, the girl doesn’t change much. She is also always at the center of things. Her activity is so high that it scares away others. Parents are recommended to send their baby to a sports section, or better yet, to two at once, so that she can direct her energy in an appropriate and useful direction. Violetta often finds it difficult to study. She is a capable girl, but restlessness prevents the schoolgirl from completing her homework. For the work to be done efficiently, she must like it. Therefore, Violetta is an excellent student in her favorite subjects. Serious problems can arise with something you don’t like.

The girl's name Violetta has a positive pattern: almost all its owners grow up independent and independent. And this character trait manifests itself already in youth. Viola does not burden her loved ones with her problems and troubles. She tries to solve all the troubles on her own, and she does it well. In addition, the girl has excellent taste: she is well versed in fashion, dresses beautifully and stylishly, and often makes clothes of a unique style herself.

Adult life

Violetta, whose name has a “flowery” character, is absolutely not like a soft and flexible plant. This is a whole hurricane of emotions, sweeping away any obstacles in its path. The woman is very energetic and active, it seems that she is present in several places at the same time. Violetta is a born leader, but she is often unlucky in life. Perhaps failures and failures are a consequence of her lack of sincerity. People do not always extend a helping hand, considering it cold and even insensitive. Although this is not true, behind the pragmatism lies a rather malleable nature.

Violetta looks at the world soberly and realistically assesses her capabilities. She even approaches issues of love and friendship in a business-like manner: she analyzes a lot, tries to discard the arguments of her heart, relying solely on logic. Such a woman is characterized by high standards of morality. She closes her eyes to the mistakes of others, but does not forgive herself even the slightest offense. It is difficult to experience resentment, betrayal and betrayal.

Love and marriage

Violetta becomes a beautiful, charming and desirable woman. The meaning of a name in the sphere of love greatly influences behavior: a girl is like a flower, she pleases the eye. She transforms into a playful and affectionate cat, a gentle and touching coquette when it comes to intimate adventures. Having enormous popularity among men, Violetta gets married early. But even after becoming a wife, she continues to succumb to the influence of hormones: she flirts with fans, giving many reasons for jealousy.

Being an amorous and emotional person, she appreciates the attention of representatives of the opposite sex. It's rare for a marriage to happen once. He often cannot find understanding with his mother-in-law, so he tries to stay away from her. And the adult Violetta doesn’t really get along with her mother and father either. She makes every effort to live separately from close relatives. Several official visits a year on the biggest holidays - this is the style of communication that the owner of the name often chooses in relation to her and her husband’s parents.


The character of the name Violetta is more masculine. If its owner in love is a tender coquette, then in everyday life, and especially in work, she becomes sober and objective. It would be ideal if a woman manages to take a leadership position: she does not like to obey, so the role of a performer is very difficult for her. Despite this, she is very disciplined and responsible. Violetta often chooses a profession that provides the opportunity to take care of others: nurses, flight attendants, nannies.

The girl leads an active lifestyle. She loves sports, dancing, music. Therefore, he can make an amazing career in art, tourism, entertainment, and show business. Violette makes good restaurant administrators, hosts of parties and concerts. The girl doesn't need money. Often they themselves swim into her arms. And this is not always cash: enrichment comes through the gifts and bonuses that she often receives, as well as in the form of prestigious jobs and promotions that accompany her at every step. But, being careless, Violetta risks losing everything and being left without a livelihood in her twilight years.

Born in different seasons

“Winter” Violetta is too open towards others. She is a pronounced extrovert, trying to make as many friends and acquaintances as possible. Her life is a constant search for interesting people. Being hot-tempered and impressionable, she takes failures hard. “Spring” Viola never shows feelings in public. She is reserved and even a little gloomy. He firmly pursues his goal and is distinguished by his straightforwardness, which is not always to the liking of those around him. The character is full of contradictions and is not always clear to her.

“Summer” Violetta is pretty and feminine. The meaning of the name greatly influences the life of a girl. People are drawn to her not only because of her pleasant appearance, but also because of her excellent sociability. Such a Violetta can spend hours discussing an important political issue with colleagues, or a frivolous everyday problem with her friends. Only “summer” Viola maintains a close relationship with her parents. As for the “autumn” one, she is intelligent, smart, and well-read. This is an extraordinary personality, businesslike and successful. She is always confident in herself and knows what she wants from life.

The name Violetta in Orthodoxy does not have a name day, since it is not indicated in the church calendar. The most interesting thing is that you can’t find it in the Catholic Church either. Therefore, the Violettas celebrate the day of the angel together with the Violas: May 3 and October 29. Colors that appeal to women with this name: black and red. Lucky numbers: 2, 6, 8, 11, 15, 26. Day of the week is Tuesday. Planet - Mars. Color - lilac. Stones that bring good luck: amethyst, opal, coral, ivory.

As for compatibility, relations will develop favorably with Alexander, Artem, Arseny, Anton, Victor, Vadim, David, Igor, Nikolai, Roman, Ruslan, Stepan, Semyon. But Konstantin, Leonid and Maxim will become unreliable life partners. Marriage with them will not last long.

Violet should be called babies born under the constellation Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces. The character of these zodiac signs fits perfectly with the energy of the name. This “mix” makes an overly pragmatic and principled woman more flexible and soft.

The origin of the name Violetta is associated with the Latin language, with the word “viola”, which translated means “violet”. By the way, this was the name of the heroine of the famous opera “La Traviata”, which was written by the famous and popular Italian composer Verdi in his time. Today the name is more common in European countries such as Italy, France, and Spain. However, it is no less often used in Eastern Europe and all parts of America. In many languages, the name Violetta is synonymous with the word “violet”.

Character Traits

A woman named Violetta is very sociable and hardworking. She simply loves to be in company. This is a pure choleric person, a very impulsive person, he immerses himself in what he loves, and always achieves what he wants in the shortest possible time.

Very often, Violetta begins to lead an early independent life. She strives to solve her problems herself, does not allow anyone to help, showing frantic stubbornness and determination in these matters. She is very active and never sits in one place. She always wants to diversify her life.

Since childhood, Violetta has been characterized by masculinity and courage. She often makes friends with boys, playing “war games” with them. Parents do not need to try to discourage her from such companies, because over time she becomes more interested in painting her nails and eyes than in running around and throwing pine cones.

All her life Violetta has been trying to achieve balance in her behavior. On the one hand, she is impulsive, determined and a little sarcastic, and on the other hand, she is feminine, knows how to empathize and sacrifice herself. Violetta understands perfectly well that her heart wants to help people, but her mind does not allow her to think through all her actions, to think through her destiny in advance.

The secret of the name hides the personality with good intuition, but for some reason Violetta does not like to use it in her affairs. An analytical mind allows her to find ways out of the most difficult and confusing situations.

Interests and hobbies

Her favorite pastime is traveling, travel books, and planning routes. She may also be interested in drawing or music.

Profession and business

Most often, Violetta’s profession is connected with her hobbies. She can become a travel agent, tour guide or designer. The girl loves to take care of others, so being a nurse suits her. A flight attendant is an ideal profession for a representative of this name, since it is she who combines all her dreams and desires.


She has more than enough health. She gets sick extremely rarely, simply because she doesn’t have time for it. The girl is constantly immersed in work or in her hobbies.

Sex and love

Violetta is a very impulsive person, she falls in love at first sight. But she doesn’t know how to experience very deep feelings right away; it comes to her over time. But the owner of this name is a passionate lover, she simply adores sex. Always strives to please her partner. Attaches great importance to caresses and foreplay.

Family and marriage

Violetta creates a family only when she understands that her feelings are pure, sincere and bright love. Otherwise, she simply will not be able to live in harmony with her husband. She doted on children and raised them with love and care. Most often, in such a family, the mother pampers her children, and the father keeps them strict, which creates an ideal tandem for raising a “good person.” For her husband, this woman becomes support and support, but she also expects devotion, fidelity and a desire to be nearby from her husband.

A lot of research has been devoted to the secret meanings of names, because people really believe in the saying “what you call a ship is how it will sail.” In modern society there is a tendency to borrow foreign names into the Russian language. You can argue for a long time whether this is good or bad, but one of the names that recently came to us from Europe is the name Violetta. And since the number of girls and young girls with this name is growing, it would be useful to know more about it.

Origin of the name Violetta

The name Violetta comes to us from the Latin language, where the word viola means “violet”. In many languages, this name is synonymous with flower. It is not very often used in Russia, but it is popular in France, the USA, Italy and England, and a little less in other European and South American countries.

The name Violetta means "violet"

Name forms

Due to its prevalence, the name Violetta has many different forms.

Photo gallery: pictures with the name Violetta

In Italian, several male names are formed from the name Violetta. The name Violetta exists only in the Catholic Church. The name Violetta is very popular in Europe and America.

The short forms are Ola, Olya, Vila, Viola, Vela, Veta, Vita, Volya, Letta, Vitsa.

Affectionately, Violetta can be called Violka, Olyusha, Violetka, Vitulya, Vitusya, Tusya, Fork, Vilya.

It is believed that this name was once a diminutive of the name Viola and close to the name Yolanda. In some countries, there is a spelling variant with one letter “t” (Violeta). In Italy, there are male names Violo and Violetto, which are derived from the female Viola. Other related names: Viola, Viola, Violet, Violeta, Viol, Violen, Violant, Violena, Violanta, Violanda, Fjoula.

The name Violetta is not found in Orthodoxy.

According to transliteration rules in Russia, the name Violetta is indicated in international passports as VIOLETTA.

Table: the name Violetta in other languages

Patronymic names for the name Violetta

The best names for the name Violetta are Alexandrovna, Viktorovna, Valentinovna, Ilyinichna, and the worst ones are Viktorovna, Glebovna, Illarionovna, Nikolaevna.

Nicknames for social networks

  • ViØℓettส;
  • VᎥoℓeττa;
  • Viola;
  • Purple flower;
  • VioletScarlet.

Name days and patron saints

The name Violetta does not exist in the Orthodox Church, but Catholic Violettas can celebrate name days on October 29 and May 3. The patron saint of this name is Viola Giolini, a virgin and martyr who was executed by the pagans for her Catholic faith.

In the Catholic faith, the patroness of the name Violetta is Viola Giolini

Characteristics of the name

The name Violetta is considered in the studies of such authors as B. Higir and P. Rouget. Both of these people agree that a girl with this name is excitable, sensitive, sociable, hardworking, and an extrovert.

In numerology, the name Violetta corresponds to the number 8. Eights are very decisive, always ready for action. Any knowledge is grasped on the fly. They love it when everything goes according to plan, but in certain situations they are also capable of improvisation. They can achieve any goals they set, but only if there is a person next to them who can support them.

The influence of a name on a child’s character

Little Violetta is endowed with endless positivity. She is an eternal optimist, always joyful, always full of new ideas. She likes to be the center of attention and organize friends for interesting games. A certain narcissism can interfere with a girl’s communication, since she constantly needs the admiration of others. It is often difficult for parents to raise Violetta, since she has been disobedient and stubborn since early childhood. A girl often does things that ruin her own life, just to annoy her family.

As a rule, a girl matures early, so she looks down on her peers, preferring to communicate with those who are older than her. This is especially evident in adolescence, when a girl who considers herself an adult becomes simply uncontrollable. Violetta usually begins an independent life early and her parents have to put up with this.

Violetta's success at school is below average. The girl is not interested in school subjects, she cannot sit still for long, and often comes into conflict with teachers. However, extracurricular activities can easily captivate her, if, of course, this is the child’s own choice.

Violetta’s health cannot be called strong. She is often susceptible to colds and respiratory diseases.

Little Violetta’s studies usually don’t work out

The influence of a name on an adult woman

Violetta's character does not change much with age. The adult girl still remains very stubborn and determined. She values ​​true friendship, because only her close friends know her well enough. For everyone else, the girl prefers to hide her true feelings. For the sake of the people close to her, Violetta is ready to do anything.

On the other hand, she has a huge number of friends with whom she happily goes to various events, always in a state of euphoria. She is able to be the center of any company, spreading endless positivity and energy.

However, Violetta also has not very good character traits. This is touchiness, pettiness, vindictiveness, which, however, she shows very rarely.


Violetta's main talent can be called her sense of style. It’s as if she predicts what will be fashionable in the new season. The girl always looks perfect from head to toe, and most importantly, she thinks through everything herself, and sometimes she sews her own clothes and creates accessories. Another talent of Violetta is foreign languages.

Violetta loves to create her own outfits

Career, profession, business

Violetta is always lucky with money in life. Moreover, this can be not only good earnings, but also gifts and lottery winnings. She takes her work responsibly, but only if it interests her. Developed intuition helps to cope with any complex tasks.

The girl prefers professions in which she can show her perseverance and independence. These are analytics, psychology, medicine, teaching, tourism, restaurant business, and entertainment industry. Very often Violetta chooses creative professions.

Violetta’s business will be successful due to her stubbornness, self-sufficiency, intuition, and business qualities. Having decided to become a businesswoman, a girl has every chance of making good money, but she shouldn’t take too many risks without thinking about the consequences. The main thing is that she likes the chosen business.


Violetta rarely complains of poor health, but the lungs and bronchi can become problematic. Under no circumstances should a girl smoke; it is better to walk more in the fresh air. Heart disease and high blood pressure may occur in adulthood.

Love, sex, marriage

Violetta quickly falls in love and just as quickly cools down. She tends to rush headlong into the pool, hormones surge in her blood, demanding new sensations, so she is often considered flighty. She can only stay for a long time with a reliable man who will support and surprise her soul mate.

Her first marriage happens at an early age; it rarely turns out to be her last. The girl is capable of strong feelings, but over time she will try to find flaws in her chosen one. Even after getting married, Violetta is not against flirting with other men, which is why she often quarrels with her husband. She does not tolerate jealousy. Usually the girl does not have a very good relationship with her husband’s family, so the newlyweds simply need to live separately.

In her sex life, Violetta hates monotony and is always ready to experiment. She is a bright and sensual girl who will be a wonderful lover if her partner can create the right mood in her.

Even after getting married, Violetta will never refuse male attention

Due to the fact that the name Violetta is not very common in Russia, I have met only one such girl in my life. What can you tell us about her? That Violetta really was a real beauty who took care of herself, every hair had to be in its place. She was the epitome of positivity and always came up with interesting ideas. True, she also had some not very good traits. She often considered people only as a means to an end, and herself as superior to everyone else, which is why communication with her was not entirely pleasant.

Table: compatibility of the name Violetta with other names

Significant years

The most important years in Violetta’s life can be called 21, 24, 30, 63, 84.

If you want to dedicate poetry to Violetta, try using the following rhymes: candy, operetta, Juliet, carriage, vendetta.


Name matches are very easy to use in everyday life, because it brings a person success and helps to know himself better.

Table: matches to the name Violetta

The willow is the most important tree for Violetta

The meaning of the letters in the name

Each letter in the name Violetta has its own interpretation, which affects the overall meaning of the name:

  • B - perseverance, the ability to set goals and achieve them, fulfillment of dreams, sociability, harmony with oneself. A creative person who believes only in actions;
  • And - a rich inner world, harmony, kindness, sensuality, tranquility. Outwardly, this person is a real realist, but behind this there is a hidden romantic nature;
  • O - conservatism, adherence to principles, which do not allow talents to come out. Rich intuition that allows you to understand your purpose in life. Sensitivity, ability to handle money;
  • L - abilities for art and communication, but the craving for beauty can be overwhelmed by the desire for material comfort. To prevent this from happening, a person needs to find his place in life;
  • E - talkativeness, the need for communication and exchange of ideas. The desire for power, which is visible to everyone around, is combined with the desire to achieve everything on one’s own, without fraudulent means;
  • T - life one day at a time, the need for daily changes, for creative self-expression. A person has good intuition and always seeks the truth, but does not understand that his desires do not always correspond to his possibilities;
  • A - leadership, talent to organize others, hard work, active life position. A person is open to everything new, has the talent to easily start and, most importantly, finish new projects.

Although the name Violetta is not very popular in Russia, there are several songs about this name, in particular, by the groups “Chocolate”, “Tatyana’s Day”, “Noon”, and by the singer Semyon Lobaznoy.

Name according to the time of year

As a rule, the time of birth of a person influences his character. Let's try to create a profile of a girl named Violetta, born at different times of the year.

  • “winter” is an extrovert, open to new people, able to sincerely empathize, always on the move. However, such a girl is easy to offend due to her excessive impressionability;
  • “Spring” - has a contradictory character, is straightforward and does not like to be lied to. She is businesslike, sets goals for herself and always achieves them. Relationships with men are quite problematic, as it is difficult for her to understand her feelings;
  • “summer” is sociable, the life of the party, able to get anyone talking and quickly arouses sympathy among others. She can handle any difficult tasks, but sometimes a girl needs to talk to someone about her problems;
  • “Autumn” is smart, so she always achieves what she wants, and is capable of performing several tasks at once. She is a little unsure of her abilities, which is why it can be difficult for her to decide on a new business, but an objective look at things always helps her out.

The time of Violetta's birth greatly affects her character

Name horoscope

It's no secret that the zodiac sign has a strong influence on character, and in combination with the meaning of the name, it gives a more complete description of a person's characteristics:

  • Aries is purposeful, difficulties do not stop her. He carefully selects the people he allows into his life. It can only be with a man who is ready to take responsibility and endure her coldness and rudeness;
  • Violetta-Taurus - sees entertainment and relaxation as the main thing in life, loves fun and huge companies, and their absence can easily lead to a girl’s depression. She is unpredictable, restless, optimistic, prefers people who are cheerful and ready to throw themselves into the deep end;
  • Gemini - hates work, but devotes a lot of time to his appearance. Naturally attractive, she is always surrounded by the attention of men and takes advantage of this by traveling and having fun. She doesn’t think about starting a family because she’s scared of obligations;
  • Violetta-Cancer - often gets into conflicts because of her principles, and will never accumulate resentment within herself, but will throw out all the anger outward. The rest of the time, the girl is very sociable and cheerful, but in difficult situations you cannot rely on her. He does not want to start a family and cannot, because he strives for freedom and often changes his environment;
  • Leo - prefers to be in charge in everything, and those who are under her control are better off not arguing. Sets many goals for himself and always achieves them thanks to his seriousness and hard work;
  • Virgo is too demanding of others; she can search for a life partner forever, since she represents her ideal in her head. However, having fallen in love, the girl will take care of her chosen one, protect him, and become a faithful and understanding wife;
  • Libra - does not like conflicts, so she always tries to be friendly and welcoming. She is very diplomatic and delicate when communicating with others. The chosen one of such a girl will be very lucky - she will be a wonderful wife and mother in a strong and friendly family;
  • Violetta-Scorpio is a born leader, not deprived of success and luck. A powerful, strong-willed, impulsive girl, with her straightforwardness she attracts the same strong personalities around her. However, she will not tolerate any manifestation of weakness and laziness around her;
  • Sagittarius - her life is clearly planned, there is no entry for unforeseen circumstances or frivolity. This girl is distinguished by concentration, responsibility, prudence;
  • Capricorn - her character is so fickle that she herself does not always understand what she wants. Her mood swings from depression to unbridled fun several times a day, and her significant other will experience the girl’s unpredictability especially hard;
  • Violetta-Aquarius has excellent organizational skills, a talent for inspiring people and directing their strength in the right direction, but she does not want to be a leader. At the same time practical and dreamy, she needs a partner who will protect and take care of her. She will be faithful to such a person to the end;
  • Pisces - this girl has a simple, patient and generous character, but can flare up if someone hurts her dignity. She is ready to devote all her strength and energy to her family, so she shows herself to be hardworking and cheerful to her husband and children.

Famous people named Violetta

There are many celebrities in history whose name is Violetta.

There are many beautiful names in the world, and one of them is the name Violetta. It seems to shimmer with all shades of purple and smells like night violets.

A woman with such a flowery name has a strong and persistent character, and is also not deprived of kindness and sensitivity. Each name has some meaning, but we will try to find out what the name Violetta, or Viola for short, means.

In order not to miss anything and to draw the right conclusions about the essence of the name, it is worth finding out its origin. So, this name is of Roman origin and is translated from Latin as “violet”. The origin of this name is also associated in Christianity with a woman who was executed for her faith in God. Since then, Violetta Giolini has been the patroness of all women with this beautiful name.

The name Violetta is not so often found in Russia, but now it is becoming more and more popular. It must be said that in Orthodoxy there is no such name, so at baptism the girl will need to be given a different, church name.

Characteristics of a woman

So, while exploring the meaning of the name Violetta, it is important to find out what kind of character this girl will have. If you give your daughter the name Violetta, then you will get a truly prosperous, courteous, polite and friendly child.

It is important for this girl to be the center of attention, so she enjoys participating in various performances, matinees and other events. She also does well at school, participates in competitions and proves herself to be an excellent role model.

It is important for parents to maintain a balance and not over-praise the child. Otherwise, this girl may develop self-centeredness, on the one hand, or excessive altruism, on the other.

In her youth, Violetta is no longer as dedicated to her studies as in childhood; sometimes she can allow herself to be lazy and skip classes. But at the same time, with proper control from her parents, she is able to maintain her reputation as a know-it-all and an excellent student.

Young Violetta knows how to make friends, she is flexible and calm, she will always support a friend in difficult times. For her, issues of justice and equality are of particular importance, so Violetta is ready to spend her energy to achieve justice.

Adult Viola increasingly shows her decisive character. She is able to fight her fears and anxieties, due to this she improves as a person.

This woman’s fate is not simple, since she strives to always and everywhere be right, and sometimes because of this desire she loses close friends. She is emotional and impressionable, often emotions literally overwhelm her, which ultimately affects her professional and personal life.

She miraculously combines, on the one hand, a masculine character, firmness of character and inflexibility, and on the other, feminine charm, emotionality, lightness and airiness. She is cheerful, resourceful and skillfully “gets away with it.”

In order to understand in detail what the meaning of the name Violetta is, it is important to create a holistic portrait of a person - to take into account his character, personal characteristics and what fate has in store for him.

This woman has excellent health, but she still needs to monitor her blood pressure, and for this she needs to lead a healthy lifestyle. As for morality, Violetta respects moral standards, tries to observe them and makes sure that others follow these standards.

This woman, despite her origin or nationality, is always surrounded by men; she attracts them with her good manners and ability to behave. Violetta knows how to love, but she is ready to give her heart only to someone who can not only speak beautiful words to her, but also provide for her, satisfying all her material needs.

This woman is not used to doing household chores; it is a burden for her to maintain comfort in the house, clean and cook. She feels more comfortable when she has help in the house in the form of a servant, or, for example, a husband. Communication with children is of particular importance to her, so Violetta is kind with them, but not frivolous; as a rule, she makes an excellent mother.

This woman has a penetrating mind, she is able to analyze information and see hidden meanings in it, but all this is possible only if there is an interest in the task. This woman has excellent intuition, thanks to which she is able to draw the right conclusions and make worthwhile decisions.

As an employee, Violetta is responsible and diligent - if she likes her work and evokes a spiritual and emotional response in her, she is capable of becoming a real workaholic. But if there is no interest in the work, then she will treat it somewhat lazily.

From love to hate...

While exploring the meaning of the name Violetta, it is important to say a few words about compatibility. Compatibility makes it possible to understand whether fate or just bad luck brings people together.

Vladimir and Viola are a tender and touching couple. From the moment they meet, these people are drawn to each other, and as a result, a real feeling flares up between them.

Arthur and Viola are capable of building a wonderful union. Of course, at first glance it may seem that these partners are not suitable for each other, but in fact they know how to love and respect, and this is the basis of any family.

Roman and Violetta are an unsuccessful couple. This union resembles a battlefield, because each of the partners demonstrates their rebellious character - they fight for power and supremacy in the family.

Lesha and Viola are a romantic union. Both Lesha and Viola are able to go through any difficulties in order to maintain their relationship and build a harmonious and happy family.

Vanya and Violetta are a sensitive couple. Both partners are sensitive to each other's needs and boundaries, resulting in a balanced relationship that will bring true satisfaction to the spouses.

Igor and Viola are a tough and irreconcilable couple. It will not be easy for Igor with the wayward and stubborn Viola, so usually such relationships do not exist for a long time.

If your name is Violetta, then it will be useful for you to know something else about yourself:

  • This woman does not celebrate her name day, since the name Violetta is not represented in the calendar.
  • This woman can be abbreviated and affectionately called as Violochka, Vilya, Vitusya, Letta, Tusya.
  • A stone that can become an amulet is amethyst.
  • The talisman plant is violet.
  • The totem animal is trout.

If your name is Violetta, the meaning of your name will open up new sides of your personality. It is always useful to learn something new about your character or about the characteristics of your loved ones. Author: Daria Potykan