Folk games for children 4-5 years old. Russian folk games are a means of introducing a child to the traditions of the Russian people. Games of the Peoples of Russia

There are things that remain unchanged over many years and even centuries. And first of all, this includes a person’s love for various kinds of games. Throughout life (and especially in childhood), play activity remains one of the fundamental activities for a person; of course, Ancient Rus' was no exception to this rule.

Almost no ancient Russian holiday passed without fun games. Folk games are a vivid expression of the people playing them, a reflection of the ethnic group as a whole and the history of its development. At the same time, games can be looked at from the point of view of pedagogy and psychology, as a means of education and upbringing. In addition to everything, this is an excellent way to strengthen your spirit, your body, develop the processes of thinking, fantasy, and the emotional component of our life. The Russian people reflected many processes of their life in this way, through play.

Folk games are relevant and interesting even today, despite the fact that there are quite a large number of temptations in our technocratic age. Below we present a number of games that can be used with great pleasure and benefit both in the educational process at school, in children's health camps, and in free time with the family.


Players sit in pairs, holding hands and forming a column. The driver stands in front. Everyone speaks loudly or chants in chorus:

At the word “run,” those standing in the last pair open their arms and rush to the beginning of the column, running around it from different sides (one on the left, the other on the right), and the driver tries to catch one of them before the couple meets again. will hold hands. If this works, then together with the caught player the driver stands in the first pair of the column, and the one who was not caught becomes the driver.

"Frost - Red Nose"

The boundaries of two “houses” are outlined along the edges of the playing area. Players gather in one of them. The driver (i.e. Frost - Red Nose) stands in the middle of the platform and says:

And then everyone runs to the opposite “house”. Frost is trying to catch up with them and “freeze” them: those whom he manages to touch with his hand freeze in place. At the end of the run, they are either eliminated from the game or remain in a “frozen” position for subsequent rounds. In this case, the winner is the one who remains the last to escape the touch of Frost.


This game has different names (“tag”, “traps”, “dumplings”, etc.) and rules, but the main content remains the same: one or more drivers try to catch other players, touch them with their hand (salt) and, if caught, change roles with them.


This is more than just a game. This is an acquaintance of souls, when factors such as appearance and gaze are not distracting. Men stand in the inner circle, facing the center of the circle, hold hands and close their eyes. In the outer circle, girls dance in a round dance. After some time, by whistling, they begin to sort out the guys - any one they like from those who are closer. They take the guy by the hand and lead him in a circle, the guy walks with his eyes closed the whole time. It is advisable that the number of girls and boys coincide so that no one is left alone. At the leader’s signal, the girls carefully line up the guys again in the inner circle, and they themselves move on in a round dance. This is repeated three times. When, after the third time, the guys are again placed in the inner circle, they are allowed to open their eyes. There is a “sharing” going on. The guys describe their feelings, name which of the three girls they liked and whom they would like to see. Usually girls are happy to confess and show themselves. Next, the girls stand in the inner circle with their eyes closed, and the guys form the outer circle, and everything is repeated.


This is a game mainly for men. It also has other names - “ryukhi”, “pigs”, “pigs”. And the well-known expression “put the pig down” comes from this game. The rules are as follows: various figures are put on the line from five wooden chocks (“towns”) - about 20 cm long. Then they are broken with a bat about 80 cm long. The party consists of 15 figures: “cannon”, “grandmother in the window”, “envelope” ", etc. As the game progresses, the pieces become more complex, so winning here is not at all easy.

"Strike on the Rope"

To play, you need a rope closed in a circle. Players grab the rope from the outside with both hands. One driver is selected, who should be in the center of the circle formed by the rope. The purpose of the driver is to add salt, i.e. hit the hand of one of the players located on the outside of the circle. Those who are on the outside of the circle can only release one hand from the rope during the leader’s attack. If the player releases two hands from the rope or the driver hits one of them, then it is he who stands in the circle and the game continues.


Mostly children played them using a beef coffin bone filled with lead (cast iron). There are a lot of varieties here. For example, law for law. Players place dough out of the blue, one nest at a time (two at a time) on the cue ball. Then the conditional distance is determined - horses. Who should start the game first (beat) and who after - draw lots. To do this, they throw up dough with special tricks - lining. If the grandmother, who has fallen to the ground, lies on her right side, it will be a plock - the eldest in the game; if he lies on his back, there will be a burn - second in the game; if the grandmother lies on her left side, she will be prone, younger than everyone else. Players, standing on the line, hit their cue balls in order of seniority. If they knock down the money at stake, then they consider it their winnings. When everyone has hit, then each player moves to his cue ball and shoots from the place where his cue ball lies; Whoever lies further begins to hit first, and the rest finish the game according to the distance of their cue balls.


The first mentions of this game in ancient Russian literature are believed to date back to the 14th century. Lapta is a team competition with a ball and bat, held on a natural court. The goal of the game is to use the bat to send the ball thrown by a player of the opposing team as far as possible and to run alternately to the opposite side and back, without allowing the opponent to embarrass himself with the caught ball. For successful runs, the team is awarded points. The team that scores the most points within the set time wins. Games that resemble lapta (and, according to a number of researchers, copied from lapta) exist in a number of Western countries - baseball, cricket, etc.

"Fist Fight"

This is not a fight, but an ancient Russian pastime, popular, for example, during Maslenitsa. Most of these battles were “correct” - carried out according to strict rules. Here are the main points:

  • fight “for love” - that is, have no malice towards the enemy;
  • do not hit someone who is lying down;
  • do not hit from behind;
  • do not hide heavy objects in your fist; v
  • do not trip or grab clothes;
  • don't kick.

Almost the entire male population took part in wall-to-wall battles - from boys (!) to adults. The teenagers “started” the fight, then the men came together, and at the end the strongest “hopeful” fighters joined in. Each “wall” could have two, three, four or more rows. They fought street to street, village to village, settlement to settlement. But they didn’t harbor any grudges towards each other. Such fights in Rus', developing courage, strength, dexterity, character, were considered not only fun, but also a good men's school for both boys and adult men.

Elena Anokhina


Elena Anatolyevna Anokhina

The Russian people reflected many processes of their life through play. Folk games are relevant and interesting even today; they can be used in work with schoolchildren and preschoolers, in health camps and in free time with the family.

Game "Blind Man's Bluff with a Bell"

Progress of the game. By lot (counting table) they choose the “blind man’s buff” and the player who

he will search. “Zhmurka” is blindfolded, and the other child is given a bell. The participants of the game stand in a circle. “Zhmurka” must catch the driver with the bell. Then a new pair of players is selected.

There can be several “blind man’s buff”. Children standing in a circle warn the “blind man’s buff” from meeting each other with the words: “Fire! Fire!"

Game "Blind Man's Bluff"

Skok-skok, skok-skok,

The bunny jumped on a tree stump

He beats the drum loudly,

He invites everyone to play blind man's buff.

The game "Blind Man's Bluff" is played.

Progress of the game. The player is blindfolded, taken away from the players to the side and turned around several times. Then they talk to him:

Cat, cat, what are you standing on?

In a kneading bowl.

What's in the kneader?

Catch the mice, not us!

After these words, the participants in the game run away, and the blind man’s buff catches them.

Playing with the Sun

In the center of the circle is the “sun” (a cap with the image of the sun is placed on the child’s head). The children say in chorus:

Shine, sun, brighter -

It will be hotter in summer

And the winter is warmer

And spring is nicer.

Children dance in a circle. On the 3rd line they come closer to the “sun”, narrowing the circle, bow, on the 4th line they move away, expanding the circle. To the word “I’m burning!” - the “sun” is catching up with the children.

Game "Drag the Rope"

Place 2 hoops on the floor and stretch a rope from the middle of one to the middle of the other. The participants of the game are divided into 2 teams. One person from each team enters the hoops. At a signal, they run and change places. The one who runs first into the opponent's hoop and pulls the rope out of the other hoop is considered the winner. After the first pair, the second, third, and so on until the last.

Game "Burners"

The players line up in pairs one after another - in a column. Children hold hands and raise them up, forming a “gate.” The last pair passes “under the gate” and stands in front, followed by the next pair. The “speaker” stands in front, 5-6 steps from the first pair, with his back to them. All participants sing or say:

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out!

Look at the sky

Birds are flying

The bells are ringing:

Ding-dong, ding-dong,

Run out quickly!

At the end of the song, two guys, being in front, scatter in different directions, the rest shout in unison:

One, two, don’t be a crow, but run like fire!

The “burning one” tries to catch up with the running ones. If the players manage to take each other’s hands before one of them is caught by the “burning one,” then they stand in front of the column, and the “burning one” catches it again, i.e., “burns.” And if the “burning” one catches one of the runners, then he gets up with him, and the player left without a pair leads.

Game "Merry Musicians"

Progress of the game. To any two-part melody, children, standing in a circle, play musical instruments (rattles, rhumbas, bells, etc.). Petrushka stands in the center of the circle, conducting. With the end of the first part, the children, having put their instruments on the floor, easily run in a circle. Parsley stands in a general circle and runs with the children. When the music ends, the players quickly dismantle their instruments. The conductor becomes the one who did not get the instrument.

Game "Carousel"

We continue the fun

Weight running on the carousel.

Ribbons are tied to the hoop. Children take hold of the tape with one hand and walk first in one direction, and then, changing hands, in the other. The hoop is held by an adult. You can “ride” on the carousel accompanied by the traditional text:

Barely, barely, barely, barely

The carousels are spinning

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush,

Stop the carousel.

One-two, one-two,

So the game began.

Game "Ring"

All players line up in a row. The buffoon has a ring in his hands, which he hides in his palms and then tries to quietly hand over to one of the guys, while saying:

I'm burying gold

I'm burying pure silver!

In a high chamber

Guess, guess, girl.

Guess, guess, red!

The person standing last is looking for a ring, and the buffoon says: “Guess, guess who has the ring, pure silver.” If the participant guesses who has the ring, then he becomes the leader.

Game "Baba Yaga"

The rooster was sitting on a bench, counting his pins:

One, two, three, you come out on this score!

(Baba Yaga stands in a circle drawn on the floor, on the ground. The guys run around the circle and tease Baba Yaga, and Baba Yaga tries to reach the children with a broom; whoever he touches stops and freezes in place, the last of the children becomes Baba Yaga).


Baba Yaga,

bone leg,

Fell from the stove

Broke my leg

I ran to the garden,

Scared all the people

I ran to the bathhouse

Scared the bunny!

Game "Zarya-Zaryanitsa"

Progress of the game. Two drivers are selected. Both the drivers and the players stand in a circle, holding a ribbon in their hands (ribbons are attached to the carousel according to the number of players). Everyone dances and sings.

Zarya-Zaryanitsa, Red Maiden,

I walked across the field,

Dropped the keys

Golden keys

Painted ribbons.

One, two, three - not a crow, but run like fire!

At the last words of the driver they run in different directions. Who will take it first

the vacated ribbon is the winner, and the remaining one chooses for himself

next partner.


Game "Loaf"

Probably the most famous round dance game in Russia! It is almost a mandatory attribute of any birthday for children from one year to the end of primary school. This is the Russian equivalent of the American “Happy birthday!” The round dance is very simple. Everyone stands in a circle and joins hands. The birthday boy stands in the center of the round dance. The round dance begins to move in a circle, accompanied by the words:

How to... name day (say the name of the birthday child)

We baked a loaf.

Such a height! (hands raised as high as possible)

Such lows! (squat down, hands practically placed on the floor)

That's how wide it is! (spread to the sides, trying to make a round dance of as large a diameter as possible)

These are the dinners! (the round dance converges, shrinks, comes close to the birthday boy)

Loaf, loaf, choose whoever you love! (the round dance returns to its “normal” size and stops)

The birthday boy says: I love everyone, of course.

But here... most of all! (calls the name of the selected child, takes him by the hand and leads him to the center of the round dance)

Now the birthday boy joins the round dance, and the child he chooses becomes the “birthday boy”.

Game "Boyars, and we have come to you"

The players are divided into two teams, which line up opposite each other in a chain. The first team goes forward with the words:

Boyars, we have come to you! And returns to its original place:

Dear ones, we have come to you!

Another repeats this maneuver with the words:

Boyars, why did they come? Dear ones, why did you come?

The dialogue begins:

Boyars, we need a bride. Dear ones, we need a bride.

Boyars, which one is dear to you? Dear ones, which one is your favorite?

The first team deliberates and chooses someone:

Boyars, this one is dear to us (pointing to the chosen one).

Dear ones, this one is sweet to us. The selected player turns around and now walks and stands in a chain, facing the other direction.

The dialogue continues:

Boyars, she is our fool. Dear ones, she is our fool.

Boyars, and we whip her. Dear ones, we will whip her.

Boyars, she is afraid of the whip. Dear ones, she is afraid of the whip.

Boyars, we’ll give you some gingerbread. Dear ones, we’ll give you some gingerbread.

Boyars, her teeth hurt. Dear ones, her teeth hurt.

Boyars, we’ll take you to the doctor. Dear ones, we’ll take you to the doctor.

Boyars, she will bite the doctor. Dear ones, she will bite the doctor.

The first command completes:

Boyars, don’t play the fool, give us the bride forever!

The one who was chosen as the bride must run up and break the chain of the first team. If he succeeds, then he returns to his team, taking with him any player from the first.

If the chain is not broken, then the bride remains in the first team. In any case, the losing team starts the second round. The teams' task is to keep more players.

Game "Kalachi"

Children stand in three circles. They move by jumping in a circle and at the same time uttering the words:

Bai - swing - swing - swing!

Look - bagels, rolls!

Hot, hot, out of the oven.

At the end of the words, the players run scattered one by one around the court. To the words “Find your kalach!” return to their circle. When repeating the game, players can change places in the circles.

Thank you for your attention!

The bright and original features of the culture of any nation are best manifested in the games they create. For many centuries, Russian folk games have been a part of both everyday life and a mandatory highlight of any holiday for both children and adults. They acted as not only an excellent way to have fun and interesting time, but also as an excellent psychological relief, a good means of self-knowledge, unobtrusively teaching the younger generation dexterity, courage, bravery, kindness, mutual assistance, nobility and self-sacrifice in the name of the common good.

In the life of the Russian people, as historians have noted, folk games, reflecting the special features of the Slavic mentality, social structure and general worldview, have always occupied a very important place. They had enormous educational significance; they required from participants in games and amusements not only physical effort, but also a remarkable intelligence, dexterity, cunning, presence of mind in any situation, tirelessness and perseverance. Usually all games were played in the fresh air and in unlimited space, which undoubtedly contributed to the physical development of the younger generation, its hardening and preparation for a difficult adult life.

Russian games were varied, they were attended by both children and adults, who, on rare holidays due to hard work, could afford to have fun, competing in strength or dexterity, at least slightly throwing away the gray everyday life. Russian folk games can be divided into men's games (Babki, Lapta, Gorodki, Taking the Snow Town), children's games (Ladushki, Magpie-Crow), and collective games (Gorelki, Hide and Seek) , “Stream”, “Hide and Seek”, “Guide”).

Games and fun of the Russian people:


The equipment for the game “Babki” was the cleaned bones of the lower periosteal joints of hoofed domestic animals (cows, pigs, sheep) and one large bone used as a bat, usually filled with lead or cast iron for weight. From two to ten children could participate in the game, each with his own bat and several doughnuts. The playing field was drawn out on a flat surface, and dice (knucklebones) were placed in a special window (kon line) in a certain sequence, each of which had to be knocked out with a bat in a certain way. This is an emotional and exciting ancient Russian game that improved throwing skills, developed strength, speed, eye, and cultivated endurance and attention.


“Lapta” is a Russian folk team game that used a bat (it was spade-shaped, hence the name of the game) and a ball, and was played in an open natural space, divided into two sides: “city” and “kon”, occupied by different teams. The game was that a player of one team had to hit the ball with a bat harder in the direction belonging to the enemy, so that it would fly further away and during this time run to the “enemy’s” camp and back, and so that you would not be “hit” with the ball caught by the team players enemy. A successful run earned the team a point, and whoever had the most won. This game contributed to the unity of people, developed in them a sense of strong camaraderie, mutual support, loyalty and, of course, developed attentiveness and dexterity.


“Towns” (otherwise known as “Ryuhi”, “Chushki”, “Pigs”). In this game, from a certain distance, with a special bat, arranged “towns” were knocked out on a marked area - figures from several wooden blocks made of birch, linden, beech, etc. The main task was to knock out 15 main figures, each of which had its own name, using the minimum number of throws. Competitions for knocking out figures can be either personal or team. The game is exciting and requires dexterity and strength, endurance, accuracy and excellent coordination of movements.


In ancient times, not a single holiday was complete among young people without the cheerful, wise and very meaningful game “Stream”, which intertwined such important feelings for young people as the choice of sympathy, the fight for their love, testing the strength of feelings, jealousy, and a magical touch on the hand your chosen one.

The participants in the game stood in pairs one after another, took hands and raised them high above their heads, forming a long corridor of clasped hands. The player who did not get a pair walked inside a kind of stream-like corridor and, breaking up the pair, took his chosen one or chosen one to the end of the corridor. The man left alone went to the beginning, choosing a new mate. Thus, the “stream” is constantly in motion, the more people there are, the more fun and exciting the game is.


“Burners” is a fun, mischievous and active game that develops attention and speed. The players split into pairs and stood in columns, the selected driver stood with his back to them, without looking back. A line is drawn in front of him at some distance, the participants sang a cheerful song “Burn-burn clearly” and at the end of it, on the word “run” the couple opens their hands and runs to the line, and the driver must catch one of them before they close their hands beyond the line . He becomes a pair with the one caught, and his partner, who is left alone, becomes the next driver.

Hide and seek

The game of “Hide and Seek” is a popular children's entertainment, characterized by fun, excitement and mobility; it promotes the development of ingenuity, endurance and resourcefulness, and teaches teamwork. You can play it either alone or as a team. They choose a driver who stands facing the wall and closes his eyes, the rest run away and hide, the driver must find them and call them by name.


The favorite nursery rhyme game for very young children was the well-known “Ladushki”, designed to amuse the child and interest him with funny rhymes, accompanied by movements of the hands and head, clapping of hands, and fascinating facial expressions. This game develops fine motor skills and coordination of movements well, teaches communication skills and of course brings a lot of positive emotions to the baby.

Taking the snow town

“Taking the Snow Town” is a traditional winter fun of the Russian people, which was part of the daring games on Maslenitsa. The “town” (represented two walls with a gate decorated with a figurine of a rooster, a bottle and a glass) was built from snow in an open space (in a field or square), doused with water to make it more inaccessible.

The game involved two teams, usually consisting of young, strong guys, some were “besieged”, they were inside a snow fortress, others were “besiegers”, they attacked with the goal of capturing the snowy town and destroying it (by the way, they were allowed to be on horses). The defenders of the town (they were on foot) defended themselves with branches and brooms, covered the attackers with snow with shovels and threw snowballs at them. The first one to break into the gates of the snow fortress was considered the winner. Such entertainment was characterized by unbridled daring, fun and desperate recklessness.

The Russian people came up with games and fun with care and love for their children, hoping that with their help they would not only spend their free time fun and healthy, but also become fast, dexterous and strong, learn to communicate with each other, and value friendship , come to the rescue, be honest and not be afraid of difficulties, firmly believing in your own strength and the help of friends.

Good day, dear readers! Evgenia Klimkovich is in touch. If you ask today’s primary schoolchildren what “Minecraft”, “Need for speed”, “World of tanks” are, you will receive a detailed answer, with all the details. A solid five! What happens if you ask what “Lapta”, “Gorelki” and “Gorodki” are? Most likely, it will turn out that lapta is one of the laptas, the burners are gas burners, and the towns are very small cities. It's sad, isn't it?

It’s sad that our children don’t know about these Russian folk outdoor games that their great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers played. I propose to correct the situation and tell children about how to play these and some other fun games. Or maybe it will even be possible to show it?

Lesson plan:


Let's start with a game called "Sticks". Have you heard of this one? I learned about it from my grandmother. She said that when she was little, life was difficult for them; food was not always in the house, let alone toys. That's why they played with sticks in the street. This fun also has another name - “Crippled”.

You can play in the yard with a large group. It's always more fun to play with a big group! You will need sticks to play. The usual sticks are about 30 - 40 centimeters long and are easy to find in the surrounding area. All players except the leader should have such sticks.

At the leader’s signal, the children place the chopsticks on their palm or finger; they place them, not put them down. And they try to hold the stick in this standing position without holding it with the other hand. The stick, naturally, does not want to stand and tends to fall. In order to hold it, it is necessary to move not only your hand, but also move your legs.

The presenter can “add fuel to the fire” and invite the players to squat or stand on one leg, everything is at his discretion. The one who holds the stick longer than the others wins. And the loser is the one who drops the stick first. He becomes the new presenter.


Another game that is perfect for schoolchildren.

On the playground, a large circle is drawn with chalk on the asphalt or with a stick in the sand. The leader stands in the circle. And all other players are located outside the circle.

The players turn their backs to the leader, take off one bast shoe at a time and, at a signal, over their heads, without looking, throw the bast shoes into the circle.

Then they turn around, look where their bast shoe fell, and try to pick up this bast shoe. The leader interferes with them. Trying to dirty, tarnish the players. There could be more presenters, it would be even more interesting. Leaders can only salvage players when they are within the circle.

Those who manage to rescue their shoes from the vicious circle “with impunity” win. Well, the one who gets greased first becomes the leader.

The main question: “Where can I get bast shoes?” Answer: “There’s nowhere to get bast shoes!” But the lack of bast shoes among modern schoolchildren is not a reason not to play. You can replace the bast shoes with something. You don’t even have to take off your sandals and sneakers. It is not recommended to use stones instead of bast shoes. Because you can injure the presenter.

I was thinking that the equipment for this game could be made from an old sock that has long since lost its pair. Stuff the sock with some scraps of fabric or padding polyester and tie. And here’s a wonderful substitute for lap shoes!


Before I explain to you the rules of this ancient game, I’ll tell you what ryukha is. Ryuha is a piece of wood. In order to make a ripple, you need to cut a thin log into pieces 20 centimeters long. The larger the ripple, the more interesting it is.

Also, for the game you will need at least two sticks with a diameter of approximately 5 cm and a length of approximately 1 meter.

Everyone who wants to play is divided into two teams. Each team draws a square measuring 1.5 x 1.5 meters on sand or asphalt. And in these squares, each team builds its own city. He makes various figures from ryukh. It is important that the squares are located on the same side, this is for safety.

The horse line is also drawn. This is the line behind which the teams will be located, and because of which they will throw long sticks trying to destroy the enemy’s city and knock all the creatures out of the drawn squares. This is an eco-game. All equipment is environmentally friendly! Yes, and children spend time outdoors.

Again the question arises: “Where can I get ryukhi?” Residents of rural areas have a chance to acquire them; they are lucky. What should city kids do? Well, of course, replace the game of “ryukhi” with the game of “towns”.


First, a small lyrical digression. About 8 years ago, when my husband was actively involved in organizing various holidays, and I was helping him, we organized a corporate party on the occasion of the anniversary of a small company. The holiday was themed, on the theme of sports. That is, the host of the party was also the head coach, and everyone present at the celebration were, like, athletes.

We then arranged many different sports locations, fortunately the location allowed, since we held the entire event outdoors. And one of the locations was dedicated to the game of gorodki. She was the most popular. Adults frolicked like children with these bats and tried to hit the wooden cylinders arranged in various shapes. And when it worked out, the joy knew no bounds!

If adults were so keen, then how should school-age children react to this game?

And if it’s difficult to get ruffles these days, then I think there won’t be any problems with sets for towns.

I am sure that you are familiar with the rules of the game in small towns. Therefore, I’ll just remind you what shapes can be made from small wooden sticks, which, by the way, are called towns.


Another ancient beautiful and interesting game. The game has one leader and many players. Players become pairs and line up behind each other. Or rather, pair after pair. The leader stands with his back to them at a distance of two steps from the first couple.

The last pair of players unclenches their hands, runs around the column of players on both sides and tries to stand first. But the presenter interferes with them; his task is to tarnish one person from the couple. If he succeeds, then he stands first in the column along with the greasy player. And the player left without a pair becomes the leader. If the players manage to grab hands before the leader greases them, then they become the first, and the game continues.

The host cannot spy on the players. He should stand with his back to them and look forward. But, as they say, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.


Well, where are we without our Russian lapta? I will say right away that the game is difficult, but interesting and exciting. We even have a “Russian Lapta” federation in Russia, where the game is already on a professional level. But in general, there are a lot of game options! There is, for example, a yard option or a school one. It’s a little difficult to explain its rules in words, with your fingers, so I suggest you just see how to play it.

Friends, we have an offer! Let's give our children a chance to get acquainted with these wonderful games, learn their rules and play. And then we will know for sure whether they will like it or not. Well, who else will do this besides us, huh?

I wish you all the best!

Say hi to the kids!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.



Summer games and fun.

Summer holidays in Rus' were accompanied by fun games and amusements in which both children and adults took part. On Semik and Trinity, there were round dances and swings.

Swings were one of the children's favorite pastimes. On holidays, common swings were placed on elevated places, on platforms that were, as it were, the center of games and fun for the entire village or village. The whole world installed such swings: the young guys were helped by children. A crossbar was strengthened on two dug-in posts, on which a rope with a board up to 2 m long was fastened. Fun games were played next to the swing, songs were sung to the accordion, and sometimes the accordion player was seated in the center between the swings.

There was also such a swing: they took a strong board and placed it in the middle on a stage. The jumpers stood on the ends of the board and established balance by adding or subtracting the ends. They sat someone in the middle of the board in order to press it to the stage (this was called “sitting on the porridge”). They rode fun, sometimes they did not only high jumps, but also made all sorts of shapes with their feet.

For children, the swing was arranged like this: either they hung a board on a rope thrown over a beam, or they placed the swing on tripods (“goats”). For the youngest children, swings were installed in the house.

Children's summer folk games are very diverse. They are usually carried out on the street, in the forest, in a grove, in a field, on a lake or river; they are very active, require resourcefulness, ingenuity, and provide a lot of skills and abilities. Outdoor summer games strengthen not only the body, but also the soul, and teach them to endure the pain of possible falls and bruises. There is no personality quality that cannot be developed with the help of a folk game, especially in the summer.


Tag or tag

One of the most common games in Russia, it has different names and variations in different places.

By lot, one driver is chosen - “salka” or “tag”. The boundaries of the site are conventionally established. The players scatter, and the driver catches up with them, trying to touch someone with his hand, to “stain”, “to stain.” Whomever he catches up and “slaps”, he becomes a “tag”, a “tag”. He begins to catch the players, and the former “tag” runs away with everyone. You can play the game until you get bored.

Salki with house (option)

A “home” is drawn for the players on the court, where they cannot be “stained” or “greasy.” “Salka” can only “spread salt” outside the “house”.

Turkish salki (option)

They do not “salat” someone who has managed to sit cross-legged (cross-legged).

feet off the ground. To do this, they stand on some object or sit down, lie down with their legs raised up.

Salki-transfers (option)

In this version of the game, anyone can help out the player whom the “tag” is trying to overtake. To do this, he must cross the road between the “tag” and the fleeing player. As soon as he crosses the road, the “tag” should already catch him. At this time, one of the players can cross the road again. Thus, everyone tries to help out the player who the “tag” is currently rushing after.

Salki with captivity (option)

This version of the game differs from ordinary tag in that the driver chosen by lot remains so for the entire duration of the game. The “salka” takes all those caught to his “house” (“captivity”) (outlined corner of the site). But the “captives” can be rescued: to do this, you need to touch the “captured” player with your hand. “Salka,” on the other hand, tries to “harass” everyone who dares to approach his “home.” The game ends only when all players are overfished.

Circular wagering (option)

The players stand in a circle. Two people stand behind the circle, one opposite the other. This pair starts the game. One of them is a “salka”, the second is a runaway. The game starts at the signal. “Salka” is trying to “smear” the runner. To escape pursuit, the runner can stand in a circle in any place between the players. In this case, the player standing to his right becomes a “tag”, and the eliminated “tag” runs away. You can run in any direction, but only in the outer circle. In turn, when saving himself, he can also stand in a circle. Accordingly, the one standing on the right becomes a “salka”. If the runner is hit before he gets into the circle, he is eliminated from the game.

Salads in two rounds (option)

The players form two circles: internal and external. In different circles, children move in opposite directions. At the signal of the leader, chosen according to the counting, they stop. Everyone playing in the outer circle quickly tries to “trash” the players in the outer circle by touching them before they have time to sit down. The “salty” players stand in the inner circle, and the game starts over. The game ends when there are few players left in the outer circle (their number is agreed upon in advance).

Tricks-wheel (option)

The players are divided into several groups of up to six people in each group. They choose a driver. A circle with a diameter of about 2 m is drawn on the ground. Each group lines up in a line, behind each other’s heads. These groups become radial, like spokes in a wheel, facing the center of the circle, at equal distances from each other. The first player in each group stands on the line of the circle. The driver is away from these groups.

The driver runs around the circle, stands behind any player standing at the end of the “spoke”, and “salts” him. He accordingly passes the blow to the one standing in front of him, etc. When the first player in this “spoke” receives a blow, he loudly shouts “Yes!” and runs along his column, runs out of the circle, runs around the outside and returns to his place. All the players in his “spoke,” including the driver, run after him, trying to overtake each other in order to take their place in it. The player who takes the last place in his “spoke” becomes the driver.

Instructions for carrying out: a spacious area is selected for playing tag. Number of participants from 3 to 30 people (in different options). You can only run within the designated area. Whoever fled beyond its borders is considered caught and becomes a “tag”. Each new driver must announce that he has become a “tag” or “tag”, so that everyone knows who to escape from. The driver should not run after the same player. The game sentences that children love so much remind us of this:

It's not a race for one -

You'll catch the pig!

Modern version:

It's not a race for one -

I'm not a five-tonner!

This game develops dexterity, the ability to mobilize and avoid danger. Variants of the game are proposed according to the degree of complexity. If the former are most interesting to preschoolers, then the latter are most interesting to primary schoolchildren.

Among the trap games there are many figurative games.

Lame crow

The “lame crow” is chosen by lot, the rest of the players are “sparrows”. A “nest” is marked on the site. The "lame crow" goes to its "nest" where it can stand on two legs.

The “Sparrows” are trying to lure out the “Crow”. They can run around the “nest”, chirping and squeaking in different voices, teasing the driver: “Lame crow! Carr, carr, thief! As soon as the “crow” looks at the victim, it stands on one leg, jumps out of the “nest”, and tries to “sully” the gaping “sparrow”. If this succeeds, she stands on both legs, and the new “lame crow” hurries to the “nest.” The “crow” can “spot” its victim on both legs, but it should not leave the “nest.”

Instructions for playing: the game is played in a spacious clearing, senior preschoolers and junior schoolchildren, from 3 to 20 people, participate in it. It is important to observe the following condition: the “lame crow” must always jump on one leg, on the one on which it jumped out of the “nest.” If she changes her foot or touches the ground with her other foot, she must go to the “nest” again and lead again. The “crow” can run to its “nest” on two legs, so the players decide to quietly slap it on the back and shoulders. None of the “sparrows” have the right to jump into the nest or even step on the line.


The players are counted until one person remains. They tease him: “Fox, fox, long tail!” The “Fox” rushes to catch the players, and the one she catches helps her catch the others.

Directions for implementation: this game is for preschoolers; The more participants, the more interesting it is. The rule should be observed: you can only catch players within the established area. The game continues until all participants are caught.


The player, pretending to be a frog, squats down. The participants in the game approach him with the words: “I’m in the frog’s house, I do whatever I want.” The “frog” gets up and catches up with the players who are trying to get to their house. The player who reaches the point says: “At home,” or “In his house.” The semolina becomes a frog.

Instructions for implementation: the game is interesting for both pre-school and junior schoolchildren. At the beginning of the game, the “frog’s house” and the “houses” of the other players are designated. The rules must be followed: the frog begins to catch only after teasing, and only catches while running.

Hawk and birds

The "hawk", chosen by lot, hides from the "birds". When they approach him, he jumps out from ambush and catches them. The caught player becomes a “hawk”. The game repeats itself.

Instructions for playing: it is more interesting to play this game in a forest clearing, where a “hawk” can hide in the bushes or behind trees to attack unexpectedly. The “birds” should fly all over the site, approaching the “hawk’s” house.

Bees and swallows

The players - bees - “fly” in the clearing and sing, saying:

The bees are flying.

The honey is being collected.

Zoom, zoom, zoom!

Zoom, zoom, zoom!

The “Swallow”, chosen by lot, sits in its “nest” and listens to their singing. At the end, the dog or the “swallow” says: “The swallow will get up and catch the bee.” With the last word, she flies out of the “nest” and catches the “bees.” The one caught becomes a “swallow”, the game is repeated.

Instructions for playing: the game is interesting for kids. You can play with the whole group. There is only one condition: the “bees” must fly all over the site and leave only after the words “swallows”.

Baba Yaga

One of the players, chosen by lot by Baba Yaga, stands aside. The others come up to him and tease him:

Baba Yaga, bone leg.

Fell from the stove

I broke my leg.

I went to the garden

The people were scared.

I ran to the bathhouse

I scared the bunny.


Grandma-Hedgehog, bone leg,

Fell from the stove.

She broke her leg.

I walked down the street

Crushed the chicken.

I went to the market

She crushed the samovar.

I went to the lawn

I scared the bunny.

Baba Yaga begins to jump on one leg, trying to catch the fleeing players. The one she catches becomes Baba Yaga, and the game continues.

Instructions for implementation: the game is interesting for both preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. Number of participants - from 3 to 30 people. At the request of the players, Baba Yaga can have a branch (“broom”) in her hands, with which she “salts” them. At the beginning of the game, you should determine the space in which the participants run from Baba Yaga. The game can be complicated: whoever Baba Yaga catches freezes in place. Other players can save the caught person by touching him.


By lot, the players choose the “kite” and the “hen”. All the rest are “chickens”. They stand in a line one after another. Each player holds onto the belt of the person in front. The “mother hen” becomes the head of the chain. Her task is to protect the “chickens”, especially the last one, from the “kite”. "Kite" sits on the ground and digs a hole. A “mother hen” with “chicks” approaches him and begins a conversation:

  1. Korshun, what are you doing?
  2. I'm digging a hole.
  3. Why do you need a hole?
  4. I'm looking for a pretty penny.
  5. Why do you need a penny?
  6. I'll buy a needle.
  7. Why do you need a needle?
  8. Sew a bag.
  9. Why do you need a bag?
  10. Place pebbles.
  11. Why do you need pebbles?
  12. To throw at your children.
  13. For what?
  14. They're climbing into my garden.
  15. You should make the fence higher, but if you don’t know how, then catch them.

"Kite" rushes at the "chickens". His task is to tear the “chicken” standing at the end from the chain. The “mother hen” tries to keep him away from the “chickens.” The last “chicken” also tries to dodge the hands of the predator. When the “kite” catches everyone, the game ends.

Instructions for playing: up to 20 people can take part in the game. According to the condition, the “kite” can only kidnap the last “chicken”. The game will be more interesting if the “kite” uses various tricks, for example, suddenly turns in the other direction and grabs the “chicken”. The rules should be remembered: the “chickens” must hold on tightly to each other, since those that broke away from the chain and did not have time to quickly connect also become prey for the “kite”. The “mother hen,” protecting the “chickens,” does not have the right to push the “kite” away with her hands. Sometimes they agree to play like this: if the “kite” catches five “chicks”, then he himself becomes a “hen”, and the “hen” turns into the last “chick” in the chain.


The “toad” is chosen by lot. The rest draw a circle and stand behind the line. “Toad” goes to the middle of the circle, the players talk to her:

  1. Why do you need four legs, little toad?
  2. To jump on the grass with outstretched legs!
  3. Show me, little frog, how you jump and jump!
  4. And I am like this and like this!

“Toad” shows how she jumps, and the children standing on the circle line say:

Boda, boda, balaboda,

A toad lives near a swamp.

He sits with his eyes bulging,

He says loudly:


And I jump like this!

The “toad” jumps, trying to “trash” one of the players. Players dodge and run along the circle line. Whoever the “toad” touches takes on its role.

Instructions for implementation: the game is interesting for schoolchildren. It is better to play in a subgroup of 10-12 people. It should be remembered that the “toad” begins to “salt” the players after the tease. Anyone who leaves the circle line is considered caught and leaves the game.

Zarya Zaryanica

The players squat in a circle. The driver (“zarya-zaranitsa”) walks outside the circle, hiding the “keys” behind his back - a handkerchief with a knot tied. “Zarya-Zaryanitsa” walks around, saying along with everyone:


Red maiden,

I walked across the sky

I dropped the keys.

I saw the month

The sun has disappeared!

The driver is trying to discreetly put the “keys” behind someone. Players are not allowed to look back or turn their heads. The one who was given the “keys” runs after the driver, hits him with a handkerchief, saying: “Don’t lose the keys, don’t lose the keys!” The caught driver sits in his place, and the “stained” one becomes “dawn”.

Instructions for playing: the game is interesting for younger schoolchildren; it requires not only quick reaction and dexterity, but also attention. You can play both outdoors and indoors (the game does not require a large space). According to the terms of the game, if the one to whom the “keys” were placed does not notice, “Dawn” goes around the circle, picks up the “keys”, begins to whip the onlooker, saying: “Don’t hide the keys, don’t hide the keys!”

Grandfather the shoemaker

According to the counting, the “grandfather-shoemaker” is selected. He stands in the center of the circle formed by the players. The dialogue begins:

Children: Grandfather the shoemaker, sew us boots!

Shoemaker: Wait, kids, I lost my glasses!
Children: Grandfather the shoemaker, how much from us?

will you take it?

Shoemaker: Two rubles and a half, a penny and a penny.
Children: Grandfather the shoemaker, you're crazy!

Shoemaker: Wait, kids, I found the glasses!

During the dialogue, the children narrow the circle, approaching the “shoemaker.” After pronouncing the last words, “grandfather” tries to catch one of the players. The one who is caught becomes a “grandfather-shoemaker.”

Shoemaker (option)

The players stand in a circle and join hands; if there are only a few of them, then they hold the ends of a handkerchief rolled into a rope with their neighbor. The “shoemaker” chosen by the counting rhyme sits in the middle of the circle. He pretends to sew boots and says: “Nice legs, pretty legs, try on the boots!” The players, quickly spinning in a circle, answer: “Try it on, try it on!” After these words, the “shoemaker” must, without getting up from his place, extend his hand and “slap” someone from the circle. The caught one and the shoemaker change places.

The shoemaker's (modern version)

A “shoemaker’s” house is drawn in the form of a “snail”. The "shoemaker", chosen by lot, is in the very center. The players take turns “calling” his house. After the bell rings, the “shoemaker” runs along a spiral path to the door and invites the guest to his place.

Guest: Shoemaker, shoemaker, fix my shoes (shoes, boots, etc.) The shoemaker “takes measurements” of the shoes - he traces the guest’s foot with a stick - and imitates shoe repair. Then he names the price.

Guest (distracts the shoemaker’s attention): Shoemaker, shoemaker, look, there’s a bird flying (an airplane, etc.).

The shoemaker looks at the sky, and the guest runs away along a spiral path. The shoemaker catches up and tries to make him look bad. If he catches up, they change roles, and if not, then the shoemaker meets the next guest.

Instructions for conducting: the game is played on a small playground, in a group of up to 12 people. Before the start of the game, they agree: the “grandfather-shoemaker” will catch the players without leaving the circle, or throughout the entire court. In the Shoemaker variation, the size of the circle is determined by the players’ ability to reach from its center to the edge. When playing “shoemaker”, you should remember: you cannot step on the spiral paths or jump from one path to another.

Wolf and children

One of the players, by lot, portrays a wolf, the rest are children. The “wolf” sits aside and is silent. Children, pretending to pick berries in the forest, approach the “wolf” and say:

I pinch, I pinch a berry,

For black currants,

Father on the insert.

For mother's sleeve,

Grass for a shovel for the gray wolf.

With the last words, the children throw grass at the “wolf” and run in all directions, and the “wolf” catches them. When caught, the man becomes a “wolf”. If the “wolf” does not catch anyone, he returns to his place.

The bear is a thief (option)

The game is the same, only the children tease the “bear”. While collecting mushrooms and berries, they say:

By the bear in the forest

I'll take mushrooms and berries!

The bear caught a cold

Frozen on the stove!

By the bear in the forest

I'll take mushrooms and berries!

But the bear doesn't sleep

And he growls at us!

The “bear” begins to toss and turn, stretch, comes out of the den and catches the children. The one who is caught becomes a “bear”.

Grandfather-bear (option)

One of the players is a “grandfather bear”. The children come up to him, saying: “Grandfather-bear, let us spend the night.” The request is repeated until the driver answers: “Not long, not long, not until evening!” Hearing this, the children lie down on the grass, pretending to sleep. After sleeping a little, they jump up and shout to “grandfather”: “We’ll come tomorrow, we’ll bake some rolls!” Having stepped aside for a while, the children return again and ask: “Grandfather-bear, let us take a steam bath in the bathhouse!” The driver agrees: “Come and don’t burn the bathhouse.” Hearing this, the players scatter in different directions shouting: “It’s burning! It's burning! - and the “grandfather bear” rushes after them. The first one caught becomes the “grandfather”.

Instructions for playing: the game is interesting for both high school and junior schoolchildren; from 3 to 40 people can take part in it. A spacious play area is required. It's interesting to play in a forest clearing. The rules must be followed: a wolf or bear has no right to run out until the players say the last words of the teaser; players can only be caught within the established area.


The players choose a “wolf” and a “master” and portray “geese” themselves. On one side of the site they draw a house where the “owner” and “geese” live, on the other - a field. Between them is the lair of the “wolf”.

All the geese fly to the field to nibble grass. The owner calls them:

  1. Geese, geese!
  2. Ha-ha-ha!
  3. Do you want to eat?
  4. Yes, yes, yes!
  5. Well, fly home!
  6. The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home.
  7. What is he doing?
  8. He sharpens his teeth and wants to eat us.
  9. Well, fly as you want, just take care of your wings! The “geese” are running into the house, the “wolf” is trying to catch them.

The game ends when all the "geese" are caught.

You can also use this ending: when the “wolf” catches everyone, the owner drowns the bathhouse and invites the “wolf”, the “wolf” pretends to be steaming. Then the owner says to him: “Little wolf, I’ll throw you a cow,” and throws a stick. The “wolf” runs after the stick, and at this time the “geese” run away to the owner.

The game can be complicated by introducing a second “wolf” into it.

Instructions for conducting: older preschoolers and junior schoolchildren, from 5 to 40 people, can take part in the game. It is held on a spacious site. It is interesting to play in a meadow, but not in a forest field. Rules: “geese” must fly all over the site, they are allowed to return home only after the words spoken by the owner. At the end of the game, you can mark the most dexterous “geese” (who never caught the “wolf”) and the best “wolf” (who caught the most “geese”).


“Kostroma” is chosen by lot. The players come up to her and sing or say:

Kostromushka, Kostroma,

Alien far side!

In Kostroma's house

We ate porridge on the floor;

Oil porridge,

The spoon is painted.

I’ll throw the porridge, I’ll throw the spoon, -

The soul will go around the world!

Having sung the song, the players lean towards “Kostroma” and ask her a question: “Where is Kostroma?” Kostroma replies: “Gone into the forest!” Having received the answer, the players sing:

Kostroma, Kostroma,

Alien far side

Why did you wander into the forest?

There is a rare shelf in the bathhouse.

You'll break your sock!

You will scratch the back with a nail,

You will soon go to the next world!

The children again ask “Kostroma”: “Where is Kostroma?” This time they get the answer: “Kostroma is dead!” Then they sing:

Our dead man has died, died,

Neither on Wednesday nor on Tuesday

They began to incense him,

And he looks with his eyes.

They began to call Kuzka,

He knocks his feet

Call it Kostromushka -

He began to straighten his back,

And how did they begin to perform the funeral service -

He's running after us!

At the last words, the children run away. "Kostroma" begins to catch them. The one caught becomes “Kostroma”, the game starts again.

Instructions for implementation: today this game is not in the play repertoire of our children, but younger schoolchildren can be introduced to it as an illustration of what games were played in the old days in the summer (Green Christmastide). Performing songs involves preparing children for this game.

Warrior mushrooms

The driver, chosen by lot, is removed from the rest. All players take the names of famous mushrooms: trumpet mushrooms, russula, fly agarics, boletus mushrooms, etc. Everyone stands in a circle, and the driver, standing in the middle, says:

Our grief has come, our grief,

We lived peacefully in the wilderness.

King Pea with Queen Carrot,

Yes with turnip sister-in-law,

With Brother Bob

Yes with matchmaker Kochan

They are going to war against us.

Come fight me!

The players, holding hands, answer him:

Please, sir, have mercy on us!

Don't drag me into service by force,

How long does a mushroom live?

A day or two will pass,

He's getting old

falls on its side,

The legs are thin

trephine hat,

They'll just win

Both you and us.

“Well, well, well!” - says the driver and, despite the resistance of the mushrooms, begins to call out to them: “Chanterelles! Russula!” etc. Players corresponding to these names run, and the driver catches them. The remaining “mushrooms” can protect those caught. They try to surround them and prevent the driver from entering the circle. The driver, having not caught the “chanterelles,” can shout out the name of another mushroom. In this case, the named “mushrooms” must leave their defenses and escape. The rest of the “mushrooms” are trying to protect them. The first “mushroom” caught becomes the leader and begins to gather the “mushroom army” again.

Instructions for implementation: the game is interesting for older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren, it is played on a spacious area, a forest clearing. Several players can be called the same mushroom. They preliminarily agree on the boundaries of the area where the driver catches “mushrooms”.

Among the trap games, one can distinguish a large group of ball traps, which children loved to play in the summer.

Hunters and ducks

On the site, draw 2 lines at a distance of 6-8 m from one another, and arbitrarily determine the width of the site (also limited by lines). The players are colluded into two teams - “hunters” and “ducks”. “Hunters” stand behind the drawn lines, “ducks” are located in the center. The “hunters” pass the ball to each other and at a convenient moment throw it to the “ducks”. The “duck”, “salted” by the ball, leaves the game. The game continues until all the “ducks” are “shot”, after which the teams change roles.

Instructions for carrying out: from 4 to 12 people can participate in this game. It is better to play ball while walking in the forest, choosing a flat clearing. The ball should be medium size. Rules: “hunters” do not have the right to step over the line, you cannot “trash a duck” with a ball that bounces off the ground; The “shot duck” is temporarily not involved in the game (until all the “ducks” are killed and the teams switch places). Each team has its own captain. He can help out the losing team if he completes the task: during 10-12 throws of the ball he will never be “shot down”.

“Ducks” can catch the ball (“candles”) - these are spare points, in which case the subsequent hit to the “duck” does not count.

The game is especially interesting for younger preschoolers; they have a better developed eye and more accuracy in knocking out “ducks.”

Circle ball

All players are located in a circle with a diameter of approximately 10 m. They choose a driver. He begins to walk in a circle with the ball, waiting for the right moment to throw the ball at one of those standing in the circle. The knocked out player grabs the ball with his hands and shouts, “Stop!” The driver, who, after hitting the player with the ball, tries to run as far away from the circle as possible, must stop. The player says: “It’s... steps to you!” Takes the specified number of steps and throws the ball at the driver. If it hits, the driver will repeat everything from the beginning. If he misses, he becomes the driver himself.

Instructions for playing: the game does not require a large space; it is better to use a medium-sized ball. Number of players - up to 10-12 people. The rules are as follows: after the “stop” signal, the driver must stop; you can dodge the ball, but you cannot move. In the second version of the game, at the “fire” signal, all players stop; their feet cannot be lifted from the ground.

Pillars (option)

The players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. Everyone to whom the ball is thrown must return it to the other with their palms. At the same time, each player watches how the others hit the ball. As soon as the ball, unsuccessfully hit or unsuccessfully received, falls to the ground, everyone scatters in different directions. The player who dropped the ball becomes the driver. He picks up the ball and shouts, “Fire!” All players stop. Now the driver must win back - throw the ball at the player closest to him. If he hits, he wins back. The players again stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other until a new driver is identified. If the driver throws the ball and does not hit the player, then he is put on a “pillar” for this: he must stand still without moving. And the game continues.

When the next moment for running away comes, the “pillar” stands still. As a rule, it is the new driver who throws the ball at him. If the throw is successful, he wins back, and the “pillar” still remains where it was. If the driver misses, then he himself is placed in a “pillar”, and the one at whom he threw the ball returns to the circle of players.


Cossack robbers

With the help of collusion, the players are divided into two teams. One team of “Cossacks” and the other of “robbers” are determined by lot. The “Cossacks” team must have some kind of sign: armbands, badges, etc.

The “robbers” scatter in different directions and hide from the “Cossacks”. After a certain time, by agreement, the “Cossacks” go on a search. Having discovered the “robber”, the “Cossack” catches up with him. If he cannot catch it himself, he calls his comrades for help. The prisoner is taken to the “dungeon” and left there under guard. The “robbers” can free their comrades from the “dungeon” by “tainting” the prisoner, but the liberators themselves may end up in captivity if at that moment they are “tainted” by the “Cossacks”.

Instructions for implementation: this is a game for schoolchildren, especially interesting for boys. You can play on the playground, on the edge of the forest. The main condition is the presence of places where you can hide: buildings, trees, bushes, small holes, etc. You need to agree in advance about up to what boundaries you can hide and run away. The “dungeon” can be a corner of the site, a tree, or some conspicuous place. The “dungeon” is indicated by sticks, twigs, lines, and stones.

Give me a pen, grandpa!

The players are divided into two groups. They cast lots as to who should search and who should hide. The players who have the lot to look for choose a “grandfather”, the rest choose “grandchildren”. They step aside with him and close their eyes. Those hiding choose a “mother” who must hide her children in different places, but not far from each other.

Having hidden the children, she goes to “grandfather” and tells him: “Grandfather, give me a pen!” He offers his hand, and the “mother” leads him and the “grandchildren” in a completely different direction from the hidden children. But along the way, the “grandfather” and “grandchildren” vigilantly look around, trying to guess where the children are hidden. As soon as they notice this place, they immediately run towards the hiding people, trying to catch someone. Those hiding, noticing this, can immediately run out of their ambush to meet the “mother”. If she reaches her children before “grandfather” and “grandchildren,” then they will no longer be able to catch anyone. If the “grandfather” manages to catch at least one of them, the players change roles.

Instructions for conducting: the number of participants in the game is up to 20 people. On the site where the game is played there should be trees, bushes or objects that are convenient to hide behind. “Grandfather” and “grandchildren” should not peep when the “mother” is hiding her children.

Two blind men (Blind master)

Choose two drivers. One is the “blind master”, the other is “the servant Yakov”. The players join hands and stand in a circle. The “blind master” begins to call his servant: “Yakov! Where are you?" “Yakov” comes as close as possible and answers “master”, and then quietly moves away. The “blind master” tries to ask his “servant” about some matters as often as possible. The same, having answered him, immediately jumps away. The “blind master” is trying to catch him. When the “master” catches “Yakov,” new drivers are selected and the game continues.

Instructions for playing: the game does not require a large area, since the search takes place only in the center of the circle that the players form. A lively dialogue between two drivers is expected; the “master” is looking for a servant by his voice. New drivers can be selected like this: the “blind” person touches one of those standing in the circle and, having asked him a question, tries to recognize him by his voice. If he guesses right, he becomes the driver.


The players choose the driver. Everyone picks up a stick and says:


How many hours

It remains until evening

Until summer?

After these words, place the stick vertically on the palm or on the tip of the fingers. You cannot support a crippled man with the fingers of your other hand. The driver counts: “One, two, three... ten!” When a stick falls, it must be caught with the other hand, before it finally falls to the ground. The count is carried out only until the second hand is picked up, and not until it falls to the ground. The one who holds the wand longer wins.

The stick can be held in different ways:

  1. On the back of the hand, on the elbow, on the shoulder, on the head.
  2. Holding the stick, they squat, stand on the bench, walk or run towards the drawn line.
  3. Hold two sticks at the same time, one on the palm, the other on the head.

Team game (option)

The players are divided into two groups. On the ground, a line marks the place to which the crippled male must run. At the signal, the players rush to the line. The winner is the group that is the first to reach the line without ever dropping their cripple.

Instructions for playing: this game can be played with a different number of players, from 1 to 10 at a time. To play, you need a straight, thick stick with a diameter of about 2-3 cm and a length of 50 to 150 cm. One end of the stick can be slightly pointed. Sometimes a spinner is installed at the tip of the malechina, which begins to spin when the player moves. You can put some funny toy on its tip - a kolobok, etc. The players stand further away from each other so that it is convenient to keep the balance of the stick. The driver can give different tasks: the players, without releasing the stick, must walk, squat, and turn. The methods of holding a stick on the hand, as well as the difficulty of the tasks, are determined by the age and capabilities of the children.


The one depicting a turnip (he is chosen using a counting rhyme) holds tightly to a stationary object: a tree, a stump, a post. The others grab each other around the waist. One of the players tries to “pull the turnip,” that is, pull the player representing the turnip away from the tree. If this succeeds, all players lose their balance and fall to the ground; only the most dexterous can stay on their feet. If the row breaks and the turnip is not pulled out, everyone laughs: “We didn’t eat the turnip.”

Instructions for conducting: the minimum number of participants is 4 people. This game is good to play in the forest while walking, choosing a convenient area. After several unsuccessful attempts to “pull out the turnip,” a new “turnip” is selected. All players must play this role. This game is interesting for children up to school age.


The players stand one after another, clasping their hands in the form of a long ridge. The first one is called “grandmother”, all the others are radishes.

One of the players chosen by lot is called Ivashka Popov. He approaches the grandmother and talks to her: “Knock, knock.” - “Who’s here?” - “Ivashka Popov.” - “Why did you come?” - “For the radishes.” - “I’m not in time, come tomorrow.”

Ivashka Popov leaves, but soon returns. The conversation with the grandmother is repeated, but the ending changes - the grandmother replies: “Pull whichever you want.”

Ivashka pulls everyone in turn. Whoever pulled out the most radishes is the winner.

Instructions for the game: there can be 4 or more participants in the game. The radishes try to hold each other tightly. Ivashka can shake players - some by the hands, some by the head, etc. Players who laugh are easier to “pull out”.


The players are divided into two groups, one representing an elephant, the other representing riders. The players of the first group stand one after another, clasping each other by the waist (facing the wall). The first, bent over and lowering his head, rests his hands on the wall. Holding tightly to each other, they pretend to be an elephant. The players of the other group, one after another, jump onto the “elephant” from a running start so as to sit astride as far forward as possible, leaving room for the next ones. When all the players have jumped, the “elephant” slowly turns around and carries the riders to the appointed place and back.

Instructions for playing: this game is interesting for younger schoolchildren; boys usually play it. The number of players can be from 8 to 12 people (up to 6 people in one group). If the game is played in the forest, then a tree trunk can be used to support the “elephant”. It should be remembered that the players at the top (“riders”) only hold on to each other. If they grab the “elephant”, they change roles with it. The groups also change places if one of the riders falls during the movement. If the players representing the “elephant” do everything correctly, then in the next game they become riders.


The players are divided into pairs. Each couple joins hands and begins to curl, that is, rotate around its longitudinal axis, chanting:

Does the tube curl, does the tube curl,

Does it curl, does the silver curl...

The game continues until one of the spinners falls. Whose couple lasts longer is the winner.

Instructions for playing: the game is simple, it is usually played by girls (from 4 to 6 people). Doesn't require a lot of space. You can play both in the yard and on the lawn, in the clearing. The rules are set by the players themselves.


The players, by agreement, are divided into two teams and lined up in two lines opposite each other (at a distance of up to 10-15 m). The players in each line hold hands tightly, forming a chain. Each team chooses a “uterus” (“mati”). By agreement with its players, the “uterus” addresses the other team with the words: “Tara-bars! Give us so-and-so!” The named one separates from his line, runs towards those calling, and, having run up, tries to break the “chain”. If he succeeds, he takes anyone from the opposing team to his team. If the “chain” remains unbroken, then he himself remains in the opposite team, standing in their line. The team that wins is the one to which all players from the opponent's line go.

Instructions for implementation: the game is interesting for children of senior preschool and primary school age. It is held in a large clearing. The number of participants is from 8 to 16 people. Each time before a choice, all team members agree on which player from the opposite rank will be called up. The winner can be considered the team to which more players from the opposite “chain” transferred.


Two players, chosen by lot, sit on the ground opposite each other. One of them stretches his leg forward, the other puts his heel on the toe of the first. Other players jump over these two legs. Then the first player places the second leg, the rest jump over four legs. Then the second player places the second leg, the rest jump over four legs. Then the hands come into play. People jump through such a “fence” from a standing position. Whoever does not jump over is out of the game. For the most dexterous ones remaining at the end of the game, a test (“exam”) is arranged. A “cauldron” is built for them: those sitting on the ground spread their legs, and the player must jump over it with his eyes closed. If you managed to jump over, you won.

Playing games (option)

By agreement, the players are divided into two teams, one of them is the driver. The players of this team form pairs that stand in a corridor - facing each other at a distance of 1-2 m, one pair from the other. Then the children also sit in pairs on the grass, straighten their legs, with their feet touching each other. The players of the other team stand in single file and try to jump over their legs as quickly as possible. The drivers are trying to “slap” the jumping player. Each “grumpy” person stands behind the back of the driver who “grumpy” him. The players change places after all the children have passed, and the game is repeated. The team with the fewest players who are defeated wins.

Instructions for carrying out: since children sit on the ground during the game, the best place for it is a forest clearing or a sandy beach. In this game, children not only practice jumping, but also show dexterity and dexterity. Children can come up with their own challenge for the winners in the first version of the game. The team version provides for the following rules: the “taunted” one should not jump further than the pair of players who “taunted” him. The driver “salts” the player only when he jumps over, and he should not change the position of his legs.

The repertoire of summer children's games always includes competition games with a ball.

Flip flops

The players stand in a circle facing the center at a distance of about a step from each other. The driver is chosen according to a counting rhyme. He goes to the center of the circle, calls one of the children by name and throws the ball on the ground so that it bounces in the right direction. The one whose name the driver called catches the ball and hits it - spanks it with his palm. The number of ball hits is set by agreement, but not more than five, so that the rest of the players do not have to wait long for their turn. After hitting the ball, the player throws it to the driver, and the game continues until someone drops the ball. In this case, the game starts over. The one who dropped the ball takes the place of the driver.

Instructions for playing: play the game on a flat surface so that the ball bounces well. It's better to take a medium-sized ball. No more than 10-15 people take part in this game. The success of the game depends on how well the children control the ball. There is only one rule: you need to hit the ball while standing in one place. The game can be complicated - use 2 or 3 balls, but in this case you need to choose two or three drivers.


The participants of the game stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other and begin to throw the ball, calling by name the person who must catch it. The ball is thrown around until one of the players drops it. The one who dropped it stands in the center of the circle and, according to the instructions of the players, performs 1-2 exercises with the ball. You can take forfeits from the guilty ones, and when playing, offer to perform exercises with the ball: throw the ball high and, when it bounces off the ground, catch it; after throwing the ball up, clap your hands several times and catch the ball, etc.

Instructions for implementation: the game is interesting for preschool children, you can also play with kids. The younger the children, the smaller the number of participants. The ball can be taken of any size depending on the children’s skills; The smaller the ball, the more difficult it is to catch it and perform exercises.

The rules should be remembered: the ball is allowed to be thrown to each other only through the center of the circle; If a player drops the ball while performing exercises, he is given an additional task.


The players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. You need to beat it off with your palms. Each player carefully watches how the others hit the ball. As soon as the unsuccessfully hit or unsuccessfully caught ball falls to the ground, everyone scatters in different directions. The player who dropped the ball is considered to be driving. He must pick up the ball as quickly as possible and shout: “Fire!” All players stop. The driver must fight back - throw the ball at the player closest to him. If he hits, he wins back, he stands in the circle again, the game continues until a new driver appears. If the driver throws the ball at the player and misses, then he is placed on a “table”: he must stand still without moving. When the next moment for running comes, the “pillar” stands still. As a rule, it is at this point that the new driver will throw the ball. If the throw is successful, he wins back, and the “pillar” still remains in place. If the driver misses, then he himself is placed in a “pillar”, and the one at whom he threw the ball returns to the circle.

Instructions for implementation: this is a game for younger schoolchildren. The number of participants is up to 15-20 people. It is better to take a medium-sized ball that can be easily hit with your palms. The game requires attention from children. So, after the driver’s words: “Fire!” all players must stop in place. The one at whom the driver throws the ball can dodge, but under no circumstances lift his feet from the ground.


The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. A “bunny” is chosen by lot and stands in a circle. Participants in the game throw the ball so that it hits the “bunny”. The “bunny” runs in a circle, dodging the ball. If someone misses throwing the ball at the “bunny”, then he himself becomes one.

In a circle (option)

The players throw the ball to each other. The one who doesn’t catch it goes to the middle of the circle and is “salat” - hit with the ball. The one who does not catch the ball in his hands replaces it.

Instructions for conducting: there should be no more than 10 people playing. According to the rules of the game, you need to pass the ball quickly, you cannot hold it in your hands. The faster the players pass the ball, the more interesting the game is and the more opportunities there are to “tarnish” the “bunny”. The “bunny” (or the driver in the second option) can catch the ball. In this case, the player whose ball was caught stands in a circle and plays the role of a bunny (or driver).



They choose the driver with a counting book, cover his eyes with their hands, turn him and twist him in different directions, and then throw him face down on the ground without opening his eyes. Positioned in this way, the driver must guess where he is “flying”, for example, to a forest, to a village, etc. At the same time they say:

Roll and roll the loaf,

Hit your head.

To the forest-males,

I'll go into the garden,

I'll dig up the ridges,

I’ll break the tychnik,

Where are you going with your head?

If the driver guesses correctly, he is released, and the next player takes his place.

Directions for playing: This game is good to play in a forest clearing in a small group of 3 to 6 people. You don’t have to cover the driver’s eyes with your hands, but tie it with a scarf, just make sure that it doesn’t fall off. The more participants, the more they twist the driver. Before the start of the game, the participants agree on the choice of landmarks: an oak tree, a river, a path, etc. The driver must be well versed in the surrounding area. The game continues as long as it generates interest.

Eagle owl and birds

The players choose an “owl” using a counting rhyme, and he goes to his nest. The rest choose for themselves the names of the birds whose voice they want to imitate, and “scatter” around the site. At the signal “Owl!” everyone is trying to fly to their nests. If the “owl” manages to catch someone, he must guess what kind of bird it is, and only then the caught one becomes an “owl”.

Instructions for playing: the game is played on a spacious site. Number of participants - up to 20 people. It is better to choose “nests” on high objects: on stumps, on benches. Each bird hides from the “eagle owl” in its own nest.

Ivan the Mower and the Animals

For this game, a special counting rhyme is used to select the driver:

Ivan with a scythe

Don't go barefoot

And walk with shoes on,

Weave some bast shoes for yourself.

If you are shod

Wolves and foxes won't find

The bear won't find you

Come out, you'll burn!

The rest of the players call themselves various animals, some as a wolf, some as a bear, some as a fox, some as a hare, etc. “Ivan the Mower” picks up a stick (“scythe”) and makes movements as if mowing. The “animals” talk to him:

  1. Ivan the Mower, what are you doing?
  2. I cut the grass.
  3. Why are you mowing?
  4. Feed the cows.
  5. Why cows?
  6. Give milk.
  7. Why milk?
  8. Make raw materials.
  9. Why raw materials?
  10. Feed the hunters.
  11. Why feed the hunters?
  12. Catch animals in the forest!

The “animals” quickly scatter in all directions, and “Ivan the Mossar” runs to look for and catch them. Having caught one of the “beasts”, he must guess which “beast” it is. If he guesses correctly, the caught one leaves the game, and “Ivan the Mower” looks for the rest of the hidden “animals.”

Instructions for playing: the game is played on a spacious area, from 3 to 20 people can participate. The game is interesting for children of preschool and primary school age. If a large number of children take part in the game, then the same names of “animals” are allowed: two bears, two foxes, etc. “Ivan the Mower” begins to catch up only after the last words: “Catch animals in the forest!” The driver can help himself when guessing with leading questions to the captured animal.

In the "heaps"

The driver, chosen using a counting rhyme, takes one thing from the players, hides it in piles of sand so that one of them contains two things, the other one, and the third none. Having hidden the objects, the driver offers to look for them. Whoever gets a pair wins, and whoever gets an empty pile loses. The winner becomes the driver.

Instructions for playing: three people participate in the game. It is good to spend it on the river bank. You can hide pebbles, cones and other objects. It is important to remember that players make their choices one at a time. The game continues as long as it generates interest.



Children join hands, forming a long line. They walk smoothly, slowly sing:

Hang, hang, my cabbage,

Weave, weave, white.

How can I, a cabbage, curl?

How can I avoid falling into winter!

The leader leads the round dance through the “gate” - raised hands held by the last ones in the line. When everyone has passed, the last one turns and “curls the cabbage,” that is, throws his hand over his shoulder, with which he holds on to his comrade. Then the round dance passes through the second gate, the third, etc. until all the players have “curled.”

After this, the last one in the string remains in place, and the round dance “curls” around him, gradually enveloping him more and more tightly, until you get “cabbage forks.” It turns out to be a lot of fun. Then the cabbage begins to “develop” until it returns to its original position. The game is always accompanied by singing, sometimes loud, sometimes quieter, but invariably smooth and drawn-out.


The players stand in a circle, holding hands, and sing:

Bunny, come out into the circle,

Gray, come out into the circle,

Hurry, hurry, go out to Krygu,

Hurry, hurry, come out into the circle!

One of the players, pre-selected by the “bunny,” goes to the middle of the circle. The players continue to sing:

Zainka, you go for a walk,

Gray, go for a walk

Walk here and there

Walk here and there!

“Zainka” walks in one direction and then in the other, and the players clap their hands:

Bunny, wash your hands,

Gray, wash your hands,

Left, right, wash your hands,

Left, right, wash your hands!

“Zainka” shows how he washes his hands. All players repeat the same movements:

Bunny, wash your face,

Gray, wash your face.

Wash your face from top to bottom,

Wash your face from top to bottom!

“Zainka” shows how he washes himself, the rest of the players repeat his gestures.

Bunny, smooth the fur,

Gray, smooth the fur.

Smooth the fur from behind, in front,

Smooth the fur from the back and front!

“Zainka” runs his hands over his clothes, straightens them, and cleans them. All players repeat:

Bunny, comb your hair,

Gray, comb your hair.

Yes, comb your hair better,

Yes, comb your hair better!

“Zainka” shows how he combs his hair. The players repeat:

Little bunny, under the barrel,

Gray, barrel-like

The Cossack girl is dancing, dancing,

The Cossack girl is dancing, dancing!

“Zainka” dances, the rest of the players also dance. After the words “the Cossack girl is dancing, the Cossack girl is dancing,” everyone runs away, and the “bunny” catches them. The one who is caught becomes a “bunny”.

Cap (spider)

They choose a driver who squats in the center of the circle. The rest of the players walk around him, holding hands, and sing:

Cap, cap,

Thin legs

Red boots.

We gave you something to drink

We fed you

They put me on my feet,

They forced me to dance.

After these words, everyone runs to the center, lifts the driver, puts him on his feet and again forms a circle. Clapping their hands, they sing:

They forced me to dance.

The driver begins to spin around with his eyes closed. Everyone sings:

Dance, dance as much as you want

Choose whoever you want!

The driver chooses someone without opening his eyes and changes places with him.


Tsyntsy-bryntsy, Balalaika!

Tsyntsy-bryntsy, let's play!

Tsyntsy-bryntsy, I don’t want to!

Tsyntsy-bryntsy, I’ll go!

Zealous horse

With a long mane

Jumps and gallops across the fields

Here and there! Here and there!

Where will he ride -

Get out of the circle!

The bees flew into the field,

They buzzed and buzzed.

The bees sat on the flowers,

We play - you drive.

Past the forest, past the dachas

A red ball floated down the river.

The pike saw it, what is this thing?

Grab, grab! Don't catch it.

The ball surfaced again.

Come out, you should drive.

Once the guys went to the river,

They carried two oars in their hands.

Three sheep meet them

And four turkeys.

All the guys were scared

The oars were thrown into the bushes,

They got scared and ran away

And you must find them!

Cockerel, cockerel,

Show me your skin.

The casing is on fire,

How many feathers does it have?

One, two, three, four, five,

You should run out of the circle!

An apple rolled past the garden,

Past the fence.

Who will raise

He will come out.

Tick-tock, tick-tock

There lived a blue crayfish under the bridge,

Cancer grabbed the cat by the tail.

Meow-meow, help!

Unhook the crayfish from its tail!

Everyone is running and you run,

Help Vaska the cat.

In a wide circle, I see,

All my friends stood up.

I am for you, my friends,

I'm making pies:

Need to bake them quickly

You go and light the stove.

Tilichinchiki were visiting

At the cheerful Chilichili,

We drank tea, ate cookies,

Someone spilled sweet tea

The one who spilled it, answer!

The seagull warmed up the kettle,

I invited the seagulls to visit,

Everyone came for tea!

How many seagulls? Answer! - Seven!

One, two, three, four,

Five, six, seven. (The seventh comes out)

Ahi, ahi, ahi, oh!

Masha sowed peas

He was born thick.

We'll rush, just wait!

Teli-teli, the birds sang,

They took off and flew towards the forest.

The birds began to build nests,

Whoever doesn't howl should drive!

In Oleg's mud

The cart got stuck.

Oleg should sit

Until the snow.

You get out of the circle

And help a friend out.

One, two, three, four!

There were mice living in an apartment,

They drank tea, broke cups,

They paid three times each

Who doesn't want to pay

That's why he needs to drive!

A man was driving along the road,

Broke a wheel on the doorstep.

How many nails does he need?

Speak quickly

Don't detain good people. - Five!

One, two, three, four, five. (The fifth one comes out)

The cuckoo walked past the net,

And behind her are small children.

The cuckoos are asked to drink,

Come out, you should drive.

One, two, three, four,

Who doesn't sleep in our apartment?

Everyone in the world needs sleep,

He who is not sleeping will get out!


Don't let it rain

Come on honey,

Bell tower.


Bear, bear,

Disperse the cloud:

I'll give you a bunch of oats.

During a drought, when the rains passed by, did you ask the rainbow:


Bring us some rain.


Don't drink our water.

After bathing, in order to get rid of the water that had filled the ears, they jumped on one leg, pressing their palm to their ear, saying in time with the jumps:

Mouse, mouse,

Pour out the water

For the mowed garden!

Aquarius, Aquarius,

Pour the water out of your ears!

When searching for mushrooms in the forest, they said:

Mushrooms on top of mushrooms, and mine on top.

Once upon a time there were men

They took saffron milk mushrooms.


Summer rain brought both joy and sorrow. While playing outside, the children called out to the rain like this:

Urine, urine, rain,

On our rye;

For grandma's wheat,

For grandfather's barley

Water all day.

Rain, rain, more

On grandma's cabbage,

On my barley

Ride it all day.

Rain, dew, dew,

Girl, grow, grow!

Rain, rain, more!

Vanka is riding with the thicket,

Touched a stump -

The light came on

Hit a bump -

Spilled grounds in a barrel.

Come on, rain, rain,

Drill the earth

Give us some water!

When the rains continued to fall, they asked the rainbow to stop:


Stop the rain

Give me some sunshine