How dangerous are vaccinations for children? Is it true that vaccinations are dangerous to health? Arguments against vaccination

To understand how dangerous vaccines are, it is enough to mention the fact that for 10 years, not a single doctor or executive of US pharmaceutical companies has dared to drink a mixture of standard additives found in most vaccines, in the same amount as, in accordance with the recommendations of the US Center for Disease Prevention and Control 2000, received by a six-year-old child. This is despite the promised reward of over $100,000.

If this fact seems unconvincing to you, read the following facts:

1. A one-month-old child weighing 5 kg receives the same dose of vaccine as a five-year-old child weighing 18 kg. Newborns with an immature immune system that has not yet developed receive a dose 5 times higher (relative to body weight) than older children.

2. International studies show that vaccinations are one of the causes of SIDS - sudden infant death syndrome.

3. Almost always, childhood infectious diseases are benign and go away on their own. In addition, they lead to the development of lifelong immunity, while vaccine immunity is only temporary, so there is repeated vaccination.

4. Lifelong immunity is then transmitted from the mother through the placenta to her unborn child; vaccine immunity is not transmitted through the placenta.

5. There are no scientific studies to determine whether vaccines actually prevent disease. The incidence graphs rather show that vaccinations were introduced at the end of the epidemic period, when the disease was already in its final stages.

6. There are no long-term studies of vaccine safety. Only short-term tests are carried out, where vaccinated subjects are compared with a group that received another vaccine. In fact, you need to compare with a group of unvaccinated people.

7. Independent private studies (Dutch and German) found that vaccinated children get sick much more than their unvaccinated peers. If you stop vaccinating children, their health improves markedly.

8. The child receives not one, but many vaccinations. There are no tests to determine the effectiveness of combination vaccines.

10. Children are vaccinated simply because their parents are intimidated. Vaccinating children is the most profitable business for both vaccine manufacturers and doctors.

11. Children who are exclusively breastfed are injected with powerful vaccine toxins, which is contrary to all logic and science.

12. Vaccines contain heavy metals (mercury, aluminum), carcinogens, pesticides, live and genetically modified viruses, serum containing animal viruses and foreign genetic material, extremely toxic decontaminants and excipients, untested antibiotics, none of which can be administered without causing harm to the body.

13. The vaccines contain blood serum not only from chimpanzees and other apes, but also from cows, pigs, chickens, horses, and even human blood serum and tissue extracted from aborted fetuses.

14. Deaths and permanent disabilities due to vaccinations are very common and are well known to the medical community. The government prohibits doctors from disclosing this and linking such cases to vaccinations.

15. Most childhood infectious diseases have few serious consequences in the modern world. Not only are most infectious diseases rarely dangerous, but they can play a vital role in the development of a strong, healthy immune system. People who have not had measles have a higher incidence of some skin diseases, degenerative bone and cartilage diseases, and some tumors, while those who have not had mumps have a higher risk of ovarian tumors.

16. Many doctors claim that illnesses in childhood are needed to train the immune system. By suppressing these diseases, we leave the immune system undeveloped, causing the emergence of various autoimmune disorders such as diabetes and arthritis, which have become epidemic today.

17. In the United States, post-vaccination complications are recorded, and the government pays millions of dollars in compensation to victims. In the CIS countries you will not be compensated for anything; you will have to go to doctors yourself and treat complications by buying expensive medicines.

18. The BCG vaccine (for tuberculosis) in America and Europe was recognized as completely ineffective and was abandoned.

19. Oral polio vaccine (OPV) causes polio and other neurological and gastrointestinal disorders in children.

20. The Hepatitis B vaccine, recently introduced, is not intended for children at all, it is a sexually transmitted disease vaccine that should only be reserved for promiscuous adults.

21. Tetanus serum contains both aluminum and mercury, as well as tetanus toxoid - any of these components can cause irreparable harm to the human body.

22. The measles vaccine is a vaccine that regularly causes serious post-vaccination complications.

23. According to the results of various independent studies, especially Dutch and the latest German, which compare vaccinated and unvaccinated children, it has been established that vaccinated children are prone to asthma, dermatitis, allergies, hyperactivity, etc.

24. The effect of vaccines on a child's developing brain is very great and can lead to speech and behavior disorders and even dementia. A significant body of research has demonstrated conclusively that the practice of childhood vaccinations can lead to serious brain damage through multiple mechanisms. Because a baby's brain develops rapidly between the third trimester and age two, it is at serious risk.

25. Vaccine production is the most profitable pharmaceutical business. Billions of dollars are being made by vaccine firms.

If you do decide to vaccinate your child, do it as late as possible because:

The entire period of breastfeeding protects the child by antibodies transmitted to him with mother's milk. And only six months after the last breastfeeding, this protection disappears! Then you need to take an immunological blood test for the presence of certain antibodies, and only after this can you be vaccinated (unless, of course, you decide to refuse vaccination altogether) against those diseases for which antibodies to which are not found in the blood.

A child’s immunity is finally formed only by the age of 6. And any intervention (especially something as crude as vaccination!) in this natural process can lead to irreversible consequences and affect the rest of your life. If you still decide to vaccinate your child, then it is better to start doing it after 5-6 years!

Additional information:

Interview with Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya- a famous virologist, candidate of biological sciences, independent expert on virology, author of four monographs on the problems of vaccinations.

2016 film "VACCINED: FROM FORGERY TO DISASTER." On falsification of scientific research.

How do you feel about vaccinations? Has the child had any vaccinations?

I have a daughter born in 1992. She is developing normally until she is 7 months old and crawling. Everything is fine. Before vaccination. Six months later, I was diagnosed with cerebral palsy with prenatal development. WHAT THE FUCK. Now he doesn't even crawl. Screw this non-traditional medicine out of the woods. I hope I'm not late with my prejudices.

My position on vaccinations is this:

"Most vaccinations in most cases can be unreasonably dangerous and undesirable for the child, and there are serious reasons to refuse them."

That's it, no more but no less. I have not vaccinated my child and will not do so.

A person who refuses vaccinations is necessarily immediately labeled as a rabid sectarian, a madman who risks the lives of children; paranoid, believing in the conspiracy theory of evil doctors... You know, I'm incredibly tired about this. I'm tired of communicating with stupid and illiterate people, just don't be offended. I am a biologist by training, and we had a course in immunology; Plus, later I read a lot of books on immunology and special materials, and continue to read them to this day. Whatever one may say, I at least understand the issue, certainly at the level of basic concepts and special terminology. And I must tell you that immunology is one of the most interesting, and at the same time, most complex branches of biology. People with whom you sometimes have to enter into a discussion on vaccinations – in 99% of cases they “understand” the issue at the level of several postulates:

  1. Vaccinations are the only way to save children from terrible diseases; a vaccinated child is not afraid of diseases; an unvaccinated child will die from disease;
  2. An unvaccinated child is dangerous for vaccinated children; he should not be allowed into the group with vaccinated children; (trying to understand how this point fits with the previous one? Where is the logic here? Don’t try, it’s useless).
  3. All vaccinations are completely safe for children and do not pose the slightest threat to them;
  4. All doctors and pharmacists are completely competent, impeccably truthful, absolutely well-intentioned towards children;
  5. (as a conclusion from the previous ones): Anyone who refuses vaccinations is a) paranoid, according to paragraphs 3 and 4; b) an enemy to one’s own children, according to clause 1; c) the enemy and all the surrounding children too, according to paragraph 2 (this point is especially interesting, since it takes the question beyond the scope of “his personal business”).

These postulates, like any dogmatic statements, are not subject to any doubt, do not need verification, and are not shaken by any facts and reasoning. Talking to such people about vaccinations is a completely pointless exercise. Therefore, if you have knowledge about vaccinations - within the framework of the above postulates - I ask you to close this material and do not read it further. It is intended for people who have not yet completely lost the ability to reason, logically, and unbiased thinking, and who are interested in finding out how things are in reality, in fact, and not defending their opinions, whether they are correct or not.

When the birth of a child loomed, I began to prepare very carefully for this on many issues, including the issue of vaccinations. Having sifted through and subjected to detailed analysis a lot of materials, both anti-vaccination, pro-vaccination, and neutral academic, I came to certain conclusions. Here they are:

  1. The question of the need and usefulness of vaccinations is very, very complex, requiring special consideration and analysis for each vaccination separately; for most vaccinations there are serious arguments against their being needed at all; UNIQUELY, this question does NOT look like “all vaccinations that are given are necessary and useful”;
  2. The question of the harmlessness and absence of threats from vaccinations is very, very complex, requiring special consideration and analysis for each vaccine separately; for most vaccinations there are serious arguments that speak of a real, non-illusory danger to the health of the vaccinated child; CLEARLY this question does NOT look like “all vaccinations that are given are completely safe for the child.”
  3. Official medicine insists on the unconditional necessity and complete safety of all vaccinations; at the same time, contradicting the information leading to the conclusions in paragraphs 1 and 2, it demonstrates the absence of any serious argumentation in favor of its statements; on the contrary, it clearly demonstrates the widespread use of psychological manipulation, pressure, intimidation, deliberate outright lies, and suppression of real facts.
  4. This behavior of official medicine is not at all in the nature of a “conspiracy theory”, but is completely explainable from the standpoint of, firstly, the total corruption of medical workers and officials, who created conditions of strong material interest in the results of vaccination and complete irresponsibility for any consequences of vaccination; secondly, the general degradation of the public institution of medicine, both from the scientific-practical and moral aspects, and the actual attitude of people and physicians to medical issues as religious issues - i.e. not requiring confirmation or proof. In general, the issues of the current situation in medicine require separate consideration; Things are bad there globally, and not just in pediatrics.
  5. In order to come to the above conclusions, an impartial analysis of open information, including pro-vaccination and official information, is completely sufficient; At the same time, it is not necessary to be a specialist in immunology; general education, general common sense and mastery of logic are sufficient. A more detailed analysis of the information, delving into highly specialized biological and immunological issues, usually shows that the argument in favor of abstaining from vaccinations is even more thorough and strong. In particular, the argumentation of the thesis is practically undeniable that vaccination is a gross intervention in the immune system, although it may give resistance to a specific disease, but it deals a strong blow to the immune system as a whole.

(At this point, another small digression away from medicine to politics and psychology. People tend to believe that the authorities and, in general, any higher authorities initially treat them favorably, are, so to speak, good, care about the entire people as a whole. And , despite minor reasons to be dissatisfied with the authorities, it is difficult for people to even theoretically perceive the concept that the authorities can be hostile to the people. Purely psychologically, it is easier to reject this concept, since it is sometimes very unpleasant to obey the authorities in one way or another; family, albeit a very harsh one - you feel oppressed, but protected; it’s another thing to obey an unambiguous enemy: you feel like a slave who is in danger of death. Therefore, people are often inclined to reject without reasoning any statements that the authorities are doing certain things. obviously hostile to the people and to you personally. Although at present the simplest analysis of reality shows that nothing else can explain what is happening.

In our countries, the authorities are essentially an occupation administration that acts not for the benefit of the people, but for the benefit of foreign occupiers. Their interests include, among other things, the systematic reduction of the population “peacefully”. The simplest powerful directions of influence visible to the naked eye in this vein are the stimulation of alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, and informational influence aimed at reducing the birth rate. In addition to these large ones, there are dozens of smaller, bearing fruit, actions of the authorities against the people (destruction of education, public morality, family values, normal healthcare, etc.), but this is not the topic of this article. So, based on this, I consider it extremely important to have the correct psychological attitude towards any actions, any initiatives of the authorities. We do not and cannot know all their secret thoughts and desires. However, if we believe that the authorities are, in principle, benevolent towards the people, then we should trust all their initiatives. And if we believe that the authorities are, in principle, hostile to the people, then we should initially perceive all their initiatives with skepticism, treat them as hostile until the contrary is proven. As I already said, psychologically it is not easy. However, you also need some kind of responsibility towards your children. To consider that your psychological comfort is more important than their life and health is somehow not quite adult-like.

So, knowing and seeing how the authorities disregard the health of the people and maliciously destroy it, I just can’t believe that the pressure they constantly put on vaccinations - expanding the list of vaccinations, increasing the number of people vaccinated, arises from nowhere vaccinations against bird flu, swine cough, atypical diarrhea and other unknown Japanese crap - that all this pressure from the authorities is carried out in a fit of concern for the welfare of the people. And opposite assumptions come easily)

(finishing about vaccinations, I want to say that I deliberately did not touch upon the discussion of specific issues of argumentation against vaccinations. Because this has already been done before me, repeatedly, efficiently and in full; why do an abstract if you can read the primary sources.)

Victor Sergienko

“Vaccinations are a huge fraud... They have not saved a single life, but they have caused so much illness and death...” - Alfred Russell Wallace
The harm of vaccinations: 25 reasons to refuse vaccinations

To understand how dangerous vaccines are, it is enough to mention the fact that for 10 years, not a single doctor or executive of US pharmaceutical companies has dared to drink a mixture of standard additives found in most vaccines, in the same amount as, in accordance with the recommendations of the US Center for Disease Prevention and Control 2000, received by a six-year-old child. This is despite the promised reward of over $100,000.
If this fact seems unconvincing to you, read the following facts:

1. A one-month-old child weighing 5 kg receives the same dose of vaccine as a five-year-old child weighing 18 kg. Newborns with an immature immune system that has not yet developed receive a dose 5 times higher (relative to body weight) than older children.

2. International studies show that vaccinations are one of the causes of SIDS - sudden infant death syndrome.

3. Almost always, childhood infectious diseases are benign and go away on their own. In addition, they lead to the development of lifelong immunity, while vaccine immunity is only temporary, so there is repeated vaccination.

4. Lifelong immunity is then transmitted from the mother through the placenta to her unborn child; vaccine immunity is not transmitted through the placenta.

5. There are no scientific studies to determine whether vaccines actually prevent disease. The incidence graphs rather show that vaccinations were introduced at the end of the epidemic period, when the disease was already in its final stages.

6. There are no long-term studies of vaccine safety. Only short-term tests are carried out, where vaccinated subjects are compared with a group that received another vaccine. In fact, you need to compare with a group of unvaccinated people.

7. Independent private studies (Dutch and German) found that vaccinated children get sick much more than their unvaccinated peers. If you stop vaccinating children, their health improves markedly.

8. The child receives not one, but many vaccinations. There are no tests to determine the effectiveness of combination vaccines.

10. Children are vaccinated simply because their parents are intimidated. Vaccinating children is the most profitable business for both vaccine manufacturers and doctors.

11. Children who are breastfed are injected with powerful vaccine toxins, which contradicts all logic and science.

12. Vaccines contain heavy metals (mercury, aluminum), carcinogens, pesticides, live and genetically modified viruses, serum containing animal viruses and foreign genetic material, extremely toxic decontaminants and excipients, untested antibiotics, none of which can be administered without causing harm to the body.

13. The vaccines contain blood serum not only from chimpanzees and other apes, but also from cows, pigs, chickens, horses, and even human blood serum and tissue extracted from aborted fetuses.

14. Deaths and permanent disabilities due to vaccinations are very common and are well known to the medical community. The government prohibits doctors from disclosing this and linking such cases to vaccinations.

15. Most childhood infectious diseases have few serious consequences in the modern world. Not only are most infectious diseases rarely dangerous, but they can play a vital role in the development of a strong, healthy immune system. People who have not had measles have a higher incidence of some skin diseases, degenerative bone and cartilage diseases, and some tumors, and those who have not had mumps have a higher risk of ovarian tumors.

16. Many doctors claim that illnesses in childhood are needed to train the immune system. By suppressing these diseases, we leave the immune system undeveloped, causing the emergence of various autoimmune disorders such as diabetes and arthritis, which have become epidemic today.

17. In the United States, post-vaccination complications are recorded, and the government pays millions of dollars in compensation to victims. In the CIS countries you will not be compensated for anything; you will have to go to doctors yourself and treat complications by buying expensive medicines.

18. The BCG vaccine (for tuberculosis) in America and Europe was recognized as completely ineffective and was abandoned.

19. Oral polio vaccine (OPV) causes polio and other neurological and gastrointestinal disorders in children.

20. The Hepatitis B vaccine, recently introduced, is not intended for children at all; it is a sexually transmitted disease vaccine that should only be reserved for promiscuous adults.

21. Tetanus serum contains both aluminum and mercury, as well as tetanus toxoid - any of these components can cause irreparable harm to the human body.

22. The measles vaccine is a vaccine that regularly causes serious post-vaccination complications.

23. According to the results of various independent studies, especially Dutch and the latest German, which compare vaccinated and unvaccinated children, it has been established that vaccinated children are prone to asthma, dermatitis, allergies, hyperactivity, etc.

24. The effect of vaccines on a child’s developing brain is very great and can lead to speech and behavior disorders and even dementia. A significant body of research has demonstrated conclusively that the practice of childhood vaccinations can lead to serious brain damage through multiple mechanisms. Because a baby's brain develops rapidly between the third trimester and age two, it is at serious risk.

25. Vaccine production is the most profitable pharmaceutical business. Billions of dollars are being made by vaccine firms.

If you still decide to vaccinate your child, then do it as late as possible, because:

During the entire period of breastfeeding, the baby is protected by antibodies transmitted to him through mother's milk. And only six months after the last breastfeeding, this protection disappears! Then you need to take an immunological blood test for the presence of certain antibodies, and only after this can you be vaccinated (unless, of course, you decide to refuse vaccination altogether) against those diseases for which antibodies to which are not found in the blood.

A child’s immunity is finally formed only by the age of 6. And any intervention (especially something as crude as vaccination!) in this natural process can lead to irreversible consequences and affect the rest of your life. If you still decide to vaccinate your child, then it is better to start doing it after 5-6 years!

Have you had any vaccinations???

They remain a topic of fierce controversy between parents and pediatricians. There are many pros and cons of vaccinations, and in order to understand whether your child needs vaccination, you should look at the situation from different angles.

First, let's try to understand what the vaccine is and how it works. In a normal situation, when a microbe enters the body, it is attacked by the immune system, which perceives it as a foreign body, and therefore begins to produce antibodies corresponding to these antigens. It is through this that the body begins to fight the disease. When vaccinated, weakened or dead antigens that could cause the disease are artificially introduced into the body - this avoids the disease itself, but forces the immune system to begin producing antibodies.

Considering all the pros and cons of vaccinations, experts always note that the risk of developing symptoms of a particular disease is always present. However, during vaccination, a child is much less likely to get sick than if he is not vaccinated at all.

Adherents of vaccination argue that regular vaccinations help protect not only a particular child, but also his immediate environment, including other children in school, kindergarten, etc. It is also important that it is mass vaccinations that help prevent the occurrence of epidemics. It is thanks to vaccinations that humanity has been able to defeat many dangerous diseases that have even threatened entire nations for centuries (among them diphtheria, measles, smallpox, polio and others). Many experts argue that the benefits of vaccination far outweigh any possible risks.

However, speaking about all the pros and cons of vaccinations, it would be inadmissible not to look at the other side of the coin. So, what could be the reasons for your child?

First, many vaccinations can cause complications. For example, three-month-old babies often have a very difficult time. Their temperature may rise (up to 40 degrees), and swelling may occur. In this case, parents have to call a doctor.

Many vaccinations, including the most common chickenpox vaccine, can cause allergic reactions. In tender childhood, they are especially dangerous, and therefore even those parents who are supporters of vaccination should definitely consult with the pediatrician who is monitoring the baby.

When discussing the pros and cons of vaccinations, it is worth noting another important nuance. It lies in the fact that in our country children are given too many vaccinations. In fact, the body is often exposed to a variety of viruses (albeit weakened ones). And this is what can cause unexpected reactions in the body. In European countries, this was decided in a different way: children receive only basic vaccinations, and the rest - as needed (for example, in the event of a threat of epidemic).

So is it worth doing? The pros and cons in this regard can be very different. However, the wisest decision is to listen to the advice of two specialists: a pediatrician who constantly monitors the child, and an immunologist (he will be able to give recommendations on when it is best to vaccinate).

Parents often wonder whether their child should be vaccinated or whether it is better to refuse vaccination. Vaccinations act against dangerous diseases, which in some cases result in disability. Vaccination is carried out to develop immunity to a specific disease. It is important to correctly assess how great the risk of refusing an injection is, and to understand that adverse reactions from vaccination may cause less harm than the consequences of the disease itself.

In addition, sending a child to a preschool without a certificate of vaccinations is very problematic. By the time you enter kindergarten, it is advisable to have all the required vaccinations.

Why is vaccination carried out, is it mandatory?

Immunity protects the body from pathological microbes and viruses coming from the outside. There are innate and acquired (adaptive) immunity:

  • Congenital is formed in the embryonic state and is hereditary in nature. It is responsible for the immunity of the child’s body to a specific type of virus.
  • Adaptive immunity develops as a child develops throughout life. The immune system is rebuilt, adapts to new viruses and protects a person from them.

The immune system recognizes the virus that has entered the body, and antibodies are produced that intensively multiply and absorb the viral cell, killing it. After such a fight, several antibodies remain in the body. These are “memory cells” that instantly multiply and are activated if the virus re-enters the blood. Thanks to “memory cells,” the child does not get sick a second time; he has already developed adaptive immunity. Vaccination is aimed at developing acquired immunity in a person.

There are live (a weakened virus is injected) and inactivated (a dead virus is injected) vaccines. After both procedures, the mechanism for the development of “memory cells” is launched, which in the future protect the baby from illness. When using inactivated vaccines, complications are excluded, because The child is injected with a dead virus. After live vaccines, the baby may develop a mild form of the disease, which will help avoid severe disease in the future.

In Soviet times, childhood vaccination was mandatory, and the question of choice was not so pressing. Nowadays, children are vaccinated with the written consent of their parents, and they have the right to refuse the procedure. At the same time, parents take responsibility for the risks associated with the likelihood of infection of the baby - the child will not have adaptive immunity to the virus.

List of vaccinations for children of different ages

There is a vaccination calendar according to which children are vaccinated (more details in the article:). However, strict adherence to all deadlines is not always possible. After a child has had a cold, a certain amount of time must pass before the pediatrician allows vaccination. Due to this, the dates indicated in the calendar may vary. However, if the plan is revaccination (re-vaccination to consolidate acquired immunity), then you should not delay the timing.

When revaccinating, it is important to strictly observe the time between vaccinations, otherwise these procedures may be useless.

AgeName of vaccinationSerial number of vaccination
1 dayHepatitis B1
3-7 dayBCG (against tuberculosis)1
1 monthHepatitis B2
3 monthsDTP (whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus)/ poliomyelitis/ pneumococcal infection1/ 1/ 1
4 monthsDTP (whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus)/ poliomyelitis/ pneumococcal infection/ hemophilia (children at risk) (we recommend reading:)2/ 2/ 2/ 1
6 monthsDTP (whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus)/ poliomyelitis/ hepatitis B/ hemophilia (children at risk) (we recommend reading:)3/ 3/ 3/ 2
12 monthsMeasles, rubella, mumps1
6 yearsMeasles, rubella, mumps (more details in the article:)2
7 yearsMantoux (see also:)2

A special place is occupied by the annual flu vaccination, which can be given to children over 6 months of age. At the height of the epidemic, the risk of catching the virus is very high, especially among children attending kindergarten and school. Flu can cause complications on internal organs and the musculoskeletal system. In general, seasonal influenza vaccination is voluntary, but highly desirable. This vaccination must be done in advance. In the midst of an epidemic, there is no point in getting vaccinated. When do doctors recommend influenza vaccination? It is optimal to administer the vaccine 3-4 weeks before the outbreak of the epidemic.

Children attending kindergartens and schools are recommended to receive an annual flu vaccination

Another pressing question is whether a child with minor cold symptoms can be vaccinated? No, it is important to vaccinate only a fully developed baby after a thorough examination by a pediatrician.

Typical reactions to vaccination

After vaccination, certain reactions may occur that are acceptable: redness and swelling of the injection site, fever, headache, general malaise, moodiness. These symptoms disappear within 2 days. The most severe side effects occur after DTP vaccination: the temperature can rise to 39ºC and last up to 3 days. The baby should be given antipyretics (Nurofen, Calpol, Tsefekon suppositories) and provided with rest.

What medications can be given for redness and itching? Antihistamine drops Zyrtec, Fenistil, Suprastin will help best.

Arguments for vaccination

Vaccinations protect children from many diseases for which there are no preventive drugs. Vaccination is the only possible way to prevent a baby from contracting whooping cough, tetanus, polio, and tuberculosis.

According to experts, vaccination does not provide 100% protection against the disease, but it significantly reduces the risk of infection. A vaccinated child, if he gets sick, will survive the disease much easier, without dangerous complications.

Some vaccines provide active protection in the first years after the vaccine is administered, and then their effect decreases. For example, adaptive immunity against whooping cough disappears as the child grows. However, it is dangerous to get whooping cough before the age of 4 years. At this age, the disease threatens the baby with rupture of blood vessels and severe pneumonia. Only a vaccination done according to plan (at 3, 4 and 6 months) will protect the child from a terrible infection.

Arguments in favor of vaccination:

  • formation of adaptive (acquired) immunity against pathogens of dangerous and fatal diseases;
  • mass vaccinations make it possible to suppress outbreaks of viral infections and prevent the development of epidemics of measles, rubella, mumps, polio, tuberculosis, hepatitis B and many other diseases that can result in a child’s disability;
  • an unvaccinated child is faced with unspoken “barriers” when entering a kindergarten or going to a country summer camp - registration of a child in any institution, including school, requires a vaccination certificate and an immunization card;
  • Vaccinations for children under one year of age and older are carried out under the supervision of medical personnel who are responsible for this.

It is also important to vaccinate a completely healthy person. After suffering from acute respiratory viral infections, you should maintain an interval of 2 weeks and properly prepare the baby for the administration of the vaccine. Revaccination (re-immunization) must be carried out within strictly established periods. These simple rules will allow you to achieve maximum effect with a minimum of side effects.

Before vaccination, you must make sure that the child is completely healthy

Arguments against

Many parents believe that newborn babies do not need to be vaccinated, because they already have innate immunity, and chemical vaccine preparations will destroy it. However, the effect of preventive vaccinations is aimed at developing and strengthening adaptive immunity, and they do not affect innate immunity in any way. Therefore, understanding the principle of operation of the immune system, we can safely refute this argument.

Opponents of vaccination cite side effects and possible complications. In some cases, newborns develop redness and suppuration at the injection site, allergic reactions, fever - this is the body’s response to the introduced strains of viruses, which is an acceptable norm. Serious complications occur extremely rarely and are caused by a violation of the vaccination technique, poor quality of the medicine, or violation of its storage conditions.

The greatest danger is posed by complications due to individual intolerance to the drug. It is almost impossible to predict such complications.

Why can’t you get preventive injections for serious diseases? Parents give a lot of arguments in favor of refusal:

  • the effectiveness of vaccines has not been fully proven;
  • newborns are not given a full medical examination;
  • the immune response in a newborn is very weak (especially in the first week, when the 2 main vaccinations are given - BCG and hepatitis), so vaccination does not give the desired effect and will only cause harm;
  • diseases are easily tolerated in early childhood and do not have serious consequences (rubella, measles) - this opinion of parents is wrong;
  • the percentage of complications after vaccination is high, there is no individual approach to each child;
  • inadequate quality of vaccines, unknown manufacturers, irresponsible approach of medical personnel to the storage of drugs.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Do you need to have your children vaccinated? The famous doctor Komarovsky answers this question in great detail. In his opinion, after any vaccination there remains a small chance of getting sick. However, the outcome of the disease will not be so dire, and the baby will suffer a mild form of the disease. The main thing is to follow a specific schedule, which can be drawn up individually, taking into account the characteristics of the child’s body.

The famous pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky is of the opinion that vaccination is a highly effective way to protect children from dangerous infectious diseases

In order for the immune system to respond correctly to the vaccine and be able to produce the required amount of antibodies, the baby must be completely healthy. What points should parents take into account? Komarovsky gives some useful tips:

  • do not experiment with new foods, do not introduce complementary foods several days before vaccination;
  • keep the child on a diet for a day before vaccination so as not to overload the digestive tract;
  • do not eat food one hour before and one hour after vaccination;
  • ensure proper drinking regime in the amount of 1-1.5 liters of water per day to flush toxins from the vaccine from the body;
  • After vaccination, you should not visit crowded places, avoid being in the scorching sun and beware of drafts.

Possible consequences of refusing vaccinations

Refusal to vaccinate risks possible serious illnesses throughout your life. The child will come into contact with other children, attend children's institutions and public events, and if a carrier of the disease is present nearby, he will certainly become infected. The consequences of diseases, which can only be protected from by professional vaccinations, can be extremely severe, even death. If an unvaccinated baby gets sick, he will spread the disease and infect other members of his family. However, parents have the right to refuse vaccinations by signing the appropriate documents in advance.