A short story about a pet. Children's stories about animals. Save a kitten from the street

My favorite animal is a cat. Since childhood I wanted to have a cat. And finally, my dream came true - a kitten appeared at home. His name is Timofey, but for now for everyone he is Timosha, Timka, Timulka.

The kitten is purebred and requires special care. He will grow into a huge beautiful cat. In the meantime, he is small and, like all children, very cheerful. My kitten is white with gray spots. He has small paws with which he steps completely silently, especially if he is sneaking. He has small pink pads on his paws. They help him walk so quietly. In moments of danger, Timosha releases sharp claws and can scratch.

The kitten sits in a special way. He puts his front paws slightly forward and can sit for a long time and carefully watch everyone.

The kitten's head is round and also white. Only the mustache is black and very long. Timka's nose is black, like satin, and at the same time always cold. The ears are pointy and fluffy. Timokha is small, he is not even two months old. But despite this, he has sharp teeth and claws. The kitten likes to bite, but it doesn’t hurt at all when playing. He grabs the finger with his teeth and squeezes it. But when I say that it hurts me, he understands and immediately stops biting.

Timoshka is a big gourmet. Most of all, the kitten loves fish, especially fresh fish. He immediately pounces on her and eats with great appetite, even purring with pleasure. Having had his fill, he leaves the fish on the plate to eat later. Feeling hungry, he asks to eat himself. Then Timka starts running around his legs and scratching. He always eats carefully, without taking pieces out of the plate. He loves warm milk very much.

If Timoshka wants to sleep, he is capricious, like a small child. He sleeps wonderfully. Putting his head on his paws, he hides his nose in a pillow or covers it with his tail and closes his eyes. But he is a light sleeper. Grandmother says that Timoshka is not sleeping, but dozing. As soon as you rustle somewhere, the kitten immediately wakes up. He opens his eyes, raises his ears, ready to rush “at the enemy” at any moment.

Timka's favorite pastime is playing. He, like all little ones, loves to play. There is no end to his pranks: either he lies on his back and starts playing with my hands, or from around the corner he throws himself right at my feet. But most of all the kitten loves to play with a small ball. He runs after him and tries to bite him with his sharp teeth. And when this fails, he gets angry. The kitten begins to meow threateningly and pushes the ball with its paw. Timoshka even knows how to dance. He very funny stands on his hind legs, raises his front legs and starts spinning, trying to reach the piece of paper. Sometimes, not reaching it, he falls to the floor and somersaults over his head. Then he gets offended and moves away. His eyes become sad and sad. In fact, my friend's eyes are very beautiful. When the baby rubs gently at my feet and purrs softly, his eyes are green-green. But as soon as he gets angry, his eyes become completely dark, almost black. At such moments, the fur on the back rises up, and the tail arches. That's why I always try to calm the kitten down and say something kind to him.

Timosha is a very smart kitten. Sometimes it even seems to me that he understands human speech, he just doesn’t know how to talk himself. But he also has his own language. When Timka is happy and full, he meows affectionately and rubs himself against his legs. If you make him angry, he grumbles like a wild animal.

I tried to train the kitten, and now he knows how to give his paw. For this he gets something tasty. Our Timoshka is very clean. Every day he sits down on the rug, licks his paw with his pink tongue and begins to wash his face, head and even ears with it. Just like a person. On Saturdays we bathe him in a small bath. After bathing, the kitten's fur becomes beautiful, clean and shiny. He rejoices at this and purrs gratefully.

I really want our Timoshka to grow up faster and turn into a big beautiful cat, Timofey.

Stepanova Elena (9th grade)

I have a dog, his name is Mukhtar, but I mostly call him mukha. He responds to this nickname, which means he understands that they are addressing him specifically. The fly on the nose appeared as a puppy. He was so small, I even saw his eyes open. They are born completely blind. I saw his first steps, it was so funny to watch him sway from side to side like a clumsy bear.

When he grew up a little, I started teaching him all sorts of commands. I taught him to walk next to me, when I gave him a command, he carried it out, it was so cool and he liked it too. He even learned to fetch a stick, and most of all he loved to play with a ball. Mukha brought it to me and asked me to play with it. He and I constantly run after each other when we go for walks. He likes it that way. When I hide from him, and he can’t find me, the fly starts barking, I guess you can say, and so come out, I give up. I love him so much, my Mukhtar.

About the dog.

Everyone knows that a dog is man's friend. She is devoted to a person and can even sacrifice her life for him! Probably no one remembers the moment when a dog became a pet. It seems like it has always been this way.

A dog is not just a friend - it is an assistant in various matters. For example, I recently saw photographs on the Internet where a dog is holding an open newspaper from its owner, who is eating and reading at the same time. But here she sits, and her muzzle serves as a kind of shelf for washed linen, which the owner puts in the closet. She can be a great companion for a lonely person!

The dog often serves as a guide for the blind. She helps the police find criminals based on the trail they leave. And at customs he is an excellent smuggling detective! A specially trained dog will detect drugs and even weapons. The dog faithfully serves with the border guards, protecting its state. It protects various premises and special-purpose objects. A dog can also help in war. She will carry out the wounded and can even deliver cargo.

There are also sled dogs. They are most common on the server. For example, a breed such as the Samoyed dog. This amazing animal is completely white in color and has beautiful wool, which is used to make medicinal back belts for humans. This breed name surprises many. But you need to know that she does not eat herself. It’s just the name of the tribe of people who bred them. Although they didn't eat themselves either. In general, it is believed that this breed of dogs does not have the gene for aggression, so they should not even wear a strict collar so that the dog does not withdraw into itself. This is a true friend and helper for any family or single person. And yet, she barks so loudly that she can wake up the entire neighborhood! Therefore, you also need to look for a better watchman.

My pet is a dog

Many of my friends have cats, fish, hamsters, and rats at home. And my favorite pet is a dog, which I want to talk about in my essay.

My dog ​​White lives at home, he is now two years old. And he came to us very simply: my mom and dad came to the bird market to buy a little kitten. At one point we passed by a grandfather who had a tiny white lump sitting in a box. It was very cold, and the puppy shrank and shivered all over from the cold. We couldn't pass by. It turned out that the puppy was being given away for free to good hands. They didn’t ask for money for him because he was a mongrel. Grandfather said that he would grow into a medium-sized dog, and that we would definitely not get bored with him. Without thinking twice, we decided to take the dog home.

The next day we took White to the vet who said he was completely healthy and about two months old. True, due to the fact that he was vaccinated, it was possible to walk with him only after a month.

White, indeed, turned out to be very cheerful and playful. The first few days, of course, he got used to the apartment and was very modest. But over time, he began to feel like a full-fledged member of the family.

I trained White a lot, and now on command he can sit, lie down, give a paw, jump over a barrier, fetch a toy or stick, dance and a lot more. White is a very smart dog, he understands everything at a glance.

We feed White porridge with meat and vegetables. Most of all he likes buckwheat with beef and carrots.
I take long walks with White, especially in the evening. In the summer, he and I will go to the village to visit our grandparents.
White is the best dog. Our whole family is just happy that we picked him up from the bird market that day. He gives us many joyful moments. White is my best friend, and I love him very much.

Option 4

It’s not for nothing that a dog is said to be man’s best friend. Her devotion knows no bounds. This is the creature for whom you are all life. She is ready to give her life for you. Coming home, I see joyful eyes that are filled with sincere love and devotion. She worries with me when I’m in a bad mood and rejoices when I’m positive.

She very subtly senses any fluctuation in my mood.

I can't help but be pleased by the fact that dogs only recognize one owner throughout their lives. This once again shows their devotion to man.

Any pet is a full-fledged member of the family, but only a dog will be completely happy about this, because its distant ancestors have a herd lifestyle and a strict hierarchy.

Any dog ​​needs training, and I can safely be proud that I take part in it, enjoying the results of my work when it follows my commands. At such moments, I feel an incredible connection between my four-legged friend and me.

Dogs come in different breeds, some are for protection, some are for herding livestock, others are simply a sweet delight to the eyes with their presence. And each of them is not just a cute creature.

Each dog has its own character, which is very important when choosing a particular breed. For me, the important criteria are devotion, love and protection. But not only we can give love to a dog, but she can too.

Dogs are one of the smartest creatures on our planet. She can think, evaluate the situation, show feelings, and even sometimes, when she breaks her mother’s favorite vase, shyly lower her eyes to the floor. At such moments I already want to protect her.

A dog is one of the few animals that will live with you throughout your life, hour after hour, because dogs are very emotionally connected to their owner and dependent on him.

I immediately involuntarily recall the words of the Little Prince: “...we are responsible for those we have tamed...”. The dog will always find its way home, will always sit faithfully at the door waiting to be let in, fed, walked or played.

A text about a dog is usually asked in grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7

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Pets always surround the child. In some families, cats, dogs, and rabbits are their favorites. In others - turtles or guinea pigs, even more exotic ones, for example, iguanas. All of them are our four-legged friends since childhood. I really want to tell my friends and relatives about them, especially since they teach this very topic at school. About (2nd grade) will be discussed in this article. This material can serve as a good help both for children planning to write an essay on a given topic, and for parents who traditionally help them with this.

How to make a plan

So, where do we begin to plan a story about a pet (2nd grade)?

A story about a cat

“Once my mother and I bought a little kitten, he was very tiny and fit on his mother’s folded palms. We named him Tikhon, and affectionately Tishka.

Tisha has grown up a little. His fur is long and the color is white and red. The paws are thick and pink on the pads, there are almost no claws. And he himself is affectionate and gentle. He comes and purrs in the evenings in the arms of his mother or me. He also loves to be petted and scratched under the chin.

A little more time passed, and my mother and I learned that it was a cat. But that’s okay, I didn’t even have to change my name: Tishka remained that way. Moreover, she already responds to her nickname and runs to the kitchen, especially if she is given food. And soon we are expecting kittens and will distribute them to all our friends.

I love Tisha because she is affectionate and purrs. It’s also very funny that we bought a cat, but in the end we got a cat, but this is even better!”

A story about a pet: a dog

“I’ve been wanting a dog for three years now. Something that’s not too big and very friendly, like a spaniel, for example. And for my birthday they gave me a puppy. I named him Rocky. And he’s already starting to respond to his name.

He is fluffy, his ears hang almost to the floor, and his colors are white, gray and black. Very sociable and affectionate. You come home from school, and he jumps around and barks - he greets you. He is still very small and sleeps on my bed, but his mother wants to move him to her place near the door.

Sometimes we go for a walk with Rocky. We have to put him on a leash, but he doesn’t like it very much. He also chases pigeons and sparrows on the playground!”

How to write a short story about my favorite animal? It's very simple. In this article you will find several examples of such stories about both pets and wild animals from the forest. You yourself can compose any similar story using a simple scheme: first you name this animal, then describe its appearance, what is characteristic of it (for example, long ears, a short tail, beautiful fur, smart eyes - everything that seems characteristic of it to you). this animal).

Then describe a little about its habits, what it can do, how it helps people, or how you take care of it, how this animal plays, where it lives, what its favorite food is, and so on. At the end you can write a short conclusion about why you like this animal. The main thing you may need is a supply of adjectives about animals, the ability to use verbs in, and you can check the correct spelling of your essay for free on the website: www.paperrater.com.

Animal stories:

My favorite animal is a dog

My favorite pet is my dog. His name is Larry. He is white with a bit of brown. He has long fur and a short tail. He is very cute and funny. When he hears my voice his tail is wagging. He likes eating meat, cakes and even chocolate. He lives in our house. All my family likes to play with him. Larry loves to run in the fields. He often follows me around the house with a small ball in his teeth and drops it on my foot, so I will kick it. Larry takes care of me. If someone approaches me, he starts to bark. But he never bites. All these reasons show why I really love my wonderful dog Larry.

My favorite pet is my dog. His name is Larry. It is mostly white with some brown. He has long fur and a short tail. He is very cute and funny. When he hears my voice, his tail wags in a friendly manner. He loves to eat meat and cakes. He lives in our house. My whole family loves playing with him. Larry loves to run in the fields. He often follows me around the house with a small ball in his mouth and drops it on my leg for me to kick. Larry takes care of me. If someone comes near me, he starts barking. But he never bites. All of these reasons show why I truly love my wonderful dog Larry.

My favorite animal is cat

My favorite pet is my little cat. Its name is Musya. Her color is white, gray and a little reddish. She has very sharp teeth and yellow eyes. I take care of my cat. She has soft fluffy fur. She cleans it by her selves, but I also keep her neat and clean. I feed Musya healthy dry food and milk, but she also likes fish and meat. She is playful. Sometimes she is scratching me with her claws. Musya likes to go out in our garden where she eats some grass and climbs a tree. Sometimes she catches mice or birds. I like playing with my cat very much.

My favorite pet is my little cat. Her name is Musya. She is white with gray and reddish. She has very sharp teeth and yellow eyes. I take care of my cat. She has soft fluffy fur. She cleans it herself, but I keep hers clean and tidy too. I feed Musya healthy dry food and milk, but she also loves fish and meat. She's playful. She sometimes scratches me with her claws. Musya loves to go outside in our garden, where she eats grass and climbs trees. Sometimes she catches mice or birds. I really like playing with my cat.

My favorite animal is horse

My favorite animal is a horse. Its name is Mila. Its color is brown. She is very tall and strong. Her teeth are very big and her tail is bushy and long. Horses are very useful. Mila lives on a farm and she helps farmers in their work. She likes eating grass, hay, apples, carrots and bread. Mila runs very fast. She is very friendly. I love to feed her, to take care of her, and I love riding her.

My favorite animal is a horse. Her name is Mila. She's brown. She is very tall and strong. Her teeth are very large and her tail is bushy and long. Horses are very useful. Mila lives on a farm and she helps farmers with their work. She loves to eat grass, hay, apples, carrots and bread. Mila runs very fast. She is very friendly. I love feeding her, taking care of her, and I love riding her.

More short stories about my favorite animal

Hedgehog - Hedgehog

My favorite animal is the hedgehog. It has sharp spines all over its back. He can curl up into a ball. He can climb trees and swim in water. He loves to eat bugs and dig for earthworms. He uses his sense of smell to find food.

The hedgehog sleeps under stones and in tall grass. It has short legs and a short tail. He doesn't like winter. Winter is too cold for hedgehogs, so they curl up and go to sleep. A few months later they wake up and they are very hungry!

Fox - Fox

My favorite animal is fox. They look like dogs. They have triangular ears and a long and bushy tail. The fox has reddish fur and a pointed muzzle.

At night they like to catch mice and rabbits. They also eat fruits and vegetables. They live in the forest. Sometimes they go to farms to hunt chicken. Farmers don't like foxes.

There are many fairy tales about the fox. The fox is cunning and careful. I love them because they are very beautiful.

Monkey - Monkey

My favorite animal is the monkey. Monkeys have five fingers and five toes, just like humans. They have long arms and a long tail.

The monkey lives in trees in tropical forests. It is very hot in the tropical forest. They swing on the branches with great pleasure.

They love to chew fruits and leaves. Bananas are their favorite food. A group of monkeys is called a troop. Monkeys are very smart animals.

Penguin - Penguin

My favorite animal is the penguin. It is a type of bird, but it cannot fly. He waddles.
They have black and white feathers. They have black and orange beaks and black webbed feet. Penguins are good swimmers. They can jump out of the water. They live in a very cold place called Antarctica.

There is a lot of ice and the water is very cold. Penguins have a lot of fat on their bodies to keep them warm. They eat seafood, preferably fish and squid. They can lie on their stomachs and slide across the snow. I like penguins because they are so cute and wonderful.

Dolphin - Dolphin

My favorite animal is the dolphin. Dolphins live in the ocean. Dolphins have a long tail and a large fin at the top. Their skin is gray and white, and they have no hair.

They can swim very fast and jump out of the water. They are very smart. There are many varieties of dolphins. You can find them in all the oceans of the planet.

They eat fish and seafood. They can play. They can make sounds. Some species of dolphins can hold their breath for 30 minutes. Dolphins can sleep with one eye open. Dolphins are very good and friendly, and sometimes they can save people's lives.

Parrot - Parrot

My favorite bird is the parrot. The parrot is a very beautiful and intelligent bird. He lives in warm countries. Its colors are green, yellow, blue and red. It has a strong and curved beak. It eats grains, fruits, leaves, seeds, pears, nuts, and cooked rice. It can also eat worms and other insects. He washes himself every morning.

Some parrots can talk and whistle. They can imitate the human voice. Some people keep parrots in a small cage at home. Some people train parrots to do amazing things.
I love parrots because they are very beautiful, smart and can learn to do many things.

Hamster - Hamster

My favorite animal is the hamster. He has a small body, a very short tail, mustache, sharp teeth and red eyes. A hamster looks like a mouse. Hamsters love to eat seeds, vegetables, fruits and nuts. Hamsters are black, grey, honey, white, brown, yellow, red or a mixture of colors.

Hamsters are cute and smart. Typically, they sleep during the day and play at night. They carry food in their cheeks and this makes their head twice the size. It's very funny. The hamster is playful. He loves to exercise, so you should put a play wheel in his cage. I like hamsters because they are very cute and funny.

Fish - Fish

I have a goldfish and his name is Minor. He lives in a large aquarium. Minor has large black eyes and chubby cheeks. It has a long tail, which helps it swim very fast. At night he sleeps in a hole in a large stone. He's probably having some really nice fish dreams!

Minor loves to eat fish food. I feed him twice a day. Minor is a very greedy fish because he loves a lot of food. His stomach looks like it's going to burst, but he never stops eating.

I like my goldfish because he is calm and quiet, easy to take care of, and very funny. That's why my cute goldfish is my favorite pet. I absolutely adore it.

Cow - Cow

My Zorka, like all cows, has a tail, two horns, an udder, and four legs with hooves. It is black with large white spots on its sides. Zorka moos loudly. In the summer, Zorka grazes in the meadow all day, and in the evening she goes home herself, and I follow her, but in the winter she remains in the stall. She mostly eats grass and drinks water. We also give her some vegetables and bread.

In winter she eats hay and straw. There is always a large piece of salt in the corner of the stall and Zorka can lick it whenever she wants. Zorka chews all the time.

She is a friendly and smart cow. Zorka gives us milk, and her milk is very tasty. My mother milks her twice a day. Zorka is curious and calm, but she can be scared if someone wants to touch her. We make butter and cream from Zorka's milk. I love to play with my beloved Zorka, pet her and give her tidbits. She snorts funny and tries to lick my nose.


Molly is very small, with short brown fur and a white belly. She has rounded ears, a pointed nose with curly mustache, beautiful black eyes and a long tail. Molly is a very clean animal that constantly grooms itself by licking its fur.

I put shredded paper and fabrics in her crate so she can have a comfortable bed. My Molly rips fabric and makes a huge nest in the middle of which she sleeps, it's very cute.
I love her and give her the best food and care. I clean her cage every 3 weeks and give her mouse food every day. She also loves fresh vegetables, seeds, cheese, fruits and grain bars from pet stores.

Whenever I give her food, she squeaks back, “thank you!” and eats her. Most of all she loves seeds.

She gets a lot of exercise, sits on my hand when I reach her into her crate, and loves to be held. Molly is tame and pleasant.

Mice are great pets if you are willing to spend time playing with them and taming them.
I love mice because they are all unique, playful and loving animals.

Turtle - Turtle

My favorite animal is Dormouse the turtle because she is cute and easy to keep as a pet. The turtle has claws, but it is a tame animal that does not harm anyone. This reptile also has a thick, hard shell to protect itself. She uses her four plump legs to crawl. The turtle is known as an animal that is never in a hurry.

Sonia loves me and she slowly follows me around the house. She finds me and lies on her back waiting to be tickled. I tickle her, pick her up and take out some food. The turtle is mainly a vegetarian animal. It feeds on plants and sometimes worms. Sonya loves cheese and I always feed her it.

Sonya also likes to play with small balls, I roll them 30 cm and she follows them and tries to move the ball with her paws.

Some people like cats or puppies as pets, but I would definitely prefer a turtle because it has a long life. She can live more than 150 years.

I have a cat named Dunya at home. She loves to eat, sleep and guard the refrigerator.

Dunya is a whole year older than me. And that’s why I call her Evdokia Petrovna. One day she was sitting on the windowsill and a sparrow flew past. In surprise, she fell to the floor. Dunyashka was in SHOCK. And we play like this - when I say to Duna: ball, ball, she runs with her long belly, grabs a small ball in her teeth and brings it to me.

This is my cat Dunya.

My pets

I have 2 cats and a dog: the eldest cat Athena is 2 years 3 months old, the second Smurfette is 1 year 2 months old, and the dog Misty is 8 months old. Athena was the first to come into our house when she was no more than 2 months old. We took Athena from the street, we caught her for a week, when I carried her home she hissed and scratched, now she is already a calm and quiet cat. We adopted Smurfette from the shelter, her dad often called her “Pate” and it stuck. We gave Pate the nickname "Catdog" because if you throw a felt-tip pen or pencil into the hallway, she will bring it back in her teeth. Misty is a purebred Golden Retriever, we took her from the kennel. To this day, Misty has become very friendly with Pate and they have become real best friends. Well, these are the girls who live in my house.


We have a white cat, Weiss. He's very calm. Likes to take a nap. When he asks for food, he sits on a chair and taps his paw on the table. This is a very smart cat. He opens the door with his paw. He's wonderful!

Our black cat

We have a cat. His name is Drone. He loves to sleep very much. He is very fluffy, does not bite, does not scratch. He is very old and kind. He has green eyes and a snub nose. In the summer he rests in the village. He only comes into the house to eat. I saw him fight with other cats and get his paw hurt. My grandmother and I smeared the cat’s paw with green paint.

My furry happiness

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At my house there lives a small, white cat named Laska. She has blue eyes, black ears and a black tail. She is very similar to the Siamese cat breed.

The weasel loves to run and jump in trees. Weasel is a very smart cat, she can open the refrigerator with her paw and steal something tasty, and then close it, no one would have guessed about it. For the New Year we put up a Christmas tree at home.... Weasel jumped to the very top of the tree and fell asleep!!!

This is my cat...

Save a kitten from the street

I was returning home with my mother. Suddenly the door opened and a kitten fell out of the crack. He came up to us and started purring. We realized that they had thrown him out onto the street and took him in with us. Our cats immediately started hissing at him. We locked them in the hall, and in the kitchen we fed, watered and stroked the kitten. Soon we placed 2 plastic cups, one with water and the other with food.

The neighbor left him in good hands. I hope that he is happy and that he forgets his fear.

The story about my cat Musi

My cat's name is Musya. She is beautiful, her fur is gray and white, she loves to play with a fluffy dog, with a ball of paper. But most of all she loves to play with a fluffy stick. She loves to eat a lot - she eats whiskey, meat, sweets, sausages, sour cream, and much more. I take good care of my cat; I brush her 5 times a week (and even sometimes I do her hair). She is kind to me, but sometimes she bites, which means she is playing!!! She is afraid of water, the wood sucker(...

One day, this is a sad story, it was May 9 and my cat fell out of a 5th floor window... I really felt sorry for her, we took her to the hospital and the doctor said that her leg was injured and he prescribed injections. We gave injections, but she scratched, but then she became accustomed to it. And everything went away) We bought it at the market where various animals were sold, and everything was for animals, clothes, plates and much more. She loves me very much).

On White Silks

Not long ago I was walking with my friends in the yard and went home to change clothes. Mom told me that she couldn’t find our cat and thought that he was in the entrance. A simple red cat named Bucks. We started fussing and looking for Bucks. I ran out into the entrance, my mother went out onto the balcony to see if he had fallen out of the window again. Mom's friend Tanya was visiting us, she looked into the closet and saw that Bucks was sleeping on the White Silk Curtains, we are looking for him and he is enjoying himself lounging on the White Silks! =)

How is this possible?

We had a cat, Sambuca. One day we gave them food, we looked, but Sambuca didn’t eat. We were racking our brains - “what’s wrong with her?” We took her to the vet. She said there was no illness.

We thought - “the cat wanted to become a model?” And after 2 days my appetite returned!

Kitty Dusya

Well, I love cats! In our entrance, mostly in the attic, there lives a cat that everyone feeds. But when she gave birth to kittens again, I found them killed and laid out, as if for our edification, on our site. But one of the kittens was still alive! Naturally, I dragged her home to nurse her. But my cat didn’t pretend “I have nothing to do with this.” Koschenka screamed in a thin voice, and my cat grabbed her by the scruff of the neck, like a mother, and brought her to me.

I went out and cured her. But I can’t feed two cats anymore - so I asked the sleazy mechanic, while he’s still kind, to put this cat - Dusya - in the drivers’ quarters... The drivers dote on her! And two purebred dogs too - it’s amazing how they were able to immediately love and recognize this creature!

The magical properties of cats

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My cat Syoma has been living with me for two more years, but during this time he has helped me so many times. Many people do not believe that cats have the ability to heal. But strangely enough, they have this property!

I often get sick: headache, nausea, severe weakness, but when Syoma appeared at home, I began to get sick less often, and if I got very sick, then when the cat came to me, everything went away instantly.

You can talk to cats, trust them with secrets, and when you talk to them you have the feeling that you are heard and understood and that you are not talking to air. Your soul becomes lighter when talking with them and you calm down.

These are the magical properties cats have.

My favorite

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My cat is the most beautiful! She has a wonderful breed "Nevsky Masquerade"! This is a very rare breed! This cat is blue-eyed! She has long fur. She cleans herself as soon as she gets dirty!

My cat named Masya loves us very much. And he loves to play tag with me! We know how to communicate with each other - using gestures. Even though we picked her up on the street, she got very used to us.

I also love her very much and will not give her to anyone in the whole wide world! Isn't she really beautiful?!

People, please don’t offend these creatures! This is some kind of miracle!

The smartest...

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Our cat is six months old, but she is very smart....

After watching us open the door several times and knowing that she could run out for a walk on the balcony, she learned to open it herself. She does it easily, jumps up, hits the handle with her paw and runs wherever her eyes look =).. that's it!