Unconventional methods of treating bees, L. M. Kolbina, S. N. Nepeyvoda. Blue iodine - use for treatment and recipe for preparation Iodine in beekeeping

Blue iodine was first tested in medical practice in 1942 during the Great Patriotic War. The drug was given to patients with a severe form of bacillary dysentery, which was a deadly disease at that time. With the help of blue iodine, dysentery disappeared in just three days! Then they began to treat colitis and enterocolitis with blue iodine, again the results exceeded all expectations: the patients recovered literally before our eyes. Test results showed that the intestinal mucosa was cleared of bacteria already on the fifth day of treatment with blue iodine. However, the daily dose of this drug was huge and amounted to 500 g. In the treatment of other acute and chronic intestinal infections, large doses of blue iodine were also used - up to 1500-2000 g per day.

With the discovery of antibiotics and the rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry, this simple and accessible remedy was forgotten for a while. Although the side effects of chemical drugs on the human body created more and more new problems, which means more and more new drugs. After taking large doses of antibiotics, allergic reactions often develop, dysbacteriosis almost always occurs, metabolism is disrupted, and all internal organs suffer. Therefore, when treated with antibiotics, a vicious circle ensued for the patient. It is not surprising that a huge number of people suffer from chronic diseases, taking handfuls of pills in order to somehow maintain their health. So we answered the question why blue iodine has regained popularity. However, like any medicine, you need to know how to properly prepare, store, use this drug and, of course, know about its medicinal properties. This will be discussed further.

Blue iodine has all the same properties as elemental iodine, so its main task is to stimulate the activity of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for all the main functions of the body, protecting it from viruses and microbes, participating in metabolism and relieving nervous tension. Since dysfunction of the thyroid gland leads to a disorder of the central nervous system, hematopoietic processes, and a decrease in the body’s resistance to infections, blue iodine is indispensable for all these pathologies caused by iodine deficiency. It is the most powerful medicine that can quickly return the body to normal life.

. An effective remedy for solving problems with conception.

The antiviral and antibacterial properties of blue iodine make it possible to successfully use it for any acute and chronic infectious diseases. These include colitis and enterocolitis, stomach ulcers, dysentery, bloody diarrhea, poisoning, tonsillitis, stomatitis, conjunctivitis, long-term non-healing wounds and burns.

The ability to influence the composition of the blood makes blue iodine an excellent tool for combating atherosclerosis. Blue iodine lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels, cleanses blood vessels, increases the activity of leukocytes and the content of red blood cells in the blood. Blue iodine improves the elasticity of blood vessels, so it is used to treat the effects of stroke, as well as hypo- and hypertension: blue iodine helps normalize both high and low blood pressure.

Another property of blue iodine is its ability to enhance immunity. Therefore, the drug is used in the treatment of various diseases: cardiovascular, oncological, gastrointestinal, kidney and genitourinary diseases. It is especially important to regularly carry out preventive courses of treatment to prevent the disease from progressing.

Due to the sedative properties of blue iodine, it can be taken as a sedative.

Disinfecting, disinfecting and enveloping properties make blue iodine an excellent remedy against burns, especially in cases where it is impossible to find urgent medical help (at the dacha, in the forest, etc.).

There are two ways to prepare blue iodine. The first one is most often mentioned in recipes; it was actually invented by V. O. Mokhnach. We recommend preparing blue iodine using this recipe. However, the second recipe has its advantages, although it is used much less frequently. It allows you to prepare blue iodine with greater solubility, which eliminates even the slightest possibility of irritation, and even more so a burn to the mucous membrane of the throat and esophagus when consuming it. Obviously, the second recipe for preparing blue iodine is suitable for people with hypersensitivity of the skin and mucous membranes.

Recipe No. 1 (V. O. Mokhnacha)
Take a quarter glass (50 ml) of warm water and dilute 1 heaped teaspoon (10 g) of potato starch in it. Stir thoroughly and add 1 heaped teaspoon (10 g) of granulated sugar and a few crystals (0.4 g) of citric acid. Stir again.
Then cook the jelly. To do this, boil 3/4 cup (150 ml) of water and carefully and slowly pour the resulting starch solution into the boiling water. Cool the “jelly” at room temperature and pour 1 teaspoon of a 5% pharmaceutical alcohol solution of iodine into the cooled liquid. Mix everything thoroughly. “Kissel” will immediately turn blue.
The sugar and citric acid present in the solution are necessary not only to improve its taste. The acid promotes long-term storage of blue iodine, preventing its decomposition. Therefore, blue iodine prepared according to this recipe can be stored for several months without losing its properties, but it must be kept in a sealed container. Blue iodine retains its healing properties as long as it has an intense blue color.

Recipe No. 2
Take a 250 ml container and pour 1/4 cup (50 ml) of cold water into it. Dilute 1 heaped teaspoon (10 g) of potato starch in water, and then immediately 1 teaspoon of a 5% alcohol solution of iodine. Then boil 200 ml (1 glass of water) and, after cooling for 5 minutes, slowly pour into the iodide starch, stirring continuously with a spoon. You will end up with a dark blue viscous solution. This is blue iodine. It can be stored in the refrigerator for about 20 days until it loses its blue color. This is an indicator of its suitability. Blue iodine should be shaken before use.

You cannot combine blue iodine with chemical medications, especially those that lower blood pressure. If you take blue iodine during intensive treatment with medications, it can cause a negative reaction from the vegetative-vascular system - shortness of breath, palpitations, weakness and other symptoms.
. You cannot combine blue iodine with taking thyroxine, which is a thyroid hormone.
. Blue iodine is incompatible with potassium permanganate solution and silver water.
. Women should not take blue iodine during menstruation.
. Blue iodine cannot be used indefinitely, like hydrogen peroxide, for example: an overdose may occur, so periodic monitoring is necessary.
. If you have thrombophlebitis, blue iodine can be taken in very small doses, only under the supervision of a doctor.
. Blue iodine should not be taken if the thyroid gland is removed or destroyed.
. Blue iodine is compatible with traditional medicine.

Up to 25 years - once a year in the fall.
From 25 to 40 years - 2 times a year in spring and autumn.
From 40 to 50 years - 3 times a year.
After 50 - 4 times a year.

Blue iodine cannot be taken if the thyroid gland is destroyed, but it can be taken in limited doses if its functioning is disrupted. For diseases that affect the functioning of the thyroid gland (thrombophlebitis, cardiovascular, cancer, AIDS), it is necessary to start taking blue iodine with minimal doses.
To prevent iodine deficiency, it is necessary to take blue iodine in moderate, but not too small doses. The fact is that small doses of blue iodine can be not only useless, but even harmful. This was proven by V.O. Mokhnach when he tested the drug on his patients. His research showed that at a low concentration of blue iodine (1 teaspoon per day), pathogenic microbes in the human body can develop strains resistant to its action. Therefore, the optimal dose is 5 teaspoons of blue iodine per day, and the course of treatment is five days. Take blue iodine always after meals, after about 20-30 minutes.

When treating with blue iodine, there are other approaches. Firstly, it all depends on the person’s condition, and secondly, on the disease. General approaches for an undestroyed, full-fledged thyroid gland are as follows: take 8 teaspoons once a day, 30 minutes after meals, washed down with simple jelly. The course of treatment is 5 days, then another 5 days break. You can take 8 teaspoons every other day. The total duration of treatment is selected individually. If a person is very weakened and the illness is severe, the dose of blue iodine is reduced to 2-3 teaspoons. The duration of treatment is adjusted according to how you feel. In this case, your attending physician should know about your treatment method, because chemical therapy cannot be combined with taking blue iodine.
The duration of treatment with blue iodine depends on the presence or absence of iodine deficiency. If iodine deficiency is still observed, feel free to continue taking it. If the body is already saturated with iodine, you can stop treatment. Each person has their own need for this element.

“Blue iodine” is used to prevent and eliminate iodine deficiency, sudden weight gain or loss. “Blue iodine” reduces cholesterol in the blood, cleanses blood vessels, increases the activity of leukocytes and the content of red blood cells in the blood, strengthens the immune system, and has a positive effect on the hormonal system as a whole.

Internal: 1-4 tsp. for one glass of cool drinking water 1-2 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. for iodine deficiency, intoxication (alcohol and food), stomatitis, alveolitis, periodontal disease, toothache, sore throat, flu, tonsillitis, tuberculosis, sinusitis, rhinitis.
Dyspepsia, colitis of various etiologies, peptic ulcers, diarrhea, flatulence, chemical burns of the esophagus, chlamydia, dysfunction of the liver and pancreas.

External: for trichomoniasis, fungal infections of the vagina, urethra, cervical canal, thrush, fungal infections of the skin, conjunctivitis, burns of the eyeball, herpetic keratitis, dendritic and disc keratitis.

As an additional remedy for burns in severe cases, for hemorrhoids, prostatitis, cracked nipples in nursing mothers, it is also used for the prevention of mastitis in mothers and pustular diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in newborns.

“Blue iodine” is a dietary supplement obtained by incorporating iodine into a high polymer molecule. In this case, iodine loses its toxic and irritating properties, but fully retains its activity as a microelement and antiseptic.

In this preparation, iodine is in the 1+ valence state, which is more bioavailable, unlike traditional preparations in which iodine is in the 1- valence state.

Thanks to this, “Blue Iodine” is maximally bioactive and has high bactericidal, fungicidal and helminthicidal activity, and has regenerative capabilities, which allows it to be used in large doses.

With the help of “blue iodine,” the elasticity of blood vessels improves, which makes it possible to recommend it for the treatment of not only the consequences of a stroke. Blue iodine helps normalize both high and low blood pressure. In addition, due to its sedative properties, it can be taken as a sedative. It also treats thermal and chemical burns. headache.

Recipe for “blue iodine” (Source: “Healthy Lifestyle Bulletin”): dilute 50 ml of warm water with 10 g of potato starch (1 heaping teaspoon), stir and add 10 g of granulated sugar (also a teaspoon). Boil 150 ml of water and pour the resulting starch solution into the boiling water. After cooling the resulting mixture, pour in 1 teaspoon of a 5% alcohol solution of iodine. The solution will take on an intense blue color. The drug is stored for 2-3 days. For longer storage, several crystals (0.4 g) of citric acid are added to it. At the same time, the drug does not lose its medicinal properties.

"Blue iodine" is taken to prevent iodine deficiency (There is a test that allows you to identify the body's need for iodine. Apply an iodine grid to any area of ​​the skin (except for the thyroid gland), if it disappears after a day, then the body needs iodine, if remains - which means that at this moment the body is provided with iodine) and the treatment of a number of diseases. For prevention, take it 2 times a week, 1 teaspoon once a day. If you weigh over 65 kg, the dose can be increased to 2 teaspoons. The preventive course is no more than 1 month, preferably in autumn and spring. During a flu epidemic, blue iodine is taken three times a week.

Other options for using “blue iodine”:

The first day - take 1-2 teaspoons of “blue iodine” once a day, washed down with milk or jelly, 20-35 minutes after meals. If there are no negative reactions from the body, the next day increase the dose to 4 teaspoons, continuing to drink milk. If you have an allergy, you should take two charcoal tablets on an empty stomach.

If you have previously had a heart attack, suffer from Graves' disease, or your thyroid gland, the iodine receiver in the body, may be partially impaired, then you need to determine the maximum dose of “blue iodine” that is acceptable for you. Apparently, it should not be more than 4 teaspoons. The maximum daily dose for an adult is 7-8 teaspoons of “blue” iodine. This dose should be approached gradually, increasing the dose by 1-2 teaspoons per day, and be sure to drink blue iodine with milk or jelly.

Take “blue iodine” either for 5 days in a row followed by a five-day break, or every other day. If a layer of water appears on top, stir the blue iodine or drain the water. In the latter case, you need to drink blue iodine with milk.

How long should I take blue iodine? Your intuition should tell you this. There is a known experience of taking “blue iodine” for more than 30 years in a row. You can determine your need for iodine by applying an iodine strip to your hand. If it disappears in a day, the body needs iodine; if it does not disappear, you can take a break.

"Blue iodine" retains its healing properties as long as its dark color remains. You can even wash your eyes with “blue iodine”, make compresses, for example, on sore gums, and rinse your nasopharynx. Having a deadly effect on viruses and bacteria, blue iodine at the same time has a gentle effect on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Iodine alcohol tincture can be useful either alone or in a mixture with other components. An iodine mesh applied to the chest or back is considered effective for colds and helps relieve pain in osteochondrosis (lines are drawn along the spine to the lumbar region).

The only limitation is that “blue iodine” should not be taken by people suffering from thrombophlebitis.

Numerous observations and experimental data indicate the importance of iodine not only for humans, but also for animals and plants.
Insufficient intake of iodine from food and water into the body of domestic and wild animals also causes thyroid dysfunction and the development of goiter. The addition of iodine compounds to feed and drinking water enhances productivity and increases the growth of livestock and poultry - weight, milk yield, egg production, etc. increase. Treatment of seeds with iodine increases the yield of certain agricultural crops.

Of great interest is the article by G.A. Shakaryan and his co-workers (1970), which summarized data on the concentration and duration of presence of tetracycline, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, streptomycin, pasomycin, monomycin and neomycin in the body of bees, their larvae and in honey after feeding the bees antibiotics dissolved in 1 liter of sugar syrup from calculation 250 thousand units. streptomycin and 500 thousand units each. other antibiotics in treatment

Control measures

Several dozen drugs are used to treat ascospherosis in Russia, but it has not yet been possible to eradicate this disease. One of the conditions characterizing the well-being of bees due to ascospherosis is the amount of complete food - honey and especially beebread, since the bees' need for protein increases greatly with any disease. Good honey collection increases the natural resistance of families to all diseases, including ascospherosis.

An important place in the prevention of ascospherosis is occupied by measures reducing humidity in winter huts and nests. More than 50 species of mold fungi were found in a bee nest, including Ascosphaera, so the main thing in getting rid of ascospherosis is not medicine, but year-round keeping of bees in a dry microclimate with plenty of food. For this purpose, it is necessary to place apiaries in the spring-summer period in elevated, well-aerated sunny areas, avoiding low and damp places. Keep bee colonies in stationary and nomadic apiaries on hive stands 40–50 cm high, cover the outer side walls with oil paint, and replace cotton insulation pads for winter with straw mats that absorb moisture well.

When warm weather sets in and good honey collection occurs, sick colonies with signs of severe and moderate damage (from 10 to 50 or more affected larvae per brood frame) distilled to new honeycombs and foundation, into clean and dry hives. To do this, the hive with the sick family is set aside, and a clean one is put in its place. Before its entrance, the bees are shaken off the honeycombs onto a sheet of plywood covered with white paper, and they are directed with smoke into the entrance. After the bees are driven away, the paper is burned. The brood is placed in incubators. The family is provided with the necessary conditions for the rapid growth of bees.

A sterile period is created in affected bee colonies, replacing old queens with healthy infertile ones from prosperous families.

Double shake bees method of H. Hansen (Denmark). The bees are shaken off the honeycombs into a clean hive installed in the place of the sick colony. All cells are deleted. The bees are left for 2–3 days on narrow 2–3 strips of foundation. The bees must use up all the stored – contaminated food. The uterus is placed in a Titov cage. If there is no honey flow, feed the bees moderately with sugar syrup. You can't use honey, as it may contain a pathogen. After 3 days, give frames with foundation and a new, preferably fertile uterus. Almost all families recover.

IODINE. The Academy of Beekeeping conducted research on the use of iodine with sugar syrup. 10 ml of 5% iodine tincture is diluted in 1 liter of sugar syrup and fed 100-150 ml of medicinal food per bee colony, 500 ml per bee colony. Give 3 times with an interval of 5 days. Then you can use an aqueous solution of iodine of 0.1% concentration (2 ml of 5% iodine tincture per 100 ml of boiled water) for spraying, at the rate of 10 ml per bee street with an interval of 5 days.

For the treatment and prevention of ascospherosis, you can use a 5% tincture of iodine in pine syrup. Use only freshly prepared solution (Solovieva, 2000).

HORSEtail. Silicic acid contained in horsetail has an inhibitory effect on the fungus.

Preparing the decoction: put as many “panicles” of fresh horsetail as possible into a saucepan, add water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 2 hours.

Sugar syrup is prepared using the prepared horsetail decoction (1:1) and given 1 liter per family for 5 days.

N.M. Kokorev and B.Ya. For a number of years, Chernov (2002) has successfully used feeding with sugar syrup prepared from horsetail decoction, with preliminary treatment of families by spraying with nitrofungin or tincture of iodine, achieving the disappearance of clinical signs of the disease without other measures.

Tansy and Wormwood. L.F. Solovyova (2000) recommends using water infusions of tansy and wormwood during the active period of bees’ lives, with the exception of honey collection. Tansy and wormwood greens, 200-500 g each (depending on the strength of the family), are placed under the canvas, on top of the nest and replaced after withering with fresh greens.

GARLIC. Many beekeepers use garlic (Solovieva, 2000; Chernov, 2002). Use green tops, arrows and heads of garlic. Crushed garlic greens (several leaves) are placed at the bottom of the hive under the honeycombs or on frames under the canvas. Dried greens are replaced with fresh ones. Cloves, passed through a meat grinder or crushed in a mortar, 1-2 tablespoons in volume, are wrapped in two to three layers of gauze and placed under a canvas, on top of the nest. After 4–5 days, add a fresh portion of garlic. This is done until the disease disappears completely.

Some people use native garlic juice at a 20% concentration, prepare sugar syrup (1:5) and spray a nest with bees with the resulting solution.

Preparation of medicinal syrup: for 0.5 liters of syrup 2 cloves of finely grated garlic. Give 100-150 g per family in feeders, repeat after 5 days.

NOSEMATOSIS is a very common, invasive disease of adult bees, queens and drones.

The cause of nosemotosis in honey bees is the single-celled pathogen Nosema apis. This pathogen is found in almost all bee-breeding regions, but the disease causes damage only in temperate climates with cold and unstable springs. Bee colonies suffering from this disease often experience a spring loss of bees and a small increase, which ultimately negatively affects the results of honey collection. This disease can also cause frequent self-replacement of the uterus.

The main source of invasion is nosematous families. At the end of winter, the affected bees defecate in the hive and the entire nest becomes infected with Nosema spores. Spores with feces fall on honeycombs, honey, bee bread, frames, walls and the bottom of the hive. Inventory can also become a spreader of the disease. Although nosema is at a low level in the fall, stress and bad weather conditions can cause an outbreak of the disease. If defecation occurs inside the hive, then these spores can infect other bees through hive cleaning or general feeding. However, in most cases, bees defecate outside the hive (Figure 4). The spread of the disease can occur through a water resource located near the apiary.

Nosema infections most often occur in the spring, after a long winter confinement and an unstable spring with wide temperature fluctuations, especially when the population is small and pollen reserves are depleted.

Fig. 4 Fecal deposits on the hive resulting from nosematosis. This sign is often an indicator of the presence of nosema disease

Signs of illness. The disease nosematosis is seasonal. If a colony is heavily infected, you can see bees crawling in front of the hive with outstretched wings and swollen abdomens. However, the same symptoms can be observed when bees are poisoned with pesticides, when they become paralyzed, and when other anomalies occur in adults. Sometimes bees infected with nosema do not show any visible symptoms.

Nosema infection can be determined by examining a sample of food or the digestive system of a crawling bee. Pull the abdomen and chest in opposite directions and the distended digestive tract will fall out. The normal digestive tract is tan to brown in color with distinct rings (as if “corrugated”). If the stomach has a whitish color, then this is an indicator of severe infection with Nosema. Testing 10 to 20 bees will give an approximate percentage of infected bees in a colony. This method can only identify bees with a severe form of the disease, since bees with a mild form of the disease have a normal color digestive tract. There are many Nosema spores in nature. Bees get sick with nosematosis only when their intestines are full. Nosema will manifest itself in cases of unsuitable winter food - honeydew, buckwheat honey and other dark honeys, as well as during the late autumn flight of bees.

Control measures

In case of moderate and severe damage to bees by Nosema spores, the apiary is considered unfavorable, restrictions are imposed and measures are carried out in accordance with the “Instructions on measures for the prevention and elimination of diseases, poisonings and major pests of bees.”

They remove honeycombs contaminated with bee excrement, clean the bottoms of the hives, replace food, transplant the colonies into disinfected hives and insulate the nests well.

When diarrhea appears in winter, sick families are given early clearing flyby. At the same time, the bottom is cleaned, feed supplies are checked, and if necessary, they are replaced or replenished.

As symptomatic treatment can be used ascorbic acid. The dosage of this drug has not been sufficiently studied. Sugar syrup with the addition of 1% ascorbic acid inhibits the development of nosema in infected bees. Ascorbic acid is fed in the spring at a dose of 200 mg per 1 kg of feed (kandi).

Tincture HOT RED PEPPER gives good results when treating bees from nosematosis. To do this, place 50 g of crushed pepper pods in a thermos and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist for 1 day. Then the infusion can be used:

Option 1. For 1 liter of infusion add 1 glass of granulated sugar and 1 glass of whole cow's milk. Bees are sprayed with this solution from Rosinka. Pepper cleanses the intestines of bees and enhances the egg laying of queens.

Option 2. Add 30 g of infusion to 1 liter of sugar syrup (1:1) and distribute 200 - 300 ml per family to the bees in the upper feeders at night.

Feeding Kandy with the addition of pepper infusion gives very good results.

ACETIC ACID used as an acidic fertilizer at the rate of 3 ml of essence per 10 liters of syrup. It is diluted with water, then poured into warm sugar syrup. Feed 0.5 - 1 liter per family. Used as an acidic fertilizer in early spring oxalic acid, sorrel, rhubarb.

OXALIC ACID at the rate of 0.3 g per 1 liter of sugar syrup, dissolve in a small amount of water, pour into sugar syrup and pour into feeders 0.5 - 1 liter per bee colony, depending on the strength.

SORREL and RHUBARB It is prepared as follows: take 2 kg of sorrel or rhubarb (stems and leaves) per 10 liters of water and cook until the plants are boiled. The broth is filtered and sugar syrup is prepared from it 1:1. Acidic fertilizing should be applied in the spring after cleansing flight in a dose of 0.5 to 1 liter per family, depending on its strength. Feeding is given in the evening in head feeders.

WORMORMOUS INDUCTION. Crushed leaves and young shoots of wormwood from the spring growing season are poured with rectified alcohol (10 g per 100 ml) or vodka. After 3 days, the infusion with sugar syrup is used to feed the bees. Sick and suspected families with nosematosis are fed 0.5 liters of sugar syrup, in which a tablespoon of alcoholic infusion of wormwood is stirred. The bees are given medicinal syrup 3 – 4 times with an interval of 5 – 7 days.

The most effective medicinal herbs for nosematosis are:

Aloe juice(1 teaspoon per 0.5 kg of kandi);

Calendula tincture(10 ml per 1 kg of kandi);

Juniper juice(1 teaspoon per 0.5 kg of kandi);

Young nettle juice(1 teaspoon per 0.5 kg of kandi).

Cooking Kandy take 4 kg of powdered sugar, add 1 kg of dissolved honey and 50 ml of juice or tincture of the above medicinal herbs, 4 - 5 drops of sunflower oil. Mix everything thoroughly and feed 0.5 kg to the bees.

To the 1:1 sugar syrup you can add fresh juice of aloe, nettle, garlic (10 ml/l), infusion of St. John's wort, red pepper, chamomile, rose hips (30 ml/l), tincture of calamus, calendula (5 ml/l).

You can add herbal infusions to the sugar syrup in a certain combination (per 1 liter of sugar syrup):

10 ml fresh garlic juice and 10 ml nettle juice:

5 ml calamus tincture and 5 ml calendula tincture:

30 ml of red pepper tincture and 30 ml of rosehip infusion.

In Poland, to combat nosematosis, when feeding bee colonies in winter, a decoction of horse sorrel and wormwood. From the second half of July, as well as in August, horse sorrel (the whole plant with flowers) is collected and dried in the shade in the air.

250 g of dried horse sorrel are poured into 5 liters of water and heated to a boil. The broth is infused for several hours, then filtered. A decoction of wormwood is prepared in a similar way.

To 1.5 liters of water add 0.5 liters of horse sorrel decoction and 1 - 2 tablespoons of wormwood decoction. 2 kg of sugar is dissolved in this liquid. If wormwood tincture is used, add 15 ml per 4 liters of syrup.

The syrup prepared in this way is given to the bees at least 3 times, 1 liter per family. Sometimes beekeepers give this syrup in the spring, the results are positive.

We must not forget that an acidic environment can contribute to the development of fungal diseases, in particular ascospherosis.

To prepare sugar syrup you can use pharmacy tincture of wormwood, which is added 15 ml for every 4 liters of syrup during the feeding period.

In ancient Rome, Varro and Hyginus recommended giving it to bees against nosematosis. human or cattle urine. Did it help? Historians are silent.

It's worth reminding old folk method family health: 1 g of potassium permanganate is dissolved in 1 liter of water, then 4 tbsp. spoons of this solution are added to 10 liters of sugar syrup.

Fedorov T. (2002) prepares syrup for autumn feeding using silver water. The production of silver water is described by Shostenok G. in the newspaper “Apiary of Russia” No. 11, 2002, No. 11.

Frames, hives and all wooden parts are disinfected with hot (50 - 70 0 C) 3 - 5% ash lye, 5% soda ash, 4% solution of soda-potash mixture (caspos) or hot 2% sodium carbonate solution and at the same time carefully wash off dirt and stains of bee excrement.

For disinfection, use ordinary wood ash in the form of ash liquor. When stored for more than 6 months, the ash loses alkalinity. To restore its properties, such ash is burned in a furnace.

Ash liquor is suitable for disinfection of various beekeeping objects, but it does not destroy spores of pathogens.

Ash liquor is prepared by boiling water with ash for 2 hours while stirring. To obtain lye with a 1% content of caustic alkalis, 30 kg of ash is taken per 100 liters of water.

Liquor ash solutions can be prepared by cold extraction. To do this, carbonated alkalis are converted into caustic ones by adding freshly slaked lime to an aqueous solution of ash liquor. For example, to prepare a 3% solution of ash liquor, 6 kg of ash and 1 kg of lime lime are placed in a wooden barrel and 10 liters of water are poured. The solution is kept for a day, stirring 3-4 times during this time. For disinfection, use the settled top layer of alkaline solution.

Bee pests

Pests (enemies) of bees include animal or plant organisms that damage or destroy bee bread, honey, wax, wooden parts of the hive, disrupt the food supply and destroy bees (predator). Pests cause great damage to beekeeping.

The species composition of bee pests is very diverse, and they can be found in various groups of the animal and plant world.

Earwigs. Bees are harmed by the common, garden and coastal earwigs. One hungry earwig can eat up to 300 mg of honey.

Control measures: keep the hives in dry places, free from grass. Lubricate the legs and edges of the hives with grease with the addition of 5% chlorophos. The insulating material must be dry. You can use traps in the form of a flower pot filled with hay or straw.

WASPES they kill adult bees to feed their larvae. Mass appearance of wasps in apiaries is common and is associated with the absence of other insects in nature.

In autumn, wasps enter the hive and steal food supplies. This happens early in the morning when the air temperature is low and the bees are inactive. One wasp can remove up to 36 mg of honey from a hive at a time.

Prevention. Traps are installed in the apiary (a bottle filled up to 1/3 with water, to which a small amount of fermented product is added: honey, jam, beer).

ANTS Bee eggs are carried away from weak colonies and the larvae are eaten. Sometimes they attack weakened bees at the entrance or in the field, settle in the insulation of the hives and can introduce various pathogens into the colony.

Control measures. Ants are repelled by the smell of lemon, parsley, and tomatoes.

Catnip, chrysanthemum, and table salt also have repellent properties for them.

You can use 2 parts sulfur and 1 part oregano. Oregano is dried in light heat so that it can be crushed into powder and mixed with sulfur. Dig up the ground near the hive where ants are found, pour this powder into it and mix. The ants will leave immediately.

If the ants do not leave after the first sprinkling, repeat several times.

You can sprinkle stove soot or ash near the hive. They sprinkle 2 - 3 circles around the hive.

Ants immediately leave bee nests as soon as you put wormwood in them, which is completely harmless to bees. To do this, 5-6 branches of freshly picked green wormwood should be placed on top of the insulation and under the bottom of the hive. You can spray the roof and bottom of the hive with a steep wormwood and lightly salted decoction (5 g of salt per 1 liter of water) or pollinate them with wormwood flour obtained by grinding well-dried leaves.

LARGE and SMALL WAX MOTH (Bee moth, moth, moth). Moth caterpillars prefer dark honeycombs, which contain a large amount of cocoon remains, over light, newly built ones. Theoretically, three generations of five pairs of moths, with unhindered reproduction, can destroy about 500 kg of land containing 300 kg of pure wax.

Control measures: keeping strong bee colonies in the apiary.

For control purposes, special traps can be used in the apiary. Take glass jars with a capacity of 1 liter and fill them to 3 - 4 cm bread kvass. Traps are placed on the roofs of hives and in honeycomb storage areas. Attracted by the smell of kvass, wax moth butterflies end up in jars and drown.

Smell of leaves dried hops repels moths. Dry the hops and pour the frames with drying material.

Its scent also repels moths. dried mint. It must be collected during flowering and laid out on frames in a honeycomb storage facility.

Smell of acetone has a detrimental effect on moths and moth caterpillars. It is necessary to moisten a rag in 100 g of acetone and place it on the bottom of the hive, where the frames with dry material are stored, and seal the hive.

MICE often enter hives in the fall. During the winter, climbing up the honeycombs, they destroy the bees in the club. Sometimes individual apiaries lead to death. Bees cannot stand the smell of mice. They do not occupy combs damaged by mice. Having been planted in a hive in which mice lived, the bees leave it.

Control measures: placing apiaries in dry places, clearing the area of ​​windfall, keeping bee families in well-equipped hives without gaps, using entrance barriers.

You can use an ordinary wide-necked milk bottle as a mousetrap. Pour a little vegetable oil into it, coat the neck of the bottle with this oil and place the bottle against the wall where mice appear.

Mice willingly eat finely crushed glass, sifted through a fine sieve, mixed with butter dough, after which the mice die.

To repel mice and rats, black root and red elderberry are planted in the apiary.

Mice cannot tolerate the smell of red elderberry, peppermint, coriander, chamomile, and horehound. Spruce, juniper and burdock thorns provide good protection against mice entering the hive.

Mice will leave the apiary area if nut stakes or nut peels are placed around the hives.


1. Alekseenko F.M., Revenok V.A., Chepurko M.A. Handbook of diseases and pests of bees. Kyiv: Harvest, 1988. P. 174.

2.Grobov O.F., Guzeva L.N., Rodionova Z.E. and others. Dangerous diseases and pests of bees. M.: “Niva Rossii”, 1992. 160 p.

3.Grobov O.F., Likhotin A.K. Diseases and pests of bees. M.: Agropromizdat, 1989. 69 – 235 p.

4.Grobov O.F., Smirnov A.M., Popov E.T. Diseases and pests of honey bees. Directory. M.: Agropromizdat, 1987. P.52 – 54, 87 – 97, 120 – 139.

5. Krikov V.V., Mostovoy E.M. Bee diseases. Rostov-on-Don, 2002. 93 p.

6. Kokorev N.M., Chernov B.Ya. Diseases, pests and predators of honey bees. M., 2002. 271 p.

7.Lovchinskaya M.Ya. Bee diseases. L.: Kolos 1970. P.54.

8. Maslennikova V.I., Zenukhina N.Z. Invasive diseases of bees. Rybnoye, 1998. P. 5 – 16, 24 – 47.

9. Polteev V.I., Neshataeva E.V. Diseases and pests of bees. M.: Kolos, 1977. 160 pp.

10. Rakhmatullin R.G., Nigmatullin M.G., Idiyatov K.G. A set of techniques for combating varroatosis of bees, Kazan, Tatar Book Publishing House, 1984. 15 p.

11. Solovyova L.F. Ascospherosis of honey bees. Rybnoye, 2000. 47 p.

12. Shemetkov M.F., Smirnova N.I., Kochevoy M.M. Tips for a beekeeper. Minsk: Urajai, 1983. 217-233 p.

For readers who want to exchange their opinions, ways to combat bee diseases, and wishes, we provide the address for correspondence:

427007 Udmurt Republic,

Zavyalovsky district, Pervomaisky village, st. Lenina, 1

State Scientific Institution Udmurt State Scientific Research

Institute of Agriculture

Beekeeping department

Numerous observations and experimental data indicate the importance of iodine not only for humans, but also for animals and plants. Insufficient intake of iodine from food and water into the body of domestic and wild animals also causes thyroid dysfunction and the development of goiter.
The addition of iodine compounds to feed and drinking water enhances productivity and increases the growth of livestock and poultry - weight, milk yield, egg production, etc. increase. Treatment of seeds with iodine increases the yield of certain agricultural crops.

Of great interest is the article by G.A. Shakaryan and his co-workers (1970), which summarized data on the concentration and duration of presence of tetracycline, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, streptomycin, pasomycin, monomycin and neomycin in the body of bees, their larvae and in honey after feeding the bees antibiotics dissolved in 1 liter of sugar syrup from calculation 250 thousand units. streptomycin and 500 thousand units each. other antibiotics in the treatment of foulbrood diseases of bees.
After 30 min. after feeding, significant amounts of antibiotics were determined in the bees’ bodies, for example, 17-19 units/g of tetracycline, and they remained for over 120-140 hours within the range of 0.3-1.5 units/g. Antibiotics appeared in the body of the larvae after 0.5-24 hours. The concentration of tetracycline, chlortetracycline and oxytetracycline in the body of larvae at all periods of the study was higher, and they persisted longer than streptomycin, pasomycin, etc.

During all periods of the study, the concentration of the studied antibiotics was significantly higher than the bacteriostatic and bactericidal concentrations. The widespread and uncontrolled use of antibiotics in apiaries, provided to beekeepers, leads, as one would expect, to the emergence of races of bacteria resistant to them; the disease is not completely eliminated, but only acquires an erased form of progression.
“In some apiaries in the country that are vulnerable to bee diseases, antibiotics are given in doses that exceed the recommended instructions by 10 times or more.” The authors found that streptomycin persists in honey for more than 3.5 years (observation period).
Just think: some honey lover, a completely healthy person who has never been treated with antibiotics, can lose his hearing in this way!
As can be seen from a brief review, modern antibiotic therapy does not currently have effective drugs for the prevention and treatment of microbial diseases in animals. The drug that veterinary medicine is now dreaming of must have the same unique set of properties that medicine requires, but, in addition, it must also be very accessible and cheap. Iodopyrine and dibromantine are considered promising antimicrobial drugs based on iodine and bromine.

is a dietary supplement obtained by incorporating iodine into a high-polymer molecule. In this case, iodine loses its inherent toxic and irritating properties, but fully retains its activity as a microelement and antiseptic.
“Blue iodine” is highly effective for iodine deficiency, as well as diseases caused by various classes of microorganisms. There are five of them:
bacteria (gram-positive, gram-negative);
unicellular helminths.

Such a wide range of uses of “blue iodine” is due to its very high bactericidal, fungicidal and helminthicidal activity, much higher than that of a 5% alcohol tincture of iodine.
The main advantage of “blue iodine” is that iodine in it is in the oxidation state 1+, i.e. in a positively monovalent form. This form of iodine has extraordinary properties - a high antimicrobial effect with a wide spectrum of action, but at the same time it is completely non-toxic when administered in various ways to the human and animal body. It is significantly more bioavailable than iodine in the valence state 1-, which must first be dissolved and then 2 electrons removed from the iodine atom. And this takes energy and time.

Applications of blue iodine:
1. To strengthen the immunity of bees: solder a solution of iodine in a concentration of 1 tbsp in the spring. l. for 1 liter of water;
2. For the prevention of foulbrood diseases: 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water;
3. For enhanced prevention: 15 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water or syrup 1:1;
4. For the treatment of American foulbrood and ascosferosis: spray the cells undiluted.
You can buy blue iodine (amyloiodine) in our online store, and also get advice and instructions for using blue iodine.

The usual and well-known tincture of iodine does an excellent job of disinfecting wound surfaces, but it is forbidden to take it internally. The benefits of blue iodine are completely different, so you should not try to use it in the same way. The composition and mechanism of action of the medicinal product are such that it can be used to treat a wide variety of diseases, including internal ones. This is an absolutely safe and non-toxic substance, but working with it still requires compliance with certain rules.

Blue iodine - brief information

Blue iodine is the most common iodized starch, which can be prepared at home if desired. Today, there are several recipes for creating a medicine. Initially it was used to combat dysentery, enterocolitis and colitis. Gradually, scientists discovered more and more new properties of the product, which made it possible to find additional ways to use it.

Through numerous tests and improvements to the formula, it was possible to obtain a remedy that allows you to cope even with those diseases against which aggressive chemical reagents are powerless. Blue iodine has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. For some time, the product was in the shadows due to the discovery and active spread of antibiotics. But today experts have taken a fresh look at an effective drug that very rarely provokes negative consequences.

Difference between blue and simple iodine

The secret of the growing popularity of blue iodine lies in its safety for the human body along with its striking therapeutic results. This was achieved only after the toxicity of the traditional chemical compound was neutralized. To suppress the aggressive properties of iodine, it was enough to mix it with. The result of this experiment was blue potato jelly.

Tip: You can add a little sugar and citric acid to your own prepared blue iodine. This will improve the taste of the product and increase its shelf life. Additional ingredients will act as natural preservatives.

The blue iodine obtained during the research turned out to be even more effective than its brown counterpart. In addition, it can be used in fairly large doses without the risk of symptoms of toxic poisoning. When the drug is taken internally, problem areas are coated and protected from further irritating effects. Against this background, the enhanced antimicrobial properties of the composition are clearly demonstrated.

How blue iodine works

Despite the simplest composition, blue iodine has several types of therapeutic effects on the human body. Do not forget that it is based on the most common iodine - an active substance that has only gotten rid of its toxicity:

  • The work of the thyroid and pancreas is stimulated. This allows you to normalize metabolic processes, restore the body’s protective properties, relieve nervous tension and start the process of replenishing energy resources.
  • The body begins to actively resist viral and bacterial dangers. Contrary to popular belief, blue iodine not only reduces the risk of developing a cold, it is an excellent prevention of stomatitis, conjunctivitis, and tonsillitis. Taking the drug after infection speeds up recovery.
  • Blood composition improves. It removes harmful cholesterol and excess sugar, and increases the number of red blood cells.
  • Experts also note the general strengthening properties of blue iodine. The drug is prescribed in combination with drugs whose action is aimed at treating diseases of the heart, blood vessels, digestive and excretory organs, and liver.
  • With regular use of a chemical compound, its sedative properties appear.

In addition, the peculiarities of the mechanism of action of blue iodine make it possible to use it for the prevention and treatment of cancer. The product is increasingly being recommended to people who have suffered a stroke. It promotes a faster return of a person to an active life.

Options for using blue iodine

There are several ways to use blue iodine. When choosing an approach, you should take into account the state of the body, the type of problem and what kind of result you want to get. Here are basic recommendations for conducting treatment sessions, but in any case, their specifics must be agreed with your doctor.

  1. External use will help disinfect the wound or speed up the healing of the burn surface. The manipulation will not be accompanied by a painful burning sensation, as is the case with an alcohol tincture of iodine.
  2. A diluted solution of blue iodine can be used as a gargle or mouth gargle.
  3. If you dilute a couple of tablespoons of blue iodine in a glass of sparkling water and drink the resulting composition in one gulp, you can get rid of a severe hangover in just a few minutes.
  4. It is better not to wipe the painful area of ​​the burn; apply a bandage compress with the drug to it.
  5. When it is necessary to replenish the body's daily need for a chemical element, you need to dilute 4 teaspoons of blue iodine in a glass of water and drink the product.

There are other options for using the medicinal composition, but they should be used only in extreme cases and after consultation with a doctor. Questionable and unsubstantiated experiments can cause more harm than good.

Methods for preparing blue iodine

Typically, one of two methods is used to prepare blue iodine at home:

  • In a quarter glass of warm boiled water, dilute a teaspoon of potato starch. If desired, add 10 g of granulated sugar and a pinch of citric acid. Pour the resulting starch solution into 150 ml of boiling water, stir and leave to cool. Add a teaspoon of 5% alcohol solution of iodine to the mixture at room temperature and mix everything well. The product can be used until its bright blue color fades.

Advice: The body of a pregnant woman needs a number of useful substances, and iodine is included in this list. Food products that are famous for their high levels of this chemical compound often cause allergic reactions. Blue iodine is absolutely safe in this regard, but you should still consult your doctor before starting therapy.

  • Take 50 ml of water and bring it to a boil. Mix a teaspoon of potato starch and a teaspoon of 5% iodine solution in the liquid. Pour 200 ml of boiling water into the mixture in a thin stream, stirring the mixture constantly. The resulting dark blue viscous solution should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 20 days. If the blue iodine fades early, it should be discarded.

The drug obtained using the second method is not used as often. But it allows you to get a product that will not cause discomfort even in people with hypersensitivity of the skin and mucous membranes.

Contraindications to the use of blue iodine, its dangers

For all its safety and ability to bring benefits, blue iodine can also cause harm. This will not happen if you remember the rules for using the product:

  1. It cannot be used in any form in case of complete or partial removal of the thyroid gland.
  2. It cannot be combined with taking any chemical drugs without a doctor's permission. Violating the rule can lead to symptoms such as tachycardia, weakness, shortness of breath, and dizziness.
  3. You cannot combine thyroxine, a thyroid hormone, with blue iodine.
  4. The product should be temporarily discontinued during menstruation.
  5. The product is highly not recommended to be combined with other folk remedies.

Overdose or abuse of the drug can provoke the development of negative consequences that will require medical intervention.

Varieties of blue iodine and their characteristics

Blue iodine can be bought at the pharmacy and in ready-made form. Today it is represented by a whole list of drugs. Here are the main ones:

  • It is prepared in exactly the same way as regular homemade blue iodine, only polyvinyl alcohol is used instead of starch. As a result, the compound turns out to be more aggressive than the usual product, but reviews about it are mostly positive. The finished product works well in the treatment of purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, burns and purulent edema, tonsillitis and conjunctivitis. It is used as an antiseptic in gynecology and surgery.

  • It contains alcohol, which must be taken into account when using the product internally. To prevent the development of iodine deficiency and strengthen the immune system, it is enough to use the product in the amount of 1 drop per day.

  • . This is an ordinary biological additive that does not have antiseptic properties. But its use allows you to count on increasing the elasticity of blood vessels, due to which the brain is more actively supplied with nutrients and oxygen.

  • Amyloidone. Blue iodine, which is prepared from starch according to the attached instructions. The organic form of the product reduces the risk of developing allergies to a minimum.

You should not try to replace one remedy with another without your doctor's approval. This can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment and even the development of unpleasant side effects.

Treatment of various diseases with blue iodine

In some cases, blue iodine can act as a medicine. Most often it is recommended to use it to treat the following diseases:

  1. Colitis. In this case, before use, the drug must be diluted with fruit or berry syrup. The acute form of the disease is treated by taking 1 teaspoon of the mixture according to the schedule recommended by the doctor. Manipulations continue until all signs of pathology completely disappear.
  2. Diarrhea. There are two methods of treating the condition using a special composition. The first approach is to simply drink 20 teaspoons of liquid throughout the day. In the second option, the healing drug must be combined with blue clay, which will additionally cleanse the intestines of waste and toxins. In this case, you first need to drink a little water with a tablespoon of clay diluted in it, and after an hour - half a glass of blue iodine.
  3. Gastritis. Here blue iodine will act as a primary or additional medicine. It is mixed with fresh non-acidic juices. The medication is taken twice a day before meals, 1 glass. After 5 days, the first signs of relief should appear.
  4. Worms. To get rid of pinworms or carry out preventive cleansing of the body, you need to drink half a glass of blue iodine for 1 week, always on an empty stomach.
  5. Peptic ulcer disease. Homemade or ready-made product is mixed with fruit syrups and taken several times a day. The properties of the mass will speed up the healing of ulcers and scarring of the mucous membrane, and rejuvenate the body.
  6. Dysentery. If you take the blue viscous composition in small volumes for several days, you can kill the dysentery bacillus and get rid of all the unpleasant symptoms. It is best to use the product in its pure form. It is important to do this until complete healing, and not relief of the condition.

The effect of using blue iodine can be compared with the results obtained by long-term treatment with powerful antibiotics. But in the case of a natural product (especially a homemade one), the body’s systems do not suffer, and the intestinal microflora does not change. You don’t have to deal with dysbiosis after therapy or other unpleasant consequences. Immunity from taking the product does not decrease, but rather strengthens. Of course, this composition is not a panacea for all problems, but in some cases it really turns out to be the best option.

To treat bees, you can use a microelement such as iodine, which can have a positive effect on the most important functions of the individual, as well as on its metabolism. Suitable for bee healing procedures.

Basically, beekeepers use appropriate antibiotics, for example: chlortetracycline, streptomycin, tetracycline and others. Given their extensive use in beekeeping, bacteria are formed that are immune to their influence.

For this reason, it is impossible to completely cure bees from a specific disease. If an antibiotic gets into honey products, then during regular use by a person there will be a negative impact on his health and the general condition of the body.

As for treatment with blue iodine, it is a very effective antiseptic drug with a wide range of biological effects. Microorganisms have no resistance to it.

If you saw it, it is not from iodine, such a bee is called a carpenter.

It can be used as a disinfectant element. To eliminate ascosferosis, the frames are treated (sprayed) with this product. It is important to observe the dosage, namely fifteen milliliters of product per frame.

In addition, with its help you can significantly extend the life of bees. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the product is able to eliminate intoxication that radiates from pesticides, and also destroys various viruses and bacteria, and can treat varroatosis. Blue iodine replaces the use of nosemacid, a variety of antibiotics used to treat diarrhea in bees.

Method of dealing with foulbrood

is a dangerous disease affecting bee brood. The causative agent of this infection is dead larvae. As for therapeutic measures, they are quite complex and lengthy. The disease can cause enormous damage to the entire beekeeping industry.

To rid bees of foulbrood, you can use an effective remedy - blue iodine. There are no toxins in its composition, and substances with an antiseptic effect predominate. With its help you can significantly increase the immunity of bees.

To get rid of foulbrood, you can use hydrogen peroxide, which must be thoroughly treated with all surfaces. In addition, it is important to properly clean any hives that contain dead insects that have become infected with foulbrood. All of the above measures should be carried out with the onset of spring, namely after the hives are inspected for the first time after wintering.

Preventive measures

Bees need constant care and attention, so they need to be fed periodically. For this purpose, you can combine the prevention of many diseases and feeding by adding iodine solution to the food. When feeding sugar syrup to insects, it is advisable to add at least ten milliliters of a five percent alcohol tincture of this product, as well as thirty milliliters of wormwood and pine needles per one liter of sugar syrup.

In addition, when installing frames filled with dry matter, they can be thoroughly treated with a weak solution to get rid of such a dangerous bee disease as ascospherosis. It is important to maintain the proportion, namely, for one liter of sugar syrup you will need about two to three drops of solution.

In a similar way, an active fight is being carried out against nosematosis, the cause of which is a single-celled microorganism. Such a disease can lead to sad consequences:

  • significant reduction in honey production;
  • partial or complete extinction of bee families;
  • huge financial losses for the beekeeper and the apiary as a whole;
  • decreased ability to work and activity of bees.

To prevent such consequences, it is important to follow all proposed recommendations and advice. Thanks to this solution, you can improve the condition and health of bees, increase the productivity of your apiary, and get rid of many diseases.