About swallowing saliva during fasting in Ramadan. Features of the month of Ramadan - rules of fasting, comments on dubious issues. Is fasting broken if you accidentally swallow phlegm?

In order for swallowing saliva not to break the fast, three conditions must be met.

1. Swallowing from the mouth. If saliva left the mouth, for example, brought saliva onto the lips and was then swallowed, the fast is broken, even if it was returned by touching the lips. If you wet a thread or siwak with saliva, and then swallow this moisture that is on it, the fast is broken, but if there was no phlegm, which cannot be separated, the fast is not broken.

Those who are engaged in sewing or using a siwak should be very careful in these cases.

If you stick your tongue with saliva out of your mouth, then swallow the saliva, the fast is not broken, since the tongue is an internal organ of the mouth. Also, the fast is not broken if you separate the saliva from the tongue with a coin or the like and swallow it from the tongue.

Swallowing saliva collected in the mouth does not break the fast. If a person collects saliva in his mouth and then swallows it, then, according to reliable word, the fast is not broken, but there are those who claim that it is broken.

2. Saliva should be clean. Swallowing unclean saliva breaks the fast, even if there is blood in the saliva that comes out from the gums.

Ramali writes in “Nihayat”: “If a person’s gums bleed most of the time or all the time, then how difficult it is for him to take care of it, they forgive him and make him feel better. All he has to do is spit out his saliva.”

3. Not mixing pure saliva with anything. Swallowing saliva with which something is mixed breaks the fast. For example, if you swallow saliva that has changed color because you wet a dyed thread, or if you swallow water with saliva from a siwak that has been soaked in water, the fast is broken. Saliva swallowed after rinsing your mouth is not harmful, since it is difficult to protect yourself from it.

Anyone who without a purpose took water into his mouth, then forgot about fasting and swallowed it, his fast is not broken. If water gets inside because the fasting person opens his mouth in the water, the fast is broken.

If a fly, mosquito or road dust gets into the mouth of a fasting person and he swallows it, his fast is not broken, even if he had the opportunity to close his mouth and protect himself from it. This is because it is difficult to constantly defend against them.

Moreover, if these objects get inside because we keep our mouth open, our fast is not broken. But if we voluntarily pull something in when opening our mouth, this breaks the fast. If you deliberately keep your mouth open and thereby let dust into your mouth, you need to rinse your mouth, and you also need to rinse your mouth if we, having the opportunity to protect ourselves from dust, but without doing this, have collected dirty dust.

Ibnu Hajar says that dirty dust harms fasting, but Ramali says the opposite. Allah knows best.

Ibragim Nazhmutdinov

article published in issue: 10 (527) / dated May 15, 2017 (18 Sha'aban 1438)

- What breaks the fast?
1) Mindful eating and drinking. 2) Penetration of something through natural openings. 3) Intentional vomiting. 4) Intentional sexual intercourse. 5) Intentional ejaculation. 6) Menstrual and postpartum discharge. 7) Obsession (madness, insanity). 8) Falling into unbelief during fasting, may the Almighty protect us from this.

- Is it possible to use oxygen to treat the lungs?
- It is possible, since oxygen has no color, no taste, no smell, but if medications are also taken, then the fast is broken.

- Does fasting violate tooth extraction?
- No. Fasting may interfere with ingested blood and medications.

- Can I use toothpaste?
- It is possible, but not advisable, since most pastes contain flavorings; we must try to ensure that nothing penetrates beyond the middle of the larynx (i.e. the place where the Arabic letter is pronounced), since then the fast will be broken

- Is the fast broken if, during the desired rinsing of the mouth and nose, one swallows water?
- If a fasting person, showing extreme diligence when rinsing his mouth with water, unintentionally swallows it, then the fast is broken. As for rinsing the nose, with such diligence, if the water rises above the nasal bone, the fast is also broken.

- Is it possible to use incense during fasting?
- It is possible, but it is not advisable. It is also undesirable to inhale them, but this does not break the fast.

- Is fasting broken if you swallow accumulated saliva?
- No, if you swallow saliva that is free of food debris and blood.

- Is fasting broken when treating a throat?
- If the medicine does not go below its middle (i.e. the place where the Arabic letter is pronounced), then it is not violated

- Is fasting broken if one induces vomiting for medicinal purposes?
- The fast is broken, but there is no sin in this if treatment cannot be postponed.

Is fasting broken as a result of examination of internal organs, for example, due to fibrogastroduadenoscopy?
- Examination of internal organs using devices that penetrate the cavities of the fasting person; the fast is broken

- Is it possible for a fasting person to use oils and creams?
- This does not break the fast, but it is undesirable to apply creams and oils with a strong aroma to the skin.

- Can I use eye drops?
- Eye drops do not break the fast, even if the taste of the medicine is felt in the mouth.

- Is it possible to use siwak during fasting?
- It is possible - until the sun reaches its zenith, after that - it is undesirable. It is not advisable to use a moistened sivak, since if moisture from it gets into the oral cavity, the fast will be broken.

- Does fasting interfere with the absorption of tablets under the tongue?
- If at least part of it penetrates the esophagus, it violates, if it completely resolves in the oral cavity, it does not.

- Does smoking break the fast?
- Yes, because along with the smoke, nicotine also penetrates into the lungs.

- Is it possible to swim while fasting?
- If a fasting person knows for sure that when swimming, water enters his nose and ears, then he is prohibited (haram) from swimming. If he is not sure of this, then he does not want to swim. But in any case, if water gets inside, the fast is broken.

- Is fasting broken if you swallow phlegm?
- Conscious swallowing of phlegm breaks the fast. If the fasting person, unable to get rid of it, involuntarily swallows it, the fast is not broken.

- Does belching break the fast?
- Does not break, but if the contents of the esophagus are released into the oral cavity along with the air and intentionally swallowed, the fast is broken

Is fasting broken if you take intramuscular or intravenous injections, as well as IVs, so as not to feel hungry?
- It is not violated, but it is highly undesirable to do so.

- What to do if you lose consciousness?
- If a person, having made the intention to fast at night, loses consciousness, his fast is considered valid if he comes to his senses at least for a moment from dawn to full sunset. If he does not come to his senses, then the fast is invalid. Also, if, without making an intention, you lose consciousness at night and come to your senses during the day, the fast is also invalid, since, according to the Shafi'i madhhab, the intention must be made at night.

- Does donating blood from a finger and vein, as well as bloodletting, break the fast?
- It does not violate, but it is undesirable to do so.

- Is the fast broken by the involuntary entry of dust, smoke, or insects into human cavities?
- No, however, if he induces vomiting to remove the insect, then the fast will be broken.

- Is it possible to taste food?
- It is possible, but it is not advisable, because if you swallow something, the fast will be broken.

- Is fasting broken when vomiting?
- Intentionally induced vomiting breaks the fast. But if vomiting occurred unintentionally, and the person did not swallow anything from the vomit that came out, the fast is not broken, but the person is obliged to clean his mouth before performing namaz.

- Does a woman’s fast violate a gynecologist’s examination?
- If the inspection includes the penetration of anything into natural openings, then the fast is broken

Assalamu Alaikum!! Is fasting broken if you swallow phlegm? It often happens that there is some kind of lump in the throat (reminiscent of phlegm) and nothing comes out... and I’m afraid to take a sip... and if I don’t take a sip, it’s difficult to breathe. Sip - meaning to swallow something tangible into the throat. Barkallah.
If anyone knows, please tell me🌸


Vaalaikum Assalaam

Wa alaikum as salam, phlegm spoils the fast

If you can get the mucus out (spit it out) and you swallow it, then yes, but if you can’t, then no.

Swallowing saliva and phlegm There is no disagreement among scientists regarding the permissibility of swallowing saliva during fasting. ‘Ata said: “Swallowing drool does not break the fast.” See “Sahih al-Bukhari” 1/451. Even if a person deliberately accumulated saliva in order to swallow it all at once, then, according to the most correct opinion, his fast is also not broken. See “al-Mughni” 3/106. However, it is better not to do this. As for swallowing phlegm or anything from the nasopharynx, scientists have differing opinions regarding the permissibility of swallowing this. Imams Ahmad and al-Shafi'i believed that swallowing phlegm does not break the fast. See “Raddul-makhtar” 2/101, “al-Mughni” 2/43. The opinion that swallowing phlegm breaks fasting is difficult for Muslims, and the purpose of Sharia is to alleviate the situation of Muslims, and not to make it difficult, especially considering that there are no prohibitions on this either in the Koran, or in the Sunnah, and not in this issue is the unanimous opinion of scholars (ijma'). See “Sahih fiqhu-Ssunna” 2/117. Sheikh al-Albani also preferred this opinion, and when asked: “Does swallowing phlegm break the fast?”, he answered: “No, it does not break the fast.” Sl. “Silsilatu khuda ua-nnur” No. 52. However, if a person takes sputum from the nose or throat into the mouth, then one should not swallow it, but should spit it out. See “Raudatu-ttalibin” 2/360.

Wa alaikum assalaam

- @umm_abu_bakr, phlegm doesn’t spoil the post, don’t say what you don’t know 😒

I'm sorry, is it possible for pregnant women to fast?

- @adze, of course you can, if there is no fear for yourself and the child.

- @dilruba if it comes out and swallows it, it spoils

It doesn’t spoil what kind of nonsense they write here. In general, it’s disgusting to look at people who spit out phlegm.

Doesn't spoil it! The fact that you swallowed yours inside doesn’t spoil anything)

If it gets into your mouth and then you swallow it, then it’s a violation, but if it’s in your throat and you swallow saliva to kind of push it through, then no. But if it’s already gotten into the oral cavity, then spit it out and it won’t violate anything.

- @adze, you are allowed not to hold it, but if you are able to, then you can

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12. Swallowing food remaining between the teeth, if the total mass does not equal one pea.

13. Injection into a muscle, into a vein or under the skin, but only if medically necessary.

14. Inhaling incense, even intentionally.

15. Tasting food without swallowing it.

16. Using ointments, iodine or brilliant green to disinfect or heal an open wound.

More details


Doesn't random contact with women in a store, subway, etc. break the fast?

Does accidentally touching the opposite sex (women in my case) spoil the post? Orik.

No, it doesn't spoil. This does not affect the validity of the post in any way.

In our region it is customary to greet girls by the hand. Does this affect the post in any way? Does it violate it? If so, are previous years also considered violated, regardless of whether I knew about the ban or not? Azamat.

Your fast has not been broken, but you cannot shake hands with women or girls who are not close relatives of you.

I am a gastroenterologist. During working hours, you have to palpate (feel) the patient’s abdomen. I wanted to take a leave of absence during the fast, but the head physician did not let me go. I adhere to the Hanafi madhhab. 1. Does such a thing spoil Taharat (ablution)? 2. Doesn't this spoil the post? Airat.

1. No. According to the scholars of the Hanafi madhhab (substantiated by reliable hadiths), the state of ritual purity in your case is not violated.

2. This does not affect the post in any way.

Visiting the dentist

Will my fast be broken if I have a tooth filled? Galymzhan.

No, it won't be broken.

On the 5th day of Ramadan, I had to break my fast because I needed to have a tooth treated. Everything is fine now. May I continue my post?

Yes, definitely.

Is it possible to go to the dentist during pregnancy? This dentist himself keeps a fast and reads prayer. He claims that you can walk and treat your teeth. I have bad teeth, but I don’t want to spoil the post, and at the same time I have toothache! What should I do?

And do anesthesia injections break the fast? Kairat.

You can go to the dentist. Sick teeth need to be treated. Anesthesia can be done.

Is fasting broken when using local anesthesia during dental treatment or when installing braces? Zarina.

This does not affect the post in any way.

Visit to the gynecologist

1. Is it possible to visit a female gynecologist during fasting? I don’t want to postpone the visit because we are planning to have a child. Every procedure I might need to do delays conceiving a child by a month.

2. Will a gynecologist’s examination (analysis, ultrasound, procedure, treatment) disrupt my fast? Zarema.


Please tell me, is fasting broken if you sleep all day and only get up for prayer? I'm on vacation. Rasul.

The fast is not broken, but a sedentary lifestyle is detrimental to the human body and brain.

I slept for a very long time yesterday and woke up two hours before iftar. Doesn't this violate the post? Alibek.

This does not break the fast, but I advise you to introduce a strict sleep and wakefulness regime, regardless of whether it is a day off or a weekday. With this discipline, your performance will increase and your immune system will strengthen.

I work the night shift and rest during the day. Therefore, I often skip prayers, although I restore them later. Is this acceptable? And what should I do during the month of Ramadan? R., 20 years old.

If you are free during the day, then I see no reason why you would have to skip prayers. The same applies to fasting. By the way, sleep does not break fasting.

A person observing fasting works the night shift and sleeps during the day. Will he receive the same reward as someone who is active during the day? Lena.

If this is his work schedule, then yes, of course. Let me just remind you that sleeping more than 8–9 hours a day is harmful, as is sleeping less than 7.

Sprays, drops and inhalers

I have had allergies for 2 years now, my eyes itch, and my nose often gets clogged, so I use nasal drops. I read that nasal drops break the fast because they go down the throat. But I still fast because I think it all depends on the intention. After all, even if the drops pass through my throat, my thirst does not quench. Ulan.

You're right. The drops do not violate the validity of the fast.

Is it possible to use nasal drops during fasting (during the day) (they do not go into the mouth), and also do inhalations? Aisha.

The holy month of Ramadan is coming soon, and I have started to have allergies - I’m sneezing, my nose is stuffy, etc. Can I use sprays or drops to ease my breathing during fasting? Aibek.

During fasting, I have a runny nose, I have to constantly blow my nose, and I use nasal spray. I’m not sick, I feel fine, and it’s not at all difficult for me to keep the fast. But I had my doubts. Does a runny nose break my fast? Lilya.

No, it doesn't violate it.


Please tell me, if I accidentally cut my finger and it bled, was my fast broken?

This has nothing to do with the post. The fast has not been broken.

Is it true that blood breaks the fast? For example, you cut yourself accidentally or take blood from your finger for testing. Ibrahim.

No, that's not true.

Does fasting spoil when donating blood? Zainab.

Donating blood does not break the fast.


Can I use lip balm while fasting? Lips get very dry.

It's possible if you don't eat it. I'm sure lip balm is not a food product.

Is it possible to paint my lips if I'm crazy? Mavzuna.

Yes, you can.

Can I use salicylic alcohol based face lotion while fasting? L.


Is hunting allowed during the month of Ramadan? Ramil, 29 years old.

Yes, if there is appropriate permission from government agencies.

During the month of Ramadan, the waterfowl hunting season opens. Is it possible to go hunting or is it better to abstain? F.

Injections (shots, droppers)

Is it possible to break the fast if you do intramuscular injections twice a day? Rashid, 22 years old.

Do intramuscular and intravenous injections break fasting?

No, if there is a medical or medical need for it.

Does taking a medical solution into a vein through an IV break the fast?

If there is a medical need during the treatment process, then the fast is not broken. If the solution nourishes the body with vitamins, being a general tonic, and is used specifically for this purpose, then you should abstain.


Is it possible to take dietary supplements (dietary supplements) during Ramadan? Almira.

After sunset and before dawn - it is possible if they do not contain anything explicitly prohibited (haram).

Is it possible for a fasting woman to knit during Ramadan? Zalina.

Yes, sure.

Is it possible to have your ears pierced while fasting? Ayna.

Is it possible to cut your hair during the holiday? Arthur.

Can I cut and dye my hair while fasting? Diana.

Is it possible to play cards during the holiday? Talgat.

For what? Read, for example, Gleb Arkhangelsky’s book “Time Drive” (or listen to its audio version) and begin to treat time more responsibly.

Playing cards does not affect the validity of the fast.

Is it possible to clean your ears while fasting? Elena.

Yes, sure.

Is it possible to swallow phlegm during an uraza?

I have the initial stage of sinusitis, so my nose is constantly stuffy. Nasal mucus goes into the throat and it is uncontrollable! I hope my post is not broken because of this.

The fast is not broken. And to prevent sinusitis, you need to move more - at least one kilometer in the morning and one kilometer in the evening - and breathe actively at the same time.

If sand got into my nasopharynx through my nose and I swallowed it (not on purpose, I was in a dusty room), was my fast broken? Sultan.

No, not broken.

Is it permissible to take medicine after sunset during Ramadan?

Yes, sure.

What should you not do while fasting? I recently heard that the fast is broken if a person scratches his ear. What else can't you do? And how should you open a fast (break your fast)? Is it necessary to take a small ablution? Seirana.

1. Scratching the ear does not affect the validity of the fast.

2. There is no need for a small ablution before breaking the fast.

1. In mid-August, the urologist with whom I am being examined is due to return from vacation; I need to go to see him. Is it considered a violation of the fast if he performs physical procedures on me? Various antibiotics will also likely be prescribed. Can they be consumed during fasting or will the fast not be counted?

2. Will gastroscopy (examination of the stomach by inserting a tube into it) break the fast? Aslan.

1. While fasting, you will not be able to take medications during the daytime. I advise you to start treatment (medication) at the end of the month of Ramadan. As for physical procedures, this does not affect the validity of your post.

2. No, gastroscopy will not break the fast.

Is the fast broken if I am stung by a bee while working with bees in the apiary? Bee venom contains 600 useful microelements. Insaf.

The fast will not be broken.

Is it possible to hug the girl you intend to marry during Ramadan? Is it possible to kiss her? Will this break the fast? A.

Before the wedding (nikah) - it is impossible, neither during Ramadan nor outside it. But this will not break the fast.

Cases of breaking the fast

Can taking a medicine (tablet) without water break the fast? Madina.

Yes, this will break the fast.

My mother takes medicine for diabetes. Is it possible to fast while taking pills?

No, you can't.

I was stung by a wasp and needed to take two prednisone tablets immediately. I didn't know that the pills broke the fast. Should I make up this day? Marseilles.

At the end of the month of Ramadan and the day of Eid al-Adha, make up for the broken fast one to one.

On the first day of fasting, out of ignorance and misunderstanding, I ate suhur before sunrise, and not before dawn. After reading about the post on your site, I realized the mistake and do not intend to repeat it. Will my fast for this day be accepted and should I do qada (make up for it) since I ate at the wrong time? Ainur.

Replenish one to one after the month of Ramadan at a time convenient for you, for example on a weekend.

Is smoking hookah haram and is it possible to smoke hookah during Ramadan?

Smoking a hookah is prohibited (haram) both during Ramadan and at any other time. Read the relevant material about this in my book “Men and Islam”.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “Whoever breaks the fast out of forgetfulness does not make up for it, and there is no atonement for him. [That is, having remembered the observed fast, a person stops the action that violates the fast and continues to fast. His fast has not been broken].” Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. al-Hakim and al-Baykhaki. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 517, Hadith No. 8495, “sahih”.

This hadith concerns all three points mentioned. For more details, see, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari [Code of hadiths of Imam al-Bukhari]. In 5 volumes. Beirut: al-Maktaba al-‘asriya, 1997. Vol. 2. P. 574.

“Whoever, out of forgetfulness, begins to eat or drink, ends his fast [on this day]. Truly, the Almighty fed and gave him something to drink [that is, the fast was not broken, but marked by the Lord].” Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. al-Bukhari and Muslim. See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 2. P. 574, Hadith No. 1933.

See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 3. P. 1731; al-Sha'rawi M. Al-fatawa [Fatwas]. Cairo: al-Fath, 1999. P. 115; ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 2. P. 72.

See, for example: Abu Dawud S. Sunan abi Dawud [Code of Hadiths of Abu Dawud]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1999. P. 270, hadiths No. 2378 and 2379, both “hasan”; Ibn Majah M. Sunan [Compendium of Hadiths]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1999. P. 184, hadith No. 1678, “sahih”; al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra. In 2 vols. T. 1. P. 305, 306.

It is reliably known that “the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did bloodletting during fasting.” Hadith from Ibn ‘Abbas; St. X. Imam al-Bukhari. See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 2. P. 576, hadiths No. 1938 and 1939; Imam Malik. Al-muwatto. Cairo: al-Hadith, 1993. Ch. 18. Part 10. P. 247, hadiths No. 30–32; Same. Beirut: Ihya al-‘ulum, 1990. P. 232, Hadith No. 662–664.

Miswak is a stick that replaces a toothbrush and toothpaste at the same time.

It is reliably known that the Prophet used a miswak during fasting. See, for example: Al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra. In 2 vols. T. 1. P. 329.

You can refrain from using toothpaste during fasting. B O Most scientists say that if it enters the stomach, it breaks the fast. If a person uses it, they must be careful not to swallow it. See, for example: Al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra. In 2 vols. T. 1. P. 329, 330; ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 1. P. 112.

For more information about this, see the material “Oral hygiene during fasting.”

See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 2. P. 574; al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 3. P. 1731; ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 1. pp. 97, 98.

Imam al-Bukhari cites in his collection of hadiths several cases from the life of the companions and representatives of the next generation after them that they carried out various water procedures during fasting. See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 2. P. 573.

For more information about this, see the material “Rinsing your mouth and showering during fasting.”

Intentional inhalation of tobacco smoke, that is, smoking cigarettes or hookahs, breaks the fast. Read more about the permissibility of smoking cigarettes and hookahs from the point of view of Muslim canons in my book “Men and Islam” or on the website.

If blood or drugs are evidently ingested, the fast is broken. An exception may be cases where something extremely insignificant gets into the larynx or esophagus along with saliva, which is closer to suspiciousness than to the obvious ingestion of blood or medicine.

Self-induction of vomiting, in which the oral cavity is filled with vomit, as well as deliberate ingestion of vomit, break the fast. In this case, it will be necessary to replenish it. See, for example: Ibn Majah M. Sunan [Code of Hadith]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1999. P. 183, hadith No. 1676, “sahih”.

For more information about this, see the material “Vomiting during fasting.”

See, for example: ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 1. P. 107, 109, as well. T. 2. P. 89.

As for enemas, in all cases they break the fast. The majority thinks so. See, for example: ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 1. P. 108.

I will still mention that there is a reasonable opinion of major and respected imams, such as Ibn Hazma, Ibn Taymiyya and others, that enemas Not break the fast. In exceptional cases, one can, I believe, use this opinion. See, for example: Al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra. In 2 vols. T. 1. P. 305, 306; Shaltut M. Al-fatawa [Fatwas]. Cairo: al-Shuruk, 2001. pp. 136, 137. The basis for this opinion is that the prohibition during fasting concerns food and drink that enters the stomach through the larynx, and therefore there is no point in prohibiting what enters the human body in other ways.

See, for example: ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 1. P. 103, as well. T. 2. P. 88; al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra. In 2 vols. T. 1. P. 305, 306.

For more information about this, see, for example: Al-‘Askalani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-Bukhari [Opening by the Creator (for a person to understand something new) through comments to the set of hadiths of al-Bukhari]. In 18 volumes. Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, 2000. Vol. 5. pp. 192, 193.

See, for example: Al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra. In 2 vols. T. 1. P. 305, 306; Shaltut M. Al-fatawa. pp. 136, 137.

See, for example: ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 1. P. 108.

Most often, two types of suppositories are used: vaginal and rectal. The first of them are usually used to treat various diseases of the female genital organs. And suppositories intended for insertion into the rectum can be divided into two groups. The first group includes those suppositories that act at the injection site. They may have, for example, an antihemorrhoidal effect. The second group includes suppositories, which are like substitutes for tablets. That is, the medicinal substances from them are absorbed, enter the blood and affect the entire body. The same substance, produced in tablets and suppositories, passes through the body in different ways. The medicine that enters the stomach and intestines is affected by many digestive enzymes. And the medicine that gets into the rectum is absorbed directly into the blood, bypassing the liver; it does not have to “pass” through the entire digestive tract. See: https://health.sarbc.ru/lechebnye-svechi.html.

See: 'Ali Jum'a M. Fatawa 'asriya. T. 1. P. 93; al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra. In 2 vols. T. 1. P. 305, 306; Shaltut M. Al-fatawa. pp. 136, 137.

The basis for this opinion is that the prohibition during fasting concerns food and drink that enters the stomach through the larynx, and therefore there is no point in prohibiting what enters the human body through other routes.

See, for example: Al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra. In 2 vols. T. 1. P. 305.

See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. In 5 vols. T. 2. P. 574; al-‘Askalyani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. In 18 vols. T. 5. P. 194, 195; al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra. T. 1. P. 305, 306; Shaltut M. Al-fatawa. pp. 136, 137.

See, for example: ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 1. P. 109; al-Buty R. Mashurat ijtima‘iyya [Advice to people]. Damascus: al-Fikr, 2001. P. 39.

See, for example: Mahmoud A. Fatawa [Fatwas]. In 2 vols. Cairo: al-Ma'arif, [b. G.]. T. 2. P. 51; ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 1. P. 103, as well. T. 2. P. 88; al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra. In 2 vols. T. 1. P. 305, 306.

See, for example: ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 1. P. 107, 109, and also T. 2. P. 89; al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra. In 2 vols. T. 1. P. 305, 306; Shaltut M. Al-fatawa. pp. 136, 137.