Excessive discharge of wax from the ears in adults. Causes of a lot of wax in the ears in adults. Preventing traffic jams

Hygiene rules oblige us to regularly clean our ears, removing wax accumulated in them. However, while performing a simple and necessary procedure to remove the sticky yellow-brown mass, many do not suspect that this is not just dirt accumulated on the walls of the outer ear, but a valuable and extremely necessary secret that our body produces for a specific purpose. Moreover, according to modern scientists, earwax can be a real barometer of our health, telling about the state of the body through changes in the color and smell of the secretion.

Are you already interested? Then let's learn in detail about the functions of earwax, as well as what it can tell about our health.

Composition and functions of earwax

You will be surprised, but earwax does not enter the ears from the outside. It is produced by more than 2,000 serous glands located on the inside of the external auditory canal. Moreover, this lubricating secretion is produced for a specific purpose, namely, to clean the ear canals, as well as to protect the ears from fungi, bacteria and insects. Incredible, isn't it?

Earwax consists of proteins, sticky fat-like substances (lanosterol, cholesterol), mineral salts and fatty acids. A little later, when this secretion appears on the surface of the skin, it is joined by surrounding dust, dead skin particles, tiny hairs, sebum and many other substances.

Earwax is a very sticky substance, allowing any dirt or germs that enter the ears to stick to it. Sulfur becomes a reliable barrier to the penetration of harmful microbes, thereby protecting the ears and eardrums from inflammation and the development of deafness. Moreover, without wax, not only germs, but also insects can penetrate deep into the ear, causing serious infection.

In this cunning way, nature took care of protecting the human hearing organs. Moreover, this is by no means the only function of the secretion produced by the body. Here are two more equally important functions:

  • Sulfur is an excellent lubricant for the skin of the external auditory canals. Thanks to this feature, the skin on the ears is protected from drying out and inflammatory processes. Interestingly, residents of the northern hemisphere have more moist earwax, while Asians and representatives of the southern hemisphere have dryer earwax. Scientists attribute this to the low production of lipids in the body of representatives of southern countries.
  • Sulfur helps the ears self-clean. It turns out that doctors are categorically against cleaning ears with cotton swabs. According to doctors, in this way we only push earwax deeper into the ear canal, contributing to the formation of ear plugs. The wax that appears on the surface of the ears dries over time and leaves the auricle on its own, for example, when moving or chewing.

Earwax color and smell

Having found out the functions of ear secretion, we can move on to discussing its color, smell and consistency. It turns out that these qualities can tell a lot about your health.

Normally, earwax has a waxy, viscous consistency. If the secreted secretion becomes liquid and begins to flow out of the ear, this clearly hints at the development of an inflammatory process. You should also be concerned if the sulfur is too dry. This may be normal, or may indicate the development of an infection, dermatitis or fungal disease.

Now let’s talk directly about the color of earwax. Normally, the secretion in question has a yellow-brown color and a honey tint. But if its color begins to change, this may be a symptom of a developing disease. Here are some examples of characteristic changes in the color of earwax.

1. Darkening of sulfur

Darkening of earwax in itself means absolutely nothing. Well, maybe it means that you find yourself in a room filled with soot. However, if frequent nosebleeds are added to this symptom, you should consult a doctor. It may turn out that both symptoms hint at the development of a serious illness - Randu-Osler syndrome. This is a severe hereditary disease associated with the inferiority of the vascular walls and the development of bleeding. Darkening of earwax can promptly inform a person about a problem in the body, thanks to which he will sooner diagnose the disease and begin to fight it, preventing stomach bleeding, which can be life-threatening.

2. Milky yellow liquid sulfur

This color of ear secretion clearly hints at the development of a purulent process in the organ of hearing. As a rule, this is the very first symptom, which is very soon supplemented by fever, weakness of the body, enlarged lymph nodes and pain when touched. If you notice such symptoms, you should immediately see an otolaryngologist. A qualified doctor will be able to quickly identify the causative agent of the infection, and therefore prescribe antibiotics or antiviral drugs to prevent the development and spread of suppuration. Sometimes a timely visit to a doctor with this symptom saves a person’s hearing!

3. Black sulfur

If you notice black wax in your ears only once, this is not a cause for concern. This often occurs due to normal contamination. However, if the color of the ear secretion does not change over time, there is serious cause for concern. According to doctors, sulfur is colored black by the spores of some pathogenic fungi. Usually, with the development of this disease, severe itching in the ear is added to the appearance of black wax in the ears.

However, there are cases in which the appearance of black wax in the ear is accompanied by a rise in temperature, decreased hearing and pain in the ear canal. All this may indicate an infectious process that requires urgent treatment. A particularly severe infection may be indicated by a rotten or fishy smell. By the way, infectious processes in the ear can be the result of damage to the skin of the ear canal with a cleaning stick, an attempt to insert headphones of the wrong size, or listening to music too loudly.

But there are cases in which sulfur turns black and flows out with clots of baked blood. All this indicates the presence of bleeding due to damage to the eardrum.

4. The secret of gray

The reason that sulfur has acquired a pronounced gray color is usually ordinary city dust. This symptom is most often observed in people living in megalopolises and large cities, where dust often rises and smog is present, as well as in people who work in dusty and smoky rooms. This color of earwax should not be a cause for concern.

5. White sulfur

If the wax in your ears suddenly begins to turn white, there is some cause for concern. The fact is that such a symptom indicates a lack of certain minerals in the body, in particular copper and iron. In this case, when you consult a doctor, do not be surprised if he prescribes you to take vitamin complexes and a diet high in iron and copper in foods.

Sulfur plug and its health hazards

Speaking about earwax, one cannot fail to mention the ear plugs that periodically occur in humans. There may be several reasons for the formation of wax plugs. First of all, these are infections that cause increased production of sulfur and change the consistency of the secretion, making it too thick, greasy and sticky. In this case, the wax does not have time to dry out and leave the ear canal naturally. It simply accumulates in the ear canal, gradually clogging it.

This process can be facilitated by the person himself, who, having decided to clean his ears, uses cotton swabs for this. Using a cotton swab does not help, but only makes the situation worse. Some of the ear secretion ends up on the cotton wool, but most of the accumulated wax moves towards the eardrum, thereby increasing the likelihood of the formation of a dense ear plug. By cleaning your ears over and over again in this way, you bring the moment when a plug of wax appears in your ear.

With the appearance of a plug, a person’s hearing decreases, discomfort and pain appear in the ear where a dense plug has formed. Moreover, over time, this can lead to motion sickness, nausea, and even poor coordination of movement, because the vestibular apparatus, which is responsible for coordinating movement, is located in the inner ear, just behind the eardrums.

You should not try to remove the plug yourself. This will only make the situation worse, pushing it even deeper into the eardrum. It is also impossible to ignore going to the doctor in such a situation, because accumulated sulfur will become an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microbes, which can cause inflammation, which will very quickly penetrate inside the body, primarily into the brain. Fortunately, by consulting a doctor you can quickly and painlessly solve this problem. The doctor will simply wash out the cork, saving the person from a lot of problems and discomfort, returning him to normal hearing and restoring the functioning of the sulfur glands.

In order not to provoke the appearance of ear plugs, remember that you can only clean your ears with cotton swabs, removing accumulated wax at the edge of the opening of the auricle. If there is a need to cleanse the ear canals at home, simply drop a few drops of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution warmed to room temperature into the ear, and after a minute, remove the liquid from the ear by simply tilting the head and wiping the auricle with a cotton swab.

Keep an eye on the condition of your earwax and don't hesitate to contact your doctor if you notice changes in the color, consistency, or smell of your earwax. In some cases, this will help maintain your health and protect you from hearing loss.
Good health to you!

Why do our ears need wax?

For some reason, many people are sure that frequent and deep cleaning of the ears with various objects is the key to health. Let me disagree with this statement. Our body is not as simple as it seems. If we talk about the ears, they clean themselves independently, without outside help, for example, when a person chews food, coughs or talks. At this time, the movement of his jaws is sufficient to clear the ears. Sometimes we feel like something is crumbling from the ear canal from time to time. This is earwax. It represents cells that have already died, but remain in the ear canal. Mixing with secretions from the sebaceous and sulfur glands to a homogeneous mass, they turn into a special means for cleansing our ears.

When is earwax harmful to health?

But it is harmful only in one case - when it accumulates in huge quantities, causing quite unpleasant sensations, accompanied by hearing loss. As a rule, this indicates a so-called wax plug that has formed in the ear. Its more detailed symptoms are as follows: itching (pain) in the ear, ringing or noise, hearing loss (an obligatory symptom), a feeling of “cotton wool” in the ears, a slight loss of balance. If these signs occur, consult a doctor immediately.

Under no circumstances should you try to remove wax plugs yourself. This may harm your eardrum or cause inflammation. A qualified specialist will do everything for you, removing the problem under water pressure. First, he will drop a special solution (for example, hydrogen peroxide) into the ear, which will soften the accumulated wax in about 15 minutes. During this time, you will feel a slight tingling or even tingling sensation in your ear canal. This is normal as the solution is being exposed. When the wax in the ears is sufficiently wet, the doctor will proceed directly to the procedure to remove it. A special syringe will be used, which will be filled with warm water. Slowly and under moderate pressure, the doctor pours water into the ear, rinsing the ear canal. Meanwhile, you hold a small tray over your appropriate shoulder into which the water from your ear flows. If everything goes well, sulfur will float in the container along with the liquid. If not, the doctor will repeat the procedure.

A lot of wax in the ears - is it good or bad?

To be honest, today doctors find it difficult to answer this question. On the one hand, it is protection for our ears, an excellent cleaner for the ear canal, and therefore an indicator of health. But on the other hand, dry wax in the ears, contained in large quantities, is an alarming signal. He should make us see an otolaryngologist as quickly as possible.

Everything is fine

So, we found out that in general, wax in the ears (i.e. its formation there) is a completely natural process, indicating that the body accurately performs certain protective functions. Remember that in the ears of a healthy person, wax is always present in the required quantities. There is absolutely no need to use different objects to clean them: hairpins, cotton swabs, dirty fingers, and so on. Otherwise, inflammatory processes may begin, contributing to a very rapid increase in the amount of sulfur. It becomes liquid and begins to flow out of the ears. This is no longer the norm! But in this case, you already know who to turn to. Be healthy!

If a lot of wax accumulates in the ears, there are reasons for this. In most cases, this phenomenon is not an anomaly, but only indicates the active work of the sulfur glands. However, under certain conditions, such secretions can lead to blockage of the ear canal and a decrease in the quality of sound transmission.

Functions of sulfur and the mechanism of its formation

To understand why so much wax accumulates in the ears, we should consider the mechanism of its formation. Every person has a huge number of sulfur glands in their ears. Every day they produce a specific secretion, the total volume of which can exceed 15-20 mg per month.

These glands are located in the front of the ear canal in the outer ear, so there is no point in trying to clean the farther part of the organ.

Sulfur has specific tasks. Their implementation allows you to protect your hearing from the negative effects of the environment, infections, debris and other influences. The functions of the sulfur glands include:

  • hydration;
  • protection;
  • cleaning;
  • disinfection.

The secretions protect the ear canal from drying out and prevent dirt and dust from getting deep into the ear. In addition, the viscous secretion pushes foreign particles and harmful microorganisms out, ensuring the cleanliness and health of the organ.

Causes of accumulation of discharge and how to get rid of wax plug

To prevent disruption of the above functions and the formation of a plug, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the external channel. Remove excess secretion weekly, otherwise its amount will exceed the permissible limit, which will lead to negative consequences.

The accumulation of old wax is the main factor causing the formation of hard wax plugs in the ears. The situation is aggravated by abundant pollution with dust and other solid particles. When they clump together, they form so-called plugs, which not only violate the hygiene of the organ, but also have unpleasant consequences.

Earwax accumulations can get deep into the ear canal and cause blockage. This is why people who neglect hygiene rules often suffer from hearing impairment. Sulfur plug interferes with the perception of sounds and partially muffles them. In addition, it can cause discomfort in the ear and put pressure on the eardrum.

To restore hearing and cleanliness in your ears, you need to get rid of the wax plug. Having understood for yourself why it is formed, it is important to prevent the situation from reoccurring and remove the contamination in a timely manner. Several techniques can be used to extract already lost secretions.

The simplest and most obvious is mechanical action. Since the plug is a solid accumulation of wax, it can be removed using tweezers. You need to act extremely carefully so as not to damage the organ and not push the pieces even further. It is best if the procedure is performed by a doctor.

When removing at home, the collection should be visible in the ear. For convenience, the sink needs to be pulled back a little to straighten the channel. Next, the tip of the tweezers grabs the sulfur and carefully pulls it out. If you doubt that you can cope with this task, it is better not to risk it and seek help from an otolaryngologist.

You can get rid of ear plugs using hydrogen peroxide. You need to carefully drop a small amount (5-10 drops into each ear) into the ear and wait 5-10 minutes. Hissing means that the liquid is still working and corroding the secretions. Then you need to pour the brown liquid out of the ear and wipe it.

To prevent the accumulation of wax in the ears, it is necessary to clean it regularly. There are several recommendations regarding this process:

  • Cotton swabs are not the best hygiene tool. They are not sterile and can harm your ears. Naturally, hairpins and other traumatic objects should not be used for cleaning.
  • For greater effectiveness, cotton wool can be moistened with water or peroxide.
  • You can't put the stick deep. This can damage the eardrum or clog the narrowing canal in the ear.
  • The wax glands are located in the outer part of the ear, therefore, when cleaning there is no need to penetrate deep into the organ.
  • Additionally, it is necessary to clean the ear itself.

If you accidentally damage your ear while cleaning, you may need to see a doctor. If there is a wound, the risk of infection and the development of external otitis or otomycosis increases.

To prevent traffic jams, you can visit an ENT specialist from time to time for hygiene procedures.

As soon as you notice that a lot of wax has accumulated in your ears, you need to clean them. Regular and proper hygiene procedures will prevent contamination of the ear canal. At the same time, the hearing organs will be reliably protected from debris and infections.

Any discharge from the ears requires attention from the patient. Failure to consult a doctor in a timely manner and delay in selecting adequate therapy leads to progression of the pathology and may result in deafness.

Natural causes

The appearance of ear discharge is unusual under normal circumstances. Doctors call hyperfunction of the sulfur glands against the background of increased ambient temperature a variant of the normal occurrence of a sticky and thick brown liquid.

The corresponding structures produce a secretion that protects the inner surface of the ear canal from negative environmental factors. Excessive discharge of wax from the ear in adults may be an individual characteristic of the body. Against the background of high ambient temperatures, the secretion softens and is excreted in the form of a brown liquid.

Pathological causes depending on the nature of the discharge

The progression of otorrhea most often occurs due to the development of a pathological process in the outer or middle ear. Depending on the root cause of the pathology, the nature of the fluid that forms in the ears and flows out changes. When assessing the corresponding secretion, the doctor determines the main pathogenetic factor that caused the problem.

The following points are taken into account:

  • Color.
  • Aroma.
  • Quantity.
  • Presence of accompanying symptoms.

Establishing the cause of pathology in a person is carried out after basic diagnostic procedures and analysis of drops or streams that are released from.


White cheesy masses are more common in infants and are a signal to parents that they need to visit a doctor. The causes of ear discharge in this case can be called:

  • Fungal infection. The nature of the secret changes. White liquid is sometimes located throughout the ear canal and is accompanied by additional symptoms.
  • Spinal cord damage. In this case, the children are very restless; at the same time, there is a high temperature and constant painful pulsation in the ear.

If a baby or adult patient begins to discharge white creamy masses, then you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.


The appearance of a clear liquid may not be perceived by people as something bad. The symptom sometimes occurs without pain. However, the sign indicates the progression of the pathological process with a violation of the integrity of the eardrum.


  • Exudative otitis media. Aseptic inflammation of the ear, which is accompanied by the secretion of fluid with its pressure and subsequent perforation of the corresponding membrane.
  • Allergic reaction. Bubbles with serous contents form in the ear and burst. A clear discharge appears in the auricle.
  • Fracture of the base of the skull. The colorless secretion in this case is cerebrospinal fluid.


Light or dark yellow discharge traditionally indicates the progression of an infectious process of bacterial origin. Doctors call typical causes of the corresponding problem:

  • Purulent otitis. The middle ear is damaged by microflora.
  • Chronic otitis media. A sluggish variant of the previous disease.
  • Furuncle in the area of ​​the auricle. When an inflamed hair follicle is opened, pus is released.

Yellow discharge from the ear of a baby requires immediate medical attention to prevent the development of complications.


Brown fluid indicates possible local bleeding. The appearance of abundant discharge of wax from the ear against the background of the ingress of the contents of the vessels determines the characteristic color of the secretion.


  • Injuries.
  • Cholesteatoma – a benign tumor that is accompanied by damage to the middle ear and can develop with vascular damage.
  • Bullous otitis. Refers to complications of influenza. Accompanied by the formation of bloody blisters, which burst and turn the sulfur brown.


Black discharge from the ear is a rare symptom. It occurs due to the activity of mold or yeast in the ear. Their waste products turn sulfur black.


The causes of bloody-purulent discharge from the ear are the same factors as in the case of brown and yellow liquid. In this situation, an infectious lesion of the mucous membrane is combined with vascular trauma.

Sucrose pink

The pink nature of the discharge indicates local hemorrhage. Pale color and an admixture of ichor are a signal of possible cerebrospinal fluid entering the liquid. In this case, it is necessary to exclude a fracture of the base of the skull, allergic reactions and exudative otitis media.


The yellowish color of the discharge mixed with green indicates the activity of the bacterial flora. Microorganisms produce exo- and endotoxins, which color the ear secretions and negatively affect the body.


Excessive discharge of white, gray, yellow or any other color should be a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor. A large amount of fluid indicates high activity of the pathological process.

With an unpleasant odor

If the discharge stinks, then this means that there are bacteria in the ear, which in the process of life produce hydrogen sulfide or other gases. Normally, ear secretions have virtually no odor. Antibiotics are used to combat unpleasant odors.

If the discharge is not accompanied by pain

The absence of pain is not always a positive symptom of the pathology. Some processes develop without causing the patient any corresponding discomfort. Examples could be:

  • Cholesteatoma. In the early stages, the tumor goes undetected.
  • Chronic infection.
  • Allergic reactions. There is itching, but no pain.

Associated symptoms

The nature of ear discharge is one of the key aspects that doctors focus on when making an appropriate diagnosis. Pathology is often accompanied by additional symptoms that help clarify the cause of the disease.

Auxiliary signs:

  • Pain.
  • Increase in temperature.
  • Hearing impairment.
  • Attacks of dizziness.
  • Local redness.
  • Edema.
  • Enlargement of nearby lymph nodes.

Which doctor should I contact?

To verify any diagnosis related to the ears, you must contact an otolaryngologist (ENT). A family doctor can conduct an initial appointment, but in the vast majority of cases he redirects the patient to a specialist.


The otolaryngologist conducts a comprehensive examination of the patient to accurately establish the final diagnosis and select the optimal treatment option. The following methods are used in practice:

  • Otoscopy. A visual assessment of the condition of the ear canal and eardrum occurs. The doctor determines the presence of yellow, white, dark-colored discharge and others, the development of the inflammatory process.
  • Microscopy of the ear. During the examination, magnifying optics are used, which allows you to examine pathological areas in more detail.
  • Computed tomography. An X-ray diagnostic method that is used to exclude the presence of injuries to the skull bones.

Based on the patient’s complaints, clinical picture and data from instrumental methods, the doctor makes a final diagnosis of the corresponding disease that caused discharge from the ear.


Treatment of ear discharge involves the use of medication, physiotherapy, and sometimes surgery. It all depends on the root cause of the pathology.

In children

Children suffer from otitis media more often than adults. This is due to the anatomical features of the skull. The following drugs are used:

  • Antihistamines. Effective in the presence of itching and swelling.
  • Antibacterial drugs. Needed for purulent forms of otitis.
  • Vasoconstrictor drops. Reduce swelling and improve fluid circulation in babies' ears.
  • Hormonal agents. They are used rarely, in severe cases and only as prescribed by a doctor.

Particular care should be taken when treating a newborn child. Self-selection of medications can cause the situation to worsen. Ear drops can be used only after permission from an ENT specialist. He checks the integrity of the eardrum. If it is damaged, drops are injected into the baby’s nose.

In adults

In adult patients, the same groups of medications are used, but in appropriate doses. Infection of the ear with fungi requires additional use of antifungal agents. Pain syndrome is eliminated with analgesics.

Among the physiotherapeutic procedures used to treat ear diseases, doctors distinguish:

  • Electrophoresis.
  • Dry heat.
  • Inhalations with appropriate medications.

Untimely treatment of ear diseases can be accompanied by complications in the form of adhesions between the auditory ossicles. To eliminate the problem, surgery is performed.


It is possible to prevent the appearance of pathological discharge from the ear. To do this you need:

  • Minimize contact with ARVI patients.
  • See a doctor promptly if you have ear problems.
  • Avoid hypothermia, water and other liquids getting into the ear canal.
  • Have wax plugs removed by a doctor.
  • Wash your ears regularly and do not use cotton swabs to clean them.

Preventing a disease is always easier than treating it. Discharge from the ears is only a symptom of pathology. It is not worth treating it in isolation. It is necessary to consult a doctor and engage in comprehensive healing of the body.

Useful video about purulent otitis media

The sulfur glands daily produce a peculiar secretion, the monthly volume of which exceeds 20 mg. Sulfur is responsible for protecting the hearing organs from debris, infections, negative environmental influences and other factors. Thanks to it, moisturizing, cleaning, disinfection, and protection occur. To prevent disruption of these functions and the formation of plugs, the external canal should be kept clean by removing excess secretions weekly. The accumulation of sulfur can provoke the formation of hard plugs that interfere with the perception of sounds.

Removing wax plug

To restore hearing, you will need to clear the ear from the plug, which you can do yourself or by contacting an otolaryngologist. The simplest method is mechanical removal using tweezers. Considering that this will require extreme caution, it is better to entrust the procedure to a doctor. Pulling the shell slightly to straighten the canal, grab the plug with the tip of tweezers and carefully pull it out.

Universal remedy

To remove hardened sulfur deposits, you can use hydrogen peroxide by dropping about 10 drops into each passage. The process of corroding the secretion will be accompanied by a violent hissing, upon completion of which a brown liquid will pour out of the ear.

Preventing traffic jams

To prevent increased secretion of wax from the ears, the canals should be cleaned regularly. Correct implementation of procedures eliminates contamination of the ear canals, maintaining their functionality unchanged.