Sample letter to the director with a request. How to write a formal request letter - sample


Begin your letter by indicating who you are writing to. Format the message as is customary in business correspondence. In the upper right part of the document, write in three lines the position, company name and last name of the manager, for example:

General Director
IntersvyazCom LLC
Ivanov I.I.

Indicate who the addressee of the letter is. Do this after indenting from the previous section of the message, also on the right side. You need to mark your position and last name with initials, for example:

From the head of the sales department
Yesenina E.E.

Indent a few lines from the previous section, align the cursor in the middle of the page, and indicate the nature of the message. You can write a “Memo,” “Information letter,” or “Explanatory note,” it all depends on the reason for which you are contacting the head of the organization. There is no need to put a period after the title. If the letter is related to any request, you can simply address the director by name and patronymic in a respectful manner.

Begin the letter with words that explain the reason for writing it, such as “in continuation of our negotiations,” “in accordance with your request,” or “based on your suggestions.”

If your letter is related to a request for the purchase of equipment, a promotion for an employee, or the opportunity to go on a business trip, it is better to start the letter with the phrase “Please consider the opportunity...”.

State the situation, make explanations, draw up tables or graphs if the nature of the letter requires it. The alignment of the body of the document should be set to the width of the page. Each line must begin with an indent.

Sign the letter, be sure to use the standard “with respect” before indicating the last name, followed by a comma.

Be sure to include the date the letter was written and sign the printed document.

If your organization communicates via internal email, start the letter with a message and present all the information in free form.


  • letter of request to the director

Official letters make up up to 80% of the total number of documents that are prepared in an organization or enterprise. With their help, communication occurs between institutions and individuals. Service letters are informational in nature; they can also be drawn up in the form of a request or requirement.


Decide on the purpose of the letter. It is needed only if the issue to which it is devoted cannot be resolved in person or in person, and also if it must serve as an official document confirming the very fact of its sending. Think it over in advance and make sure that the addressee is chosen by you and that the answer will lie in his competence if your letter- request.

Only one question should be stated in one. Several questions are allowed to be presented only if they are interrelated. The addressee must immediately understand the essence of your letter, so it must be stated in the very first sentences. In them, tell not only the essence of the question, but also the actions that you expect to receive in response. In the introductory part, you can refer to the regulations that guide you when writing the letter and which serve as the basis for requesting or providing information.

The body of the letter should motivate, persuade, or explain. Its text should be clear, concise, concise and logical. The facts presented in it must be verified and objective, the digital data must be as accurate as possible. Write the letter itself in a businesslike, neutral tone. The text may be written in the first person singular or plural, or in the third person singular.

Avoid categorical expressions in the text of the letter. Use introductory words and constructions for this: if possible, apparently, as follows from, as is known.

Business requires starting the letter with “Dear” and writing the addressee’s first and middle name. If they are not there, then at the end of the letter, before your signature, there must be the phrase “With respect,”. You can emphasize this respect in the text of the letter, using such adverbial phrases as: “having carefully studied your comments...”, “having carefully considered your proposals...”.

The official letter must be written on the organization’s letterhead, indicating its full name and contact numbers.

When carrying out business activities, some heads of organizations are forced to use business trips. It follows from Article 166 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation that an employee is sent to the country by order of the head of the organization. But what if the director himself is traveling on an official assignment, because it turns out that he sends himself on an official assignment.


First of all, look in the company's charter to see who has the right to issue administrative documents. If it is stated there that only the manager (aka director) has the right to publish, then he must draw up the documents for the business trip. If you have delegated signing authority to a deputy, that person will sign the travel documents.

Complete the official assignment for sending on a business trip, it has a unified form No. T-10a. Here indicate the destination of the business trip, its start and end time (according to the tickets), and the purpose of the business trip. Sign the document. After completing your business trip, fill out the report located at the bottom of the form.

Issue an order to send the employee on a business trip (Form No. T-9). If the charter specifies the delegation of the right to sign to another person, he must draw up the administrative document. Enter information about the business trip here: destination and period of the trip, purpose and reason (official assignment). Sign the document or give it to your deputy to sign.

Issue an order for your temporary replacement. If there is a deputy, appoint him to act as manager; if there is no such position on staff, appoint another person. In the administrative document, specify the period of substitution and the reason (business trip), specify a number of powers.

Issue a power of attorney for the deputy to conduct business. For example, to represent the interests of the company in the tax authorities. Also take care of signing financial documents. To do this, you can contact your bank and remake the signature card.

Prepare a travel certificate (form No. T-10). Please indicate your full name. director of the organization, his personnel number. Below, enter the purpose of the business trip and the period of time away from the workplace. Sign the document.


  • how to apply for travel allowances

Letters of request are an integral, important and necessary part of business correspondence. On the one hand, these are tactful and diplomatic requests on current issues, on the other hand, they are a tool for achieving certain goals of the addressee. The purpose of any letter of request is to induce the addressee to take certain actions required by the author of the letter. How to write a letter of request to get as close as possible to a positive response?

Any letter of request must consist of a well-thought-out rationale and a clear statement of the request. In addition, you can use techniques that increase the efficiency of writing.

Step 1. Who do you contact with your request?

Address the addressee personally, preferably by first name and patronymic:

“Dear Ivan Ivanovich!”, “Dear Mr. Ivanov!”

Firstly, you will express your respect to the addressee, and secondly, a request addressed to a specific person imposes responsibility on him for its implementation. There are situations when a request is addressed to a team or group of people. In this case, it is also advisable to personalize the appeal as much as possible:

“Dear colleagues!”, “Dear managers!”, “Dear junior employees!”, “Dear HR employees!”

Step 2. Why are you contacting me?

Give a compliment to the recipient. By giving a compliment to the recipient, you answer his question: “Why are you asking me this question?” Note his past achievements or personal qualities.

“You are always ready to listen and find the optimal way to solve the problem of almost everyone who contacts you. And, to give you credit, you helped a lot of people.”

“You are a leading expert in the field...”

“You have helped many people resolve the most difficult issues in the field of...”

This technique will allow the addressee to look at the request more closely and try to find an opportunity to satisfy fuck her.

A compliment is appropriate when it comes to non-standard requests, when you need to win the recipient over, when you need to draw attention to certain merits and qualities that are necessary and important for the fulfillment of your request.

It is very important not to cross the line between a compliment and rude flattery. Be sincere.

Step 3. Justification of the request

Any request must be justified as to why you are making this particular request. Enter the addressee into the context of your problem.

At this stage, you need to select the three most significant arguments for the addressee. It is best to build arguments according to the following scheme: strong - medium - strongest.

Requests come in different levels of complexity, so the recipient is not always interested in fulfilling someone’s requests. He needs to be convinced that fulfilling the request has potential benefits:

Interest the recipient

Offer to implement some attractive opportunity for him related to the fulfillment of your request:

“At all times, business-minded, enterprising people have strived not only to achieve material success, but also to leave their mark on the history of their Motherland, to be remembered for their good deeds, and to win respect.”

« The successful activity of any professional community is, first of all, understanding and support from friendly Unions, participation in joint events and projects».

« Of course, your big goal is a clean and comfortable city for people».

Or voice a problem that is very relevant specifically for your addressee:

“You, as a wise city owner, are probably concerned about the chaotic walks of children of different ages in unsuitable places, which leads to increased traffic accidents and an increase in child crime.”

“Your department has received more frequent calls on non-core issues, which takes up a lot of invaluable working time.”

Show how your request can help realize the opportunity:

« And today, when our country relies on youth, it is difficult to find a more necessary, sacred cause than helping young men and women from disadvantaged families. In our city there are those who already provide such assistance - under the auspices of the mayor’s office, our charity center “Heritage” operates on donations from citizens, teaching difficult teenagers folk crafts ».

Or to solve the problem:

“Equipping specialized places for children of different ages to spend time will help reduce the level of child crime and minimize road accidents involving children.”

Describe the significance of the request

When there is nothing to offer the addressee or in the context of this request it is inappropriate, then it is better to bring the addressee up to date. Here you need to describe the situation as fully as necessary to understand the relevance of the request and the importance of its implementation. The significance of the request must be described in such a way that it “touches the soul.” If the request does not fall into the category of “touchy”, then you need to show the addressee the cause-and-effect relationship, which will ensure that the addressee fulfills the request.

“From (date), according to lease agreement No. X, the rent for 1 m2 is 20 USD. per day. Over the past three months, there has been a decline in trading activity due to economic instability and social unrest. The average profit from trading is 10 USD. per day, which is not enough even to pay rent. If measures are not taken, private entrepreneurs will be forced to close their retail outlets, which may negatively affect your income.”

Thus, you must make it clear to the recipient that fulfilling the request carries the prospect of receiving material or non-material benefits.

Step 4. Statement of the request

When the addressee is prepared, you can state the actual request. The text of the request should be quite concise and extremely clear. In no case should there be ambiguity or understatement. For example, if we are talking about reducing rent, then it is important to indicate to what level:

“We ask you to reduce the rent level until the situation stabilizes to 5 USD. per m2 per day.”

If we are talking about the provision of services, then make the request as specific as possible, indicating the desired dates, price issue, etc.:

« To equip a pottery workshop, we need a kiln for firing ceramics - we ask you to help us purchase it. The cost of the stove with installation is 998 thousand rubles».

In this example, it is not entirely clear what kind of help is required from the addressee. It would be better to formulate the request more specifically: “We ask you to help us purchase a kiln for firing ceramics by transferring 333 thousand USD to the bank account of the company for the production and installation of kilns.”

Whatever you ask for, the recipient must know exactly when, what, how much and at what price you want to receive. A generalized request is more at risk of refusal, because the recipient does not always have the time and desire to deal with the details. In addition, you run the risk of not getting what you want by transferring the initiative to the recipient.

For example, private entrepreneurs wrote a letter asking for a rent reduction, but did not indicate to what level they want to reduce the rent:

“We ask you to reduce the rent until the situation stabilizes.”

As a result, they received a reduction in rent, but only slightly (by 1% of the existing one). Thus, their request was granted, but did little to change the position of the initiators of the letter.

In some cases, the text of the request can be bolded to make it stand out in the text, but do not overuse this technique.

Step 5: Summarize your request.

Repeat your request and emphasize how the recipient will benefit if the request is fulfilled. The request should be modified somewhat. It is best to construct a sentence according to the scheme: “If you fulfill the request, you will be happy.”

“If you meet us halfway and reduce rents until the situation in the region stabilizes, you will not only be able to save more than 150 jobs, but also will not incur global losses due to the complete absence of rent.”

But there may be other options:

“You can be sure that every ruble of your charitable donations will go to a good cause and will help children in difficult situations grow into worthy citizens.”

“You can be sure that every child’s smile will give you moral satisfaction from your difficult work, and your efforts and efforts are an investment in worthy and happy citizens of the near future.”

The main thing is to repeat the meaning of the request and the benefits of fulfilling it. The benefit does not have to be material. Remember that the addressee is a person, and feelings are not alien to him.



It became

“We kindly ask you, I.I. Ivanov, organize a meeting of applicants with the main manager of your company. We will be grateful for your assistance.

With respect and gratitude,

Director of the employment center

P.P. Petrov"


“Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

Your company has been participating in the Career Guidance Program for applicants for several years now, helping them decide on their choice of profession.

As a HR manager, you are interested in training professionals, and we are ready to help schoolchildren begin to train masters of their craft. Today, the profession of manager is one of the most common, but many applicants do not have a clear idea of ​​its meaning.

In this regard, we ask you to organize a meeting of the general manager with applicants on March 23 at 15.00 at the base of your company.

By telling the guys about the secrets of the profession today, you are laying the foundation for training real professionals tomorrow. Perhaps in a few years one of them will take your company to a new level of development.

With respect and gratitude,

Director of the employment center

P.P. Petrov"

And don’t forget about the design of the letter – this is the “face” of the organization. If the initiator of the letter of request is an organization, then such a letter is drawn up on letterhead with the signature of the manager or authorized person. If you are a private person, then it is sufficient to comply with basic norms in the arrangement of letter elements. These details are legally and psychologically very important for the addressee and the formation of the correct image of the sender.

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Letter of request

A written request addressed to representatives of an organization (usually sent to the manager) or to a specific person, drawn up for the purpose of obtaining information, providing access to business papers, or asking to perform some work, is called a letter of request. According to the rules of office work, the addressee of correspondence must provide a response to such a letter.

Sample request letter

The rules for composing a letter of request are consistent with the generally accepted canons of business correspondence. The form of a letter containing a request is the most common in business correspondence, and therefore provides for a variety of writing options. The most general recommendations that can be given to help the writer of such a letter are to adhere to a simple and concise style of presentation with the obligatory specificity of the actions that need to be performed, for example: “I ask for assistance...”, “I ask you...” (the specific action is then indicated), “I hope for your support in obtaining...”, etc.

As a rule, an official letter of request is written on the sender’s letterhead and its structure includes the following sections:

  • details indicating the registration number of outgoing correspondence and the date of creation of the letter
  • personal data of the author of correspondence (position and full name)
  • title of the letter describing the essence of the request
  • a respectful address to the addressee of the message, which most often begins with “Dear...”
  • the essence of the request with a mention of the action that the sender wants to initiate with his request
  • In some cases, in the text of the letter it is appropriate to use a phrase about a supposedly successful resolution of the case, for example, “Thank you in advance for your participation...”
  • signature of the author of the request letter indicating his data.

    When composing the text, the main request can be preceded by a preamble, in which it is necessary to briefly outline the reasons for contacting the addressee. If the sample contains several requests, it is permissible to use wording like: “I also ask...”, “At the same time as the above request, I am turning to you with...”. Each new issue for consideration must be presented in a separate paragraph. According to the rules of business correspondence, a response to a complex request can be sent in one letter, with comments on each request. This type of correspondence reduces the amount of paperwork and time spent reading and processing incoming documentation.

    In the event that the nature of the correspondence allows for the designation of a time period for consideration of the request and obtaining a result, the text of the letter must correctly express the desire to receive a response within the prescribed period.

    A business letter must contain the sender's contact information. This data is indicated so that, if necessary, the recipient of the letter has the opportunity to contact the sender of the request directly.


    Sample request letter: pismo-prosba.doc (downloads: 8053)

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    Sponsorship request for training at a German badminton academy, which has the status of a private sports school of international level. View sponsorship request

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    You are looking for: Letter of assistance sample - added at the request of Marina Galich.


    A letter of request is perhaps the most common form of business correspondence. Sample letter of assistance. He kept chatting about five or six. A letter of request is perhaps the most common form of business correspondence. In many cases, such a letter is no less important than the resume itself for the following reasons. Found - sample letter of assistance. Sample letter of assistance. Sample letter of assistance has been downloaded 5,228 times. You see, it’s extremely rare that a “diplomat” turns up and delivers. The sample letter of assistance was downloaded 3958 times in a month.

    How to write a letter of request?

    A correctly composed letter of request can in many ways bring you closer to a positive answer. The text of such a letter will depend on the addressee and the content of the request. Whether you are asking a good friend, relative, boss or official, an individual approach must be chosen for each specific case to write a letter asking for help.

    Don't lie

    Counting on a positive result, it is necessary to present the essence of the matter in such a way that it is beneficial for you. Try not to embellish the situation with fictitious or unreal events. Otherwise, you risk being left without the support you need now.

    Be brief

    A letter including a request for help should not be too lengthy. Express your thoughts clearly and clearly in understandable language. Don't go into minute details that you can do without. This only interferes with achieving your goal and irritates the reader.

    Think about the main reason why you chose to contact this person with your request. It may not be superfluous to mention in passing your attitude towards the personal qualities of the addressee, but do not overdo it with flattery. Emphasize in your letter how the recipient can benefit from helping you.

    Repeated appeal

    How to write a letter of request correctly if you are contacting this person again? In this case, the letter must separately express gratitude for the previously provided assistance or service provided. It is necessary to explain that this was precisely one of the reasons for the new appeal to him. A few sentences will be enough to thank the recipient.

    Force majeure circumstances

    Always bear in mind that the person you are contacting may be subject to circumstances that may influence their decision. And that you are unable to discern the favorable moment when your letter of request catches his eye. An example of such a state could be when a person is suffering from toothache, or all his thoughts are occupied by an undeserved scolding from his superiors. Circumstances may vary. There's nothing you can do about it. Your task is to try to think through how to write a letter of request correctly, avoiding mistakes that may affect the resolution of the issue not in your favor. Poor wording, unclear wording, and incorrect treatment can ruin the mood of the recipient and cause your failure.

    Remember that your letter must be sincere. You should read between the lines your self-respect, dignity, and, most importantly, faith in success and the support of the person you turned to. Hope for understanding, decency and generosity on his part.

    Letter to a Stranger

    An important point that should not be underestimated when writing any letter, especially a letter with a request addressed to a stranger, is a greeting. Your letter will be read with more attention if you can make it personal and greet the recipient by name. When you are thinking about how to write a letter of request to a stranger, it is worth considering that personalization is a guarantee that your letter will at least be viewed. Observe the following rules:

    1. Correctly formulate the topic of your appeal. Try to always fill out this field.
    2. Concisely formulate why the person needs this letter. Put it in the title. This will help you draw attention to your message.
    3. If possible, call the recipient in advance and discuss the reason for the request. In this case, there is hope that the message will not automatically end up in spam.
    4. Use the “T combination”:
    5. creative theme
    6. topic with contacts
    7. the text is in the body, not in the attachment.
  • At the end of the letter, repeat your request by rephrasing it. Then politely say goodbye, briefly thanking the recipient for taking the time to read the message.
  • Specify in what form you expect feedback. And of course, do not forget to indicate all options for ways to contact you.
  • Ingoda, it’s easier to write an appeal if you have an example of how a letter of request is written. A sample can be viewed by clicking on the following link.

    Waiting for a response

    So, the letter is written and sent. While waiting for a response, it is worth keeping in mind that if the letter was of an official nature, the request was addressed to an official, then there is a regulated period within which you will definitely receive a response. In other cases, it all depends on the upbringing of the person to whom you addressed the letter of request.

    During a consultation, I am often asked to show an example of a letter requesting sponsorship.

    A visual example of a letter requesting sponsorship

    Previously, I looked at an example of searching for sponsors for a school in terms of paying for communication services and the Internet. Today I will give a sample letter about the allocation of funds for equipment for a computer class in a secondary school.

    When writing a letter, we will need the following information:

  • number of students, age
  • number of school staff
  • characteristics of the necessary equipment, its cost.
  • Having received information about one of the schools in St. Petersburg, I compiled an example of a request letter to a sponsor with the following content:

    Dear First Name and Patronymic!

    Residents of our city are well aware of your activities in the field of charity, including education. In this regard, we are asking you to support the modernization of the computer class of school No. 108 in the Vybrgsky district of St. Petersburg.

    A few words about the school. The educational institution was opened in 1937. Currently, the school has 312 students from grades 1 to 11. Over the past 50 years, the school has graduated 66 medalists, 19 of them with gold medals. Six students were awarded diplomas from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. These factors contribute to the high level of admission of school graduates to leading universities in the country. Five former graduates returned to the school in a new capacity - teachers. The school employs 38 teachers, of which 32 teachers have the highest qualification category of teacher and 4 teachers have academic degrees.

    The regional leadership appreciates the merits of the teaching staff and the level of education at the school. At the beginning of the 21st century, the building was reconstructed. The opening after major renovation was attended by the Governor of the Leningrad Region, Valentina Matvienko. But the attention of the authorities is not enough to maintain the technical equipment of the school at a modern level.

    The school specializes in science and mathematics education. To maintain a high level of education in computer science, modernization of the computer class is required. The technical update includes the purchase of 14 computers (system unit, monitor, keyboard, mouse), a removable hard drive, a video projector, an ActivBoard 595Pro interactive whiteboard, licensed software, furniture (tables, chairs, cabinets). The planned cost of modernization is 1,200,000 rubles, including delivery and installation of new equipment and dismantling of old equipment.

    With financial support for the modernization of the computer class, we undertake to place advertisements for your company inside the school and on its territory. Advertising will be available not only to 312 schoolchildren. It will be seen by about 1,200 people - parents and grandparents of our students who attend school events every month. In addition, school events are frequently covered by the St. Petersburg media and we undertake to inform city residents about your support for our school. The teaching staff and other school employees are ready to help promote your company’s brand among potential buyers and maintain the good reputation of your enterprise.

    Contact person for discussing cooperation issues: position, full name, telephone from 9.00 to 18.00.

    With respect to you and your activities,

    Here is an example of a request letter to sponsors that I came up with. You can take it as a basis. The main thing you should pay attention to is data about: how much money you need and what it will be spent on, who will see sponsorship advertising. If you can’t attract sponsors, then try applying for a loan online. Fast, affordable, reliable.

    In the next publication I will analyze a real letter to a sponsor and analyze it. Use the guidelines to compose your letters.

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    Compilers of business documentation make errors of the following types: structural, syntactic, morphological, lexical, stylistic.

    Structural errors

    Typically, a business letter consists of three parts: a concise introduction, the body and a brief conclusion. The main part sets out the essence of the problem, argues the point of view of the author of the letter, therefore its volume is greater than the volume of the introduction and conclusion combined. It is important that the argument be carried out consistently, completely, without repetition or disruption of logical connections.

    Structural errors are associated with incorrect construction of a business letter, disproportion of its parts, for example: lack of introduction or conclusion, excessively wordy introduction, complex system of arguments lacking logical connection.

    Syntax errors

    Errors associated with incorrect word order in a sentence

    The word order in the Russian language is free, but you should avoid word order that becomes the reason for variable understanding of what is written.

    So, for example, from the sentence: To generate reporting at the end of the year, indicators by region are clarified it is not clear: the indicators are updated at the end of the year or reporting is generated at the end of the year .

    Apparently this sentence should look like this: To generate reporting, indicators by region are updated at the end of the year.

    Violation of norms for the use of participial phrases

    The gerund names an action that occurs simultaneously with the action named by the predicate verb or precedes it.

    For example: Having carefully examined the presentedapproval of the project,Departmentthinks... – the project has been reviewed previously;

    Carefully examining the presentedapproval of the project,Departmentthinks... – the project is being considered now .

    It is better to start, rather than end, a phrase with an adverbial phrase. For example: Uchity-vaya..., Considering..., Taking into account..., Guided by... etc.

    It should be remembered that in a correctly constructed sentence, the gerund and the predicate must name actions performed by the same actor.

    Errors in the use of participial phrases can be easily corrected by replacing sentences with participial phrases with sentences with verbal nouns.

    Wrong: Studying the problems of service organization,interesting results were obtained.

    Right: When studying the problems of service organization there wereinteresting results were obtained.

    Or: Studying the problemsservice organization, inspectorsBy-got interesting results.

    Errors resulting from ignorance of the structure of a complex sentence

    When constructing complex sentences, it should be taken into account that the following conjunctions and allied words are most often used What; which; If;to; Where; How.

    Subordinate clauses can be replaced for brevity by synonymous participial and participial phrases.

    For example: We directFor your information, the Basic Provisions of the Unified Statenew office management system approved by the Statecommittee...(instead of: which are approved).

    Incorrect use of prepositions

    The most common mistake is the incorrect use of prepositions. In business written and spoken speech, phrases with the preposition have become widespread O And dependent nouns in the prepositional case: question abouttrust; personnel decision; agreementO cooperation... etc. However, there are cases of using the preposition O with words that do not control the prepositional case or require another preposition when controlled.

    Wrong: Head of DepartmentCanceltil about the importance of the problem posed.

    Right: Bossnoted the importance of the problem posed.

    Wrong: This shows that we are tolerant ofshortcomings.

    Right:This shows that we are tolerantlet's look at the shortcomings.
    Wrong: There is no doubt that the work carried out by the departmentbig and important.

    Right:There is no doubt that aboutThe work carried out by the department is large and important.

    Incorrect case

    Writers of business letters sometimes use case forms incorrectly. Often there is an erroneous use of a noun in the genitive case instead of the dative case or vice versa.

    Wrong: According to your request..., According tokaza..., According to the decision....

    Right:According to your request..., According to the order...,According to the decision... .

    Wrong: The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia applies for permanent registration in Moscow to the inspector...

    Right: The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs is applying for permanent registration to the inspector... or The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is applying for permanent registration of an inspector in Moscow...

    Morphological errors

    Harmonization of definitions

    If the definition refers to a noun that has an appendix with it, it agrees with the main word of the combination: new laboratory car, universal editor program. The main word in such combinations usually comes first.

    If the definition refers to a combination of a personal name and an application like Head of DepartmentT. Ivanov, the definition usually agrees with the nearest noun: our Head of Department Petrov; Senior Inspector Comrade Yakovleva; new boss Serov.

    Deviations from this rule are observed in cases where the definition is expressed by a participle: speakerat an operational meeting, deputy head of department Si-dorova...; Senior Inspector Alekseeva, who took part in the preparation of the draft order...

    Errors when using the full and short forms of adjectives

    Writers of business letters should take into account that short forms of adjectives are more common in formal business speech. Full forms of adjectives in such texts turn out to be inappropriate.

    Wrong: The commission's conclusions are reasonable and fair.

    Right:The commission's conclusions are justified andfair.

    Wrong: The decision to dismiss V.V. Ivanov illegal.

    Right: The decision to dismiss V.V. Ivanovaillegal.

    When using forms of short adjectives in -enen and short participles on -en It should be taken into account that in official business speech it is preferable to use forms in -enen.

    Right: The final result is identicalpreliminary calculations.

    Each department employee is responsible for the quality of work.

    Lexical and stylistic errors

    Incorrect use of words and terms

    Certain terms and professional jargon words are known only to a narrow circle of people in a certain profession, so it is necessary to decipher them in the text. The use of colloquial words and figures of speech is generally inappropriate in official documents, for example:

    Ensure daily construction of the department.

    Part of the clerical style are phrases, which in stylistics are called splitting the predicate. Instead of this kind of phrases, it is better to use verbs: not make bonuses, A give bonuses; Not carry out control, A control.

    In business letters there are many verbal nouns ending in -anie, -enie. You shouldn’t get carried away with forming words using this model, especially if we are talking about words with negation, for example: non-secondment,shortfall,under-fulfillment.

    Inappropriate or unjustified use of foreign wordsnykh words

    The desire to give the text greater significance by expressing it “more beautifully” explains the abuse of foreign words.

    For example: deadline execution may be delayedgated instead of extended; present instead of introduce.

    When using a foreign word, you need to know its exact meaning. For example, the following sentence is incorrect: Effectivethe effectiveness of the saving regime largely depends on howfinancial expenses are limited.

    Word limit means “maximum norm”, so allocated funds are limited, not expenses.

    Using multiple words with the same meaning (conventioncondition, extraordinaryspecial) often makes it difficult to work with documents, especially when processing them by machine.


    Pronouns You And Your written with a capital letter:

      as a form of polite address to one person;

      in the questionnaires.

    When addressing more than one person, these pronouns are written with a lowercase letter.

    1. For letters of request

    A. Basic formulations:

    We are turning to you (you) with a request

    About shipping to our address...

    About the direction to my address...

    About deportation to our unit...

    About the speedy transfer to our authorized representative...

    About providing...

    We ask (ask) you (you)...

    Notify (us)...

    Send (to me)...

    Urgently submit (to the minister) ...

    Immediately report (to the scientific and technical council) ...

    Notify (Department Management) about...

    Inform me about...

    I ask for your consent to...

    Sending to the address (of the organization entrusted to me)...

    Providing us...

    Familiarization of (chief N) with...

    We ask for your assistance in...


    Speedy dispatch...

    Providing additional information regarding...

    Carrying out...

    I ask for your instructions...

    ... to conclude an agreement on... with...

    For delivery from the enterprise warehouse... to a representative...

    To prepare documents about... (for candidate B)...

    To review (limits)...


    In connection with (the appeal to us)...

    In accordance with the (previous agreement) ...

    Based on (the results of negotiations on the issue of)...

    Taking into account (our long-term cooperation)...

    Considering (the long-term and fruitful nature of our business relations)...

    According to (current agreement on...)...




    As an exception...

    We would be very grateful to you for...

    Due to extraordinary circumstances...

    Referring to your letter from...

    Let me refer in this regard to your email message from...

    The basis for this appeal is your fax from...

    As you probably know, during a telephone conversation between... and... (... date)...

    2. For message letters

    A. Basic formulations:

    I inform (inform) you (you)

    About what happened...

    About changes in...

    About the need...

    About the facts...

    About the measures we have taken to...

    About preliminary results...

    On reaching a final agreement with...

    I present...

    Information about...

    Project (plan, program)...

    Offers for...



    Report on...

    Act on...

    Report on...

    I am directing

    Instructions about...


    Extract from the order...

    A copy of the directive...

    A copy of the agreement...




    I'm sending

    Methodical manual...





    B. Auxiliary statements:

    We would like to inform you that...

    We send it for use in work...

    I am sending you for guidance in daily activities...

    In pursuance of your instructions, I present...

    For your management's attention, we inform you about...

    We consider it our duty to inform...

    We consider it necessary to send to your address...

    3. For letters of inquiry

    A. Basic formulations:

    ... I submit a request...

    I am sending a request...

    Request the following information from you...

    Contact you with a request for...

    4. For application letters

    A. Basic formulations:

    are authorized to declare...

    About management's intention...

    About the Department's plan...

    About the desire of our management...

    I have the honor to make the following statement...


    Due to...



    B. Additional wording:

    Due to the appearance in the media of information about alleged abuses...

    Considering the nature of the existing relationships between our divisions...

    5. For confirmation emails

    A. Basic formulations:

    Confirm (confirm)

    The fact of receiving...





    The urgent need for...

    I (we) received...

    We gratefully confirm...

    I am pleased to confirm...

    This letter confirms...

    We are sending you confirmation...

    To confirm... we will send to your address...

    We just received...

    I still haven't received...

    We have received it in full...

    These samples completely satisfy us...

    The information you sent has lost its relevance and suitability for...

    The complexes transferred to us for permanent use fully meet the requirements...

    Unfortunately, the equipment put into operation no longer meets the standards...

    6. For follow-up letters

    A. Basic wording:

    In addition To our ref. from...

    I'm informing...

    I'm sending...

    I present...

    I'm directing...

    Please add...

    The text of the draft agreement submitted to you for signature...

    Section... of the agreement on...

    The agreement at your disposal...

    B. Auxiliary statements:

    I consider it necessary to add...

    I propose to supplement the project...

    The following additions to the text of the current...

    We believe it would be advisable to make the following additions to the content...

    7. For newsletters

    A. Basic formulations:

    We inform you...

    Let me inform you...

    We intend to inform you...

    It seems appropriate to us to inform your organization...

    Thank you for your interest in our offer...

    We were glad to receive your response to our previous message from...

    We are grateful for the attention you have shown to our letter from...

    Thank you for considering it possible to respond to our message from...

    This information letter aims...


    1.1. This version of the Charter of the Open Joint Stock Company “Central Research Institute for Staple Fiber Processing”, hereinafter referred to as the “Company”, was developed in accordance with current legislation

    (electronic correspondence)

    Letter of offer of cooperation

    Subject: Proposal for cooperation.
    Data: 05.20.0216
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]

    Chairman of the Board
    Union of Alcohol Producers
    Dobrov D.E.

    Dear Dmitry Evgenievich!

    The Union of Alcohol Producers (UPAP) is the leading association of industry leaders in the domestic alcohol industry. The active work carried out by your organization in relation to the creation of a civilized market for alcoholic and liquor products in the Russian Federation commands respect.

    Of course, concern for the quality and safety of manufactured products is one of the priorities of SPAP, and its participants are conscientious manufacturers who pay great attention to these aspects.

    AIG is one of the world's largest insurance institutions. The international company has been in the insurance market for 90 years and has offices in 160 countries. The Russian division of the company has been operating for more than 15 years.

    Cooperation with food and beverage manufacturers is a priority for our company. Guided by many years of international experience of AIG in Russia, a unique insurance program for alcohol industry enterprises was developed (product liability insurance and product recall from the market).

    We believe that this program is of potential interest for SPAP participants, because A product such as alcohol requires a special approach to the quality of raw materials, packaging and safety for the consumer.

    Based on the above, we approach you with an invitation to discuss the potential for cooperation in this area.

    We will be grateful for your professional assessment of such cooperation and ask you to establish a procedure for further interaction between our companies. We are ready to consider any of your proposals on the format of joint work.


    Andreev Pavel

    Vice President of AIG
    Tel.: 8-495-xxx-xx-xx
    [email protected]

    Letter of invitation

    Subject: Invitation to the seminar
    Data: 06/25/2016
    From: Anna Simonova
    To: xxx-xxx-xxx

    Dear Partners,

    March 17, 2016 We invite you to join the seminar on building international insurance programs, which will be held especially for AIG partners Mark Goldenberg- Regional Advisor for AIG International Insurance Programs.

    Mark comes to Russia specifically to conduct a series of training events, as he has the most extensive experience in insuring multinational companies.

    Considering the current experience in offering international programs for Russian clients with an international presence, I am sure that this seminar will be very interesting and will answer many questions in this area.

    I am enclosing the invitation and the seminar program.

    I ask you to forward this invitation to colleagues who would be interested in this topic.

    Registration is carried out by replying to this letter. Participation is free, the number of places is limited.

    Address of the seminar: Russia, 125315, Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 72, building 2, floor 3

    We will be glad to see you!


    Anna Simonova

    Head of training programs
    Tel.: 495-777-11-11
    [email protected]

    Letter of request to organize a meeting

    Subject: Organizing a meeting with Elena Firsova
    Data: 06/25/2016
    From: Cherkesov Ilya
    To: Ivanova Galina

    Dear Galina Nikolaevna!

    If your offer is valid, next week (from June 6 to June 10) I could come at any time convenient for Elena Petrovna.

    I will be very grateful if you inform me of Ms. Firsova’s decision.


    Vadim Tatarenko

    AIG company manager

    [email protected]

    Letter requesting contact

    Subject: Elena Firsova's phone number
    Data: 06/25/2016
    From: Cherkesov Ilya
    To: Ivanova Galina

    Dear Galina Nikolaevna!

    Thank you again for the meeting and constructive conversation.

    I would be very grateful if you send it to the specified address or notify me by phone.

    Thanks in advance!


    Vadim Tatarenko

    AIG Company Manager
    Tel.: 495-777-11-11; 8-916-777-45-56
    [email protected]

    Letter of response to an aggressive letter from a client

    Aggressive letter from the client:

    Subject: You were absolutely crazy!
    Data: 02/20/2016
    From: Petrov Andrey
    To: [email protected]

    How can I get back the money I paid for your damn service. I'd rather spend it on something else than your pornographic system. Use your damn yourself.

    Andrey Petrov

    Reply to an aggressive client letter

    Subject: About a refund and resolution of the issue!
    Data: 02/20/2016
    From: [email protected]
    To: Petrov Andrey


    Hello, Andrey!

    If I understand you correctly, you are dissatisfied with the work of our service and you would like to get your money back.

    2. Clarifying with the addressee our understanding of the request/claim/question. This is especially necessary if the addressee’s letter is chaotic and it is difficult to understand the essence of the problem.

    I'll let you know how this can be done.
    According to clause 2.4. Agreement, if you do not plan to use our service in the future, we can return your money. To do this, please send me an official application (form attached). Once we receive it, we will initiate the return procedure. In general, it will last no more than three days.
    If anything from my answer requires additional clarification, please write or call - I will definitely answer you.

    3. Provide the addressee with very clear and complete information on the issue that interests him.

    Andrey, just like you, I am uncomfortable with the situation, as a result of which you are ready to stop interacting with us. I think both we and you are the losers in this case: we lose the client, and you lose the opportunity to use our service (I assure you, the service is quite convenient and effective!). If you are ready to take the time to sort out the situation, write to me what happened that you require a refund. We will understand the reasons and help you make using our services as comfortable and effective as possible for you.

    4. Comments and emotional aspect.

    P.S. The only request: let's communicate within the framework of normative vocabulary.

    5. Using a postscript, express your attitude towards the addressee’s use of incorrect writing style.


    Elena Ivashchenko

    Customer Service Manager
    CJSC "Service-standard"
    Tel.: 8-999-111-22-33

    A cliché for expressing a request not to use profanity in correspondence:
    Please try not to use inappropriate language. It does not contribute to a constructive solution to the issue.
    We inform you that we reserve the right not to respond to letters containing vulgar or crude language addressed to the company or its personnel.

    Letter of refusal

    Client letter

    Good afternoon, Andrey!

    I am writing to you with a formal request.

    Our company supplies industrial equipment, as well as spare parts to food industry enterprises. Since 2010 we have been your regular customers.

    We thank you in advance for your understanding and support!


    Marketing Director

    JSC "Pishcheprom"

    Roman Petrenko

    Tel.: 495-777-77-77
    8-905- 777-89-45
    [email protected]

    Sample 1. Letter of refusal to a client's request


    Dear Roman Petrovich!

    1. Calling by name is a sign of attention to the interlocutor. Helps avoid facelessness.

    We express our sincere gratitude to you for your long-term cooperation with our company.

    2. Thank you for working with the company (or just for the letter).

    Currently your company's discount is 10%. Over the past 12 months, your company has ordered services for... rubles

    The next discount threshold is…. rubles A 15% discount will apply from it. When you reach this threshold, your discount will increase automatically.

    3. State the specific reasons that do not allow you to satisfy the request (use the history of the issue, numbers, deadlines, procedures).

    If you decide to use the deferred payment service, please contact Irina Mikhailova (tel.: 495-777-89-21; [email protected] ).

    4. Express your understanding that the subject of the request is truly important.

    5. Suggest an alternative solution if possible.

    6. Express your hope for continued partnerships.


    Andrey Ivanov

    ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ _____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Sample 2

    Subject: About termination of cooperation
    Data: 03/20/2016
    From: [email protected]
    To: Petrenko Ivan

    Dear Ivan Nikolaevich!

    We were glad to cooperate with your company for 7 years. We have always been satisfied with the good level of service and quality of products. However, over the past year, a number of incidents have occurred, such as: regular violation of delivery deadlines, unsatisfactory quality of goods, and incorrect attitude of your company’s employees to these situations. As a result of all this, our interaction has reached a dead end.

    In this regard, we, unfortunately, are forced to terminate cooperation with you upon expiration of the contract. Thanks for the years of service.


    LLC "Makulatura"

    Malakhov Gennady Viktorovich
    Tel.: 8-945-xxx-xx-xx
    [email protected]

    ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ _____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Sample 3

    Subject: Refusal to pay compensation
    Data: 06/20/2015
    To: Evgeniy Knysh

    Dear Evgeniy!

    Thank you for your long-term cooperation with our company!

    To our regret, we are forced to refuse to pay you the required compensation in the amount of... rubles.

    At the moment, the company has established a different procedure for making decisions on insurance compensation, which you have been repeatedly informed about.
    (See attached for a copy of this alert.)

    In addition, the claims No. 4-6 indicated by you in the statement of claim are not insurance, since clauses 12.1-12.2 of the Agreement were violated.

    We understand your situation well and, if you want to avoid similar precedents in the future, we offer to conclude an additional agreement with our company that allows you to compensate for losses associated with business risks similar to yours. (See additional agreement in the attachment)

    We hope for your understanding and continued cooperation!


    AIG Manager

    Tuchkov Vladimir
    Tel.: 8-495-xxx-xx-xx
    [email protected]

    Letter of response to a justified complaint

    Subject: Response to the complaint.
    Data: 05/12/2016
    From: [email protected]
    To: Anna Kolesnikova

    Dear Anna!

    On behalf of the entire team of our factory, I would like to express my sincere regrets and apologize for the current situation.

    Our factory has been working stably and efficiently in the clothing sewing and repair market for many years.

    Your situation relates to rare cases, which are to blame for the so-called human factor.

    We conducted an investigation, and those responsible for violating deadlines and rudeness were punished. According to the order of the factory dated April 13, 2016 No. 78/2, shift foreman V.V. Volkova was reprimanded, cutter A.P. Gusev was transferred as a tailor to the team for sewing men's outerwear.

    The administration has taken urgent measures to fulfill your order. He'll be ready 15.05.2016. At any time convenient for you, the courier will deliver it to the address you specified.

    Believe me, we are just as unhappy with the current situation as you are!