General characteristics of PJSC Sberbank of Russia. · not including the “net non-interest income” indicator in the calculation of operational risk, due to the fact that it showed a negative value. The management bodies of the Bank are

Sberbank is a financial institution known not only to the vast majority of Russians, but also to residents of other countries. The reason is its scale, uniqueness, and popularity compared to other similar institutions in the Russian Federation. In this article, we will focus on the organizational structure of Sberbank, which has no analogues in Russia. Let's start with a general introduction to the organization.

About Sberbank

The subject of our conversation is PJSC, the largest Russian bank. Its founder is the Central Bank of Russia. It is the Central Bank that owns the controlling stake in this institution. Other shareholders include both organizations and individuals.

Uniqueness is noticeable not only in the extensive organizational structure of Sberbank. It also highlights the following:

  • Providing state guarantees for deposits.
  • Participation in an international program whose goal is the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation.
  • Servicing accounts, accounting for income and turnover of the Russian federal budget.

Scheme of the organizational structure of Sberbank of Russia

Let's look at the hierarchy of components of this large banking organization:

The entire organizational structure of Sberbank OJSC can be divided into almost equal four shares:

  1. Head office.
  2. Territorial branches.
  3. Agencies and branches.
  4. Other branches of the system.

Shareholders meeting

The management structure of this organization presupposes the existence of ruling bodies with established levels of responsibility, a number of powers and rules for interaction with other components of the system. Let's move on to the top.

The main governing body of the organizational structure of Sberbank PJSC is the meeting of shareholders. Only it has the right to elect the board of the institution, as well as the supervisory board. Shareholders are both individuals and legal entities. They are owners of both ordinary and preferred securities.

The main tasks of this part of the organizational structure of Sberbank:

Structure management

The general management of Sberbank is the business of the elected Council. His key responsibilities are:

  • Determination of bank development vectors.
  • Control over the work of the board.
  • Approval of the annual report.
  • Control of investment and lending policies.
  • Organization of activities of the audit and credit committees.
  • Selection of the chairman.

Audit and credit committees

We continue to get acquainted with the organizational structure of Sberbank. As we have already mentioned, its Council creates two committees, each of which has specific tasks:

head office

Let's move on to the organizational structure of Sberbank branches. The main thing here is the head office - it manages smaller branches. Hence, its tasks are the following:

Territorial divisions

It should be noted that the activities of territorial structures are ensured by the Sberbank security service. They themselves are busy with the following:

Regional branches

Regional divisions and branches are the most widespread in the entire Sberbank system. It must be said that within the structure they are constantly being optimized based on the population density in a particular region and the number of bank clients. Much attention is also paid to consumer preferences for certain banking services.

Regional branches of the organizational structure of Sberbank have the full range of rights of legal entities. The balance sheet of such a branch is an integral part of the single balance sheet of the entire corporation.

The activities of regional branches are based on the approved regulations. Based on it:

  • Branches in the regions have the rights of legal entities.
  • They are part of the savings banking system.
  • In their work they rely on acts adopted by both the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and Sberbank itself.

Here it is necessary to identify specialized branches. They focus not only on individual and specialized banking services, but also on the development of certain areas of financial business: work with corporate clients, transactions with currency, shares, etc.


It is impossible not to separately highlight such a part of the Sberbank structure as agencies. They are considered the very last link in the system - they were created at large institutions to work with the population of remote and sparsely populated regions of the Russian Federation. The range of operations they perform is limited - cash settlement services, salary transfers.

In the future, it is planned to replace agencies with mobile operating cash desks.


The structure of Sberbank includes the following branches:

Functions of the organizational structure

Let's consider the general functions of the organizational structure of PJSC Sberbank of Russia:

  • Turnover of funds received from the population and organizations.
  • Issuance of loans to individuals and legal entities.
  • Settlement and cash services for the population.
  • Working with securities: issue, sale, purchase.
  • Commercial services: leasing, factoring.
  • Issue of bank cards.
  • Transactions with currency.
  • Consulting and informing citizens on economic issues.

We briefly examined the extensive organizational structure of Sberbank. Now you are aware of its components and their specific activities.

In today's Sberbank there is almost nothing reminiscent of the savings banks, the functions of which it performed for a significant period of its history. But something else is surprising: Sberbank no longer even resembles itself just ten years ago!

The ability to change and move forward is a sign of the excellent “sports” shape that Sberbank is in today. The title of the oldest and largest bank in Russia does not prevent it from openly and conscientiously competing in the banking market and keeping its finger on the pulse of financial and technological changes. Sberbank not only keeps pace with modern market trends, but also gets ahead of them, confidently navigating rapidly changing technologies and customer preferences.

Leader of the banking sector

Sberbank today is the circulatory system of the Russian economy, a third of its banking system. The bank provides work and a source of income to every 150th Russian family.

The leader of the Russian banking sector in terms of total assets accounts for 28.7% of total banking assets (as of January 1, 2016).

The bank is the main creditor of the Russian economy and occupies the largest share in the deposit market. It accounts for 46% of household deposits, 38.7% of loans to individuals and 32.2% of loans to legal entities.

Sberbank today is 12 territorial banks and more than 14 thousand branches throughout the country, in 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, located in 11 time zones.

In Russia alone, Sberbank has more than 110 million clients - more than half of the country's population, and about 11 million people use Sberbank's services abroad.

The range of Sberbank services for retail clients is as wide as possible: from traditional deposits and various types of lending to bank cards, money transfers, bancassurance and brokerage services.

All retail loans at Sberbank are issued using the “Credit Factory” technology, created to effectively assess credit risks and ensure high quality of the loan portfolio.

In an effort to make service more convenient, modern and technologically advanced, Sberbank is increasingly improving its capabilities for remote management of customer accounts every year. The bank has created a system of remote service channels, which includes:

  • Sberbank Online mobile applications for smartphones (more than 40 million active users);
  • web version of Sberbank Online (13 million active users);
  • SMS service “Mobile Bank” (more than 23 million active users);
  • one of the world's largest networks of ATMs and self-service terminals (more than 90 thousand devices).

In addition, Sberbank Online was recognized as the best online retail banking in Central and Eastern Europe according to Global Finance magazine in 2014 and 2017, and was also recognized as the best bank in Russia according to a study conducted by this magazine in 2015.

Sberbank is the largest issuer of debit and credit cards. A joint bank created by Sberbank and BNP Paribas is engaged in POS lending under the Cetelem brand, using the concept of “responsible lending.”

Sberbank's clients include more than 1 million enterprises (out of 4.5 million registered legal entities in Russia). The bank serves all groups of corporate clients, with small and medium-sized companies accounting for more than 35% of the bank's corporate loan portfolio. The remaining part is lending to large and major corporate clients.

Sberbank today is a team of more than 260 thousand qualified employees working to transform the bank into the best service company with world-class products and services.

International network

Sberbank today is a powerful modern bank that is rapidly transforming into one of the world's largest financial institutions. In recent years, Sberbank has significantly expanded its international presence. In addition to the CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus), Sberbank is represented in nine countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Sberbank Europe AG, former Volksbank International) and in Turkey (DenizBank).

The acquisition of DenizBank was completed in September 2012 and became the largest acquisition in the Bank's more than 170-year history. Sberbank of Russia also has representative offices in Germany and China, a branch in India, and operates in Switzerland.

In July 2014, Sberbank took first place among banks in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as 33rd place overall in the annual ranking of the TOP 1000 banks in the world, published by The Banker magazine.

Sberbank took first place among banks in Central and Eastern Europe in the published ranking of the top 1000 largest banks in the world by the British magazine The Banker, based on reporting for 2017.


The main shareholder and founder of Sberbank of Russia is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which owns 50% of the authorized capital plus one voting share. Other shareholders of the Bank are international and Russian investors.

The bank's ordinary and preferred shares have been listed on Russian stock exchanges since 1996. American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) are listed on the London Stock Exchange, admitted to trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and on the over-the-counter market in the United States.

General license of the Bank of Russia for banking operations 1481. The official website of the Bank is

Analysis of income, expenses and financial results of Sberbank of Russia. Directions of activity of the division of Sberbank of Russia OJSC in the Volga-Vyatsky Bank, branch of Bank Tatarstan No. 810/002. Ways to improve financial and economic activities.

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  • Introduction
  • Conclusion
  • Applications


The quality of personnel and management system largely depends on the general policy of the enterprise and its strategic goals. By creating an enterprise philosophy and defining strategic goals, management also determines the parameters of the personnel management system. Management, like any other field of knowledge, evolves in the process of development, responding to economic and social changes occurring in the external environment. This leads to the emergence of new ideas and management methods. For many years, the human factor in the activities of enterprises was given, at least not a primary place. People remained in the background, subordinate to the financial goals of firms and their technological capabilities. In modern conditions, such an attitude is replaced by an understanding of the extremely important role of personnel for the implementation of any management function.

Currently, personnel is one of the main competitive advantages of organizations working in the banking sector. In today's highly competitive and rapidly changing environment, banks must take advantage of all opportunities to more effectively use their competitive advantages. Personnel policy is one of the most important areas in the activities of a modern bank and is considered one of the main criteria for its economic success. The study of an organization's current personnel policy involves serious analytical work to assess its effectiveness, identify signs and causes of its ineffectiveness, and develop a system of measures for its improvement.

Obviously, in light of modern requirements for the quality of management activities, it is advisable to conduct a study of personnel policies and analyze their effectiveness. Checking the organization's personnel policy for its compliance with the goals, development strategy, capabilities of the organization, and employee satisfaction will provide the opportunity to obtain the necessary information and set the vector of direction for improving personnel policy and increasing the efficiency of the organization as a whole.

This work is a report on pre-graduation practice in the Kazan city of Sberbank of Russia 0023 branch as an administrator.

The purpose of the practice is to characterize the personnel management system of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, branch of Bank Tatarstan No. 810/0023

Practice objectives:

consistent study and analysis of the organization’s activities and its management system;

development of proposals for improving the activities and management of the organization-base of practice;

collecting materials for completing the thesis;

fulfillment of an individual task related to the development of the thesis topic (improving the personnel management system of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, branch of Bank Tatarstan No. 810/0023

Internship period: 10/16/2014 to 11/26/2014.

Sberbank financial economic division

1. General characteristics of Sberbank of Russia OJSC

Sberbank of Russia was created in the form of an open joint-stock company in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR “On Banks and Banking Activities in the RSFSR” in 1991. The founder and main shareholder of Sberbank of Russia is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (over 60% of voting shares). The Bank's shareholders are more than 200 thousand legal entities and individuals. Sberbank of Russia was registered on June 20, 1991 with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Registration number - 1481. The bank is a legal entity and, with its branches, forms a unified system of Sberbank of Russia.

Sberbank is a modern universal bank with a large share of private capital, including foreign investors. The structure of Sberbank's share capital indicates its high investment attractiveness. Today, Sberbank is the largest bank in the Russian Federation and Central and Eastern Europe, occupies a leading position in the main segments of the Russian financial market and is among the largest banks in the world in terms of capitalization. Sberbank's international ratings reflect the bank's authority in the global banking community as one of the most dynamically and diversifiedly developing Russian banks. Sberbank has a unique branch network: it currently includes 17 territorial banks and almost 20,000 structural divisions (branches) throughout the country. Subsidiary banks of Sberbank of Russia operate in Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

The main documents regulating the activities of Sberbank of Russia in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation are:

The Bank's Charter, approved by the annual general meeting of shareholders on June 24, 2011 (as amended);

Corporate Governance Code approved by the annual general meeting of shareholders in June 2011;

Code of corporate ethics for an employee of Sberbank of Russia.

OJSC "Sberbank of Russia" is a legal entity and, with its branches, forms a unified system of Sberbank of Russia.

The management bodies of the Bank are:

General meeting of shareholders;

sole executive body

Table 1

Branch network of Sberbank of Russia OJSC in 2011-2013.

As of January 1, 2011, the branch network of Sberbank of Russia consisted of 20,307 divisions, including 17 territorial banks, 791 branches, 19,499 internal structural divisions. The latter, in turn, included 8,690 additional offices (including 70.1% - specialized for servicing individuals, 28.5% - universal, 1.4% - specialized for servicing legal entities), 10,758 operating cash desks outside cash desk and 51 mobile cash transactions points. In addition, there were 38 separate exchange offices.

The main goal of Sberbank of Russia OJSC is to ensure growth in investment attractiveness and maintain leadership in the Russian financial services market by modernizing management and technological processes. To achieve this goal, the activities of Sberbank of Russia OJSC are aimed at improving client policy, creating a flexible, effective system of interaction with clients based on taking into account the needs of various client groups.

OJSC Sberbank of Russia is a universal commercial bank that satisfies the needs of various groups of clients in a wide range of high-quality banking services throughout Russia. Acting in the interests of depositors, clients and shareholders, Sberbank of Russia OJSC strives to effectively invest raised funds from private and corporate clients in the real sector of the economy, lends to citizens, promotes the sustainable functioning of the Russian banking system and the savings of household deposits.

The main activities of Sberbank of Russia OJSC:

lending to Russian enterprises;

lending to private clients;

investment in government securities and bonds of the Bank of Russia;

carrying out transactions on a commission basis.

Funds for carrying out these activities are attracted by the Bank from the following sources: funds of shareholders; deposits of private clients; funds of legal entities; other sources, including borrowings on international financial markets.

The reliability of Sberbank of Russia OJSC and its impeccable business reputation in Russia and abroad are confirmed by high ratings from leading rating agencies.

1.2 Main activities of Sberbank of Russia OJSC

The Savings Bank of Russia was created with the aim of attracting temporarily free funds of the population and enterprises, and their effective placement on the terms of repayment, payment, urgency, in the interests of bank depositors and in the interests of the development of the national economy. According to the form of organization, the Savings Bank of Russia is a joint-stock credit institution operating on the basis of the Charter (Order of the Central Bank dated March 21, 1991). After returning to pre-crisis performance indicators, Sberbank maintains the goal for 2014 to ensure long-term stable business growth and systematic implementation of the Development Strategy until 2014.

In the field of finance, the Bank's main task is to maximize return on capital and profitability for shareholders, which, in turn, will require work to improve the quality of the loan portfolio, ensure the repayment of non-performing loans, as well as further increase business efficiency.

Priority tasks for working with clients for 2014:

1. increasing customer satisfaction with the terms of service at the Bank. The main attention in this issue will be paid to the elimination of queues in departments serving clients, as well as the development of the institute of client managers for corporate clients;

2. increasing the share in the assets of the Russian banking system by strengthening positions in the main segments of the financial market;

3. providing the best quality of customer service on the market in remote channels;

4. strengthening the Sberbank brand for priority segments of the retail market.

The success of the Bank largely depends on the people who work in it. Priority areas of personnel work for 2014:

1. formation of a comprehensive plan for the development and optimization of personnel;

2. formation of a loyal, motivated team through the full implementation of a new unified motivation system, the creation of a career management system and a social security system;

3. ensuring personnel qualifications necessary and sufficient for the implementation of the Bank’s Strategy through the creation of a system of training and development of employees, a system of work with educational institutions, as well as the development and implementation of knowledge management processes and tools.

The Bank's main activities:

1.3 Description of the division in the Volga-Vyatka Bank of OJSC "Sberbank of Russia" branch "Bank Tatarstan" No. 810/0023

Let's stop more details on one from largest banks, AexactlyonVolga-Vyatkabank OJSC "Sberbank of Russia" branch "Bank Tatarstan" No. 810/0023. INhiscompoundincludedmore750 structuraldivisionsWithgeneralin numberemployeesnear12 thousandHuman.

Activitycreditorganizationscarried outonterritoriesfoursubjectsRussianFederation: Tyumenareas,Omskareas,Khanty - MansiyskautonomousdistrictsAndYamalo-Nenetsautonomousdistricts.

ForimplementationbankingoperationsBankhasgenerallicense1481 from August 30, 2011 .

IN client base jarincluded: privatefaces; presentersindustrialenterprises; stateorganizations; subjectssmallAndaveragebusiness.

Today, the network of Sberbank of Russia OJSC in the Omsk region is growing every year, for example, currently in the regional market the number of Sberbank of Russia ATMs is 1,440, and installed terminals are 7,655.

Among the main internal regulatory documents regulating the activities of branch No. 8610 and determining the procedure for conducting operations are:

1. Regulatory acts defining the procedure for conducting operations;

2. The Charter of the Bank, approved by the annual General Meeting of Shareholders on May 31, 2013;

3. Code of Corporate Governance of Sberbank of Russia Approved by the annual general meeting of shareholders, June 2002;

4. Regulations on the Supervisory Board of the Joint-Stock Commercial Savings Bank of the Russian Federation (open joint-stock company) (Taking into account changes and additions approved by the annual general meetings of shareholders on June 21, 2002, June 18, 2004 and June 16, 2012);

5. Regulations on the committees of the Supervisory Board dated September 20, 2013 (Minutes dated September 20, 2013 No. 126);

6. Regulations on the Management Board (Minutes No. 23 of 06/04/2013);

7. Regulations for the provision of loans to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (version 5), taking into account changes No. 18 dated November 6, 2013, Moscow 2013 (approved by the Committee of Sberbank of Russia OJSC for the provision of loans and investments dated June 30, 2006. Minutes No. 432 §8);

8. Regulation No. 1948 of lending to clients in the Small Business segment by Sberbank of Russia and its branches for products provided on the basis of the Corinka model for assessing creditworthiness. Moscow, 2013;

9. Rules for lending to individuals by institutions of Sberbank of Russia No. 229-3-r;

Due to the fact that the main activity of the Bank is credit policy, which is associated with complications of banking operations, as well as an increase in their volumes, which leads to the emergence of such banking risk as operational risk.

It can also be noted that interest in operational risk increases as it increases (see Figure 1).

Since the amount of operational risk is not disclosed in published reports, we independently calculated the level of operational risk for 2012 and 2013 based on the methodology of the Central Bank of Russia.

Considering the size of operational risk in dynamics, using the example of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, we can note its increase in 2013 by 10 million rubles. or by 12.4%.

Figure 1. Dynamics of changes in the amount of operational risk of Sberbank of Russia OJSC for 2012-2013.

Analyzing the indicators that allow us to calculate operational risk, we can see that the following points contributed to the growth of this trend:

· increase in gross income by 119,097 million rubles. or 20.7%;

· not including the “net non-interest income” indicator in the calculation of operational risk, due to the fact that it showed a negative value.

It should be noted that Sberbank is constantly improving the elements of its management system, including information systems, procedures and technologies based on information about realized risks, taking into account its strategic objectives, changes in the external environment, and innovations in global practice in terms of risk management.

The Bank develops and implements information systems that allow timely identification, analysis, assessment, management and control of operational risks.

It helps assess operational risk exposure and allocate capital accordingly. However, this system is built on the specifics of foreign countries, which, in turn, is not entirely correct to fully use it when assessing operational risk. Hence, the development of your own assessment method, taking into account Russian specifics, as well as taking into account the characteristics of the credit institution itself, can serve as a recommendation.

2. Analysis of income, expenses and financial results of Sberbank of Russia

2.1 Characteristics of the organizational structure of Sberbank of Russia OJSC

The structure of the share capital of Sberbank of Russia OJSC includes the following total number of outstanding shares: ordinary shares with a par value of 3 rubles. - 21,586,948,000 units; preferred shares with a par value of 3 rubles. - 1,000,000,000 pcs.

Let's consider the organizational structure of Sberbank of Russia OJSC (see Figure 8 and Appendix 4). All management bodies of the Bank are formed on the basis of the Charter of Sberbank of Russia.

The main legislative documents regulating the activities of the bank are presented in Table 2.

Table 2

Basic legal acts regulating the activities of Sberbank of Russia OJSC

Basic legal acts

Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation (as amended on January 30, 2014).

Federal Law of July 10, 2002 No. 86-FZ "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)".

Regulation “On maintaining accounting records in credit institutions located on the territory of the Russian Federation” dated July 16, 2012 No. 385-P.

Federal Law of August 7, 2001 No. 115-FZ “On combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism.”

Federal Law of December 10, 2003 No. 173-FZ “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control”.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated March 26, 1998 No. 41-FZ “On Precious Metals and Precious Stones.”

Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ “On Joint Stock Companies”.

Regulation "On non-cash payments in the Russian Federation" dated June 19, 2012, No. 383-P (as amended on July 15, 2013).

Based on the analysis of the main economic indicators of the Bank’s activities for 2011-2012, presented in the balance sheet and profit and loss statement (see Appendix 5), the following conclusions can be drawn. During the period under review, there was an increase in the Bank's assets by 3162 billion rubles. or by 30.4%. This was facilitated by an increase in the “net loan debt” indicator by 2114 billion rubles. or by 27.6% (which, in turn, occupies the largest share in the structure of assets - 72% in 2012 and 74% in 2011), which on the one hand is a positive trend and may indicate an expansion of the client base bank, increasing the sources of income received, fairly efficient use of the resources available to the bank, on the other hand, such growth may indicate a negative trend, which may be associated with the emergence of increased credit risks, as well as with an increase in the share of “problem”

Analyzing the Liabilities section, one can note an increase in the “Liability” indicator by 2811 billion rubles. or by 30.8% due to:

increase in the indicator “Funds of clients who are not credit institutions” by 1585 billion rubles. or by 20.1%;

growth of the indicator “Deposits of individuals” by 765 billion rubles. or by 13.9%;

decrease in the value of the indicator “Provisions for possible losses on contingent credit obligations, other possible losses and transactions with residents of offshore zones” by 5 billion rubles, which is positive.

Looking at the income statement, the following points can be noted:

increase in other operating expenses by 62.5 billion rubles. or by 18.7%, which was caused mainly by investments in the program to modernize the network of Sberbank branches and IT systems;

increase in the size of the line “Unused profit (loss) for the reporting period” by 35.7 billion rubles. or by 11.5%, which is a positive trend.

There is a tendency to increase in absolute terms the amount of equity (capital), which amounted to 1679.1 billion rubles in 2012, and 1515.8 billion rubles in 2011. This indicates a positive result, since the capital of a credit institution is a reserve for maintaining solvency in the event of financial difficulties and a source of financing for the development of banking operations.

Studying the published form 0409135 of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, it is necessary to highlight the main liquidity standards of the bank (see Figure 9 and Appendix 6) in accordance with instructions dated December 3, 2012 No. 139-I “On mandatory standards for banks” (as amended. dated October 25, 2013 No. 3097-U) (see Table 4).

Table 3

Basic standards of Sberbank of Russia OJSC

Indicator name

Normative value


1. Bank instant liquidity ratio (N2).

Greater than or equal to 15%.

For 2012 it was 61.4%, which satisfies the established requirement. Looking at the indicator in dynamics, one can also note its growth due to an increase in highly liquid assets (Lam), which indicates a positive trend.

2. Bank current liquidity ratio (N3).

Greater than or equal to 50%.

For 2012 it was 74.3%, which satisfies the established requirement. Looking at the indicator in dynamics, we can note its growth due to an increase in liquid assets (Lat), which is positive.

3. Long-term bank liquidity ratio (N4).

Less than or equal to 120%.

For 2012 it was 99.8%, which satisfies the established requirement. Looking at the indicator in dynamics, one can note its growth due to an increase in credit requirements with the remaining period until the repayment date exceeding 365 or 366 calendar days. This figure is closer to the established standard than for the previous year.

Figure 2. Diagram of the dynamics of changes in mandatory liquidity ratios of Sberbank of Russia OJSC for the period 2011-2012, %

Looking at the form, we can note a decrease in ROE and ROA in 2012 compared to 2011. However, these indicators correspond to the established standard values ​​and their deviations do not exceed 1%, which indicates the maintenance of the effective activities of Sberbank (see Appendix 7).

Analysis of reporting in accordance with IFRS allowed us to see that over the period from 2011-2012. The bank was exposed to certain financial risks:






However, there is a positive trend - a decrease in the levels of the above listed risks (see Figure 10 and Figure 11).

Figure 3. Dynamics of changes in the value of interest, stock and currency risks for 2011-2012.

Figure 4. Dynamics of changes in certain types of risk, billion rubles. for 2011-2012

Analyzing the financial statements of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, you can see that the Bank carries out effective banking activities and this is evidenced by a profit in the amount of 34,617,519 thousand rubles, which increased compared to the previous year by 35,679,608 thousand rubles. or by 11.5% on line 26 “Unused profit (loss) for the reporting period.”

When considering form 0409807 “Profit and Loss Statement”, it is important to note:

increase in net interest income by 119,097,344 thousand rubles. or 20.7% due to the line “from loans provided to customers who are not credit institutions,” which increased by 252,858,619 thousand rubles. or by 34.7%;

a negative trend is a significant increase in commission expenses, namely by 6,419,205 thousand rubles. compared to the previous period or by 73.7%.

Also, when analyzing the annual reporting of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, form 0409102, one can note:

a significant increase in Section 7 “Other income” (“Fines, penalties, penalties”: lines for other banking operations and transactions p. 17102) by 27,832 thousand rubles. or by 172.5% and for “Other (business) operations” (line 17103) by 66,702 thousand rubles. or by 103.1%;

a significant reduction in expenses in the line “Operations with precious metals and precious stones” (line 22203) by 3,569,265 thousand rubles. or by 70.7% and the line “Negative revaluation of precious metals” (line 24103) 138644542 thousand rubles. or 15.6%.

A study of the structure of the loan portfolio showed an increase in the volume of individual banking products and the results listed below (see Figure 12).

Figure 5. Structure of the loan portfolio before deduction of the provision for impairment as of 2011 - 2012. (according to the annual report of Sberbank of Russia OJSC for 2012)

Based on the data presented in Figure 13, in the structure of the loan portfolio one can observe:

growth of individual banking products, for example, the volume of corporate lending increased by 1,651.2 billion rubles. or by 25.1%, and the share of loans provided to legal entities in the total gross loan portfolio decreased from 78.5% to 74.4% or by 4.1%;

growth of the retail segment by 1030.9 billion rubles. or by 57.1%, which, in turn, was associated with an increase in the share of a number of products provided to individuals in the total gross loan portfolio and their volume (for example, an increase in consumer and other loans to individuals by 625.7 billion. rub. or 66.3%; - increase in mortgage lending - 366 billion rubles or 47.1%; increase in car loans to individuals - 39.2 billion rubles or 46.6%).

2.2 Financial and economic characteristics of the activities of Sberbank of Russia OJSC

Profit is a general indicator of the bank’s activities, the final financial result, reflecting the result of all aspects and areas of work. Its value is determined by the ratio of the bank's income and expenses. Bank profit can be assessed using absolute and relative indicators. The first includes profit from operating activities, balance sheet, gross, taxable and net profit. However, absolute profit indicators cannot always characterize the efficiency of a bank, so it is advisable to use various relative profitability indicators that characterize the efficiency of return on funds, costs, and capital.

The Bank's net profit amounted to 181.6 billion rubles. for 2013, which is 7.4 times more than in 2012 (RUB 24.4 billion). An analysis of the structure of income and expenses is presented in Table 5.

Table 4

Analysis of income and expenses of Sberbank of Russia for 2012-2013, million rubles.

Net interest income

Interest income, total

From funds in credit institutions

From loans provided to legal entities. persons

From loans provided to individuals. persons

From investing in securities

Interest expenses, total

Through credit institutions

By legal means. persons

By means of physical persons

For issued debt obligations

Change in reserves

Net income from securities transactions

Net income from foreign exchange transactions

Net commission income

Other operating income

Operating expenses

Profit before tax

Accrued (paid) taxes

Profit after tax

Net interest income remained virtually unchanged compared to 2012. Their growth during the year was constrained by a decrease in income from lending to legal entities due to a decrease in interest rates on the market and a large volume of early repayments at the end of 2012 - beginning of 2013. Compared to the previous year, the volume of income from lending to legal entities decreased by 12.5%.

At the same time, the Bank significantly increased interest income on securities (+87.9%) due to an increase in the securities portfolio, and the gradual recovery of the retail lending market affected the increase in income on loans to private clients (+4.9%). Along with a reduction in interest expenses, this allowed the Bank to compensate for the decrease in income from loans to legal entities.

Interest expenses decreased by 5.5% mainly due to a reduction in the volume and cost of borrowed funds from banks and a decrease in the cost of funds from legal entities. Compared to 2012, the volume of expenses on bank funds decreased by 43.3%; by means of legal entities - by 31.1%. At the end of the year, expenses on funds from individuals increased by 13.9%, accompanying an increase in the volume of deposits, while the cost of deposits decreased.

The volume of expenses for the formation of reserves in 2013 amounted to 86.9 billion rubles, including 79.3 billion rubles were allocated for loan reserves. In 2012, these expenses were significantly higher: 387.3 billion rubles, incl. 364.7 for loan provisions. The reduction in expenses on reserves was affected by the stabilization of the quality of the Bank’s loan portfolio, including due to measures taken in 2013 as part of working with problem assets.

Net income from securities transactions for the year decreased by RUB 1.2 billion. and amounted to 16.6 billion rubles. The largest volume of income comes from corporate bonds, bonds of the Russian Federation and subfederal bonds.

Net income from foreign currency transactions changed from RUB 22.2 billion. up to 1.6 billion rubles. The main impact on the dynamics of income was exerted by forward transactions (currency swap transactions), the financial results of which are significantly spread over time in accordance with Russian accounting rules. The Bank carries out these operations in order to maintain liquidity in various foreign currencies necessary for doing business.

Net commission income increased by 11.3% to RUB 111.9 billion. Their growth was ensured by commission income received from transactions with bank cards, settlement transactions, acquiring, salary projects, and servicing budget accounts. The volume of commission income on transactions with foreign currency and precious metals, as well as on transactions with securities, decreased.

The Bank's operating expenses increased by 53.0% to RUB 318.7 billion. Along with the expenses incurred during the sale of assets at fair value in favor of a subsidiary in March 2013, the following had the greatest impact on the increase in operating expenses:

personnel costs, which increased as part of the 2013 plan; the increase in wages is aimed at eliminating discrepancies between the wages of all Bank employees and the market level and is differentiated by employee categories and territories;

administrative and economic expenses, the growth of which accompanies the development of the Bank’s business;

contributions to the compulsory deposit insurance fund due to an increase in the volume of funds raised from individuals.

In 2013, Sberbank achieved a financial result that was many times higher than the results of the previous year. Profit before tax for 2013 amounted to 242.2 billion rubles, profit after tax amounted to 174.0 billion rubles.

An analysis of the assets and liabilities of the balance sheet of Sberbank of Russia is presented in Table 6.

Table 5.

Analysis of the structure of assets and liabilities of Sberbank of Russia for 2012-2013

For 2013

For 2012

Change, %


Funds in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Net investments in securities

Net loans outstanding

Fixed assets, inventories

Other assets

Total assets

Funds of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Client funds

Other obligations

Provisions for other losses

Sources of own funds

Total liabilities

The Bank's assets in 2013 increased by 20.1% to RUB 8,523 billion. Most of the growth was provided by the securities portfolio and loans to clients - legal entities and individuals.

The balance of the Bank's legal entity loan portfolio in 2013 increased by more than RUB 500 billion. and reached 4,766 billion rubles. The Bank managed to almost double the growth rate of the loan portfolio of legal entities (12.2% versus 6.7% in 2012), despite the large volume of early repayments at the beginning of 2013 and the implementation of measures to improve the quality of the loan portfolio with transactions for the sale of problem assets .

The Bank's retail loan portfolio increased over the year by 11.3% to RUB 1,301 billion. (in 2012 its balance decreased by 6.9%). This was largely facilitated by a number of special promotions of the Bank, during which clients were offered attractive loan conditions, as well as the abolition of commissions on loans.

Throughout the year, Sberbank invested free liquid funds in securities, diversifying its assets and income. The main investments were made in the most reliable and liquid government securities. At the end of the year, the securities portfolio increased 1.7 times to RUB 1,851 billion.

Funding for the Bank's active operations was carried out mainly through the influx of funds from clients, primarily individuals.

the balance of deposits in Sberbank in 2013 increased by more than 1 trillion. rub. or by 27.2% and reached 4,690 billion rubles;

funds raised from legal entities (excluding funds raised under the MTN program) increased by 10.3% to RUB 1,827 billion;

To replenish liquidity in foreign currency, the Bank raised funds on international capital markets as part of the MTN program - the balance of funds raised increased over the year by 1.8 times to RUB 150 billion.

Funds raised from the Bank of Russia decreased by 200 billion rubles. due to the early repayment in May 2013 of part of the subordinated loan received from the Bank of Russia at the end of 2008 with a total amount of 500 billion rubles. The decision on early repayment was dictated by economic feasibility in the context of the accumulated sufficient amount of liquid funds for business development and the availability of reserves to meet mandatory liquidity standards.

The Bank also increased its resource base by increasing its own funds, which increased by 23.8% mainly due to earned profits.

2.3 Ways and directions for improving the financial and economic activities of Sberbank of Russia OJSC

When determining the prospects for its development, Sberbank of Russia proceeds, first of all, from an analysis of the current macroeconomic situation and a study of internal and external opportunities for the development of financial operations. The Bank strives to develop existing competitive advantages and create new growth points for its business.

The emerging external conditions: increased competition in the domestic and international financial markets, deepening uncertainty about the prospects for the further development of the global economy form the prerequisites for setting the Bank a strategic goal of actively increasing the growth rate of business volume and diversifying areas of activity.

At the same time, Sberbank of Russia sees as its main strategic goal the preservation of investment attractiveness and entry into the group of the largest banks in the world in terms of market capitalization.

The increase in market capitalization will be associated with the economic effect obtained as a result of improving and, if necessary, restructuring the Bank’s internal processes, optimizing the corporate governance system taking into account current trends in the national and global economy.

Another important task facing the Bank on its way to increasing market capitalization is maintaining and strengthening its position in the Russian financial services market. For these purposes, Sberbank of Russia plans to build a fundamentally new system of working with clients, focused on the most effective service to the main client groups. To provide clients with a full range of financial services, the Bank plans to enter new segments of the financial market and create new banking products.

In the current conditions of uncertainty in the development of the global financial market, special attention will be paid to improving and maintaining the risk management system up to date.


Sberbank of Russia is the largest bank in the Russian Federation and the CIS. Its assets make up more than a quarter of the country's banking system (27%), and its share in bank capital is at 50% (as of January 1, 2014).

Founded in 1841, Sberbank of Russia today is a modern universal bank that meets the needs of various groups of clients in a wide range of banking services. Sberbank occupies the largest share in the deposit market and is the main creditor of the Russian economy. Attracting funds from private clients and ensuring their safety is the basis of Sberbank’s business, and the development of mutually beneficial relationships with depositors is the key to its successful work. At the end of 2014, 67.9% of citizens’ savings stored in Russian banks trust Sberbank.

Sberbank's loan portfolio includes about a third of all loans issued in the country (32% of retail and 31% of corporate loans). In 2013, Sberbank actively lent to major corporate clients, providing funds to finance current activities and investment programs, refinance loans from other banks, purchase assets and carry out mergers and acquisitions, finance leasing transactions, expenses for participation in tenders, and housing construction. As in previous years, Sberbank was directly involved in the implementation of government programs.

Sberbank continued to work to improve the quality of customer service. Sberbank's most significant service remains accepting payments from the public. Their volume over the year increased 1.4 times and reached 1,621 billion rubles, the number of accepted payments increased by 6.5% and exceeded 1,134 million. The share of payments accepted using billing technology increased over the year to 65.7% .

Sberbank of Russia has a unique branch network: it currently includes 17 territorial banks and about 20 thousand branches throughout the country. Sberbank is constantly developing trade and export financing, and by 2014 plans to increase the share of net profit received outside Russia to 5%. Subsidiary banks of Sberbank of Russia operate in Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus. In accordance with the Development Strategy, Sberbank of Russia expanded its international presence by opening a representative office in Germany and a branch in India, as well as registering a representative office in China.

Sberbank sees as its main strategic goals maintaining investment attractiveness and joining the group of the world's largest banks in terms of market capitalization; maintaining and strengthening the position in the Russian financial services market.

In order to improve the quality of service, Sberbank of Russia will actively develop and improve sales channels for financial products and services. The Bank's branch network will be optimized, and remote banking service channels will be developed.

The successful work of Sberbank of Russia in these areas will largely be determined by efforts to develop a technical and technological platform for doing business and further improving the information exchange system between the bank’s divisions.

List of sources used

1. Federal law. On banks and banking activities (as amended on July 31, 1998, July 5, 8, 1999, June 19, August 7, 2001, March 21, 2002, June 30, 2003).

2. Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated January 16, 2004 No. 110-I “On mandatory standards for banks.”

3. Babicheva Yu.A. Banking. - M.: Economics, 2006. - 397 p.

4. Banking: Textbook / ed. Doctor of Economics sciences, prof. G.G. Korobova. - M.: Economist, 2005.

5. Batrakova L.G. Economic analysis of the activities of a commercial bank. - M.: Progress, 2007. - 423 p.

6. Batrakova L.G. Economic analysis of the activities of a commercial bank. - M.: Progress, 2006. - 423 p.

7. Buchwald B. Banking technology. - M.: JSC "DIS", 2006. - 240 p.

8. Gamidov G.M. Banking and credit business. - M.: Banks and exchanges UNITY, 2005. - 94 p.

9. Zharkovskaya E.P., Arends I.O. Banking: Course of lectures. - M.: Omega-L, 2008. - 399 p.

10. Zhukov E.F. Banks and banking operations: textbook / edited by M: UNITY. Banks and exchanges, 2008. - 388 p.

11. G.G. Korobova. Banking: Textbook. - M.: Economist, 2008. - 751 p.

12. Lavrushin O.I. Banking. - M.: Progress, 2008. - 520 p.

13. Lavrushin O.I. Management of banking operations (Bank marketing). - M.: Progress, 2007. - 678 p.

14. Tagirbekov K.R. Fundamentals of banking (Banking). - M.: ID INFRA-M, 2008. - 715 p.

15. Sheremet A.D., Shcherbakova G.N. Financial analysis in a commercial bank - M: Finance and Statistics, 2007. - 455 p.

16. Shirinskaya E.B. Operations of commercial banks: Russian and foreign experience. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2008. - 160 p.


Appendix 1

Table 6

Balance sheet for 2013 and 2012

Article title

Data for 2012

Specific gravity,%

Data for 2011

Specific gravity,%

Change, thousand rubles

Growth rate, %



Funds from credit institutions in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Required reserves

Funds in credit institutions

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

Net loans outstanding

Net investments in securities and other financial assets available for sale

Investments in subsidiaries and affiliates

Net investments in securities held to maturity

Fixed assets, intangible assets and inventories

Other assets

Total assets


Loans, deposits and other funds of the Central Bank

Funds from credit institutions

Funds of clients who are not credit institutions

Deposits of individuals

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

Debt issued

Other obligations

Provisions for possible losses on contingent credit obligations, other possible losses and transactions with residents of offshore zones



Funds of shareholders (participants)

Own shares (shares) purchased from shareholders (participants)

Share premium

Reserve fund

Revaluation at fair value of securities available for sale

Revaluation of fixed assets

Retained earnings (uncovered losses) of previous years

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The Savings Bank of the Russian Federation is currently the largest bank in Russia and in fact is one of the guarantors of the stability of the current economy of our country. The bank's long-term stability and state guarantee make it very popular among the population. When considering banking services, one way or another, you have to focus on Sberbank of the Russian Federation, which offers a full range of services to both individuals and legal entities, however, the conditions for providing services do not always have an acceptable price, since the bank has a long-term serious reputation.

Sberbank of Russia was created in the form of an open public joint-stock company in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR “On Banks and Banking Activities in the RSFSR”. Full name: public joint-stock company Sberbank of Russia.

The founder and main shareholder of Sberbank of Russia is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The history of the development of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation began more than 160 years ago, when the first Sberbank was opened in 1841. It was called the “State Bank” and its main activity was ensuring the safety of deposits. Subsequently, the bank was transformed into Sberbank of the USSR, and in 1991 - into Joint-Stock Commercial Sberbank of the Russian Federation.

The bank has formed a stable resource base and increased the potential of branches and branches. The Bank was faced with the task of effective management of attracted resources. In the period from 1991 to 2008, Sberbank of Russia underwent significant changes, survived the crisis and finally emerged as a modern and universal bank, open to work with all groups of clients, a pillar and support of the Russian economy. In 2006, Sberbank implemented its expansion policy in international markets and opened a representative office in Kazakhstan.

In 2007, a representative office of Sberbank opened in Ukraine; today it has over 190 branches.

Since 2008, Sberbank has received the status of a strategic partner of the World Economic Forum in Davos (Switzerland).

In 2010, Sberbank continued its sustainable development, a number of strategically important agreements were concluded, certification and assessment of working personnel was carried out, additional measures were taken to improve the quality of service to citizens, and socially significant and economic projects were implemented.

Sberbank of Russia in 2016 is a modern universal bank that meets the needs of various groups of clients in a wide range of banking services. The share of Sberbank of Russia in the total assets of the Russian banking sector was 29.4% as of August 1, 2014; in the private deposit market - 46.4%; the loan portfolio corresponded to 34.7% of all loans issued to the population. Sberbank occupies the largest share in the deposit market and is the main creditor of the Russian economy.

The activities of Sberbank have a wide range of services provided, the main of which are:

· Lending to individuals and legal entities

· Bank cards

· Investments and securities

· Translations

· Cash and traveler's checks

Precious metals and coins

· Rent of safes

· Online services, etc.

The dynamics of the main indicators of the Russian economy in 2014 were formed under the influence of negative external factors: falling oil prices, a significant increase in geopolitical tensions and the subsequent introduction of sectoral sanctions against Russia. Despite foreign economic difficulties, Sberbank maintained its leading position in the main segments of the Russian financial market.

The main performance indicators of this enterprise are the following economic indicators:

Table 2.

Key economic indicators of Sberbank PJSC

Having studied the data in the table, we can conclude that the dynamics of these indicators are positive. Despite the current situation in the financial market, the assets of Sberbank of Russia increased by 6990.5 billion, due to additional attraction of customer funds (+ 3498.7 billion) and an increase in the bank’s own funds (+138.7 billion). The size of own funds can also be increased by increasing the number of loans issued, and as a result, Sberbank increased the number of loans issued by 4822.7 billion.

The bank's branch network as of April 1, 2015 includes 17 territorial banks and almost 20,000 structural divisions (branches) throughout Russia. Subsidiary banks of Sberbank of Russia operate in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, and Germany. In June 2010, Sberbank received permission from the Chinese Banking Regulatory Commission to open a representative office in Beijing, and in September 2010, the Bank of Russia registered a branch of Sberbank of Russia OJSC in India.

The organizational structure of the bank is presented as follows:

Sberbank of the Russian Federation Territorial banks Branches

Diagram 1. Organizational structure of Sberbank

Regional business development is the main emphasis that Sberbank of Russia places in its activities. Sberbank branches, together with the Main Directorate, are part of the unified system of Sberbank of Russia. Sberbank branches that do not have the rights of legal entities act on the basis of provisions approved by the Board of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. The balance sheet of each branch is included in the balance sheet of Sberbank of the Russian Federation. The branch network of Sberbank of the Russian Federation covers the entire territory of the country. Branches of Sberbank of the Russian Federation are hierarchically structured and divided into regional banks, territorial banks and internal structural divisions.

The North-West Bank of Sberbank of Russia is one of 17 territorial banks of the largest banking institution in Russia - Sberbank and operates in 7 constituent entities of the Russian Federation - St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Kaliningrad, Murmansk, Pskov, Novgorod regions, as well as the Republic of Karelia. Currently, the North-West Bank of Sberbank of Russia has the most developed branch network in the region - more than 1 thousand branches. Let's look at its organizational structure:

Figure 3. Organizational structure of the North-Western branch of Sberbank PJSC

staff turnover mentoring regulations

In the ranking of the 1000 largest banks in the world in terms of first-tier equity capital, according to TheBanker magazine, Sberbank of Russia ranks 66th (in 2006 - 82nd). According to the rating of the FinancialTimes newspaper, the bank entered the Top 25 largest banks in the world by capitalization, taking 24th place (in 2006 - 43rd), and in the ranking of the 500 largest companies in the world by capitalization, Sberbank took 103rd place (in 2006 - 232nd), being included in the list of companies that made the most significant jump in the ranking.

They accept deposits: time deposit, online deposit, settlement deposit, savings certificate, DIA payments, compensation for deposits, as well as account tracing. Sberbank in St. Petersburg is part of the structure of North-West Bank with a central office in St. Petersburg

We will consider Sberbank PJSC as an object for conducting an audit of personnel training.

In modern Sberbank, almost nothing reminds of the savings banks, the functions of which it performed during a significant period of its history. But something else is surprising: Sberbank no longer even resembles itself just ten years ago.

The ability to change and move forward is a sign of the excellent “sports” shape that Sberbank is in today. The title of the oldest and largest bank in Russia does not prevent it from openly and conscientiously competing in the banking market and keeping its finger on the pulse of financial and technological changes. Sberbank not only keeps pace with modern market trends, but also gets ahead of them, confidently navigating rapidly changing technologies and customer preferences.

Sberbank today is the circulatory system of the Russian economy, a third of its banking system. The bank provides work and a source of income to every 150th Russian family.

The leader of the Russian banking sector in terms of total assets accounts for 28.7% of total banking assets (as of January 1, 2016).

The bank is the main creditor of the Russian economy and occupies the largest share in the deposit market. It accounts for 46% of household deposits, 38.7% of loans to individuals and 32.2% of loans to legal entities.

Sberbank today is 14 territorial banks and more than 16 thousand branches throughout the country, in 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, located in 11 time zones.

In Russia alone, Sberbank has more than 110 million clients - more than half of the country's population, and about 11 million people use Sberbank's services abroad.

The range of Sberbank services for retail clients is as wide as possible: from traditional deposits and various types of lending to bank cards, money transfers, bancassurance and brokerage services.

All retail loans at Sberbank are issued using the “Credit Factory” technology, created to effectively assess credit risks and ensure high quality of the loan portfolio.

In an effort to make service more convenient, modern and technologically advanced, Sberbank is increasingly improving its capabilities for remote management of customer accounts every year. The bank has created a system of remote service channels, which includes:

· online banking “Sberbank Online” (more than 30 million active users);

· Sberbank Online mobile applications for smartphones (more than 18 million active users);

· SMS service “Mobile Bank” (more than 30 million active users);

· one of the world's largest networks of ATMs and self-service terminals (more than 90 thousand devices).

Sberbank is the largest issuer of debit and credit cards. A joint bank created by Sberbank and BNP Paribas is engaged in POS lending under the Cetelem brand, using the concept of “responsible lending.”

Sberbank's clients include more than 1 million enterprises (out of 4.5 million registered legal entities in Russia). The bank serves all groups of corporate clients, with small and medium-sized companies accounting for more than 35% of the bank's corporate loan portfolio. The remaining part is lending to large and major corporate clients.

Sberbank today is a team of more than 260 thousand qualified employees working to transform the bank into the best service company with world-class products and services.

Sberbank today is a powerful modern bank that is rapidly transforming into one of the world's largest financial institutions. In recent years, Sberbank has significantly expanded its international presence. In addition to the CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus), Sberbank is represented in nine countries of Central and Eastern Europe (SberbankEurope AG, former Volksbank International) and in Turkey (DenizBank).

The acquisition of DenizBank was completed in September 2012 and became the largest acquisition in the Bank's more than 170-year history. Sberbank of Russia also has representative offices in Germany and China, a branch in India, and operates in Switzerland.

In July 2014, Sberbank took first place among banks in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as 33rd place overall in the annual ranking of the TOP 1000 banks in the world, published by TheBanker magazine. In addition, Sberbankonline was recognized as the best retail online banking in Central and Eastern Europe according to GlobalFinance magazine, and was also recognized as the best bank in Russia according to a study conducted by this magazine in 2015.

In 2014, DenizBank (Türkiye) was named the Most Innovative Bank in the World at the BAI InnovationAwards.

The main shareholder and founder of Sberbank of Russia is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which owns 50% of the authorized capital plus one voting share. Other shareholders of the Bank are international and Russian investors.

The bank's ordinary and preferred shares have been listed on Russian stock exchanges since 1996. American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) are listed on the London Stock Exchange, admitted to trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and on the over-the-counter market in the United States.

Sberbank's vision for 2018 is based on five main development areas or strategic themes. The Bank believes that it is focused work in these areas that will lead the company to success and will allow it to achieve all the financial and quality goals that it has set for itself for the period until the end of 2018 (Figure 4). These five areas are:

With a client - for life: the organization will build very deep, trusting relationships with its clients, and will become a useful, sometimes unnoticeable and integral part of their lives. The main goal is to exceed customer expectations;

Team and culture: strives to ensure that Sberbank’s employees and corporate culture become one of the main sources of competitive advantage;

Technological breakthrough: will complete the technological modernization of the Bank and learn to integrate all the latest technologies and innovations into our business;

Financial performance: will increase the financial return of the business through more effective management of costs and risk-return ratio;

A mature organization: will develop organizational and management skills, create processes that correspond to the scale of the Sberbank Group and our level of ambition.

Figure 4 – The main development strategy of Sberbank for the period from 2014-2018.

The entire management structure of Sberbank PJSC was built by dividing the territory in which it is distributed (that is, all of Russia) into 14 territorial banks: Baikal, Volgo-Vyatka, Far Eastern, West Siberian, Western Ural, Moscow, Volga, Northern, North -Western, Siberian, Central Russian, Ural, Central Black Earth and South-Western banks. In turn, territorial banks include several administrative-territorial units. Further, regional banks have their own branches (OSB), which in turn are divided into internal structural divisions (VSP). Also in the Sberbank management system there are remote service channels - these are Unified Regional Contact Centers (URCC). Throughout Russia, their sites are located in 5 cities: Volgograd, Voronezh, Omsk, Stavropol and Yekaterinburg. The number of contact center employees can exceed 500 people. The ERCC provides services to bank clients by telephone. Questions and situations of various nature are in most cases resolved through dialogue. This is aimed at improving service. In the bank's future development there is an initiative to build another contact center in the city of Krasnodar. Sberbank also plans to switch completely to remote servicing, towards which it is already moving in small steps. And VSP will be reduced until it is completely closed.

In his final qualifying work, the personnel training system of the ERCC of Sberbank PJSC will also be examined in detail.