Review of Russian nicknames for dogs. What to name the dog? Rules for choosing a dog name. Examples of dog names Nicknames of star dogs

The appearance of a dog in the house is always accompanied by many pleasant troubles. And first of all, you should think about what name to give your pet. It’s not difficult to choose the right name for your dog – you just need to carefully study the advice of dog handlers on this matter.

An impressive list of names will help a novice dog breeder not to get confused and give his dog the most suitable nickname, which will also be beautiful, fashionable, original and funny.

All puppies born in kennels must receive an official name. It is indicated in dog documents and is used to represent the pet at various competitions and exhibitions.

As a rule, such nicknames are very long and difficult to pronounce. There are often cases when the official name does not suit the dog at all.

Official names are needed primarily to simplify the registration of babies born in a particular nursery. Typically, breeders give all puppies in a litter nicknames that begin with the same letter. Sometimes they use the names of their fathers or the name of the nursery in the babies' nicknames.

In addition, breeders often ask owners to name new family members with names of a specific theme (for example, related to astronomy, mythology, flowers or music).

For convenience, owners can come up with a so-called pet name for the dog. It will be used in everyday life and should suit the pet as best as possible.

You need to take your time choosing such a nickname, because weaning a dog off the name it is accustomed to is an almost impossible task.

That is why, when choosing an everyday nickname for your pet, you should be guided by a number of rules. Following them will help you name your dog the most suitable name for it:

  1. The name should be sonorous, short, easy to pronounce and consist of 1-2 syllables and 1-2 voiced consonants. Both the dog and its owner will quickly remember this name.
  2. The nickname should not be in tune with the teams.
  3. You should not call your dog a common human name, or one that sounds similar to the nicknames of other pets.
  4. It is not recommended to call your dog offensive words or religious names.
  5. It is extremely undesirable to give a dog the name of a previous pet - the likelihood that they will be similar is almost zero.
  6. It is advisable that the name reflect the gender of the dog.

This is interesting! If the owner cannot choose one of several names he likes, dog handlers advise calling the dog with each of them and calling him the one to which he responds.

The best nicknames depending on the size of the breed

When choosing a name for your dog, it is important to consider the size of the breed. Thus, large pets should not be called by nicknames that are more suitable for small breeds. On the contrary, a small dog with the name of a large dog will look comical.

Nicknames that are perfect for small dogs:

  • Busya;
  • Zipper;
  • Dwarf;
  • Zhuzha;
  • Knopa, Krokha, Krosh, Kuzya;
  • Little, Lyalya;
  • Baby, Micro, Minnie, Mouse;
  • Nyasha;
  • Fluff, Fawn;
  • Smalley;
  • Fenya;
  • Shusha.

Large dogs can be called one of the following nicknames:

  • Atlas, Athos, Athena;
  • Bagheera;
  • Veles, the Giant;
  • Hera, Hercules, Giant, Thunderstorm, Thunder;
  • Zeus;
  • King;
  • Mukhtar;
  • Naida;
  • Puma;
  • Rada, Rimbaud;
  • Strength, Sparta;
  • Chara.

Names that reflect the pet's character

Observing the puppy after moving to a new home will help you decide on a name that suits its liking and behavior. In addition, in order to slightly pacify the too tough temper of your dog or, conversely, make it more courageous and severe, choose a name that reflects traits that it does not have.

Scientists have proven that under the influence of various combinations of sounds, the water cells that make up all living organisms change. That is why the successful consonance of consonants and vowels in a dog’s name affects its character and behavior.

For boys, one of these character-reflecting names is often chosen:

  • Excitement, Angel;
  • Babay, Bandit, Brawler;
  • Faithful, Cheerful;
  • Enthusiasm;
  • Lapik, Leader, Fierce;
  • Pirate, Trickster;
  • Satyr;
  • Tyson, Tiger, Tisha;
  • Fakir, Fox;
  • Hulk, Hunter, Tail, Trickster;
  • Sherlock, Bumblebee, Stirlitz, Storm, Shustrik.

Girls are often given one of the following nicknames:

  • Banda, Buka;
  • Bark;
  • Zhadi, Zhulya;
  • Call;
  • Spark;
  • Comet;
  • Weasel, Lady, Fox;
  • Mila;
  • Tenderness;
  • Bullet;
  • Rocket;
  • Smaila, Sonya;
  • Tiger;
  • Umka;
  • Tsapa, Tsatsa;
  • Skoda, Shumka;

Popular and fashionable nicknames

These days it is fashionable to call a dog by all sorts of foreign names (American, English, Japanese). Most often, owners choose nicknames for their pets after the names of the characters of their favorite films and cartoons.

Also, four-legged friends often receive nicknames in honor of pop stars, movies, sports or other celebrities. Typically, such nicknames are universal and are suitable for dogs of almost any breed, size and temperament.

Nowadays, popular nicknames for boys' dogs are:

  • Artik, Archie;
  • Buddy, Bieber, Bill, Bim, Black, Bob, Brooklyn;
  • White;
  • Harry, Goofy, Gucci;
  • Jack, John, Jordan, Dick;
  • Carlos;
  • Max, Marcel, Messi, Mickey;
  • Oscar;
  • Ralph, Rich, Roy;
  • Sparky, Spotty, Sam;
  • Tim, Tom, Teddy;
  • Filya, Frank;
  • Juan;
  • Charlie, Chester;
  • Elvis.

You can choose a name for your pet from among the most popular nicknames for girls dogs:

  • Bella;
  • Vesta;
  • Goldie, Greta;
  • Gigi, Ginger;
  • Daisy, Jessie, Diva, Dina, Dolly;
  • Katie;
  • Lada, Lisa, Lika, Linda, Lola, Laura, Lucy;
  • Manya, Molly, Mary;
  • Nancy;
  • Rosie, Roxa;
  • Sarah, Cindy, Skylee, Susie;
  • Frida;
  • Hannah, Holly;
  • Chelsea;
  • Shiny, Sharon;
  • Elsa, Annie.

Beautiful names for pets

Undoubtedly, every owner tries to choose a beautiful name for their dog. For a boy, for example, one of these names might be a good option:

  • Agate;
  • Baikal, Balto;
  • Veresk, Woland;
  • Hephaestus, Gray, Goodwin;
  • Jaret, Dior;
  • Zorro;
  • Figs;
  • Kevin;
  • Laurel, Lord, Lucas;
  • Mars;
  • North;
  • Onyx;
  • Uranus;
  • Finn, Phobos;
  • Caesar;
  • Saffron;
  • Emil, Ether;
  • Eugene;
  • Amber.

The most beautiful name for a girl's dog can probably be found among these:

  • Quince, Assol;
  • Barbie, Belle;
  • Vaida, Violet, Wendy, Willow;
  • Grace;
  • Jasmine;
  • Zara, Zlata;
  • Cassie;
  • Lana, Lesya, Leya, Leah, Luna;
  • Mirtha, Mia;
  • Nymph;
  • Rachel;
  • Steffy;
  • Tilde;
  • Fairy, Fiji, Flora;
  • Hunny, Needles, Chloe;
  • Ellie, Elba, Amber, Angel;
  • Yucca.

Original and unusual names

Choosing a rare or original name for your dog will be an excellent decision. Quite often, awkward situations occur on walking areas when several more dogs come running when your pet calls his name. This only happens because dog owners choose the most common names for them.

An interesting and unusual nickname for a boy’s dog can be chosen among these nicknames:

  • Avis, Aks, Aper, Argus, Akhird, Ayan;
  • Veron, Voice;
  • Le Havre;
  • Evsey, Erysh;
  • Pearl;
  • Zufar;
  • Ignat;
  • Quint;
  • Lynch;
  • Tycoon, Morgan;
  • Nepal, Nikon, Nihal;
  • Odis, Orpheus;
  • Pilate, Pusher;
  • Sapphire;
  • Taylan, Tayshet, Taco, Topaz, Trey;
  • Urry;
  • Bassoon, Fart, Fulgur, Fulu;
  • Khazar, Khaki;
  • Cerberus, Cepheus;
  • Chavez, Chiter;
  • Edem, Emir;
  • Yurkhan;

The following names are suitable for girls:

  • Ayla, Aqua;
  • Bershka, Beta;
  • Gamma;
  • Delta, Gili, Zeta, Diya, Dyusha;
  • Yeshka;
  • Zenna, Ziggy;
  • Carmen;
  • Laffey, Lyra;
  • Myra, Malu, Malva, Mara, Martha, Mercy, Muse;
  • Nana, Neya;
  • Oyki;
  • Rasta, Risha;
  • Sigma, Selma;
  • Tavi, Tesla, Teta, Tom;
  • Fira, Freya;
  • Hayta;
  • Tsilya, Tsimi;
  • Charsi, Chera, Chibi;
  • Effie;
  • Yaffee.

Funny and cool names

Sometimes owners call their pets by different funny names. Such names for a dog are quite acceptable if they do not sound offensive or rude.

Funny dog ​​names become a reflection of the character and sense of humor of their owners.

For a boy’s dog, you can choose one of the following nicknames:

  • Absinthe;
  • Bucks, Loaf, Bacon, Benya, Bonus, Bosun, Bublik, Butuz;
  • Venya, Whiskey;
  • Garfield, Gosha, Gryzlik;
  • Dema, Joker;
  • Zheka, Zhorik, Zhuzhik, Zhurik;
  • Zephyr, Zuko, Zyuzya;
  • Raisin;
  • Casper, Kwiki, Cupcake, Kefir, Coconut, Shortbread, Coffee, Krepysh, Cube;
  • Ray, Buttercup;
  • Major, Maybach, Muffin, Mikhey, Motya;
  • Nachos;
  • Peach, Potap, Pumbaa, Ottoman, Fawn;
  • Rubik;
  • Sema, Senya, Simba, Styopa, Syapa;
  • Tema, Tofik, Tosha, Truffle;
  • Date, Funtik, Fufik;
  • Candied fruit;
  • Chapai, Chip;
  • Schwartz, Schweppes, Shrek, Shukher;
  • Eclair;
  • Yurik.

The following nicknames are perfect for a girl's dog:

  • Asti;
  • Basta, Bonya, Brunya, Buba;
  • Gadget, Glasha, Grunya;
  • Dosya, Dunya;
  • Evra, Elka;
  • Zizi, Zyama;
  • Caviar;
  • Kiwi, Kiki, Sprat, Klepa, Klunya, Kola, Kuba;
  • Lelya, Lilu, Lusha, Lucy;
  • Mazda, Mimi, Mulya, Mint;
  • Nori;
  • Palma, Panda, Peppy, Pepsi, Piggy, Plush, Ponka, Pusha;
  • Lynx;
  • Tasya, Tinky, Tootsie;
  • Fanta, Fenya, Fima, Frosya, Frutti;
  • Halva;
  • Chappie, Chacha;
  • Shanya, Sheba, Shunka;

Nicknames in foreign languages

Recently, nicknames in foreign languages ​​have become increasingly popular among dog breeders. The best option would be a name in the language where the dog's breed originates.

In addition, you can name a dog with a beautiful foreign word, the literal translation of which will correspond to the appearance or temperament of the pet.

Names for boys' dogs, borrowed from German:

  • Besh – protector;
  • Wild – wild;
  • Dasbest is the best;
  • Iga – hunter;
  • Mutih – brave;
  • Troy is loyal;
  • Filer is lazy;
  • Flo – fluffy;
  • Schnell – fast;
  • Stark – strong.

For girls, the following nicknames from German are quite suitable:

  • Bruna – brown;
  • Wilda – wild;
  • Kiel - beloved;
  • Muti – brave;
  • Nelya – fast;
  • Siji – tenderness;
  • Sophie – wise;
  • Frock – lady;
  • Elsa is a goddess;
  • Yut is a child.

Very beautiful and elegant nicknames are often chosen from the French language.

For boys dogs, one of these may be suitable:

  • Ass – nobility;
  • Baz – small;
  • Boom - arrow;
  • Vuayu is a bully;
  • Jean – kind;
  • Kudu – thimble;
  • Yudon is a child.

The following nicknames are perfect for girls' dogs:

  • Avril – open;
  • Adele – noble;
  • Blanche – white;
  • Luke - light;
  • Polly – small;
  • Flo – flower;
  • Esty is a star.

The most popular foreign nicknames are now considered to be names of Japanese origin, sounding melodious and original.

For boys dogs:

  • Aiko – beloved;
  • Akira – bright;
  • Daiti – wise;
  • Yoshiko – child;
  • Kuro – black;
  • Moka – coffee;
  • Reo - lion;
  • Teko - chocolate.

The following name options are possible for girls' dogs:

  • June – obedient;
  • Kami – deity;
  • Keigo – devoted;
  • Masuru – victory;
  • Tenshi – angel;
  • Fayto – fighting spirit;
  • Hoshi – star;
  • Chika – wisdom.

Dog names of famous show business stars

Many famous Russian show business stars adore dogs. They often give funny and unusual names to their four-legged pets:

  • Philip Kirkorov has a Jack Russell terrier named Pokemon and a Spitz named Harry;
  • Alla Mikheeva has a French bulldog, Schnapps;
  • Sergei Lazarev has mongrel dogs Lisa and Daisy;
  • Mikhail Galustyan has a Jack Russell terrier Bucho;
  • Alexey Vorobyov has a Welsh corgi, Elvis Melvis;
  • Vadim Galygin has a Jack Russell terrier Anton Pavlovich.

There are also a lot of dog breeders among foreign show business stars:

  • Lady Gaga has French bulldogs Koji, Eisha and Gustav;
  • Jennifer Lawrence has a Chihuahua, Pippi;
  • Orlando Bloom has Yorkie Sidee;
  • Charlize Theron has a once-stray pit bull, Pitt, and a black terrier, Barkley.

No one can say for sure which dog name is the best. All dogs, like people, are unique and different from each other. That is why you need to take the choice of a nickname for your four-legged friend seriously.

Some owners do this before the puppy arrives in the house, and some only when the pet crosses the threshold of a new home. And yet: how and when should you choose a dog’s name? Perhaps you have dreamed all your life of having a dog named Sharik. Whether it’s a small lap dog or a huge Alabai - Sharik and that’s it! In this case, of course, you can name the dog in advance.

But experienced dog breeders advise choosing a name for a dog only after meeting it for the first time. Why? Having seen the tailed creature with your own eyes, you will understand for sure what the dog can be called. Observe the animal, study its external features, pay attention to its character and habits, and the question “what to name the puppy” will disappear on its own.

So, you are planning a new addition to your family - a tailed-eared creature. How to choose a nickname for him? Rely on your taste and only your taste. After all, it is you who has to call out to your pet while walking and call him to come to you at home. Taking into account simple recommendations, you will choose a dog name that both your four-legged friend and you will like:

  • choose a simple and short nickname. Dogs respond best to such names. The dog will quickly get used to the nickname and will delight you with his attention. And it will be easier for you to pronounce a short name. What to do if you are crazy about long and original names for dogs? No problem: you can proudly introduce your pet to others as Gaius Julius Caesar, but in private you can affectionately call him Yulik. And the wolves are fed, and the sheep are safe;
  • consider the breed, size and color of the dog. A red dog named Snow White can cause slight dissonance among those around him. However, if both you and your dog are not against such discrepancies.. :);
  • avoid names that your previous pets had. All the past should remain in the past, and before you is a new friend with his own unique character and unique habits;
  • don't call animals by human names. It’s good if your friend of the same name is not offended that you named the dog Sergei. But what if your new neighbor (a person who doesn't know what a sense of humor is) happens to have the same name?

Why is choosing a nickname so important? “Whatever you call the ship, that’s how it will sail” - this is the answer to the question. An animal may not understand the meaning of beautiful words, but nicknames containing the letters r and f develop courage, determination and even independence in the dog. And dog names with the letters l, m, n awaken docileness, friendliness and affection in the animal.

If the dog has just appeared in the house, you still have time to think and choose a worthy nickname. What if your pet has been living with you for a week or two? Leaving a dog without a name for so long is unacceptable. Where do you get ideas for nicknames? Use your imagination and... strain your memory. Animals are often given majestic names after islands, rivers, mountains, cities and even countries!

A cool nickname for a dog can be borrowed from movie characters: both people and animals. Do you want to give your pet a completely unusual name? Look around: perhaps an object will come into your field of vision whose name would be suitable as a name for a dog. In case inspiration still doesn’t strike you, you can always choose from a ready-made list of nicknames for four-legged creatures.

There are no special recommendations for choosing a name for a girl dog. The only important and understandable nuance: nicknames for male dogs are not suitable for females. As a rule, girls' dog names are beautiful and sweet-sounding. They should suit the pet, highlight her best qualities and encourage her to behave exemplary. When choosing a name for your four-legged friend, remember that you will have to say it at least 10 times a day.

We bring to your attention the original names of female dogs: Aiza, Alba, Aqua, Ami, Bounty, Bary, Belle, Venta, Goldie, Daisy, Gia, Jasmine, Giselle, Zabava, Yoko, Kylie, Kelly, Lada, Leila, Lassie, Margot, Mila, Monroe, Norma, Nellie, Audrey, Ollie, Ottawa, Pecky, Paris, Patsy, Rhonda, Rachel, Ruth, Rumba, Cindy, Skye, Sicily, Tiffany, Tootsie, Umi, Umbra, Fleur, Freya, Fancy, Charisma, Holly, Hindi, Happy, Celda, Zirconia, Tsabbi, Tsvetik, Chansi, Chelsea, Chanel, Shoko, Shari, Edel, Eliza, Ash, Eugette, Yunna, Justina, Jamaica.

What should you consider when choosing a name for your beloved dog? Remember that a cute puppy will grow into a future protector who must be obedient, brave and responsible. Therefore, names for male dogs are chosen accordingly. What should you name a male puppy if you want to see in him the qualities of a companion (friendliness, cheerful disposition and carefreeness) above all? Then unusual nicknames for male dogs can be used.

Choose an interesting name for your pet from the list: Ice, Asterix, Alf, Velvet, Bob, Black Jack, Byte, Voice, Woof, Gaff, Golden, Good, Gary, Juice, Dexter, Dandy, Gerard, Zach, Zico, Icarus, Hindu , X, Carat, Coconut, Klaus, Locky, London, Louis, Moby, Macho, Marmaduke, Nordie, Noir, Nukki, Onyx, Otto, Ocean, Pike, Paul, Punch, Wright, Ricco, Rockefeller, Red, Skip, Smurf , Snape, Toki, Ted, Uno, Walker, Franky, Photon, Haik, Hugh, Cyrus, Celer, Chao, Choice, Chase, Chance, Shrek, Shot, Eragon, Angel, Ellipse, Yukos, YouTube, Jacob, Janos.

What to name a small boy dog? We offer a number of funny nicknames: Amurchik, Artik, Archik, Bon-bon, Bonik, Bow, Vintik, Vitamin, Glitch, Dobie, Raccoon, Zigzag, Zhivchik, Zephyr, Raisin, Ivashechka, Knopik, Clip, Buttercup, Mouse, Muffin, Nice , Nafanya, Oji, Ozik, Peach, Fluff, Rumbik, Ricks, Smiley, Smurf, Rusk, Tick, Tofik, Tube, Umka, Foxik, Flick, Ponytail, Hitch, Candied, Cent, Miracle, Chip, Shustik, Lace, El , Yuki, Yupik, Jap.

What to name a small girl dog? Perhaps you will like one of a number of cute nicknames: Asya, Aika, Adelka, Barbie, Busya, Vi-vi, Freckle, Gadget, Grunya, Gunya, Julie, Dolly, Erosh, Zhivinka, Zhulya, Bunny, Zvezdochka, Zizi, Zyukyu, Toffee, Ivy, Knopa, Kiwi, Candy, Lilu, Lala, Masya, Monya, Naisi, Nochka, Nyusha, Olive, Osya, Cookie, Patty, Piggy, Stasya, Susie, Tootsie, Tuchka, Tyapa, Frutti, Fi- fi, Hannis, Hasya, Tsypa, Chapa, Shuga, Ellis, Yulsi, Yagodka, Yasya.

Nicknames for bitches: Alpha, Athena, Storm, Blackie, Viva, Vendetta, Wave, Hekta, Groza, Gina, Delta, Zhdana, Ziga, Zolda, Irma, Ithaca, Capa, Crazy, Cleopatra, Lucky, Laila, Avalanche, Marta, Marquise, Milagress, Nagini, Nadira, Nefertiti, Olympia, Olvia, Persa, Midnight, Pul, Riviera, Riga, Rolda, Lynx, Sparky, Santa, Taiga, Mystery, Terra, Luck, Ulana, Hannah, Horta, Cicada, Tsuzaki, Chaika, Chutta, Sheltie, Shumka, Electra, Eda, Yarina, Jasper.

Nicknames for male dogs: Atlas, Artos, Argon, Boston, Batman, Viscount, Vansay, Vesuvius, Gambit, Hercules, Dymok, Dingo, Dante, Yenisei, Jardin, Harness, Zeus, Impulse, Captain, Capone, Trap, Laurel, Lord, Marquis, Myth, Neo, Noise, Obelisk, Omon, Perseus, Pumbaa, Patron, Robin, Rambo, Roar, Stavr, Samurai, Sapphire, Tyson, Titan, Uranus, Ural, Pharaoh, Hunter, Hammer, Hulk, Cerberus, Caesar, Chigray, Chuk, Sherlock, Stirlitz, Shocker, Yungus, Eugene, Yakut, Yamakasi.

Using practical advice, you will choose a name that you will enjoy saying and your dog will enjoy hearing.

An animal, even if it is a pet, does not need a nickname; it lives well as it is. People, giving names to their pets, want to individualize them. Often this nickname manifests a deep emotional experience or the internal mood of the owner.

How do politicians live?

The dog names of celebrities among those in power can tell a lot about their early biography. For example, Emperor Alexander III, studying with Moscow State University professor Solovyov, became infected with a love for Kamchatka. He named his dog Kamchatka. During the train accident of 1888, of all those in the same carriage with the emperor, only Kamchatka died. Which Alexander III very much regretted.

As a child, French President Francois Mitterrand was delighted by the heroic epic of delivering medicine to diphtheria patients in Alaska. This operation went down in history as the “Great Race of Mercy of 1925,” and the main character was a husky dog, Balto. While president, Mitterrand named his dog this name, but in the French manner - Balti.

US President Richard Nixon loved English checkers. This is the name he named his spaniel.

In general, according to American ceremony, the first person of the state must have a dog. And each president’s dog had some original name.

George W. Bush was a sports fan in his youth and admired world champion boxer Barney Ross. He named his presidential terrier Barney.

Buddy was the name of B. Clinton's Labrador. But in American slang it sounds like Buddy.

Dmitry Medvedev's setter's name is Artemon, and his cat's name is Dorofey. The reasons why the animals received such names are unknown.

Information on the name of Vladimir Putin’s Labrador is even more closed. The official name of the Russian President's dog is Connie Polgrave. In principle, this is understandable; the name of a KGB officer’s dog should not evoke any associations.

Names of media personalities' pets

People of art are more creative and the dog names of Russian celebrities sometimes do not fit into the usual framework. For example, V. Mashkov has a terrier named Pear, and Anfisa Chekhova has a dog of the same breed called Coffee. One can assume that the star owners simply love not only animals, but also these foods.

This theory is supported by the name of the next terrier - Chelsea. This is what Vadim Oleynik, a singer and fan of the English football team, named his shaggy friend.

And Ksenia Borodina loves not only apple pie, but also philosophy. That's why her terriers are called Strudel and Spinoza.

Leonid Yarmolnik also has two terriers - Cupid and Solomon. But Yarmolnik claims that he loves only his family.

If you don’t pay attention to Philip Kirkorov with his dog Pokemon, then all terrier owners are surpassed by Yulia Kovalchuk, her pet’s name is Melody of the Blue Pearl. True, at home the dog responds to the nickname Melik.

Chihuahua owners have a special view of the world. Dogs of this breed are very small and touch the hearts of any owner; Lera Kudryavtseva named her baby Businka. Hollywood star Paris Hilton named her dog Tinkerbell. In Russian this translates to “Ding-Ding”, like the ringing of a bell.

Madonna named her pet Chiquita, translated from Spanish as “Little”.

It is more difficult to understand the Ukrainian singer and composer Max Barskikh. After the release of his album “According to Freud,” he was given a male Chihuahua, which he named Sex. According to the owner, this is what the dog likes to do with soft toys. And six months later, Sex got a girlfriend, Sausage, of the same breed as him.

No less strange nicknames for the cats of pop stars.

John Lennon had a dozen and a half cats in his life. Among their nicknames there were Major and Minor, but the coal-black Salt and the milk-white Pepper stood out more.

Freddie Mercury was also a cat person, but he deliberately named his pets that way in order to destroy associative ranks. In particular, he named one cat Goliath, and the other Delilah.

Sergei Bezrukov lived with a Cornish Rex named Ryamzik ​​for almost 15 years. This is a derivative of Ramses. This quick-witted cat stood out because, accompanying his owner on tour, he independently collected towels in the hotel room, pulled them onto the bed and formed a nest out of them, in which he slept.

In 1988, a young cat jumped into Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s car and thereby warned the artist against a collision. For this he received the name Philosopher and lived with the actor for almost 20 years. Oksana Fedorova keeps at home a graceful black cat, Bagheera, who gets along well with her parrot, Sarah.

Roman Bilykh from the group “Animals” named his fluffy cat Herring.

Pavel Volya's Maine Coon is huge, weighs more than a pound, and his name is Boomer.

A little about the pets of people of art and intellectuals

Joseph Brodsky was sure that cats love it when their nickname has the letter “C”, and that is what they react to. That's why he named his cats Samson and Mississippi. The poet dedicated many poems about cats to them.

Ernest Hemingway's last cat was named Cuba.

And Nikolai Drozdov’s favorite is Munya.

The only undefeated world chess champion A. Alekhin, after emigrating, led a difficult life, but he was always accompanied by the cat Chess (English: Chess). He even attended the owner’s games, and may to some extent help him retain the championship title.

Alexandre Dumas Jr. had a medical education. And he named his cat the Doctor.

The brilliant artist Louis Wayne is practically unknown in Russia, but in Western countries he is considered the King of Cats. He named his first cat in honor of Peter the Great - Grand Piter. It was from him that I learned to draw cats. He lived a long life and created a whole cat world. But genius often goes hand in hand with madness.

He spent the last 20 years of his life in a psychiatric hospital, where a colony of cats lived. They drew them, and these drawings are now inserted into psychiatry textbooks to show how gradual insanity manifests itself in artistic creativity.


If you are faced with the question of what to name the puppy, most likely this means that you can be congratulated - you have become the owner of a faithful friend for the next 10 - 12 years.

A beautiful nickname will suit a pet of any breed: husky, spitz, Yorkshire terrier, chihuahua, labrador, alabai, toy terrier or mongrel.

Choosing a nickname for your puppy requires a little luck, inspiration and a lot of thought. After all, it's not just a nickname! You will be saying this word for many years. Like baby names, dog names are influenced by fashion. Today it is difficult to hear the nickname Ethel or Lassie, although several years ago the latter was at the height of fashion among pet owners.

Dog Name Trends

Mass culture always dictates its own rules. After the release of the movie Frozen, the number of dogs named Elsa increased by 900%. Names from Twilight, Star Wars, Game of Thrones and other examples of popular culture always go in and out of fashion. Don't be surprised by the huge number of puppies named after popular movie characters.

It’s not just film distribution that leaves its mark. To date, there has been a registered increase in dogs named Latte or Marzipan by 37%. As you can see, the popularization of the coffee industry is reflected in the little things of everyday life. If you are looking for an original nickname for your four-legged friend, then take a closer look at our list.

How to choose a name for a girl's dog?

A puppy's nickname is an important part of its training and socialization. Take a closer look at some tips from the experts.

  • You must really like the nickname. You will say it often, so it shouldn't hurt your ears.
  • Test your hearing. How does the puppy react to it?
  • Don't call your furry friend names that others might find offensive or embarrassing. Expressions related to race, rude terms, and swear words are best avoided.
  • Avoid using compound names, such as Sir Fluffy Van Wagglesten. If you really want to, simplify it, for example, Sir Fluffy
  • Choose names that have one or two syllables. They are easier to pronounce and short enough to pay attention
  • Give preference to nicknames with complex consonants. They are easier to understand than whistling sounds. For example, Grace or Nellie
  • Try not to settle on a nickname that sounds like a command.
  • When a dog hears his name, it is a signal for him to be involved in further actions. Therefore, the nickname should be used often and in a positive context so that the animal does not associate it with something unpleasant.
  • Don't name your ponytail after a family member. If your daughter's name is Anya, then the nickname Manya may confuse your two charges. The pet will not always be able to understand that they are not addressing her, but another family member.
  • In some cases, the behavior speaks for itself. If you got a Jack Russell Terrier, then the nickname Bullet is quite appropriate: after all, they are just as fast and nimble.

With the appearance of a furry friend, a lot of funny things begin to happen in our lives. And choosing a name is also a very exciting process. Maybe you had already chosen a nickname before the tail appeared in the house, or you’ve been tossing around in uncertainty for 2 months now. Choosing a nickname is not an easy task - after all, it is given for life and carries a certain meaning. Below you will find a short selection guide. Don't worry, you'll love these ideas!

Borrow from celebrities

Do you have a favorite “famous” dog? Could it be Lassie or Squirrel? Explore popular dogs on the Internet, as well as a list of celebrity pets. Do you like books? You can name a friend after any writer or heroine, such as Jane Austen or Charlotte Bronte.

Your favorite place on Earth

Do you travel often? If you have favorite places, you can name your tailed friend after this object. For example, Florence or Alaska.

Top 10 popular names:

Emma, ​​Lucy, Sadie, Millie, Coco, Maggie, Molly, Lilly, Daisy, Bailey

Names for girls dogs

Do you like it when dogs are called old-fashioned names? I think a name from a long time ago can be very unique and sound royal. How about Agatha, Alma, Flora or Harriet?

There is nothing wrong with wanting to name your pet rare and unusual. At least you will avoid embarrassment in the park or at the veterinary clinic. Among small dogs, especially Spitz dogs, the female name Bonya is very popular. Therefore, if you have acquired a Pomeranian Spitz, then you should come up with something else.

50 rare and beautiful names

Ada, Adelaide, Adele, Agatha, Agnia, Alma, Beatrice, Blanche, Celia, Clara, Constance, Cordelia, Dora, Dorothea, Edith, Elsa, Ellie, Esther, Evelyn, Fau, Flora, France, Frederica, Harriet, Hesel, Hermione, Ida, Iris, Evie, Josephine, Kaya, Leonora, Flies, Locasta, Mabel, Mami, Martha, Matilda, May, Mildred, Milicent, Minerva, Miriam, Myrtle, Penelope, Prisilla, Ruth, Theodora, Ursula, Vera, Viola, Vivian.

What color is your dog's coat?

Brown? Then how about Brownie, Rolo, Chocolate, Coffee, Cola, Caramel? And if the color is white - Snowy, Snowflake, Sugar (from sugar in English) or Ivory. The possibilities for your imagination are endless. Look up synonyms for coat color. Spotted color? Look at the names of wild animals similar in appearance. Or maybe your favorite breed is a Tibetan Mastiff or St. Bernard? In this case, you can build on the size.

Take a closer look at these options:

Blackie, Blackberry, Ash, Panther, Midnight, Shadow, Freckle, Dotty, Spot, Speck, Dot, Ivory, Brownie, Snow White, Storm, Marshmallow, Cameo, Avalanche, Lily, Snowflake, Cola, Chocolate, Blondie, Gold, Toffee, Amber, Lava, Autumn, Flame, Rosie, Scarlet, Pumpkin, Ash, Haze, Pebbles, Pistachio.

Top 20 Funny Names for Small Dogs for Girls

Rapunzel, Ariana, Serena, Pocahontas, Hermione, Miles, Gamora, Lucy, Michelle, Madonna, Oprah, Beyoncé, Dolly, Riana, Twili, Elsa, Jasmine, Belle, Ellie, Cleo

Favorite food

Who wouldn't want to think about their favorite food all day long? Imagine how funny it would be to name a dog Pizza! Or Blueberry? Very good nickname

Or, for example, these options:

Sushi, Cashew, Olivia, Olive, Soufflé, Curry, Gouda, Jasmine, Guava, Caviar, Cola, Granola, Peach, Pita, Vanilla, Fish, Blueberry, Blackberry, Caramel, Nuttela, Tiramisu, Tofu, Chili, Meringa.

Cool nicknames

Observe the behavior, perhaps you will notice some characteristics that will inspire you to an unusual nickname. Or you got a Tibetan Mastiff girl; You can call her Tiny - strange, but funny!

20 cool nicknames:

Glucose, Pear, Bun, Bali, Doll, Night, Mouse, Angry, Yula, Zhuzha, Oatmeal, Fury, Bullet, Diva, Sonya, Rumba, Fun, Bun, Wax, Melon.

Easy names

When thinking about what to name your puppy, stick to the main rule - ease of pronunciation. A one- or two-syllable name would be ideal. When you think you've found the right one, practice. Repeat the nickname five, ten, fifteen and twenty times. If your tongue doesn’t hurt, then you can stop with your choice. For example, you think that your Maltese can be named Alexandrina. Now imagine that your Alexandrina rushed off after a pigeon in the park, and all you can do is shout her name until she comes running on a leash.

You might like these options:

Alma, Asya, Athena, Astra, Agni, Aza, Berta, Basya, Bela, Blackie, Beki, Buffy, Vesta, Vicky, Vyuga, Viva, Vira, Vladi, Hera, Guy, Gabi, Jesy, Dina, Diya, Jeri, Eva, Elka, Elis, Zhuzha, Zhuchka, Zara, Zoti, Zlata, Zaya, Zuna, Kira, Knopa, Kara, Cleo, Lucky, Linda, Lilu, Lotta, Masya, Maya, Niki, Neva, Nyusha, Ollie, Omega, Puma, Piggy, Perry, Palma, Rada, Raffy, Sonya, Sarah, Salma, Tori, Tasya, Tessie, Umka, Ulka, Uma, Chloe, Hannah, Sherry, Utah, Yuki.

German nicknames

Does your dog have German roots? In fact, today this is not so important, given that most of the breeds were bred in Germany. Boxers, German Shepherds, Giant Schnauzers, Dachshunds, Rottweilers, Dobermans and others. And besides, German names sound beautiful and elegant. But don’t forget the main thing: even a foreign nickname, no matter how beautiful it may sound, should be easy to pronounce and suitable for the dog.

Take a closer look at the following:

Aleit, Aneli, Barbel, Belinda, Verena, Wilda, Gret, Jerd, Leni, Lilo, Lulu, Gretel, Jisa, Senta, Selma, Table, Frid, Oda, Ruperta, Hedi, Helga, Alfie, Erma, Helens, Hiltrod, Yut, Leona, Clara, Raik, Agna, Gertie, Kirsa, Meta, Marlene, Main, Belinda, Mitzi.


Whatever you name your favorite, the main thing is that you like it! Whether it's fashionable, aristocratic, popular - it makes no difference to the dog. After all, the most important thing for her is that her loving owner is always nearby!