Ognevka bee tincture effect. Moth tincture is a panacea for ailments. How do children take the drug?

Nature has given people a very generous and wonderful gift - bees. As we domesticated them, we discovered many beneficial properties of their waste products for maintaining and restoring health.

This treatment began to be positioned as a separate branch of traditional medicine called apitherapy (from the Latin apis “bee”).

What is wax moth tincture?

So, to make the tincture, the larvae of the so-called large wax moth, which have not yet become pupae, are used. These larvae live in bee hives and feed exclusively on products produced during the life of bees. This is the only creature that is able to assimilate and process beeswax, producing special enzymes for these purposes.

Photo - www.flickr.com/photos/pho-tog

A tincture is made from the larvae of the so-called wax moth by infusing them in alcohol. For these purposes, a 40 percent alcohol solution is used.

The finished liquid has a light brown tint and a protein-honey aroma. During storage of the tincture, sedimentation may occur, so it is recommended to shake the container before using it.

Bee moth: composition and nutrients

The tincture has become widespread in folk medicine due to its unique healing properties. These properties are ensured due to the presence of essential amino acids in the tincture. It is enough to name such substances as:

  • valine;
  • leucine;
  • glycine;
  • lysine;
  • alanine;
  • serine;
  • acids: aspartic, glutamic, gamma-aminobutyric.

Medicinal properties of moth tincture

Thanks to its wonderful composition, moth has a huge range of healing properties:

  1. has a general strengthening effect on the human body;
  2. relieves fatigue syndrome, increases physical and mental performance, helps normalize sleep;
  3. stimulates the immune system, increasing its protective functions;
  4. has a beneficial effect on muscle mass, increasing and increasing its endurance;
  5. has a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  6. reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  7. increases the body's resistance to various types of infections;
  8. improves the metabolic process;
  9. normalizes blood pressure;
  10. has proven itself to be an excellent antibacterial drug;
  11. improves blood microcirculation and prevents the formation of blood clots;
  12. promotes regeneration of soft tissues and resorption of scars;
  13. has a mild psychostimulating and stimulating effect.

Treatment of diseases using fire

Due to its unique antibacterial and antiviral properties, the drug is used quite effectively to treat various ailments. Many people were able to verify from their own experience its beneficial effects and lack of toxicity. The only limitation in terms of taking the tincture concerns people with individual intolerance to bee products.


Such a complex and difficult to treat disease as tuberculosis can be treated quite effectively with the help of tincture. Moreover, the drug is effective not only against lung disease, but also against other human organs and systems, including the digestive, lymphatic systems, joints and bones, genitourinary organs, eyes, skin, central nervous system, meninges, etc.

As is known, in traditional medicine this disease is treated for a fairly long period, sometimes for years. For these purposes, potent drugs are used, which have a number of side effects. The auxiliary use of wax moth tincture helps the patient reduce the negative effects on his body from pharmacological drugs and strengthen the immune system.

The anti-tuberculosis effect of moth has been confirmed by research. This result is explained by the content of enzymes in its composition that are capable of causing a destructive effect on the shell of the microbacterium that causes tuberculosis.

The tincture promotes rapid healing of cavities in the lungs of patients, increasing the resistance of lung tissue and preventing the formation of other lesions. At the same time, it increases the effectiveness of traditional therapy and does not cause allergic reactions.

Bronchopulmonary diseases

We are talking about chronic bronchitis, asthmatic manifestations, emphysema, pleurisy, pneumonia and other colds. When taking moth, the human respiratory system receives an increase in protective and drainage functions. The tincture has an anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator effect. Positive results in terms of improving the patient’s condition, eliminating wheezing and bronchospasms occur quite quickly.

Cardiovascular disorders

The healing properties of moth in relation to myocardial infarction, hypertension, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, cardiac arrhythmia, etc. proven by research and confirmed by official medicine.

The cardioprotective properties of the tincture appear after 2 weeks of taking the drug. At the same time, patients experience the absence of angina attacks and a significant reduction in traditional signs of heart failure, resorption of scar changes in the myocardium after a heart attack, and normalization of arterial blood pressure.

The moth also has a pronounced cardioprotective effect, inhibits the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, and prevents blockage of veins and the formation of thrombophlebitis. During its use, there is a decrease in the swelling of the veins and their bluish color.

Oncological diseases

Due to its powerful antioxidant and immunostimulating effect, the use of moth has become widely used in the treatment of cancer. The drug increases the body's resistance, reduces intoxication as a result of tumor decay and chemotherapy, saturates the patient's body with microelements, vitamins and biologically active components.


The wax moth preparation is very effective against diseases such as prostate adenoma. Taking it increases sperm motility, which helps solve problems of male infertility. Thanks to taking the drug, men experience an increase in testosterone levels and an increase in libido, which is reduced due to age-related changes or previous diseases.

Flu and respiratory diseases
Recovery after injuries and surgeries

>The moth owes its powerful lysing effect to the content of enzymes - serine proteases. This eliminates the formation of scars and adhesions after surgery, as well as injuries associated with the formation of inflammatory purulent processes.

Increased endurance during physical or mental work.

Wax moth tincture is quite actively used by athletes and people involved in physical work to restore muscles after intense training and labor. Also, when taken, there is an increase in the energy supply of the human body, increased hemoglobin synthesis and calcium absorption. Thanks to the amino acid valine, which is essential for the human body, which is essentially considered a natural anabolic, it is possible to achieve increased muscle coordination and a decrease in pain.

As for workers in the mental sphere, taking the extract can increase the dynamics of the nervous processes that occur in the brain. Thanks to this, there is an improvement in memory, resistance to aggressive influences, and an increase in mental activity in general, including the process of learning and assimilation of new material.

Bee moth: application

It is necessary to start using wax moth tincture with a minimum dose - up to 5 drops diluted in a small amount of water. This way you can check your individual tolerance to the drug. Gradually the dose can be increased to 50 drops. It is recommended to consume moth in 2 doses per day, about half an hour before meals.

Typically, the course of treatment is 3 months, then a break is taken for a period of one month and the course is repeated. The folk remedy - fire - thanks to its unique medicinal properties, can cure many diseases, both in adults and children, and contribute to the rehabilitation of the body after significant physical exertion, improving the general condition and slowing down the aging process of the body.

The great scientist and healer Avicenna said: “The bee is one of the seven treasures of the world and at the same time the most valuable, since it is useful and accessible to everyone.”
1000 years have passed, but this wisdom is still relevant. There is hardly another place in the world that contains so many benefits for humans as in a bee hive. A huge number of synthetic health and beauty products cannot compete with the little winged sorceress - the bee, which is why we turned to her capabilities to create our products.
Everything that is in the hive - propolis, moth, pollen, honey, bee venom - are highly effective adaptogens and regenerators. They help cope with many problems without damaging the body with side effects.

Excursion into history

Composition and beneficial properties of wax moth tincture

Bee moth tincture is a brown-brown liquid. Its unique healing properties are due to the diet that the larva consumes during its development.
The finished product contains:

~ 20 of 28 widely known amino acids (glycine, alanine, lysine, histidine, valine, serine and others);
~ mono- and disaccharides;
~ nucleotides;
~ vital polyunsaturated fatty acids;
~ biologically active compounds;
~ potassium, calcium, zinc, molybdenum, phosphorus and other important trace elements;
~ unique antibacterial enzymes cerase and protease, capable of dissolving wax;
~ aromatic compounds.

Thanks to such a rich composition, moth tincture can have a positive effect on the human body.
Its beneficial effects are as follows:
~ strengthens the immune system;
~ mental and physical activity increases;
~ sleep is normalized;
~ the vitality of the body increases;
~ the activity of the nervous system, as well as the heart and blood vessels, improves;
~ blood cholesterol levels decrease;
~ increases the body's resistance to infections;
~ blood pressure is normalized and the risk of thrombosis is reduced;
~ rapid tissue regeneration is observed and metabolic processes are normalized;
~ the process of hematopoiesis and the formation of red blood cells is activated;
~ liver tissue is restored in various forms of hepatitis.

The benefits of bee moth are confirmed by numerous positive reviews from patients. This indicates the high popularity and demand for the infusion, which can help cure many serious diseases.

Positive reviews about bee moth confirm that the tincture helps get rid of diseases and improve general condition after chemotherapy. The method of using the drug is very simple, the main thing is to believe in its power!

Treatment of tuberculosis

Treatment with fireweed has shown high effectiveness in the healing of tuberculous cavities (cavities formed due to necrotic changes in lung tissue).

In addition, such a poorly treatable disease (sometimes lasting for years) like tuberculosis is treated with the use of potent medications, the use of which is accompanied by a lot of side effects and some forms of allergies.
Wax moth tincture is also effective for tuberculosis of bone tissue, kidneys, skin, lymph nodes, and for fungal diseases of the respiratory tract that can appear as a result of the use of antibiotics. It has been found that this drug, which has an anti-inflammatory, mucolytic and bronchodilator effect, is useful for the treatment of many bronchopulmonary diseases, quickly eliminating spasms and wheezing, clearing breathing, improving the drainage function of the lungs and helping to strengthen the immune system.

How to take wax moth tincture for tuberculosis?

The first rule is regular intake. Only then can you get the desired result.
When treating tuberculosis, the tincture should be drunk 3 times a day, 30 drops (pre-dissolved in 100 ml of water) for two to three months. The course of therapy continues after a month's break. And so on until the signs of the disease disappear.
To make sure that the drug is well tolerated, you can start using 15 drops 2 times a day: morning and evening. And so on for a week. After this, switch to a 3-time dose, increasing the number of drops to 30.
Important: if sputum production increases during treatment and the temperature rises, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of the drug, but not interrupt treatment.
The drug prepared from moth larvae is practically safe. Apart from individual intolerance to the components in its composition, there are no other contraindications. Of course, it is necessary to take this healing remedy not instead, but as an additional remedy to drug therapy.


You should pay attention to the fact that moth preparations contain beekeeping products. They are not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as those who are allergic to these components. It is strictly forbidden to take alcohol tincture during exacerbation of such diseases: various forms of hepatitis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer.
The composition of the fire requires caution and monitoring of the general condition of both adults and children. The tincture has great energetic power, so blood pressure may rise in people with sensitive vascular systems. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug or stop using it. It is best to gradually accustom the body to the tincture and take blood pressure lowering medications at the beginning of treatment. Moderate use of the drug stabilizes the condition over time.
Note! Before taking the tincture, you must remember that during the treatment period you should not drink alcohol, and people with low blood pressure should simultaneously use a decoction of Leuzea. Experts have different opinions on the question of whether it is possible to take a bee moth preparation with an antibiotic or not. Therefore, before starting to take the tincture, you should consult with your doctor, despite the fact that this remedy has virtually no contraindications.

The ZHIVA company is a friendly team of like-minded people, united by understanding and love for the worker - the Bee and for Nature, creating tasty and healthy natural products and striving to make the lives of others better, brighter, more active, add health, vitality, energy, beauty, positive emotions and ultimately make people happier.
For more than 10 years, the founders of the company have been producing and promoting beekeeping products. Over time, the understanding came that an even greater positive effect comes from the harmonious combination of the gifts of bees and moths with healing plant and mineral components. Experienced herbal and apitherapists hired by the company share the secrets of creating and manufacturing effective apiphyto compositions, and cooperation with scientific institutions makes it possible to more thoroughly study and confirm the claimed properties of products.
Over the years, we have received many positive reviews from buyers of our products with gratitude for the results, naturalness and high quality.
We are sure that you will also appreciate our products, into which we put our work, soul, knowledge and desire to help people restore their health, regain energy, vigor, beauty and joy from every day they live.


Watch a video about the beneficial properties of the wax moth.

Beekeepers, like no one else, know what it is bee moth. For owners of precious hives, this is a pest that is also known as bee worm. This pest loves to inhabit beehives, and moth larvae are the only living organisms that can feed on wax. They eat larvae and others: honey, honeycombs. Due to the presence of a special enzyme in the larvae, they can digest all beekeeping products.

As a result, a living organism accumulates a large amount of useful substances. In fact, thanks to this diet, the larvae are used in folk medicine to make medicinal tinctures. Let's find out what benefits lie in it and how to prepare a healing remedy yourself.

Moth syrups in our Gifts of Nature store

On the one hand, it can harm bees. When an insect attacks a hive, bees may leave their abode and stop producing honey. On the other hand, moth larvae accumulate an impressive amount of useful substances and you can benefit even from such “sabotage.” A striking example of this is the tincture of fireweed.

This is important! How is the tincture made from these larvae useful? Living organisms are rich in amino acids - substances that are the main element in the construction of proteins. And most importantly, the tincture will be rich in essential amino acids that the body needs. It contains leucine, an amino acid that is responsible for supporting the immune system, and lysine, an acid that is responsible for the formation of the skeletal system and the absorption of calcium. These acids are also involved in the production of antibodies and albumins.

In addition to the essential ones, it will also contain other acids - glycine, alanine. These substances are responsible for balancing blood sugar levels and regenerating body tissues. Thanks to this composition, the prescription and treatment of the tincture will be appropriate for a variety of diseases. What problems can a flamethrower help solve?

  • With blood diseases - anemia, clotting disorders. The tincture is also indicated for thrombophlebitis.
  • With respiratory diseases - asthma, tuberculosis, bronchitis, pneumonia.
  • With problems of the female and male reproductive system.
  • For the treatment of respiratory diseases and bacterial infections.
  • To strengthen the immune system.

You can buy the product for the treatment of nervous system disorders and as an alternative to sleeping pills. The drug is also used in the postoperative period, when it is necessary to strengthen the body and relieve weakness. Another useful thing about the tincture is its antimicrobial and antibacterial effect. If you use it externally, you can speed up the healing of abrasions and scars, and internally, you can get rid of viral infections and chronic diseases.

The price of the drug allows it to be used as a preventive therapy for seasonal viral infections, as well as to alleviate the condition after myocardial infarction, stroke and high blood pressure.

Methods of preparation: tincture and ointment

Having become acquainted with the composition of the bee moth tincture, you can be convinced that this remedy will indeed become an assistant in the treatment of many diseases. It’s not possible in every pharmacy, but it won’t be difficult to do it yourself. There are a couple of ways to prepare the tincture. It is clear that the main ingredient will be bee moth larvae.

This is important! You need to choose large larvae. Organisms that were born just a few days ago will not be suitable. At the same time, you need to have time to collect the larvae before they begin to transform into pupae. To prepare one jar you will need from 5 to 20 grams of large larvae.

You can prepare an alcohol tincture or medicinal ointment from the larvae.

  1. Classic cooking method. Take 20 g of larvae and 100 ml of alcohol (take 70%). Place the organisms in a dark glass jar and fill with alcohol. The extract should be infused for 10 days. Shake the jar every few days. Then strain the tincture and pour into a dark bowl, cover with a lid. Store the fire in the refrigerator.
  2. Tincture that will be used for preventive purposes. Since the prescription and treatment of the drug can be used for different purposes, a highly concentrated tincture will be needed to combat diseases. If you need a prophylactic agent, the number of larvae will not be so large. You will need 5-10 grams of larvae and 50 ml of alcohol. Fill the organisms and place them in a dark place. The fire will infuse for 7 days. Then strain the extract. It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a year.
  3. . First you need to prepare a tincture - take 30-50 g of moth and pour alcohol so that the liquid just covers the organisms. Leave for 5 days. Next, add propolis, beeswax and to the finished tincture. 50 grams each. Heat the mixture in a water bath and bring to a thick consistency, cool. The price of such a product will certainly not hit your wallet, since all the ingredients are accessible and natural.

Knowing how to prepare ointment and tincture, you can arm yourself with a universal remedy from moth. The ointment will be used for wound healing and osteochondrosis, and the tincture will be used to treat viral infections and chronic diseases.

Creams and ointments with fireweed in our store

Rules for receiving fire

Prescription and treatment of the extract will consist of one or more courses of administration. It is important to take breaks between courses. For example, to treat diseases of the reproductive system, a course of 90 days will be required. In this case, between every 30 days of admission there will be a break of at least 10 days.

  • The dosage of the tincture will be calculated based on your weight - 3 drops per 10 kg.
  • For treatment, drink the extract 2 times a day. As a preventive measure – 1 time per day.
  • In the first 2-3 days you need to take half the prescribed dosage and monitor the body’s reaction. Are there any side effects? You can switch to standard reception.

It is best to drink the tincture in its pure form and hold it under the tongue each time. If the product is used by a child, the dosage will change - a drop per 12 kg. For children, the extract should be diluted in a small amount of water - 3 drops per 30 ml.

This is important! There are no direct contraindications for fireweed. But those who have an allergic reaction to honey, pollen and bee waste products should refrain from taking it. And, of course, the drug is contraindicated for people who are alcohol dependent.

Traditional medical luminaries consider wax moth syrup to be an ordinary placebo effect, that is, the patient's illness declines only through his unwavering faith in recovery. Extraordinary medicine uses this remedy in its therapeutic actions and diseases are actually cured, the harm from the natural component of the tincture is minimal, and the benefits are obvious.

At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Russian physiologist I.I. Mechnikov tried to invent an anti-tuberculosis vaccine got wax moth syrup. During its life, the golden butterfly processes wax, which is part of the shell of the tuberculosis bacterium. Experience has confirmed that the medicine is effective in this regard, but the infusion works for healing only if young butterflies are taken as raw materials.

This wonderful remedy has not yet been fully studied; with each stage of research, new effects on the human body appear. The benefits of wax moth as a tincture have been proven by numerous practical experiments.

Even at the dawn of development, people knew the benefits of wax moths. The priests of the Egyptian temples treated the ailments of the pharaohs with the help of potions from these creatures, prolong their beauty and maintain health until deep gray hair. The countries of the Asian basin also used the beneficial qualities of the wax butterfly; many Russian healers used tinctures using moth for their patients.

In Rus', the remedy was considered useful for scabies and was used to help with infertility. Today, trying to fill the market with golden moth tincture, beekeepers and beekeepers create artificial conditions for the development of wax moth caterpillars. As for the use of the tincture itself, the scope of its application every year The number of diseases is increasing and diversifying, subject to treatment with this miracle drug.

Efficacy of the drug

Although from a scientific point of view, the effectiveness of the drug has not been proven, and doctors consider it a dummy, nothing prevents specialists from prescribing the medicine to patients to treat certain ailments. The medicine has not been fully studied, so it is difficult to talk about a scientific approach.

The main component of the tincture is wax moth; others know it as butterfly moth caterpillar. Beekeepers are very aware of the pest, which emits an odor similar to that of a bee. Because of this, the insect freely enters the bee house, where everyone mistakes it for a relative. The wax butterfly has the ability to eat honey or use honeycomb wax.

Or bee) is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement that will make it easier for the body to fight diseases. It is capable of destroying the shells of viruses, bacteria, fungi, and then our immunity will finish them off in no time. It will dissolve fat and cholesterol, and then the blood vessels and gastrointestinal tract will function smoothly. For what else is bee moth used, read this article.

What is fire? This is a small pest butterfly. More precisely, it is not itself that is harmful, but its larvae. But it is from them that a healing tincture is prepared, the use and purpose of which we will discuss in this article.

Filled with alcohol and infused in a dark place for a week or two, bee moth is called both a tincture and an extract. In this case, these are synonyms, since alcohol draws out the necessary enzymes, and their concentration is high - take it in drops, no more than 50 (tablespoon).

Beneficial components of bee moth extract

4 main components of preparations from bee moth extract:

  • vitamins and minerals – strengthen the immune system, provide important building materials for renewing the body;
  • lipase and protease are digestive enzymes that break down fats, help the body absorb them, thereby improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • alcohol is a known bactericide (bacteria killer);
  • the substance that breaks down wax has no name in official medicine and biology; in different sources it is called the enzyme cerase, serine protease or peroxidase. Koch's bacillus, which causes tuberculosis, is also covered with a waxy shell. Cholesterol has a waxy structure. Cerase breaks them down, which is why in the first case it is easy for immune cells to destroy the infection, and in the second - the vessels are cleansed, the blood flows faster, the organs and brain are better supplied with blood, blood pressure decreases, memory improves and migraines go away (if, of course, these problems were caused specifically clogged vessels).

Note: For the treatment of tuberculosis, some doctors recommend the use of bee moth tincture. True, as an additional measure. To prevent colds, drops of bee moth are given even to children.

Ognyovka bee tincture - method of preparation

There are 2 fundamentally different ways to prepare moth tincture:

  1. on wax moth larvae;
  2. on the waste products of the same larvae.

In the first case, the moth larvae should be young - 1-1.5 cm in length, no more than the width of a nail. It is at this age that their resolving enzyme is active: proven by experiments with old and young larvae and Koch bacilli. To prepare a tincture of bee moth you need:

  • We filter young larvae from old sushi with two small sieves, remove the remains of honeycombs, cobwebs, and mature caterpillars.
  • We put the best ones in a glass or ceramic container (according to GOST, storing alcohol in plastic, aluminum or galvanized containers is prohibited). If desired, they can be crushed.
  • Fill the larvae with 70% alcohol. It is important to use 70% alcohol, since the larvae contain water - it will already reduce the concentration of the tincture.
  • The ratio of larvae and alcohol is 1:5 (200 g of larvae per liter of alcohol).
  • Place the vessel with the future tincture in a dark place. To protect it from light, you can use dark glass bottles or make a cover for the jar from thick fabric (black thick bag, canvas, paper, etc.).
  • Shake the tincture daily for 2 weeks.

The second method of preparation involves infusing only “bee gunpowder” - the remains of the vital activity of bee moth larvae. Regenerating enzymes pass through the digestive tract along with excrement. In this case, we filter absolutely everything except fine black dust. There should be no worms, even the smallest ones, in the tincture.

  • The ratio of bee powder and alcohol: 1:10 or even 1:20, that is, 50-100 g of dry matter per liter of alcohol.
  • Alcohol can be taken at 40-70% - depending on the desired strength, it will draw out beneficial enzymes equally well.
  • You should also store it in a dark place and shake it once a week.

Note: In both cases, the medicine is filtered! In the method with larvae, a sediment is formed - it is useful, so shake the infusion before use!

If you have no time or nothing to prepare a tincture of moth larvae at home, you can buy it at a pharmacy or from beekeepers.

Remember an exemplary bad infusion: a jar half filled with thick old larvae. Firstly, there is almost no benefit from mature individuals, and secondly, you will greatly overpay for useless carcasses - you will have to throw them away anyway. In addition, sunlight neutralizes the healing properties of bee moth tinctures - they must be kept in the dark.

Note: A properly prepared tincture has the smell, taste and color of dried fruit compote (with alcohol). If the smell is unpleasant, you don’t have to torture yourself and use the product externally.

Bee moth tincture - method of application

Before taking tincture of fireweed or “bee powder”, do an allergy test on the inner crook of your arm:

  • drip a little
  • rub it,
  • wait 2-3 hours until completely absorbed.

Redness, peeling, itching are bad symptoms. It is better not to use medicines made from bee moth. If everything is fine, don’t put off treatment for too long.

Note: Before use, the tincture of larvae must be shaken, as it contains a useful concentrate sediment. The tincture of “bee gunpowder” does not contain this, so you don’t need to shake it.

The concentration of active ingredients in the tincture is high, so it is better for adults to start taking the tincture with 5 drops, for children - with 1 drop of bee moth. The tincture has several ways to use:

  • in a spoon, diluting with water;
  • from a pipette under the tongue;
  • in half a mug of water;
  • for children - in anything: in a mug of cocoa, in a bag of juice, in a bottle of lemonade, on a piece of watermelon or a grape, as long as they drink it.

It is advisable to take the drops half an hour before or an hour after meals. They are not invigorating, so you can drink them even at night.

The maximum dose for adults is 50 drops, for children - according to the number of years. It is not necessary to drink everything at once - you can divide it into several doses. The dose is increased so that the maximum is reached only after a month or later. The course is 3 months, be sure to take at least a week’s break (preferably a month), otherwise the body gets used to it and begins to be lazy.

Contraindications to the use of tincture of bee moth extract

Any medicinal drug has contraindications. Ours is also no exception. Treatment with bee tincture is contraindicated if you have:

  • hepatitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • ulcer;
  • intolerance to bee products;
  • problems with alcohol;
  • low blood pressure (possibly, little by little and constantly monitoring the pressure).

Method for preparing ointment from bee moth

The wax-corroding enzyme, according to reviews, removes scars and scars - if applied externally. It is easy to prepare this ointment:

  • Mix 300 ml of tincture, 50 g of beeswax, 50 ml of calendula oil and 20 g of propolis in a saucepan.
  • Simmer the mixture for 10-15 minutes in a water bath, covered, until thickened.
  • Cool and transfer to a glass jar.
  • Store in the refrigerator.

The proportions of the ingredients can be changed - take equal parts of propolis and wax, add St. John's wort oil, change the concentration of moth in alcohol by 2-3 times.

Note: No conflicts with any components have been identified in the bee moth, so when preparing an ointment from the moth tincture, you can add any oils that you consider necessary - coconut, castor, grape seed. The main thing is that the proportion of tincture is at least 50%.

Another method of preparing moth ointment does not require the use of extract and alcohol:

  • Melt 25 g of wax in a mug (250 g) of olive oil;
  • Mix in a tablespoon of ground moth or “bee powder”;
  • Cool until the ointment thickens and put into jars.

How to use bee moth ointment

You can smear scars, scars, wrinkles:

  • 2-3 times a day (usually morning and evening);
  • gently, with light movements, without rubbing to the point of redness.


  • allergies to components: calendula oil, olive oil, bee products - propolis and wax;
  • burns;
  • skin diseases;
  • open wounds.

Other preparations with bee moth

In stores you can also find other preparations with bee moth: granules, capsules, vaginal suppositories (suppositories).

You can prepare preparations with fire at home without alcohol:

  • eat dry “bee gunpowder” in its pure form;
  • brew it like tea, pouring boiling water over it;
  • brew it in tea (soup, compote, coffee, etc.).

In all three cases, the dosage is at the tip of a knife or teaspoon.

“Bee gunpowder” is problematic to store: there is no way to separate the transparent eggs of the moth from excrement, so it hatches even in mixtures with honey and in (dough made from honey and powdered sugar). The enzyme itself is stable and can be stored in the dark at room temperature for 5 years.