Fireweed contraindications and harm. Fire moth (wax moth): possible treatment options and reviews. Where is it used in medicine?

Avid beekeepers are probably familiar with the wax moth (also called the bee moth). In fact, this is a pest that feeds on wax (hence the name), but this pest accumulates so many useful substances in its body during its short life that it is simply a sin not to use the moth for medicinal purposes. Which, by the way, is what people have been doing for several centuries.

In this article we will look at the main method of treatment using fireweed - preparing and using a tincture. That’s why the article is called – Wax moth tincture, indications and contraindications.

Beneficial properties of wax moth

Many will probably be interested in how such a powerful effect is achieved when using fireweed tincture. What beneficial properties does wax moth have?

It's no secret that any beekeeping product has a very beneficial effect on the human body. In the case of the moth, this is expressed in the fact that by feeding on wax, as well as honeycombs and processing them in its body, it accumulates a huge proportion of useful substances that are contained in all beekeeping products.

Thanks to this, a powerful healing effect is achieved when using bee moth in folk medicine. What beneficial properties can preparations made from wax moth, in our case a tincture, have? First of all this:

  • significant improvement in metabolism
  • powerful antibacterial and antimicrobial properties
  • improved sleep
  • normalization of the nervous system
  • improving blood circulation
  • lowers blood pressure
  • normalizes hemoglobin levels and the number of red blood cells in the blood

And this is what the famous moth larvae look like. It doesn't look very attractive, but the healing power in them is simply colossal!

Indications for use of wax moth tincture

Indications for the use of wax moth tincture (moth) are the following diseases:

  • many diseases of the stomach and duodenum (including ulcers)
  • hypertension ()
  • atherosclerosis
  • heart disease (arrhythmia, heart disease)
  • high thrombus formation
  • infertility in men and women
  • scars, abrasions, lacerations and cuts
  • climacteric disorders
  • reduced immunity
  • anemia

Let's look at some points in more detail. For example, immunity. If you are tormented by constant colds, herpes on the lips is the first sign that it is time to strengthen your immune system. This can be done in completely different ways, including using wax moth tincture.

Next point. If you suffer from constantly high blood pressure or have heart problems (arrhythmia, cardioneurosis, ischemia) - again, tincture of moth in this case will be an ideal option for treating these diseases. It is also used after a heart attack as a restorative agent.

Moth tincture is quite effective in the treatment of male and female diseases. In men this may be impotence, in women – infertility or menopausal changes.

Children's health. Although it is not recommended to use bee moth tincture before the age of 12, in some cases an exception can still be made, and after 12 years nothing prevents you from using it to improve, for example, your child’s immunity. Until the age of 12, the tincture is used (of course, strictly observing the dosage) in the treatment of:

  • strong neuroses
  • dysbacteriosis
  • anemia
  • consequences of birth pathologies
  • developmental disorders

Gastrointestinal diseases. Moth tincture has long been successfully used to treat: liver diseases, gastric ulcers and gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, colitis.

Well, the last moment. Wax moth tincture is recommended for use by those who are actively involved in physical education and sports. This is due to the fact that it promotes rapid recovery of the body after high physical exertion, which is inevitable when playing sports. Some athletes quite legitimately use it in preparation for competitions and as a restorative remedy after them.

Contraindications to the use of wax moth tincture (moth)

The tincture is contraindicated:

  • if you are allergic to any bee products
  • for individual intolerance
  • during pregnancy
  • during breastfeeding
  • with exacerbation of ulcers, hepatitis, acute pancreatitis

It is also not advisable to use wax moth tincture for children under 12 years of age. Although in the treatment of chronic diseases, children can take bee moth (tincture). The dosage is simply reduced significantly.

To exclude possible cases of complications after taking it, I always recommend consulting with a doctor before starting a course of treatment.

Wax moth tincture - where to buy

You can buy wax moth tincture by placing an order online. A very rich assortment of this product appeared recently in the Ecopiter store (with them). At the moment they offer 10 types of tincture:

You can order any option based on your needs simply by clicking on this banner. All products are of very high quality!

You can also buy a flamethrower in Altaivita (), the prices are approximately the same everywhere. True, Altaivita also offers syrup.

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How to use wax moth tincture

  1. The optimal time of administration is 30 minutes before meals or an hour after meals
  2. dosage – 3 drops of tincture for every 10 kg. weight of the patient, diluted in a small amount of water
  3. Frequency of administration: for prevention purposes, drink once a day, preferably in the morning. For medicinal purposes – 2 times a day, in the morning and before bedtime
  1. The optimal time of administration is also 30 minutes before meals or an hour after meals
  2. dosage – up to 12 years, no more than 1 drop for every 12 kg of weight. For the first 2 days you should drink 0.5 of the recommended dose and observe the body’s reaction. If everything is normal, then continue to drink the full dose.

What's important!!! Bee moth tincture is made with alcohol. This means that people with alcohol addiction and all those who have problems with liver function should not take it. It is also important to remember that the moth contains waste products of bees. Therefore, if you have, for example, an allergy to pollen, propolis or honey, the use of the tincture is prohibited for you and can be harmful!

Now let's look at the use of wax moth tincture in more detail.

Chronic diseases, weak immunity

For chronic diseases, poor immunity, or after treatment with chemicals, bee moth tincture is taken 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, 10–20 drops per 50–100 ml. water. The course of such treatment is 3 months, after which a mandatory break is required, after which the treatment is repeated. Most often, one course is not enough and 2-3 are done to achieve the effect.

Treatment of tuberculosis with tincture of moth

For tuberculosis, the dosage is increased gradually - from small doses to the average recommended (3 drops per 10 kg 3 times a day) or even slightly increased - 4 drops per 10 kg. The course of treatment is 2 months. It should be taken into account that during the treatment with fireweed, a patient with tuberculosis may have a rise in temperature, as well as strong sputum production.

In principle, this is normal. You should not interrupt treatment because of this; you can only slightly reduce the dosage of the tincture.

And one more important point for those who treat tuberculosis with moth tincture. Even if the patient feels noticeably better after completing 1–2 courses of treatment and the signs of the disease have disappeared, there is no need to stop treatment. To consolidate the effect, you need to drink the tincture for at least another month.

Treatment of infectious and viral diseases

For viral or infectious diseases, the tincture, as for tuberculosis, is taken for 2 to 3 months, with a subsequent break. Then, if necessary, the course of treatment is repeated.

The standard dosage is 3 drops for every 10 kilograms of the patient’s weight. Most often, one 3-month course of treatment is enough for the patient to feel significant relief.

Preventing colds and flu

For preventive purposes, the dosage is slightly reduced - on average to 2 drops for every 10 kg of the patient’s weight.

The intake is standard: diluted in water and drunk for a month before meals or an hour after it.

A course of prevention using wax moth tincture is an excellent solution during seasonal exacerbations of influenza. A very effective remedy!

My review of the use of wax moth tincture (moth)

In this article I will not publish numerous positive reviews about the use of fire tincture; you can easily find them on the Internet. I’ll tell you better about my experience of using it.

I have always respected beekeeping products, but somehow I never had the opportunity to try their effects on myself. The opportunity presented itself last year.

My daughter had to take the Unified State Exam, and already 3 months before she began to simply become hysterical, which turned into a severe nervous breakdown. This manifested itself in the fact that she began to sleep poorly and even screamed at night. She taught and crammed like a regular, but the more she studied, the more irritated she became.

Naturally, all this affected me too. I also became nervous, twitchy and could flare up for any reason and even without it. As a result, I invited my daughter to drink the tincture of fireweed for a month with her, since I knew about its properties to relieve stress and put the nervous system in order.

We drank the tincture for a month once a day in the evening before dinner 30 minutes, as recommended. After just 2 weeks, both my daughter and I were surprised to notice that we both became surprisingly calm.

The nervous system seems to relax, but at the same time unprecedented activity and energy appear. I constantly want to do something, keep myself busy. In addition, this year we almost did not get the flu. I think the flame helped here too!

Here's a review. Believe it or not, check it yourself. I am writing as it was, without any exaggeration.

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Belongs to the family of small lepidopteran insects. In nature there are more than 6,200 species. They differ in food preferences and lifestyle. Most of all, parasites annoy gardeners and gardeners, destroying leaves on fruit trees, flowers, berries and cereals. The bee moth has become most famous due to the unique properties of its larva.

The wax moth butterfly climbs into the hive at night and, located under the main mass of bees, lays eggs. The masonry is placed on the bottom, walls of the hive, on the surface of the honeycombs in which pollen is stored and loosely closed cells with honey. In the morning, the moth leaves its shelter and hides in the foliage close to growing trees, only to return at night and continue its work. The moth lays eggs over several nights.

After 5-10 days, pale gray moth larvae emerge from the clutch. They have four legs and two setae located at the back. The length of the worm is approximately 1 mm. The entire development cycle of the moth takes place in the middle of the hive. Young larvae feed on pollen, honey and beebread. After some time, they include royal jelly, propolis and wax honeycomb in their diet. Moths can digest these chemically complex products due to the presence of a special enzyme.

Intensive nutrition contributes to the accumulation of beneficial nutrients in the body of the future insect. Having reached a length of two centimeters, and this happens after about a month, the larvae enter the pupal stage. The length of the female moth emerging from the pupa varies from 15 to 35 mm, and the male – 11-12 mm. Adults exist due to the nutrients accumulated by the larva, since they do not have a developed oral apparatus and digestive system.

A large number of larvae in a hive can completely destroy an entire bee family or force them to leave their home.

Despite the great harm that moths cause to beekeeping, they can provide invaluable benefits in the treatment of a large number of diseases.

Excursion into history

Healers and traditional healers already in the 17th century used bee moth extract as an effective remedy for the treatment of diseases of the lungs and cardiovascular system. Scientific research that confirmed the unique properties of the moth was carried out by Russian scientist I.I. Mechnikov. While working in Paris at the Pasteur Institute (1889), he conducted a series of studies with bee moth larvae as part of the creation of an anti-tuberculosis serum. The scientist found that the tissues of an unformed insect contain a large amount of valuable substances. The most prominent among them was the enzyme cerase, which can destroy wax compounds.


Using bee moth tincture, the scientist achieved amazing results in the treatment of patients with tuberculosis. The wax-containing capsule of the bacterium is destroyed, it becomes completely defenseless and can be easily destroyed.

In addition, Mechnikov noted that bee products have a positive effect if used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Further research conducted by Professor S.I. Metalnikov and microbiologist I.S. Zolotarev, confirmed the beneficial properties of the moth and its high resistance to a number of pathogenic microorganisms. Experience in the practical use of extract from bee moth larvae was accumulated by cardiologist and homeopath S.A. Mukhin in the mid-20th century. He conducted his research for thirty years, prescribing the drug to patients during the treatment of various pulmonary and cardiac pathologies. Followers of the outstanding doctor proved that tincture of moth not only can cure many ailments, but also reduces the risk of serious diseases. Traditional medicine widely uses effective medicines prepared from wax moth larvae.

Composition and beneficial properties of wax moth tincture

Tincture of wax moth larvae

Bee moth tincture is a brown-brown liquid. Its unique healing properties are due to the diet that the larva consumes during its development. The finished product contains:

  • 20 out of 28 widely known amino acids (glycine, alanine, lysine, histidine, valine, serine and others);
  • mono- and disaccharides;
  • nucleotides;
  • vital polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • biologically active compounds;
  • potassium, calcium, zinc, molybdenum, phosphorus and other important trace elements;
  • unique antibacterial enzymes cerase and protease, capable of dissolving wax;
  • aromatic compounds.

Thanks to such a rich composition, moth tincture can have a positive effect on the human body. Its beneficial effects are as follows:

  • the immune system is strengthened;
  • mental and physical activity increases;
  • sleep is normalized;
  • the vitality of the body increases;
  • the activity of the nervous system, as well as the heart and blood vessels, improves;
  • blood cholesterol levels decrease;
  • the body's resistance to infections increases;
  • blood pressure is normalized and the risk of thrombosis is reduced;
  • rapid tissue regeneration is observed and metabolic processes are normalized;
  • the process of hematopoiesis and the formation of red blood cells is activated;
  • liver tissue is restored in various forms of hepatitis.

The benefits of bee moth are confirmed by numerous positive reviews from patients. This indicates the high popularity and demand for the infusion, which can help cure many serious diseases.

My mom has high blood pressure. You constantly have to take medications that do not eliminate the cause of poor health, but only temporarily alleviate it. One day I read about the beneficial properties of moth tincture and almost forced my mother to start taking it along with her medications. The effect exceeded all expectations! Blood pressure is now less of a concern, and even when the weather changes, mom feels good!

Inna, Gomel

Indications for use of bee moth tincture

You can often hear the question of what this tincture cures. The scope of use of the drug is quite wide. Experts claim and successfully prove in practice that it can be used in the treatment of a large number of diseases:

We drink bee moth tincture with the whole family to strengthen the immune system. Over the past 2 years, we have not been sick even during epidemics!

Olga, Moscow

In addition to the diseases listed above, there are a large number of other problems for which the tincture is indicated.

When treating with moth, you must follow the instructions set out in the instructions for the drug and the doctor’s recommendations. In no case should you independently replace taking medications prescribed by a doctor with bee moth tincture.

Contraindications, features of use

You should pay attention to the fact that moth preparations contain beekeeping products. They are not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as those who are allergic to these components. It is strictly forbidden to take alcohol tincture during exacerbation of the following diseases:

  • various forms of hepatitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • peptic ulcer.

The composition of the fire requires caution and monitoring of the general condition of both adults and children. The tincture has great energetic power, so blood pressure may rise in people with sensitive vascular systems. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug or stop using it. It is best to gradually accustom the body to the tincture and take blood pressure lowering medications at the beginning of treatment. Moderate use of the drug stabilizes the condition over time.


Before taking the tincture, you must remember that you should not drink alcohol during the treatment period, and people with low blood pressure should simultaneously use Leuzea decoction. Experts have different opinions on the question of whether it is possible to take a bee moth preparation with an antibiotic or not. Therefore, before starting to take the tincture, you should consult with your doctor, despite the fact that this remedy has virtually no contraindications.

Making extract at home

Many people are interested in what kind of tincture this is and how to prepare it themselves. The recipe is extremely simple. It is necessary to take well-developed larvae that have not begun to transform into pupa. 10 g of raw materials are placed in a dark glass or porcelain container and poured with 100 ml of alcohol (strength at least 70°). The contents must be infused for seven days, shaking periodically all the time. The finished medicine is filtered and stored in a cool place.

Bee moth is used to prepare an ointment that can be used for both external and internal use. To make bee moth balm, you will need 50 g of larvae, which are poured with a small amount of alcohol (to cover the raw material). After five days, strain the tincture and add 200 grams of calendula and St. John's wort oils. Add propolis and beeswax (50 g each) into the resulting mixture. Heat the composition in a water bath for two hours until the components are completely dissolved, cool and strain.

Instructions for use of the tincture

The method of using fire tincture is quite simple. The drug should be taken 30 minutes before meals or an hour after meals. The drug can be taken both in pure form and in diluted form. Before swallowing the alcohol infusion, it is recommended to keep it in your mouth for some time. Effective therapy is achieved by taking bee moth tincture under the tongue.

There are generally accepted recommendations on how to take a medicinal tincture. First of all, it is necessary to conduct a test to ensure that the body does not have an allergic reaction. Dilute one drop of the medicine in a teaspoon of water and apply a small amount of the solution to the inside of the lower lip. If discomfort occurs after about an hour, then you need to take a charcoal or antihistamine.

Bee moth should be taken with caution to avoid adverse reactions. In the very first days, drink the tincture only in the morning. The individual dosage and regimen of the drug is developed by the doctor.

Positive reviews about bee moth confirm that the tincture helps get rid of diseases and improve general condition after chemotherapy. The method of using the drug is very simple, the main thing is to believe in its power. In cosmetology, tincture is added to cream to have a rejuvenating effect on the face and slow down the aging process.

Specialists involved in bee breeding know that such a dangerous pest as wax moth can be beneficial. Moth tincture is used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine.

It is not known exactly when exactly the larvae of this butterfly began to be used to create a medicinal product. However, studies have confirmed that their use in the preparation of the extract has a beneficial effect on the human body. This drug helps cure many different diseases.

This unattractive small butterfly is a close relative of the clothes moth. Bee moths belong to insects from the Lepidoptera family of the same name. These butterflies are different variety of food preferences. Gardeners and gardeners suffer especially hard from them, since wax moths feed on the leaves of apple and pear trees, berries and flowers. In addition, they can settle on cereals.

There are even species of moths that eat animal carcasses. There are also moth-like butterflies that live along the banks of reservoirs. However, the only moth that is most popular is the one whose caterpillar eats wax.

For bees moth is a real disaster. Just a few caterpillars can destroy an entire hive. In addition to wax, this pest feeds on beebread, honeycombs and honey. After an invasion of a small butterfly, the bee colony may not survive the winter. The female moth invades the hive at night in order to lay eggs unhindered, since the bees sleep at this time of day.

Honey contains many more useful components than plant nectar. That is why insects that eat bees accumulate a lot of energy and various substances. Feeding on wax, beebread and honey, the wax moth absorbs all the benefits.

Moth moth larvae contain There are many different substances that have excellent stimulating and antioxidant effects, allowing the use of medicinal preparations prepared on their basis for the treatment of various diseases.

Useful components of the extract

The product made from moth larvae is a brown liquid. In its composition there are many useful substances:

Indications for use of fireweed tincture

This product has pronounced antibacterial and antiviral effects. Therefore, it is widely used in the treatment of various pathologies. The result after using the tincture is noticeable almost immediately. In addition, such a drug is non-toxic, therefore, the likelihood of side effects is extremely low. The only limitation to using the tincture is an allergic reaction to bee products. Moth extract helps get rid of many ailments.

Therapy of bronchopulmonary pathologies

A tincture based on wax moth helps in the treatment of colds, emphysema, chronic and acute bronchitis, and asthmatic attacks. After taking this remedy, the protective and drainage functions of the respiratory organs are restored, as a result of which spasmodic phenomena and wheezing disappear, and overall well-being improves.

Elimination of tuberculosis with moth extract

Bee moth tincture is often used for treatment of the lymphatic, visual, digestive, genitourinary and nervous systems, as well as the respiratory organs. In other words, such a remedy has a complex effect on the body, thereby ensuring the fastest cure.

Bee moth extract is best used as part of conservative treatment. This healing drug will enhance the effect of traditional medicines and minimize the number of negative consequences that arise after their use.

The tincture of fireweed is also capable of increase the body's defenses. The anti-tuberculosis effect of such a drug has been proven during various studies. It contains special enzymes that have a detrimental effect on microorganisms that provoke the development of tuberculosis.

Bee moth tincture in the fight against cancer

Of course, the moth extract will not eliminate malignant formations, but it can have a pronounced antioxidant and immunostimulating effect, which will significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. This healing drug will improve the body’s overall resistance and reduce the degree of intoxication, and it will also saturate it with essential vitamins and biologically active substances.

Tincture based on wax moth for cardiovascular pathologies

The product obtained from bee products can provide pronounced therapeutic effect for the following problems:

  • Hypertension;
  • Angina pectoris;
  • Myocardial infarction;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.

14 days after consuming the product from moth larvae, cardioprotective and cardiac restorative qualities begin to appear. Symptoms of heart failure completely disappear or become less pronounced, blood pressure normalizes, and even scar changes in the myocardium disappear. In addition, moth tincture prevents the occurrence of blood clots and the development of atherosclerosis.

Elimination of male diseases

Fire treatment is especially effective for infertility and prostate adenoma. The active ingredients in the tincture increase desire, improve sperm activity and increase testosterone.

Treatment of influenza and respiratory diseases with tincture

Wax moth extract contains lysine. This substance is responsible for tissue regeneration and growth, normal production of hormones, enzymes and antibodies. In addition, taking this healing tincture helps to quickly recover from injuries and surgical interventions. The ingredients present in its composition will be useful for those who regularly experience increased physical and mental stress.

Wax moth helps to increase dynamics of nervous processes that occur in the brain, improvement of muscle tone. In addition, it provides the body with a sufficient amount of microelements and nutrients. This drug is recommended for people who plan to stay young for a long time, as it stops the aging process.

The healing effect of the tincture is reinforced by the fact that the moth butterfly feeds on beekeeping products, which are present in its larvae for some time. All useful components after processing go into the moth extract. It is thanks to bee products that the healing effect occurs.

In addition, the body of small moths synthesizes the enzyme cerrase, which helps process wax. When interacting with alcohol it destroys the bacterial membrane, provoking the development of tuberculosis. This remedy can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

People who are actively involved in sports are also advised to drink a tincture of the larvae of this moth. After all, it helps to quickly restore the body’s strength after grueling physical activity.

Making wax moth extract at home

Making your own healing remedy from bee moth is not at all difficult. To prepare it you will need 10 grams of developed but not pupated larvae. They must be placed in a dark glass container and filled with alcohol at least 70 degrees. It will be enough to take 100 ml of ethanol. The resulting mixture should be set aside to infuse, shaking it occasionally. After a week, the tincture is filtered and then put in the refrigerator. It can be stored for about 12 months.

Preparation of ointment from moth tincture

The first step is to make an extract from the moth moth. For such purposes, you will need approximately 30-50 grams of its larvae. They should be filled with alcohol, and the liquid should only slightly cover the organisms. The product must be infused for at least 5 days.

Then into the finished extract you need to add 50 grams:

  • Calendula oils;
  • Beeswax;
  • Propolis.

The mixture is placed in a water bath and brought to a thick consistency, after which it is cooled. This ointment is popular because it is made exclusively from natural ingredients.

This product helps a lot in the treatment of female and peptic ulcers, sinusitis, burns, otitis, toothache and sore throat. To relieve inflammation and discomfort during inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, the ointment must be slightly warmed in a tablespoon and dripped into the nose. For otitis media, it should be used to lubricate the ear. To do this, soak a cotton swab in ointment and insert it into the diseased organ. The flagellum should be changed several times a day.

The ointment will also help fight tonsillitis, just lubricate the tonsils with it. To eliminate fibroids, it is advisable to take 10 drops orally 3 times a day. To reduce pain and inflammation during exacerbation of an ulcer, it is also better to eat one third of a small spoon before meals. Burns are regularly lubricated with tincture ointment for faster wound healing.

Recommendations before taking wax moth extract

Before you start using the tincture, you should definitely check how the body reacts to it whether the drug will provoke allergies. Among other things, you need to thoroughly study the bee moth treatment regimen.

It is best to discuss the optimal dosage and method of use with a specialist. Do not forget to perform a contact test as follows: one drop of this medicine should be diluted in a dessert spoon of water, then smear a little tincture on the inside of the lower lip. If after 1 hour there is no swelling, redness, rash, tingling at the site of application or itching, then the drug is not dangerous.

The first intake of moth extract should be started with caution. In general, in the first days it is advisable to use it only in the morning. If the drug does not cause any side effects, the dose can be increased.

Negative consequences and contraindications for use

Healing preparation based on wax moth larvae has enormous energy power. That is why it should not be taken by people with an immediate reaction of the vascular system to various medications and great sensitivity. They should be prepared for the fact that their blood pressure may rise after consuming moth. In this case, it is advisable to take a short break, reduce the dose or completely stop taking the tincture, so as not to harm your health.

Of course, it is better to accustom your body to the extract from moth larvae or take special medications at the same time. After all, this remedy can affect blood vessels, and its moderate use can, on the contrary, help stabilize blood pressure.

Known facts about the bee moth - wax (bee) moth

Moth butterfly, bee butterfly moth, wax moth, Galleria mellonella - all these are the names of one of the worst enemies of beekeepers and the most formidable enemy of honey bees.

One side of the dual nature of the wax moth is evil - harm caused to bees, and on the other hand, the moth brings good in the form of healing drugs from its biomaterial.

Speaking about the benefits of using biomaterial bee moth it must be said that nature has endowed the bee moth with useful qualities and people have learned to take their valuable gift from these small insects. Knowing this, some beekeepers raise moth larvae in specially designated areas, subject to their control outside the hives.

Since ancient times, traditional healers have shown interest in the products produced by bees. They made medicines from wax moth larvae and treated patients for many ailments. Extracts and ointments based on wax moth biomaterial helped to recover patients with tuberculosis, put the infirm back on their feet, healed wounds, and relieved joint pain. For many centuries, the holders of knowledge of the medicinal qualities of moth were a narrow circle of people, into which folk healers and beekeepers did not let anyone in. Extracts from wax moth larvae have been used to treat patients with cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases since the 17th century.

Nobel Prize winner I.I. At the end of the 19th century, Mechnikov conducted research on the biomaterial of the bee moth to create an anti-tuberculosis vaccine. The veil of secrecy of a narrow circle of people was lifted and the medical and scientific community learned about the miraculous healing capabilities of the bee moth.

Mechnikov used an extract of wax moth larvae to prevent tuberculosis.

Among all the valuable components of wax moth biomaterial, cerase occupies a special place. This enzyme dissolves wax and waxy substances. The tuberculosis bacillus in the human body has the form of a wax-like capsule. The enzyme cerase dissolves this capsule and the tuberculosis bacillus, this terrible bacillus, remains unprotected in front of the immune protective barrier. In his research, Mechnikov proved that this ability can be used to destroy the waxy membranes of tuberculosis bacteria.

Work in this direction was continued by Sergei Alekseevich Mukhin, a famous Moscow homeopathic cardiologist who devoted a lot of time to solving the problems of traditional medicine and homeopathy. His scientific research confirmed the anti-tuberculosis effect of wax moth extract. An in-depth study of the preparation of wax moth larvae allowed it to open up therapeutic possibilities for effective use in old age to increase general tone, for heart diseases, for many restorative processes in the human body, including the ability to heal fresh scars after a heart attack.

His interest in studying the medicinal capabilities of wax moths arose for a reason, because All members of Mukhin's family were stricken with consumption, and the boy himself had been ill since childhood. His mother and her two youngest children died of tuberculosis; the children were not even one year old. Seryozha Mukhin was helped to recover by folk healers who knew very well the recipes for preparing beekeeping products - propolis and wax moth extract and could treat with them. Thanks to these people, the future doctor was saved.

Apitherapy deals with the treatment of many diseases using live bees and bee products. Healing products produced by bees are the basis for the preparation of extracts, ointments, and tablets. In Vologda, in the early seventies of the last century, an apitherapy point was opened at the neurological department. Professor E. A. Ludyansky was one of the first to use apitherapy in combination with traditional methods of treatment.

In Russia, in the early 90s of the last century, financial support for research into beekeeping products and the development of new apitherapy methods arose. There has been a new round of development in this area. Russian and foreign clinics, breeding and experimental stations in different regions, the Beekeeping Research Institute in Rybnoye, Ryazan Region, the Central Research Institute of Gastroenterology in Moscow, and the Tentorium company in Perm are currently developing new methods of apitherapy and researching beekeeping products.

Moth extract - a broad-spectrum drug

Characteristic features of the moth extract - wax bee moth larvae and its ADVANTAGES:

Powerful immunostimulant

Powerful antioxidant



Non-steroidal anabolic

Increases the body's ability to resist various diseases;

Has antibacterial and antiviral properties;

Has a mucolytic, anti-inflammatory effect;

Improves the drainage function of the bronchi, eliminates bronchospasm, wheezing;

Has a detrimental effect on Koch bacillus bacteria, the causative agents of tuberculosis;

Has a cardioprotective effect;

Helps reduce the load on the myocardium and reduces or prevents dysfunction of the heart muscle;

Helps reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease, reducing pressure surges in hypertension;

Helps improve the general condition of the patient, increases resistance to various diseases, including cancer;

Has a positive psychotropic effect, improves mood, memory, learning ability;

Relieves chronic fatigue in people engaged in heavy physical and mental labor;

Helps increase the body's defenses and reserve its strength, avoiding frequent colds and ENT diseases;

Helps normalize peripheral blood parameters, reduces its viscosity, thrombus formation, improves blood microcirculation;

Has a therapeutic effect for atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;

Promotes the dissolution and processing of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels;

Promotes the resorption of myocardial scars after a heart attack, prevents the formation of adhesions and scars;

Restores skin with suppuration after surgical interventions;

restores damaged tissue structure;

Promotes muscle recovery after physical activity, increases endurance and strength;

Helps treat atherosclerosis of blood vessels in the brain and lower extremities;

reduces pain when walking;

Improves metabolism during the recovery period after operations and injuries

Wax moth preparations and its use in various fields of medicine

Bee moth extract and bronchopulmonary diseases

Wax moth tincture is a broad-spectrum antiviral and antibacterial drug. It is used with good results for adults and children with diseases of the lungs, bronchi, bronchial asthma and bronchitis with an asthmatic component. Treatment with wax moth extract leads to improved drainage function of the lungs, elimination of bronchospasm, clearing of breathing, disappearance of wheezing, and normalization of blood counts.

After using antibiotics, fungal diseases of the lungs may occur - in these cases, wax moth tincture is quite effective.

The wax moth preparation is a powerful antioxidant. Its use leads to an increase in resistance to tuberculosis infection in the tissues of the lungs and other organs. Wax moth tincture prevents the spread of infection and the formation of new lesions in the body.

Taking bee moth extract helps suppress the resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to antibiotics during antibacterial therapy.

The drug heals tuberculous cavities in the lungs, promotes their further resorption thanks to enzymes that can destroy the membrane of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The use of moth extract is effective in the treatment of tuberculosis of bones, kidneys, skin, and lymph nodes.

In order to prevent relapses of tuberculosis and in case of contact with a patient with an active form of tuberculosis, it is recommended to take moth extract.

The founder of the Moscow homeopathic school, S. A. Mukhin, became acquainted with homeopathy in practice during his student years. It was she who helped cope with her own illness, thanks to the talent of a scientist and doctor.

Bee moth extract and heart disease

Famous cardiologist and homeopath S.A. Mukhin left a great legacy in the complex treatment of heart diseases. He used apitherapy drugs in traditional medicine. Dr. S.A. Mukhin studied the medicinal properties of bee moth extract for more than 3 decades, using it in a medical institution. His clinical studies revealed the cardioprotective and cardiotropic properties of moth extract.

Sergei Mukhin graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Moscow University and was seriously involved in cardiology. After studying at the university, Mukhin worked on his dissertation at the Institute of Cardiology. Independent study of traditional medicine manuscripts allowed the scientist to prove the promise of using homeopathy in geriatrics and in the treatment of heart diseases.

The Moscow homeopathic school was based on a special approach to the prescription of medicines. S. A. Mukhin divided cardiac drugs according to their predominant effect on certain structures of the heart: connective tissue base, cardiac muscle, capillary and lymphatic network of the myocardium, coronary circulation (arterial and venous), conduction system, and also separately identified drugs used for different pain characteristics, which can be used as a basis for classification. One of the components of the homeopathic school of medicines is the wax moth Galleria mellonella, and specifically the wax moth extract.

The great physiologist Hans Selye highly appreciated the works of S. A. Mukhin, calling them “the discovery of the century”!

Scientific studies of bee moth biomaterial have shown the effectiveness of treatment with drugs based on it in the complex treatment of atherosclerosis, cardiosclerosis, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, stimulating hematopoiesis, reducing shortness of breath, reducing the frequency of angina attacks, cardiac arrhythmias, exhibiting pronounced cardioprotective properties.

Wax moth larvae extract improves electrocardiogram parameters. After starting treatment with 20% moth extract, a decrease in blood pressure is possible. On the 10-15th day of taking the drug, blood pressure may decrease by 12 - 14%.

In the laboratory of Prof. M. N. Kondrashova (Institute of Biological Physics AH CCCP since 1981) continued research on the study of wax moth extract. The results confirmed the ability of this drug to restore tissue after deep morphological damage caused by a state of hyperreactivity. The amazing ability of this medicine was the resorption of fresh scars after myocardial infarction.

Tissue restoration after deep morphological damage has been confirmed by the studies of many scientists:

Professor N.P. Sinitsyn performed a resection of a section of the dog’s heart muscle with its subsequent restoration;

L.V. Polezhaev and A.H. Studitsky obtained acceleration of muscle tissue regeneration using various stimulants;

A. A. Bogomolets studied restoration processes in connective tissue;

Le Gros Clark and his colleagues, Betz, Godman and others, as a result of research, obtained muscle restoration after deep ischemic damage caused by vascular ligation and other reasons;

Geller achieved restoration of muscle fibers after their breakdown in diphtheria myocarditis

Numerous works in this area encourage the need to take a closer look at the problem and reconsider previous ideas about the inability of the heart muscle to regenerate.

Currently, a group of researchers from ITEB RAS, Ryazan Medical University, and Samara State University have confirmed the conclusion of Dr. S.A. Mukhina about the medicinal properties of wax moth extract.

Bee moth extract, obstetrics and gynecology

For the first time in obstetric practice, wax moth extract was used by Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ryazan Medical University Yu.K. Gander.

He studied various pathologies of pregnancy, observing women in a hospital setting, monitoring the effectiveness of treatment based on ultrasound results and biochemical blood tests.

Observations have shown that wax moth extract in complex treatment:

Helps increase the body's immune activity and prevents spontaneous miscarriages associated with insufficient immune function of the placenta;

Helps improve metabolism, determined by increasing hemoglobin levels;

Improves microcirculation in the area of ​​the uterus and placenta;

Leads to continuation of pregnancy

All women who received complex therapy confirmed its high effectiveness by the fact that they all maintained their pregnancy and gave birth to healthy children.

Control of treatment with wax moth tincture in complex treatment - based on the results of a medical examination.

Bee moth extract and urology (andrology)

Andrology is an important field of medicine that studies the problems of men, male anatomy and physiology. She studies the state of health and diseases of the male genital organs, other organs and systems interconnected with them, as well as methods of prevention and treatment of individual and social rehabilitation of patients. In Russia there is no official definition of an andrologist, so male problems are solved mainly by urologists, as well as sex therapists and endocrinologists. Wax moth extract is recommended for use in the treatment of prostate adenoma, male infertility, and decreased libido.

Bee moth extract and gerontology

Old age leads to deterioration of health, mental abilities, and attenuation of body functions. At different times, people tried to prolong their youth.

The State Historical Museum of Moscow keeps in its treasuries a manuscript of traditional medicine that has been preserved and reached us since the 17th century. It indicates the rejuvenation of older people and the prevention of aging. The manuscript contains recipes for preparing wax moth extract. Traditional healers used it to prevent aging and treat patients, seeking to strengthen endurance, restore performance after hard physical work, get rid of infirmity, improve memory and increase defenses against diseases.

The famous scientist Sergei Mukhin in 1959 in Moscow made a report on the problems of longevity at the Conference. Following the scientist’s recommendations, wax moth extract as a rejuvenating agent should be taken in old age in courses, preferably 2 times a year for 3 months.

Shake before use


Store the opened bottle in the refrigerator

Store the closed bottle in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.

Best before date

3 years from the date of manufacture, sediment is acceptable

Thanks to modern technologies, wax moth extract has become available to the mass consumer!

To prepare our 20% wax moth extract, we use moths grown outside the hives on beebread crumbs from Bashkiria.

Moth larvae feed on beeswax and, thanks to special enzymes, process it. Because of this, the larvae’s body begins to accumulate a high concentration of useful substances. Therefore, they are often used to create medicinal products from bee products. Let's take a closer look at how bee tincture from moth is prepared at home, for what diseases it is used and what reviews it has.

Benefits of bee moth

Bee tincture has unique healing properties, thanks to which it is used to treat various diseases. It contains essential amino acids. The product is enriched with valine, leucine, glycine, lysine, alanine, serine, and various acids.

The usefulness of the tincture is as follows:

  1. It strengthens the immune system well;
  2. Physical and mental performance increases, sleep normalizes and fatigue syndrome is relieved;
  3. The product tones the body;
  4. Muscle mass increases and becomes more resilient to various factors;
  5. The nervous and cardiovascular systems begin to work better;
  6. Cholesterol decreases;
  7. The body easily fights infections;
  8. The exchange process begins to work better;
  9. Blood pressure normalizes;
  10. The formation of blood clots is prevented;
  11. Scars dissolve very quickly, soft tissues are well regenerated.

Due to such a wide spectrum of action, the product is considered popular and in demand among patients.

When is the drug used?

Bee tincture from moth is used in the following situations:

  • For the treatment of heart diseases, hypertension and atherosclerosis;
  • For the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis;
  • For the treatment of anemia and other blood diseases;
  • It is used for gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis;
  • It treats viral and bacterial infections, strengthens the immune system;
  • Diseases of the female reproductive system are successfully treated;
  • The product successfully fights prostate adenoma and male infertility.

The tincture is often prescribed as rehabilitation after surgery or after serious physical exertion.

Methods for preparing the product

Moth tincture is prepared using different methods:

  1. First way. Fill the larvae (20 grams) with 70 percent alcohol (100 grams). Let it brew for ten days. Shaking is recommended regularly. After some time, strain and store in a cool place for no more than 12 months;
  2. Second way. Place the larvae (5 grams) in a dark jar. Add 70 percent ethyl alcohol (50 milliliters). Let it brew for eight days. Then strain and take as recommended by your doctor;
  3. Third way. Place one part of the larvae in a container with dark glass. Fill them with ten parts of alcohol. Let it brew for ten days. Strain the finished product. It can be stored in a cool place for no more than three years.

Whatever method you choose to create the tincture, it is important to take well-developed larvae with no signs of pupation.

How to take the product?

To prevent diseases, the drug is taken orally once a day half an hour before a meal, or an hour after a meal. If bee tincture is taken as a treatment, it is drunk twice a day.

Instructions for using fire tincture:

  • Children are given one drop for every 12 kilograms of body weight. Before use, it is diluted in 30 milliliters of water;
  • Adolescents over 14 years of age are given the adult dosage;
  • For adults, the dose is three drops for every 10 kilograms of body weight. At the same time, they are drunk either pure or diluted in water.

The tincture works best if you hold it in your mouth for two minutes and only then swallow it.

To avoid an allergic reaction, it is recommended to drink a couple of drops of the drug for the first time. If the body reacts well, you can double the dose. Thus, gradually increase the dosage to the recommended dose per day. After a couple of days, you can start drinking the product twice a day.

Since moth has a tonic effect, it is not recommended to take it in the evening.

The tincture should not be taken if you have an allergic reaction to bee products or alcohol.

Application of tincture

Bee remedy is used to treat various diseases. Reviews from patients indicate that it helps to cope with any disease if you follow all doses and instructions for taking the tincture.

Treatment of tuberculosis

Moth tincture is used to treat tuberculosis. It consists of enzymes that destroy the shell of microbacteria that cause the disease. Cavities in the lungs are treated very quickly, the lung tissue begins to better resist infection and prevents it from spreading throughout the body.

When treating tuberculosis with moth, it is important not to forget about traditional medicine. Only an integrated approach will help defeat a serious disease.

Treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases

The preparation from the bee product increases the protective and drainage functions of the body. It relieves inflammation and expands the bronchi. Eliminates wheezing and bronchial spasms during bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, and colds.

The exact dosage for using the tincture should be prescribed by the doctor for each person individually.

Treatment of cardiovascular disorders

Two weeks after starting to take the tincture, a person no longer suffers from angina attacks and other heart diseases. The development of atherosclerosis is slowed down. Blockage of veins and the formation of thrombophlebitis are prevented.

The swelling of the veins decreases and their blue tint disappears.

Treatment of cancer

Since the bee remedy has an antioxidant and immunostimulating effect, moth is used for the treatment of cancer.

During the period of taking the tincture, the body fights the disease well, and its intoxication decreases. After chemotherapy, the drug saturates the body with useful microelements, vitamins and biologically active components.

Treatment of male diseases

Wax moth is used to treat prostate adenoma. Sperm begin to move better, thanks to which male infertility is successfully cured.

In the male body, testosterone levels and sexual desire increase after illness or during age-related changes.

Treatment of influenza and ARVI

Since moth is enriched with bioflavonoids and amino acids, it is used as an antiviral drug.

During influenza epidemics or frequent acute respiratory viral infections, the tincture is recommended to be taken for the purpose of prevention. But, if the disease still does not pass you by, the drug will help you recover faster and restore strength.

Recovery after injuries and surgeries

The tincture contains enzymes that prevent the formation of scars after surgery or skin injuries. Adhesions and scars after surgery in the body are also prevented. Injuries with inflammatory purulent processes are successfully cured.

Increasing endurance during physical and mental stress

Very often, bee remedy is used by athletes and people who do hard physical work.

Muscles recover much faster after big workouts.

The energy level in the human body increases, hemoglobin is better synthesized, and calcium is completely absorbed.

In people who engage in mental work, the dynamics of the nervous processes occurring in the brain increases. Memory improves, mental activity increases. A person remembers new information faster and easily tolerates various aggressive influences.

Features of using the drug

Before using a bee moth, it is important to remember the following:

  1. It cannot be combined with antibiotics;
  2. Do not drink together with dead bees and other bee products;
  3. During treatment you need to forget about alcohol;
  4. People who suffer from low blood pressure are recommended to simultaneously drink Leuzea extract to maintain it;
  5. Before each use, the bottle should be shaken well;
  6. Opened product should be stored on the refrigerator shelf, and not yet printed on the cabinet shelf;
  7. Shelf life is no more than three years.

Before you start taking it, you should definitely consult your doctor!

Moth ointment

Not only an alcohol tincture is prepared from the moth, but also a healing ointment with beeswax. The way to create it is very simple:

  • Pour wax moth larvae (50 grams) with alcohol so that it covers them;
  • Let it brew for five days;
  • After a while, add calendula and St. John's wort oil (200 grams each) to the tincture;
  • Stir and add more beeswax and propolis (50 grams each);
  • Using a water bath, heat the mixture for two hours;
  • Then cool and strain.

The finished ointment is used to treat sinusitis, otitis, sore throat, women's diseases, peptic ulcers, burns, boils and toothache.

To relieve pain and inflammation from sinusitis, melt the ointment in a tablespoon and drop it into your nose.

To treat otitis media, lubricate the ear with ointment. Soak a cotton swab in it and insert it into the sore ear. Change the flagella three times a day.

To treat a sore throat, lubricate the tonsils with ointment.

To treat fibroids, the ointment is taken orally, 10 drops three times a day.

To relieve pain and inflammation during exacerbation of an ulcer, the ointment is taken orally, one-third of a teaspoon before meals.

If you receive a burn, you need to systematically lubricate the affected areas of the skin with the prepared ointment for quick healing.

Now you know how you can make your own tincture and ointment from a bee product. After studying the reviews about the drug, it is important to consult a doctor before using it for the first time in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. After examining the patient, the doctor will prescribe individual effective treatment for the moth disease.