Are braces dangerous? Pros and cons of external braces - are they a thing of the past? Teeth hurt after removal

Misaligned teeth are a very common problem. In the modern world, white and straight teeth are a sign of wealth, success and health. It's no surprise that most people strive to make their smile beautiful. Orthodontic treatment is often necessary to straighten teeth. The main and most effective way to correct a bite today is to install braces. But before making a serious decision about treatment, patients want to know all the pros and cons of braces.

The bracket system is a non-removable orthodontic structure for the treatment of pathologies of the teeth, dentition and jaws. The classic system consists of locks (braces) and a metal power arc. Each clasp is glued to the tooth using dental material and has a groove in the middle into which the archwire fits. During the treatment process, various rubber bands, rings and crowns are also used on the teeth. In addition to metal braces, there are ceramic, plastic, sapphire and lingual braces. All have been designed to improve aesthetics and patient comfort.

The main benefit of using a brace system is the ability to correct almost any dental pathology: mesial, distal, deep, crossbite. During treatment, a number of cosmetic aspects are corrected: the face acquires symmetry and proportionality due to the movement of the jaws.

Another advantage of braces is that the patient only needs to visit the orthodontist and carry out hygienic oral care. There is no need to remove and put on braces (like a plate). The doctor assumes all responsibilities regarding the correction of the device and responsibility for the results of treatment.

Also positive is the absence of age restrictions, which is especially important for adults who are planning orthodontic treatment. Well, the main advantage of braces is excellent treatment results. Ideal, straight teeth will be a reason for pride, will get rid of complexes and will allow you to smile without embarrassment.


The disadvantages of braces include the need for regular teeth cleaning and proper and high-quality oral care. The presence of foreign elements on the teeth serves as a contact point for the retention of food and microorganisms. To prevent the occurrence of caries and gingivitis, it is necessary to thoroughly brush your teeth, use dental floss, brushes, and rinse your mouth after each meal.

It must be remembered that after installing the device, you must adhere to some dietary restrictions. Avoid eating extremely hot or cold foods. A sudden change in temperature can cause the bracket to come off the tooth. It is also recommended to exclude from the diet foods that can harm the braces system: crackers, dried fruits, nuts, toffees, caramels.

Also, the disadvantages of using braces include the duration of treatment (on average from 1 to 3 years), the appearance of the structure and psychological discomfort (especially if these are not lingual or aesthetic braces), as well as the high cost of treatment, which is not for every person is acceptable.

Many people are interested in the question: can braces be harmful to teeth? The only harm that can be caused is a violation of the surface layer of enamel. The problem is extremely rare and can be easily corrected with a photopolymer filling. Such a problem can arise when installing braces, when the technology for gluing them is broken, or due to poor hygiene, when food gets clogged under the arch and a carious process occurs.

With proper installation of the structure and careful dental care, no problems arise, so talk about the dangers of braces is often nothing more than an invention of people who are simply afraid to wear an orthodontic device.

Contraindications to treatment

Contraindications to installing braces are divided into absolute (absolutely not) and relative (can be used after the cause has been eliminated). Absolute contraindications include:

  • presence of cancer;
  • venereal diseases;
  • multiple absence of teeth;
  • diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, hypo- and hyperthyroidism);
  • disorders of the immune system (lupus erythematosus, thymic hypoplasia, immunosuppression);
  • blood diseases (leukemia, anemia, lymphogranulomatosis, leukemia);
  • bone tissue disorders (dysplasia, osteopathy, osteonecrosis);
  • tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

Relative contraindications to braces:

  • gingivitis, periodontitis;
  • dental caries;
  • bruxism;
  • TMJ diseases;
  • allergy to brace system materials;
  • the presence of metal implants in the mouth or other organs;
  • low level of oral hygiene.

Features of different types of braces

To eliminate the subjective disadvantages of braces and optimal treatment, it is necessary to decide on the choice of braces. There are several types of braces, and they all have their pros and cons.

  1. Metal braces. They are the simplest and most accessible. The advantages are low cost, durability, you can use different compositions of the material for allergies. Disadvantages: poor aesthetic performance.
  2. Plastic braces. They are more aesthetic; light plastic is not noticeable on the teeth. They are also the most inexpensive of aesthetic braces and are available to a wide range of people. The downside is that the color changes when eating food with dyes, they fade over time, and the design is not strong enough.
  3. Ceramic braces. Made from special high-strength material. These designs are the most popular in the line of aesthetic braces. They are durable, reliable, comfortable, do not change color when eating, and do not oxidize. The disadvantages include the high cost and complexity of installation.
  4. Sapphire braces. Made from innovative artificial sapphire. They are the most aesthetic, quite durable, and have an excellent appearance. The downside is the extremely high cost, limited indications for use (cannot be used for serious bite pathologies).
  5. Lingual braces. They are installed on the lingual or palatal surface of the teeth, completely hidden from the eyes of others. The advantages of lingual braces are complete invisibility and high strength. The disadvantages are the difficulties of hygienic care, impaired diction immediately after installing the system, as well as the very high cost.

To decide on the choice of braces, you need to take into account many factors: the type of bite and the complexity of the dental pathology, financial capabilities, duration of treatment, as well as the individual characteristics and desires of the patient. When choosing treatment, you can always find a compromise between the pros and cons of different types of braces; a qualified orthodontist will help you with this. Undoubtedly, the benefits of orthodontic treatment outweigh all temporary difficulties and possible discomfort, since straight teeth and correct bite not only make a person beautiful, but are also the key to good health.

From the article you will learn:

The use of braces makes it possible to correct a non-standard bite and return teeth to the correct position. However, despite the excellent final result of using braces, wearing them can be significantly delayed, and the treatment period will be calculated in years, not months.

What can happen to teeth in a few years? Yes, anything! The patient should prepare for any consequences, but worrying in advance that something might go wrong is pointless, since all possible complications can be eliminated with today’s level of medical development. Now let’s look at the main problems that may arise for a person who has opted for.

Depression and moral discomfort

The safety and painlessness of installing braces has been proven and does not require additional confirmation. Despite this, many patients continue to experience stress before undergoing.

The reasons for this state of affairs may be different, however, the most common circumstances that can cause moral discomfort are the following:

  1. Foreign body in the mouth. When, while chewing food, a small particle of food gets stuck in a person’s teeth, this is already unpleasant, and when both jaws are affected by a foreign body, this can lead to the most unpleasant psychological consequences.
  2. Teeth pain. This pain is aching and it spreads to all the teeth, causing the patient a lot of inconvenience. And although the painful sensations from wearing braces disappear after ten days, an unpleasant aftertaste remains.
  3. The need to answer questions from others about wearing braces every time. To get rid of unpleasant consequences of this nature, it is better to prepare answers to most of the questions in advance.
  4. Concerns about possible loss of braces and damage to them. Although braces are quite durable, a person constantly thinks that he can damage them, and they, in turn, will damage the enamel of the teeth. Most of these fears are unfounded, and if problems may arise, they will be associated with the consumption of too solid foods.

Problem #1. Rubbing the mucous membrane with braces

The discomfort associated with this especially worries the patient in the first stages of wearing braces. Also, this problem can appear in the middle and at the end of treatment - alas, it is not uncommon.

The gums rub as part of a natural process as the mucous membrane gets used to the braces, and this adaptation process generally lasts only one week. In this case, some, slightly noticeable change in the shape of the patient’s face cannot be ruled out.

Important! The patient needs to remember: even the slightest irritation of the mucous membrane is already a reason to consult a doctor, and inaction can lead to dire consequences, because wounds will become an excellent place for the formation of infections and the accumulation of bacteria.

To eliminate unpleasant sensations, in most cases, the mucous membrane is treated with various rinses containing extracts of herbs and oak bark, and small wounds in the oral cavity are successfully healed.

The mucous membrane may also be damaged if the integrity of the braces system is compromised, for example due to:

  • Peeling off the lock from the surface of the tooth. This often occurs due to the fault of the patients themselves - when they eat solid food. Sometimes the orthodontist is also guilty of this, using a filling compound instead of glue.
  • Incorrect arc installation. This mistake can only be made by orthodontists who are just starting their practice - they can leave the end of the spring resting on the patient’s cheek, but this problem can also be solved - just contact the clinic for a correction.
  • Applications of budget designs from unknown suppliers. If the braces are made at home and have defective components, they will also need to be replaced and in the future, systems only from well-known manufacturers will be used.

Read also: Pros and cons of braces. Description of system capabilities

Problem #2. Difficulties with diction

It takes many years for the human articular apparatus to get used to the specific structure of the oral cavity and its volume. Therefore, even a small correction of the anatomy of the oral cavity can cause problems when pronouncing words. Perhaps vestibular braces do not so clearly indicate this problem, but the use of lingual devices may well lead to it, especially during the first month of wearing them.

Lingual braces have many small protruding elements, and because of this, there is a high chance that the tongue will begin to touch them. Over time, contact of the tongue with the structural components of the lingual systems can lead to irritation of the oral mucosa in the contact area, and a person’s speech will become distorted and slurred.

The above problem is solved by the use of which all protruding parts of the braces are successfully closed, and therefore the presence of internal braces in the mouth does not cause any discomfort to the person.

Problem #3. Defective bite after treatment

After using braces, it is not considered a rarity, despite the fact that the process of installing and wearing these structures has been developed over the years.

The following problems may occur:

  • inability to remove a partially erupted tooth
  • curvature of the dentition
  • protruding teeth forward
  • incorrect jaw closure

Such consequences can be caused by one or several reasons at once. The main factors leading to undesirable results:

  • Correction was carried out only on one row of teeth.
  • At the end of wearing braces, the patient voluntarily refused to wear retainers.
  • Medical error. No matter how professional a doctor is, he is still a human being and he tends to make mistakes.
  • The bracket falls out and the patient continues to be inactive. When, the first thing a person using corrective systems should do is to immediately consult a doctor, since otherwise the treatment process will be less effective.

Read also: Invisible braces. Description of the capabilities of stealth systems

In any case, it is important to remember that no matter how complex the problem may seem, it can always be solved - the capabilities of modern medicine, in particular in the field of orthodontics, make it possible to correct any, even the most advanced, pathologies of the dental system.

At the end of treatment with braces, many people experience problems associated with changes in the natural color of tooth enamel, as well as the appearance of stains on the surface of the teeth.

At the same time, the braces themselves do not cause a change in the shade of the teeth, since they simply do not come into contact with the enamel. Plaque, which occurs as a result of improper oral hygiene when wearing braces, is to blame.

The thing is that this design has a lot of cracks, and in the process of chewing food, food particles can get stuck in them. If they are not removed in time, they will begin to rot and bacteria will begin to form with further destruction of tooth enamel. The problem is aggravated by the fact that such cleaning of teeth is not so easy to do, because due to the presence of braces, access of a regular brush to the enamel is very difficult. Special brushes, dental floss, and others behind the surface of the teeth can help in such a situation.

Before fixing the systems, a person asks the question: what are the consequences of braces? The orthodontist, as a rule, talks about possible unpleasant sensations that arise during the period of dental correction. During the consultation, you can learn how to care for the structures, what to do if your braces rub your cheeks and lips, and what foods to exclude from your diet so as not to spoil the system.

The specialist also touches on such topics as relapse after removing braces and possible allergies to elements of the system. The occurrence of such symptoms is extremely rare and does not occur in all people. In our article we will look at all the consequences that can occur for those with braces.

Features of physical discomfort

During the period of correction of the bite, the bone tissue is subjected to serious stress, which significantly changes its structure. Dramatic changes caused by the movement of teeth always meet with a defensive response from the body. Therefore, after the installation of foreign structures, a person experiences some discomfort, which disappears over time or appears extremely rarely.

Modern dentistry identifies several negative consequences that occur while wearing braces. Before starting a course of bite correction, the orthodontist describes in detail the inconveniences that arise, their symptoms and predicts a possible relapse.

  1. After installing the systems, an adaptation period begins, which lasts individual time for each person. On average it takes about 1-2 weeks. First of all, every owner of braces experiences some pain, which, if necessary, can easily be relieved with the help of medications. As a rule, unpleasant consequences disappear after a few days and reappear after changing the arc, but with less amplitude. Such discomfort is a completely natural phenomenon. You should only worry and consult a doctor if braces cause painful symptoms for a long time.
  2. Another unpleasant sign after installation of structures is speech defects. Most often, a lisp occurs due to the fixation of lingual braces, which are attached to the inner surface of the teeth. Due to the proximity of structural elements to the tongue, a temporary disturbance of diction occurs, which resolves over time. To quickly adapt to a foreign object, you can perform some exercises consisting of tongue twisters. Speech disturbances may also occur when using additional orthodontic appliances. For example, disconnecting plates that do not allow the upper and lower jaws to close.
  3. A side effect of wearing systems is that the protruding elements of the structures rub the oral mucosa. At first, braces can injure the cheeks and lips, causing minor redness and wounds. These problems can be eliminated very easily with the help of special wax for braces, which is applied to the groove that causes tissue irritation. It is worth noting that installed orthodontic systems are not harmful to humans and do not always rub the cheeks.
  4. Correcting your bite with braces also means following the rules regarding certain foods. Experts recommend limiting the consumption of hard, viscous foods that can damage teeth and harm the structure itself. Hard vegetables and fruits must be cut into pieces. It is better to exclude nuts, seeds and crackers from the diet so as not to damage the braces.
  5. After installing the systems, a person must ensure hygiene. Experts advise brushing your teeth at least three times a day, and ideally after every meal. In order to thoroughly remove food debris from braces, you can use auxiliary products. You will need brushes, dental floss, and an irrigator. People who are not used to frequent oral hygiene may find it difficult to change their dental care habits. But do not forget that regular cleaning of the oral cavity will contribute to effective results.

What risks do braces pose?

Correcting a bite is a rather lengthy and complex process, which, like any intervention, has its negative properties or side effects. As a rule, if you follow all the specialist’s recommendations, the entire course takes place without serious complications. However, there are still consequences that arise both during the process of teeth correction and after removing braces. In some cases, they appear due to failure to follow the doctor’s advice or due to the characteristics of the human body.

  1. Under the influence of systems, the structure of the enamel sometimes deteriorates. It should be noted here that the braces themselves are not harmful to the human body. Various complications do not occur for everyone and only due to certain circumstances: for example, these may be weak immunity and improper sanitation of the oral cavity.
  2. During the period of wearing structures, teeth and gums are most vulnerable to periodontitis, caries, and gingivitis. If regular hygiene is not observed, the risk of tissue inflammation is extremely high. Oral damage may result in braces having to be removed. It is necessary to remember that teeth deteriorate only if they are not properly cared for, and not due to installed devices. The harm of braces in itself does not exist, it is a misconception.
  3. Many people worry that once the braces are removed, their teeth will become crooked again. Relapse is only possible in cases where the structures were removed ahead of time. None of the specialists guarantees that after removing the systems, the resulting effect will remain forever. That is why, to prevent the teeth from moving back, orthodontists install retention devices that allow the results to be consolidated. The use of mouthguards or retainers helps prevent relapse.
  4. Before installing braces, the doctor finds out what diseases a person has. These questions are very important, since in the process of correcting the bite it may turn out that the body is susceptible to certain metals. An allergy to braces is manifested by the following symptoms: swelling, difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat, and the presence of ulcers. At the first discomfort, you should immediately contact a specialist!

The above-described consequences, relapse and allergies occur only in some cases, so do not be afraid to install braces. By following the advice of an orthodontist and careful sanitation of the oral cavity, you can protect yourself from problems.

Before fixing the systems, the doctor will tell you in detail what symptoms may appear during the period of bite correction. It is necessary to remain calm and follow the doctor's instructions for effective dental correction. In this case, braces will not cause problems.

Don't forget that all the discomfort will pay off in the future when you achieve your perfect smile. In conclusion, we invite you to watch the video, the author of which will talk about his feelings and inconveniences during the period of using corrective systems for teeth.

There is still no clear answer to the question of whether it is worth getting braces or not. You can often hear that braces harm your teeth. Many people are wary of them. In this article we will try to figure out where the myth is and where the reality is, we will talk about the “pros” and “cons” of braces.

Myths about using braces

Most people associate dental alignment with unpleasant pain and discomfort. There are many rumors and misconceptions about dental treatment, however, most of them are very far from the truth. In this article you will read about the five most common myths.

So, braces are harm and benefit:

  1. Braces ruin your smile. Long gone are the days when these devices looked like terrible instruments of torture on patients’ teeth. Modern designs do not make a person less attractive or beautiful. They can only change the image a little. The latest braces designs are made using special technologies using synthetic materials. In addition to traditional ones, the patient can put on plastic and even artificial sapphire. Modern technologies make it possible to hide the very fact of bite correction. For this purpose, special ones have been created that are attached to the inside of the teeth. A person who wears braces should not worry about his new image; adaptation usually occurs within a week and a half. The knowledge that your smile becomes more beautiful every day should bring you joy throughout your dental treatment.
  2. Only children can wear braces. This myth that only children can wear braces has become less and less common lately, however, it does not lose its relevance. There are no age restrictions for dental treatment. Devices for straightening the dentition can be worn at the age of 25 and after 40. The patient should know that the older the age, the more time it will take to get an even and beautiful smile, since over the years a person’s retention period increases (the time that necessary to consolidate the results of correcting malocclusion). It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the speed of tooth movement is individual for each person and depends on a large number of factors. Only after a complete diagnosis of the dental system can the dentist tell the patient how long he will need to wear braces.
  3. Correcting a malocclusion is very painful. Most patients who wear braces note that they felt some discomfort in the first 2-3 days after installation of the structure. This is primarily due to unusual pressure on the teeth. Many people say that during dental treatment their gums may ache or even itch. The intensity of pain is minimal. The dentist can always give recommendations on how to reduce pain and discomfort when wearing braces. The patient should know that discomfort after installation of the structure is absolutely normal, since correcting the bite is a certain stress for the body. Adaptation to new sensations when wearing braces occurs very quickly and 2 weeks after installation they become not only part of the new image, but also part of life.
  4. Braces can ruin your teeth. Some people believe that dental restorations can damage tooth enamel. However, you should not be afraid of this, since braces very carefully affect the position of the teeth. By themselves, they are safe for humans and do not have a negative effect on the dentofacial apparatus. Dental problems most often arise in cases where a person neglects dental treatment and does not follow the recommendations of specialists. If oral hygiene is not maintained, plaque accumulates around the braces. Over time, it can provoke the development of various pathological processes in the oral cavity: stomatitis, gingivitis, etc. Orthodontic appliances can negatively affect the condition of the enamel if the patient has impaired mineral metabolism in the body. In this case, before installing braces, the doctor must prescribe additional procedures and a vitamin and mineral complex.
  5. An allergic reaction to braces is possible. In dentistry, there are certain contraindications for installing braces, but most often they are associated with concomitant diseases of the patient. Before placing orthodontic appliances, a person must get rid of all oral problems. The moral attitude of the patient is of great importance, since one of the contraindications for installing devices is a lack of personal interest, but it most often occurs in children and adolescents whose parents lead them by the hand to the dentist. Children are often harassed and teased at school for having braces. Some people think that wearing braces can disfigure their face, however, we must always remember that this is a temporary stage in life and the gift will be a beautiful and even smile. This bonus is worth fighting for!

Are structures harmful to teeth?

When using braces, you should not use the term “harm”; the word “complications” is more appropriate here.

Note: Designs for correcting crooked teeth are designed specifically for long-term wear and do not themselves have a negative effect on the body.

Each product element undergoes thorough examination and certification before entering the human oral cavity.

What are the harms of braces?

Are braces harmful to teeth? Clinical research and technological advances have improved orthodontic treatment over the past 20 years. Many of the improvements in orthodontics have been aimed at making treatment convenient and hassle-free for the patient.

However, patients who want to get braces may encounter certain difficulties during treatment that they should be aware of before starting:

  1. Discomfort. The application of braces or their adjustment, of course, will not harm the dentofacial apparatus. The doctor will not place needles or sharp objects in the oral cavity; general anesthesia is not used during orthodontic treatment. Removable braces are simply clamped onto your teeth and locked into place. After your braces are installed, you may experience some discomfort for a few days. The level of this discomfort is individual and very often depends on the threshold of pain sensitivity of a person and his psycho-emotional state. In general, the patient may feel slight pain in the teeth and gums, especially when eating. Parts of the structure can rub the lips, cheeks and cause pain. It is very common for some patients to develop mouth ulcers while wearing braces. Saliva flow may also be increased and minor changes in speech may occur. This is normal; many people get used to wearing the structure during the first two weeks. Patients with braces can use a special one. If any part of the brace rubs your lips or cheeks, a small piece of wax is placed over that part of the brace to act as a cushion and reduce the risk of trauma to the oral mucosa.
  2. Gum disease and tooth decay due to poor oral hygiene. Many people mistakenly believe that orthodontic braces cause gums to swell, leave marks or stains on teeth, or damage tooth enamel. This is not true. However, poor oral hygiene resulting from insufficient brushing can cause these problems. The patient should remember that poor nutrition, sweet cakes and large amounts of sour drinks can damage the teeth. If oral hygiene is not maintained, braces can cause gum disease and bleeding, tooth decay, and staining of the teeth around the structure.
  3. Root resorption. Root resorption is the reduction of tooth roots. This can occur with or without orthodontic appliances, and it is very difficult to predict susceptibility to this condition. Some people are predisposed to this problem. Before starting treatment, the doctor should warn the patient that minor changes in the length of the tooth root are absolutely normal during orthodontic treatment.
  4. Injury to teeth. Some patients fall or hit their front teeth with braces during orthodontic treatment. No matter how much damage is done or when the incident occurs, traumatized teeth become susceptible to three possible pathological processes. These consequences are usually rare but should be considered before deciding to proceed with orthodontic treatment. The first problem is "loss of tooth vitality" or degeneration of the nerve within the tooth. A damaged tooth may become discolored and painful. Root treatment may be necessary to correct this problem. Loss of vitality is also more common in teeth with very large crowns, which can cause gum problems.

The second problem is “root resorption” or reduction of the tooth root. The result of treatment depends on the degree of resorption, but such a tooth, as a rule, cannot last long. A third possible consequence is “ankylosis,” or the fusion or attachment of the tooth root to its surrounding bone. Typically, a fibrous layer separates the root from the jawbone. An ankylorized tooth cannot be moved with orthodontic braces and may require extraction or surgery to move it.

The benefits of braces

Wearing braces has a positive effect not only on a person’s appearance, but also on his health:

  1. Increased self-esteem. People with crooked teeth or misaligned bites often begin to smile shyly, close their lips, cover their mouths when laughing, or speak less when around strangers. They are trying to hide their crooked teeth. A beautiful smile after orthodontic treatment improves self-esteem and allows you to laugh, smile and speak for everyone to hear and see.
  2. Improving oral health. If your teeth are crooked and misaligned, it is quite difficult to clean them with a toothbrush. This can lead to tooth decay, darkening of the enamel and gum disease, further complicating the situation. After orthodontic treatment, patients can easily reach all surfaces of their teeth with brushing, resulting in a lifelong, dazzling smile.
  3. Improved overall health. The risk of gum disease increases due to the presence of misaligned or crooked teeth; bacteria from gum disease can penetrate into the general bloodstream and provoke the development of inflammation and secondary infections. A malocclusion can create difficulty biting and chewing food, which can negatively impact your overall health and nutrition. Straight teeth can help solve these problems. It's never too late to see the benefits of orthodontic treatment at age 7 or 70.
  4. Improved sleep and breathing. Most people do not know that the position of the lower jaw directly affects the ability to breathe freely. In addition, the width of the upper jaw and palate primarily affects the ability to breathe through the nose. Properly performed orthodontic treatment can have a positive effect on both areas of respiratory function. This technique allows children to slowly and comfortably increase the width of their palate and also helps the lower jaw grow forward, which greatly reduces the risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea or sleep disturbances as they get older. In adults, orthodontics can improve night breathing.
  5. Teeth protection. Teeth that are not properly aligned often experience uneven distribution of pressure and force when chewing or biting, which ultimately leads to wear and damage. In addition, malocclusion can increase the risk of damage to teeth and lips when playing sports such as football, basketball or baseball.
  6. Beautiful speech. Teeth are a key component in producing many of the sounds a person makes when speaking. Crooked teeth can make it difficult to pronounce certain sounds correctly, causing a lisp or whistling. Patients with malocclusion may also suffer from speech problems. Braces can realign teeth into an optimal position, allowing the lips, teeth and tongue to work together to reduce speech difficulties and increase confidence.
  7. Reducing pain. Poorly aligned teeth are also at a significantly higher risk of damage if a person is prone to bruxism at night. Long-term dental damage or malocclusion can lead to increased pressure on the temporomandibular joints, which in turn causes jaw pain, muscle and neck pain, and even headaches.

What you need to know when wearing braces:

  1. Reduce the amount of sugary and starchy foods that contribute to the formation of stones and the development of tooth decay.
  2. Use a soft-bristled brush to thoroughly clean all tooth surfaces, preferably after each meal, with fluoride toothpaste. If you cannot brush your teeth after eating, rinse your mouth with water.
  3. Brush your teeth thoroughly to remove any food particles from your braces. Use a small mirror to make sure your teeth are clean.
  4. Use a rinse.
  5. Avoid sticky foods such as chewing gum, chewy candies, and hard candies, which can remove parts of your braces.
  6. Avoid hard foods such as ice, hard candy, popcorn and nuts, which can break parts of your braces.
  7. Visit your dentist regularly to have your braces examined and cleaned, and follow his or her instructions.

One of the benefits of braces is that they are usually successful in straightening a person's teeth. This is especially true if they are worn when the patient is still young, between the ages of 9 and 12 years. When retainers are used correctly, straightened teeth usually remain in place for many years. Having straighter teeth makes a person more attractive and also gives them confidence for life.

Video on the topic

Until now, many patients refuse orthodontic treatment because they believe that teeth after braces will be spoiled. There are plenty of “reliable” stories on online forums about someone’s relatives and friends who allegedly lost their teeth after unsuccessful treatment with braces. The spread of “horror stories” about the harmfulness of braces is facilitated by insufficient awareness of the true causes of dental diseases.

Myth #1: put on braces- get caries

The main dental problem is caries - a disease in which the hard tissues of the tooth are destroyed. The cause of its appearance is dental plaque. They reproduce in it bacteria Streptococcus mutans, which secrete active acid during their life, which destroys tooth enamel. To start the carious process, the volume of plaque must reach a certain concentration, which is why it is so important to pay due attention to oral hygiene.

Ceramic, sapphire ormetal braces By themselves, teeth cannot be damaged. But in the space between their elements and the surface of the teeth, food particles will get stuck, which contribute to the formation of plaque and the development of acid-forming bacteria in it. Therefore, by setting turnkey braces in Moscow, Dentists must teach patients how to brush their teeth correctly. It is necessary to use dental floss and brushes, and ideally, also an irrigator, which cleans the teeth and braces with a jet of water supplied under pressure. To prevent caries from forming under the brace, it is fixed on the surface of the tooth using special orthodontic glue. It contains a protector that protects tooth enamel from destruction by acids.

Thus, teeth can deteriorate only in those orthodontic patients who do not brush their teeth properly and neglect the recommended professional cleaning in the clinic. An additional “surprise” for them will be the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the mouth.

Myth No. 2: after braces, the color of the enamel changes

After removing braces A protective adhesive remains on the teeth, so to ensure complete cleaning, their surface is polished. At the same time, a slight difference in shades between the areas that were covered with braces and the free areas that were periodically subjected to clinical cleaning becomes noticeable. But this difference is not so noticeable as to cause an unpleasant impression, and the color of the enamel evens out after 2-3 weeks.

Many patients who survived calmly Correction of bite with braces, note that the shade of tooth enamel has become lighter. This is explained by the fact that crooked and crowded teeth are not only difficult to clean from plaque, but also create shaded areas. Therefore, in general, the dentition looks darker.

The enamel of straight teeth acquires a natural shade, since the number of places where plaque accumulates and shadows form is significantly reduced. And the patients’ habit of high-quality oral hygiene and professional cleaning allows them to maintain an attractive white-toothed smile for a long time.

Myth No. 3: Teeth become crooked under braces.

Question “Why did the tooth become crooked under the braces?? can only occur in a patient who refuses to install retainers. When the dentition is aligned and the bite is corrected, the braces are removed and individual retainers are made for the patient - removable holders that will permanently fix the teeth in the correct position.

Is it possible not to wear retainers after braces?? It is possible, but the teeth will strive to return to their previous position; due to the rebuilt bone tissue, they will not be able to do this and will be placed chaotically, leveling the result achieved by braces.

Myth No. 4: Gaps appear between teeth after braces.

A gap can actually form after the system is removed - in the case when the retainers for the patient have not yet been manufactured at that time. But as soon as he puts on the holders, the teeth will return to the correct position and the gap will close. Refusal to wear retainers, for the reasons described above, will negate all the results of treatment.

Myth #5: Braces cause gum problems

We are usually talking about gum recession (recession) - a complication of orthodontic treatment that occurs in approximately 4 out of 100 patients. The cause of recession may be poor-quality care of braces and the oral cavity or excessive pressure on the teeth caused by incorrect calculation of the load. In both cases, timely measures taken can correct the situation. To avoid such problems, you need to carefully choose your orthodontist - a qualified doctor who can professionally diagnose the condition of bone tissue and periodontal tissue and plan treatment correctly.