The main causes of biological emergencies. Biological emergencies - abstract. They infect people and animals when


The problem of protecting humans from dangers in various living conditions arose simultaneously with the appearance of our distant ancestors on Earth. At the dawn of humanity, people were threatened by dangerous natural phenomena and representatives of the biological world. Over time, dangers began to appear, the creator of which was man himself.

The high industrial development of modern society, dangerous natural phenomena and natural disasters and, as a consequence, negative phenomena associated with industrial accidents, an increase in the number of major industrial accidents with severe consequences, changes in the environmental situation as a result of human economic activity, military conflicts of various scales continue to cause enormous damage to all countries of the planet, and events arising under the influence of similar phenomena and their consequences.

We live in a world that is unfortunately replete with manifestations of the destructive forces of nature. The increase in the frequency of their manifestation has extremely aggravated the problems associated with ensuring the safety of the population and its protection from emergencies.

The rapid development of productive forces and the development, often uncontrolled, of areas with difficult climatic conditions, where there is a constant danger of natural disasters, increases the degree of risk and the scale of losses and damage to the population and the economy.

Recently, there has been a dangerous trend of increasing the number of natural disasters. Now they occur 5 times more often than 30 years ago, and the economic damage they cause has increased 8 times. The number of victims from the consequences of emergency situations is growing year by year.

Experts believe that the main reason for such disappointing statistics is the growing concentration of the population in large cities located in high-risk areas.

The study of the most likely emergencies, their characteristics and possible consequences, and training in the rules of behavior in such conditions is intended to prepare a person to choose the right solution to overcome an emergency with the least losses.

Natural emergencies of biological origin: epidemics, epizootics, epiphytoties

The massive spread of infectious diseases among people, farm animals and plants often leads to emergency situations.

Epidemic is a massive spread of an infectious disease of people, progressing in time and space within a certain region, significantly exceeding the incidence rate usually recorded in this territory.

Epidemic (Greek epidemna, from epn - on, among and démos - people), the spread of any infectious human disease, significantly exceeding the level of normal (sporadic) morbidity in a given territory. Caused by social and biological factors. E. is based on the epidemic process, that is, the continuous process of transmission of an infectious agent and an unbroken chain of sequentially developing and interconnected infectious conditions (disease, bacterial carriage) in a community. Sometimes the spread of a disease has the nature of a pandemic; under certain natural or social and hygienic conditions, a relatively high level of morbidity can be recorded in a given area for a long period. The occurrence and course of E. is influenced both by processes occurring in natural conditions (natural focality, epizootics, etc.) and mainly by social factors (municipal improvement, living conditions, health care conditions, etc.). Depending on the nature of the disease, the main routes of spread of infection during E. can be water and food, for example, with dysentery and typhoid fever; airborne, for example with influenza; transmissible - for malaria and typhus; Several routes of transmission of the infectious agent often play a role. Epidemiology is the study of epidemics and measures to combat them.

An epidemic is possible in the presence and interaction of three elements: the causative agent of an infectious disease, the routes of its transmission and people, animals and plants susceptible to this pathogen. In case of mass infectious diseases, there is always an epidemic focus. In this outbreak, a set of measures is being carried out aimed at localizing and eliminating the disease.

The main of these activities in epidemic and epizootic foci are:

  • - identification of sick and suspected cases; enhanced medical and veterinary surveillance of infected people, their isolation, hospitalization and treatment;
  • - sanitary treatment of people (animals);
  • - disinfection of clothes, shoes, care items;
  • - disinfection of territory, structures, transport, residential and public premises;
  • - establishment of an anti-epidemic regime for the operation of treatment-and-prophylactic and other medical institutions;
  • - disinfection of food waste, wastewater and waste products of sick and healthy people;
  • - sanitary supervision over the operating hours of life support enterprises, industry and transport;
  • - strict adherence to sanitary and hygienic standards and rules, including thorough hand washing with soap and disinfectants, drinking only boiled water, eating in certain places, using protective clothing (personal protective equipment);
  • - carrying out sanitary educational work. Regime measures are carried out in the form of observation or quarantine, depending on the type of pathogen.

Epizootic is a simultaneous spread of an infectious disease within a certain region, progressing in time and space among a large number of one or many species of animals, significantly exceeding the incidence rate usually recorded in a given territory.

Epizootic (from epi... and Greek zуon - animal), a widespread contagious (infectious or invasive) disease of animals, significantly exceeding the level of normal (sporadic) morbidity characteristic of a given territory. The study of E. is part of the task of epizootology. E. characterizes the degree of intensity of the epizootic process, that is, the continuous process of spread of infectious diseases and microbial carriage among animals. The emergence of E. is possible only in the presence of a complex of interconnected elements, which are the so-called. epizootic chain: source of the infectious agent (sick animal or animal carrier), factors of transmission of the infectious agent (non-living objects) or living carriers; susceptible animals. The emergence and development of ecology is influenced by environmental conditions—natural (geographical, climatic, soil) and economic (economic, etc.), as well as social upheavals (wars, economic crises). The nature of E. and the duration of its course depend on the mechanism of transmission of the infectious agent, the duration of the incubation period, the ratio of sick and susceptible animals, the conditions of keeping the animals and the effectiveness of anti-epizootic measures. E. in certain diseases are characterized by periodicity of manifestation (after several years), seasonality, and stages of development, which are especially clearly manifested in the spontaneous course of E. Active human intervention, in particular the implementation of planned anti-epizootic measures, as is the case in the USSR, prevents to a large extent development of epizootics.

Specific anti-epizootic measures include forced slaughter of animals and disposal of their corpses. The main measures to protect plants from epiphytoties are: breeding and growing disease-resistant crops, compliance with the rules of agricultural technology, destruction of foci of infection, chemical treatment of crops, seed and planting material, quarantine measures.

Epiphytoty is a massive infectious disease of agricultural plants that progresses in time and space and (or) a sharp increase in the number of plant pests, accompanied by mass death of agricultural crops and a decrease in their efficiency.

Epiphytoty (from epi... and Greek phytуn - plant), the spread of an infectious plant disease over large territories (farm, district, region) over a certain time. In the form of E., rust and smut of cereals, potato late blight, apple scab, cotton wilt, snowy and common smut, and other infectious diseases usually appear.

In the past, epiphytotics caused great damage. Significant losses of potato crops from late blight are known in the 40s. 19th century in Ireland, sunflower - from rust in the 60s. 19th century in Russia, wheat - from stem rust in the Amur region in 1923. With the improvement of agricultural standards, with the development of methods for predicting mass plant diseases, and the use of effective measures to combat them, E. became more rare.

Typically, epiphytoties arise from individual foci of the disease under favorable conditions (accumulation and ability for rapid spread of the infectious principle, weather factors promoting the multiplication of the pathogen and the development of the disease, a sufficient number of susceptible plants). Phytopathogenic microorganisms spread from reservation sites and infect a large number of plants. As a result of the formation of several generations of the pathogen, new enlarged foci of the disease are created, the affected area (zone) expands, and E. occurs. Depending on the type of disease, the characteristics of the pathogen, the host plant and external factors, it develops quickly or slowly, with periodic outbreaks under favorable conditions. A relatively young field of science, epiphytotiology, studies various aspects of the epiphytotic process. Establishing the connection between the development of epiphytoty. with certain factors allows us to weaken their influence. For example, changes in the population of the causative agent of the disease and the host plant, which determine the occurrence of epiphytoty, are taken into account when substantiating disease forecasts and breeding agricultural varieties resistant to infectious diseases. crops and their placement in crop rotations.

Outbreaks of biological pests occur constantly. The Siberian silkworm causes great damage to forest plantations. It killed hundreds of thousands of hectares of coniferous taiga in Eastern Siberia, primarily cedar taiga. In 1835, oak swamp caterpillars destroyed 30 thousand oak trees in the Bezhensky forest in Germany. Termites are extremely harmful to buildings, vegetation and food. There is a known case of the destruction of Johnstown on St. Helena by termites.

The main actions aimed at preventing plant diseases are deratization, disinsection, biological, chemical and mechanical pest control in agriculture and forestry (spraying, pollination, surrounding pest areas with ditches).

epidemic epizootic epiphytoty biosphere

Literature used

  • 1. Fundamentals of life safety Daryin P.V. 2008
  • 2. Large encyclopedic dictionary. Agriculture - letter E - EPIPHYTOTY
  • 3. Large encyclopedic dictionary. Agriculture "EPIZOOTY"
  • 4. Great Soviet Encyclopedia: In 30 volumes - M.: "Soviet Encyclopedia", 1969-1978.

A biological emergency is a condition in which, as a result of the emergence of a source in a certain territory, the normal conditions of life and activity of people, the existence of farm animals and the growth of plants are disrupted, a threat arises to the life and health of people, the danger of the widespread spread of infectious diseases, losses of farm animals and plants.

The cause of a biological emergency can be a natural disaster, a major accident or catastrophe, the destruction of a facility associated with research in the field of infectious diseases, as well as the introduction of pathogens into the country from neighboring territories (terrorist act, military action). A biological contamination zone is a territory within which biological agents that are dangerous to people, animals and plants are distributed (introduced). A biological lesion site (BLP) is an area within which mass destruction of people, animals or plants occurred. OBP can form both in the zone of biological contamination and beyond its borders as a result of the spread of infectious diseases.

Biological emergencies include epidemics, epizootics and epiphytoties. An epidemic is a widespread spread of an infectious disease, significantly exceeding the incidence rate usually recorded in a given territory. An epidemic focus is the place of infection and stay of a sick person, the people and animals around him, as well as the territory within which people can be infected by pathogens of infectious diseases.

The epidemic process is the phenomenon of the emergence and spread of infectious diseases among people, representing a continuous chain of sequentially occurring homogeneous diseases. Sources and routes of transmission of infection. Infected people or animals are natural carriers of pathogens. These are sources of infection. From them, microorganisms can be transmitted to healthy people. The main routes of infection transmission are airborne, foodborne, waterborne, transmissible, i.e. through blood, and contact.

The following groups of infectious diseases are distinguished: anthroponoses, zoonoses and zoonoses. Anthroponoses are infectious diseases in which the source of infection is a bacilli excretor (a sick person releasing the pathogen into the external environment) or a bacilli carrier (a person without signs of illness). Examples: cholera, dysentery, malaria, syphilis, etc.

Zoonoses are diseases whose sources are sick animals or birds, for example, swine fever, pseudo-fowl plague.

Zooanthroponoses are diseases in which the sources of infection can be sick people and animals, as well as bacteria carriers (for example, plague).

Pandemic (from the Greek pandemía - the whole people), an epidemic characterized by the spread of an infectious disease throughout the entire country, the territory of neighboring states, and sometimes many countries of the world (for example, cholera, influenza).

An epizootic is a widespread spread of infectious animal diseases on a farm, district, region, country, characterized by a common source of the pathogen, simultaneity of damage, frequency and seasonality. An epizootic focus is the location of the source of the infectious agent in a certain area of ​​the area, where, in this situation, transmission of the pathogen to susceptible animals is possible. An epizootic focus can be premises and territories with animals located there that have this infection.

According to the epizootological classification, all infectious diseases of animals are divided into 4 groups: The first group is nutritional infections, transmitted through infected feed, soil, manure and water. The organs of the digestive system are mainly affected. Such infections include anthrax, foot and mouth disease, glanders, and brucellosis.

The second group is respiratory infections (aerogenic) - damage to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and lungs. The main route of transmission is airborne droplets. These include: parainfluenza, enzootic pneumonia, sheep and goat pox, canine plague.

The third group is vector-borne infections, infection is carried out with the help of blood-sucking arthropods. Pathogens are constantly or at certain periods in the blood. These include: encephalomyelitis, tularemia, infectious anemia of horses.

The fourth group is infections whose pathogens are transmitted through the outer integument without the participation of carriers. This group is quite diverse in terms of the pathogen transmission mechanism. These include tetanus, rabies, and cowpox.

An endemic disease is a disease characteristic of a particular area. Associated with a sharp deficiency or excess of any chemical element in the environment. Diseases of plants, animals and humans. For example, with a lack of iodine in food - a simple goiter (endemic goiter) in animals and people, with an excess of selenium in the soil - the appearance of poisonous selenium flora and many other endemic diseases.

Epiphytoty is the spread of infectious plant diseases over large areas over a certain period of time. The most harmful epiphytoties are observed in years with mild winters, warm springs and humid, cool summers. The grain yield is often reduced by up to 50%, and in years with favorable conditions for the fungus, the crop shortfall can reach 90-100%.

Particularly dangerous plant diseases are a disruption of the normal metabolism of a plant under the influence of a phytopathogen or unfavorable environmental conditions, leading to a decrease in plant productivity and a deterioration in the quality of seeds (fruits) or to their complete death. Plant diseases are classified according to the following criteria: place or phase of plant development (diseases of seeds, seedlings, seedlings, adult plants); place of manifestation (local, local, general); course (acute, chronic); affected crop; cause of occurrence (infectious, non-infectious).

Potato late blight is a widespread harmful disease that leads to crop failure due to the premature death of the affected tops during the formation of tubers and their massive rotting in the ground. The causative agent of late blight is a fungus that persists in tubers during the winter. It affects all terrestrial plant organs

Yellow rust of wheat is a harmful common fungal disease that, in addition to wheat, affects barley, rye and other types of cereals.

Stem rust of wheat and rye is the most harmful and widespread disease of cereals, most often affecting wheat and rye. The causative agent of the disease is a fungus that destroys the stems and leaves of plants

Biological emergencies include epidemics, epizootics and epiphytoties.
Epidemic is a widespread spread of an infectious disease among people, significantly exceeding the incidence rate usually recorded in a given territory.
A pandemic is an unusually large spread of morbidity, both in level and in scope, covering a number of countries, entire continents and even the entire globe.
Among many epidemiological classifications, the classification based on the mechanism of transmission of the pathogen is widely used.
In addition, all infectious diseases are divided into four groups:
intestinal infections;
respiratory tract infections (aerosol);
blood (transmissible);
infections of the outer integument (contact).
The basis for the general biological classification of infectious diseases is their division, first of all, in accordance with the characteristics of the pathogen reservoir - anthroponoses, zoonoses, as well as the division of infectious diseases into vector-borne and non-transmissible.
Infectious diseases are classified according to the type of pathogen - viral diseases, rickettsioses, bacterial infections, protozoal diseases, helminthiases, tropical mycoses, diseases of the blood system.
Epizootics are infectious diseases of animals - a group of diseases that have such common features as the presence of a specific pathogen, cyclical development, the ability to be transmitted from an infected animal to a healthy one and assume epizootic spread.
An epizootic focus is the location of the source of the infectious agent in a certain area of ​​the area, where, in this situation, transmission of the pathogen to susceptible animals is possible. An epizootic focus can be premises and territories with animals located there that have this infection.
According to the breadth of distribution, the epizootic process occurs in three forms: sporadic incidence, epizootic, panzootic.
Sporadia is isolated or infrequent cases of manifestation of an infectious disease, usually not related to each other by a single source of infectious agent, the lowest degree of intensity of the epizootic process.
Epizootic is the average degree of intensity (tension) of the epizootic process. It is characterized by the widespread spread of infectious diseases in the economy, district, region, and country. Epizootics are characterized by mass occurrence, a common source of the infectious agent, simultaneity of damage, periodicity and seasonality.
Panzootic is the highest degree of development of epizootic, characterized by an unusually wide spread of an infectious disease, covering one state, several countries, and a continent.

According to the epizootological classification, all infectious diseases of animals are divided into 5 groups.
The first group is nutritional infections, transmitted through infected feed, soil, manure and water. The organs of the digestive system are mainly affected. Such infections include anthrax, foot and mouth disease, glanders, and brucellosis.
The second group is respiratory infections (aerogenic) - damage to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and lungs. The main route of transmission is airborne droplets. These include: parainfluenza, exotic pneumonia, sheep and goat pox, carnivorous plague.
The third group is vector-borne infections, infection is carried out with the help of blood-sucking arthropods. Pathogens are constantly or at certain periods in the blood. These include: encephalomyelitis, tularemia, infectious anemia of horses.
The fourth group is infections whose pathogens are transmitted through the outer integument without the participation of carriers. This group is quite diverse in terms of the pathogen transmission mechanism. These include tetanus, rabies, and cowpox.
The fifth group is infections with unclear routes of infection, i.e., an unclassified group.
Epiphytoties are infectious plant diseases. To assess the scale of plant diseases, concepts such as epiphytoty and panphytoty are used.
Epiphytoty is the spread of infectious diseases over large areas over a certain period of time.
Panphytotia is a mass disease covering several countries or continents.
Plant susceptibility to a phytopathogen is the inability to resist infection and spread of a phytopathogen in tissues, which depends on the resistance of released varieties, time of infection and weather. Depending on the resistance of the varieties, the ability of the pathogen to cause infection, the fertility of the fungus, the rate of development of the pathogen and, accordingly, the danger of the disease change.
The earlier crops are infected, the higher the degree of plant damage and the greater the yield loss.
The most dangerous diseases are stem (linear) rust of wheat, rye, yellow rust of wheat and potato late blight.
Plant diseases are classified according to the following criteria:
place or phase of plant development (diseases of seeds, seedlings, seedlings, adult plants);
place of manifestation (local, local, general);
course (acute, chronic);
affected crop;
cause of occurrence (infectious, non-infectious).
All pathological changes in plants appear in various forms and are divided into rot, mummification, wilting, necrosis, plaque, and growth.

Traces of some diseases are found in ancient burials. For example, traces of tuberculosis and leprosy were found on Egyptian mummies (2-3 thousand years BC). Symptoms of many diseases are described in the most ancient manuscripts of the civilizations of Egypt, India, Sumer, etc.
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Thus, the first mention of the plague is found in an ancient Egyptian manuscript and dates back to the 4th century. BC The causes of epidemics are limited. For example, a dependence of the spread of cholera on solar activity was discovered; out of six of its pandemics, four are associated with the peak of active sun. Epidemics also occur during natural disasters that cause the death of a large number of people, in countries affected by famine, and during major droughts that spread over large areas. Here are some examples of major epidemics of various diseases. - Sixth century - the first pandemic - the “Justinian plague” - arose in the Eastern Roman Empire. Over 50 years, about 100 million people died in several countries. - 1347-1351 - the second plague pandemic in Eurasia. 25 million people died in Europe and 50 million people in Asia. - 1380 - 25 million people died from the plague - 1665 - in London alone, about 70 thousand people died - 1816-1926. . - 6 cholera pandemics swept through the countries of Europe, India and America. - 1831 - 900 thousand people died from cholera - 1848 - in Russia, more than 1.7 million people died. about 700 thousand people - 1876 - in Germany, every eighth resident of the country died from tuberculosis - The end of the 19th century - the third pandemic of the plague, spread by rats from sea ships, affected more than 100 ports in many countries of the world -1913 ᴦ.-c. 152 thousand people died from smallpox in Russia - 1918-1919 - the influenza pandemic in Europe killed more than 21 million people - 1921. - in Russia, 33 thousand people died from typhus, and 3 thousand people from relapsing typhus

1961 ᴦ. - The seventh cholera pandemic began. - 1967 ᴦ. - in the world, about 10 million people fell ill with smallpox, 2 million of whom died. The World Health Organization is launching a large-scale vaccination campaign. - 1980 ᴦ. - Vaccination against smallpox was stopped in the USSR. It is believed that smallpox has been eradicated from the world. - 1981 ᴦ. - discovery of the disease AIDS. - 1991 ᴦ. - About 500 thousand people with AIDS have been discovered in the world. - 1990-1995. - 1-2 million people die from malaria every year in the world. - 1990-1995. - in the world, 2-3 million people fall ill with tuberculosis every year, of which 1-2 million people die. - 1995 ᴦ. - in Russia, out of 35 million people infected, 6 million people fell ill with the flu. - In 1996 ᴦ. The incidence of AIDS in Russia, compared to 1995, has doubled. Every day, 6,500 adults and 1,000 children worldwide become infected with the AIDS virus. By 2000 ᴦ. 30-40 million are expected to be infected with this terrible disease. - Unexpected activity in 1996 ᴦ. on the territory of Russia showed tick-borne encephalitis. Its incidence increased by 62%; 9,436 people fell ill in 35 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Traces of some diseases are found in ancient burials. For example, traces of tuberculosis and leprosy were found on Egyptian mummies (2-3 thousand years BC). Symptoms of many diseases are described in the most ancient manuscripts of the civilizations of Egypt, India, Sumer, etc.
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Thus, the first mention of the plague is found in an ancient Egyptian manuscript and dates back to the 4th century. BC The causes of epidemics are limited. For example, a dependence of the spread of cholera on solar activity was discovered; out of six of its pandemics, four are associated with the peak of active sun. Epidemics also occur during natural disasters that cause the death of a large number of people, in countries affected by famine, and during major droughts that spread over large areas. Here are some examples of major epidemics of various diseases. - Sixth century - the first pandemic - the “Justinian plague” - arose in the Eastern Roman Empire. Over 50 years, about 100 million people died in several countries. - 1347-1351 - the second plague pandemic in Eurasia. 25 million people died in Europe and 50 million people in Asia. - 1380 - 25 million people died from the plague - 1665 - in London alone, about 70 thousand people died - 1816-1926. . - 6 cholera pandemics swept through the countries of Europe, India and America. - 1831 - 900 thousand people died from cholera - 1848 - in Russia, more than 1.7 million people died. about 700 thousand people - 1876 - in Germany, every eighth resident of the country died from tuberculosis - The end of the 19th century - the third pandemic of the plague, spread by rats from sea ships, affected more than 100 ports in many countries of the world -1913 ᴦ.-c. 152 thousand people died from smallpox in Russia - 1918-1919 - the influenza pandemic in Europe killed more than 21 million people - 1921. - in Russia, 33 thousand people died from typhus, and 3 thousand people from relapsing typhus. - 1961 ᴦ. - The seventh cholera pandemic began. - 1967 ᴦ. - in the world, about 10 million people fell ill with smallpox, 2 million of whom died. The World Health Organization is launching a large-scale vaccination campaign. - 1980 ᴦ. - Vaccination against smallpox was stopped in the USSR. It is believed that smallpox has been eradicated from the world. - 1981 ᴦ. - discovery of the disease AIDS. - 1991 ᴦ. - About 500 thousand people with AIDS have been discovered in the world. - 1990-1995. - 1-2 million people die from malaria every year in the world. - 1990-1995. - in the world, 2-3 million people fall ill with tuberculosis every year, of which 1-2 million people die. - 1995 ᴦ. - in Russia, out of 35 million people infected, 6 million people fell ill with the flu. - In 1996 ᴦ. The incidence of AIDS in Russia, compared to 1995, has doubled. Every day, 6,500 adults and 1,000 children worldwide become infected with the AIDS virus. By 2000 ᴦ. 30-40 million are expected to be infected with this terrible disease. - Unexpected activity in 1996 ᴦ. on the territory of Russia showed tick-borne encephalitis. Its incidence increased by 62%; 9,436 people fell ill in 35 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Biological emergencies EPIPHYTOTY

Outbreaks of biological pests occur constantly. The Siberian silkworm causes great damage to forest plantations. It killed hundreds of thousands of hectares of coniferous taiga in Eastern Siberia, primarily cedar taiga. In 1835 ᴦ. oak swamp caterpillars destroyed 30 thousand oak trees in the Bezhensky forest in Germany. Termites are extremely harmful to buildings, vegetation and food. There is a known case of destruction by termites. Johnstown on St. Helena.

Emergencies that happened to people BY NEGLIGENCE AND NEGLIGENCE

Japanese industry completely abandoned wastewater treatment after World War II. As a result, the mercury content in coastal waters amounted to 20 mg per kilogram. The fish here could practically no longer swim, but they were easy to catch. Only after the death of several hundred fishermen did the government impose a fishing ban. A similar picture was observed in Sweden. Cats fed pike meat caught in the Baltic Sea died after 2-3 months. The government of the country recommended that the population reduce their fish diet. - Due to the crop failure, the Iraqi government purchased treated grain for sowing from Mexico, about which the country's population was warned. By ignoring this warning and eating grain, 6,530 people were poisoned, and 495 of them died. - 1994 ᴦ. - in the Saratov region, workers at the Syzran-1 railway station stole 400 liters of liquid from a tank labeled “Methyl alcohol”. As a result, 22 people died, 47 people were hospitalized. - 1996 ᴦ. - in the Moscow metro on the roof of a duty train were found two corpses with traumatic brain injuries: young people decided to ride a train that was moving in a low tunnel - Every year in the United States, 700 thousand Americans die who did not consult with doctors about the use of medications.

Many people die while intoxicated. Thus, of the 8 thousand killed and 50 thousand injured at work annually in Russia, more than 30% were drunk.

According to international statistics, out of 300 people bitten by snakes, 20 people die. But snakes are aggressive only if a person attacks them or destroys their nests.

The world history of emergencies shows how diverse they are in terms of their causes and mechanisms of occurrence and how terrible they are in their consequences. By violating the global laws of nature, humanity is doomed to be in confrontation with it. For this reason, the number of emergencies, according to scientists, will, unfortunately, increase. This means that the need for specialists who can provide assistance to people in trouble will never go away. The work of rescuers in emergency situations places increased demands on the level of their professional training.

It is important to note that for information, I have provided the data that is available to everyone. The rescuer's textbook, one of the authors of which is Shoigu, is paid. And here it is not concern about overcoming emergency situations, but enrichment. The main thing is Golden Taurus, in connection with this we have so many emergencies. And without them it will be oh so boring, and most importantly, this is additional funding to eliminate the emergency. So learn from the old textbook. The new one is not available to everyone.

Biological emergencies - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Biological emergencies" 2017, 2018.

Life safety lesson in 8th grade

Teacher: Grigorieva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

Subject : “Biological emergencies”

Lesson type : learning new material and primary consolidation of new knowledge.

Lesson objectives:


  • Understand and be able to distinguish concepts such as:

Endemic, epidemic, pandemic;

Enzootic, epizootic, panzootic;

Epiphytoty, panphytoty;

Observation and quarantine;

Disinsection, disinfection and deratization;

  • Familiarize yourself with the consequences of infectious diseases, the main ways of spreading infection, prevention and elimination of the source of infectious diseases.


  • Develop skills in observing sanitary and hygienic standards and rules, including washing hands with soap or disinfectants;
  • Develop oral speech, listening skills, and the ability to clearly and concisely express your thoughts;
  • Develop cognitive activity in relation to your health;


  • Fostering responsibility for one's health;
  • Developing discipline in the classroom and being demanding of oneself;
  • Increase interest in the life safety lesson.

Equipment : projector, computer, textbook, notebook, test cards, crossword puzzle.

Lesson Plan

  1. Organizational moment (2 minutes)
  2. Checking homework (10 minutes)
  3. Learning new material (16 minutes)
  4. Physical education minute (2 minutes)
  5. Primary consolidation of the material (10 minutes)
  6. Lesson summary (2 minutes)
  7. Homework information (2 minutes)
  8. Reflection (1 minute)

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

Greeting, recording of absentees.

2. Checking homework (peer checking in pairs)

The teacher distributes cards to several students, one student answers orally, the rest listen carefully and complement the student's answer.

3. Studying new material.

Watch the video “Infectious diseases”.

Try to formulate the topic of our lesson. (biological emergency).

Infectious diseases in humans are diseases caused by pathogens (microbes).

Infected people and animals are called sources of infection.

In Ukraine, a tuberculosis epidemic was registered in 1995.

Every year, 10 million people in the world fall ill with tuberculosis, 3 million die, of which 8 thousand every day. And these are far from complete statistics.

There are some infectious diseases, which are characteristic only of people: Asiatic cholera, smallpox, typhoid fever, typhus, etc.

Endemic – This is the constant presence in a given area of ​​certain diseases caused by its natural features and the unique living conditions of the population.

Epidemic – rapid and massive spread of an infectious disease among people within a certain territory.

Pandemic - this is the same as an epidemic, only it covers the territories of several countries or continents under certain natural or social and hygienic conditions.

Depending on the nature of the disease, the main routes of spread of infection during an epidemic may be:

1) food (typhoid fever, dysentery, etc.);

2) waterborne (cholera, typhoid fever, etc.);

3) airborne (meningitis, measles, influenza, etc.);

4) airborne dust (pneumonia, tetanus);

5) household contact (flu, anthrax);

6) transmissible - through transmitters (lice - typhus, ticks - encephalitis, etc.).

Several routes of pathogen transmission often play a role.

Enzootic - this is the simultaneous spread of an infectious disease of farm animals in a certain area, farm or point, the natural and economic conditions of which exclude the widespread spread of this disease.

Epizootic – simultaneous spread of an infectious disease of farm animals in a specific area in a certain period of time,significantly exceeding the level of morbidity usually recorded in this territory.

Panzootia is a massive simultaneous spread of an infectious disease of farm animals with a high incidence rate over a vast territory, covering entire regions, several countries and continents.

Question on topic: in 1996 in the UK, over 500 thousand heads of farm animals became infected with rinderpest, which necessitated the destruction and disposal of the remains of sick animals. Which of the listed criteria do you think this circumstance can be attributed to?Answer: Epizootic.

Keep in mind when petting a dog or pussy on the street that it may hurtdangerous and common types of infectious diseases, such as:glanders, encephalitis, foot and mouth disease, plague, tuberculosis, influenza, anthrax, rabies, etc.

It is carried out in three main areas:

1. eliminating the source of infection;

2. exclusion of routes of transmission of the infectious agent;

3. increasing the immunity of people and animals (immunization).

Epiphytoty - massive, simultaneous spread of infectious diseases of agricultural plants and (or) a sharp increase in the number of plant pests, accompanied by massive death of agricultural crops and a decrease in their productivity.

Epiphytoty characterized by such diseases, like cereal rust, late blight (potato rot) - a disease that affects the leaves, stems and tubers of potatoes, etc., with a fungus.

Plant death and disease can result from the improper use of various chemicals. Serious agricultural pests are rodents (marmots, gophers, gray voles, pieds, etc.).

Panphytotia - mass plant disease and a sharp increase in the number of plant pests on the territory of several countries or continents.

Prevention for plants- biological, chemical and mechanical pest control in agriculture and forestry (spraying, pollination, surrounding pest areas with ditches).

Preventing the spread of infections.

1) disinfection – destruction of the pathogen in objects of the external environment, in premises, in territories, on linen, clothing, skin;

2) disinfestation – destruction of harmful insects in the external environment;

3) deratization – extermination of rodents.

If a source of infection occurs in an infected area, quarantine or observation is introduced.

Observation – a system of measures for medical surveillance of isolated healthy people who have had contact with patients with infectious diseases.

Quarantine - complete isolation of the source of infection from the population (surrounding).

Sanitary and hygienic measures include mandatory adherence to simple rules of personal and public hygiene.

4.Primary consolidation of the material

Test “Emergencies of biological origin” (Appendix 1)

Crossword puzzle on the topic “Natural emergencies”

5. Lesson summary.

Summing up the lesson, marking


The slide displays information about homework.

7. Reflection.

Mood emoticons are drawn on the cards; the children put a plus sign in accordance with the mood in the lesson.

The teacher thanks all the children for their good work in class.

Appendix 1

Test for the lesson “Emergencies of biological origin”

A) Degassing

B) Decontamination

B) Disinfection

A) airborne

A) disinfestation

B) deratization

B) demercurization

D) disinfection

A) quarantine

B) disinfection

B) observation

B) epiphytoty, panphytoty

B) complete isolation of hospitals

9. Massive human diseases include:

A) epiphytoty, panphytoty

B) checking medications

1. What needs to be done to disinfect clothes and objects from radioactive substances?

2. As a result of intestinal infections, diseases such as dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera, hepatitis, etc. occur. How is infection transmitted?

A) airborne

B) through food and soil

B) bites of blood-sucking vectors

3. Infectious diseases of people – diseases caused by:

A) pathogenic microorganisms and microbes;

B) any microorganisms and microbes

B) bacteria that spread through the air

4. What measures include eliminating the source of infection?

5. The system of measures for medical surveillance of isolated healthy people who have had contact with patients with infectious diseases is called:

6. Mass animal diseases include:

A) epidemic, pandemic, endemic

B) enzootic, epizootic, panzootic

B) epiphytoty, panphytoty

7. Choose the wrong answer:

A) disinfestation is the destruction of insects

B) deratization is the destruction of rodents

C) disinfection is the destruction of plants

8.Quarantine is a system of measures aimed at…

A) complete isolation of the epidemic focus

B) complete isolation of hospitals

C) subsequent complete elimination of the consequences of infection

D) subsequent cleaning of premises

A) epiphytoty, panphytoty

B) epidemic, pandemic, endemic

B) enzootic, epizootic, panzootic

10. What are the main areas of prevention of infectious diseases?

A) eliminating the source of infection

B) checking medications

C) switching off (breaking) the transmission routes of the infectious agent

D) increasing the immunity of people and animals (vaccinations)

D) installation of indoor air conditioning systems

1. What needs to be done to disinfect clothes and objects from radioactive substances?

A) Degassing B) Decontamination C) Disinfection

2. As a result of intestinal infections, diseases such as dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera, hepatitis, etc. occur. How is infection transmitted?

A) airborne

B) through food and soil

B) bites of blood-sucking vectors

3. Infectious diseases of people – diseases caused by:

A) pathogenic microorganisms and microbes;

B) any microorganisms and microbes

B) bacteria that spread through the air

4. What measures include eliminating the source of infection?

A) disinfestation B) demercurization

B) deratization D) disinfection

5. The system of measures for medical surveillance of isolated healthy people who have had contact with patients with infectious diseases is called:

A) quarantine B) disinfection C) observation

6. Mass animal diseases include:

A) epidemic, pandemic, endemic

B) enzootic, epizootic, panzootic

B) epiphytoty, panphytoty

7. Choose the wrong answer:

A) disinfestation is the destruction of insects

B) deratization is the destruction of rodents

C) disinfection is the destruction of plants

8.Quarantine is a system of measures aimed at…

A) complete isolation of the epidemic focus

B) complete isolation of hospitals

C) subsequent complete elimination of the consequences of infection

D) subsequent cleaning of premises

9. Mass diseases of people include:

A) epiphytoty, panphytoty

B) epidemic, pandemic, endemic

B) enzootic, epizootic, panzootic

10. What are the main areas of prevention of infectious diseases?

A) eliminating the source of infection

B) checking medications

C) switching off (breaking) the transmission routes of the infectious agent

D) increasing the immunity of people and animals (vaccinations)

D) installation of indoor air conditioning systems