Features parameters for drilling horizontal wells. Technology of drilling horizontal wells with drilling rigs. Well expansion methods

Light, water and warmth are fundamental factors in the suitability of housing for permanent residence. Therefore, when it comes to year-round operation of a country house, its uninterrupted supply of electricity comes first. Let's consider the basic rules for connecting to the electrical networks of a private home.

Owners of private houses have many questions related to the procedure for properly connecting their home to centralized power grids. FORUMHOUSE has selected the most private of them. From our material you will learn:

  • Where does connection to power grids begin for individuals;
  • Proper connection of the house to electricity: what stages does this procedure consist of?
  • What documents are required for connecting electricity in private homes?
  • How long does it take to register and connect electricity, and how much does it cost?
  • What to do if legal regulations for connecting electricity are violated.

The procedure for connecting to the electrical networks of a country house

An individual wants to independently electrify his home or summer cottage with a house, and does not know where to start this procedure.

It will be easier to implement any specific project if we consider a standard situation:

  • The power required by the consumer is up to 15 kW;
  • A country house or summer cottage is located on “settlement lands”.

Connecting an object to electrical networks consists of the following steps:

  • Submitting an application for technological connection (TP) to the power grid organization;
  • Receipt and familiarization with the TP Agreement and Technical Conditions (TS) from the electric grid organization;
  • Conclusion of an Agreement with the electric grid organization;
  • Carrying out electrical installation work on the part of the applicant and the electrical network prescribed by the technical specifications. The electrical network carries out work up to the boundaries of the applicant’s land plot. The applicant (at his own expense) performs the work prescribed by the technical specifications within the boundaries of his site;
  • Connection to the power grid and supply of voltage (after the power grid has verified the requirements for fulfilling the specifications) to the applicant’s power receiving devices (EPD);
  • Signing documents on TP.

This is a standard scheme, according to which a private home is connected to the power grid. It defines the general algorithm of actions for the electrification of a land plot. However, there are several nuances that you need to know about before you start collecting the necessary documents to connect home electricity.

First of all, it is necessary to find out the availability of electrical networks of the required voltage, and the distance to them from the border of the site. This point is worth paying attention to.

FORUMHOUSE user Natalia Derkunskaya, forum nickname Stitching.

Natachka User FORUMHOUSE

The distance from the connection object to the networks of the required voltage is a factor that directly affects the timing and price associated with the electrification of a house or site.

If the distance (in a straight line) from the boundary of the site to the nearest electrical network does not exceed:

  • 300 meters – in the city;
  • 500 meters – in rural areas.

If the required power, taking into account all previously connected energy consumers, does not exceed 15 kilowatts, then in this case, according to existing standards, the price for connection should not exceed 550 rubles.

You have the right to request information about where the necessary networks are located from the local administration by making an appropriate request, and the response to this request is provided free of charge.

In the amount of 550 rubles. includes:

  • Fee for issuing technical specifications;
  • TP expenses.

Energy supply company ( subject to the above requirements for distance and required power) should not require additional payment from the applicant for laying an electrical network to the border of his property.

Proper electrical connection in a private home: list of documents

The list of documents required for submission to the RES for many becomes a real stumbling block in the issue of electrification, and on FORUMHOUSE discussions often arise about the mutual rights and obligations of the parties, such as “does the RES project have the right to demand when connecting a private house to 220V and 5 kW.”

The standard list of documents required to enter into an agreement with the RES includes:

  1. An application indicating:
  • Full name of the applicant;
  • Passport details;
  • Location of the connection object - the actual address of the site and (if any) house number;
  1. Project of the site (scale diagram) indicating the location of connected energy consumers. It is also necessary to indicate their number, the power of each and the total power;
  2. Copies of documents confirming ownership of a house or land.

The exact list of required documents and the procedure for submitting them should be clarified with a specific electricity sales company, because requirements in Moscow and other cities and regions, depending on local conditions, may vary slightly.

How to connect electricity to your home: deadlines and delays

Based on the application submitted by the applicant, within a month from the date of its receipt, the electric grid company issues:

  • TP agreement;
  • Technical conditions.

If the application does not contain all the necessary information or does not include any documents, the power grid has the right to notify the applicant within 6 working days.

Upon receipt of the Agreement and technical specifications, the applicant can sign them within a month.

Therefore, it would be correct to first carefully familiarize yourself with the requirements of the electrical network and only then put your signature. The procedure is such that if the applicant does not agree with the terms of the Agreement and the technical specifications, then within a month (from the date of receipt of the documents) he can send a reasoned refusal (motor refusal) to the power grid.

The power grid has no more than 6 months to make a technological connection to the connection point. The period is counted from the moment of conclusion of the Agreement between the applicant and the power grid. She can't connect any longer.

How to connect to electrical networks - pressure levers.

The law regulates the supply of electricity up to 15 kW to the border of the site. Despite these clearly defined standards for connecting electricity, it happens that after submitting an application for technological connection, the applicant is faced with a number of difficulties. Namely:

  • The power grid does not issue agreements for TP and specifications;
  • The power grid does not meet the deadlines allotted to it by law for technological connection.

To be able to defend your rights, you need to know that:

  • According to current regulations, the electrical network is required to extend a line of the required voltage no further than 25 meters from the border of the applicant’s property;
  • ​The procedure for connecting to the networks of a network organization is regulated by the Rules for the technological connection of power receiving devices. These rules are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. Resolution No. 861 of December 27, 2004;
  • Because Network organizations are subjects of a natural monopoly, then they fall under the law on protection from competition. Federal Law No. 135;
  • The activities of a network organization are regulated, and violations of the law are suppressed by antimonopoly authorities, who can impose a fine on this organization.

How to connect electricity for 550 rubles

Those who have decided to build a house and are evaluating the possibility of purchasing a plot to begin construction are interested in the issue of connecting the plot to communications.

In this article we will consider questions about connecting electricity to residential buildings, plots and small businesses of entrepreneurs.

Our goal is to tell you how entrepreneurs and individuals can connect to electrical networks at the lowest cost.

Here we will talk about how to connect electricity for only 550 rubles.

It’s worth noting right away that 550 rubles is the fee specifically for connecting to the energy infrastructure. That is, this is the amount of payment that must be paid by the owner of the plot to the electric grid company to carry out the construction of electrical networks to the boundaries of the plot.

The preferential tariff obliges the electric grid company to supply electricity to the boundaries of the site. But the owner of the house or business facility must do the work on the site at his own expense: purchase an electric meter, lay a cable (SIP), install a pipe stand, and supply electricity to the house.

There are two ways to directly connect electricity from a pole (at the border of the site):

Option 1. The input cable to the house is installed underground (this option is shown on the right in the figure below);

Option 2. SIP cable from the support (self-supporting insulated wire) (this option is shown on the left in the figure below).

Options for connecting electricity to the house

It is worth noting that work on the site can cost from 15 to 30 thousand rubles, depending on the chosen material and the size of the site.

Electrical installation work inside a house or facility is not included in this cost, and the price of electrical installation work will depend not only on the size of the house and the selected materials, but also on the imagination of the owner.

So, who can connect electricity for 550 rubles?

The list of persons who can connect to electricity for 550 rubles is defined in clause 17 of the “Rules for technological connection to electrical networks”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2004 No. 861.

The resolution determines that the right to connect to electrical networks at a preferential tariff of 550 rubles is available to persons who own a land plot or real estate property by right of ownership or lease, subject to the simultaneous fulfillment of the following conditions:

Condition 1: limitation on connected power.

The maximum connected load of your facility (taking into account previously connected power) should not exceed 15 kW.

Is 15 kilowatts a lot or a little?

To understand how much this is, below is information about the maximum power consumption of some electrical appliances.

  • Coffee machine - 1.4 kW.
  • Dishwasher - 1.1 kW.
  • Hood - 0.1 kW.
  • Refrigerator - 0.2 kW.
  • Washing machine - 0.8 kW.
  • Air conditioning or split system - 1.5 kW.
  • Lighting - 0.2 - 0.5 kW.
  • TV - 0.1 kW.
  • Storage water heater - 2 kW.
  • Electric oven - 7 kW

The total power of these electrical appliances is about 15 kW. Moreover, the main ones are devices that are necessary for cooking, heating water or cooling a room.

You need to understand that an electric furnace will not operate at maximum capacity 24 hours a day, and neither will a water heater.

Therefore, when assessing whether 15 kW is enough for you or not, also take into account the demand coefficient, which takes into account the simultaneous operation of power receivers at maximum.

We recommend summing up the power of the electrical receivers that you wanted to install in your home and multiplying the resulting value by 0.7. If the received power does not exceed 15 kW, then you can easily connect to electricity at a reduced rate.

Our experience allows us to say that for a cottage with an area of ​​100 square meters, 15 kW is enough for the normal functioning of electrical appliances. Of course, if the owner of such a cottage decided to install electric heating in the house or an electric sauna in the yard, then 15 kW will not be enough for him and the tariff of 550 rubles will not be available to him.

For the owners of such a house, 15 kW of power will not be enough.

But for such a house, 15 kW is just right.

Condition 2: limitation on distance to power grids.

In order to retain the right to connect at a reduced rate, it is necessary that the distance condition be met:

Distance in a straight line from the boundaries of the site to the power grid facilities of the network company (power lines, cable line, switchgear, substation) the class you need voltage should not exceed 300 meters for the city And 500 meters for rural areas .

This means that if in the application for technological connection of electricity you indicated the required voltage class of 0.4 kV (380 Volts), then a 0.4 kV line must run within 300 (or 500) meters from the site.

If a line of a different voltage class (for example, 6 kV) runs right next to the house, and there is no 0.4 kV line nearby, then you won’t be able to connect for 550 rubles. You will have to pay more for connection.

In addition, the network company (for example, in Moscow and the region it will be PJSC MOESK) is not obliged to connect you at all for 550 rubles if there are no networks of its own nearby.

Even if your site is located next to electrical networks that belong to a neighboring plant, no one will force the plant (unless it wants to do so) to connect the house to its electrical networks. Especially for 550 rubles.

For such an object, a preferential electricity connection for 550 rubles is not available: there are no power lines nearby. Therefore, the line will have to be pulled from afar, and this is costly

Condition 3: one preferential connection only once every three years.

Recently, another condition was introduced: technological connection to electrical networks for 550 rubles can be carried out only once every three years.

This is due to the fact that network companies, when connecting consumers at a reduced tariff, all construction, approval, etc. activities. are carried out at their own expense (the cost of these measures costs the electric networks up to several hundred thousand rubles). Therefore, to eliminate abuse by consumers, changes were made to the procedure for preferential electricity connection.

For example, such cases often occurred previously when entrepreneurs acquired one large plot of land and divided it into many small ones for resale. And each small area was connected to electricity for 550 rubles.

Now this is no longer possible. You can connect at a reduced rate only once every three years.

What actions need to be taken to connect to electricity for 550 rubles?

If you are a private owner.

If you want to connect electricity to a house or plot and do not plan to engage in business activities on the plot, then you need to fill out an application for technological connection, which should contain the following information (you can also attach copies of documents):

  1. Last name, first name and patronymic of the applicant, series, number and date of issue of the passport or other identification document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the address of the individual’s place of residence. WITH Tip: here you can attach a copy of your passport - the first page and registration.
  2. Requested power. Advice: choose 15 kW right away.
  3. A copy of a document confirming ownership or other legal basis for the disposal of objects (certificate of ownership or lease agreement).
  4. A copy of the cadastral plan, or if there is none, it is enough to indicate the address of the location of the plot or house.
  5. Indicate with whom you will enter into an energy supply agreement. Tip: here you can indicate the main electricity supplier in the region (for example, for Moscow and the Moscow region this is PJSC Mosenergosbyt).

You can download the application form for electricity connection.

If the house or plot is located on the territory of SNT.

If the house or plot is located on the territory of SNT, then it will be additionally necessary to draw up and sign an agreement on the use of infrastructure and other common property with the chairman of the gardening partnership.

What kind of paper is this? If you want to connect a separate input from the power grid, and not from a common gardening transformer, then you must submit a document that confirms the consent of the other members of the partnership to use the common infrastructure of the partnership (power poles, land, roads) through which the electrical network will pass to your home.

The chairman does not have the right to make such a decision on his own, therefore the issue of signing such agreements should be considered at a general meeting of all members of the SNT. If the majority votes “For”, the chairman is obliged to sign such agreements. Without such an agreement, the network company will refuse to connect to its electrical networks.

If you are an entrepreneur.

If you are an entrepreneur, then you must provide the following information in your application:

  1. Details of the applicant (for legal entities - the full name and entry number in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, for individual entrepreneurs - the entry number in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and the date of its entry into the register).
  2. Name and location of the object.
  3. Location of your organization or individual entrepreneur.
  4. Requested power. Tip: specify 15 kW.
  5. Number of attachment points. Advice: in your case - 1 connection point.
  6. Declared reliability category.
  7. Tip: Preferential connection is available only for reliability category 3.
  8. If the house has not yet been built, indicate the time frame for the design and phased commissioning of energy receiving devices (including by stages and queues).

You can download the application form for electricity connection for entrepreneurs.

How can I apply for a 15 kW electricity connection?

Objectively assessing how the situation has changed over the past 5 - 7 years in terms of convenience for consumers throughout the procedure for connecting to electrical networks, we can state that now connecting to electricity has become much easier than before.

Submitting an application for technological connection is now possible via the Internet. Agree, it’s much simpler: you don’t need to go to a network company and stand in line.

For example, to connect to the electrical networks of MOESK this can be done

It is pleasant to note that the introduction of new technologies in the work of some electric grid companies is progressing in a timely manner. All processes are simplified and made more accessible to consumers.

The application has been submitted, what next?

Next, you will receive a contract and technical conditions for it. If you sign the contract without any comments, then you need to wait for the network company to complete its part of the work up to the border with your site (build power lines and perform other work).

In accordance with the law, networks have 180 days (6 months) to fulfill their part of the technical conditions.

At the same time, you need to fulfill your part of the technical conditions on your site. For small objects (no more than 15 kW), this list is small: install a metering cabinet, metering device, pipe stand, etc.

Unfortunately, the network company does not always complete its part of the work in a timely manner. Sometimes these deadlines are delayed.

In this case, it is quite difficult for the subscriber to influence the network company. In accordance with the law, the subscriber can:

  1. Terminate the contract for technological connection (although why do you need this if you need to connect electricity?),
  2. Through the court, seek execution of the contract on the part of the network company (here, too, the procedure for forcing the execution of the contract is not entirely clear).

What other official payments are provided when connecting electricity for 550 rubles?

There are no longer any payments to the electricity grid company or electricity supplier.

The consumer does not need to pay for the sealing of the metering unit, or the preparation of any other documents or permits. Only 550 rubles and payment for work (fulfillment of technical conditions) on your site. Moreover, you can carry out work on the site yourself, you can sign a separate agreement, according to which the work on your site will be carried out by a network company, or you can choose an independent contractor for this work.

Connecting electricity to a house or site can take a long time - a minimum of a month and a half, a maximum of up to two years. Although by law you must receive permission within 30 days from the date of application. The actual connection of a site or house to the power grid usually takes up to six months, although it can be connected in a week and a half, or it can take several years. It all depends on the situation, and partly on your persistence.

How to obtain permission to connect electricity

The procedure is the same whether you want to connect a plot of land without a building or to build a permanent residence (private house) or temporary residence (dacha). First, find the address of the energy sales company in your area. It’s easier to do this on the Internet by writing “address of the energy sales campaign” in the search bar and adding the name of the area. There are situations when a site is located on the border of the service areas of two energy sales organizations. Then the application is submitted to the one whose pillar is closer.

A completed application and a package of documents are sent to the address found. In each region, the list of documents may differ slightly, but basically you will need:

  • Application for connection (one of the forms and a sample filling are shown in the photo below).
  • A photocopy of the passport, the details of which are indicated in the application.
  • A copy of the certificate of ownership.
  • Photocopy of TIN.
  • A list of all energy-consuming devices that will be connected to the network, indicating their power.
  • Load calculation.
  • A scale plan of the site and house, indicating the location of the nearest power poles. If there are pipelines on or near the site (gas, water supply, sewerage, etc.), they must be on the plan. On the house plan, indicate the places where electrical installations will be installed.

You can submit documents by mail or in person. If you decide to bring the application in person, go to the reception desk to the secretary, submit the completed application for connection in two copies with all the documents, on the second (it will remain with you) ask to put the date of acceptance of the documents. With this method of submission, you will definitely receive an answer within the legally required 30 days.

You can send your application by mail. In this case, you need to wait approximately 45 days, taking into account the time for mail delivery. If there is no answer, send the request again or go and submit it in person. This doesn’t happen often, but situations like this also occur: a letter was lost somewhere, sorted, etc.

The photo shows an example of a completed application. This is just one example, the forms change at least once or twice a year, so you will need to find the current type of form and fill it out.

What will be the answer

In a letter from Energosbyt you will receive two copies of the contract for connecting to the power grid, signed by representatives of the campaign, and the “Technical conditions for connection” (TU).

The contract specifies the period for supplying electricity to the site. The standard cost there is 6 months. This is the maximum period allotted by law for the completion of all work. In fact, the connection time depends greatly on the distance the pole is from the site. For urban conditions, “nearby” means within a distance of no more than 300 meters, for rural areas - less than 500 meters.

If the distance is within these limits, you can be connected faster - in a couple of months. If it’s far away, the period may be much longer than six months. Although after this period you can make claims. Regardless of when your site will be connected to electricity, start construction when it’s convenient for you.

Sometimes the contract contains vague wording without specifying a date. For example, this: “Connection of section No....will be made within 6 months, but subject to modernization or repair (construction) of the step-down transformer substation.” Having signed an agreement containing approximately the same or similar text, you can wait for years until the organization begins construction or modernization of the substation. Only after this, within 6 months, your site can be connected to the power grid.

How much does it cost to install electricity?

According to Resolution No. 129 adopted in 2011, if the power consumption is up to 15 kW, and the distance from the site to the nearest pole is 300 and 500 meters (depending on the type of settlement), the cost of connecting electricity will be 550 rubles.

If the load or distance is greater, the connection is at commercial prices, and these are completely different amounts. For example, in the Moscow and adjacent regions, for connecting 1 kW of power you need to pay from 10 thousand rubles. That is, if you need 16 kW, then it’s 160-200 tr. and more. At commercial rates, the connection fee is calculated even if the distance to the pole in rural areas exceeds 500 meters, and in urban areas - 300 meters.

Therefore, before purchasing a plot, it is advisable to find out where the nearest connected power pole is located. This determines how much money it will take to connect electricity to your house or property. Agree, 550 rubles and hundreds of thousands - the difference is more than noticeable.

Sometimes, even if you need 15 kW and the pole costs within the specified limits, you are told that some work must be paid separately. No one has the right to demand payment from you. Even if an increase in equipment capacity or network upgrade is required. If your requests fit into the conditions specified above, the cost of connecting electricity to a plot of land or a house will be 550 rubles.

What then

After the permit and technical conditions have been received, it is necessary to develop a project for the electrification of the site. In principle, but if the house is large, with utility and technical rooms, with electricity output to the installation area of ​​the pumping station or water supply pump, it is better to order the project from a specialized organization. And the best option is in the energy sales organization where you applied for connection. There will be much fewer problems with acceptance.

If you draw up the project yourself, it will need to be approved by the energy supply organization. If the requirements are met, they will approve it for you; if there are violations, they will indicate what needs to be changed. After making changes, you submit the project again for signature. Only having a completed signed project in hand can you begin to implement it.