Acute purulent inflammation. What does a skin abscess look like, surgical and home treatment. Are all antibiotics effective in treating purulent wounds?

Purulent wounds occur when the integrity of the skin is violated, when there is purulent content in the lumen and an inflammatory process at the edges. The pathology develops after infection of a clean wound (after a cut, puncture, etc.) or is formed due to a breakthrough of an abscess.

Such wounds also occur in the period after surgical operations: even with careful adherence to sterility during surgery, up to 30% of suppurations are observed. The causative agents in them are pyogenic microbes (strepto-, staphylococci, Proteus or Escherichia coli, pseudomonas. Less commonly - mycobacteria, salmonella, shigella, pneumococci).

  • presence of a foreign body, blood clots or pieces of dead tissue in the wound;
  • high level of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • The main reason for the development of purulent puncture wounds is insufficient outflow of fluid from the wound due to the narrow wound channel and a small hole on the surface of the skin.

    Other factors that increase the risk of developing suppuration:

  • the presence of somatic diseases (healing occurs more slowly, the likelihood of suppuration increases);
  • diabetes mellitus (even minor damage can cause severe suppuration with further spread of the process);
  • weakened immunity (suppuration takes a sluggish form, healing is delayed, nearby tissues may be involved in the process);
  • time of year (the process of suppuration develops faster in warm weather with high humidity);
  • How to cook oats to treat pancreas? Find out in this article.

    Local symptoms:

  • the presence of damage to the skin with purulent contents;
  • Regardless of the amount of pus, granulations and areas with dead tissue can form underneath.
  • The color of the purulent contents and its consistency depend on the type of pathogen:

  • yellow or white thick pus - when infected with staphylococcus;
  • brownish-yellow liquidish - E. coli;
  • brown with a fetid odor - anaerobic microbes;
  • The appearance of pus in the wound is accompanied by bursting or pressing pain. When the outflow of purulent contents from the wound is difficult (when a crust forms), the production of pus increases, and the affected area becomes inflamed. Throbbing pain appears due to increased pressure in the wound.

    The skin around the wound turns red and is hot to the touch. In advanced cases, the skin acquires a purple or purplish-blue tint. The temperature rises, swelling of the tissue around the wound is observed. Physiological functions are impaired (due to severe pain and swelling).

  • increased sweating;
  • loss of appetite;
  • laboratory tests show leukocytosis in the blood, accelerated ESR, and protein in the urine.
  • Purulent wounds that have not previously been treated are treated by surgeons. If suppuration occurs after initial surgical treatment, traumatologists are involved in treatment. Suppurating surgical wounds are treated by the operating doctors.

    Antibacterial drugs are selected taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen. Treatment of purulent wounds includes:

  • prescription of antibacterial drugs;
  • increasing immunity (to increase the production of tissue protective factors and interferon by the body).
  • When a purulent focus is just forming, the goal is to thoroughly clean the wound, reduce inflammation, and eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. At the next stage, it is important to speed up the regeneration processes.

    The greatest effect is obtained by using:

  • syntomycin liniment;
  • neomycin ointment.
    • sauerkraut lotions will help remove dried blood and prevent the development of inflammation;
    • apply fresh garlic paste to the area with a purulent wound for several hours (itching may occur immediately, gradually the wound will begin to clear of pus, the bactericidal properties of garlic accelerate healing);
    • You cannot apply bandages with ointment to an open purulent wound - this makes it difficult for the outflow of pus and promotes its penetration deep into the tissues. For dressings, use gauze pads and bandages (instead of adhesive tape) to provide air access to the wound.

      To prevent suppuration of wounds it is necessary:

    • promptly bandage existing wounds;
    • follow all doctor's orders;
    • use personal protective equipment at enterprises (where provided).
    • How to cure purulent otitis media at home?

      Otitis is a very common disease that affects both adults and children. Any form of it is a potential threat to human health and possibly life. After all, the whole danger lies in the close location of the affected organ to the brain.

      Next, let's talk about treating purulent otitis media at home. More specifically, let’s find out whether this can be done, and in what cases? And most importantly, we will determine the correctness of such actions in order to maximally protect the body from negative effects.

      Treatment of purulent otitis at home

      Let's start with the fact that there is no way to treat otitis at home cannot be an alternative to qualified medical therapy. Ear inflammation can cause very serious complications and become chronic if treated improperly or not.

      If improvement in well-being does not occur within 5 days, or deterioration is observed, then you should immediately seek help from a specialist. After all, you cannot know for sure whether perforation of the eardrum will occur. What if not, due to anatomical features. Then what? The pus will look for a way out!

      Attention! The patient must be aware of the seriousness of the disease and be aware of his own actions. “Playing doctor” at home with purulent otitis media can end very badly.

      The proximity of the hearing organ to the bones of the skull and face, as well as to the brain, characterizes this pathology as quite unpredictable in terms of possible consequences.

      Purulent otitis is a form of the disease that does not tolerate self-medication

      Otitis. Treatment with folk remedies

      Otitis is an inflammation of the middle ear. The middle ear is a tiny cavity that contains a bony mechanism designed to transmit sound waves to the inner ear. Among the reasons that can cause otitis media are: decreased immunity, hypothermia, penetration of pathogens and viruses. Often, otitis is a complication of a runny nose or sore throat; the infection can enter the middle ear when coughing or blowing the nose, much less often - from the outside, through a damaged eardrum.

      Treatment of otitis with folk remedies:

      Bread compress for otitis media

      An old recipe for treating ears in children. Literally after 10-15 minutes the pain subsides. You need to take the black crust (the entire loaf) from the bread, put it in a colander over a pan of water (water bath), and heat it on both sides. Then apply it to the sore ear (like a compress: cellophane, cotton wool and tie it with a scarf). It is advisable to leave it for at least an hour. If a vodka compress “cools down” after 1.5 hours, then a bread compress keeps heat for more than 3 hours and warms perfectly. But if you do it for 2-3 days in a row, the pain will go away for a long time.

      Remedy for purulent otitis media

      Boil an egg in a “bag”, remove the yolk, take a yellowish liquid from the middle with a pipette and drop 2 drops into your ear, tie it with a scarf and go to bed. After waking up it will become much easier. Then take a thin slice of onion. Put a leaf of golden mustache and a little butter on it, roll it into a flagellum and insert it into the ear. Keep the medicine for 3 hours. In the evening, warm your feet: add 1 tablespoon of mustard and 2 tablespoons of salt to 5 liters of hot water. Stir everything and warm your feet with this mixture until the water cools down. Wear warm socks and lie under a blanket. At night, drop a few drops of mumiyo infusion into the ear: 1 tablet of mumiyo should be dissolved in 1 tablespoon of vodka and 2-3 drops should be injected into the ear. This remedy cleanses purulent fluid well. Also, cut a small hole in the top of the peeled onion, add a little granulated sugar there and put in the oven until the onion softens. Drop the resulting bitter-sweet liquid (juice) 2-3 drops at a time. Treat for 7 days and the disease will go away.

      Onion compresses for otitis media

      1. Take a small onion and bake it in regular ash. The onion should become soft. Now take a thin linen cloth and place a piece of butter on it, and place the onion on top. Wrap the cloth. You need to wait until the temperature of the compress is as hot as you can tolerate. Then apply to the ear, or so that the bulb is in the ear, and hold for 1 minute. Then tie a warm scarf around your head and do not leave the warm room for several hours. If you do this procedure 2 times a day. The disease goes away very quickly.

      2. Clear the ear of discharge. Prepare onion juice. Warm the pipette in boiling water and immediately suck in the onion juice. Carefully pour 3-4 drops into the ear. Make a compress. You can put a cotton ball moistened with onion juice in the sore ear. Don't forget to remove it when it dries. For deep otitis, repeat the procedure several times. At home, for any ear diseases, steam baths made from nettle or yarrow herbs are very effective. Pour water into a sterile bucket to fill 3/4 of its volume. When it boils, throw in a large handful of one of the herbs and remove from heat. Cover with a lid. Choose a comfortable position and begin the procedure immediately. Cover your head. Keep your ear over the steam for up to 15 minutes. no more. The steam should not be sharp or hot. After this, you can drip onion juice into your ears. Such steam baths with yarrow are also beneficial for inflammatory eye diseases.

      Removing wax plugs from the ears and relieving ear pain after a cold

      Take a flap of linen 25 cm long and 4 cm wide, melt the wax in a steam bath (paraffin and candles are worse), dip the flap in the melted wax. When the wax hardens a little, take a 3 mm thick knitting needle and wind the fabric onto the knitting needle. Then remove the knitting needle. You should now have a tube. One end of the tube needs to be inserted into the ear, and the other should be set on fire. When the tube burns out, remove it from the ear. When starting work, you need to take safety measures: cover your hair and shoulders with a towel, choose the angle of the tube so that the melted wax does not get into the auricle. This operation is especially effective for sulfur plugs. All the sulfur that accumulates over the years and impairs hearing will “burn out” or be drawn out by fire onto the fabric. If you don’t succeed the first time, then you need to repeat the procedure until you get the desired result.

      Garlic oil for ear diseases and otitis media

      It is especially useful for ear diseases in young children, inner ear infections, oral candidiasis, rashes, itching of the genitals and minor burns. Garlic oil can be stored for 3 months in the refrigerator in a dark glass bottle with a tight stopper. Cooking recipe. Fill 3/4 of the glass with finely chopped garlic. Transfer to a 0.5 liter jar and slowly, in a thin stream, with constant stirring, pour in 3/4 cup of olive oil. Close the jar with a lid and place it in the sun for 10 days. During this time, gently stir the mixture 2-3 times. On the eleventh day, strain, add 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil or glycerin, pour into a dark glass bottle with a tight stopper and refrigerate. Place 3 drops of oil into the ear very slowly and carefully.

      Treatment of ear inflammation with Sophora

      Try treatment with Sophora tincture. 100 g of Japanese sophora (crushed) pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave in a dark bottle in a dark place for one month. Then bury this tincture in your ears. Recovery will come quickly, and you will never have otitis media again.

      Laurel for otitis media

      Take 5 dry bay leaves and pour 1 tbsp. boiling water Bring to a boil, cover and heat in a water bath for 2 hours. Then leave the broth to cool at room temperature for 45 minutes. After this, strain and squeeze the broth. You should drip 8 drops of the decoction into the sore ear, and then drink 2-3 tablespoons. Do this 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5 days.

      When treating otitis, use the following recipes:

      a) Cut a hole in a large onion and add 1 teaspoon of cumin there. Cover the hole with cotton wool and bake the onion in the oven. Using the resulting juice, drop 2-3 drops into the ears for a child, 5-7 drops for an adult (depending on the severity of the disease) 2-3 times a day.

      b) Apply bags of elderberry, chamomile or centaury flowers steamed with boiling water to your ears.

      c) Instill 2 drops into a child’s sore ear, and 7-10 drops of juice from fresh basil leaves into an adult’s ear (2-3 times a day). If you don’t have fresh basil on hand, you can buy this oil at the pharmacy plants. This oil is an excellent pain reliever; you should definitely have it in your home medicine cabinet. It will help not only with otitis media, but also with arthritis and radiculitis. It is enough to rub the oil into the sore spot, and within a few minutes you will feel relief.

      Instillation into the ears is performed only in the first stage of otitis media. Sometimes it happens that such procedures are enough to extinguish inflammation and avoid the formation of pus. General requirement: any drops must be warm, approximately 37 degrees Celsius

      Blackroot officinalis treats otitis media

      To treat otitis media, you can use a plant called black root. Cut 200 g of dry roots and put in a liter bottle or jar. Fill to the top with vodka and leave for 10 days. For otitis: rub behind the ear more often. Do not bury it in the ear, it will burn.

      Kombucha compresses treat otitis media

      For otitis, compresses with a 10-12-day infusion of kombucha help: moisten gauze, apply it to the parotid area (in front of and behind the ear), cover with polyethylene, cotton wool, and wrap with a woolen scarf or handkerchief. Keep this compress for 8-9 hours. You can apply a compress with tea vinegar, i.e. a 30-day infusion of kombucha. This compress is placed in the same way as the previous one, and you can keep it on all night.

      Propolis will relieve lumbago in the ears

      If, with a cold, your ear begins to shoot, then it is advisable not to delay it, but to begin treatment immediately. In this case, propolis with alcohol comes in handy (dissolve 5 g of propolis in 100 ml of alcohol). A flagellum is made from a bandage, dipped in alcohol and inserted into the ear. Lie with this ear up and take a nap. In most cases, everything goes away immediately.

      At the first sign of lumbago in the ears, there is another similar recipe:

      You need to buy or prepare a 40% propolis tincture yourself so that it is always in your home medicine cabinet. Mix 1 part of propolis tincture with 4 parts of vegetable (sunflower or olive oil), shake until a light brown emulsion with a pleasant smell is obtained. Shake before use, wet two gauze tubes and insert them into the ears for an hour. A total of 10-12 procedures should be performed in a day.

      This very effective treatment is also suitable for the prevention of hearing loss.

      Beetroot with honey will relieve lumbago in the ears

      When the ear “shoots”: Grate red beets on the finest grater, mix the juice equally with heated honey and drop half a pipette into both ears. Mix the squeezed beet pulp equally with honey, add flour (preferably rye) and knead into a tight cake. Make a hole in the middle of the cake and place it on the shell of the ear, spreading the dough around the ear. On top is thin food foil or plastic wrap. Then wrap your ear warmly with a down shawl or woolen scarf. With this compress you can sleep all night. Do this until the ear pain disappears completely.

      Bay leaf for otitis media

      Bay leaf will help with otitis media: 2 tbsp. crushed raw materials, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for about an hour until yellow. Moisten cotton wool in the warm infusion and place it in the ear. Hold it for a while, then moisten clean cotton wool and insert it into the ear again. And so on - while the infusion is warm. Then place dry cotton wool in the sore ear and tie a scarf. For the first two days, do these procedures very often, literally every hour, then less often. After five days, the purulent discharge will stop.

      Kalanchoe and golden mustache for ear inflammation

      Possible reasons

      It is believed that any wound resulting from trauma is already infected (there are bacteria in it). For an infection to develop, several factors must be present:

      Suppuration of lacerated and bruised wounds occurs as a result of contamination of crushed tissue and a large amount of dead tissue. Suppuration of incised wounds is observed less frequently (their edges are slightly damaged, the wound channel is often shallow).

    • type and location of the wound (less often suppuration develops in the head, cervical region, somewhat more often - on the chest, abdomen, buttocks. Wounds located on the extremities especially often suppurate);
    • age and body weight (suppuration occurs less often in young and thin people).
    • Characteristic symptoms

      All manifestations of purulent wounds can be divided into general and local.

    • greenish or yellowish watery - streptococcus;
    • yellowish, changing color in the air - Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
    • General symptoms are due to general intoxication as a result of toxins entering the body from a purulent wound:

    • body temperature rises;
    • general weakness;
    • chills;
    • headache;
    • carrying out detoxification measures (hemodialysis, hemosorption, forced diuresis are used to remove toxins from the body, and on an outpatient basis - drinking plenty of fluids);
    • Vishnevsky ointment;
    • tetracycline ointment;
    • How to cure with folk remedies?

      If the wound has festered and you don’t want to use medications, you can use traditional medicine:

    • use aloe juice to irrigate wounds and lotions;
    • a paste of grape leaves applied to the wound will clear it of pus within 24 hours (it also has a hemostatic effect);
    • powder prepared from calamus root can be poured directly onto the wound (has a bactericidal effect);
    • washed plantain leaves are applied to the wound for 20 minutes (the release of pus from small festering scratches stops and healing begins);
    • Chopped fresh leaves and chamomile flowers are applied to the wound and left for a few minutes. You can prepare a decoction of chamomile and use it as a lotion. Simultaneously with external use, it is recommended to take chamomile infusion internally.
    • If you have purulent wounds, you should refrain from visiting the bathhouse, sauna, or swimming pool (in the summer, from swimming and sunbathing). It is not recommended to use essential oils until the end of the course of treatment (they can increase the flow of fluid to the affected area).

      Prevention measures

    • treat any scratches, abrasions, cuts and other damage to the skin (with a solution of iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate);
    • use sterile instruments when treating wounds;
    • take proper care of your skin;
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    Pathological anatomy Marina Aleksandrovna Kolesnikova

    15. Purulent inflammation

    15. Purulent inflammation

    In purulent inflammation, the exudate is represented by polymorphonuclear leukocytes and includes dead leukocytes and destroyed tissue. Color ranges from white to yellow-green. Ubiquitous localization. The reasons are varied; First of all, coccal flora. The pyogenic flora includes staphylococci and streptococci, meningococci, gonococci and coli - intestinal, pseudomonas. One of the pathogenicity factors of this flora is the so-called leukocidins; they cause an increase in the chemotaxis of leukocytes towards themselves and their death. Subsequently, when leukocytes die, factors are released that stimulate the chemotaxis of new leukocytes at the site of inflammation. Proteolytic enzymes, which are released during destruction, are capable of destroying both their own tissues and those of the body. Therefore, there is a rule: “if you see pus, release it” in order to prevent the destruction of your own tissues.

    The following types of purulent inflammation are distinguished.

    1. Phlegmon - diffuse, diffuse, without clear boundaries, purulent inflammation. Diffuse infiltration of various tissues by leukocytes occurs (most often - subcutaneous fat, as well as the walls of hollow organs, intestines - phlegmonous appendicitis). Phlegmonous inflammation can occur in the parenchyma of any organ.

    2. Abscess – focal, limited purulent inflammation. There are acute and chronic abscesses. An acute abscess has an irregular shape, an unclear, blurred border, and no disintegration is observed in the center. A chronic abscess has a regular shape, with clear boundaries and a zone of decay in the center. The clarity of the border is due to the fact that connective tissue grows along the periphery of the abscess. There are several layers in the wall of such an abscess - the inner layer is represented by a pyogenic membrane made of granulation tissue, and the outer part of the wall is formed by fibrous connective tissue. When the abscess is connected to the external environment through anatomical channels (in the lungs), an air space is formed in the cavity, and the pus is located horizontally (this is noticeable on the x-ray).

    3. Empyema – purulent inflammation in anatomical cavities (empyema of the pleura, maxillary sinuses, gall bladder). The outcome of purulent inflammation depends on the size, shape, and location of the lesions. Purulent exudate can resolve, sometimes sclerosis develops - scarring of the tissue.

    A complication in the form of erosion of surrounding tissues by proteolytic enzymes can lead to the formation of fistulas - channels through which the abscess empties outward (self-cleaning) or into the serous membrane (for example, a lung abscess can lead to the development of pleural empyema, liver - to purulent peritonitis, etc. ); bleeding; exhaustion; intoxication, etc.

    13. Inflammation Inflammation is a complex protective stromal-vascular reaction of the body in response to the action of a pathological factor. According to the etiology, 2 groups of inflammation are distinguished: 1) banal; 2) specific. Specific is the inflammation that is caused

    INFLAMMATION Acute inflammatory reaction in the mucous membranes, skin, synovial membranes, lymph nodes and other structures. Belladonna 3X, 3 - acutely developing inflammation with anxiety, sharp pain in the damaged area, severe

    Inflammation Inflammatory processes of varying localization and severity, acute and chronic, are constantly encountered in the practice of doctors of various specialties. From a pathophysiological point of view, inflammation is understood as a complex local vascular-tissue

    Inflammation of the veins Phlebitis If treatment of inflammation of the veins with Arnica and Hamamelis is started in a timely manner, a cure can almost always be achieved. These funds are already

    Inflammation The classic formula of inflammation is pain, redness, heat, swelling, dysfunction (dolor, rubor, calor, tumor, functio laesa). Can this definition, known for centuries, retain its meaning today? There are many reasons that lead pathophysiologists to proclaim

    Inflammation of the lungs Recipe 1: Pour 1 tablespoon of marshmallow roots into 250 ml of vodka, leave for 7 days in a dark place, strain. Take 30 drops 3 times a day for pneumonia, as well as for tracheitis and bronchiectasis. Mullein has an expectorant effect and therefore

    Pneumonia 1. Pour one tablespoon of coltsfoot into 1 cup of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes. Take chilled 5 times a day.2. Pour 4 tablespoons of pine needles (Siberian spruce) with 2.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 3 days. Take 3 tablespoons 5 times a day.3. Ground

    Inflammation of the veins For inflammation of the veins, cold vinegar compresses are applied. Clay compresses with vinegar water also work well. You can also recommend curd compresses, which are made 2-3 times a day. After 3-4 days the pain goes away. However, in this case, as well as

    Inflammation In the first period of the disease, when the fever shows nervous excitement: with great heat, burning, dry skin, rapid and very full pulse, great thirst, great fog in the head, pain and tightness in the occiput and back of the head, fatigue, insomnia, despondency :

    INFLAMMATION OF THE APPENDICES In folk medicine of Belarus, juniper berries are popular for inflammation of the appendages. They are collected in the second year of life, when they turn black and are covered with a bluish coating. One tablespoon of berries is poured into 300 ml of boiling water, simmered overnight in a cooling

    Inflammation of the eyelids The inflammatory process is localized in the area of ​​the upper or lower eyelid with blepharitis. In addition, it can be a complication of infectious eye diseases. In parallel with therapy, you can use the following folk remedies. Because Datura

    How to eliminate purulent inflammation of the fingers or toes? As a rule, improperly done manicure and pedicure, minor injuries, cracks, scratches do not attract our attention. Meanwhile, they can lead to acute purulent inflammation of the tissues of the finger near the nail, or

    Erysipelas Infusion of burdock roots with birch tar 20 g of burdock roots and hop cones, 10 g of St. John's wort herb and yarrow leaves, 10 ml of birch tar, 250 ml of water. Mix the raw materials, take 20 g of the collection, pour boiling water,

    Sore throat (sore throat) Sore throat is caused by inflammation of the nasopharynx and often accompanies colds and flu. The adenoids and tonsil glands can also become inflamed. With a cold, the patient begins to complain of pain, irritation and inflammation of the throat,

    Inflammation of the eyelids The inflammatory process is localized in the area of ​​the upper or lower eyelid with blepharitis. In addition, it can be a complication of infectious eye diseases. Since Datura is considered a poisonous plant, you should seek advice before using it.

    Throat inflammation (inflammation of the larynx) - A gargle prepared with fenugreek seeds and adding apple cider vinegar is very beneficial for colds. It is prepared like this: 2 tbsp. spoons of seeds are poured into 1 liter of cold water and boiled for half an hour over low heat. Then the decoction

    The human skin serves, in particular, as a barrier that protects the human body from external adverse influences. In addition, the skin performs a number of other important functions.

    Among them we can mention:

    • Protection from exposure to sunlight.
    • Reducing harm from various mechanical damage.
    • Exchange of substances and energy with the outside world.
    • Regulation of human body temperature.
    • Participation in the breathing process.
    • Protection from pathogenic influences of the surrounding world.

    The list goes on. However, sometimes it can happen that the skin receives certain damage or comes under the influence of certain pathogenic infections.

    In such situations, it is necessary to cure the skin and restore its functions. The causes of such diseases or injuries may vary.

    One of the most common is this is a purulent skin lesion. This article will be devoted to consideration of this issue.

    What are the types of purulent skin lesions?

    First of all, let’s clarify what exactly purulent lesions of the skin can be? In order to answer this question, you need to classify them according to one or another criterion. There may be several such classifications. Let's look at them.

    Of course, every purulent inflammation is one or another infection. They can be distinguished by the types of such infections. There are many of them.

    Here are a few of them as an example:

    • vulgar ecthyma;
    • impetigo;
    • sycosis;
    • ostiofolliculitis;
    • hidradenitis;
    • impetigo.

    This list is, of course, not exhaustive.

    Another classification tells us that purulent inflammations can be superficial or deep. The latter, in turn, are divided into mild, acute or chronic lesions.

    It's important to note that skin has a rather complex structure. Purulent inflammation can occur in its various layers. We are talking about both the outer layer and the deeper ones. You also need to remember that purulent inflammation rarely has only one cause. Usually we are talking about exposure to several types of infections at the same time.

    Now let's move on to describing specific types of purulent inflammation.

    Let's start with superficial skin lesions.

    • One of these lesions affects the hair follicles. This is where its name came from - folliculitis. The infection can result in a pigmented spot or scar.
    • Sometimes inflammations are grouped in one place. If the disease is not treated, it can lead to localized baldness in the affected area.
    • Ostiofolliculitis is a similar inflammation. It differs from the previous one in that there is hair at the site of inflammation. Usually occurs as a result of mechanical damage to the skin.
    • Let's talk about another variety. Sycosis. Unlike the cases described here, it is a chronic disease. It has two main features. It is not point-specific, but affects a specific area of ​​the skin.

    Second feature- this is the flickering nature of inflammation. Damage occurs in those places that are periodically exposed to adverse effects.

    For example, with a chronic runny nose, the skin under the nose may be affected. In some cases, this can happen as a result of shaving. The period of ripening of suppurations is not very long. As a result, a dried crust appears on the skin and, in some cases, a slightly bluish tint appears on the skin.

    The cause of these and similar infections can be not only various kinds of mechanical influences, but also insufficient hygiene. The most common treatment is local in nature and consists of treating the affected area with an antiseptic.

    Along with inflammation of the skin surface, damage to the inner layers of the skin may occur.

    • One example of deep-seated lesions is the formation of a boil. In this case, the inflammation covers not only the outermost layer of the skin, but also spreads to its inner layers.

    In this case, the sebaceous glands become inflamed and skin necrosis may occur in some areas. With such inflammation, a strong twitching pain is usually felt.

    This is due to the fact that inflammation also affects nerve endings. If a boil occurs on the face, this creates an increased risk of the staphylococcal infection spreading through the blood vessels to other parts of the body.

    • Another type of deep skin lesion is the formation of a carbuncle. In this case, simultaneous deep inflammation of several hair follicles with necrosis of the shafts usually occurs, which is accompanied by acute pain. Subsequently, a round, crater-shaped ulcer may form at the site of the lesion. After healing, it will heal, but a scar will form in its place.
    • Hidradenitis manifests itself differently. When it appears, no formation of purulent rods occurs. Moreover, such purulent inflammation is acute and quite painful. It usually forms in the armpits or groins, on the skin located behind the ears. At the site of the lesion, suppuration occurs, with pus oozing out. Treatment of this disease is based on excision of the sweat glands and subsequent relief of inflammation.

    Purulent infections without extensive pus formation can also occur. In this case, we are talking about a lesser degree of skin damage, however, such diseases are also very unpleasant. Examples include diaper rash caused by staphylococcal infection, erysipelas and cellulitis. The latter look like small, chaotically located reddening of the skin.

    Reasons for appearance

    In a normal state, a person is surrounded by a huge variety of microorganisms. If he has a strong immune system, they are practically unable to harm him.

    The situation changes in cases To When a person gets sick, receives mechanical injuries, does not do enough hygiene, and in a number of other cases, some microorganisms become active and can cause purulent skin lesions.

    If a person’s sebaceous glands are too active, during certain age periods there is an increased likelihood of purulent inflammation. Also, sometimes hormonal changes can lead to this. If this does happen, it is necessary to take measures to cure them.

    What ointments can draw out pus?

    If an abscess has formed, then one of the most obvious ways to cure it is to lubricate the affected area of ​​skin with a certain ointment in order to draw out the pus. What can we apply in such cases? What can medicine offer us for this?

    • If you start treatment at an early stage of abscess formation, then it will be effective to use Vishnevsky ointment. It has been successfully used for many years since the last century and time has confirmed its effectiveness. Read about here

    It also has an official name: balsamic liniment. The ointment includes xeroform, birch tar and castor oil. The first of these components has an antiseptic and drying effect.

    Tar improves blood microcirculation in the affected tissue and normalizes metabolic processes in it. Castor oil promotes active absorption of drugs, which ensures their therapeutic effect. This ointment has worked well in the treatment of boils and carbuncles.

    It is used by placing it on a gauze pad and leaning it against the sore spot. It is enough to perform the procedure three times every day until cure occurs. The effectiveness of treatment will be higher if you simultaneously use antibiotics for treatment.

    This ointment not only treats ulcers, it completely removes pathogenic agents in this area. This completely eliminates the possibility of repeated suppuration in this place.

    • Sulfur ointment is used to treat pimples or blackheads.. Usually this type of suppuration occurs due to blockage of skin pores. The ointment is also effective in cases where pustular inflammation occurs in places where there is hair.

    It is used similarly to Vishnevsky ointment. It is recommended to change the dressing periodically. This needs to be done every couple of hours. When treating ulcers such as boils, this ointment is not very effective.

    • Ichthyol ointment is an inexpensive and effective remedy. It draws out pus well and also has a good antiseptic effect.
    • Syntomycin ointment is also known for its ability to draw out pus. It will also be effective if the treatment of the abscess has been started. Answer to the question: read here.
    • Elon ointment activates metabolic processes and has an antiseptic effect. As a result of its use, the pus gradually resolves.
    • When treatment for the abscess ends, you need to continue treatment, use cleansing and healing ointments (tetracycline, Bactrian and others).

    Folk remedies for the treatment of ulcers

    Along with official medical means. There are also folk remedies for treating ulcers.

    Let's talk about a few of them.

    • Marshmallow is recommended to be used with olive oil.
    • Raw grated potatoes should be applied to the abscess several times a day.
    • A paste of finely chopped fresh onions will cure purulent inflammation if applied to the sore spot several times during the day.
    • Freshly crushed plantain litas can also be used effectively for treatment.

    Surgical treatment

    In especially severe or advanced cases, a surgeon is consulted for treatment of ulcers.

    Treatment usually occurs by cutting and draining the abscess. This is done under anesthesia. At the same time, cleansing and antiseptic agents are used.

    Precautions during treatment

    • When affecting ulcers, it is necessary to avoid contact of drugs with surrounding areas of the skin. In some cases, this may irritate them.
    • After curing the abscess, you need to cleanse this place of pathogenic agents that caused the infection. This will prevent the recurrence of purulent infection in this area.
    • During treatment the necessary hygiene rules must be carefully observed. This will speed up treatment and limit the possible expansion of suppuration.

    When to see a doctor?

    Treat this disease, of course. You can do it yourself. But this comes with serious risks.

    With improper treatment, various kinds of complications are possible. In addition, the basis of quality treatment is a correct and comprehensive diagnosis, which can be obtained from a doctor. Therefore, you need to see a doctor in most cases. This is especially important when it comes to particularly difficult situations.

    You also shouldn’t forget that suppuration can sometimes itself be a symptom of other diseases, and the sooner you figure out what’s going on, the more effective your treatment will be.

    characterized by the formation of purulent exudate. It is a mass consisting of tissue detritus from the source of inflammation, cells, and microbes. The exudate contains granulocytes, lymphocytes, macrophages, and often eosinophilic granulocytes. The cause of purulent inflammation is pyogenic microbes - staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci, typhoid bacillus.

    Purulent exudate has a number of qualities that determine the biological significance of this form of inflammation. It contains various enzymes, primarily proteases, capable of breaking down dead and dystrophically changed structures at the site of damage, including collagen and elastic fibers, therefore tissue lysis is characteristic of purulent inflammation.

    The main forms of purulent inflammation are abscess, phlegmon, empyema, purulent wound.



    Unlimited purulent diffuse inflammation, in which purulent exudate permeates and exfoliates the tissue. The formation of phlegmon depends on the pathogenicity of the pathogen, the state of the body's defense systems, as well as on the structural characteristics of the tissues in which it originated and where there are conditions for the spread of pus.

    Phlegmon can be soft if lysis of necrotic tissue predominates, and hard when coagulative necrosis of tissues that are gradually rejected occurs in the phlegmon.

    Phlegmonous inflammation can be complicated by thrombosis of blood vessels, resulting in necrosis of the affected tissues. Purulent inflammation can spread to the lymphatic vessels and veins, and in these cases purulent thrombophlebitis and lymphangitis occur. Healing of phlegmonous inflammation begins with its delimitation followed by the formation of a rough scar. If the outcome is unfavorable, generalization of the infection may occur with the development of sepsis.


    This is a purulent inflammation of body cavities or hollow organs. The cause of the development of empyemas is both purulent foci in neighboring organs (for example, a lung abscess and empyema of the pleural cavity), and a violation of the outflow of pus during purulent inflammation of hollow organs - the gallbladder, appendix, fallopian tube.

    Purulent wound

    A special form of purulent inflammation, which occurs either as a result of suppuration of a traumatic, including surgical, or other wound, or as a result of the opening of a focus of purulent inflammation into the external environment and the formation of a wound surface.