Acute otitis. Symptoms and treatment of catarrhal otitis

Inflammation of the middle ear is a fairly common phenomenon in the practice of ENT specialists, which is called catarrhal otitis media. The form of the disease occurs both acute and chronic, and in the process of inflammation, all cavities and structures of the middle ear are affected. Due to the immaturity of the auditory tube, children are more often susceptible to pathology, but adults also suffer from this disease. During the course of the disease, the Eustachian tube becomes blocked, and fluid mixed with pus enters the ear cavity (depending on the stage of inflammation).

Causes of the disease

Often, the occurrence of catarrhal otitis media is provoked by an infection entering the auditory tube and developing in the nasopharynx. The impetus for the manifestation of the disease, both in adults and in children, is:

  • sinusitis in any form (sinusitis, sinusitis);
  • adenoids;
  • inflammation of the tonsils;
  • rhinovirus infection, influenza, ARVI;
  • bacterial flora (streptococci, staphylococci);
  • infectious diseases (measles, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, etc.).

Viruses and bacteria are spread by coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose. In children, during infectious diseases, infection occurs hematogenously (through the blood).

Some conditions and pathologies of the patient’s body also contribute to the development of catarrhal otitis media. These include:

  • frequent hypothermia;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • rickets;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • weakened immune system;
  • frequent regurgitation and constant lying down (newborn babies);
  • barotrauma;
  • aggressive coughing or frequent sneezing provoke increased pressure and strain, thereby supplying all structures of the middle ear with infected secretions.

Right-sided or left-sided catarrhal otitis media is more often detected in adult patients. With children the situation is more complicated, since the child is not always able to properly clean and rinse the nasal passages on his own in a timely manner. In addition, it is difficult to immediately determine that it is the baby’s ear that hurts. For these reasons, as well as due to the short length of the auditory tube, children experience.

Important: if a woman suffers otitis media during pregnancy, the newborn child may be born with pathologies, for example, completely deaf.

Symptoms of the disease

There is an opinion that the symptoms of purulent and catarrhal forms are similar, but this is not entirely true. Acute catarrhal otitis media has a rapid course and is determined by the following symptoms:

  1. Aching pain in the affected ear, which radiates to the teeth, temporal or parietal areas, resulting in deterioration of sleep.
  2. The ear canals are red, swollen, the eardrum is motionless and retracted, which provokes hearing loss.
  3. The process of blowing your nose or sneezing is accompanied by pain.
  4. Deterioration of hearing, congestion, accompanied by noise and ringing in the ears.
  5. An increase in body temperature and the manifestation of general malaise (weakness, nausea, aches, loss of appetite).

One of the main complaints at the initial stage of pathology development is autophony. The patient manages to hear his own voice with one blocked ear. During the process of exudation, autophony passes, giving way to increased noise in the affected ear, and shooting pains periodically occur.

It should be noted that most often acute serous otitis media occurs in a unilateral form. Bilateral disease is a fairly rare occurrence.

Symptoms of the disease in children

If acute serous otitis is detected in a child, the latter intensively scratches the ear, cries, eats, and the listed signs include vomiting and convulsions against a background of elevated (in children under 1 year of age - up to 40 0 ​​C) temperature.

The disease at this stage lasts about 4 days, then catarrhal otitis in children, due to increased intoxication, is replaced by its purulent form. Sometimes this happens without significant signs, without causing discomfort to the child. Pathology is discovered randomly, often at a late stage of development.

How to get rid of trouble

The beginning of treatment involves bed rest and elimination of ear pain. Special drops or folk remedies (sterile oil, vodka, etc.) will help you cope with this. In addition to compresses, a blue lamp, a heating pad, and the use of physiotherapy are also required. Important: in the presence of high temperature, as well as during the purulent stage of otitis, these procedures can worsen the condition. If complications occur, urgent hospitalization is required.

The most competent approach is to contact an otolaryngologist. The specialist will assess the condition of the ears, nasal cavity and oropharynx, lymph nodes, and listen to complaints. Based on the patient’s age and the information received, he will be given the following treatment regimen:

  1. Elimination of swelling in the area of ​​pathology using vasoconstrictor drops.
  2. Antihistamines may be used.
  3. Elimination of local pain and inflammation.
  4. Antibacterial drops (the flora of the ENT organs is preliminarily examined). If there is no effect from local therapy, take medications orally.

Alternative options

The positive effect of folk, “grandmother’s” recipes has not been scientifically confirmed. Their use is allowed only in conjunction with the main treatment regimen provided by a specialist. Pregnant and elderly people can use alternative methods, selected individually and under the supervision of a doctor. The use of herbal medicine, homeopathy and other methods for the treatment of catarrhal otitis media in any form in a child is strictly prohibited.


The essence of treatment is based on stabilizing the patient’s condition and eliminating the resulting pathology. This is facilitated by:

  • warming up with a blue lamp;
  • vibration massage of the tragus;
  • Sollux (infrared radiation);
  • laser therapy;
  • use of electrophoresis.

This therapy and the number of sessions are regulated by an otolaryngologist. This treatment quite effectively stops the disease, the patient’s condition improves in the shortest possible time. It should be remembered that after the session you need to rest for half an hour. At the same time, it is necessary to minimize going outside, especially during the cold season.

Treatment of pathology in a child

In childhood, it is not possible to quickly get rid of acute catarrhal otitis media; it will take several weeks. includes a set of activities. In this case, a very infant child is put on a thin cap to prevent excessive hypothermia.

You should not wash your hair during therapy.

  1. First of all, you will need to clear your nasal passages and normalize your breathing. To remove mucus, you can use an aspirator or a small rubber syringe.
  2. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics (orally or by injection).
  3. Special drops recommended by a specialist will help improve the patency of the auditory tube.

Warming with vodka compresses or blue lamp light is allowed, but this therapy, like any other, must be carried out with the permission and under the supervision of a qualified physician.

The purulent form of the disease involves treating the ear cavity with cotton wool soaked in alcohol. There is mud therapy, ultraviolet irradiation, and thermal physiotherapy. You can use ear drops, but they are contraindicated for children under one year of age.

Preventive measures

Treatment of catarrhal otitis is a rather troublesome task, which is easier to prevent. It is necessary to use timely and effective therapy for the treatment of colds or acute respiratory viral infections, and not to neglect carious teeth. Frequent recurrent infections are best treated with antibiotics.

After bathing, both adults and children need to thoroughly clean their ears of water. If a child is prone to otitis media, the swimming season should begin with ear cleaning by an otolaryngologist. After water procedures, it is better for children to instill antiseptic ear drops.

It is important to teach the child to blow his nose correctly (with his mouth slightly open), otherwise the secreted secretion will go into the auditory tubes. Feeding a child with mother's milk develops the immunity necessary to resist the disease.

In any case, parents monitor the child’s health, so it is important to understand the rules for caring for him yourself.

Inflammation in the ears causes many uncomfortable symptoms in babies. One of the variants of the disease is medial - catarrhal otitis media. What parents should know about this pathology is described in this article.

What it is?

Inflammation of the middle ear leads to the development of symptoms of otitis in a child, which can occur in a variety of clinical variants. Catarrhal otitis media occurs quite often in children. In most cases, this type of disease is replaced by another - purulent, which is much more severe.

Only a pediatric ENT specialist can make a differential diagnosis between these pathological conditions.

The most common cause of inflammation in the middle ear is various bacterial infections.

The development of catarrhal otitis can also lead to entry of viruses and fungal flora into the Eustachian tube. These types of diseases are much less common.

You can get catarrhal otitis at any age. Adverse symptoms of the disease occur in both infants and school-age children.

The Eustachian tube is the main structural element that is present in the middle ear cavity. Infection can enter through it and the development of catarrhal otitis is possible from the nasal passages.

Normally, there are anatomical communications between the nasal cavity and the ears. Having a small size, pathogenic viruses and bacteria easily reach the Eustachian tube, contributing to the development of severe inflammation in it.

The pathological process can be one- or two-sided. Babies suffering from immunodeficiency conditions or having severe chronic diseases often have damage to both ears at once. Right-sided otitis media, according to statistics, is somewhat more common in children. Typically, the catarrhal version of this disease is, as a rule, easier than the purulent one.

The inflammatory process, which triggers the appearance of characteristic symptoms of the disease in a sick baby, also leads to the development of pronounced swelling of the mucous membranes lining the middle ear cavity. This pathological condition contributes to congestion of blood vessels, as well as pronounced lymphocytic infiltration.

With catarrhal otitis, a large amount of pathological secretion - mucus - is formed in the damaged ear. It can be quite dense in consistency.

Usually the first symptoms of the disease appear 3-5 days after pathogenic microorganisms enter the ear cavity.

Prolonged accumulation of inflammatory exudate can lead to secondary bacterial flora joining the inflammation. This pathological condition quite often leads to the development of purulent otitis media.

Pediatric doctors note that the development of the chronic form leads to pronounced decrease in immunity. This condition usually occurs in children with chronic diseases of internal organs.

Children suffering from diabetes mellitus or various cardiovascular pathologies have a higher risk of chronicity of the acute form of catarrhal otitis in the future.


The very first clinical signs of this disease may be mild. The classic symptom of the disease is the appearance of congestion in the affected ear. Usually this symptom leads to impaired perception of various sounds. As a rule, pronounced hearing loss does not occur with catarrhal otitis media.

The inflammatory process contributes to the development of intoxication symptoms in the child. Body temperature with catarrhal otitis usually reaches 37.5-39 degrees. Against the background of such an increase, the baby may feel fever or severe chills.

The baby’s well-being is significantly worsened by the appearance of severe headaches and rapid fatigue, which develops in a sick child during the acute period of the disease.

Severe intoxication syndrome leads to severe thirst in the baby. The child’s lips become very dry and may even crack. The tongue is usually covered with a white coating.

When a bacterial infection spreads from the ear cavity to the paranasal sinuses, this leads to severe congestion when breathing. Some babies may also develop a runny nose.

Severe pain in the area of ​​the affected ear can also spread to the neck, lower jaw area, and in some cases even occupy half of the face.

A fairly common symptom of middle ear inflammation is autophony. This is a pathological condition when the baby hears his own voice while pronouncing words or sounds.

As the inflammatory process progresses, this symptom in the child completely disappears. This already indicates that the cavity of the ear is completely filled with pathological exudate, and the pressure inside the Eustachian tube has increased greatly. This leads to the fact that the baby begins to feel a strong sensation of “bloating” inside the damaged ear.

The mood and behavior of a sick child change noticeably. The child becomes more capricious, refuses his usual favorite foods, and feels very sleepy even during the daytime.

Severe ear pain can also disturb sleep at night. The child becomes more restless and may wake up several times during the night.

A characteristic symptom that occurs with this type of disease is the appearance of pain when pressing on the tragus of the ear. This clinical sign intensifies as this pathology develops.

This symptom allows parents to identify and suspect the disease on their own, even in the youngest children who cannot yet complain to them about the deterioration of their health.


When the first symptoms appear or the child’s behavior changes, parents should definitely seek advice from a pediatric otolaryngologist. It is possible to establish the correct diagnosis and carry out a full differential diagnosis only through special examinations.

During the initial clinical examination and examination, the pediatric otolaryngologist examines the ear cavity. For this purpose, special medical instruments are used.

To determine the cause of the disease, as well as to determine the severity of the disease, laboratory tests are performed.

A general blood test reveals moderate leukocytosis. In this pathological condition, the number of leukocytes in the peripheral blood increases. Inflammatory changes are also accompanied by an acceleration of ESR.

During a clinical examination, the doctor may collect biological material for bacterial culture. Using such a test, you can also quite accurately determine the causative agent of the disease. Results usually take 3 to 10 days.

This test allows not only to identify a specific type of microorganism, but also to select specific therapy that will lead to the baby’s recovery.


Therapy for the youngest patients is carried out in a hospital setting. This is necessary to prevent the development of secondary complications of the disease, as well as for a quick recovery.

The duration of hospitalization may vary and depend on the initial severity of the disease.

The most severe cases of the disease are treated in intensive care units.

The main goal is to eliminate inflammation in the cavity of the inflamed ear, as well as to prevent the transition from an acute form of the disease to a chronic one. Usually, to eliminate the unfavorable symptoms of catarrhal otitis, a complex of medications and physical therapy are prescribed.

It is successfully used to restore hearing and reduce high pressure in the Eustachian tube. UHF therapy, ultrasound and phonophoresis. To achieve a positive effect, a whole course of physiotherapy, consisting of 8-12 procedures, is usually required.

If the cause of the disease is a bacterial infection, various types of antibacterial drugs are used. Currently, doctors prefer drugs that have a wide spectrum of action.

Clavulanic acid-protected penicillins are the most commonly used drugs used to treat bacterial forms of otitis media.

Many types of chronic otitis occur against the background of reduced functioning of the immune system. To normalize immunity, doctors prescribe multivitamin complexes and interferon-type drugs to children. These funds are also used for course admission.

Ear diseases come in several forms. One of them is catarrhal otitis media. Pathology is an inflammatory process in the middle ear area. The disease can be acute or chronic. To treat this disease, conservative methods are used, in most cases, without the use of antibiotics.

Ear diseases usually occur due to viral or bacterial infection. What is catarrhal otitis media? The disease is the initial form of inflammation of the middle ear. The disease is just beginning to gain momentum, and accumulations appear in the ears.

Most often, pathology develops in children. The following factors contribute to this:

  • constant lying position of the baby;
  • anomaly in the development of the eustachian tube;
  • pathologies of the tonsils;
  • regular hypothermia;
  • lack of hygienic care;
  • irregular structure of the temporal bone.

There are several forms of catarrhal inflammation - acute catarrhal otitis media, bilateral acute catarrhal otitis media, chronic course of the disease. This disease is considered the initial form of the disease, which is easily treatable.

Acute catarrhal otitis media can spread from foci of infection. If a person suffers from diabetes, rickets, or is often hypothermic, ear inflammation can develop. Otitis catarrhal also appears with excessive sneezing, flu, and improper nose blowing. When a pregnant woman suffers from ear pathology, her child may be born deaf. To prevent illness, colds must be treated promptly. Acute catarrhal otitis media is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms; they do not allow the patient to live a full life.

Therapeutic measures are usually aimed at extinguishing the source of inflammation and weakening clinical signs.

How to treat catarrhal otitis? To get rid of the pathology, you should take antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs. To enhance their effect, it is recommended to use folk recipes.

Symptoms of acute catarrhal otitis

Ear inflammation usually develops against the background of an infectious disease, pathologies in the nose of an inflammatory nature. Sometimes the disease develops after a sharp change in atmospheric pressure during swimming, takeoff or landing of an airplane. Treatment of catarrhal otitis should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. It is better to fight the disease at home; you should not carry the disease on your feet.

Signs of catarrhal otitis, symptoms in adults:

  • feeling of “shooting” in the ear;
  • sometimes body temperature rises;
  • appetite worsens;
  • slight deafness appears;
  • there is a feeling of stuffiness in the ears.

In the absence of therapeutic measures, catarrhal otitis in adults becomes chronic. The symptoms intensify, discharge from the organ of hearing is accompanied by pus, and a foul odor appears. As a rule, inflammation of the middle ear is more common in a unilateral form. Bilateral catarrhal otitis is considered a rare occurrence. With this form of pathology, purulent mucus is released in both ears, and there is a focus of infection. When pathogenic organisms multiply in the left ear, the patient developed left-sided catarrhal otitis media.

If inflammation appears in the right organ of hearing, the patient has a right-sided form of the disease. It should be noted that if the external form of the disease leads to severe complications, then the catarrhal form leads to deafness. Such consequences can affect the patient in the event of an illiterate fight against the disease. Catarrhal otitis treatment should begin during the development of inflammation. The disease will not have time to develop, it will be possible to quickly eliminate the symptoms and extinguish the source of infection.

Treatment of acute otitis media

This form of pathological process in the ear is usually treated with vasoconstrictor drops, drugs with an astringent effect, local heating, and folk remedies. The beginning of therapeutic measures involves placing the patient in bed and eliminating pain.

Treatment regimen for ear disease.

  • Relieving swelling in the affected organ using vasoconstrictor drops.
  • Use antihistamines if necessary.
  • Relief of pain, inflammation.
  • Taking antibacterial drops.

Acute right-sided catarrhal otitis media, as well as left-sided acute catarrhal otitis media, can be cured by taking antibiotics in adults in 10 days. Children under 2 years of age will need to take the medication for 2 weeks.

Topical medications for ear inflammation.

  1. "Otipax". An anti-inflammatory drug used for ear pathologies of various forms. Approved for use by children and adults.
  2. "Otinum." Gives an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, dissolves sulfur plugs. The medicine should not be used in case of perforation of the tympanic membrane or intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid.
  3. "Otofa." These drops contain an antibiotic. They are relevant in cases of acute and chronic otitis, in the presence of a perforated eardrum. They are used after surgical interventions on the ear.
  4. "Normax". The medication is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It should not be used by pregnant women and children under 18 years of age.
  5. “Flemoklav” cures catarrhal otitis in almost a week. This drug is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. The product prevents pathogenic microorganisms from multiplying. The drug is available in tablet form. It should not be used by people suffering from liver problems or allergic reactions.

These medications will contribute to a quick recovery and will give the desired effect if used correctly. It is important to follow the medication dosage schedule and not skip them. Drops should be instilled into the nose 3 times a day.

Otitis of the middle ear is acute, catarrhal usually does not require surgical intervention, pharmaceutical medications are quite sufficient.

Course and prognosis

When bacteria enter the ear mucosa, it responds in the form of a secretion, trying to get rid of pathogenic microorganisms that have entered the ear.

  1. The inner walls swell and close tightly.
  2. The tympanic membrane stops ventilating, which leads to hearing loss.
  3. The disease becomes purulent or chronic.

To avoid complications, only timely treatment will help. Catarrhal otitis symptoms will not go away on their own.

Prevention of catarrhal otitis in children

Timely treatment of colds is the best form of prevention. Such diseases can cause complications in the form of catarrhal otitis media. It is also important to monitor how your baby blows his nose.

  1. To avoid ear pathology, when blowing your nose, you need to open your child’s mouth.
  2. To prevent the disease from entering the relapse phase, it is necessary to give the baby antibiotics prescribed by the doctor.
  3. It is necessary to bathe your baby correctly so that water does not get into the ear. If the liquid does penetrate into the hearing organ, it needs to be removed.
  4. If a child suffers from ear inflammation, before the start of the swimming season, the child should be taken to an otolaryngologist. After bathing the child, clean his ears and instill antiseptic drugs into his hearing organs. One drop at night will be enough.
  5. When babies get stuffy ears during flights, parents should force the child to swallow saliva to relieve pain.
  6. It will be useful to harden the child from childhood, walk in the fresh air more often, and take a contrast shower.
  7. The baby should not be overcooled or bathe in cold water.

These measures will help not only prevent ear diseases, but also strengthen the child’s body. Doctors recommend involving children in sports and healthy eating. A child's body is more susceptible to various infections than an adult, since the immune system is still weak. Teenagers under 18 years of age are often exposed to colds and suffer from pathologies of the ENT organs. Many doctors recommend vaccinations for children to strengthen the body's protective functions.

According to statistics, acute catarrhal otitis among patients with ENT diseases is diagnosed by specialists in every fourth patient. With pathology, the infection penetrates into the middle ear, causing inflammation with a characteristic clinical picture.

Most often, children suffer from the disease due to the anatomical features of the structure of the hearing organs, illnesses suffered without timely or competent treatment. The disease occurs in an acute form with pronounced symptoms, in which all structures of the middle ear become infected.

Acute catarrhal otitis media among diseases of the international classification has an IBC code of 10 H65. Over many years of treatment, otolaryngologists have identified a large number of reasons for the development of pathology. In adults, the disease is provoked by:

  • infections localized in the oral cavity;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • diseases due to viruses entering the body;
  • diagnosing diabetes mellitus;
  • deficiency of vitamins in the body;
  • development of rickets;
  • pathological processes in the kidney area;
  • improper intense nose blowing;
  • allergic manifestations in the form of sneezing;
  • low level of protective immune system.

At the first manifestations of pathologies of the auditory organs, a pregnant woman should rush to be examined by an otolaryngologist. An advanced disease, self-medication, and illiterate therapy can be the consequences of hearing problems in a baby after birth.

Acute otitis media appears in a child for the following reasons:

  • abnormal development of the temporal bone;
  • whole embryonic tissue of the ear, which, if functioning properly, should rupture and resolve on its own until the child is 1-1.5 years old;
  • inflammatory process of the tonsils of the palate;
  • incorrect position of the baby when eating in the first 9 months of life;
  • Eustachian tube abnormality.

Unilateral or bilateral catarrhal otitis should be treated by a qualified specialist in a narrow field. It is prohibited to use advice from people without proper education and experience in this field in therapy. Children under 2 years of age are recommended to carry out therapeutic measures using alternative medicine with extreme caution so as not to provoke complications or cause allergic reactions after using healing drops, decoctions, and tinctures.

Symptoms of acute otitis media

Signs of acute catarrhal otitis media attack the body quickly, so timely suppression of the first symptoms is very important to eliminate the disease at the initial stage. Doctors have identified common clinical manifestations:

  • the patient's ear canals are blocked;
  • autophony develops (when a person hears his own voice echoing);
  • after a short time, autophony is replaced by noise effects in the ears;
  • the tympanic cavity is filled with serous formations;
  • pulsating pain attacks appear in the sore ear, which lead to psychological and physical discomfort;
  • young patients become whiny and capricious;
  • Body temperature in adults rises to 39 degrees, in infants it may be higher;
  • fatigue from previously enjoyable work appears;
  • loss of appetite, weight loss;
  • loud sounds increase the pulsation.

Among ear pathologies, otitis media of the middle ear, increasing symptoms, leads to general intoxication of the body. The serous form develops into a purulent pathology in a short time without treatment.

Specialists more often record acute right-sided, left-sided acute otitis media. A bilateral inflammatory process is diagnosed less frequently, but when it occurs, the symptoms double, hearing acuity decreases, and pain attacks from the ear canals migrate to the head.

Otolaryngologists warn that when the catarrhal form of the disease is complicated, an increase in body temperature may be observed for several days, even after the patient takes antipyretic drugs.

Visually examining the patient, the doctor notices redness of the tympanic cavity. By pressing on the affected area, sharp pain syndromes appear. A laboratory blood test will help confirm inflammation in the hearing organs. A large number of leukocytes signals the development of an inflammatory process.

Treatment of catarrhal otitis media

When diagnosing catarrhal otitis in children under 2 years of age, treatment is carried out in a hospital. Therapeutic measures include UHF manipulations, warming compresses, Sellux.

The main task of qualified health workers is to treat symptoms as they increase. The first step is aimed at eliminating the source of inflammation. It is necessary to minimize the swelling of the mucous membranes in a short time and normalize the functioning of the Eustachian tube. For such procedures, nasal vasoconstrictors and anti-inflammatory and analgesic ear drops are used.

When body temperature rises, antipyretic medications are used. Thermal manipulations lead to complications and are therefore strictly prohibited for this symptom.

If the temperature is within the normal range, they practice therapy with compresses, which are placed in the ears for 3-6 hours. Additionally, instillation of the ear canals with Protorgol and Collargol is prescribed. The products have a bactericidal, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect on the affected organ.

In most cases, disease in the left or right ear is treated without the prescription of antibacterial agents. Doctors advise instilling drops of Otinum, Sofrodex, Otipax into the cavity several times during the day to prevent the development of pathology. If there is purulent discharge mixed with blood, you should not drip medications into the ear canals. You need to see your doctor immediately.

Otitis in children is treated with an antibiotic when the temperature rises above 39 degrees. Penicillin or macrolide drugs are effective. The acute form of catarrhal otitis lasts for a month. If the pathology does not go away during this period, it becomes chronic, which is difficult to get rid of.

Alternative to drug treatment

Comprehensive treatment will help eliminate ear inflammation effectively and in a short time. Physiotherapeutic measures are practiced together with medications:

  • warm the outer ear with a Sollux lamp, a blue lamp;
  • do vibration massage of the tragus;
  • Electrophoresis is effective;
  • carry out manipulations with ultraviolet radiation;

In modern medicine, otolaryngologists use laser therapy. Over many years of healing, ultra-high-frequency manipulations have proven effective.

Physiotherapeutic measures can achieve regression of the disease in a short time. After just a few courses, the patient feels significant improvements, pain subsides, swelling goes away, inflammation is minimized. Experts recommend staying calm for 30-40 minutes after the procedures and not going out into the cold.

Traditional methods of treating the disease were practiced by our ancestors. Since ancient times, for ear inflammation, drops prepared independently have been used, and compresses have been made from decoctions of medicinal plants.

It is impossible to eliminate otitis media using traditional medicine alone, but supporting the body and getting rid of symptoms is quite possible. There are many recipes for drugs, it is important to choose the right components that will suit the hearing organs and will not cause allergic reactions or complications.

Warm compresses are widely used methods to relieve pain and relieve inflammation. They are allowed to be placed on patients at normal body temperature. Classic compress option:

  • mix 1:1 alcohol and water;
  • heat the solution;
  • Soak a cloth bandage or gauze in the liquid, squeeze it out and apply it to the diseased organ for 2 hours;
  • Afterwards, the auricle should be lubricated with baby cream or Vaseline.

Apply baked onion to the sore ear. The vegetable promotes the rapid breakthrough of the boil. The same procedure can be carried out with plantain leaves.

First aid for the symptoms of the disease is a decoction of laurel leaves. Several bay leaves are poured with boiling water, boiled over low heat for 2-3 minutes, and cooled. Give the patient a decoction to drink several times a day, 3-4 tablespoons. 3-5 drops of the decoction are injected into the ear canals.

After the boil has broken through, you can perform a steam warming procedure. The techniques are different, the main thing is to do everything carefully so as not to get burned. It is allowed to warm the ear for no longer than 4 minutes, then wipe it with a towel at room temperature, and use a cotton swab to soak up the remaining water in the auricle. During the day, the steam bath is carried out up to ten times.

The universal remedy salt is used to warm the sore ear. Heat the ingredient in a frying pan or in the microwave, place it in a clean sock or fabric bag and localize it to the area near the ear. The manipulation lasts until the salt cools. Do not apply a hot product to the ear itself. Using the same scheme, rice is used.

Garlic is antimicrobial and analgesic during illness. According to the advice of our grandmothers, the vegetable should be taken daily, as a separate product, but within the norm. Additionally, it is recommended to place boiled chopped garlic evenly in gauze and apply it near the ear area.

Apple cider vinegar is responsible for eliminating fungus. You should prepare a healing mixture of vinegar, water and alcohol in a ratio of 1:1:1. Turunda is moistened in the tincture and placed in the hearing organ for 5-10 minutes.

Traditional medicine is recognized by specialists, but it should be carried out only after consultation with an otolaryngologist, so as not to complicate the inflammatory process. You cannot use prepared drops that are stored longer than 24 hours; each product must be freshly prepared. Turundas and cotton swabs should be placed in the auricle carefully so that a foreign body does not get into the ear canals.

What is forbidden to do in case of acute otitis media

In order not to provoke complications during the treatment of the disease, it is important to know what manipulations are prohibited. Therapy should be carried out under the strict supervision of the treating doctor. It is better to contact medical institutions at the first manifestations of pathology, which will allow you to overcome the symptoms and the source of the inflammatory process in a short time.

For the treatment of children it is prohibited:

  • use alcohol drops for instillation of the ear canals;
  • in order to prevent blockage of the ear canals and eliminate the risk of burns, it is advised not to treat babies with wax candles;
  • Children of preschool age are not recommended to use alcohol compresses, due to the ease of absorption of alcohol into the skin, which provokes general intoxication of the body.

Adult patients should not be given compresses with a warming effect in case of a purulent form of the disease. If the eardrum is ruptured, it is prohibited to introduce antibacterial agents or drops into the ear canals without the doctor’s permission.

It is important to properly blow your nose so that pathogenic bacteria and infections do not migrate into the Eustachian tube during manipulation. Doctors do not allow you to rinse your nose if there is a large number of purulent formations in it.

Possible complications

Untimely treatment of acute catarrhal otitis often provokes the transition of the disease to a purulent form. When mucous formations stagnate, the infection penetrates into neighboring tissues, adding a number of other diseases:

  • The inflammatory process of the mastoid process, which is localized behind the auricle, is called mastoiditis in medicine. When the disease occurs, hearing decreases, acute pain in the temples torments, and the behind-the-ear areas turn red and swell.
  • Pus penetrating into the auricle can develop labyrinthitis. Patients experience noise effects in the ears, dizziness, attacks of nausea, and malfunction of the cardiovascular system.
  • According to statistics, about 3% of patients suffer from intracranial complications. Meningitis symptoms are pronounced. The body temperature rises to 39 degrees and above, constant headaches are felt, and a person’s consciousness becomes clouded.
  • Complications of the pathology may include paresis of the facial nerve. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve impairs its functioning. Half of the patient's face remains motionless.

The pressure of purulent masses leads to thinning of the eardrum. A person's hearing becomes worse. Cases of complete hearing loss have been recorded in severe forms of otitis media.

Preventive measures

Prevention of acute catarrhal otitis involves timely treatment of colds, acute respiratory viral infections, and runny nose. It is easier to get rid of the disease in its first stages, so an urgent visit to the doctor will simplify the treatment procedure.

To prevent infection from getting into the ear, you need to properly blow your nose out of accumulated exudates. You should open your mouth slightly while blowing your nose.

After water procedures, you need to remove any remaining water from the ears. If relapses are frequent, before going to the sea or river, it is advised to visit an otolaryngologist for professional cleaning of the ear canals.

Pinning, playing sports, a healthy lifestyle, and proper nutrition will help maintain and strengthen the functionality of the protective immune system. Strong immunity actively fights pathogens.

Catarrhal otitis is an ENT disease in which the infection spreads to the middle ear, causing an inflammatory process and symptoms characteristic of this disease. This disease often occurs in childhood, since the child’s hearing system has its own anatomical and physiological characteristics, leading to the frequent spread of infections to the ears from the oral cavity and nasopharynx.

The disease has an acute course and pronounced symptoms, so it is difficult to confuse it with other childhood diseases. In adults, acute catarrhal otitis media can also develop, which is usually explained by the penetration of a bacterial infection through the Eustachian tube into the middle ear cavity. Without receiving treatment, the disease progresses, causing gradual hearing loss and persistent hearing loss.


Typically, catarrhal otitis in children develops against the background of a decrease in the body’s defenses due to various respiratory viral pathologies. Predisposing factors may be a lack of vitamins, hypothermia, or cold water entering the ear cavity.

Sometimes children try to suppress the urge to sneeze, which can also cause the development of this disease. In infants, catarrhal otitis media develops due to frequent regurgitation and the entry of stomach contents into the Eustachian tube and tympanic cavity.

If we talk about adults, they can also develop the disease due to infectious diseases of the nasopharynx, but this happens much less frequently than in young patients. The most common causes of this disease in adults are:

  • hypothermia due to reduced immunity;
  • changes in atmospheric pressure;
  • quick immersion in water, as well as quick rise during scuba diving.

Clinical manifestations

The middle ear is the cavity located between the eardrum and the inner ear. It is here that the auditory ossicles are located, the work of which allows a person to recognize sounds. Therefore, with the development of the inflammatory process in this area of ​​the hearing aid, the perception of sounds is disrupted, and the progression of the disease leads to a decrease in hearing to critical levels.

Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves differently, depending on the severity of the inflammatory process. But still, they are not as pronounced as the symptoms of purulent inflammation in the organ, so in adults and older children, symptoms such as:

  • congestion;
  • hearing loss;
  • slight pain that intensifies when you press on the tragus.

The pain is usually of an increasing nature, and if the disease is not treated on time, it becomes more and more severe and finally becomes unbearable. Pain increases when swallowing, coughing, etc., especially in cases where catarrhal otitis media is bilateral.

More pronounced symptoms of pathology are observed in infants. Their temperature rises to febrile levels, sleep and appetite are disturbed. Children cry a lot and are capricious, refuse to breastfeed, and may experience bowel problems (diarrhea).

Symptoms of this disease can also be general in nature - lethargy, fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbance, etc.

Diagnosis and treatment

The diagnosis of this disease is made after a thorough examination by an ENT doctor. If the symptoms are severe, it is not difficult for the doctor to make a diagnosis and prescribe timely treatment. But if the symptoms are vague, then additional examination methods are required, for example, examination with an otoscope, which allows you to see the protrusion of the eardrum and a change in its color from light gray (which is normal for it) to red or red-pink. Audiometric methods used in ENT practice enable the doctor to assess the level of hearing loss in young patients and adults.

Since it is children who most often get sick, it is worth mentioning about the treatment of the disease in them. To prevent the development of complications, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, and the child is prescribed bed rest.

Antibiotics are indicated in cases where the patient has a high fever, if he is very young (under 2 years of age) or in cases where he has severe pain in the affected organ. In other cases, antibiotics are not prescribed and treatment of a pathology such as catarrhal otitis media is carried out using local anesthetic ear drops, such as novocaine drops or otinum, and physiotherapeutic procedures. Warming procedures are indicated - a heating pad on the area of ​​the sore ear, UHF.

To restore the patency of the auditory tube and thereby reduce the pressure in the middle ear cavity, vasoconstrictor nasal drops are used. In addition, bactericidal drops are used in the ears, which should be selected by the doctor taking into account the patient’s condition. General strengthening treatment is also required, since with a healthy immune system, recovery occurs much faster.

Timely treatment allows you to get rid of the symptoms of the disease in a few days and completely recover from it within a week. But if treatment is prescribed at the wrong time or is not given at all, the likelihood of complications increases sharply. Catarrhal otitis can turn into purulent, with all the ensuing symptoms, and the likelihood of developing severe complications.

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