Aries meaning. Zodiac sign Aries. Aries horoscopes. Aries zodiac sign: good traits

The zodiac sign Aries (lat. Aries) is the first in the zodiac circle. People born from March 21 to April 20 are purposeful, assertive, impulsive, ambitious, independent, and have childlike sincerity and straightforwardness.

General characteristics of the sign


The designation of the first sign is the head of a ram, carrying the desire to show initiative and courage. Such qualities help to overcome the most difficult obstacles.

The first place in the list of zodiac signs gives the stubborn person the quality of a leader, the desire to overtake everyone. Often, having taken up any business, Aries can give it up if patience and painstaking work are required. He needs quick work, otherwise the person will get bored.

Patron Mars gives confidence, courage, and the ability to inspire people to overcome obstacles by becoming an example. If an obstacle is encountered that Aries cannot overcome, then he enters into a meaningless struggle, trying to prove his superiority and strength. The fire element, together with the first place in the horoscope, forces you to constantly compete with other signs.

Representatives of the sign do not learn from their mistakes, and they also do not engage in spiritual development. For them, the most important thing is actions, not thoughts. Aries are extroverts, which means they love public speaking, but only in a leading role. When they fail to seize leadership status, which almost never happens, they lose interest in the activities and people around them.

Aries in love and marriage

In sex, Aries are passionate and frantic. Their ardent disposition allows them not to hide their feelings; they are not shy about moans and screams. Passion makes them forget about decency.


In marriage, the Aries woman is a leader, an idealist. Everything will be according to her wishes, nothing else. Her self-respect will not allow her to cheat on her husband. She craves the absolute trust of her chosen one, just as he should trust his partner.

The Aries woman is an owner and will not allow anyone to encroach on her possessions. There should be no signs of attention, smiles, or glances towards other girls. Otherwise, she will become cold towards her partner. Due to stubbornness, it is not always possible to melt this iceberg completely; the woman will harbor resentment deep in her heart.

In sex, Aries women are proactive and, succumbing to their assertive nature, choose a place for this at random.


A man loves sincerely, passionately, ardently. He is the head of the family, the leader. He quickly warms up to his partner, but also quickly cools down. When breaking up, he must be the initiator, otherwise he will bring down all the negativity on the girl who hurt his pride. True, the aggression will not last long and he will soon find himself a new love.

For an Aries husband, cheating is par for the course. In search of new sensations, he can easily repeatedly betray the feelings of his chosen one. But he makes the opposite demands on his companion. Any hint of flirting or attraction to other men can make him angry.

A man of this sign can be rude and unpredictable in bed. Everything is aimed at surprising and making your partner admire you. Remarks about sexual performance that hurt pride can provoke aggression.

But even with such a sexual characteristic, for the leader of the zodiac, sex and love are two different concepts. The choice of partners in both cases is a matter of principle.


Aries are too active and assertive for boring and routine work. Working as a politician or teacher is not suitable for them. Although thanks to their talents, they could advance in all possible directions.

It is best for a sign whose patron is named after the God of War to work in the army or in law enforcement agencies. These people need a job that requires quick results. They will also look for any opportunity to get into the ranks of leaders. This is explained by Aries' desire to always be in first place.


This sign is one of the healthiest according to the horoscope and is rarely susceptible to illness. Health is mainly determined by the position of the planets at the time of birth. The part of the body that Aries rules is the head. They are susceptible to frequent headaches, dizziness, and dermatological diseases of the face and scalp.

Aries men

Freedom-loving, independent, brave, stubborn. They will never give up, overcoming difficulties and obstacles. They strive to try everything in life. They demonstratively try to evoke a positive impression in people.

They remain big children at heart and don’t want to grow up for a long time. Easy to communicate, what they think about is what they talk about. They are mediocre in manipulating people and do not accept authority. They often make enemies, but do not notice it until the last moment.

Not made for long-term courtship or romantic walks. Men expect women to instantly respond to their attentions.

Men of this sign are selfish, possessive, recognizing only the personal “I”.

Aries Women

Energetic, self-sufficient, independent. They can easily get along without men. From childhood they are accustomed to do everything on their own, even superior to men. Despite this, deep down they dream of a courageous and independent partner like themselves. Having found the ideal, Aries women act decisively. Do not hesitate to be the first to ask for a date if the chosen one is indecisive.

They are good housewives, they know how to cook, and they keep the house clean. But they do not like to do household chores, considering such work unworthy of their status.

Aries Child

The qualities inherent in Aries appear from childhood. Children are assertive and purposeful. Always in the spotlight, it is difficult not to notice them. They do not pay attention to manners and cleanliness of clothing.

Such a child must be raised with caution. He is aggressive, but in his heart he is afraid of losing the love of his parents. Extra negativity will make him a rude, tough person.

The Aries child does not study well in childhood and often resolves conflicts with his fists. In education, it is necessary to take into account and encourage the manifestation of one’s “I”, to direct him to the path to which he is drawn. At the same time, show firmness and affection, maintaining a fine line between them.

Compatibility with other signs

Stubborn horoscope leaders find it difficult to find a suitable match. Compatibility of zodiac signs with Aries:

  1. . Together with Aries, everything will not work out very well. Because everyone wants to be the best, constant quarrels cannot be avoided. If an Aries woman finds strength in herself and gives up primacy, then an idyll ensues. They are sexually compatible, therefore, when they quarrel, they make up quickly and intensely.
  2. . The next sign after Aries. Aries suits Taurus and creates strong marriages. They are different, but they complement each other, and in bed they will bring the relationship to perfection.
  3. . Geminis are good friends, nothing more. Gemini will not give Aries peace of mind and trust. Too different characters. But Aries will never be bored in the company of Gemini.
  4. . Together with Cancer they form a difficult alliance that has no prospects for both signs. They live in different worlds and are not capable of living together. Sensitive Cancer will suffer from the rough pressure of Aries. Only sex can unite them. But such an alliance will quickly fall apart.
  5. . Aries and Leo have an amazing relationship. They constantly compete with each other. But Aries in many cases gives in, afraid of losing their soul mate. Leo relieves the tension with humor and jokes. Thanks to these actions, such a marriage can last a long time.
  6. . A marriage with a Virgo is successful if both parties have common goals. Virgos are conservatives who live by reason. Aries, who live by their hearts, cannot stand constancy and stagnation. By suppressing the egoism that shows whose interests are more important, they can give each other a lot.
  7. . They have unique compatibility with Libra. Their relationship is filled with mutuality. Libra's lack of emotionality will stabilize the impulsiveness of Aries. Aries, with its inner fire, will instill confidence and optimism in its partner.
  8. . An ideal union awaits with Scorpio. As representatives of emotional signs, they will live in abundance of feelings, satisfaction of desires in relationships and in sex.
  9. . Despite the signs' temper, they get along well. They are united by love of life, optimism, and mutual understanding. This will be the basis of their relationship.
  10. . With Capricorn they will build a strong alliance based on mutual understanding. Disagreements and quarrels will not last long, interest in each other will not disappear after many years. Capricorns will bring stability and perseverance to relationships, Aries will bring inspiration and enthusiasm.
  11. . Aquarius is not the best partner in terms of starting a family. Aries will assert the rights of the owner, in every possible way controlling the freedom-loving Aquarius, who does not allow himself to be limited. Such a union would work better as friends or lovers than as a couple.
  12. . Aries and Pisces are rarely seen together. Pisces are subtle, sensual natures that the down-to-earth Aries cannot understand. But if this couple fell in love with each other, the union will be long and strong. Aries is able to provide the care and confidence that Pisces needs.

The characteristics of each union also depend on the position of the planets at the time of birth.

People born under the sign of Aries

Great actors, writers, and philosophers were born under the auspices of this sign. They have all achieved success in life. Among them:

  • Johann Sebastian Bach;
  • Wilhelm Roentgen;
  • Maxim Gorky;
  • Vincent Van Gogh;
  • Charlie Chaplin;
  • Michael Fassbender;
  • Keira Knightley;
  • Thomas Jefferson;
  • Hans Christian Andersen.

Aries is a rude and stubborn zodiac sign. He is selfish in the struggle for leadership. He may seem harsh, but at heart he is kind, sympathetic, and noble. Ready to help, overcome obstacles, lead. Instills confidence and inspires. Aries has exactly those qualities that other signs do not have. Thanks to his assertiveness, he will always achieve success and recognition from people.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac after the spring equinox. This is the main initiator, starting a huge number of projects, but he does not always have enough strength to complete things. Aries stones are capable of rationally distributing energy in all areas of life. Talisman stones by date of birth When choosing a talisman, you need to focus on your date of birth and the dominant planet. First decade (21.03-31.03) The period passes under...

The Aries man is incredibly charismatic, energetic and purposeful. He knows how to interest others in a new idea, but he himself can give up halfway. A sporty appearance and youthful appearance are characteristic of the representatives of the constellation. Aries do not like routine, monotony and a clear sequence of actions. They are creative and smart, which makes them attractive in the eyes of women. General characteristics Influential Mars endowed the representatives of the sign with incredible activity....

The astrological forecast is based on: February 23, 2020(Moscow, GMT +3:00)

It's time to make a difficult decision; You can’t put it off any longer, there’s no time to weigh the pros and cons. Of course, you can take someone's advice, but you will probably regret it later. Financial difficulties are possible, and there is a risk of losing a significant amount.

Your health leaves much to be desired, you suffer from loss of strength, and chronic ailments remind you of themselves. Disagreements with others arise frequently; in the hope of maintaining peace, you make concessions that you should not agree to. You should take on new business with great caution, because you tend to overestimate your strengths and make promises that are difficult to keep.

Zodiac sign Aries: horoscope

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac for a reason; it gives rise to the chain of the zodiac circle. It is these people who are able to create, create, start and lead great things. Aries energy is always directed towards the future. These people are pure from the inside. They believe in their idea, see the goal and achieve it in various ways.

The Aries horoscope says that people born under this sign strive to fulfill their destiny, go forward, proving their intentions with deeds. Aries are always young at heart, do not follow traditions, and have no prejudices. An important characteristic of Aries is the desire to go towards the goal, crushing obstacles, decisively breaking down barriers.

Defeat is unacceptable for this zodiac sign. He will never back down if he is sure that he is on the right path.

According to the horoscope, Aries are doomed to win. In the series of unusual events in the life of this zodiac sign, victory becomes something taken for granted. But after achievements, pauses are required, and therefore falls are also characteristic of energetic Aries.

The zodiac sign Aries always makes its own way without looking around. Freedom from stereotypes is their main difficulty and main advantage. At the same time, people born under the first zodiac sign are completely incapable of learning from the mistakes of others. This makes it difficult to understand between Aries and others.

But it is precisely this trait that saves this zodiac sign from stereotyped behavior and allows you to stand out from the crowd, often creating the most interesting, brilliant people. Their ideas are not imposed by standard thinking and therefore go beyond the ordinary and give birth to new projects. The Aries horoscope instructs them to go their own way, to reinvent the wheel.

First decade (March 21 - March 30)

People born during this period absorbed as much as possible the characteristic features of the representatives of this sign. This is due to the fact that the first decade is under the rule of the planet Mars, which endowed Aries with enormous energy, initiative and courage, which sometimes amazes others with its recklessness.

People born during this period are distinguished by charm and charisma, often become the life of the party and can literally make everyone around them fall in love with them. This impression goes away instantly if you get caught by Aries when he is out of sorts. It’s interesting, but during this period people with musical talents are born.

Second decade (March 31 - April 9)

In the second decade, people are born who perfectly combine the qualities of Aries and Leo. In this case, the influence of the formidable and energetic Mars is softened by the Sun (the planet of Leo), which is reflected in the softness and docile nature of the representatives of this period.

But as soon as someone touches their dignity or doubts their honor, the offender will fully learn the hard way what the power of Aries is in combination with the royal nature of Leo. Among all the zodiac signs, representatives of the second decade are the most respectable people who pay great attention to their health and physical fitness.

Third decade (April 10 - April 20)

Representatives of this sign, born in the last decade, have pronounced strong leadership qualities. They are able not only to take the initiative, but are also ready to lead crowds of like-minded people, whom they can create for themselves, since those born in the third decade have a huge gift of persuasion and passion.

Aries of the third decade received these qualities from the planet Jupiter, which, along with Mars, rules this period. Jupiter also endowed his wards with lively interest, a variety of hobbies, restlessness and curiosity. People born on April 20, who combine the qualities of both Aries and Taurus, are separately characterized. Most often, these representatives are dictators and tyrants due to their strong authoritarian character.

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Each Zodiac Sign is unique in its character traits. Aries is a very unusual and impulsive person with a whole set of characteristics.

Fact five: Aries hate toothache more than anyone else. They are afraid of her, she drives them crazy. They are angry that they can't do anything about it.

Fact six: They love to please people, but they do not expect any response. They like to watch how a person enjoys their gifts, their company, their smiles and care. Aries are good friends.

Fact seven: Aries don't know how to lose. This is inherent in them at the genetic level. If they lost in something, they will find a hundred excuses like “my finger hurt,” “I was out of shape,” and so on. They simply don't have it, that's all. They don't want to piss you off - they're just that way by nature.

Fact eight: Representatives of this Zodiac Sign can go without a sexual partner longer than others. They concentrate their attention on business, work or something else. Of course, they don’t care about the lack of personal life, but they can easily survive long-term abstinence.

Fact nine: something funny always happens to these people, which they then tell their friends about and laugh at themselves with everyone. Astrology cannot explain this phenomenon, so it is a really interesting fact.

Fact ten: Aries is a good-natured person. If you want to find the kindest person in the world, he would be an Aries, so we've seriously narrowed down your search.

There is no Aries who would not argue with you that he is right. Absolutely every person born under this Sign is an ardent fighter for justice. These are born lawyers, activists, politicians or athletes. They do not sit still, although they cannot be called particularly dynamic either.

Finally, it should be added that Aries can be selfish. Previously, we wrote about the most selfish Zodiac Signs. So, Aries is included in the list of the most terrible egoists. Sometimes this backfires on them, but often it remains just an invisible flaw. Be careful with them, don't cross their path and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.08.2016 05:12

Every person is capable of almost anything, the main thing is to learn to manage your energy and use the maximum...

"Aries" is the first element of the Zodiac sign, which originates in early spring. People born under this sign have the tenacity and ambition to achieve results, even when circumstances are not in their favor.

The endless energy and tirelessness of Aries have become legendary, as well as their tenacity, as well as their complete lack of compliance and compromise. Aries do not give in under any circumstances, which can have a detrimental effect on them, especially at a young age, when they do not yet have sufficient life experience to balance their ardor.

Optimism and faith in a bright future does not allow Aries to give up even in the most critical life situations, but criticism and condemnation from family and friends can demotivate them. They just need to be praised and recognized for their achievements.

Aries women They have a strong character, and at the same time, their character contains a natural softness characteristic of their sex, but as soon as you interfere with them in the implementation of their plans, the zodiac sign takes its toll. The character of ladies born under this sign is further complicated and much more complicated than that of Aries men, as they are unable to objectively evaluate people and accept life as it is.

Aries men They have assertiveness and business acumen, but even despite this, they remain children until old age. They waste their vital energy on non-existent problems, but cannot concentrate on a specific goal; ignore the right advice, but are in dire need of support if they suddenly fail.

Element of the sign

The element of representatives of the Aries sign - Fire - endows people of this sign with such qualities as determination, straightforwardness, stubbornness.

In all the fire elements (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Aries are distinguished by their pronounced aggressiveness in everything, be it the business sphere, or a surge of emotions. They have the ability to quickly change the direction of their activities, as well as quickly restore strength after failure.

For inexperienced Aries, Fire is destructive - they are unable to control their own energy, they quickly burn themselves out, however, for representatives of the sign who are more adapted to life, the element gives the ability to take over the minds and ideas of others, a thirst for power and a search for adventure.

An interesting fact is that Aries are very often exposed to burns, and sometimes very serious ones. This once again shows that not everyone can cope with the energy given to them by nature.

Work and career

Aries are charged with energy and strength to achieve success in many areas, but their excessive directness is more appropriate in power structures (for example: the army) than in politics. Representatives of this sign simply do not have enough flexibility and cunning necessary to implement their plans in diplomacy without making ill-wishers.

Representatives of this sign are artistic individuals who are capable of making an artistic career in the broadest sense of the word; they can be brilliant actors or talented sculptors. Young and ambitious representatives of this sign are blinded by the desire for power and glory, working in the opposite direction: they dream more about a wonderful future, rather than making efforts to make it come true.

Managers (bosses) have a rather difficult time with Aries subordinates: they love freedom, reject work discipline in every possible way, quickly and easily go to work, but just as quickly forget about it. In a critical situation, Aries show their good side: they become hardworking and decisive.

Psychological portrait

Aries belongs to the active signs, which are also called masculine. The character traits that representatives of this sign possess do not allow him to isolate himself and live in the limited world of his family: Aries are not just open to the world, they are confident that the world needs them, and therefore they spare no effort or money, in order to change this world.

People born under this sign of fire are subject to emotions throughout their lives, which they do not even try to hide from others. Aries are fickle in their feelings and actions; even after quarrels and conflicts, they do not have an unpleasant aftertaste in their souls. A bad mood is quickly replaced by cheerfulness and optimism. There is no rancor in them. Aries are extroverts, but the problems of those around them do not bother them: they perceive everything around them rather as a background against which they must show their good side. It is not surprising that, constantly busy with themselves, Aries have absolutely no understanding of people, and therefore they can easily become victims of skillful manipulators.

Despite their assertiveness and excessive self-confidence, Aries know how to take into account facts and arguments, although they themselves rely on their intuition, which is inherent in them by nature.


Aries, accustomed to the strength and endurance of their body, are often to blame for the fact that their health leaves much to be desired. They do not have a standardized rhythm of life: they work a lot, sleep little, do not follow a diet, and do not have enough patience for sports.

Almost all Aries are susceptible to head injuries. They are also prone to migraines and eye diseases, while Aries are in no hurry to seek help from doctors, preferring to let things take their course.

Due to Aries' craving for tasty but unhealthy food, their skin is susceptible to skin diseases (for example: rash).

Aries will be very lucky if they have a companion next to them who will gently and unobtrusively remind them of the importance of resting, taking walks, and eating regularly and properly.

Fire Signs of the Zodiac are distinguished by their violent nature. Aries is the personification of fire itself, passion and unyielding perseverance.

If this Zodiac Sign is yours, or you are interested in a certain Aries in your social circle, check out 10 unusual facts about Aries. All 12 Signs are unique and have their own characteristics, and Aries is no exception. We will tell you who Aries are, how to recognize them, and with whom they have the greatest chance of establishing friendships or love relationships.

Characteristics of Aries

Fiery temperament - that says it all. Aries are harsh and hot-tempered, but only in certain situations. In most cases, they are kind and pleasant conversationalists.

By the way, about the conversation - you shouldn’t argue with them. Never defend your point of view, because you will not be able to convince Aries and prove him wrong. He is always right, always irresistible and knows everything about everything. Sitting and chatting about life is always welcome, it will never end in war or quarrel - Aries are generally very peaceful, but only until the moment you encroach on their freedom. After this, they will not leave a wet spot on you.

These nice guys know their worth, so you won’t be able to deceive them. They are always on guard, always waiting for a trick. Yes, they adore themselves and believe that they are irresistible, but this does not cloud their judgment. They protect not only themselves, but also all the weak. If Aries's soulmate or friend is in trouble, he comes to the rescue like Batman, like a superhero waiting for a distress signal in his hideout. You can rely on them in a difficult situation, believe me.

All these characteristics apply to both men and women. Aries men are bold and brave, and women are hot and sexy. This is perhaps the most balanced Zodiac Sign in terms of positive aspects for both sexes. Moreover, men and women born under the influence of Aries combine well with each other in love, forming a force that can move mountains.

Compatibility of Aries with other Signs

We have already considered the love compatibility of Zodiac Signs more than once, but we can talk about Aries and their views on the opposite sex forever. These passionate lovers are able to conquer even the most unapproachable heart. A woman can please anyone, and a man can get any lady. People feel their confidence and high energy.

But winning someone's heart and being married for a long time are two different things. Aries are masters of affairs and ephemeral loves, but in marriage it is incredibly difficult to get along with them, because the love compatibility of other Signs with them is very poor. As mentioned above, the union Aries+Aries- it's just a love bomb. Such a marriage is quite strong and does not lose passion over the years. Two Aries are compatible because they join forces in achieving goals.

As for other fire Signs, with an overly narcissistic Leo Aries will not be on his way. These are two different and incompatible people, two extremes of the same essence. Aries is more solid, but there is more goodness in his heart. Co Sagittarius there will be more chances to live in marriage for many years - here the compatibility is much better. Sagittarians are not aggressors, although they do not let themselves get into trouble. This will suit Aries.

Since both women and men born under this Sign are the same, their compatibility with other Signs is the same. Flexible Scales will help them find peace and understand that life is not only about war, but also about serenity. There will be little passion in such a union, but the marriage will be extremely strong.

In general, Aries need to be fueled by their sexuality. They hate routine and everyday life, so they will have to spin around and invent something new to keep them from getting bored.

Aries are difficult to conquer with their minds, although in rare cases it is possible for Gemini or Aquarius. Virgo will defeat them with their wisdom, and Scorpios originality and assertiveness. At all. If you want to please Aries, then pretend that you are not interested in him. The less we love Aries, the more he likes us. This is the honest truth.

WITH Pisces or Cancer Aries find mutual understanding with difficulty. Although sensuality can add harmony to their relationship. And with Taurus And Capricorns the union will turn out to be more of a partnership.

You can make Aries a little jealous, but you can’t go too far, otherwise he will go too far with you. Be honest with Aries because these people value truth above all else. Tell them what you're not happy with and maybe they'll work on it. These people are a combination of the incompatible - flexibility and hardness in one bottle, so their love compatibility with other Signs leaves much to be desired.

Finally, it is important to add that Aries quickly find themselves in life. These people are stable, despite their fiery temperament. Their calling according to their Zodiac Sign is work that involves movement and genuine interest. Aries are born athletes and traders. They can sell anything to anyone. We wish you mutual understanding with any Zodiac Signs and don't forget to press the buttons and

09.09.2016 07:20

A compatibility horoscope will help predict the development of relationships and determine whether your union has prospects. To...