Path of exile golden hands. Path of Exile: Prophecy Update. Farming fortune telling cards

One of the biggest questions that a PoE player can face after he has become a little more familiar with the game and understands what trade is and what it involves is how to earn more currency to buy the items needed for the build. Or start experimenting with something, make more playable characters, it doesn’t matter, the point is that there is always a need for funds, which in a live game market can be satisfied in a large number of ways. We will look at them below.


Of course the main and most important way how people earn currency is simply by cleaning cards . The more cards you clear, whatever they are, the overall randomness of the game will definitely provide a reward. Currency, random expensive unique items, good rare items, and so on. Many Western streamers, like Zizaran, RiseQT, Tarke, Matil, Grimro and so on, repeated this hundreds of times on their streams - The more often you work randomly, running through a new map, the greater your chance of getting a good reward. . The faster and more optimally you manage your time, the more you will receive.

Therefore, all the methods described below are either somehow related to cards, or are also time-consuming, but it cannot be otherwise. If you want to get something, you need to spend time, play the game, all this guide can help you with is how to spend this time more practically.

1. Farm fortune telling cards.

Most simple, popular and reliable way , which, however, requires some knowledge of the game. Why simple and reliable? There is an exact location where a certain card definitely drops, this card costs something and WILL be bought, at least if these are necessary and useful cards. The smallest number of random factors , what can only be found in PoE, or rather there is only one factor - the chance of the card itself falling out.
For those who do not know what fortune telling cards themselves are - cards are items of a certain type, they are collected in decks and when you hand over a deck of cards to the desired NPC, you receive a guaranteed reward that was written on the cards themselves. Example: Heart of a Leader, when collecting a deck of 8 cards, you can exchange them with Navali or Tasuni for Kaom’s Heart, unique expensive armor.
This is one of the methods of truly targeted farming, when you clear only the card you need, waiting for cards to drop, which you can then use or sell. Also a great way to earn currency for those who do not have a premium tab and does not want to trade via chat/forum. You can choose cards where fortune tellers fall: Saint's Treasure, Forgotten Wealth and Hoarder, which yield Spheres of Exaltation. The currency market works in both directions and in order to exchange an expensive currency for a cheap one or a cheap one for an expensive one, you don’t need a premium tab, so you can farm exes, trade them, for example, for chaos, or directly buy items for yourself with exes.
In addition, the essence of this method is that at the same time, while you are farming fortune tellers, you also receive all the loot that would drop on other maps, you just have to get stuck with the same appearance of the area over and over again.
Useful links for this method : here you can find prices for different cards and items. here which fortune telling cards drop on which cards. Poevizard is a fan site for an English-language streamer and his team, so there may be problems with reliability, but these are all the sources that I know.

2. Farm cards under the influence of Shaper/Elder.

For this method, there are quite complex optimization mechanics, but this is not about them, because the information there is absolutely not for beginners and the actions for its implementation are confusing and complex. The reason for passing through such craters is simple: rare (yellow) objects, distorted by the influence of the Shaper or Elder, fall on them. Their backgrounds glow with a starry sky or have dark tentacles painted on them and these items are relatively rare, and with the right modifiers can be very expensive. They all need to be identified, they can be sold as bases for crafting to serious guys (especially if it’s jewelry and it was picked up on a tier 12+ map), used by yourself as a good boost to your own equipment, or sold at exorbitant prices if the modifiers and rolls are good.
It’s also an extremely simple way to get additional currency, because you don’t need to do anything other than monitor the star glow and tentacles on the Atlas, and try to clean these particular cards.
Suitable as lazy way, but there are problems with understanding whether the item you got is a good one . I won’t be able to describe all the useful rolls because it would take a very long time, considering that there are different ones for each type of item, but you can ask at least an approximate price in the chat, because even the lowest troll wouldn’t value a beautiful item at 5 chaos, but you should also understand that these estimates are extremely approximate.
If a lot of people tell you right away that an item is expensive, don’t be lazy and check on the go-to-trade for an analog that is exactly matched to each stat, so you can get an additional 10-20 chaos or even 2 copies, simply because you will know the exact price and not make it cheaper.
Lastly I will say that This method most likely will not bring much , because mostly such items drop with bad modifiers and can be thrown to vendors, however, the cards themselves under shaper/elder influence have more monsters or enhanced bosses, which will have a positive effect on all types of loot, currency, and unique items etc. Therefore, combining this method with the first, choosing those cards that drop good fortune telling cards and have the influence of one of the bosses is a very good tactic if you are a beginner and just want to have fun, run around locations with a lot of mobs and potentially tasty treasures.

3. Prophecies.

This is not so much a method of farming currency in itself, but rather an auxiliary element in this matter. The game has a prophecy mechanic. For 1 silver coin from Navali you can get a random event what will happen to you in the future. That's why these are prophecies. Mostly there will be prophecies like “you will meet a suffering spirit and free it”, “a rare monster will give away more rare treasures upon death” and so on, that are minor enhancers of your loot , when you go through the cards. Most prophecies are like this.
There are those that transform some unique item into an improved version if you take the original item and kill some boss from old acts or on maps with it in your inventory. Similar prophecies can bring from 10 chaos up to a couple of spheres of exaltation, these are some of the fattest and coolest, but also, only for some popular items, the rest may be useless. There may be prophecies for a labyrinth, for a guaranteed 5 or 6 link, which are expensive, and so on. In general, there is a huge amount of different loot, now in other aspects of the mechanics.
The method is passive, you don’t need to do much - approach Navali and take new prophecies . The only thing is that you will have to buy silver coins on the because they are spent quickly with a large number of card passes.
Now to the cons who you will meet. Any prophecy can be taken away and sold so that another person can fulfill it. Basically, all expensive prophecies disappear, and to remove them you need from a couple to a dozen silver coins. With an average rate of 1 chaos = 4-6 coins, everything is not expensive. But there are chain prophecies that are a pain in the ass to get rid of . You need to fly to some location of the 25th level, look for useless mobs there that won’t even give you any special loot, kill them, and only then will such a prophecy be fulfilled and free up space, and in the future you can get another part from this chain.
You can simply fly to the desired locations, immediately flying away from there, without fulfilling the prophecy, but, as it were, triggering it, but then you won’t even get the minimum loot, and you won’t be able to move up the chain, you’ll just waste a little time and one silver coin. The problem with such chains is that even for completing a whole one they don’t give you anything special; for the time spent on the whole one you will get hardly 5-10 chaos (although who knows what items will be popular in the future, maybe Pale Council or something else -from prophecy-chains will become expensive, but so far this is not the case), and you will have to spend a lot of time this way. We would definitely have time to run through a couple of cards. And removing such prophecies generally costs 7-8 coins, which is quite expensive and unpleasant, so it’s better to at least just trigger them, spending ten to twenty seconds teleporting to the desired location.
Also prophecies related to the additional number of mobs , like a pile of rats or other common, cheap prophecies that often come across will not proc with 100% chance . That is, a double enchantment in the labyrinth will definitely work, but you can meet an additional wandering exile both on the next map and a dozen later. Therefore, you can spin the wheel of prophecies very quickly, replacing old ones with new ones, only if you spend a lot of silver coins to remove cheap ones, and this is not useful. Therefore, the method of earning money as such is not a method, but rather a help.

4. Chancing items.

The game has unique items that are always in demand . Of course, with the introduction of new content, it becomes more and more difficult to keep abreast of trendy clothes, but if you know what unique items are now expensive, you can use another random method to make money. As you progress through the game you will fall quite often Orbs of Luck, these orbs turn a white item into a random rarity item with this base. Random Here includes a unique raritySame .
Simply put: you take white Magnificent armor, click on the Orb of Luck, which often costs 1/10 chaos, you may get magical, rare Magnificent armor, or you may receive the Heart of Kaom, which, although now cheaper, is cheaper than 50 chaos at the start of the league It definitely won't cost.
This is a cheap way, but painful. You need to configure the display of the white items of the bases you need in the loot filter, you need to spend time selecting these bases, then chance them, relying on randomness. Read and know exactly what items are needed. In general, it is problematic, but it can be considered as a way. And also for solo players, this is one of the ways to get the unique item they need by purposefully “farming” it in this way.

5. Farm uber labyrinth.

Uber Labyrinth is a labyrinth that will open to you after passing the necessary tests, randomly spawning on the maps. For each entry into it you will need an Offering to the Goddess , it drops after passing those same tests, and is also sold for 3-5 chaos on average.
What do you need to make uber labs easy to farm?
Firstly build should have a lot of protection from physical damage And be mobile enough to jump , since the final boss Izarius, in addition to his daily changing buffs, always hits with physical damage and has many AoE skills that you can dodge. You will have to run a lot in the labyrinth, because the goal of the passage is not the monsters inside, but reaching the main key places in the chain of maps and killing the boss Izaria. Roughly speaking, you first need to jump through a dozen locations, loot the mega-chests there, visit hidden altars and kill the miniboss Argus, and then complete the passage of maps by killing Isarius himself. For slow builds, the task will be too time-consuming and impractical; for builds made to clear maps with packs of thin monsters, it will be too difficult due to the large number of physical units. damage from Izaria, for which the build may not be ready.
Secondly knowledge of what, where and how lies in the labyrinth today . Uber Lab is updated every day in order to know exactly where all the goodies are, there is a detailed English-language website, but this is additional time spent reading and studying, not playing, so it’s up to you to choose.
The gameplay will basically be like this: went into the map, visited one or more key places on this map, quickly ran to the next one in the chain. This repeats until you reach the Challenger's Trial for the first time, there you meet Izarius, fight, taking away a third of his HP. Move on. All this is repeated twice more - and now you are ready to receive the main profit.
Profit in the maze comes from two sources :piles of chests , what awaits you after killing Izarius, the number of keys to such chests depends on how many key places you visited on all the maps of the labyrinth and how correctly you killed Izarius. Going to the Uber Lab for 2-3 keys at the end is not logical and pointless, so if you plan to farm currency in this way, you will have to prepare and do everything carefully.
AND the second source is enchantments . Gloves, boots and a helmet in this game can be enchanted at the special Altar of the Labyrinth, which is in the room after the fight with Izarius. This altar is available in all lab difficulties, but the most powerful enchantments can only be obtained from the uber lab. The main slot with the most variety of enchantments is the helmet. The point is that many popular builds get a wild increase in damage by having an enchantment for the skill they need, which can only be found on helmets. And due to the fact that there are simply a ton of useless or useful enchantments for less popular builds, it turns out that some of them are UNREALLY EXPENSIVE due to the rarity + popularity of the build itself.
As a result, another game with randomness, if you get a good enchantment, you are swimming in chaos, maybe even exec. If not, go again. For this method of earning money there are necessary preparations, without which there will be no benefit. First, buy or open a double enchantment prophecy yourself. This will give you one more use of the altar at the end of the Labyrinth and can double your profit from the run. The cost always varies, but usually at the beginning and middle of the league it is no cheaper than 4 chaos and no more than 10. Something in between. It’s expensive for a beginner, but a possible profit of 60-80 chaos is also not given for nothing. Or spend twice as much time on more labyrinths, whichever is better.
Second preparation - always have 2 or more Devoto’s Devotion or Starkonja’s Head helmets in your chest, on which you will apply enchantments. These two are ideal because there are many popular builds associated with them, particularly those that have the most expensive enchantments, such as additional projectiles for Archer Burst. The helmets themselves can also cost from a couple at first to 6-7 chaos, but what can you do?

June update 2.3.0 will mark the beginning of the Challenge League"Prophecy" . This league will have its own economy and will give you the opportunity to start over with a clean slate, showing others your skill in the game in the Russian version Path of Exile.

Navali, the sorceress of the Karui

You will meet Navali in every camp your hero encounters while traveling through Wraeclast in the Prophecy Leagues. Silver her hand and find out about your future. A prophecy will appear to you that must be fulfilled. Such prophecies will take your hero to the most remote corners of the continent and allow you to fight to achieve your destiny.

Fulfill the prophecy

Silver coins drop from about one monster in the area. Navali is ready to predict your hero's future for one coin. This prophecy, along with six others, can be found on your prophecy screen. Some of these prophecies refer to specific places that are worth visiting.

The Vaal invasion greatly changes the Temple of Lunaris. Other prophecies are fulfilled when various conditions are met. Sometimes prophecy brings the desired reward. In other cases, the prophecy reward is a "Monstrous Treasure", which fills the map with chests rather than monsters.

In true Path of Exile style, you can pay Navali to turn your prophecies into tradeable items. This allows you to postpone your destiny or even profit from it.

Prophecy chains

Sometimes a prophecy is revealed gradually, creating a chain of prophecy. Completing one stage of such a prophecy makes it possible to later gain access to the next stage. By following the entire chain of such a prophecy, you can obtain a powerful unique item or component that will allow you to meet with the Pale Council.

Many of these unique items appeared in the League of Prophecies, while others were carried over from previous Challenge Leagues. The final battle of the league can be reached by completing four separate chains of prophecies and combining their results.

Fateful items

Many of Path of Exile's unique items have a history. Some of these stories are not completed. Certain prophecies encourage you to wear one of these items after completing your mission. The item will be permanently endowed with new powers and given a new name.

Challenges and rewards

In addition to generous rewards for fulfilling prophecies, as you complete challenges, you will receive items and effects that make your hero stand out from the crowd of other characters. The Prophecy Leagues offer 40 new challenges for you to complete. After completing 12 challenges, you will receive the Prophecy Traces effect.

After 24 challenges, you will receive the Prophecy weapon effect. After completing the 36th test, you will receive a pet - the monkey Navali. Like effects, it can only be obtained in prophecy leagues. From the 19th challenge onwards, for every third challenge, you will receive parts of a decorative Totem of Prophecy, which will stand in your hero's hideout. He will forever testify to how many prophecy tests you were able to pass during this league.

Update 2.3.0 will be installed on game servers on June 8 at 5:00 Moscow time. The Prophecy Challenge League will begin on June 8 at noon Moscow time.

More information about future innovations can be found in second message.

Maze map

The rumors turned out to be true. There is a fourth labyrinth that can be reached through maps. Gradually, high-level heroes will be able to complete difficult versions of the Trials of Ascension cards and gain access to the Labyrinth Map. This version of the Labyrinth features new puzzles and a never-before-seen type of trap.

The reward for completing the Card Maze will be a new level of enchantments and two additional Ascension points. In total, you can accumulate eight Ascension points, and this opens up new prospects for the development of the hero. Also in this update, Ascendancy Trials will be optimized, which will only need to be completed once per difficulty level per league.

New skills

The developers have added five new skills to content update 2.3.0. Offering a spirit improves the attack and defense of the henchman who used the hero's skill. If the hero is a necromancer, the skill will play into his hands. Ancestral Warchief is a new melee totem that unleashes powerful area of ​​effect attacks and enhances the wearer's attack.

Slash is a melee skill that allows you to deal two slashes, each of which raises a force wave. Additional damage is dealt where the blows intersect. Frostball is a new cold spell that pierces enemies and deals damage to them when it hits.

Blizzard is a new area of ​​effect spell that surrounds the caster with a cold stream and creates an icy vortex. If used on a flying Frostball, it will explode and allow the caster to sweep the battlefield with a blizzard.

New items

Update 2.3.0 brings you many new unique items and divination cards, created through the efforts of Path of Exile sponsors. A selection of such items can be seen below. In addition, three new types of unique caskets and a new basic card type will be added: Square Map.

Balance edits

This update will also bring some balance changes. Ascendancy classes have been reviewed, reworked and rebalanced, allowing them to be on equal footing with each other while providing a wealth of ways to develop heroes. Sources of damage conversion into chaos have been weakened across the board. The native properties of wands and scepters have been strengthened.

In addition, daggers, wands, and scepters have a slightly increased chance of receiving enchantment or attack prefixes if the weapon already has the appropriate properties. All players will have the opportunity to reset their passive skills (including Ascension points) one-time, which will allow them to prepare their heroes for new realities.

Behind the scenes

This update doesn't just add new content, but includes some significant technical improvements. The developers have significantly reworked the memory technology of the Path of Exile game and replaced the sound system. Game resources are now loaded in the background while you are already playing. This allows you to launch the game much faster and load transition screens between levels.

Now Path of Exile takes up much less memory, which means it is protected from crashes due to its lack (which plagued owners of 32-bit systems). The developers have changed the sound system of Path of Exile, which will not only improve the sound quality, but will also provide audio engineers with an extensive toolkit to create an even better Path of Exile soundtrack.

Prophecy Set

With the release of Prophecy, a supporting pack will be available in-game, containing the Shroud Armor Set, Prophecy Portal Effect, Prophecy Mask, Forum Title, and Portrait Frame. The set will appear in the game after update 2.3.0.

This league will have its own economy and will give you the opportunity to start over with a clean slate, showing others your skills in the game in the Russian version.

Navali, the sorceress of the Karui

You will meet Navali in every camp your hero encounters while traveling through Wraeclast in the Prophecy Leagues. Silver her hand and find out about your future. A prophecy will appear to you that must be fulfilled. Such prophecies will take your hero to the most remote corners of the continent and allow you to fight to achieve your destiny.

Fulfill the prophecy

Silver coins drop from about one monster in the area. Navali is ready to predict your hero's future for one coin. This prophecy, along with six others, can be found on your prophecy screen. Some of these prophecies refer to specific places that are worth visiting.

The Vaal invasion greatly changes the Temple of Lunaris. Other prophecies are fulfilled when various conditions are met. Sometimes prophecy brings the desired reward. In other cases, the prophecy reward is a "Monstrous Treasure", which fills the map with chests rather than monsters.

Prophecy chains

Sometimes a prophecy is revealed gradually, creating a chain of prophecy. Completing one stage of such a prophecy makes it possible to later gain access to the next stage. By following the entire chain of such a prophecy, you can obtain a powerful unique item or component that will allow you to meet with the Pale Council.

Many of these unique items appeared in the League of Prophecies, while others were carried over from previous Challenge Leagues. The final battle of the league can be reached by completing four separate chains of prophecies and combining their results.

Fateful items

Many of Path of Exile's unique items have a history. Some of these stories are not completed. Certain prophecies encourage you to wear one of these items after completing your mission. The item will be permanently endowed with new powers and given a new name.

Challenges and rewards

In addition to generous rewards for fulfilling prophecies, as you complete challenges, you will receive items and effects that make your hero stand out from the crowd of other characters. The Prophecy Leagues offer 40 new challenges for you to complete. After completing 12 challenges, you will receive the Prophecy Traces effect.

After 24 challenges, you will receive the Prophecy weapon effect. After completing the 36th test, you will receive a pet - the monkey Navali. Like effects, it can only be obtained in prophecy leagues. From the 19th challenge onwards, for every third challenge, you will receive parts of a decorative Totem of Prophecy, which will stand in your hero's hideout. He will forever testify to how many prophecy tests you were able to pass during this league.

Update 2.3.0 will be installed on game servers on June 8 at 5:00 Moscow time. The Prophecy Challenge League will begin on June 8 at noon Moscow time.

More information about future innovations can be found in

New NPC and quests

The main theme of the add-on is the new NPC Navali, who will issue special tasks (“prophecies” in the Russian version). To receive the task you need to get “silver coins”, which will drop out approximately one per location.

Some quests will be short, others will be a whole chain of quests, upon completion of which you will be able to receive either special unique items or an item that allows you to meet with the Pale Council.

Improved old unique items

The developers have revised the concept of most of the old unique items now, most of them have a new, improved version. The picture below compares three unique items in their normal and enhanced versions. As is not difficult to notice, the enhanced versions have one additional property, and the required level has increased slightly.

You can get improved unique items by completing certain Navali tasks, and the unique item must be equipped on the character.

New challenges

The new leagues, which will launch simultaneously with the release of new limited-time leagues, will feature 40 new challenges that players can complete to earn unique microtransactions.

  • 12 tests trail effects
  • 24 tests weapon effect
  • 36 challenges monkey pet

Also, starting from level 19, the player receives a totem decoration for the shelter, which will increase for every 3 completed challenges.

New labyrinth

Were you able to complete all the mazes on three difficulties? Get ready for a new challenge - a new, even more complex, fourth labyrinth has been added.

For completing it, players will receive an additional 2 points for subclasses (for a total of 8 points), and will also be able to cast even more powerful enchantments.

On the other hand, GGG saved players who like to level up new characters from the constant need to re-pass mazes now the labyrinth needs to be completed only on one difficulty, and it will be counted for all characters in the same league.

New skills and items

Especially for those who are tired of the old skills, 5 new skills have been added.

There were also new unique and other items.

Balance update

Subclass passive skills have been updated and balanced. Chaos damage bonuses have been reduced across the board. The built-in bonuses for wands and scepters have been increased.

In more detail, all balance changes can be found in the patch notes that the developers will publish 2-3 days before the release.

Technical improvements

Updates and improvements did not bypass the technical part of the game. The memory technology has been redesigned, and the sound part has also been updated.

Coming soon!

On the international, English-language server, the addition and new leagues will be released on June 3.
On Russian-language servers June 8, at 12:00 Moscow time.


10 minute video review from MMOHuts:

On June 3, a new league started on English-language Path of Exile servers. The Russian version will appear a few days later - on June 8.

The game mechanics of Path of Exile have changed little. The game will still require you to cycle through acts and complete simple quests. New is the character Navali, who is found in every city. You can get the so-called from Navali. prophecies are mini-tasks about who you can meet in locations. Not all of them, of course; you’ll have to look for the right one.

To fulfill the prophecy, it is enough to complete certain tasks. In most cases it comes down to killing someone or something. These prophecies are in every act. The further you progress in the game, the more difficult the monsters you will have to meet to fulfill the prophecy become. Each completed chain of prophecies leads to an encounter with a wandering exile. In the first act, he will try to escape, leaving behind all his treasures. In the second act he will start using combat rage and run away again. In the third act, a dangerous spirit will possess the exile. In the fourth, he will receive the altar effect. And the final battle will take place on one of the maps.

As in the previous league, the entrance to the maze opens after completing six challenges. These tests have not changed in any way. That is, in certain locations you need to overcome traps, destroy skeletons and other monsters, and then activate a cell on a small wall. The labyrinths are quite complex, also filled with traps and an abundance of monsters. You will have to meet the boss three times. The first two times he escapes, and the third time he heroically stands until the very end.

One of the fundamental changes to the labyrinths is the limitation of the number of visits to them. At the end of the test, you are given a special item that allows you to unlock the doors of the maze six times. For subsequent visits, new tests will be required, or this item is purchased or exchanged with other players.

Labyrinths can also be completed in groups. And upon completion, you will be awarded Ascension points, enchant objects and open the chests of Izaria (the main boss of the labyrinth) of a higher level. The changes to the labyrinths are not limited to this.

The developers have changed a lot of other things - for example, the method of calculating damage for a character who has decreased: 60% of the energy shield that protects health is taken into account. This will make it easier for witches whose build is based on energy shields to navigate the labyrinth.

You are no doubt already aware of all these changes, as well as modifications to many skills that now work a little differently, as well as new skills. The developers explained and translated many aspects of update 2.3 to Garena. Therefore, it would probably be more correct in this article to dwell not on the features of the game mechanics, but on personal impressions.

They are below in the form of screenshots...

When fulfilling a chain of prophecies, this kind of goodness fell. It will come in handy...

The passive skill tree has not changed compared to 2.2. Labyrinths are also available, where additional subclasses are taken.

Prophecies are taken from a new NPC, which, more precisely, is located in every city. To fulfill the prophecy, you need to do something, most often kill mobs and bosses in locations.

Mobs drop new types of coins. The announcement said that only one coin would fall in each location, but in reality more could fall. Perhaps this is a bug...

The game mechanics have not changed. The annoying thieves of Prosperus's coins have disappeared. But prophecies appeared.

The first start was terrifying - 9 thousand people waiting online. However, the wait did not last for hours - we managed to enter literally after 3 minutes. There was no need to wait for subsequent entries...

Finally, it’s worth saying that English-language servers work much more reliably than Garena’s. It seems that they are located further away - in Amsterdam - but loading the game itself and locations is many times faster, and the client is more stable. With Garena, much more often, when moving to a new location, the client crashes with an error about the impossibility of loading... What this is connected with - I can’t judge...

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