Pentoxifylline indications and contraindications. Complete instructions for using pentoxifylline. Use in children


Active ingredient Pentoxifylline .

The tablets contain 100 and 400 mg of this substance.

Additional elements: titanium dioxide, lactose, potato starch, propylene glycol, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, povidone, methacrylate copolymer dispersion, talc, carmoisin.

The solution concentrate and Pentoxifylline solution for intravenous and intravenous administration contain 20 mg of the substance per 1 ml. The solution for infusion may also contain 2 mg per 1 ml.

Release form

Tablet form, as well as solution concentrates and solutions for intravenous and intravenous administration in ampoules.

Pharmacological action

Antispasmodic . Improves microcirculation, has angioprotective, antiaggregation effects. Dilates blood vessels.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The medication has a positive effect on the blood properties of the blood, moderately improves microcirculation , saturates with energy potential and increases the concentration of cAMP in, inhibits phosphodiesterase, causes vasodilation , does not affect heart rate. The drug increases the lumen of the coronary arteries, which significantly increases the amount of oxygen supplied to the myocardium ( antianginal effect ); dilates the pulmonary vessels, which improves blood oxygenation . The drug increases the tone of the diaphragm, intercostal muscles and respiratory muscles. When administered intravenously, collateral blood circulation increases and increases the volume of blood flowing through a sectional unit. Pentoxifylline has a positive effect on the bioelectrical activity and activity of the nervous system, increases the level of ATP in the brain. The use of the drug increases the elasticity of red blood cells (due to the effect on the pathological deformability of red blood cells), causes platelet disaggregation, and reduces blood viscosity . In areas with impaired blood supply, the drug significantly improves microcirculation. Pentoxifylline eliminates pain and cramps in the calf muscles, allows you to increase the walking distance in case of (occlusive damage to peripherally located arteries).

Absorbed quickly. Most of it is excreted in the urine as metabolites, less - in feces. The maximum concentration of the substance is reached an hour after application.

Indications for use of Pentoxifylline

What are the tablets and solution for? The drug is prescribed for disturbances in the peripheral blood supply, disturbances in tissue trophism, Raynaud's disease , obliterating endarteritis, postthrombotic syndrome , with frostbite, gangrene, trophic ulcers of the leg, varicose veins, cerebral, viral neuroinfection, dyscirculatory. Also, indications for the use of Pentoxifylline are: post-existing coronary heart disease, bronchial asthma, acute disturbances in the blood supply to the retina, choroid, otosclerosis , impotence of vascular origin.


Pentoxifylline is not prescribed for intolerance to xanthine derivatives, porphyria, acute myocardial infarction, hemorrhagic , massive , retinal hemorrhages , . Intravenous injections of the drug are unacceptable in case of uncontrolled arterial hypotension, severe atherosclerosis of the cerebral and coronary arteries, and. In case of instability, after surgical interventions, with ulcerative lesions of the digestive system, chronic heart failure, pathology of the renal and hepatic systems, the drug is prescribed with caution.

Side effects

Nervous system: convulsive syndrome , .

Skin: increased fragility of the nail plates, swelling, hyperemia of the skin, “flushes” to the skin of the face and body.

Digestive system: cholestatic hepatitis , exacerbation, intestinal atony, loss of appetite, dry mouth.

Cardiac system: cardialgia , drop in blood pressure, progression.

Possible disturbance of visual perception, scotoma, thrombocytopenia, intestinal bleeding, increased activity of liver enzymes, alkaline phosphatase.

Instructions for use of Pentoxifylline (Method and dosage)

Pentoxifylline solution, instructions for use

The drug in ampoules is administered intramuscularly and intraarterially with the patient lying down.

In case of pathology of the renal system, the dosage is reduced to 50-70 percent of the standard dose.

Intravenously administered slowly, calculated according to the scheme: 50 mg for every 10 ml of sodium chloride 0.9%, administered for 10 minutes, after which they switch to administration by dropper: 100 mg diluted in 250-500 ml of sodium chloride 0.9% or dextrose solution 5% .

Intra-arterial: 100 mg is diluted in 20-50 ml of sodium chloride.

Intramuscularly 100-200 mg is administered deeply three times a day.

Pentoxifylline tablets, instructions for use

In addition to parenteral administration, it is permissible to take the drug orally after meals, twice a day, 800-1200 mg. The initial daily dosage in tablet form is 600 mg, gradually the amount of the drug is reduced to 300 mg per day. Long-acting forms of the drug are taken twice a day.


Taking increased doses of the drug Pentoxifylline causes a drop in blood pressure, dizziness, tachycardia, fainting, hyperthermia, agitation, tonic-clonic seizures , areflexia, vomiting "coffee grounds" and other signs of bleeding from the digestive tract. Timely rinsing of the digestive system, taking enterosorbents, and symptomatic therapy are required. If bleeding develops, emergency measures are taken to stop the bleeding.


Pentoxifylline is able to enhance the effectiveness of medications that affect the functioning of the blood coagulation system (thrombolytic agents, anticoagulants), valproic acid . Pentoxifylline increases the effectiveness of oral hypoglycemic agents, insulin, and antihypertensive medications. Cimetidine can increase the level of the drug in the blood, which means the risk of side effects increases. When administered together with other xanthines, nervous excitement is noted.

Terms of sale

Requires a prescription.

Storage conditions

Keep out of the reach of children at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees Celsius.

Best before date

No more than 3 years.

Special instructions

Treatment with Pentoxifylline is carried out under the control of blood pressure. In patients with diabetes mellitus additional dosage adjustment of hypoglycemic agents taken is required. When administered simultaneously anticoagulants control over blood coagulation system . In patients after surgical interventions, hemoglobin and hematocrit are monitored. If blood pressure is unstable, the dose of the drug is reduced. Tobacco smoke reduces the effectiveness of the drug. The compatibility of infusion solutions with Pentoxifylline must be checked before each infusion.

Pentoxifylline is often used in bodybuilding and sports. This is due to the fact that the drug improves blood circulation, causing a strong “pumping” that can last for several hours. However, you should remember that this is a medicinal product, and you should not joke with your health by uncontrollably taking such medications.

Recipe in Latin:

Rp.: Tab. Pentoxyphillini 0.1 No. 60
D.S. 1 tab. 3 times a day

Pentoxifylline analogs

Level 4 ATX code matches:

A complete match between the ATC code and the active ingredients was recorded for the following Pentoxifylline analogues: Latrain , Pentilin , Pentoxipharm , Pentoxifylline NAS, .

Reviews of Pentoxifylline

Based on many opinions, we can conclude that the drug is truly effective in helping to cope with problems of the vascular system. Effectively helps with improving blood circulation.

Often and effectively used for obliterating endarteritis.

Reviews of Pentoxifylline during pregnancy

Although the drug is contraindicated during this period of life (due to a lack of research), doctors often prescribe it for feto-placental insufficiency, for example, a Pentoxifylline drip during pregnancy. The opinions of those who used the medicine were generally positive; no side effects were noticed.

Pentoxifylline price, where to buy

The price of Pentoxifylline in 0.1 g tablets ranges from 85 to 130 rubles per pack of 60 pieces.

The price of Pentoxifylline ampoules 2%, 5 ml each, is 40 rubles for 10 pieces.

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    Pentoxifylline-sz tab. p/o captivity. with prolong. vysv. 400 mg No. 20Northern Star JSC

    Pentoxifylline tab. p.p.o. 100mg n60 JSC Organika

    Pentoxifylline zentiva tab. p.o 100 mg n60Saneka Pharmaceuticals a.s.

    Pentoxifylline conc. IV and IV injection 20 mg/ml 5 ml No. 10 Borisov plantBorisov plant

Pharmacy Dialog

    Pentoxifylline (amp. 2% 5ml No. 10)

    Pentoxifylline SR Zentiva extended-release tablets 400 mg No. 20

is a medication from a group of drugs whose action is aimed at treating the cardiovascular system and improving blood circulation. Pentoxifylline provides tissues with oxygen saturation, in addition, it is able to resist a certain set of enzymes. A prescription is required to purchase.

Pharmaceutical action

The instructions for the composition of Pentoxifylline state that the drug is capable of:

  1. Influence the decrease in plasma fibrinoid levels.
  2. Stop the process of fusion of platelets and red blood cells into one system.
  3. Increase the sensitivity of blood components.
  4. Help dissolve clots and thrombi in the blood, reduce blood viscosity, improving its fluidity.

When is the drug prescribed:

  • with vasoconstriction Pentoxifylline has a slightly myotropic effect;
  • with peripheral vascular resistance a small positive effect appears;
  • with narrowing of the coronary vessels a positive inotropic effect occurs;
  • with oxygen starvation of tissues has a saturation effect, so that the limbs and central nervous system receive a larger portion of oxygen.

If the patient suffers from intermittent claudication caused by severe vascular obstruction, then intravenous administration of Pentoxifylline causes an improvement in the patient's condition. Pain, sensitivity and cramps affecting the calf muscles recede.

The drug, which is of synthetic origin, acts due to the active substance pentoxifylline. The doctor must prescribe the medicine.

Release form of the drug

  1. Dragees and tablets weighing 0.1 g and 0.4 g (coated, usual form of action) and tablets weighing 0.4 g and 0.6 g (have a prolonged effect);
  2. Concentrates, from which the solution is made. It is administered intraarterially and intravenously at a dosage of 20 mg/ml. Available in ampoules of 5 ml.

Effect of the drug

  • The tablets are absorbed completely and within a short time.
  • Active substances come into contact with the membranes of red blood cells, undergoing biotransformation. First, this process occurs in red blood cells, and then moves to the liver. The liver synthesizes 1-5-hydroxyisohexyl, 3-7-dimethylxanthine and 1-3-hydroxypropyl, 3-7-dimethylxanthine (the main metabolites).

The remainder of the drug is utilized by the kidneys, the smallest percentage is utilized by the intestines (no more than 4%). This is stated in the instructions for the tablets.

Pregnancy is a case when the use of pentoxifylline should be carried out with particular caution and always in consultation with a doctor. It is important to remember that the active components in the composition pass into breast milk.

Indications for use

Pentoxifylline is used for:

  • treatment of osteochondrosis;
  • cerebrovascular disease, accompanied by the deposition of cholesterol on the inner wall of the arteries;
  • disruption of blood circulation processes in the eye vessels;
  • vascular lesions such as nephropathy;
  • tissue disorders of a trophic nature (frostbite and gangrene);
  • disorders of blood circulation processes affecting small arteries;
  • vascular diseases affecting the leg arteries;
  • for atherosclerotic, inflammatory and diabetic processes;
  • cochlear neuritis;
  • pathology of the ocular vessels.

Vascular diseases


It is prohibited to take tablets in the cases specified in the instructions for use:

  1. period of pregnancy and lactation, as well as in case of blood clotting disorders;
  2. drinking alcohol during treatment;
  3. bleeding in the brain or retina;
  4. ulcerative processes in the digestive organs;
  5. damage to the heart muscle due to thrombosis;
  6. a sharp and clearly noticeable drop in pressure;
  7. hypersensitivity to the active substance or pentoxifylline analogues;
  8. deposition of cholesterol on the walls of arteries with severe narrowing;
  9. age up to 18 years.

Use of the drug

Features of taking the drug and how much to drink pentoxifylline:

  1. The dragee must be taken in a special way. A large amount of water is required to wash down 0.2 g. 3 times a day. When the patient feels improvement, the dosage should be reduced to 0.1 g. This occurs approximately 1-2 weeks after the start of therapy. In general, treatment time lasts from 14 to 24 days. The tablets are taken orally, and it is important not to damage the integrity of the shell. As for long-acting tablets, they should be taken in a dosage of 1.2 g. It is permissible to divide into 3 doses.
  2. Pentoxifylline in droppers is prescribed in case of acute circulatory disorders in the brain or in the periphery. An ampoule of the drug is administered intravenously using an isotonic solution of NaCl (250-500 ml) or 5% C6H12O6. You should stay under the drip for 90-150 minutes. The doctor may allow a daily dose of up to 2-3 ampoules.
  3. 0.1 g of the drug is injected into the artery in an isotonic NaCl solution (20-50 ml), then 0.2-0.3 g (and the dose of the solvent increases by 10 ml).
  4. The classic version of the instructions, as well as those accompanying the drug’s analogues, speaks of a special case. It is forbidden to inject medication into the cervical large paired artery if atherosclerotic plaques are observed in the vessels of the brain.
  5. In case of death of kidney tissue, the instructions for the use of Pentoxifylline analogues say that the patient should be prescribed only half the usual dose.

How to properly handle ampoules:

  • Firmly grasp the ampoule by the neck and shake vigorously several times.
  • Squeeze the ampoule with your hand, making sure that no liquid comes out. Turn the valve in a circular motion until it comes off.
  • Insert a syringe into the hole in the neck of the ampoule.
  • Draw the contents into the syringe by inverting the container with liquid.

You can find more detailed information about using ampoules in the instructions.

Side effects

Unfortunately, the use of Pentoxifylline often leads to adverse reactions in the body. Frequency determination method:

  1. often (≥1/100 to<1/10);
  2. not so often (≥1/1000 to<1/100);
  3. rare (≥1/10000 to<1/1000);
  4. extremely rare (<1/10000).
Side effects Extremely rare Rarely Not so often
In the circulatory system Aplastic anemia, pancytopenia, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenic purpura Bleeding from the nose or urinary tract
In the immune system Bronchospasms and anaphylactic shock, which may accompany sudden swelling of the skin. Swelling of fascia, muscles, subcutaneous tissue Hypersensitivity
In the psyche Insomnia and increased excitability
In the nervous system Intracranial hemorrhage, uncontrolled contraction of overstrained muscles, numbness and tingling in the skin Trembling, migraine, dizziness
In the organs of vision Inflammation of the outer membrane of the eye, blurred vision
In the area of ​​the heart Chest pain, rapid difficulty breathing Heartbeat increases, this is accompanied by pain, heart rhythm disturbances
In the work of blood vessels High blood pressure Swelling
In the work of the gastrointestinal tract
In the functioning of the liver and biliary tract Decreased bile outflow, increased transaminase activity
On the skin and subcutaneous tissues Increased sweating, manifestation of allergic bullous dermatitis and erythema maligna Itching, redness, blisters
General disorders Temperature rise

With frequent use of Pentoxifylline, the vessels are characterized by an increase in blood flow to the face. The patient also experiences diarrhea, vomiting, and bloating.


An overdose of Pentoxifylline is characterized by the following manifestations:

  1. The heartbeat begins to increase.
  2. Blood pressure decreases.
  3. The person feels weak and dizzy, sleep is disturbed, tonic-clonic convulsions appear, and the body overheats. Gastrointestinal bleeding is possible.

Interaction with other drugs

  • Pentoxifylline affects the activity of drugs such as antibiotics (cefotetan, cefamandole, valproic acid). Direct and indirect anticoagulants also experience an increase in activity under the influence of pentoxifylline.
  • Hypoglycemic medications, insulin, and antihypertensive drugs show increased effectiveness when combined with pentoxifylline.
  • Side effects occur more often due to an increase in the concentration of the substance in the plasma due to the activity of the ingredients.

  • The choice of analogue depends on the doctor’s prescriptions. Judging by the reviews, all drugs improve blood circulation and saturate tissues with oxygen.

    Catad_pgroup Phosphodiesterase inhibitors

    Pentoxifylline - instructions for use

    INSTRUCTIONS for medical use of the drug

    Registration number:

    Trade name:


    International nonproprietary name:


    Dosage form:

    Enteric-coated tablets.


    Each enteric-coated tablet contains:

    Active substance
    pentoxifylline - 100 mg

    milk sugar (lactose), potato starch, stearic acid, polyvinylpyrrolidone (povidone), copolymer methacrylic acid - ethyl acrylate 1: 1 (collicut MAE-100 R), macrogol-4000 (polyethylene oxide-4000), talc, titanium dioxide pigment (titanium dioxide ), azorubine (carmoisine).

    DescriptionTablets, enteric-coated, pink, biconvex in shape. The cross section shows two layers.

    Pharmacotherapeutic group:

    Vasodilating agent.



    Pharmacological properties

    Pentoxifylline improves microcirculation and rheological properties of blood, has a vasodilating effect, blocks phosphodiesterase and promotes the accumulation of cAMP in cells. Pentoxifylline inhibits the aggregation of platelets and erythrocytes, increases their elasticity, reduces the level of fibrinogen in plasma and enhances fibrinolysis, which reduces blood viscosity and improves its rheological properties. It has a weak myotropic, vasodilating effect. Pentoxifylline slightly reduces total peripheral resistance and slightly dilates the coronary vessels.

    In general, Pentoxifylline causes an improvement in microcirculation and oxygen supply to tissues in the brain and limbs, and to a lesser extent in the kidneys.

    After oral administration, Pentoxifylline is almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The drug undergoes a “first pass” through the liver to form 2 main pharmacologically active metabolites: 1-5-hydroxyhexyl-3,7-dimethylxanthine (metabolite 1) and 1-3-carboxypropyl-3,7-dimethylxanthine (metabolite V). The concentration of metabolite I and V in plasma is, respectively, 5 and 8 times higher than pentoxifylline. The time to reach maximum concentration is 1 hour. The half-life is 0.5 - 1.5 hours. Pentoxifylline is excreted primarily by the kidneys - 94% in the form of metabolites (mainly metabolite V), by the intestines - 4%, in the first 4 hours. up to 90% of the dose is excreted. Excreted in breast milk. In severe renal impairment, the elimination of metabolites is slowed down. If liver function is impaired, there is an increase in half-life and increased bioavailability.

    Indications for use:

    - peripheral circulatory disorders caused by atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus (diabetic angiopathy);
    - chronic cerebrovascular accidents of ischemic origin;
    - atherosclerotic and discirculatory encephalopathies; angiopathy (paresthesia, Raynaud's disease);
    - trophic tissue disorders due to impaired arterial or venous microcirculation (trophic ulcers, postthrombophlebitis syndrome, frostbite, gangrene);
    - obliterating endarteritis;
    - acute, subacute and chronic circulatory failure in the retina or choroid;
    - hearing impairment of vascular origin.


    Hypersensitivity to pentoxifylline, other methylxanthine derivatives or other ingredients of the finished dosage form, Porphyria; acute myocardial infarction; massive bleeding; hemorrhages in the retina of the eye; cerebral hemorrhage, acute hemorrhagic stroke; severe coronary or cerebral atherosclerosis; severe heart rhythm disturbances; pregnancy; breastfeeding period; age under 18 years (efficacy and safety have not been established).

    With caution:
    the drug is prescribed to patients with atherosclerosis of the cerebral and/or coronary vessels, especially in cases of arterial hypotension and cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure, and liver failure. You should also be careful when prescribing Pentoxifylline to patients with peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, and to patients who have recently undergone surgery (risk of bleeding).

    For patients with labile blood pressure and a tendency to arterial hypotension and patients with severe renal impairment, the dose is increased gradually and selected individually

    Directions for use and dosage:

    Pentoxifylline is taken orally after meals. The tablets are coated with a special coating that is soluble in the intestines, so they are swallowed whole with a small amount of water. Take 0.2 g (2 tablets) 3 times a day. After achieving a therapeutic effect (usually 1-2 weeks), the dose is reduced to 0.1 g (1 tablet) 3 times a day.

    The maximum daily dose is 1200 mg. The course of treatment is 1-3 months.

    In patients with chronic renal failure (creatine clearance less than 10 ml/min.), the dose is halved.

    The duration of treatment and dosage regimen with Pentoxifylline is determined by the attending physician individually, depending on the clinical picture of the disease and the resulting therapeutic effect.

    Side effects

    From the central nervous system: headache, dizziness; anxiety, sleep disorders; convulsions.

    From the skin and subcutaneous tissue: hyperemia of the facial skin, “flushes” of blood to the skin of the face and upper chest, swelling, increased brittleness of nails.

    From the digestive system: dry mouth, decreased appetite, intestinal atony, exacerbation of cholecystitis, cholestatic hepatitis.

    From the senses: blurred vision, scotoma.

    From the cardiovascular system: tachycardia, arrhythmia, cardialgia, progression of angina, decreased blood pressure.

    From the hematopoietic organs and hemostasis system: thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, pancytopenia, hypofibrinogenemia; bleeding from blood vessels of the skin, mucous membranes. stomach, intestines.

    Allergic reactions: itching, skin hyperemia, urticaria, angioedema, anaphylactic shock.

    Laboratory indicators: increased activity of “liver” transaminases (ALT, AST, LDH) and alkaline phosphatase.


    Symptoms: nausea, dizziness, cyanosis, tachycardia, marked decrease in blood pressure, redness of the skin, increased body temperature (chills), agitation, areflexia, tonic-clonic convulsions, vomiting “coffee grounds”, arrhythmias, loss of consciousness.

    Treatment: symptomatic. Particular attention should be paid to maintaining blood pressure and respiratory function. Convulsions are relieved by administering diazepam. Urgent measures in case of severe anaphylactic reactions (shock):

    If primary symptoms appear (sweating, nausea, cyanosis), immediately stop taking the drug;
    - in addition to other necessary measures, ensure a lower position of the head and upper body and provide freedom for breathing;
    - urgent medical measures: administer intravenous epinephrine (adrenaline). If necessary, the administration of epinephrine can be repeated.

    Interaction with other drugs

    Pentoxifylline enhances the effect of heparin, fibrinolytic drugs, theophylline, antihypertensive and hypoglycemic agents (both insulin and oral hypoglycemic agents).

    Pentoxifylline may enhance the effect of drugs that affect the blood coagulation system (indirect and direct anticoagulants, thrombolytics), antibiotics (including cephalosporins - cefamandole, cefoperazone, cefotetan), valproic acid.

    Cimetidine increases the concentration of pentoxifylline in the blood plasma (risk of side effects).

    Co-administration with other xanthines may lead to excessive nervous agitation in patients.

    Special instructions

    Patients with severe renal impairment when taking Pentoxifylline require especially careful medical supervision. If during the period of use of the drug patients experience hemorrhages in the retina of the eye, the drug is immediately discontinued. Treatment should be carried out under blood pressure control. In patients with diabetes mellitus taking hypoglycemic agents, administration in large doses may cause hypoglycemia (dose adjustment required). When prescribed simultaneously with anticoagulants, it is necessary to carefully monitor the indicators of the blood coagulation system. In patients who have recently undergone surgery, systematic monitoring of hemoglobin and hematocrit levels is necessary. In older adults, dose reduction may be necessary (increased bioavailability and decreased rate of elimination). Smoking may reduce the therapeutic effectiveness of the drug.

    Release form:

    Enteric-coated tablets, 100 mg
    10 tablets in a blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride film and printed varnished aluminum foil.
    10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 100 tablets in polymer jars.
    Each can or 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6 contour cell packaging with instructions for use is placed in a pack of cardboard for consumer packaging.

    Storage conditions:

    List B. In a dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 30°C.
    Keep out of the reach of children.

    Best before date:

    2 years.
    Do not use after expiration date.

    Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies:

    According to the recipe.

    The company is a manufacturer.

    OJSC "Uralbiopharm" 620026 Ekaterinburg, st. Kuibysheva, 60.

    For complaints regarding the quality of products, please contact:

    OJSC "Uralbiopharm", 620026 Ekaterinburg, st. Kuibysheva, 60

    Pentoxifylline, dropper or tablets, are modern, effective drugs.

    It is a derivative of dimethylxanthine. The drug is capable of improving blood microcirculation processes and acts as an angioprotector.

    Pentoxifylline (dropper) complements the new pharmacological cycle of drugs - hemorheological.

    It restores the plastic properties of red blood cells, prevents and reduces their deformation, making it easier for them to enter vessels with a small lumen.

    This property of Pentoxifylline has a positive effect on the quality of microcirculation in tissues, like trental, this provides a favorable background for diagnosed hypoxia.

    The doctor prescribes pentoxifylline, whose instructions for use must be present in the package, to patients if he discovers that they have the following diseases:

    • Diabetes mellitus.
    • Trophic ulcer.
    • Varicose veins.
    • Obliterating atherosclerosis is a disease during which special plaques appearing in the lumen of blood vessels cause improper blood circulation. As a result, the arteries become blocked or narrowed.
    • Cases of blood poisoning.
    • Bronchial asthma.
    • Ischemic paralysis.
    • Frostbite.
    • Postthrombotic syndrome.
    • Cases of impaired blood supply to the brain.
    • Male impotence in the presence of vascular origin.
    • FPN in pregnant women (in case of possible miscarriage).
    • Incurably diseased lungs.

    With this drug, the aggregation of red blood cells is reduced, they then quickly enter the space without blood vessels, and the organs receive an improved blood supply. The chemical composition of the substance makes the blood structure less viscous, and disaggregation of platelet bodies occurs.

    As a result, minute and stroke volumes of blood increase, but nothing happens to the heart rate. Dilated coronary arteries help increase the supply of necessary oxygen to the myocardial area.

    When the blood vessels in the lungs dilate, the blood is better filled with oxygen. The substance takes on the task of increasing the tone of the diaphragm and breathing muscles. It affects the intensification of collateral blood flow, and also increases the blood volume passing through the collateral pathways.

    When using the medicine, the concentration of ATP in the brain becomes greater, and the damaged areas receive an improved blood supply. This applies, for example, to stroke due to ischemia. The drug has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the central nervous system.

    When peripheral arteries are affected, the medicine acts so that the distances during movement are lengthened, especially with obliterating endarteritis.

    It is important to avoid unauthorized use of Pentoxifylline: a preliminary conversation with a doctor is necessary.

    Any drug is characterized by certain contraindications. Pentoxifylline is no exception.

    Patients who are unable to tolerate this remedy should not seek its help. People who have recently had a myocardial infarction or hemorrhagic stroke cannot use the drug. This category also includes patients who have porphyria, atherosclerosis of the arteries of the heart and brain. People with arrhythmia, hemorrhages in the eye area, bleeding or low intra-arterial pressure are definitely prohibited from infusing the medicine intravenously.

    For minor children and women at the stage of expecting a child and the onset of lactation, the use of Pentoxifylline is not indicated. After all, it gets into the milk of a nursing woman, which means it is in the baby’s body, so nursing mothers can temporarily refuse the drug or find a replacement for it.

    For some patients, the doctor cautiously prescribes the drug to avoid bleeding in the internal organs. The same applies to people with severe kidney and liver pathologies. Stomach ulcer, gastritis, unhealthy duodenum, heart failure should warn a person against rashly taking medication.

    The use of the drug Pentoxifylline has been approved, a dropper of which is made in the form of a solution with sodium chloride, and in parallel, biologically active additives are prescribed if they contain vitamins, glucose and herbal products.

    Medicine Pentoxifylline - use and dosage

    The medicine Pentoxifylline is useful during pregnancy if there is a circulatory disorder between the fetus, placenta and mother

    We are talking about fetoplacental insufficiency. If the disease is neglected, the consequences can be unpredictable.

    The doctor prescribes the medication as an exception as an angioprotector.

    How does Pentoxifylline work:

    • The blood thins, the viscosity is removed, oxygen freely enters the placenta, and the risks go away.
    • Blood microcirculation improves.
    • Dilated blood vessels and restored red blood cells improve the connection between mother, placenta and baby.

    In any case, you need to monitor the woman’s condition. Before the 20th week of pregnancy, it is better to do without Pentoxifylline. It is recommended to administer Pentoxifylline intravenously in the form of a dropper.

    According to the annotation, the drug Pentoxifylline can be used in various forms: you can take the drug in the form of tablets or use droppers with this drug.

    Pentoxifylline tablet has a dosage of 100 mg. Pentoxifylline should be taken correctly: in the first days, two tablets should be taken three times a day. Then, after a significant effect from the therapeutic treatment has been achieved, take one tablet three times a day. You need to take this drug before meals.

    The duration of treatment with Pentoxifylline tablets is at least one month. The main thing is to choose the right drug, as some call it pentoxifylline - how the incorrect use of the name can ruin the entire treatment, the doctor can tell you.

    If the disease occurs in an acute or severe form, it is advisable to prescribe this drug in ampoules. In this case, Pentoxifylline is usually administered intravenously. It is also possible to administer the drug directly into the artery.

    When used intravenously, the patient is given a drip containing medication. The dosage of the drug is calculated according to the following scheme: for Pentoxifylline ampoules, take a sodium chloride solution in the amount of 250 ml. This dose of the drug should be administered gradually, this will take at least 2 hours.

    If the patient tolerates the medicine well, the daily dose can be increased to 0.3 grams. First, 0.1 g of Pentoxifylline is administered intra-arterially, then the dose is gradually adjusted to 0.3 g. The solution is administered without haste, over 10 minutes. The course consists of ten such procedures.

    What does Pentoxifylline treat and what does it help with, analogues of the drug

    What Pentoxifylline treats has already been described above. Now it’s worth talking about the side effects of the drug.

    Pentoxifylline, like any other pharmaceutical product, has side effects. It can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms.

    The drug has a negative effect on the functioning of various organs.

    The most common side effects of the drug are:

    • The drug may cause changes in the activity of the central nervous system and brain activity. Dizziness, sleep problems, and migraines may occur. In rare cases, lameness of the legs when walking, cramps and feelings of anxiety are noted.
    • Pentoxifylline also affects the digestive system: it can cause vomiting, nausea and diarrhea. This vasodilator may reduce your appetite or cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Sometimes serious disorders of the digestive organs occur: chronic cholecystitis worsens, the activity of liver transaminases increases.
    • The drug affects the functioning of the heart: heart pain may appear, heart rate often increases, angina pectoris occurs, and blood pressure decreases.
    • Pentoxifylline can lead to changes in the hematopoietic system: the occurrence of leukopenia and platelets.
    • This medication can cause allergic reactions: itching, redness of the skin.
    • People who are prone to allergies need to be vigilant: taking this medication can lead to anaphylactic shock and angioedema.
    • Pentoxifylline may have adverse effects on the respiratory system. Patients sometimes experience exacerbation of bronchial asthma or experience bronchial spasms.
    • In some cases, the drug impairs vision and causes bleeding, since blood clotting is impaired due to the use of Pentoxifylline.

    During therapy with Pentoxifylline, the patients’ condition should be carefully monitored and blood tests must be taken. If you are allergic to this drug, you should consult your doctor, and the specialist will stop taking Pentoxifylline. What the remedy helps with has been clarified, but at the slightest manifestation of side effects it should be discontinued.

    Individual susceptibility to the components of Pentoxifylline is also observed. Using the medicine for a long time or combining it with other medications can also cause adverse effects.

    In such a situation, a specialist will decide whether to continue therapy with Pentoxifylline.

    The cost of the drug depends on many factors. Pentoxifylline is produced by various companies and has different dosages and release forms. The average price for Russian-made Pentoxifylline is about 50 rubles.

    The drug can be produced under different names, but the effect of its use is always the same, because Pentoxifylline treats many diseases.

    Pentoxifylline analogues:

    • Agapurin. It is available in the form of tablets with a dosage of 100 mg or as an injection solution.
    • Vazonit (in tablets with a dosage of 0.6 g).
    • Actovegin.
    • Trental. This medication may take the form of dragees, tablets or injection solution.

    Atherosclerosis, varicose veins and many other diseases can be cured by Pentoxifylline tablets or solution. Today we will determine how to properly treat this drug, whether it has side effects, whether there are restrictions on its use, and also find out the opinions of patients who have tried it on themselves.


    The medicine “Pentoxifylline”, reviews of which we will describe in this article, affects the patient’s body in the following way: it improves microcirculation in areas of impaired blood supply, increases oxygen saturation in tissues, and reduces blood viscosity. The drug is also able to increase the elasticity of red blood cells and cause platelet breakdown. In addition, it dilates the coronary arteries and pulmonary vessels. The product also increases the tone of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, and has a positive effect on the performance of the central nervous system.

    Indications for use

    The drug "Pentoxifylline", the instructions for which must be included with the medicine, is prescribed to patients with the following diagnoses:

    1. Obliterating atherosclerosis is a disease in which special plaques developing in the lumen of blood vessels lead to disruption of blood supply, and, as a result, narrowing or blockage of the arteries occurs.
    2. Diabetes mellitus.
    3. Varicose veins
    4. Trophic ulcer.
    5. Gangrene.
    6. Bronchial asthma.
    7. Frostbite.
    8. Ischemic stroke.
    9. Postthrombotic syndrome.
    10. For various cerebral circulatory disorders.
    11. For sexual impotence in men of vascular origin.
    12. Chronic lung diseases.


    Not all patients can be treated with Pentoxifylline tablets. Indications for the use of this drug are described in the previous subsection, and now we should consider which categories of patients are prohibited from receiving therapy with this drug. So, if you have the following health problems and body characteristics, you should not take Pentoxifylline tablets:

    1. In acute myocardial infarction.
    2. In case of obvious disturbance of heart rhythm.
    3. If there was hemorrhage in the retina of the eye.
    4. If there is an ulcer in the stomach or duodenum.
    5. If there was a cerebral hemorrhage.
    6. In case of violation of blood clotting parameters.
    7. With uncontrolled arterial hypotension.
    8. With severe coronary or cerebral atherosclerosis.
    9. Age under 18 years is also a limitation in treatment with Pentoxifylline. Indications for the use of this drug indicate that the effectiveness of these tablets, as well as their safety in relation to children and adolescents, have not been established.
    10. In case of pregnancy or when feeding the baby with breast milk.
    11. In case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

    Release form

    The drug is sold in two forms:

    1. Solution. It is used for injections and IVs.
    2. Pills.

    Pentoxifylline ampoules: indications for use

    The drug in the form of an injection solution is intended only for intravenous administration (drip or stream). The medicine is administered in this way only in cases of severe cerebral circulatory disorder or peripheral hemodynamics. In other cases, you need to use Pentoxifylline tablets. The dropper is placed like this: saline solution is mixed with 1-6 ampoules of the drug, the resulting mixture is administered over 60 minutes. You can do this procedure up to 2 times a day. For jet administration, use 1 ampoule for 5 minutes 1 or 2 times a day. In this case, there is no need to dilute the medicine with another remedy.

    Pentoxifylline tablets: indications for use

    Pills should be taken after meals, 100-400 mg 2 or 3 times a day. At the same time, they do not need to be chewed or bitten, they just need to be swallowed and then washed down with a sufficient amount of water. The maximum permissible daily dose of the drug is 1200 mg, which is equivalent to 12 tablets.

    The course of therapy is selected for each patient and can vary from 2 weeks to 6 months or longer.


    The cost of a medicine is influenced by several factors: the dosage of the drug, the form of sale, as well as the manufacturer of the drug Pentoxifylline. Tablets, the price of which, by the way, is low, can be purchased on average for 40 rubles (that’s 60 pills). And for a 2% injection solution (5 ml ampoule) you will have to pay about 60 rubles. This is the approximate cost of the drug Pentoxifylline. The price of its analogues is much more expensive and ranges from 160-300 rubles (for the medicine “Trental”) and from 90 to 130 rubles for the medicine “Agapurin”.

    People's opinions

    The drug "Pentoxifylline", reviews of which can be found on various forums, has mostly positive responses. Firstly, patients note the effectiveness of the medicine: blood circulation improves, pain subsides, the feeling of numbness in the feet goes away, patients sleep well at night, and general relief is felt.

    Secondly, compared to analogues of the drug, Pentoxifylline can be purchased quite inexpensively. The tablets, the price of which is quite affordable, can be purchased by anyone, since the medicine is domestic. But its analogues are foreign medicines, which is why they cost much more, although the effect is the same. Therefore, in order not to overpay, it is better to purchase a Russian drug for the treatment of diabetes, atherosclerosis, impaired cerebral circulation, trophic ulcers, etc.

    Thirdly, the speed of impact. Many people write that after just one course of taking this medication they felt relief, their head became light, breathing easier, and blood flow to their legs and hands quickly improved. This is especially important for people who are constantly cold, so they should take note and remember the name of the drug so that, if possible and according to the doctor’s recommendations, they use Pentoxifylline tablets. There are also negative reviews, but there are only a few of them, and they are associated with the occurrence of side effects in patients. For example, stomach pain, itchy skin, hives, fever. If undesirable reactions are observed after using the product, then it is worth replacing it with something else if possible.

    Similar drugs

    Many medications have analogues that are produced so that patients have the right to choose, and manufacturers increase their income. The drug “Pentoxifylline” was no exception in this case. Analogs of this medicine differ in price, and moreover, but the active ingredient in them is the same - pentoxifylline.

    Similar products of the type described in this article are the following: tablets “Trental”, “Pentohexal”, “Radomin”, “Agapurin”, “Vazonit”, “Flexital”, “Latren”. The drug "Pentoxifylline", analogues of which can be purchased at any pharmacy, cannot be changed independently. If for some reason this medication is not suitable, then it should be replaced only after consultation with a doctor.

    Side effects and overdose

    Only in extreme cases can this drug cause unwanted reactions. The main ones include: abdominal pain, blurred vision, vomiting, diarrhea, nervousness, insomnia, rapid heartbeat, itchy skin, decreased blood pressure.

    If any of the symptoms described above are noted, you should stop taking Pentoxifylline tablets and consult a doctor.

    If this medication is taken uncontrolled (in large quantities), the patient may experience the following problems: decreased blood pressure, drowsiness, convulsions, vomiting, fever, etc. In this case, you should call an ambulance as soon as possible, rinse the stomach, take a few pills activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight). An overdose of this drug usually requires hospitalization of the patient.

    Now you know for what diagnoses the doctor can prescribe the drug Pentoxifylline. The tablets should be used strictly according to the doctor’s recommendations. But the medicine in the form of ampoules is suitable only for those patients who are undergoing hospital treatment. Reviews about the drug are mostly positive, so if a doctor prescribes an analogue of this drug, which is 3 or even 4 times more expensive, then it is better to purchase Pentoxifylline pills, the instructions for use of which are quite clear to anyone.