List of documents for obtaining a license for medical activities. How to get a dental license How to get a dental license

Those who have professional experience in the field of dentistry sooner or later think about opening their own personal dental office. However, it is important to do this in accordance with all laws and regulations set by the government. To take this important step, it is important to research a variety of things in advance, for example, find out:

  • various subtleties and nuances of this matter that are important to consider;
  • what documents are needed, how to obtain a license;
  • difficulties that may be encountered during registration;
  • for how long the license is valid;
  • what awaits those who work without a license.

If all these factors are thought through, then it will be much easier to bring your business idea to life. However, it is important to remember that obtaining a permit is almost the final stage of opening your own business. Before you go for a license, you should choose a room for your future office and purchase equipment for it, as well as hire all the necessary employees.

About licensing: some nuances

If a citizen independently opens a dental office without taking care of obtaining the appropriate license, then sooner or later an inspection will come to him and, having discovered this detail, he will certainly impose a rather large fine. In this case, the doctor will not be able to continue to carry out his activities - he will be forced to either close his office or purchase a permit. In addition, the presence of such a document can be a guarantee for your clients that you are truly a professional and your activities are legal.

The dental business has several directions. Here are the most basic ones:

  • general;
  • children's;
  • orthodontics;
  • surgical;
  • therapeutic;
  • orthopedic;
  • X-ray;
  • prosthetics;
  • preventive.

A separate license must be issued for each category. They belong to small businesses and do not lose their relevance - people always need to have their teeth treated. In addition, there are procedures such as teeth whitening or teeth cleaning; many people visit dentists for preventative care. In any case, opening a dental office is a profitable investment.

Order and design

So, what steps do you need to take to obtain a license?

First, you need to decide where you need to apply.. There are two options - you can go to the federal supervisory service or to the territorial authorities. It is also important to take into account that individuals apply at the place of registration, and legal entities - at the place of registration of the organization. A citizen arriving for the first time receives an exact list of all documents that need to be collected (they may differ slightly in different regions).

The second step is collecting and submitting documents. Here is a list of required documents for licensing a dental office:

  • document confirming your identity (for an individual - passport and TIN; for a legal entity - TIN, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and constituent documents);
  • paper that will confirm the availability of office space and all necessary equipment that must be documented, maintenance contracts;
  • diplomas of completion of the relevant educational institutions of each of the clinic employees, certificates of completed advanced training courses, a certificate confirming work experience of at least five years, concluded contracts with staff;
  • work permit from Rospotrebnadzor, a receipt confirming payment of the state duty (amount - about 7,500 rubles) and a list of all documents provided;
  • A properly executed and completed application for a medical license. It should include the following factors:
  1. Passport details of the citizen applying for a license.
  2. Name of individual entrepreneur, organization, place of registration and actual address.
  3. A document confirming the inclusion of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur in the register, data of the organization that carried out this procedure.
  4. Taxpayer identification number and information about registration with the tax service.
  5. Description of the entrepreneur’s activities, paper confirming payment of the state duty.
  6. List of attached documents.

The application must be written without errors or blots. In addition, this document and others must not contain false information, otherwise the violator will suffer serious punishment based on the law.

The third step is submitting the collected package of documents. You should prepare them in two copies: one to submit to the appropriate authority, the second to keep. There are three submission methods:

  1. come in person to a government agency;
  2. send the entire package by registered mail;
  3. ask for help from specialists (for this you will need to issue a power of attorney).

The final stage is obtaining a license. From the day you submit your documents, your situation will be reviewed for a month and a half, after which a decision will be made.

  • If successful, you will receive a notification by email and within three days you will be able to pick up your license.
  • If the decision is negative, the reason will be indicated. There are cases when it seems unfair and the refusal is unreasonable, then you can try to appeal it.

Terms when the license is valid

Until 2011, such a license had a validity period of 5 years, after which it was necessary to re-issue the documents again. However, not so long ago this rule was excluded, and now the permit has no expiration date: it is unlimited. However, sometimes you have to collect documents again for registration. This is done if anything from the following list has changed:

  • legal address of the clinic;
  • medical services provided;
  • passport details of an individual entrepreneur.

Violations and fines

Sometimes, if violations are discovered, the license may be suspended for six months - during this time you must resolve all the problems. Then you send the documents to the government service again, and after a while an answer comes.

In addition, if a citizen suddenly decides to engage in dental activities without obtaining a license, this is considered a serious administrative violation and brings serious consequences. For example, fines and suspension of work for a certain period.

  1. For legal entities, such a fine will range from 500 to 1,000 rubles.
  2. An individual entrepreneur will pay from 30,000 - 40,000 rubles, or suspend the operation of the clinic for up to three months.
  3. Organizations will suffer damage from 170,000 - 250,000 rubles, or the clinic will be closed for about 120 days.

From this it can be seen that it is best to complete all the documents on time than to lose considerable sums of money in the future and again have to deal with paperwork.

Obtaining a dental office license

If you want to open a business, a dental office is a great investment! However, remember that it is important to obtain a license to operate. To do this, you will need to make a lot of effort: obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor, enter into contracts with various services that will service the office and equipment, and also hire professional employees - their work experience should not be less than five years.

If you do everything correctly, then getting a permit is not so difficult, and you can easily earn money doing what you love!

Answer: Yes, it is possible to obtain a medical license provided that your medical activity is carried out by a legal entity employing a general practitioner who has less than 5 years of work experience. In this case, it is necessary to provide an additional position, for example, deputy director for medical treatment, which can be filled by a specialist with any medical education and experience in his main specialty for at least 5 years.

Question: I am an individual entrepreneur. I want to open a medical office to provide pediatric care. Will this be legal provided that the hired workers are pediatricians of the highest category with a licensed license? Or do I also need to apply for a license? By education I am a paramedic, but I received my diploma back in 1989. I worked in my specialty for about a year?

Answer: In accordance with the Regulations on licensing of medical activities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 22, 2007 N 30, individual entrepreneurs have the right to carry out medical activities on the territory of the Russian Federation. However, for this it is necessary to fulfill the conditions that are defined in the said Regulations. One of these conditions is that an individual entrepreneur - a license applicant (licensee) has a higher (secondary - in the case of performing work (services) for pre-medical care) professional (medical) education, postgraduate or additional professional (medical) education and work experience in a specialty not less than 5 years. If you want to declare this type of activity as pediatrics, then you must have appropriate education and experience as a pediatrician for at least 5 years. Since this condition is impossible for you, we advise you to register a legal entity and employ appropriately qualified specialists on staff.

Question: As an individual entrepreneur, I can hire pediatricians and license them to provide services. Or do I need an LLC? I do not have a medical education.

Answer: I would like to note right away that you cannot license doctors, since in principle there are no provisions in the legislation that would regulate such activities. Only licensing authorities are vested with licensing functions. If you do not have a medical education, then you need to register a legal entity, for example a Limited Liability Company. In this case, you will have the opportunity to hire appropriately qualified doctors who will carry out work according to the declared types.

Definition of the “Office” format among other forms of running this business, step-by-step instructions for opening a dental office and what is needed for this.

Dentistry has always been a highly profitable business. According to analysts, work in this area can bring the greatest income to doctors, not to mention the owners of the enterprise. It’s not for nothing that faculties of this type in medical universities are considered the most prestigious. Let’s look at the procedure for opening a dental office, where to start, what format to choose.

Forms of dental services

There are only 3 types of organizations in this market:

1. State and departmental dentistry. They exist on government subsidies, while providing additional paid services. Serves the low-income population. They are a source of personnel for private dentistry.

2. Private dental clinics. There may be “VIP”, “middle class” and “economy” depending on the level of equipment, decoration of the premises, and qualifications of the staff. Average size 200 - 250 sq. m., designed for approximately 10-15 dental units. These are the most visited, highly profitable enterprises. Average monthly revenue is $30-50 thousand, and net profit is $15-20 thousand.

In addition to regular “outside” clients, people come to them under contracts from insurance companies. This demand is largely due to the wide range of dental services that they are ready to provide, namely:

  • consultations, functional diagnostics, x-rays;
  • therapeutic dentistry (treatment of pulpitis, caries, etc.);
  • periodontology (treatment of gingivitis and other diseases of the gums, bone tissue, etc.);
  • surgical dentistry (treatment of purulent diseases, tooth extraction, excision of benign tumors, etc.). Physiotherapy and anesthesia are attached to this area;
  • hygienic (preventive) dentistry (teeth whitening, removal of plaque, tartar, etc.);
  • orthopedic dentistry (dental prosthetics);
  • orthodontics (occlusion correction, etc.);
  • implantology (tooth restoration based on artificial roots);
  • pediatric dentistry.

3. Private dental offices. These are small rooms (30 - 80 sq. m.), equipped with 1-2 dental units. As a rule, the range of services is much narrower than in clinics. After all, 1-2 work points are not able to serve several specialists at once - periodontist, surgeon, orthopedist, etc.

It is also rare to find a one-man band who has all dental specializations. To do this, he must have a whole set of relevant certificates and diplomas, and also have a separate license for each type of activity. Therefore, offices are not as in demand as clinics: People prefer to receive comprehensive treatment in one place. Accordingly, their income will be less. Basically, the clients of such organizations are people who have applied for a specific one-time service, and are also ready to endure inconvenience in order to be treated by a specialist they like.

Thus, The undisputed leaders in the dental services market are private, wide-profile clinics. They are the ones who are able to bring the greatest income to their owners, although the initial costs will be very significant - from 5 million rubles. If there are not enough funds to open such an establishment, you can start by organizing a dental office, setting aside about 1.5 - 2.5 million rubles for the start. Let's look at what you need for this below.


1 If you have the appropriate education and experience and plan to carry out all the manipulations yourself, then you can register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur. After all, a license to carry out medical activities is issued only to a specific individual. If you are not a practitioner, then the only option is to open an LLC. In this case, a license will have to be issued for employees whose education and experience meet the licensing conditions.

2 To open a dental office, you will need to indicate the following OKVED codes:

  • 85.12 Medical practice
  • 85.13 Dental practice

3 Next, you need to register with the Pension Fund, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, the Social Insurance Fund, create a book of income and expenses, open an account and order a stamp.

4 Then you need to purchase a cash register (cash register), register the cashier’s journal with the tax office and conclude an agreement for servicing the device.

Selection and preparation of premises for dentistry

Before you start selecting premises, it is advisable to have a detailed business plan in hand. It is necessary to clearly understand how the office will be planned, how and what will be located there, etc. It is also important that the room meets the requirements stated in the following standards:

Sometimes additional legal acts are developed in the regions to regulate this issue.

Rospotrebnadzor imposes especially stringent requirements on dental office area. It is 14 square meters. m for 1 dental unit and plus 7 sq. for each subsequent one. Thus To open the simplest office for one workplace you will need the area of ​​one standard apartment(about 3o sq. m). In addition to taking into account the dimensions of the installation, it should include the area of ​​the hall (10 sq. m.) and the bathroom (5 sq. m.).

If you plan to expand your business in the future, we recommend calculating the area based on the following average indicators:

  • sterilization room - 6 sq. m (needed only where there are 3 or more dental units);
  • X-ray room - 11 sq. m plus 5-6 sq. m for a darkroom;
  • office of orthopedics and orthodontics - 15 sq. m;
  • implantology room, children's room, etc. - 15 sq.m. m for each;
  • auxiliary premises (warehouse, sterilization room, toilet, administration and staff rooms 30-40 sq. meters.

It is advisable that there is no more than one chair in each office. Patients appreciate privacy and comfort. The ceiling height in the office is allowed to be no less than 3 m, depth - no more than 6 m (with one-sided daylight).

A dental office can be opened both in a residential area and in a business area. The main thing is that it is located close to bus stops, preferably on the 1st floor, and the rent is reasonable. However Renting can hardly be called the best option. Firstly, it is very difficult to find a ready-made premises that meets all Sanpin standards. Most likely, you will have to completely redesign it and spend considerable sums on it. In addition, a medical license is issued to carry out activities in a specific premises, as well as permits from the SES and Rospozhnadzor. If the landlord does not want to renew the contract with you, you will have to go through everything all over again. And for 2 years of work you will pay him an amount equal to the cost of the entire premises.

If you have enough money, the ideal option would be acquisition of premises for dentistry. If this is a residential property, then it needs to be converted to non-residential. You will also have to order room designs: technological, architectural, electrical, sewerage and water supply, and sometimes ventilation. Project documentation must be agreed with:

  • bodies of State Fire Supervision;
  • TU Rospotrebnadzor;
  • Architectural and planning management;
  • State Expertise;

Special repairs will be required: the dental chair needs to be connected to electricity, water, sewerage, that is, an entire system will have to be laid under the floor. You need special ventilation, alarm and much more. On average, repairs will cost $250 per square meter. meter.


When selecting and installing equipment, you must be guided by:

Purchasing medical equipment is the most expensive expense item. Below is an approximate estimate of what you will need:

Main equipment

Additional specialized equipment and equipment


Price, euro

Tool set, total:


Set of tweezers

Micromotor handpieces (2 pcs.)

Set of curettage spoons.

Turbine tips (2 pcs.)

Set of gum scissors

Set of burs, needles, syringes

Hooks, heads and more

Additional equipment, incl.


MECTRON LED curing lamp with hose


Ultrasound scanner for removing stones and plaque

X-ray unit, mobile on a stand


Ultraviolet chamber for storing sterile instruments

Doctor's table


It is necessary to invite to work those specialists education which corresponds to the areas of work of the dental office. So, if you plan to provide therapeutic dentistry services, then you need to invite a dentist with certificate in therapeutic dentistry, diploma about completing internship and residency and experience work for at least 5 years. Having such an employee on staff allows you to obtain a medical license. And so - in all areas, for each of which you will need to obtain a separate license (for surgery, orthodontics, etc.).

Some types of activities can be carried out by nursing staff. For example, providing hygienic dental services. To do this, a physician must have secondary vocational education and a certificate in the specialization “Preventive Dentistry.” Also, nursing staff must assist dentists. These people need to have a certificate of “Dental Nurse” or simply “Nurse”, but with experience in dentistry.

According to the standards, the duration of work of one dentist is cannot take more than 6 hours a day. The same applies to nurses. The staff of specialists should be planned based on these indicators. At a minimum, you need to hire 2 dentists, 2 nurses, an orderly and one administrator.

Registration of permits

Registration of Rospotrebnadzor's conclusion, Gospozhnadzor permits and medical license

When the premises have been put into operation, the staff has been formed, it is time to move on to the next stage - obtaining the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor, decisions of the Fire Safety Supervision, and then obtaining a license.

Rospotrebnadzor provides:

  1. Statement
  2. Passport
  3. Certificate of registration as a legal entity. or physical faces.
  4. TIN certificate
  5. Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate
  6. Certificate of ownership or rental agreement for premises
  7. Explication
  8. BTI plan
  9. Agreements for washing clothes, garbage removal, destruction of fluorescent lamps, disinfection, deratization and disinfestation
  10. Examinations (water, air, physical factors, washes for sterility)
  11. Honey. books and a medical contract. inspection of employees
  12. Measurements of illumination, microclimate

If the office is organized in a new location, then it is first necessary to obtain a sanitary and epidemiological certificate on the location, and only then - a sanitary and epidemiological certificate on the compliance of services and work.

You must provide the following to Gospozhnadzor:

  1. Taxpayer Identification Number
  2. Lease agreement or certificate of ownership
  3. Passed. fire safety courses security
  4. Fire order security
  5. Instructions, evacuation plan
  6. Papers confirming the presence of an alarm and fire extinguisher
  7. Resistance measurement protocol

Obtaining a license

You must provide documents to Roszdravnadzor in accordance with the Fed. Law “On Licensing” dated 04.05.2011 N 99-FZ and Resolution dated April 16. 2012 N 291. Each type of medical activity must be licensed separately.