Anterior insertion of the placenta. Should I panic if my placenta is anterior? What to do if the placenta is located on the anterior wall

The placenta is an important organ that forms and develops only during pregnancy. The placenta is a kind of connecting element between mother and baby. Through this important organ, the child receives oxygen and nutrients. The baby receives antibodies, as well as hormones that are responsible for the preservation of pregnancy and the normal development of the unborn child.

The formation of the placenta begins a week after fertilization, and after birth, within half an hour it leaves the uterus, having completed all its functions.

Many pregnant women are interested in the correct location of this organ. Usually located or posterior, closer to the fundus of the uterus. This arrangement ensures the safety of this organ and the performance of its necessary function.

The location of the placenta depends on where the fertilized egg will attach after conception. Placentation can be determined through ultrasound.

The position of the placenta in the uterus can be as follows:

Placenta on the anterior wall;

Placenta on the posterior wall;

Placenta in the fundus of the uterus;

Placenta in the lateral wall area.

All of the above points are normal and do not pose any threat to both the mother and the fetus.

The placenta along the anterior wall can pose a threat only in case of surgical delivery (cesarean section). This is associated with an increased risk of possible bleeding. The placenta on the front wall of the uterus may be located exactly in the place where the doctor needs to make an incision to remove the baby.

If you are having a caesarean section and have anterior placentation, there is no need to worry in advance. Surgeons will definitely take all necessary measures to reduce the risk, and in case of bleeding they will be able to quickly stop it.

In some cases, abnormal (incorrect) attachment of the placenta is possible.

A low position of the placenta is a pathology in which the connecting organ between the mother and the fetus is located at a level of six centimeters or less from the internal cervical os. It does not matter where the placenta is located: on the front wall, on the side or on the back. The distance to the cervix plays a role. In most cases, it does not pose a threat, since with the growth of the abdomen it moves higher, to the bottom of the uterus.

Placenta previa is an arrangement in which the internal os is blocked (partially or completely). There are three types of presentation: marginal, lateral and complete.

In case of complete presentation, the mother undergoes a planned cesarean section at 38 weeks of pregnancy. If a marginal or lateral presentation is observed, the pregnant woman can give birth on her own if the doctor makes such a decision after examination. In this case, during spontaneous childbirth, opening of the amniotic sac at an early stage is indicated, as well as full readiness of the operating room in case of unforeseen circumstances.

If the placenta is located on the anterior wall of the uterus, lateral or posterior, closer to the fundus of the uterus, then this is normal. Such a pregnant woman can carry and give birth to a child on her own. If you have a low position of the placenta or its presentation, you need constant monitoring and observation by your attending physician, who will be able to make an adequate decision on the issue of delivery.

The medical features of pregnancy are not known to everyone. Most expectant mothers carry a child without thinking about the physiological processes in the body. The main thing for her is to bear a strong, healthy baby, to give birth naturally, on her own.

And yet you need to know the basic principles of the physiology of pregnancy. For example, about the location of the placenta. This organ plays a decisive role in the successful development of the fetus: the health of the mother during gestation directly depends on its position and functionality.

Correct placement of the placenta

Placenta (also called children's place)- a vital organ that ensures normal blood circulation between mother and baby. Its formation begins in the first weeks of pregnancy, and the organ takes on its final form by the 16th week. The fetus is connected to the placenta by two arteries and a vein located in the umbilical cord. Through these vessels, the child receives nutrients and oxygen, and the release of waste products is ensured. Also, the protective surface of the amnion (water membrane) protects the body from possible Rh conflict.

From a physiological point of view, the correct placental location during pregnancy is when the organ is attached to the fundus of the uterus or along the posterior wall in the upper part. As the fetus develops, the uterus stretches, but the back remains tight, so the placenta position on the back side is the safest.

Cases of placenta attachment not on the bottom or back wall, but on the sides, right or left, are common. This arrangement is not pathological. Under conditions of careful monitoring of the pregnant woman, resolution occurs naturally.

In rare cases, the organ is attached to the anterior wall of the uterus, which means increased stress due to uterine distension due to the movement of the growing fetus. If the child's seat is located high in the front, this feature is safe for the female body.

Should I panic with this diagnosis?

The anterior placental location increases the risk of possible complications during pregnancy and childbirth. It is worth understanding what causes this risk.

Due to excessive stress, sometimes the placenta descends to the os of the uterus and blocks the birth canal. If the placental attachment is fixed at a distance of 6 cm above the internal os, this position is called low placentation. The pathology is called placenta previa along the anterior wall. With this diagnosis, the expectant mother will not be able to give birth to a child on her own; childbirth occurs surgically.

Reasons for this condition

Anterior placentation is often caused by the following factors:

  • repeated births;
  • a scar on the uterus left after a previous cesarean section or other operations;
  • pathologies of the cervix (erosion, fibroids, endometriosis, endocervicitis, underdevelopment);
  • abortions;
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • bad habits;
  • late maternal age.

Possible complications

The danger of the diagnosis lies in the fact that along with it the risk of associated complications increases:

  1. Increased uterine tone and bleeding lead to threats of miscarriage in the early and late stages.
  2. Oxygen starvation of a child affects his development.
  3. Poor circulation causes anemia or hypotension.
  4. Early abruption of the placenta at an extended period of time, caused by the pressure of the weight of the fetus. This in some cases leads to his death.
  5. Incorrect fetal position causes complications during childbirth.
  6. Premature birth. Self-resolution is not possible. Internal os, covered by the placenta with a distance of 4 cm or 3 cm - indicators of cesarean section.

Diagnostic methods

Statistics show: 75% of women diagnosed with anterior presentation have repeat births. With treatment and the right lifestyle, the placenta migrates and the organ rises to its original place. According to reviews of women who had lower placentation along the anterior wall, by the time of delivery the baby's place migrates.

The main symptom by which one can understand that the placental location is incorrect is sudden painless bleeding. Blood discharge can be triggered by sexual intercourse, physical activity, defecation, or a vaginal examination by a gynecologist. There is a version about the psychological cause of the condition. In a woman who fears for the loss of her unborn baby, the instinct of self-preservation is triggered, the body blocks the exit with the child's place. Various stresses affect the mother's well-being.

Indirect signs indicate pathology:

  • rare weak movements of the baby;
  • faint hearing of the baby's heartbeat;
  • large belly - the fetus presses its weight on the baby's place, the walls are stretched, the fundus of the uterus is stretched.

Pathology is diagnosed by vaginal examination by a gynecologist to identify the following signs:

  1. Standing of the fundus of the uterus.
  2. Violation of fetal position.
  3. Formations of soft consistency, partially or completely covering the internal pharynx.
  4. Listening to the blood flow through the vessels of the reproductive organ.

Later, an ultrasound examination is prescribed to reveal the peculiarities of the position of the child’s place. The mother is prescribed complete bed rest with medication: hemostatic and reducing contractions of the reproductive organ. If the predominant location of the placenta does not change by the time of delivery, a caesarean section is prescribed as planned.

How does pregnancy go with this diagnosis?

Despite possible complications, the chances of a favorable pregnancy are high. The main condition is compliance with the regimen prescribed by the gynecologist. There is no 100% guaranteed treatment for previa, since it is impossible to change the position of the baby's place and fix it closer to the uterine fundus.

But the risks of complications can be reduced if the following conditions are met:

  1. Bed rest depending on the state of health of the pregnant woman.
  2. Taking medications prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Bleeding causes anemia, so a diet is prescribed to normalize hemoglobin levels.
  4. Thermal procedures are completely prohibited: baths, saunas, hot baths.
  5. Elimination of physical activity: lifting weights, having sex, long trips. Anxiety and stress are completely eliminated.

Anemia caused by bleeding is treated by taking iron supplements.

The diet of a pregnant woman includes foods that help increase hemoglobin:

  • beef
  • liver
  • apples
  • grenades
  • peaches
  • walnuts
  • dried fruits
  • beet
  • dark chocolate
  • citruses.

What to do if the placenta is located on the anterior wall

If the baby's place is located not closer to the bottom of the uterus, but along the front part, the expectant mother should know that this fact means a feature of the body, and not a disease. Pathology is lower placentation. Therefore, there is no need to worry or panic. Medical supervision, careful attention to health and adherence to the regime will make pregnancy a pleasant and exciting period of life. If anterior presentation is not associated with complications, then the mother’s well-being does not suffer.

The task of doctors in this situation is: monitor the condition of the placenta and check the blood for coagulation and hemoglobin levels.

Mother's task: Take care of yourself and your child and notify your doctor at the slightest abnormal signs. If the slightest spotting appears, there is no need to wait for a scheduled appointment.

In cases of increased uterine tone, and the woman will feel this by the fact that the abdomen will be very hard, frequent touching of it is undesirable.

Features of childbirth with anterior presentation

Anterior placentation does not affect the condition and health of the baby. If there are no complications, it is quite possible that childbirth will be easy and quick, naturally.

Cesarean section increases the risk of blood loss. The incision during the operation is made at the level of the placental location of the placenta; there is a risk of damaging it with a scalpel. Therefore, the placental location is taken into account and the features of the operation are adjusted.

The placenta and anomalies of its location are described in detail in this video:


In expectant mothers, the body's sensitivity to various kinds of changes within the body increases. It seems to them that as soon as you feel bad, this already indicates serious pathologies. Such worries are in vain. During pregnancy, a woman’s body experiences additional stress, so minor problems with well-being are natural.

Low placentation occurs in 3% of women. If such a diagnosis is nevertheless made, then remember that taking your own health and the health of the unborn child seriously will help raise the placenta, which will increase the chances of giving birth naturally.

The formation of the placenta along the anterior wall of the uterus is normal, but in some cases it can increase the risk of developing pregnancy complications.

Possible risks

  • Increased risk low location and . If the placenta initially forms quite low, then as the uterus enlarges, it will descend closer to the internal os, which can lead to complete or partial presentation;
  • Increased risk normally located placenta. The anterior wall of the uterus undergoes significant changes during pregnancy: it significantly stretches and thins. As pregnancy progresses, the sensitivity of the uterus increases. Even minor influences (, stroking the stomach) can lead to and. The placenta cannot contract, which may result in abruption;
  • Increased risk of true placenta accreta. This pathology is quite rare. An increased risk of its occurrence occurs in women with a history of surgical interventions on the uterus or damage due to abortions or diagnostic curettages. In this case, the placenta may form and adhere to the area of ​​scar or internal damage;
  • Difficulty in auscultation. The location of the placenta on the anterior wall can make it difficult to listen to the fetal heartbeat with a stethoscope: the tones are heard more dull.

Information It should be noted that the location of the placenta along the anterior wall of the uterus is not a pathological condition, and the risk of complications is extremely low. In most cases, women calmly carry a child and give birth through the vaginal canal without any negative consequences.

The placenta is an important organ whose main purpose is to connect the blood circulation of mother and child during pregnancy. The first signs of the placenta appear at the very beginning of the period, but this organ acquires its final appearance only by the 16th week. From the placenta to the baby, 2 arteries and 1 vein are sent along the umbilical cord (sometimes it happens). Thanks to these vessels, the child is fed, waste products are removed from his body, there is a constant supply of oxygen to the fetal cells and protection from major infections.

Where should the placenta be located?

The placenta is located where the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus after the end of its movement through the fallopian tube.

Positive aspects of the location of the organ along the posterior wall of the uterus

This does not mean that women who were diagnosed with a placenta along the anterior wall of the uterus during pregnancy need urgent treatment! It’s just that such a pregnant woman should know what possible complications may arise in this case.

There are a lot of options for attaching the placenta and they depend only on the individual characteristics of the expectant mother’s body. This may be the fundus of the uterus, the entire left or right side of the uterus, or the posterior wall. You can find out how the baby's place is located in your case with the help of a second scheduled ultrasound at 19-24 weeks of pregnancy.

If the placenta is located on the anterior wall of the uterus

In such cases, there are some inconveniences:

  1. it is difficult for the obstetrician to listen to the fetal heartbeat,
  2. it is more difficult to palpate the position of the baby in the uterus,
  3. The expectant mother will feel the baby’s movements less clearly and the first tremors may begin later than usual (18-22 weeks), because the placenta in this location acts as a “pillow”, which reduces sensitivity.

But, despite these inconveniences, this arrangement in itself is not dangerous to the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus.

In very rare cases, complications occur:

  1. The likelihood of placenta previa increases. Here you need to use your imagination. Imagine (for greater clarity, use the pictures above) that the placenta is attached to the posterior wall of the uterus very low to the internal os (read). As the abdomen grows, it will rise and by the time of birth, in most cases, it will already be at a safe distance from the pharynx. But if the baby’s place is located low and on the front wall, then over time the uterus will grow and the placenta will shift, increasing the likelihood that it will completely or partially block the internal os. In this situation, the obstetrician-gynecologist will decide in favor of a cesarean section in order to protect the woman in labor from possible bleeding. Therefore, with this location of the placenta, special attention should be paid to the distance to the internal os of the uterus.
  2. If a woman has had a cesarean section or other uterine surgery in the past, the likelihood of placenta accreta increases.
  3. The risk increases. The child in the womb leads an active life: he moves, pushes, squeezes the umbilical cord. This is not dangerous, but if the child seat is secured to the front wall, the risk of detachment increases. When the due date approaches, training contractions may occur and excessive contractions in the unusual location of this organ also increase the likelihood of abruption.

Don’t be scared and try on all possible complications for yourself. They occur very rarely, in 1-3% of pregnancies; in other cases, childbirth occurs safely naturally.