First aid for pinched sciatic nerve. Signs of a pinched sciatic nerve and treatment at home. Drug treatment for patients with pinched nerves

Methods for treating pinched sciatic nerve.

One of the common neuralgic diseases is lumbosacral radiculitis or sciatica, which occurs due to pinching of the sciatic nerve and its inflammation. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body, starting in the lumbar region at five levels of the spinal cord and as it travels down the leg, it divides into smaller nerves that supply energy to different parts of the leg. The sciatic nerve is long and closely connected with many organs.

The main causes of pinched sciatic nerve are:

Intervertebral disc herniation;

Hernia of the spine in the lumbar region;

Deformation of intervertebral discs due to osteochondrosis;

Displacement of intervertebral discs relative to each other;

Narrowing of the spinal canal or stenosis in the lumbar region;

Excessive load on the spine;


Various infections in the pelvic area;


Diabetes mellitus;


This disease is manifested by severe pain in the lumbar region, radiating to the buttock, in the area of ​​the back of the thigh and lower leg, and the outer edge of the foot. Lumbago, or “lumbago,” is a paroxysmal sharp pain in the lower back, most often caused by osteochondrosis of the lumbar intervertebral discs. The disease usually manifests itself suddenly after any movement of the spine (bending the body forward or turning it to the side). In this case, severe pain occurs, which patients call tearing, pulsating, piercing. During such an attack, a person becomes helpless and freezes in a forced position. Any attempt to move increases the pain. The painful attack usually lasts several minutes. With physical rest and in a horizontal position, the pain noticeably subsides.

Some people experience a pinched nerve several times a year, for example after doing heavy physical work or lifting a heavy load. In others it happens more often because there are degenerative diseases of the spine.

Sciatica in medicine is usually divided into several types.

A) Lower sciatica- the sciatic nerve itself, as well as its branches, become inflamed.

B) Moderate sciatica- characterized by damage to the plexus.

B) Upper sciatica- the extradural part of the root and cord are susceptible to inflammation.

Symptoms. The first symptoms of the disease are pain, tingling, and numbness in the area of ​​the sciatic nerve. A common symptom is loss of motor activity. Symptoms can be different, it all depends on the degree of pinching. The pain can be shooting, pulling or aching. There may be attacking pains, which are replaced by less painful sensations. Sometimes severe pain can paralyze a person.

Body temperature may rise, this is due to the inflammatory process of the sciatic nerve. You should not lower the temperature, because the cause remains. As your health improves, your fever will go away.

To get rid of sciatica Surely, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the inflammation. When treating the disease, it is necessary to restore normal metabolism in the area of ​​the intervertebral discs, it is necessary to eliminate muscle spasms, and release nerve endings that are pinched. It is important to improve nutrition and blood supply to the nerve endings and stop the development of osteochondrosis. Thanks to correct and adequate treatment, severe pain disappears and does not recur.

Diagnostics. First of all, you should make a correct diagnosis, and only then begin treatment, because similar symptoms can be observed in different diseases. Therefore, the neurologist will ask the patient to do some simple exercises, with the help of which he will determine exactly where the problem lies. The best diagnosis is MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), the results of which can accurately determine the cause of nerve inflammation.

Some people do the wrong thing when they apply warm compresses. Heat can make the situation worse and swelling may increase. You should not act on your own, because it is not completely known how massages, pills, ointments and other medical procedures will affect your health.

To get rid of sciatica, various methods of treating pinched sciatic nerve are used.

One of the common methods is to block the inflamed area with painkillers, followed by the use of anti-inflammatory drugs.

One of the tasks when treating a pinched sciatic nerve is to identify the cause of the disease and its possible elimination through the correct choice of treatment. Since, if the pinching of the sciatic nerve is caused by an intervertebral hernia, then surgical intervention may be necessary.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are an effective way to treat pinched sciatic nerves:


UHF therapy;

Electrophoresis with drugs;

Paraffin applications;

Phonophoresis with drugs.

These methods help warm up the inflamed area, relieve swelling, improve blood circulation and reduce pain.

Some people take diclofenac, but later notice that they have stomach problems and need to treat it. Therefore, you need to remember that some medications will cure one thing, but harm another. Drug treatment should be gentle and in combination with other methods, such as physical therapy, which will help improve motor activity.

Here are some effective exercises.

1. Lie on the floor, rest your buttocks on the surface at a right angle: a sofa or a wall, raise your legs up, rest your hands on your hips. In this position, the vertebrae will stretch slightly, and you will feel a slight tension. Lie in this position for 5-10 minutes. Do it several times a day every day.

2. Walking on your buttocks. Sit on the floor, straighten your knees, bend your elbows. Make stepping movements with your buttocks forward and then back, actively assisting while walking with the movement of your torso. The right buttock moves forward, the torso turns to the left, the left buttock moves forward, the torso turns to the right. This exercise will not take much time and will bring positive results.

3. Perform the “Bicycle” exercise, gradually increasing the amplitude, speed and number of leg rotations.

4. Half squats with legs spread 40-50 cm wide, with your hand resting on a chair.

5. Circular rotations of the hips.

In specialized clinics and medical centers use various unconventional methods to treat pinched sciatic nerve:




Warming up with wormwood cigars;

Stone therapy or stone massage;

Vacuum or cupping massage;

Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches and others.

Quite effective ways to treat a pinched sciatic nerve are:

Daily sitting on the Kuznetsov applicator;

Bath procedures with a birch, oak or eucalyptus broom;

Warming baths with the addition of various warming agents: turpentine, pine extract, herbal decoctions, grated horseradish, and so on.

During the treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve, and also as further preventive measures, the following rules must be followed:

Do not lift heavy weights;

Do not sit on a soft, low chair;

The bed should be hard;

Follow a diet, especially if you have problems with excess weight;

Perform daily physical exercises that help release the sciatic nerve and strengthen the musculoskeletal system;

Follow all the instructions of your doctor and then you are guaranteed a speedy cure.

The use of warming ointments without a doctor's prescription is strictly prohibited. This also applies to massage and hot compresses. The only correct decision is to go to the clinic and ensure peace.

Indomethacin ointment. This ointment is not expensive, but is quite effective. Because it has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. External use of the ointment helps to increase movement activity, relieves swelling, reduces stiffness, and relieves pain. The ointment can be used in cases of the following diseases: lumbago, sciatica, inflammation of ligaments and tendons, radiculitis, spondyloarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

Sciatica during pregnancy. A pregnant woman feels severe pain in the lower back and legs. Intrauterine movement of the fetus can pinch the nerve. During such a period, you need to choose only the right treatment; it must be safe, but at the same time effective. In this case, you need to carry out therapeutic exercises that will strengthen the muscle corset. In this case, it is necessary to follow the doctor’s prescriptions and not self-medicate.

Traditional medicine for these nervous ailments uses the following remedies:

At home, you can carry out the following treatment procedure:

Melt the beeswax in a water bath,

Cool it slightly so as not to burn the patient,

Lubricate the sore spot with sunflower, sea buckthorn, burdock or propolis oil,

Apply hot wax over the oil with a wide paint brush,

Cover the compress with a blanket and keep it until it cools down.

After cooling, the wax easily comes off the skin.

*To treat a pinched nerve, prepare a tincture from spruce or pine buds, dandelion flowers or pine needles. Fill half a half-liter dark glass bottle with the raw material and pour vodka into it to the top. Leave in a dark place for at least a week, rub painful areas, and wrap warmly after rubbing.

*Prepare the collection:
greater celandine herb - 15 g
medicinal cap leaves - 50 g
three-leaf watch leaves - 2 g
wormwood branches - 35 g
black elderberry flowers - 40 g.
3 dining rooms Infuse spoons of the collection in 1 liter of boiling water for 2-3 hours. Strain and take up to 3 glasses a day for severe pain.

*Chamomile. For “lumbago” and pain in the lower back, a pillow filled with chamomile and black elderberry flowers is tied to the sore spot. The medicinal mixture is first placed in a pan of boiling water for 2-3 seconds, and then tied to the site of the diseased lesion for 1-2 hours.

*Comfrey officinalis. Prepare a poultice: the crushed root of the plant is boiled in water, milk or beer and wrapped in gauze. This medicine is applied to the affected area.

*White water lily. Crushed leaves are applied to the sore spot (instead of mustard plasters).

*Take half a glass of birch buds, grind and pour liters of vodka on the floor. Leave the mixture for a week and use it as a rub or compress on sore spots.

*In folk treatment If you have a pinched sciatic nerve, you can try this ointment: take bay leaves and juniper needles in a ratio of 6:1 and grind them into powder. Add 10 parts of butter there and mix. This ointment has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

*A few leaves of indoor geranium knead and place on a piece of linen cloth. Such a compress must be applied to sore spots, bandaged with a woolen scarf and left for 2-3 hours. The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times a day.

*Here is another effective compress: take a piece of material, soak it in a mixture of olive oil, milk and foundation and attach along the entire spine.

*Very effective and ancient remedy Bee products that protect against this type of disease include honey, beeswax, and propolis. You can do a massage with honey, for which you take 300 g, bring to a boil in a water bath, add alcohol (50 g) drop by drop. After cooling with this remedy, rub your back for 20 minutes. Usually the massage continues until the honey begins to stick to your hands. They rub your back, but not only - they grab your knees, shoulders, elbows. The massage is done with light slapping, which achieves a good therapeutic effect, with its help you can relieve inflammation.

In folk medicine, “salt race” methods are widespread. Their effectiveness is due to the diuretic effect of dehydration agents of plant origin. With the help of these remedies, swelling and inflammation in the nerve roots of the spinal cord are reduced.

For the “salt race”, watermelon rind powder, rosehip and parsley infusions are used.

As auxiliary treatment procedures, perhaps use rubs and ointments. They can be purchased at almost any pharmacy in ready-to-use form. Here are some of them: “Naftalgin”, “Saliniment”, “Sanitaz”, “Kapsin”, “Viprosal”, “Virapin”, “Finalgon”. The list is huge. Of the ointments available on the market, you will probably find something for yourself.

Home herbal baths are widely used in the treatment of sciatica. Such baths are easy to prepare, have a calming effect on the nervous system, relieve nervous tension and spasms. For such baths, calamus roots, knotweed, chamomile, sage, cereal flowers and other herbs are used.

*You need to take a kilogram of spruce bark, dilute it with five liters of water and boil for an hour over low heat. Take a bath with this decoction.

*500 grams of thyme mixture and calamus root, pour six liters of water and boil. Add the infusion to the bath.

*Take the following herbs in equal proportions: oregano, juniper, burdock, pine buds, hops, thyme. Grind everything into powder. Then pour 16 tablespoons of this mixture into 4 liters of boiling water and boil a little. Take a bath with this decoction.

In addition In addition to this, it is necessary to drink various healthy teas from herbs such as motherwort oregano, lemon balm, valerian.

Treatment of a pinched sciatic nerve using traditional methods is a long process and requires a lot of patience, but the result will be positive.

As a preventive measure The most important way to prevent sciatica is to strengthen the back muscles. It is very important to maintain normal posture, not to hunch over, keep your back straight, and sit correctly. People whose work is sedentary should remember to periodically warm up, they need to get up from the table, walk around the room, and take a walk. You need to try to avoid hypothermia, avoid severe overexertion, and do not lift heavy objects. In order to train your back muscles, you should do exercises and stretch your spine. Women are not recommended to wear high heels very often. An active lifestyle is very important to improve health.


It must be carried out on the waning moon. For the ritual you will need a wooden sliver. You need to say the following to her:

“Just as this splinter broke off from a tree, so the illness of the Servant of God (name) will leave her forever. The unbearable pain will subside, the furnace will stop burning and twisting. Lord, take away this unbearable illness, return the Servant of God (name) to her former health. Amen".

After which, you need to throw the charmed sliver into the flame of the fire with the words:

"Burn the fire, burn,
Take away my illness!
From this moment, from this day,
May all illnesses leave me!
How brightly the flame burns,
This is how the disease leaves me!
The way will be like this. Amen!"

After reading, cross yourself three times.

Speak about pinched sciatic nerve:

In a private sector or in a village, go to the last house on the street (in an alley) and, looking at the smoke from the chimney, read a special spell to yourself. Make sure that your lips do not move while reading. The spell words are:

How are you, the last little hut, standing?

How you, the extreme of the extremes, smoke,

So that my illness would burn and decay,

My pain flew away with extreme smoke.

Smoke, fly away like smoke,

My body is white, be healed.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.


The medicinal qualities of propolis are familiar to many. It is indispensable in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases. But few people know how well it helps with pinched sciatic nerves.
For healing, you need to make the following tincture: infuse 50 grams of propolis in 0.5 liters of vodka for ten days in a dark place.
Then rub the aching area three times a day.


It's no secret that trees have powerful energy that they can transmit to humans. By receiving this energy, you can be cured of many ailments. Nerve inflammation is also one of them.
Visit a forest or park with many trees. Approach each tree and stand with your back to it at a distance of 50 cm. When you find your plant, you will feel the warmth emanating from the trunk. Having felt this, I advise you to stand near him for some time. Mentally or out loud, ask the tree to rid you of the disease. Feed on his energy. Repeat this procedure, if possible, regularly.

Sciatic neuralgia- a condition in which pain is felt along the entire sciatic nerve, from the lower back, through the hips and buttocks, down to both legs. Typically, pinching affects one side of the body.

Pinching often occurs when a herniated disc, osteophyte in the spine, or narrowing of the spine (stenosis) pinches part of the nerve endings. This causes inflammation, pain and numbness in the affected leg.

In general, this disease is low-risk, since it does not require treatment. Although the pain associated with pinching can be quite severe, in most cases it resolves without surgery within a few weeks. People require surgery if the foot is severely pinched, has significant leg weakness, or has bowel or bladder problems.

How to determine a pinched sciatic nerve?

The main sign of pinching is pain, spreading from the lower (lumbar) spine to the buttocks and lower to the back of the legs. The patient may feel discomfort along almost the entire nerve pathway, but especially from the lower back and buttock to the back of the thigh and calf.

How does it hurt? The nature of the pain can vary widely: from a mild dull ache to a sharp, excruciating pain with a burning sensation. Sometimes it feels like an electric shock and gets worse when you cough or sneeze. Prolonged sitting also aggravates symptoms of the disease. Usually only one half of the body is affected.

Some people feel numbness, tingling, or muscle weakness in the affected leg or foot. It should be remembered that high temperature indicates inflammation of the pinch.

When to see a doctor?

The pinching goes away over time, but you should carefully monitor how you feel, especially how long your back hurts and if home treatment does not relieve symptoms. See your doctor immediately if:

  • you felt severe piercing pain in the lower back or leg, numbness and muscle weakness;
  • you experience intense pain as a consequence of an injury, such as a car accident;
  • It is difficult for you to control the process of bowel movements and urination.

Symptoms similar to a pinched sciatic nerve can occur in 50-80% of pregnant women. The hormone relaxin, produced during pregnancy, makes the ligaments weaker and more stretched, which leads to back pain. However, pinching of the sciatic nerve by an intervertebral hernia during pregnancy is unlikely.


Pinching of the sciatic nerve occurs more often due to the formation of a herniated disc or bone spur on the vertebra. Less commonly, the nerve is pinched by a tumor or as a result of diabetes.

Risk factors include:

  • Age. The most common causes are age-related changes occurring in the spine, namely intervertebral hernia and osteophytes.
  • Obesity. The increased load of excess weight on the spine can cause changes that provoke pinching.
  • Type of activity. Jobs that involve lifting heavy objects and driving for long periods of time may cause pinching, but there is no direct evidence of this.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. More active people are less likely to suffer from a pinched sciatic nerve than sedentary people.
  • Diabetes. This disease, which affects blood sugar levels, increases the risk of disruption of the nervous system.


Although many people recover completely, even without any treatment, pinching can permanently damage nerve connections. Get help immediately if you:

  • you can’t feel the affected leg;
  • feel weakness in a limb;
  • you cannot control the processes of urination and bowel movements.


It is not always possible to prevent pinching, so we advise you to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Exercise regularly. To strengthen your back, pay special attention to the core muscles of the abdomen and lower back, as they are important for proper posture. Talk to your doctor about special exercises and whether you can go to yoga.
  • Maintain proper posture while sitting. The chair should have good lumbar support, armrests and a swivel base. To support the correct curve of the spine, it is recommended to place a small pillow or rolled up towel under the lower back. Watch the position of your knees and hips.

  • Do a warm-up. If you stand for long periods of time, periodically rest your leg on a chair or small box. Let your lower extremities work when you lift something heavy. Straighten your back and bend only your knees, moving only from bottom to top. Avoid twisting your back when lifting heavy objects.


The doctor knows how to diagnose a pinch and can test muscle strength and reflexes during the examination. For example, you will be asked to walk on tiptoes or on your heels, rise from a squatting position, or while lying on your back, lift one leg and the other leg alternately. The pain caused by a pinched sciatic nerve usually gets worse with these activities.

Many people have no symptoms if they have a herniated disc or osteophytes. As a result, doctors usually do not order additional examinations, since it is not advisable to treat the pinching if there is no severe pain or improvement within a few weeks.

  • X-ray spine may show the presence of osteophytes that compress the nerve.
  • MRI allows you to take detailed pictures of bones and soft tissues, such as herniated discs.
  • Computed tomography and myelography will help to see the condition of the spinal nerves.
  • Electromyography measures the electrical impulses produced by nerves and the response of muscles to the impulses. This test can confirm the presence of nerve compression caused by a hernia or spinal stenosis.


If the pain does not go away, make an appointment with a neurologist, he will prescribe the necessary medication and draw up a treatment regimen. The following drugs may be prescribed:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Muscle relaxants - drugs that relax muscles;
  • Sleeping pills;
  • Tricyclic antidepressants;
  • Anti-seizure pills.


Once the acute pain subsides, your doctor may suggest a rehabilitation program to prevent future damage.

Treatment usually includes exercises to correct posture, strengthen the muscles that support the back, and improve overall body flexibility.

Steroid injections

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe injections whose name sounds like corticosteroids. Injections are made around the affected area of ​​the nerve roots. Corticosteroids help better than pills by reducing pain and suppressing inflammation around the nerve. The effect of the injections wears off after a few months. It should be remembered that injecting steroids is often not recommended due to the risk of side effects.

Surgical intervention

This treatment option is considered in cases where the pinched nerve causes significant limb weakness, loss of urinary and bowel control, or pain persists no matter how long treatment is given. Surgeons can remove the osteophyte or part of the herniated disc where the pain is most intense.

Treatment for pinching at home

Many people find that folk remedies help, although a few days of rest bring relief, prolonged inactivity can worsen the symptoms of the disease. Use the following recommendations if you don’t know what to do and how to relieve back pain at home.


Apply a cold compress to the sore area for 20 minutes several times a day. A bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel works well for this.

A hot compress is applied after 2-3 days. The best way to deal with this is using a hot water bottle. It is most effective to alternate cold and hot compresses if the pain continues to bother you and medications no longer help.

Exercises for pinched sciatic nerve

Not everyone knows how else to relieve pain when the sciatic nerve is pinched, for example, with the help of therapeutic exercises or exercises. Stretching the lower back improves well-being and relieves pressure on the nerve roots. Sudden jerks, jumps, and twisting should be avoided. When stretching, it is recommended to stay in one position for at least 30 seconds.

In extreme cases, take over-the-counter pain medications, such as Ibuprofen or Napraxen tablets and injections, or ask your pharmacist which ointment to use. Most likely you will be advised to use an anti-inflammatory or pain-relieving ointment.

Experts also believe that it is necessary to drink enough fluids if the sciatic nerve is pinched and that it is recommended to take B vitamins.

If you are tormented by the question of how to sleep with a pinched nerve, use three simple tips:

  1. Find the right position. For extra support, place a pillow under your feet. If you sleep on your side, place it between your knees and slightly pull your knees toward your chest. When sleeping on your back, it is also recommended to place a pillow under your knees or a rolled towel under your lower back. It is not recommended to sleep on your stomach, as this puts additional stress on your back.
  2. Buy a good mattress. A mattress that is too soft or too hard can both relieve pain and worsen symptoms in men. Try placing boards under the mattress and observe how you feel the next morning.
  3. Get in and out of bed carefully. It would seem obvious, but not everyone knows how to eliminate discomfort when getting out of bed correctly. It is recommended to roll over to the desired side and lift your body, pushing off with your hand, and then throw your legs on the floor and slowly stand up.

Alternative medicine

There are alternative medicine methods, whose treatments as well as medications are used to relieve lower back pain, for example:

  • Acupuncture. An acupuncturist inserts thin needles into special points on the body. Some studies show that acupuncture relieves back pain, while others, on the contrary, refute this. Therefore, you should find a certified specialist before treating your back in dubious clinics.
  • Manual therapy. Spinal realignment is another method of treating it when there is limited mobility. The goal of treatment is to restore spinal function and reduce pain. This type of manipulation is also recognized as effective along with traditional drug treatment of pain.
  • Hirudotherapy. Treatment with leeches can be considered as an additional means of relieving pain and improving blood circulation.

In addition to chiropractors, the following specialists know how to treat this disease: osteopaths, rehabilitation doctors.

There are contraindications, it is necessary to consult a specialist.


Neuritis and neuralgia cause a lot of trouble: numbness, stabbing, cutting pain, lumbago. Inflammation of the sciatic nerve, symptoms and treatment of which were previously noted in people 40–60 years old, is rapidly becoming younger. A sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity, and poor nutrition become prerequisites for the development of sciatica. Treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve is a long process, which largely depends on the correct diagnosis and determination of the causes of the pain attack.

Causes of the disease

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve, otherwise sciatica, is a pain syndrome that occurs in the lumbar region and radiates throughout the leg. The well-known sciatica is one of the manifestations of sciatica. The sciatic nerve is the largest in the human body, very sensitive due to the presence of special fibers. It begins in the lumbosacral region, passes along the surface of the buttock, thigh, and in the lower leg it diverges into smaller processes to the fingertips.

Pinching or inflammation of the sciatic nerve is caused by compression of the nerve roots. Becomes a consequence of a number of reasons:

  • Intervertebral hernia. As a result of rupture of the fibrous ring, which protects the nucleus pulposus - the shock absorber of the spine during movement - the latter ceases to function normally and displacement occurs. When a vertebra protrudes, as in the photo above, the nerve endings of the sciatic nerve are compressed, causing inflammation. The danger is that the pain factor associated with a hernia is a signal of advanced disease, which in some cases may require surgical intervention.
  • Osteophytes of bones - arthrosis and chondrosis. These are growths that form at the junction of bones (vertebrae). They pinch the roots of the sciatic nerve, causing inflammation.

  • Displacement of the vertebrae relative to each other (spondylolisthesis). Often a consequence of spinal injuries or birth defects.
  • Past infectious diseases, often uncured.
  • Poisoning, intoxication. There are two types:
    • internal – under the influence of diabetes mellitus;
    • external – when chemical agents enter the body with food and drinks.

  • Tumors.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Inflammation of the piriformis muscle.
  • Pregnancy. A shift in the center of gravity when carrying a child often causes pain in the lumbosacral region.
  • Stress, nervous feelings, depression.

Main symptoms

The variety of causes of inflammation of the sciatic nerve determines the difference in the symptoms of the disease. The main common symptom is pain, and symptoms such as fever and weakness give clues about an infectious or viral cause of exacerbation of sciatica. In case of chronic osteoarthritis, destruction of the joint capsule, displacement of discs, intervertebral hernia, acute relapses with pronounced shooting pain are characteristic, which gradually descends along the leg to the knee, and then to the foot.

Constant aching, periodically burning pain in a resting position at the initial stage of the disease subsides. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the inflammatory process will not disappear: the symptoms may weaken slightly, moving down the leg. Numbness of the limbs, tingling, but no pain in the lower back are symptoms of advanced sciatica, untimely treatment of which sometimes leads to the need for surgical intervention.

What to do and how to treat inflammation of the sciatic nerve

Pronounced symptoms or the first harbingers of the disease are a reason to consult a specialist. It is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis, because the specifics of treatment will depend on the identified causes of inflammation of the sciatic nerve. An X-ray or CT scan, MRI or electroneuromyography will help determine exactly what is causing sciatica.

At the same time, the neurologist examines the degree of damage to the sciatic nerve, conducting special tests for motor reflexes:

  • Achilles tendon,
  • knee joint,
  • checks for the presence of Lassen symptoms (pain on the back of the thigh and lower leg when lifting a straight leg up and forward independently), Bonnet (the same procedure, only the doctor lifts the leg).

Having compared the symptoms, found out the cause of the disease, the degree of damage to the nerve endings and the severity of the inflammation, the specialist prescribes a comprehensive treatment, which includes:

  • Drug treatment.
  • Prescribing a set of physical exercises, massages and special therapy.
  • Physiotherapy and radiology (in rare cases).
  • Homeopathic treatment. Special homeopathic ointments and creams will help relieve pain symptoms and reduce inflammation of the sciatic nerve.
  • Folk remedy.

Drug treatment

How to treat inflammation of the sciatic nerve? The first aid for a sharp exacerbation of sciatica will be painkillers:

  • analgin;
  • derivatives with a pronounced direction of action:
    • tempalgin - pain symptoms subside as a result of the action of tempidine - a mild tranquilizer;
    • sedalgin - codeine and paracetamol have an invigorating effect on the nervous system, relieving inflammation of the nerve roots;
    • baralgin - antispasmodics in the composition remove muscle inflammation, relieving spasm of the sciatic nerve;
    • pentalgin.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) – tablets, injections for severe pain, ointments will be mandatory in the treatment of sciatic nerve entrapment:

  1. Diclofenac (tablets) – anesthetizes and relieves inflammation, pain, swelling. Injections for inflammation of the sciatic nerve of this drug are more effective, but the degree of influence of side effects on the liver and kidneys increases. Therefore, they are prescribed intramuscularly or intravenously by a doctor with a minimum interval of 12 hours.
  2. Movalis is a very powerful drug that quickly relieves pain symptoms. Quickly reduces inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The presence of significant side effects requires taking the tablets under medical supervision for no more than 5 days.
  3. Ibuprofen, Nise, Nurofen are NSAIDs with less pronounced effects. They are good because they affect the peripheral nervous system, relieving inflammation, and muscles, relaxing and removing spasms.
  4. Corticosteroids are prescribed for long-term, persistent pain symptoms. These are hormonal agents that relieve swelling and inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

For pregnant women, the doctor will recommend a special treatment for inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Taking most medications during this period negatively affects the health of the expectant mother and child, so it is strictly prohibited to use medications without consulting a doctor. The most gentle medicine would be painkillers - suppositories. Homeopathy will also become one of the possible and safe treatment options.


The acute period of inflammation of the sciatic nerve in most cases lasts from 5 to 10 days. During this time, it is necessary to ensure a reduction in physical activity and rest for the lumbosacral region, in other words, it is more in a horizontal position, preferably on a hard orthopedic surface. The subsidence of symptoms is not a reason to increase sports activity.

The neurologist determines the time when it is possible to begin treatment of chronic sciatica with therapeutic exercises and physical exercises. Based on the identified causes of inflammation of the sciatic nerve and symptoms, the physiotherapist develops a special program. For pregnant women, it is drawn up by a medical commission, which necessarily includes a gynecologist, therapist, and physiotherapist. Yoga, Pilates, and swimming will be useful.

Massage and reflexology

The use of massage as a treatment method for acute symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve is very careful: stroking and light rubbing. When the pain subsides, you can use more intense techniques - kneading and patting. Essential oils and warming ointments will be a good help. The result will be improved blood flow to pinched nerve endings, relieving tightness and muscle spasms, stimulating the production of endorphins, and reducing swelling.

Reflexology methods - acupuncture, manual acupressure - relieve pain symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Long-term treatment with needles (up to 3 months) can not only eliminate the manifestation of the disease, but also cope with the causes of its exacerbation for a long time. Oncology, skin lesions, pregnancy are contraindications to the use of this type of therapy.


In some cases of symptoms of sciatica, when NSAIDs and analgesics do not work, the doctor prescribes novocaine blockades. This drug blocks nerve impulses to the sciatic nerve, relieving the symptoms of inflammation. Nervous behavior (excitement or apathy), inability to move, feeling of pain both standing and lying down are grounds for prescribing a blockade with anesthetics.

How to relieve inflammation with folk remedies

Warming ointments will help relieve inflammation of the sciatic nerve at home. Turpentine, camphor ointment, beeswax - will perfectly warm the inflamed area, improve blood flow to the nerve endings, and remove spasms. A tincture of red pepper and vodka, used as a compress, improves the conductivity of the sciatic nerve and promotes the production of hormones - endorphins. Herbal infusions of calendula, horsetail, thyme and viburnum (2 tablespoons each) per half liter of water must be boiled and, when cooled, taken daily 3 times a day, 100 ml before meals.

Preventing pinched or inflamed nerves

Strong back muscles are the key to the health of the sciatic nerve and the ability to avoid relapses of the disease. Therapeutic gymnastics and moderate physical activity, yoga and Pilates will be an effective means of preventing sciatica. A straight back and slender posture when moving and sitting during the day are the basis for a healthy spine and the absence of inflammation of the nerve processes.

At the first symptoms of a previous attack, women need to give up heels. Swimming on your back and water aerobics treatment will strengthen your back muscles. Hypothermia is another friend of radiculitis, arthrosis and inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Warm clothing appropriate for the weather, a closed lower back and warm legs are important conditions for the prevention of sciatica.

Which doctor should I contact to diagnose sciatica?

A neurologist or neurologist will help you identify the symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve, carry out diagnostics and find out the cause of the disease. When prescribing treatment, you may need consultation:

  • gynecologist - if the patient is pregnant;
  • surgeon, orthopedist - when the question of surgical intervention arises;
  • physiotherapist – when prescribing physiotherapy.


Special gymnastics will help relieve tension in the lumbar spine and reduce the load on the sciatic nerve. As a preventive measure for sciatica, individual yoga exercises will unblock pinched nerve endings and strengthen the muscles of the back, buttocks, and legs. To complete this, you will need a gymnastics mat and a desire to get your health in order. Most elements of gymnastics are performed lying on your back or in the “cat” position. Watch our video and repeat the set of movements after the instructor. Within a week you will notice the absence of discomfort in the lumbar region.

The sciatic nerve is considered the largest in size in the human body. It begins in the lumbar spine and travels down the leg, dividing into smaller nerves. Sciatic neuralgia causes severe pain in the legs and lower back.

A pinched sciatic nerve, or sciatica, is severe back pain, usually in the lower back, that can radiate down the leg, in some cases into both, extending behind the knee and even down to the foot. In this case, there may be a violation of sensitivity and numbness of the areas along which the sciatic nerve passes, muscle weakness, up to complete loss of performance. Almost everyone is familiar with this disease, which used to be called lumbar radiculitis or lumbago.

Diseases of the sciatic nerve create discomfort and pain in both the lower back and any part of the leg. One of these diseases is sciatica. Those suffering from this disease are often in no hurry to see a doctor, preferring to endure the pain until sciatica disrupts their normal lifestyle. That's why it's so common among people treatment of the sciatic nerve with folk remedies at home.

Sciatic nerve begins in the lumbosacral spine at five different levels of the spinal cord, travels along the buttock, and divides into smaller nerves that pass into the hip, knee, lower leg, foot and fingers. Pinching of the sciatic nerve and its inflammation is called sciatica. Another name for the disease is sciatic neuralgia. It should be remembered that inflammation of the sciatic nerve does not in itself represent the presence of a separate ailment, but is a consequence of the manifestation of a certain pathology or disease, the treatment of which will make it possible to get rid of sciatica.

Causes of inflammation of the sciatic nerve

In approximately 90% of cases, this is compression of the nerve roots at the exit from the spinal cord. There may be several reasons for pinching. If an intervertebral disc ruptures, a hernia protrudes from it, the vertebrae sag and compress the nerve, then unbearable pain literally falls on the person. Sensation in the legs is lost, muscle strength in the legs weakens. If the disease is not treated, then the person will experience muscle atrophy, sagging feet, and impaired urination.

Mostly sciatica develops as a complication osteochondrosis(dystrophic change in intervertebral discs, which occurs due to uneven load and due to disruption of metabolic processes in disc tissues). The second common cause of the disease is intervertebral hernia.

But more often sciatic nerve compressed by bone growths in osteochondrosis. In this case, compression occurs gradually, and the pain comes on slowly.

The sciatic nerve can also be damaged by incorrectly placed injections. In any case, you should fight not only the pain, but also the causes that cause the pain. If the disease reaches an advanced stage, then sciatic nerve neuritis is guaranteed and it will be much more difficult and longer to treat.

The sciatic nerve gets pinched for many reasons, including

  • displacement of intervertebral discs;
  • narrowing of the spinal canal;
  • complicated osteochondrosis;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • past infectious diseases;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • hypothermia;
  • overexertion, physical activity or injury leading to damage to the pelvic organs or muscular system.

Symptoms of sciatic neuralgia

The main manifestations are constant pain in the back and the back of the leg, burning and tingling in the lower leg, limited mobility and weakness of the lower limb.

Depending on the stage of development and the causes of sciatica, the symptoms of this disease may vary. Sometimes the pain may only appear in the lower back. Very often, the disease makes itself felt by pain throughout the entire leg, starting from the lumbar spine and to the toes. There are cases when the patient complains only of discomfort in the knee. However, in each case the manifestations of pain may be different. The patient may have a burning, stabbing, “shooting” sensation in the back, and a feeling of numbness may appear.

Most often, sciatica affects one lower limb. But sometimes there are cases when pain manifests itself simultaneously in both legs.

Pinched sciatic nerve

To begin treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pinched nerve. You should consult a doctor and get an X-ray of the spine or magnetic resonance imaging. If no intervertebral hernia or destruction of the vertebrae is detected, then the sciatic nerve can be cured with folk remedies.

It is a simple and effective way to cure neuralgia without resorting to medication. By using time-tested traditional medicine recipes in the treatment of the sciatic nerve, you can quickly achieve excellent results.
How to treat sciatic nerve

Before the start of leIn this case, you need to use exercises for the sciatic nerve:

1. For those who spend a lot of time in a sitting position, you should walk with a “relaxed gait” once an hour for 5 minutes. While walking, you should make smooth body movements to the sides, stretching with your arms, lifting your hips, if there is no pain, then do a few squats.

2. If the sciatic nerve is inflamed, heavy physical activity is strictly contraindicated. Listen to your pain. They will tell you prohibited movements and the volume of weights to lift.

3. The surest way to get rid of pain in the sciatic nerve is heat in any form. The heat will relieve muscle spasms that cause pain. Also, relaxing massage and reflex therapy, using strong irritants, should be added to the heat.

Treatment of this pathology lasts a long time and includes taking medications, heating, rubbing and massages. Using unconventional methods to combat sciatica gives positive results and leads to a fairly quick recovery.

To treat the sciatic nerve, you need to apply a warm compress. Grind fresh horseradish root in a meat grinder, add the same amount of grated raw potatoes and 1 tablespoon of honey. Mix everything thoroughly and place the mixture on gauze folded in half. Then smear the lower back with vegetable oil and put gauze with the resulting mass. On top there is polyethylene, a heavy pillow and a blanket. During treatment you can neither walk nor sit - lie down for an hour. The burning sensation will be such that it will seem like you have a burn there. In fact, the skin will turn slightly red. Such procedures should be done every other day.

Also, folk remedies for treating the sciatic nerve at home include compress with fir oil. Soak the cloth in oil and apply it to your lower back, or simply rub it into the skin, place cellophane on top, and then a heating pad. The burning sensation will also be very strong. To avoid burns, you should smear your lower back with vegetable oil. Keep the compress for 1 - 2 hours.

Agave remedy- cut a fresh leaf of the plant lengthwise and lubricate the sore spot with it in the direction of the affected nerve. You need to rub the affected area in the morning and evening. It is very important to use a leaf that is not too young (it has a weak effect) and not too old (it can burn the skin). Over time, you can cut the leaf into small pieces and apply it daily for several hours.

Healing ointment- Crush and grind the iris root in a meat grinder. Mix 3 tbsp. l. chopped root and a glass of vegetable oil. Rub the product into the area of ​​pain twice a day.

Mumiyo- has been widely used for the treatment of sciatica since ancient times. For manual therapy, preparing the remedy, you need to mix 2 g of mumiyo with 1 tsp. purified sulfur powder. Rub the mixture with a small amount of warm water until dry immediately after taking a bath. Rub in daily. You can also take 0.1 g mummy half an hour before breakfast and before bed for 5 days. Carry out several courses of treatment until complete recovery.

Decoction of aspen leaves- cook 1 tbsp. l. green leaves in a glass of water. After 30 minutes of boiling, turn off. Drink 30 ml decoction every 4 hours. It is good to use the product in the form of hot compresses.

Compresses- knead the dough from rye flour. When the dough becomes sour, apply a thick layer of dough to a gauze folded into several balls and place it on the sore spot. Apply the compress overnight for about 10 days.

Treatment with leeches- it is recommended to place them as follows - place the first leech 3 cm below the popliteal fossa, after 3 cm place the second and after the same amount, place the third. Do the same on the second leg.

Therapeutic baths- pour boiling water over the pine shoots in a ratio of 1:3 and cook over low heat. Turn off after a few minutes of boiling. Strain the finished infusion and use it to prepare a bath in a ratio of 1:15. The water temperature should be 34−35 °C. The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes.

Grate black radish weighing approximately 300 g on a fine grater and mix with 0.5 cups of honey. Soak in the bathhouse until exhausted and place the resulting mixture on the lower back and sore leg along the movement of the inflamed nerve for 5 to 10 minutes. Then rinse with water and immediately go to bed and sweat thoroughly. Usually one procedure is enough to be healthy.

Infuse a glass of potato sprouts with half a liter of vodka for 2 weeks in a dry and dark place, shaking from time to time. Rub it into the sore spot, then wrap it with something warm on top.

Prepared from a bottle of cologne, a standard bottle of iodine and 6 powdered analgin tablets, rub the composition into the affected area, then wrap it in a warm scarf.

Prepare herbal balm from the following ingredients: a tablespoon of celandine leaves, an aloe leaf older than three years, crushed hot pepper, half a liter of vodka. Apply the product infused for a week, then rub it into the affected area.

Rub pure radish juice or radish juice mixed with honey in a 1:1 ratio into the sore spot.

Place wax heated to an elastic state on the sore spot in the form of applications, covering the top with polyethylene and something warming. It is recommended to leave this compress on all night.

After kneading the dough from 3 cups of rye flour and 3 tablespoons of propolis or honey, making a flat cake from the resulting mass, apply it to the sore spot for as long as possible, covering it with plastic on top and wrapping it in something warm.

Gives excellent results decoction bath, prepared from 50 gr. angelica roots and half a liter of boiling water, infused for 2 hours and then boiled for 30 minutes. The bath must be taken daily at night for 2 weeks. Other beneficial herbs used for baths include chamomile, sage, and knotweed.

Another method of treating the sciatic nerve with folk remedies at home: take 1 leaf of aloe, at least 3 years old, chop it and cover it with hot red pepper. Mix thoroughly, place on the sore spot, cellophane on top, then insulate. Do it at night. Repeat the procedure in the morning. Usually 5 - 6 such procedures and you are healthy.

Traditional recipes for inflammation of the sciatic nerve for oral administration

Treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve with folk remedies involves ingesting infusions and decoctions prepared from medicinal plants. The following folk remedies have been tested by time and folk experience:

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of calendula flowers into 400 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours under the lid. Take half a glass before each meal.
  • Boil a tablespoon of chopped burdock root with a glass of red wine over low heat for 5 minutes. Take half a glass twice a day.
  • Horse chestnut seeds, steamed in a water bath for a quarter of an hour with 2 cups of boiling water, taken in the amount of 2 teaspoons and filtered, take 100 ml before meals.
  • Brew a tablespoon of crushed elecampane root in a glass of boiling water and boil for a quarter of an hour. Take for the treatment of chronic forms of sciatic nerve entrapment twice a day, an hour before meals.
  • Mix a teaspoon of hazel powder with a tablespoon of its leaves and boil for 10 minutes over low heat in 200 ml of water. Cooled and filtered broth, take 100 ml 4 times a day.
  • Treatment with the fairly common “race of salts” method involves taking infusions of rose hips and parsley, as well as watermelon rind powder. Thanks to their excellent diuretic properties, these drugs help normalize metabolic processes, reduce swelling and inflammation of the nerve roots.
  • Herbal decoction - take 1.5 tbsp. l. colors of viburnum and calendula, thyme herb, 3 tbsp. l. horsetail and mix everything. Place 2 tbsp in an enamel container. l. herbal mixture, pour 450 ml of water. After a few minutes of boiling, turn off and leave for some more time. Drink the product warm, half a glass three times a day, immediately before eating.

So that no funds aimed at sciatic nerve treatment, are not needed at all, it is necessary not to overcool and not lift weights, monitor your posture and take care of your spine, which contains the core of the whole body, its strength and health.

The sciatic nerve is the largest of all the nerves in the body. It is closely connected with many organs, therefore, in the event of pinching, the consequences of this violation immediately affect the general well-being.

You will find out

First aid

Treatment of such a problem at home is carried out after identifying the causes of the disease. An integrated approach, combining drug and folk therapy, helps to very effectively alleviate symptoms and eliminate the causes of their occurrence in a short time.

If the first signs of pinched sciatic nerve (sciatica) suddenly appear, you must immediately take the following measures:

  1. lie on your stomach on a hard, flat, but not cold surface;
  2. place a bolster without a pillow under your chest;
  3. cover yourself with a warm, light blanket.

You also need to immediately consult a doctor, or better yet, call him at home to prescribe medications and receive treatment recommendations.

If sharp pain occurs from a pinched sciatic nerve, you should not apply a heating pad or compress, or perform a massage during this period. Such actions can increase swelling and accelerate the development of the inflammatory process.

In addition, in the event of sciatica and during the further course of the disease, it is prohibited:

  • lift weights, make sudden movements;
  • being in an uncomfortable position or tension for a long time;
  • perform untested exercises;
  • take hot baths, visit a sauna or steam bath;
  • be in damp, cold rooms.


Treatment of sciatica is carried out mainly on an outpatient basis. Tablets are practically not used for this - the most effective are injections and ointments.


Injections at home are given intravenously or intramuscularly, depending on the drug used. The most effective are:

  • Anaprox;
  • Aspirin;
  • Butadion;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Motrin;
  • Naproxen.

Also, painkillers (usually novocaine blockades) can be injected into the spinal cord canal in the affected area of ​​the sacral and lumbar region.

Since the components of these drugs can cause allergies or the development of gastrointestinal diseases, a combination of hormonal and non-hormonal agents is often used. Local steroids are usually used - hydrocortisone or prednisolone ointment. To resolve the source of inflammation and accelerate the regeneration of surrounding tissues, a course of vitamins B and C, aloe, lidase, and methyluracil is prescribed.


In addition to these hormonal ointments, the following local nonsteroidal drugs are used to treat pinched sciatic nerves at home:

  • Betalgon- relieves pain, activates blood supply to the skin in the affected area;
  • Viprosal- contains bee venom, which effectively reduces pain and inflammation;
  • Carmolis- a natural remedy with menthol, mint and extracts of other plants that quickly relieve pain.
  • Finalgon- eliminates pain, relieves inflammation.

When choosing an ointment, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of developing an allergic reaction to its components. You should be especially careful with those products that contain bee products, herbal raw materials or other highly allergenic ingredients.

Therapeutic gymnastics

When a nerve is pinched in the sacrolumbar region, recreational physical exercise is considered a very effective way to get rid of the pathology and relieve pain. To relax tense muscles, it is recommended to perform the following exercises:

  1. Lying on your back, raise your legs up, leaning them against the wall. Hold for 10 minutes, stretching the spine.
  2. Sit on the floor with your legs straight ahead. Moving them one by one, walk on your buttocks first forward, then back.
  3. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and perform shallow squats, holding onto the back of the chair if necessary.
  4. Lie on your back, pull your knees to your chest. Then, without straightening your legs, lower them together to one side and the other.
  5. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, bend at the lower back. Stay in this position for as long as possible.
  6. Lie on your back, lift one knee, clasping it with your hands, pull it up, and then to the opposite shoulder. Pause a little, return to the starting position and repeat with the other knee.
  7. Lie on your back with your legs bent so that your feet are on the floor. Raise your buttocks as high as possible, lifting your shoulders off the floor.

In addition to these, you can perform other leg stretching exercises while lying down, as well as “bicycle” and hip circles.

You can engage in physical therapy only during the period of remission. In this case, all exercises should be performed without tension or overcoming pain.

Massage treatments

Massaging sore spots is performed after relieving acute pain simultaneously with other treatment methods. The procedure is performed according to the following scheme:

  • First, the buttocks and lumbosacral region are warmed up;
  • then the areas around the pain points are intensively massaged.

Massage with damage to the sciatic nerve is carried out very carefully. In this case, ointments with a warming effect are used.

A honey massage also gives excellent results. To do this, mix 500 g of liquid honey with 100 ml of medical alcohol, then rub the painful areas with this mixture. After the procedure, the skin should turn red, which indicates improved blood supply.

Traditional methods

Treatment of the sciatic nerve at home can be performed using various traditional medicine recipes, including:

  • local exposure procedures - rubbing, applications;
  • taking teas and tinctures internally;
  • medicinal baths.

The action of all these remedies is aimed at relieving inflammation and pain, as well as eliminating pinching.

The use of traditional medicine is strictly contraindicated for the treatment of pinching of the sciatic nerve by a hernia. In this situation, only surgery is necessary.

It should also be taken into account that with any damage to the sciatic nerve, it is first necessary to provide the patient with quiet bed rest in warm, comfortable conditions.

This video shows some traditional methods of treating a pinched sciatic nerve.

External products

The following compositions are used for rubbing:

  1. Mix 6 crushed analgin tablets, 100 ml of cologne, 50 ml of iodine.
  2. Add honey to the radish juice in a 1:1 ratio and stir thoroughly.
  3. Infuse 1 cup of potato sprouts in 500 ml of vodka for 2 weeks, shaking every other day.
  4. Add 1 tbsp to 500 ml of vodka. l. chopped celandine herb, 1 chopped aloe leaf, ground hot pepper pod into powder. Leave for 7 days.

Any of these mixtures is rubbed into the skin and wrapped in a warm cloth overnight or for several hours.

The following recipes are used for applications:

  1. Melted to a soft state and cooled to an acceptable temperature, beeswax is applied in an even layer to the skin of the sacro-lumbar region, previously ground and lubricated with any vegetable oil. Cover with film, wrap a woolen cloth on top, and leave until completely cool.
  2. A flatbread of rye flour with honey (the proportions should be such that an elastic dough is obtained) is applied to the most painful area. Wrap yourself in a woolen cloth and stay there for as long as possible (preferably all night).

Recipes for oral administration

To enhance the effect of external remedies, it is recommended to use internally medicinal drinks prepared according to special recipes:

  1. Pour boiling water over calendula flowers at the rate of 3 tbsp. l. for 500 ml of water. Leave for 2 hours, filter. Drink the resulting infusion throughout the day, dividing it into 5 doses.
  2. Boil 1 tbsp. l. chopped burdock root in 250 ml of red wine for no more than 5 minutes. Strain, divide the drink into 2 doses, drink in the morning and evening, regardless of meals.
  3. Brew green bean shells like tea and consume 1 glass 3 times a day as a diuretic.
  4. Brew 2 tbsp. l. aspen leaves in 1 liter of boiling water. Take in 4 doses throughout the day before meals.
  5. Mix hazel powder ground into powder with its leaves in a ratio of 1:3. Add 2 tbsp. l. mixture in 250 ml of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. Cool, filter, add to a volume of 300 ml, drink in 4 doses.
  6. For chronic pinching: add 1 tbsp. l. elecampane rhizomes in 250 ml of boiling water, boil for 20–25 minutes. Drink in 2 doses - 1 hour before second breakfast and dinner.
  7. Sauerkraut is an ancient way to treat the sciatic nerve. If pinched, it is recommended to use it in large quantities.

Warming baths

It should be taken into account that hot baths are contraindicated in cases of damage to the sciatic nerve. Therefore, the procedure must be carried out at a water temperature of 38 ºC. The following components are used to prepare baths:

  • Horseradish root- grated, wrapped in gauze, placed in the bath.
  • Young pine shoots- 1 kg of raw materials is brewed with 3 liters of boiling water, infused, filtered, then added to the bath.
  • Medicinal collection(chamomile, sage, knotweed herb, angelica - in equal quantities) is brewed with boiling water, infused, strained and mixed with bath water.

You need to take all of these baths daily for 10–14 days, preferably before bed.

Treatment during pregnancy

In the last trimester of pregnancy, due to compression of the sciatic nerve by the enlarged uterus, it may become pinched. In addition, sciatica can appear in the early stages for a reason independent of pregnancy.

To treat a pinched sciatic nerve at home, pregnant women are prescribed all of the above methods, but taking into account their compatibility with the woman’s condition, including;

  • medicines;
  • external agents;
  • massage treatments;
  • exercises for pregnant women to strengthen the pelvis;
  • traditional methods.

The most commonly used topical gels and ointments are:

  • warming up - finalgon, capsicam;
  • with chondroprotective effect - hodroxide, teraflex.

Hormonal and combined local remedies are prohibited during pregnancy.

With any variant of the disease, and especially during pregnancy, it is necessary to use diagnostics to very accurately determine the location of the pinched nerve. It is this that needs to be treated, and not the painful area, where the pain only radiates.

Prevention of sciatica

During treatment and in order to prevent pinching of the sciatic nerve, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • get rid of excess weight, which puts a lot of stress on the spine;
  • monitor your posture - it worsens the condition of both the spine and all organs;
  • increase physical activity in the recommended amount, especially with a sedentary lifestyle;
  • do not allow one-sided impact on the spine - do not carry weights in one hand, load the body evenly;
  • avoid injury to the back, lower back, tailbone, and other parts of the spine;
  • move to active actions gradually, without sudden loads;
  • do not sit on soft, low furniture;
  • use a fairly hard bed for sleeping, and it is best to purchase an orthopedic mattress;
  • do physical therapy exercises every day;
  • If you experience any discomfort in the back area, consult a doctor immediately.

By following these simple rules, you can prevent damage to the sciatic nerve or quickly eliminate this problem. In addition, you need to avoid nervous stress, live in harmony with yourself and the world around you.