Food antioxidant E306. Properties and benefits of antioxidant E306. Food additives E330, E260, E333, E441, E240, E476, E320, E300, E220, E220 are harmful The influence of food E ingredients on the body

A lot has been said about the benefits of tocopherols: these are one of the most important fat-soluble elements that must appear in the human diet, since they are necessary for his life. Tocopherols do not always come from vitamin complexes or foods; they are also found in food supplements. For example, in the additive with code “E 306”. How does it affect the body, is it useful?

Food additive E 306: general characteristics

The “E 306” index hides not one substance, but several: a mixture of biologically active tocopherols, which can be simply referred to as “vitamin E”. This includes alpha, beta, gamma and delta variants of this substance, from which a group of tocopherols with high biological activity is formed. The maximum is only in the alpha variant - the activity level of the others ranges from 1-40%. Alone alpha-tocopherol is presented in the form of additive E 307. The mixture under the code “E 306” is obtained in the production of vegetable oils, isolating it as a by-product of this process. Depending on how the dietary supplement is created, it may be labeled "D" (for organic) or "DL" (for synthetic).

Food additive E 306 belongs to the category of antioxidants and is used to extend the shelf life of certain products.

In its pure form, additive E 306 is a viscous oily liquid with a weak specific aroma, the same taste and a red-brown tint. Solubility is high in fats and alcohols. When exposed to direct light, the mixture of tocopherols darkens. In the food industry, vegetable oils are rarely used without the additive E 306 (it is not added to olive oil due to the peculiarities of its chemical composition, just as it is not added to cold-pressed oils), butter, and cooking fats. A concentrated mixture of tocopherols may also be present in:

  • baby food (mainly in cereals and cookies);
  • ready-made breakfast cereals;
  • sauces (which contain vegetable oils);
  • mayonnaise;
  • confectionery with cream.

Some manufacturers, in order to suppress the oxidation process, consider it necessary to use the E 306 additive in food dyes of organic origin. It has become much more widespread in the pharmaceutical industry, where it is introduced into drugs that solve problems of the female reproductive system, skin and hair, and the cardiovascular system. Tocopherol is also necessary for people with diabetes, cataracts, and diseases of the nervous system.

Most consumers are confident that any E-elements in food are dangerous, so they wonder what harm the E 306 additive can cause to the body. However, a mixture of tocopherols, even of synthetic origin, is considered a relatively safe substance and is more likely beneficial than threatening health. Primarily because tocopherol has a lot of positive qualities:

  • binds free radicals, thereby reducing the risk of developing malignant tumors;
  • prevents early aging of the body;
  • stimulates metabolic processes;
  • accelerates skin regeneration processes;
  • helps cleanse blood vessels;
  • suppresses the severity of inflammation;
  • improves estrogen synthesis in women;
  • reduces the likelihood of pigmentation.

In addition, thanks to tocopherol, vitamins A and C are properly absorbed, and all functional processes of internal organs are regulated. There is no obvious harm even from the synthetic form, since the excess of tocopherols is very quickly eliminated - they are excreted through the liver and kidneys.

Food antioxidant E306 Tocopherol mixture concentrate is also known as Tocopherol-rich extract. In concentrated form, this is vitamin E, which acts as one of the best nutritional antioxidants. In nature, this substance exists in various forms, differing in different activities and functions. However, in general, the properties of the food antioxidant E306 Concentrate of Tocopherol Mixture are expressed in protecting the human body from the negative effects of toxins.

In food products, this substance can be contained in different types of butter, chicken eggs, milk, and also herbs. In addition, in the food industry, the food antioxidant E306 Concentrate of Tocopherol Mixture is deliberately added to products, thereby significantly enriching them. In addition, E306 is able to extend the shelf life of produced food.

Being recognized as a safe food additive, E306 is approved for use in food production processes in a significant part of the world. As for Russia, Ukraine and the countries of the European Union, the use of the food antioxidant E306 Tocopherol mixture concentrate is not prohibited by law.

The benefits of food antioxidant E306 Tocopherol mixture concentrate

The benefits of food antioxidant E306 Tocopherol mixture concentrate are obvious for human health, because it helps the body successfully cope with free radicals. As is known, it is these substances at the cellular level that increase the vulnerability of the body as a result of the general process of tissue aging and weakening of the immune system.

Thus, the use of food antioxidant E306 Tocopherol mixture concentrate is mainly of a therapeutic and prophylactic nature. Regular consumption of food products enriched with a concentrated mixture of tocopherol helps to significantly slow down the decline of cells and enrich them with oxygen, which significantly increases human performance. In addition, there is a strengthening of the muscles of the heart and the walls of blood vessels. Another distinctive property of the food antioxidant E306 Concentrate of Tocopherol Mixture is its ability to prevent the formation of blood clots.

It has been established that when a concentrated mixture of tocopherol enters the human body, it begins to be actively absorbed into the digestive tract. In this case, a significant amount of this substance enters the lymph, where it quickly disperses throughout the tissues and cells. Tocopherol is excreted naturally - with bile and urine.

With a lack of tocopherol in the human body, diseases of the nervous system, anemia and anemia can occur, and therefore the benefit of the food antioxidant E306 Tocopherol mixture concentrate is understandable. Tocopherol is a fat-soluble vitamin that, once ingested, is concentrated in body tissues. Vitamin E deficiency is very difficult to diagnose, while signs of deficiency appear after a certain period of time.

Food production and cross-border trade require systematization of the substances used in the manufacturing process. To separate harmful food additives from neutral and beneficial ones, it is necessary to study their properties.

Food additives are classified according to their properties:

  • e100-182 is added to color the mixture;
  • e200-299 are used to preserve product freshness;
  • e300-399 – antioxidants;
  • e400-499 – emulsifiers;
  • e500-599 – used to adjust acidity;
  • e600-699 enhance taste or smell;
  • e700-899 – spare values;
  • e900 – substances with individual properties (for example, e950 – sweetener).

Also, food additives are classified according to their effect on humans:

  • useful;
  • harmless or neutral;
  • harmful substances.

The effect of food E ingredients on the body

Food additives are constantly used in food products. At home, people use vinegar, citric acid, soda, etc. In industrial production, it is also necessary to improve the properties of the final product. For example, E preservatives allow you to keep food fresh several times longer than is possible under natural conditions.

To find out everything about the E supplement, scientists conduct numerous tests. Safe substances are allowed for use.

Harmful food additives can cause tumors, chronic diseases, and damage to internal organs. They are prohibited for use.

Catalog table of the most commonly used food additives

The full table E is too large. The list includes thousands of substances. Therefore, below is a description of the most common substances in the food industry.

Healthy food supplements

Name of the additive in the “e” list Description Usage Effect on the human body
e100 The dietary supplement is made from turmeric and other plants of the ginger family. Curcumin is used to color plant and animal products. Used in some dietary supplements. Researchers indicate that curcumin does not have significant effects in humans. In certain concentrations it causes the death of cancer cells without negatively affecting healthy tissue.
e129 The dye is made from coal tar. Gives products a red tint. Studies on rainbow trout have shown that the use of e129 reduces the risk of stomach cancer by 40%.
e296 Malonic or malic acid. It is obtained synthetically during the reduction reaction of tartaric acid. E296 is used to enhance flavor. Found in candies and other confectionery products that use artificial flavors. E296 is harmless to the body. Malic acid improves body tone.
e306 Mixture of tocopherols. Synthesized from plant materials. Antioxidant, prevents the oxidation of certain substances, for example, vitamin A. Used in desserts, meat pies, and dairy products. e306 binds free radicals in the body, preventing them from interacting with cell tissues. As a result, the risk of cancer is reduced and immunity is increased.
e401 Sodium salt of alginic acid. E401 is used as a stabilizer and thickener in sauces, jellies, jams and other mixtures. The compositions maintain homogeneity and viscosity. No harmful effects of the e401 additive on humans have been recorded. In large doses, it can bind radionuclides and heavy metals, removing them from the body.
e407 Carrageenan. Made from red algae. Thickener. The substance forms a gel. In the production of ice cream, dairy products, and confectionery, carrageenan helps to make the mass homogeneous. Has a slight antiviral effect, anticoagulant. Relieves the symptoms of stomach ulcers.
e414 Gum arabic. Processed resin from trees of the acacia class. It is used in the production of cookies, sweets, soft drinks, marshmallows, glazes to prevent the formation of lumps, foam, and sugaring. The e414 supplement does not cause allergic reactions and removes heavy metals from the body.

Relatively harmless and neutral food additives

Many substances used in the food industry do not have a pronounced negative effect. Frequently used ones are presented in the following table of dietary supplements.

Additive name Description Usage Effect on the human body
e 104 Synthetic yellow dye. e 104 is added to drinks, candies, groceries and other products for coloring. In 2007, British researchers found that the use of this dye can cause hyperactivity in children. Later, the evidence base for the effect of E 104 on behavior was considered weak.
e120 Carmine. Made from cochinel beetles. In the food industry it is used for coloring red. Usually in sausages and sausages. No positive or negative reactions of the body to this substance have been recorded.
e133 A dye obtained from coal tar. The substance, in combination with other compounds, gives drinks, ice cream, and desserts a green color. Supplement E133 may cause an allergic reaction in people intolerant to aspirin.
e150a Sugar color. An emulsifier produced by heating and decomposing sugar. Emulsifier and brown colorant. Used in the production of alcoholic drinks and desserts. E150a is completely safe for health. Excessive consumption of products with it may cause gastrointestinal upset.
e160 Carotene. Obtained from carrots, corn, palm oil. Yellow-orange dye. Usually added to dairy products (cheese, yogurt, etc.), mayonnaise, and baked goods. The substance does not have a harmful effect on the body in doses used for coloring food. In high concentrations it is used in medicine to treat diseases of the organs of vision.
e262 Sodium salt of acetic acid. You can get it at home by extinguishing baking soda with vinegar. Preservative. Prevents the growth of bacteria. A strong allergen that can interfere with kidney function. The substance is part of the cell cytoplasm, so an active reaction occurs in a small number of people.
e316 Sodium isoascorbate. It is obtained from beets, corn, and sugar cane. Antioxidant. Protects meat and fish products from oxidation and discoloration. Used in bread and confectionery production. According to E 316, it is indicated that the body of a healthy person tolerates it neutrally.
e321 Ionol. It is obtained by the reaction of paracresol with isobutylene. Added as an antioxidant to cereals, muesli, granola, oils and other products to reduce the rate of autoxidation of substances. Some countries have recognized the E321 additive as carcinogenic, but no definitive evidence has been provided.
e331 The food additive is obtained by the interaction of citric acid and sodium salt. The technical name is sodium citrate. Antioxidant with a sour taste. Added to drinks, marshmallows, soufflés and other products to slow down the process of autoxidation. The chemical compound is formed naturally in the body of any person. Does not cause allergies or other negative reactions.
e 341 Calcium phosphate. Obtained by the interaction of orthophosphoric acid and lime milk. Stabilizer, acidity regulator, color fixative. Added in the production of bakery products, drinks, breakfast cereals, milk powder, etc. The additive is not included in the list of prohibited products in Russia and EU countries. Does not have a positive or negative effect on a person.
e470 Group of substances: magnesium, calcium, ammonium salts of oleic, palmitic, myristic and stearic acids. Stabilizer and emulsifier. Prevents clumping and caking. E470 is used in the production of powdered soups, powdered sugar, etc. The E470 additive has no harmful properties to humans.
e471 The nutritional supplement is formed during the breakdown of fats. The compound can replace animal fats in mayonnaise, margarine, ice cream, yogurt, etc. The substance is neutral. The chemical composition is close to animal fat, so it is processed by the body without consequences.
e472 The code denotes a group of fatty acid esters. Emulsifier and thickener. The additive is used to make chocolate, sausages, sauces, cookies, etc. There is no confirmed data on the harmful or beneficial properties of e472.
e474e Mixed glycerol esters. e474e is used for plasticizing dough. Used in the preparation of bakery products, in the production of pasta, etc. The e474e additive is safe and approved in many countries around the world.
e 475 Polyglyceride is obtained by the synthesis of glycerol with aliphatic carboxylic acids. Emulsifier and stabilizer. Increases product viscosity. Found in desserts and sweets. Numerous studies have been conducted on E 475. There is no benefit or harm to humans.
e476 Lecithin of plant origin. Emulsifier, used in the preparation of chocolate and other confectionery products. Harmless.
e503 It is formed during the heating of ammonium chloride and its reaction with water and carbon dioxide. Emulsifier. E503 is used in cookies, cakes and other products. e503 can only be dangerous in its original state. In food products it is not harmful to humans.
e635 Sodium 5-ribonucleotides. Additive E635 enhances taste and smell. Added to chips, crackers and other snacks. The danger of the E635 additive for humans has not been established.
e1414 This is a thickener obtained from plant grains, bulbs, seeds, and stems. Modified starch. Additive e1414 is used when canning fish, baby food, yoghurts and other products as a thickener and consistency stabilizer. The substance e1414 is only partially absorbed by the body; a dangerous concentration for humans has not been established. Such effects are possible only with individual allergic reactions.
e1442 Modified starch. Emulsifier, used in the preparation of dairy products. The danger of E 1442 has not been confirmed.
e1450 Ester of starch and sodium salt of octenyl succinic acid. Gives uniformity to the product. Added to drinks, cheeses, sauces, etc. E1450 is processed by the body without consequences.
e551 Silica. It is used in powder products and dry mixtures as an anti-caking agent. Absent.

Harmful food additives

Harmful additives whose negative effects on humans have been confirmed are prohibited from use. This table presents food additives whose negative effects have not been definitively confirmed.

Additive name Description Usage Effect on the human body
e250 The additive is obtained from

The composition is sodium nitrite.

Found in meat products. Preservative, helps fix color. In large doses it causes a decrease in muscle tone, contributes to the development of COPD and cancer.
e466 Carboxymethylcellulose. Thickener. Used in the production of ice cream, curd products, desserts, jelly. A number of studies on E 466 indicate that the substance increases cholesterol levels in the blood and can cause the development of tumors in animals. There are no exact data on the effects on humans.
e492 Sorbitan tristearate. Derived from animal products. Stabilizer.e492 is added to milk, cream, confectionery fillings, chewing gum, etc. If the dose of 25 mg per kg of body weight is exceeded, growth retardation and liver enlargement are possible.
e 627 Disodium guanylate. Preservative, used in sausages, canned vegetables, chips, etc. Not recommended for asthmatics, children under 12 years of age and patients with gout.
e1520 Propylene glycol (alcohol). E1520 is used as a refrigerant when freezing berries and meat. In large quantities it can cause dermatitis and is toxic to the nervous and immune systems.

The most dangerous additives are prohibited by law for use in food preparation. It is impossible to find goods with them on free sale.

Harmful food additives have an effect on the body only when consumed in large quantities for a long time. The research results are talking about an increased risk of a certain disease, and not an indication that such food additives definitely lead to a certain disease.

It is impossible to know everything about E. A person who has no contraindications for the use of certain substances does not need to carefully study the chemical composition of each product.

Citizens, wanting to eliminate harmful additives from their diet, forget about other factors that negatively affect their health: smoking, drinking alcohol, stress, lack of sleep, etc.

Any biochemical process in the human body is somehow connected with tocopherols. It is no coincidence that the word translated means “life-bearing” (another interpretation is “producing offspring”).

Highly active concentrate of tocopherol or vitamin E was first obtained in 1925 from wheat germ. In nature, the valuable substance exists in eight isomers.

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Main manufacturers

Antioxidant E 306 for the needs of the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries is produced by Russian enterprises:

  • CJSC “Bryntsalov A”;
  • JSC "Marbiopharm";
  • Shchelkovo Vitamin Plant;
  • JSC FP Meligen.

All of them use imported raw materials.

The main suppliers of the food additive E 306 are:

  • Xi'an Healthful Biotechnology Co. (China);
  • Jiangsu Xixin Vitamin Co. (China);
  • BASF (Germany).

Tocopherols are not synthesized in the human body. Therefore, it is so important to include foods with a high content of vitamin E in your diet: vegetable oils (especially soybean and wheat germ), nuts, spinach, beef liver.

Food additive E 306 is recognized not only safe, but also healthy.

general characteristics

E306 is an active antioxidant that combines chemical compounds of tocopherols. Naturally, there are eight types of tocopherol, known as vitamin E. The substance is found in vegetable fats, spinach leaves, nuts, whole grains, leafy vegetables, butter, meat, liver and eggs.

The supplement contains tocopherol:

  • alpha;
  • beta;
  • gamma;
  • delta.

E306 is released as a by-product during the production of vegetable oils. The substance is separated, distilled with steam and tocopherol is obtained. In this case, zinc chloride acts as a catalyst. Tocopherol concentrate was first extracted from wheat germ in 1925, and industrial synthesis was carried out in 1938.

To artificially obtain tocopherol, the interaction of trimethylhydroquinone and phytyl bromide is used. The reaction catalyst is zinc chloride. The additive looks like an oily liquid of burgundy, red or red-brown color. It has a viscous consistency, good solubility in fats, and a specific mild taste and smell. Darkens when exposed to oxygen and light. Does not dissolve in water at all. Remains stable under the influence of high temperatures, acids and alkalis.


Tocopherol mixture concentrate is a powerful antioxidant. It enriches the composition of products, protects them from spoilage and the negative effects of oxidative processes. The substance also serves as a valuable additive for medicines and cosmetics.

Impact on the health of the human body: benefits and harms

E306 has no toxic effects and is not harmful to health. Inside the body, the substance is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, penetrates the lymph and enters tissues and cells. It is excreted along with bile or urine after metabolic processes. Tocopherols are necessary for the body to function normally; their deficiency leads to negative consequences.

Vitamin E plays an important role in the body. It protects against the destructive effects of free radicals, prevents premature aging of tissues, cleanses blood vessels and regenerates the skin.

Positive effects of tocopherol:

  • helps absorb retinol (vitamin A) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • saturates cells with oxygen;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • improves metabolism;
  • protects against toxins;
  • thins the blood and dissolves clots in it;
  • ensures the normal functioning of red blood cells;
  • increases immunity and endurance of the body;
  • has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system;
  • strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
  • improves hormonal levels;
  • improves the functioning of the nervous system;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds.

Vitamin E deficiency is dangerous for the body. Lack of the substance can lead to muscle dystrophy, disruption of the nervous system, liver necrosis, anemia, anemia and infertility.

Tocopherol is incompatible with anticoagulants. Concomitant use of substances may lead to bleeding. E306 is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.


The antioxidant and antioxidant properties of tocopherol are actively used by the food industry. The additive is included in vegetable oils (except for cold-pressed oils), breakfast cereals, butter, confectionery and bakery products. E306 is present in baby food. The substance can be added to breast milk substitutes.

A concentrated mixture of tocopherols is added to products containing flavors and dyes to protect them from oxidation. The substance is also used in:

  • medicine (as part of drugs for the treatment of reproductive system disorders, heart and vascular diseases, against diabetes mellitus, cataracts, Alzheimer's disease and epilepsy);
  • pharmaceuticals (as a source of vitamin E);
  • cosmetology (as a component of lightening, rejuvenating and cleansing products, creams, masks);
  • livestock farming (in the manufacture of feed for enrichment with tocopherol).

Table. The norm for the content of food additive E306 tocopherol in products according to SanPiN dated May 26, 2008


E306 is a safe supplement that benefits the body. In this regard, it is used without restrictions in all countries of the world, including Russia and Ukraine.

More information about tocopherol is described in the video below.