Tummy tuck - is liposuction any good? Liposuction surgery or natural weight loss. Which method should you choose? What is the name of the fat pumping operation?

In addition to methods of losing weight using diets and physical training, there is a quick but surgical way to pump out fat deposits - liposuction. The mechanism of the procedure is to destroy the fat layer and remove the resulting “fluid” from the body. Liposuction is considered a plastic surgery necessary for figure correction - it is performed to remove fat in problem areas.

Surgeons perform liposuction on different parts of the body, both for women and men. Liposuction of the abdomen, thighs, arms, chin, knees and buttocks is common. What liposuction methods are used and how this is done will be discussed in this article. The process of fat removal using liposuction is a surgical operation performed under anesthesia with a long rehabilitation period. The presented method of losing weight is considered radical and is highly effective. By using this method of losing weight, you can get rid of several kilograms of fat in a short time and visually improve the contours of your entire body, as well as your face. The disadvantage of this method is that the procedure does not eliminate fat forever, but only solves the problem locally and for aesthetic purposes. So should we resort to it in principle?

The first liposuction operation was performed in 1974 and during this time it has gained enormous popularity. Over time, fat pumping methods have improved, become less risky and safer, and subsequent pain has also decreased.

Liposuction has some features that every client should know about:

  • Fat pumping does not leave any traces on the skin from the operation; barely noticeable scars are possible.
  • The procedure is easily tolerated and if you follow all the surgeon’s recommendations, the results last for quite a long time.
  • Liposuction is performed as an independent procedure or together with other aesthetic surgeries. The fat removal process can take place in several problem areas at the same time.

The duration of the operation depends on the number of treated areas and the volume of fat pumped out, as a result it can last from 1 to 3 hours. Available data and indications directly affect the cost of surgery.

Types of fat pumping

Body liposuction surgery has different techniques: surgical removal of fat and non-surgical treatment. In turn, they are divided into several types. In Russia, only surgical removals are performed, which are divided into the following types.

Classic liposuction

This type of fat pumping requires general anesthesia, compliance with indications and contraindications.

The operation can take place in one of three ways:

  • Dry. This is the very first method of liposuction. 3-5 mm incisions are made on the skin and through them a special instrument is introduced into the adipose tissue - a cannula, which is connected to a vacuum pump. Entry and exit into adipose tissue is done in a fan-shaped manner - this promotes the breakdown of fat and the device pulls the mass outward. The procedure is traumatic; during it, a lot of blood is lost and large hematomas remain on the body. After 2-3 months, the incisions will heal, leaving small stripes or “circles” on the skin.
  • Wet. This liposuction is also called luminescent liposuction. It is performed in the same way as with the dry method, only a local anesthetic is injected into the incisions, which liquefies the adipose tissue. This type of liposuction is less traumatic and therefore more popular.
  • Tumescent. The most common type of liposuction using the classical method. The operation is carried out traditionally - only before making incisions on the skin, injections are performed with a special agent. This solution helps to liquefy the fat for a few minutes, which makes it easier for the surgeon to pump out the fat. But the duration of recovery remains the same - at least 3 months.

Laser liposuction

Laser liposuction was invented in Italy. The operation consists of a complex procedure of influence - the breakdown of adipose tissue and coagulation (unification) of blood vessels. Laser radiation is supplied through a microcannula - its size is no more than 1 mm. Mechanical and thermal effects destroy fat cells and cauterize blood vessels.

The advantages of this type of liposuction are:

  • minimum formation of hematomas;
  • low risk of injury;
  • collagen production necessary for skin tightening.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Recovery lasts 3-4 days, but requires wearing compression garments for a long time.

Water jet view

This is the latest surgical technique of liposuction. Its mechanism is to destroy adipose tissue with a stream of aqueous solution, as a result of which the fat decomposes and quietly moves away from other tissues. The resulting mixture of water and fat is simply pumped out. The solution produces anesthesia and simultaneous vasoconstriction. It is served by a special apparatus that creates the necessary pressure to draw out the liquid. Recovery lasts 3-4 days, the operation is painless and does not leave bruises.

Radio frequency

It differs in that radio frequency energy is used to break down fats. For the operation, two electrodes are used at once, the inner one is placed in the adipose tissue and serves as a suction tube and temperature sensor.


The peculiarity of this liposuction is that the cannula placed in the fat produces short rotational movements. During one operation, a large amount of fat is removed, and the surgeon does not require enormous manipulation efforts. This type is used to remove fat from delicate areas - face, chin, neck.


The surgeon makes an incision in the targeted areas and inserts an ultrasound probe. The applied ultrasound promotes the destruction of fat cells forever, so the result is long-term and lasting. The operation is painless and highly effective. Up to 8 kg of fat can be removed in one procedure. The skin after it becomes elastic and smooth.

This is important: The plastic surgeon decides which type of liposuction to choose strictly individually. Success largely depends on the skill of the surgeon and the correct type of liposuction.

About prohibitions and consequences

You should decide on such fat removal only after there has been no result from other methods of losing weight. This is due to the presence of contraindications, which include:

  • children under 18 years of age;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • oncological formations;
  • pregnancy;
  • chronic diseases.

Before lying on the operating table, it is necessary to compare the risk of the operation and the result obtained.

Even when liposuction is performed on a healthy person, various complications can arise:

  • subcutaneous hematomas;
  • severe pain;
  • purulent inflammation of the skin incision sites;
  • formation of rough scars and scars;
  • fat embolism.

You should not insist on liposuction during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases, menstruation and gastrointestinal problems.

This is important: Each clinic requires the patient to undergo a full examination in order to exclude contraindications to the procedure. It is better to refuse from clinics where this is not required.

What is the price

How much it costs to do liposuction of the entire body is impossible to answer exactly - it depends on the volume of fat mass distributed among the zones. Removing fat from the sides, thighs, legs, hips and back requires an average payment of 15 thousand rubles per procedure. The cost of a full body surgery depends on the prestige of the medical institution, the qualifications of the surgeon, anesthesia, the postoperative period in the hospital and additional services. The final cost ranges from 50 to 100 thousand rubles.

Preparation for liposuction and the process itself

The entire procedure for removing the fat layer using the presented method entails the following steps in sequence:

  • The preparatory stage for liposuction is a consultation with a surgeon, who determines the volume of fat removal and offers intervention options.
  • Then a preliminary examination is carried out: a blood test, an ECG, a conclusion from a therapist and an endocrinologist, and for women, also a gynecologist. Based on the tests, the doctor determines the type of liposuction and gives advice on preparing for the procedure.
  • The procedure itself begins with preparation for pumping out adipose tissue - the introduction of anesthesia, the use of local anesthesia.
  • Then the doctor makes incisions in the designated areas in order to then insert cannulas through them, to which a vacuum pump is attached and the emulsion is removed - the adipose tissue has already turned into it. If no more than 3 kg of fat is removed, then mechanical influences are applied. When large volumes are expected to be pumped out, the area is first treated with ultrasound or laser.

After liposuction, pain, swelling, and fever may occur. A day later, the dressing is done. You can shower only after a week, but compression garments must be worn for at least 4-6 weeks. The final result is clearly visible after 2 months. During the rehabilitation period, you should limit physical activity and refrain from visiting the bathhouse, sauna and solarium.

Liposuction is a serious procedure, and not just an exercise leading to weight loss. It is worth treating it with understanding and with full responsibility. Strict implementation of all doctor’s prescriptions and recommendations makes it possible to carry out the fat removal process efficiently and effectively.

The cost of removing fat from the abdomen and sides in Russia varies from 10,000 to 35,000 rubles and above.


With the help of surgical methods, you can improve the condition of your figure in just a matter of hours. The essence of the fat removal procedure is the introduction of special preparations under the skin that destroy fat layers and vacuum removal of fat.

There is only one such method, it is called liposuction. There are different types of liposuction, some of them are more expensive, some are cheaper.

Despite the fact that this procedure is quite safe, it is better to order it in renowned clinics where trusted specialists work. When removing fat, the patient may lose a significant amount of blood, which sometimes leads to death. Therefore, before the procedure, you must consult a doctor and undergo a series of tests. Afterwards, an agreement is concluded between the doctor and the patient and payment is made upon completion.

What does the price depend on?

The price of surgery depends on factors such as:

  • Gender of the patient (the procedure will cost more for men)
  • Complexity of the procedure (the more effort and time the surgeon spends, the more expensive the operation)
  • Type of procedure (dry, wet, or tumescent liposuction)
  • The volume of fat tissue that needs to be removed.
  • Patient's age (the older the person, the more expensive the operation)
  • Fame of the clinic (famous clinics that have proven themselves well before require much more money)
  • Anesthesia (the cost of anesthesia alone costs 10000-12000 rubles)
  • The recovery period (several days after the operation may have to be spent in the clinic, this will cost 3000-6000 rubles per day)

Methods and how much they cost

There are several methods for surgically removing fat from the abdomen and flanks. You should consider them in more detail:

  1. Dry liposuction. This is the most difficult type of procedure; it requires high professionalism and concentration of the surgeon. Suitable only in cases where you need to remove small layers of fat, or correct mistakes from past operations. The essence of the method is the mechanical removal of fat with the preliminary use of a cannula. Method cost starts from 19,000 rubles.
  2. Wet liposuction. Allows you to remove large areas of fat (up to 5 liters inclusive). The method is quite safe, the risk of large blood loss is almost minimal. The essence is to introduce substances such as adrenaline and anesthetic into the body. The first substance thins fat, and the second constricts blood vessels, preventing blood loss. The fat is then removed by inserting a cannula. The cost of the procedure starts from 15,000 rubles.
  3. Tumescent liposuction. Allows you to remove the largest amount of fat (up to 10,000 liters). The essence of the method is to inject a special composition of adrenaline, anesthetic, soda and saline solution under the skin. The cost of the procedure starts from 20,000 rubles.

Price examples

In different regions of Russia, prices will fluctuate significantly. For example, in Moscow, an operation to remove fat costs on average from 10 to 30 thousand rubles and above. Wet liposuction in a well-known clinic, including preliminary tests, general anesthesia and a three-day hospital stay, will cost 30-35 thousand rubles.

The same operation, but with local anesthesia and without a recovery period in the clinic, will cost 24 thousand rubles. Again, it all depends on how much fat needs to be removed. Removing 1 to 5 liters of fat will cost 10-15 thousand rubles. Removal of over five liters 20-25 thousand rubles.

Well-known surgeons ask for much more, justifying this with a large clientele and, therefore, the impossibility of accepting all patients. But the risk of any complications when visiting such clinics is minimal. The price of the procedure, including the recovery period in such hospitals, starts from 40 thousand rubles and reaches up to 80 thousand.

How, where and from whom to order the service

You can order the service at plastic surgery clinics. They can be called differently (for example, a beauty clinic, aesthetics clinic, correction clinic, and so on).

In order to order a procedure, you just need to choose a suitable clinic with reasonable prices, call the specified phone number and make an appointment. The specialist will examine the patient, prescribe tests, and if everything is normal, inform you about the date of the operation.

An operation to remove subcutaneous fat from the abdomen and sides is considered a very well-known and popular method of losing excess weight in a short time.

Restrictions, sports and diets are a very long way to lose weight; they require time and endurance. Most males are not able to withstand such a harsh regime.

In this article we will look at all the methods of combating belly fat in men. Here you will read about all the indications and contraindications, consider the pros and cons of each method, and you will be able to choose the best one for yourself.

If you decide to remove your belly

And if you have chosen the liposuction method, then you need to know that in the first twenty to thirty days you will need to wear special underwear with a very high degree of compression, and also visit the clinic for examinations and dressings, and use medications.

For several days you will feel weakness and pain, as well as an increased temperature threshold. Swelling, numbness and bruising may remain on the skin for 35-48 days.

Important: Removal of a small proportion of subcutaneous fat is carried out mainly under local anesthesia. For rehabilitation, the patient needs from one to three days.

At some points, the period can increase due to the personal reaction of the patient’s body. Other types of pumping require general anesthesia.

The amount of fat removed in one operation is limited; in general, this indicator depends on the following factors:

  • Well-being;
  • Predisposition to diseases;
  • Endurance;

During a face-to-face consultation, the doctor conducts the necessary examinations and issues his conclusion.

You can evaluate the first results of abdominal reduction using liposuction only after the recovery period, that is, after one and a half to two months. The final effect can occur after six months.

How to remove belly fat with surgery


This operation removes fat from the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and arms. The method occupies a leading position in the field of aesthetic surgery. Has the following advantages:

  • Visible, lasting results after the procedure;
  • Minimum percentage of scarring - barely noticeable scars, even with large volumes;
  • Simple technique.

There are basically three types of surgery to remove deposits from the sides and waist:

  • Up to two and a half liters;
  • Up to five liters;
  • More than five liters.

The cost of pumped fat from the affected area depends on the volume of material pumped out. All the nuances of the procedure and its cost are discussed in advance at the first consultation with the doctor.

Laser technologies

There is a method called lipolysis, which is included in the so-called gentle category. This is a universal method of getting rid of fat and correcting the human figure. The operation itself involves the splitting of cells and the subsequent removal of the treated material naturally through the liver.

This procedure does not use scalpels, general anesthesia or vacuum pumps. The patient only needs to go through a fairly long period of recovery and rehabilitation.

The main disadvantage is the ability to pump out a small amount of sediment in one procedure.

In order to alleviate discomfort and the formation of new curves, it is necessary to wear special compression garments. The doctor will determine the period, usually it ranges from ten to twelve days.

Pros of laser abdominal fat removal

  • During the procedure, the production of the collagen component, which is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin, is stimulated.
  • Local anesthesia.
  • No mechanical or thermal damage.
  • Suitable for patients of all age categories.
  • Simultaneous coagulation of blood vessels, which eliminates the formation of bleeding and hematomas;
  • High speed of treatment of the damaged area - from forty to sixty minutes.

During the session, the doctor inserts a very thin cannula under the skin through a small one-millimeter puncture. After that, a fiber-optic probe is inserted into this cannula, which, when ingested, releases energy of a destructive class.

The laser-treated material enters the lymphatic system, then into the blood vessels and finally into the liver, and is excreted through the kidneys. Within a couple of hours after fat treatment, the patient is allowed to go home.

Top tips after surgery:

  • During the first days it is forbidden to drink alcohol;
  • Drink at least one and a half liters of water every day;
  • A diet based on the consumption of food that contains low levels of carbohydrates;
  • In the first seven days, remove salty foods and smoked foods from the diet;
  • Taking antibiotics for five days.

After ten days, a light massage of the treated area is necessary. You are allowed to start physical activity after twenty days.

Ultrasonic cavitation of the abdomen

The method is mainly aimed at eliminating subcutaneous fat without surgical intervention. In one procedure, it is possible to reduce the volume by three to five centimeters.

This method is unique because the effect is achieved by liquefying fat cells and completely emptying them.

The procedures must be carried out in special clinics.

Body correction is carried out using a special device that can provide an ultrasonic effect on the problem area. In order to achieve the best results, the destruction of deposits on the waist and sides must be carried out at least three times.

The so-called cavitation must be supplemented with massage in order to speed up the process of removing the treated material through the liver.

After a simple operation, it is advised not to eat smoked, fatty and fried foods, so as not to burden your internal organs, which are involved in the process of processing destroyed subcutaneous fat.

Advantages of the procedure for removing fat deposits in the abdominal area

  • There is no recovery period;
  • Does not harm blood vessels, tissues and internal organs;
  • No bruises, scars or swelling;
  • The decrease is noticeable already in the first minutes;
  • There is no pain or discomfort.

The cost is very high. For example, doing simple liposuction will be much cheaper. On average, you will have to pay about 7,500 rubles for one procedure.

Electronic lipomodeling

This procedure also involves removing fat deposits from the sides and waist. To create a new figure, a plastic surgeon uses the resources of the human body.

All excess is removed from the affected area, liposuction is performed on the sides and abdomen, and then all the material is injected into the areas where volume is needed. This way you can change the shape of your buttocks, legs and thighs.

Ultrasound or electric current is used to separate fat cells. In other cases, a special solution is used, which will make it possible to pump out deposits without difficulty.

Cells do not die during surgery to pump out fat deposits from the abdominal area. They are simply sterilized and placed in other areas where necessary.

Absolutely all manipulations are carried out with a special syringe. Traces on the skin from punctures are invisible.


This method is a surgical intervention with which the abdomen can be tightened. The operation can remove subcutaneous fat in men and restore the proportions of the figure.

The procedure is used for stretching the abdominal muscles and skin, especially after childbirth in women, as well as to eliminate the consequences of a hernia in men.

Contraindications and indications

Removing subcutaneous fat from a man using surgery is possible for patients who do not have serious complications or illnesses. Doctors advise resorting to surgery only for those people who are overweight no more than ten kilograms.

Liposuction, electronic and ultrasound interventions are indicated for people who have accumulation of subcutaneous fat in local areas. In some cases, problem areas cannot be removed in any way with the help of diets and sports. This often occurs in women after childbirth.

With diastasis of the rectus muscles, skin and fat accumulate in the place of the lower abs. You won’t be able to remove subcutaneous fat from the abdominal area on your own. The disease occurs due to stretching of the skin.

All contraindications to surgical techniques

The above contraindications are the main ones. For the most accurate information on contraindications, you should contact your surgeon for a consultation.


In general, complications can arise due to the doctor’s negligence, or incorrect technique of performing the procedure, while ignoring contraindications.

Patients often experience the following complications:

  • Insensitivity of the skin a – happens during the liposuction procedure, when the doctor touches the nerve endings.
  • Infection– occurs under unsanitary conditions and unsterile instruments. Infection is mainly transmitted through blood. There is a chance of contracting HIV or Hepatitis C.
  • Anemia– after the operation itself, the level of hemoglobin decreases. Occurs when a large amount of blood and fluid is pumped out. After sixty to ninety days, the problem itself will disappear, and the condition will return to normal. In particularly serious and critical situations, donor blood transfusions are performed.
  • Scars and bruises This is a common occurrence during surgery. However, such defects can go away on their own. It all depends on the accuracy of the surgeon and the speed of healing in the patient. If the abrasions still do not heal, we advise you to go to the hospital, because internal bleeding may occur.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure aimed at removing excess fat from certain parts of the body. It can be done on any part of the body, including the stomach, abdomen, buttocks, back, thighs, knees, legs and shoulders. In addition, facial liposuction is often performed: cheeks, jaws and neck. An undeniable advantage of liposuction is the absence of scars, since access to fat is provided by skin punctures that heal on their own.

Liposuction can be done alone or in combination with other plastic surgeries, such as breast reduction or abdominoplasty. It can also be performed on several parts of the body at once.

This can be any part of the face or body with significant excess fat: 1) axillary ridges; 2) hands; 3) upper abdomen; 4) lower abdomen; 5) pubis; 6) ears on the hips; 7) breeches area; 8) inner thighs; 9) outer thighs; 10) knees; 11) shin. And also the back, chin and neck (this will give the face a more beautiful shape).

Can be used for breast reduction: for example, in young girls with early breast development, breast liposuction slows down and reduces the growth of the mammary glands. Carrying out the procedure at this age helps to avoid radical surgery in the future.

Indications for liposuction

If you are concerned about excess fat deposits anywhere on your body, and these deposits are not removed by diet and exercise, then liposuction will be the ideal solution to solve this problem.

The best candidates for any liposuction (abdomen, thighs, etc.) are healthy patients over the age of 18, weighing 30% more than their ideal body weight, with tight, elastic skin and good muscle tone.

Progress of the operation

"Dry" technique. An outdated and not currently used technique. Under anesthesia, a cannula is inserted into the fatty tissue, through which the fat is sucked out using a vacuum. In fact, approximately 45% of the aspirate (fat, fluid, and blood content) is blood. Such blood loss forces surgeons to abandon this technique. It can be used for corrective surgery after unsuccessful liposuction. However, at Uclinic this technique is not used due to high trauma and outdated technology.

"Wet" technique. With this technique, the surgeon injects 100 to 300 milliliters of fluid (with or without epinephrine) into each treatment area. With the wet technique, 20 to 25 percent of the aspirate is blood.

"Super-wet" technique. With the super-wet technique, a larger amount of physiological fluid is injected than with the wet technique. The solution is introduced in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:1.5 (the amount of liquid is approximately equal to the volume of fat that will be removed). Less than 1 percent of what is sucked is blood.

Tumenescent technique. With this technique, even more fluid is injected than with super-wet liposuction. The surgeon injects three to six times more saline than the volume of aspirate removed. This method is used when it is necessary to remove a large amount of fat. However, the tumescent method is dangerous due to the potential for fluid overload and anesthetic overdose.


General urine test, biochemical blood test, blood electrolyte test, blood test for syphilis, HIV infection and hepatitis, ECG.


It is usually done under general anesthesia, on the knees, cheeks or chin - under local anesthesia with sedation, and when, for example, liposuction of the thighs is performed, local spinal anesthesia is used.


The procedure takes from 1 hour to 3 hours depending on the area of ​​surgery and the amount of fat removed.


You can go home after 1-2 hours in the company of a friend or family member. If desired, the patient can remain in the hospital under the supervision of professional and attentive staff for 24 hours.

Before surgery

2 weeks before surgery you should stop taking alcohol and blood thinning drugs (aspirin, hormones, etc.). You should stop eating 6-8 hours before liposuction. Avoid excessive sun before surgery and do not follow strict diets as this may affect your ability to recover.