Platiphylline - official* instructions for use. Platiphylline is a pharmacological drug from the group of m-anticholinergics

The drug Platiphylline belongs to the M-cholinergic receptor blockers. The drug has an antispasmodic and slight sedative effect. Doctors often prescribe medication to patients who have problems with intestinal function. The indications also include certain pathologies of the cardiac and vascular system, and lung diseases. Let's take a closer look at the instructions for using Platiphylline injections.

As the information on the package insert for taking the drug indicates, Platyfillin is produced in clear glass ampoules, the solution inside of which is administered parenterally. Each bottle has a volume of 1 milliliter of product at a concentration of 0.2%.

Among the constituent components, the manufacturer indicates only the presence of 2 milligrams of Platyfillin and injection water in each ampoule. In appearance, the liquid has no color or characteristic odor, the consistency is homogeneous.

At the factory, ampoules are packaged in cellular cardboard boxes of 10 units each. Inside the pack there are instructions, a special knife for opening the ampoule or a scarifier. There may also be ampoules with points or places for opening, in which case the knife is not included.

Pharmacodynamic properties

The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the blockade of M-cholinergic receptors, which leads to disruption of the conduction of nerve signals that come from the endings of postganglionic cholinergic fibers and are sent to the cells of the innervated effector organs. The drug directly affects smooth muscles, relaxing them. Less pronounced blocking of H-cholinergic receptors of the autonomic ganglia occurs.

Platiphylline is characterized by a dose-dependent anticholinergic effect. When taking small doses of the drug, the production of salivary and bronchial secretions slows down, sweat production decreases and the eyes lose the ability to refract light rays so that objects near and far are clear. Also, when patients take small doses, the pupils dilate and the heart rate increases.

If you take large doses of Platiphylline, patients experience a decrease in the contractile function of the gastrointestinal tract, and the production of secretions by the stomach is suppressed. In most cases, an anticholinergic effect can be noticed if the patient begins to increase the tone of the parasympathetic zones of the nervous system, or against the background of the action of M-anticholinergic stimulants.

The drug helps reduce the influence of the vagus nerve, thereby increasing the level of cardiac conduction and increasing myocardial excitability, and cardiac output also increases. Platyphylline provokes expansion of the lumen of small vessels on the skin.

If you take large doses of the drug, then the vasomotor center is depressed and the sympathetic ganglia are blocked. Against this background, the patient experiences vasodilation with a subsequent decrease in blood pressure, especially if the patient receives the drug intravenously.

Due to its ability to have an antispasmodic effect, Platiphylline helps to get rid of pain. The product can also have a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus, bladder and urinary tract. The smooth muscles of the bronchi also relax, provided that the tone of the vagus nerve was previously increased or anticholinergic stimulants were taken. Bronchial secretion is inhibited, and breathing volume increases.

According to the mechanism of action on peripheral cholinoreactive systems, Platiphylline is similar to Atropine, but its level of toxicity is much lower, due to which it is better tolerated by patients. Also, in comparison with Atropine, Platiphylline has less effect on peripheral M-cholinergic receptors, and also practically does not contribute to the development of tachycardia in the patient, honestly, if the patient takes high doses of the drug. The secretion of the endocrine glands is inhibited to a lesser extent.

The drug is able to penetrate well through histohematic barriers, including the blood-brain barrier, as well as through cellular and synaptic membranes. A high level of concentration of the active substance is observed in the tissues of the central nervous system, provided that large doses of the drug are received. Metabolism occurs in the liver, and if you strictly follow the prescribed doses and treatment regimen, then cumulation does not occur.


Based on the information contained in the instructions for use, the drug Platyphylline is indicated for patients diagnosed with the following diseases or conditions:

  1. Cholecystitis and cholelithiasis;
  2. Colic in the liver, intestines, stomach and pylorospasm;
  3. Development of ulcers in the stomach or duodenum;
  4. Algodismenorrhea;
  5. Angiotrophoneurosis;
  6. As part of complex treatment for arterial hypertension or angina pectoris;
  7. Spasms of the cerebral arteries;
  8. Bronchorea;
  9. As a prevention of bronchospasm or laryngospasm in bronchial asthma.

The instructions also contain information that the drug Platiphylline can be prescribed to patients in the treatment of certain ophthalmological diseases. Such conditions include traumatic eye damage and inflammatory processes in the acute stage. In addition, Platyfillin in ophthalmology can be prescribed before diagnostics, when it is necessary to dilate the pupils.


There is a wide range of contraindications to treatment with Platiphylline. Considering this fact, before starting therapy you should familiarize yourself with them in detail, and it is also not recommended to take it yourself, without prior medical consultation.

In the following cases, the use of the drug is strictly prohibited:

  • increased level of sensitivity to the main active ingredient of the drug with the possibility of developing allergic reactions;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • heart failure of 2 and 3 degrees of chronic form;
  • unstable or abnormal heart rhythm, tachycardia;
  • benign prostatic hyperplasia;
  • symptoms of kidney or liver failure;
  • diaphragmatic hernia with symptoms of reflux esophagitis;
  • intestinal atony;
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • old age.

With extreme caution, the drug is prescribed to patients during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Patients who have a history of coronary heart disease, mitral stenosis, arterial hypertension, thyrotoxicosis, pathologies of the digestive system with obstruction, high body temperature should be carefully monitored.

The therapeutic process should be monitored in patients over 40 years of age due to the fact that there is a risk of unidentified glaucoma. The medicine is prescribed with caution to patients diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, myasthenia gravis, urinary retention, chronic lung diseases, Down's disease, cerebral palsy and at a younger age.


The drug Platiphylline can be administered both intravenously and subcutaneously. Compared to other dosage forms of this drug, injections begin to act much faster.

If the medication is administered subcutaneously, the patient can be relieved of spastic pain that arose during a prolonged attack of bronchial asthma, as well as with cerebral and peripheral vasospasms. The recommended dosage is 1-2 milliliters of the product at a concentration of 0.2%. Do the procedure 1-2 times during the day.

If the goal is to relieve acute pain that develops with hepatic, intestinal or renal colic, as well as with gastric and duodenal ulcers in the acute stage, then patients are administered the drug subcutaneously at a concentration of 0.2%. The recommended frequency of procedures is three times a day, and the volume of the administered drug is from 1 to 2 milliliters.

To dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure, intravenous administration of the drug is indicated.

As for the use of the drug in pediatrics, the instructions for use contain information with standards. For newly born children and infants, the dose is calculated based on weight using the formula 0.0175 milliliters per kilogram. For children aged 1 to 5 years, the volume of the drug is 0.015 milliliters per kilogram of weight. From six years to ten years of age, patients are given 0.0125 milliliters of solution per kilogram, and from 11 to 14 years, a dose of 0.01 milliliter per kilogram of weight is indicated.


The drug interactions of Platiphylline with other drugs are as follows:

  • Haloperidol – may reduce the antipsychotic effect in patients with schizophrenia;
  • Proserin - here Platyfillin acts as an antagonist;
  • Phenobarbital - the duration of the hypnotic effect increases;
  • Morphine - the inhibitory effect of Platyphylline on the cardiac and vascular system is enhanced;
  • Cardiac glycosides – positive bathmotropic effect;
  • Analgesics - increase the effect of Platiphylline in eliminating painful sensations.

All this must be taken into account in combination therapy.

Adverse reactions

Among the negative manifestations, doctors and patients noted the development of the following conditions:

  1. Intestinal atony;
  2. Constant desire to drink and dry mouth;
  3. Decreased blood pressure and tachycardia;
  4. Dilated pupils, pain and dizziness, paralysis, accommodation. Convulsions, photophobia, acute psychosis, central nervous system excitation;
  5. Urinary retention and problems with urination;
  6. Atelectasis of the lung.

The likelihood that the above negative manifestations will begin to develop increases with increasing the minimum dose required to achieve a therapeutic effect. Research on the identification of negative reactions when treating patients with Platiphylline during pregnancy and lactation. Not carried out.

Considering the fact that the drug has an effect on the central nervous system, during the entire period of treatment patients should refrain from working with complex mechanisms, not participate in processes that require a high level of concentration for a long time, and also not drive a car on their own.


In case of an overdose of the drug in patients, the manifestation of the described adverse reactions increases. For therapeutic purposes, to eliminate the symptoms of overdose, patients are advised to undergo forced diuresis, and are also prescribed the administration of cholistenase inhibitors, represented by Physostigmine, Galantamine and Prozerin. These drugs help to weaken intestinal paresis and reduce tachycardia.

If the excitement of the nervous system is moderate, and convulsions are mild or moderate, then the patient is given magnesium sulfate. But in situations where a case of overdose is classified as severe, sodium hydroxybutyrate is prescribed, oxygen therapy is performed and the patient is connected to a ventilator. If the patient's life is at risk due to tachycardia, quinidine sulfate or Propranolol is indicated.


The drug Platiphylline in the form of a solution for injection should be stored in a place where access to direct sunlight is limited. It is best if the ampoules are in original packaging. The recommended temperature does not exceed 30 degrees Celsius. If the packaging is not damaged, the shelf life of the ampoules is 5 years.

Price and analogues

You can purchase ampoules with Platyfillin injection solution at any pharmacy in Russia. But only upon presentation of a prescription issued by a leading doctor. The cost of a package of 10 ampoules is about 64 rubles.

Among the most popular analogues, doctors identify only three products. Meteospasmil - offered for purchase in capsule form. The average cost of the medicine is 390 rubles per pack of 30 pieces. Vinboron is a drug in the form of tablets produced in Ukraine. Its price for 40 pieces is within 50 rubles. Infacol is an oral suspension, the cost of which is about 800 rubles per bottle of 50 milliliters.

Some plants contain active compounds that are widely used in medical practice. Among these substances, platiphylline hydrotartrate is distinguished with a calming and relaxing effect. It is used to reduce spasm of the smooth muscles of internal organs and to dilate the pupils.

Description of the connection

Platyphylline hydrotartrate was first isolated from broadleaf ragwort in the form of tartaric salt of the alkaloid substance platyphylline.

In the pharmaceutical industry, a synthetic compound is used in the form of a white crystalline powder with a bitter taste and is highly soluble in water.

Latin name

Each chemical compound has several names. This allows pharmacists from different countries to navigate medications.

In medical practice, in addition to the international non-proprietary name of the active substance, the designation “platyphylline hydrotartrate” in Latin is used. This active compound has three of them: Platyphyllini hydrotartras, Platyphyllinum bitartaricum, Platyphyllinum hydrotartaricum.

Dosage forms

Platyphylline hydrotartrate is used for the production of drugs in several dosage forms. A powder is made from it with a dosage of the active substance of 0.005 g. Each pack contains 10 packages.

A 0.2% solution is prepared from platiphylline hydrotartrate, packaged in 1 ml glass ampoules. The amount of active ingredient in one bottle is 2 mg. Each cardboard pack contains 10 or 100 ampoules.

The solid form is represented by tablets that contain 5 mg of platiphylline hydrogen tartrate. They are packaged in blisters of 10 pieces.

Rectal suppositories are also produced with a dosage of the active substance of 0.01 g in each suppository.

There is a dosage form in the form of eye drops with a concentration of 1% and 2%.

Composition of solution for injection and tablets

The main active ingredient of all dosage forms is platiphylline hydrotartrate in various dosages.

The injection solution is a colorless liquid containing 2 mg of the active ingredient in 1 ml of the drug. Injection water is used as an auxiliary component.

In addition to single-component tablets, there are combined tablet forms, for example, the drug "Platibrin". The antiemetic contains 5 mg of platiphylline hydrotartrate, 150 mg of sodium caffeine benzoate and 150 mg of sodium bromide.

Pharmacological properties

For platiphylline (hydrotartrate), the indications are due to its properties as an m-cholinergic receptor blocker, but they are much less pronounced. If we compare its effectiveness with atropine (the effect is expressed by inhibition of the contractility of smooth muscle cells in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the circular muscles of the iris), then it is 10 times less.

When m-cholinergic receptors are blocked, the effector organs and tissues of the heart, smooth muscle organs, and exocrine glands are less likely to transmit nerve impulses that are created by postganglionic cholinergic nerves. Suppression of n-cholinergic receptors also occurs.

The effect of platyphylline hydrotartrate in high dosages, compared to atropine, leads to tachycardia to a lesser extent. With its participation, the influence of the vagus nerve is reduced, which helps to improve the conductivity of the heart muscle, increase its excitability, and increase cardiac output. The influence of the alkaloid is aimed at providing a direct myotropic antispasmodic effect associated with the expansion of skin vessels.

High doses lead to depression of the vasomotor center and blocking of the sympathetic ganglia, which leads to vasodilation and a decrease in blood pressure.

What else does the use of this substance lead to? Platyphylline hydrotartrate promotes:

  • inhibition of the formation and release of hormones from the intrasecretory glands;
  • decreased tone of smooth muscle cells, amplitude and frequency of contractions of the stomach and intestines during peristalsis;
  • a moderate decrease in the tone of the walls of the gallbladder with hyperkinesia of the biliary tract.

In addition, it relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi while increasing the tone of the vagus nerve, leading to an increase in breathing volume, inhibition of gland secretion in the bronchi, and decreased tone in the sphincters.

The substance relaxes the smooth muscles of the uterus, bladder and urinary tract; Providing an antispasmodic effect, it eliminates pain.

If platiphylline hydrotartrate was instilled into the cavity of the conjunctival sac of the eye and parenterally administered, the instructions for use warn of dilated pupils. Such changes are associated with relaxation of the circular muscle that approaches the iris. The changes lead to an increase in intraocular pressure and the onset of paralysis during accommodation.

Possible stimulation of the brain, spinal cord and respiratory centers. High doses lead to convulsions and depression of the central nervous system, which inhibits the vasomotor and respiratory centers. Can penetrate the blood-brain barrier.

Why are injections prescribed?

The drug "Platiphylline hydrotartrate" has various indications for use. Injections are prescribed for gastric and duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis, pylorospasm, cholelithiasis, intestinal, renal, biliary colic. Injections are used for bronchial asthma to prevent spasm of the bronchi and trachea, bronchorrhea, algodismenorrhea, arterial spasm, angiotrophoneurosis, and arterial hypertension.

The indications for use of the drug “Platiphylline hydrotartrate” include injections in combination treatment, for example, angina pectoris, hypertension, circulatory disorders in the brain.

Using eye drops

In ophthalmic practice, a solution of the drug is also used. When eye drops are instilled, the active substance helps dilate the pupils, which is necessary for the diagnosis and study of diseases. This procedure allows you to check the fundus of the eye and determine the true refraction of the eye.

Eye drops containing platiphylline hydrotartrate are indicated for use in acute inflammatory eye diseases. The drug is prescribed for iritis, iridocyclitis, keratitis and eye injuries.

How to give injections

Platiphylline hydrotartrate can be administered intravenously and subcutaneously. Injections have the fastest effect on the body when compared with other forms of release.

Subcutaneous administration can relieve spastic pain during a prolonged attack of bronchial asthma, cerebral and peripheral vasospasms. To do this, use 1 to 2 ml of a solution with a concentration of 0.2%, which is used 1 or 2 times a day.

To eliminate acute pain caused by intestinal, hepatic and renal colic, exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, subcutaneous injections of a 0.2% solution are prescribed in an amount of 1-2 ml 3 times a day.

To dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure, the drug is administered intravenously.

The instructions for use for children attached to the drug “Platiphylline hydrotartrate” establishes special standards. Newborns and infants are prescribed 0.0175 ml per 1 kg of weight, children from 1 to 5 years old are prescribed 0.015 ml per 1 kg of weight. For children from 6 to 10 years old, the standard is 0.0125 ml per 1 kg of body weight, from 11 to 14 years old - 0.01 ml per kg of weight.

Rules for taking the tablet form

As an antiemetic for motion sickness during air and sea travel, the drug "Platifillin" is prescribed half an hour before the start of the trip - 1 tablet, and after 5 hours another 1 tablet is taken.

Taking the medication can prevent vomiting in pregnant women, vomiting due to ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract, and labyrinthitis.

Use of other dosage forms

The instructions describe the drug “Platiphylline hydrotartrate” as a product in the form of powders, solutions, rectal suppositories. Typically, these forms act more slowly than injections, so they are used for mild pain. For internal use, use powder, which is prescribed in doses of 2.5-5 mg. A 0.5% solution is taken orally before meals, 15 drops 3 times a day.

Suppositories are prescribed in dosages of 0.005-0.01 g per day. Microenemas are performed with a 0.5% solution 3 times a day; for this, 20 drops are dissolved in half a glass of water.

To dilate the pupils, in ophthalmological practice, eye drops in the form of a 1% solution are used for diagnosis, and a 2% solution is dripped into the eyes to treat diseases.

Features of treatment

It is necessary to carefully administer the medicine for diseases of the cardiovascular system, which include atrial fibrillation, tachycardia, chronic heart failure, coronary heart disease, mitral stenosis, arterial hypertension, acute blood loss. When taking the drug, the heart rate increases, which can aggravate the patient's condition.

Caution will be needed for people with thyrotoxicosis (due to a possible increase in tachycardia), with fever, which can increase sweating disorders, reflux esophagitis, diaphragmatic hernia, diseases of the digestive tract, esophageal obstruction, pyloric stenosis, intestinal atony, paralytic ileus.

A cause for concern is the treatment of patients with angle-closure glaucoma with Platiphylline hydrotartrate, in which the mydriatic effect of the drug further increases intraocular pressure. Such reactions cause an acute condition. In the open-angle form of the disease, drops have a lesser effect on intraocular pressure, so it is necessary to reconsider the dosage of the drug.

The use of high doses of the drug in patients with ulcerative colitis causes inhibition of intestinal motility and paralytic obstruction. There is a risk of development and exacerbation of toxic megacolon, severe xerostomia with dry mouth.

Under the influence of the drug, metabolism in people with liver failure is reduced, and with insufficient kidney function, side effects develop due to reduced excretion of breakdown products.

Caution is needed for patients with chronic lung diseases, most often in childhood and with a weakened body. This is due to a decrease in the amount of bronchial secretion, its thickening, which leads to blockage of the bronchi with plugs.

Taking the drug can aggravate myasthenia gravis, as it promotes inhibition of acetylcholine, prostate hypertrophy without obstructive signs in the urinary tract, and urinary retention.

Cautious use of the drug in childhood requires damage to brain tissue, Down's disease, and cerebral palsy.

The medicine affects the speed of psychomotor reactions and attention when driving vehicles and complex mechanisms.


Preparations based on platyphylline hydrotartrate are dispensed from pharmacies strictly according to a prescription prescribed by the attending physician. Such a document is drawn up in Latin and Russian. With the help of a prescription, a pharmacist can find out information about the required drug, its dosage and quantity. There is a special scheme for writing such a document.

The prescription for the medication “Platyphylline hydrotartrate” is as follows:

  • the name of the drug, its dosage form, concentration and single dosage are indicated (Sol. Platyphyllini hydrotartratis 0.2%, 1.0);
  • the number of dosages is prescribed (D. t. d. N 10 in amp.);
  • The route of administration is noted (S. Subcutaneously, 1 ml 2 times a day).
Platiphylline belongs to the pharmacological group of myotropic antispasmodics, as well as anticholinergics. The drug is widely used in modern medicine to combat disorders of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract, having a calming effect on the vascular centers. In addition, Platiphylline can be used to treat pathologies of other properties. Indications for the use of the drug are ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, spasmodic contractions in the area of ​​internal organs, hypertension, cholelithiasis, colic in the liver, kidneys, intestines and bronchial asthma.

1. Pharmacological action

A drug that blocks acetylcholine m receptors, resulting in relaxation of smooth muscles.

2. indications for use

  • Peptic ulcer;
  • Inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • Colicky pain in the intestines;
  • Colicky pain in the gall bladder;
  • Copious sputum production when coughing;
  • Spasm of the cerebral arteries;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Dilation of the pupil for the purpose of diagnosis;
  • Various eye injuries;
  • Duodenal ulcer;
  • Spasm of the pyloric part of the stomach;
  • Gallstones;
  • Colicky pain in the kidneys;
  • Warnings of bronchial and pharyngeal spasm during;
  • Pain during menstruation;
  • Prolonged spasm of small arteries;
  • (as part of a medicinal complex);
  • Various acute inflammatory eye diseases.

3. Method of application

The dosage of Platiphylline depends on the disease, the method of drug administration, the gender and age of the patients and is determined by the attending physician.

Features of application:
During treatment with Platiphylline, you must refrain from engaging in vigorous activities.

4. Side effects

  • Cardiovascular system: increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure;
  • Urinary system: urinary retention, difficulty urinating;
  • Digestive system: feeling of thirst, dryness of the oral mucosa, decreased intestinal tone;
  • Central and peripheral nervous system: increased excitation of the central nervous system, headaches, convulsions, acute psychosis;
  • Sense organs: dilated pupils, photophobia, inability to constrict or dilate the pupils depending on the intensity of light;
  • Respiratory system: collapsed lung.

5. Contraindications

  • Individual intolerance to Platiphylline or its components;
  • Simultaneous use of the drug with Proserin;
  • Hypersensitivity to Platyphylline or its components.

6. During pregnancy and lactation

Not recommended use of Platiphylline during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

7. Interaction with other drugs

Concomitant use of Platiphylline with:
  • Haloperidol leads to a decrease in drug effect;
  • Sodium etaminal, phenobarbital or magnesium sulfate leads to an increase in their hypnotic effect;
  • Morphine leads to increased inhibition of the cardiovascular system;
  • monoamine oxidase blockers lead to cardiac dysfunction;
  • sedatives, painkillers or anxiolytic drugs leads to an increase in the effect of Platiphylline.

8. Overdose

An overdose of Platiphylline has not been described.

9. Release form

Solution for injection, 2 mg/1 ml - amp. 5, 10, 20 or 500 pcs; 0.2% (2 mg/1 ml) - amp. 10 pcs.
Tablets, 5 mg - 10, 20 or 30 pcs; 5 mg+20 mg - 10 pcs.

10. Storage conditions

Platyphylline is stored in a dry, dark place.

11. Composition

1 ml solution:

  • platiphylline hydrotartrate - 2 mg.

1 tablet:

  • platiphylline hydrotartrate - 5 mg.

12. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is dispensed according to the prescription of the attending physician.

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* Instructions for medical use of the drug Platyfillin are published in free translation. THERE ARE CONTRAINDICATIONS. BEFORE USE, YOU MUST CONSULT WITH A SPECIALIST

Dosage form:  

Solution for subcutaneous administration.


1 ml contains:

Active substance: platiphylline hydrotartrate - 2.0 mg.

Excipients: water for injection - up to 1 ml.


Colorless transparent liquid.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:M-anticholinergic agent. ATX:  

A.03.A.A Synthetic anticholinergics - esters with a tertiary amino group


An M-cholinergic blocker, in comparison with atropine, has less effect on peripheral m-cholinergic receptors (the effect on smooth muscle cells of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and the circular muscle of the iris is 5-10 times weaker than atropine). By blocking m-cholinergic receptors, it disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses from postganglionic cholinergic nerves to the effector organs and tissues innervated by them (heart, smooth muscle organs, exocrine glands); suppresses, but to a lesser extent, n-cholinergic receptors.

The anticholinergic effect is more pronounced against the background of increased tone of the parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system or the action of m-anticholinergic stimulants. To a lesser extent than causes tachycardia, especially when used in large doses. By reducing the influence of n.vagus, it improves cardiac conductivity, increases myocardial excitability and increases minute blood volume.

It has a direct myotropic antispasmodic effect and causes dilation of small blood vessels in the skin. In high doses, it inhibits the vasomotor center and blocks the sympathetic ganglia, as a result of which the blood vessels dilate and blood pressure decreases (mainly when administered intravenously).

Weaker than atropine, it inhibits the secretion of endocrine glands; causes a pronounced decrease in smooth muscle tone, amplitude and frequency of peristaltic contractions of the stomach, duodenum, small and large intestine, a moderate decrease in gallbladder tone (in persons with hyperkinesia of the biliary tract); with hypokinesia, the tone of the gallbladder increases to normal levels.

Causes relaxation of the smooth muscles of the uterus, bladder and urinary tract; Providing an antispasmodic effect, it eliminates pain. Relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi caused by increased tone of the n.vagus or cholinergic stimulants, increases the minute volume of respiration, inhibits the secretion of the bronchial glands; reduces sphincter tone.

Causes pupil dilation due to relaxation of the orbicularis muscle of the iris. At the same time, intraocular pressure increases and paralysis of accommodation occurs (relaxation of the ciliary muscle of the ciliary body). Compared to atropine, the effect on accommodation is less pronounced and shorter in duration.

Stimulates the brain and respiratory center, and to a greater extent the spinal cord (in high doses, convulsions and depression of the central nervous system (CNS), vasomotor and respiratory centers are possible). Penetrates the blood-brain barrier.


Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, pylorospasm, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis. intestinal, renal and biliary colic; bronchial asthma (to prevent broncho- and laryngospasm), bronchorrhea; algodismenorrhea; spasm of the cerebral arteries; angiotrophoneurosis; arterial hypertension, angina pectoris (as part of combination therapy); dilation of the pupil for diagnostic purposes (including examination of the fundus, determination of the true refraction of the eye); acute inflammatory eye diseases (including iritis, iridocyclitis, keratitis), eye injuries.



With caution:

Diseases of the cardiovascular system in which an increase in heart rate (HR) may be undesirable: atrial fibrillation, tachycardia, chronic heart failure, coronary heart disease, mitral stenosis, arterial hypertension, acute bleeding.

Thyrotoxicosis (possibly increased tachycardia).

Increased body temperature (may further increase due to suppression of the activity of the sebaceous glands).

Reflux esophagitis, hiatal hernia, combined with reflux esophagitis (decreased motility of the esophagus and stomach and relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter can slow down gastric emptying and increase gastroesophageal reflux through the sphincter with impaired function).

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract accompanied by obstruction: achalasia and pyloric stenosis (possibly decreased motility and tone, leading to obstruction and retention of gastric contents).

Intestinal atony in elderly or debilitated patients and paralytic intestinal obstruction (possible development of obstruction).

Diseases with increased intraocular pressure: closed-angle glaucoma (mydriatic effect, leading to an increase in intraocular pressure, can cause an acute attack), open-angle glaucoma (mydriatic effect can cause a slight increase in intraocular pressure; therapy adjustment may be required), age over 40 years (risk of undiagnosed glaucoma).

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis (high doses can inhibit intestinal motility, increasing the likelihood of paralytic ileus; a complication such as megacolon may occur or worsen).

Dry mouth (long-term use may cause further worsening of xerostomia).

Liver failure (decreased metabolism), renal failure (risk of side effects due to decreased excretion).

Chronic lung diseases, especially in young children and weakened patients (a decrease in bronchial secretion can lead to thickening of secretions and the formation of plugs in the bronchi).

Myasthenia gravis (condition may worsen due to acetylcholine inhibition).

Autonomic (autonomic) neuropathy (urinary retention and paralysis of accommodation may increase), prostatic hypertrophy without urinary tract obstruction, urinary retention or predisposition to it, or diseases accompanied by urinary tract obstruction (including bladder neck due to prostatic hypertrophy).

Preeclampsia (possibly increased arterial hypertension).

Brain damage in children (central nervous system effects may be enhanced).

Down's disease (possibly unusual pupil dilation and increased heart rate).

Central paralysis in children (response to anticholinergics may be more pronounced)

Pregnancy, lactation period.

Directions for use and dosage:


To relieve acute pain due to stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as intestinal, hepatic and renal colic, a prolonged attack of bronchial asthma, cerebral and peripheral vasospasms, adults are administered 1 - 2 ml of the drug 1 - 2 times a day (to dilate blood vessels and reduce arterial pressure intravenous administration is indicated).

For course treatment (10-20 days), 1-2 ml of the drug is administered subcutaneously 2-3 times a day.

Highest dose for adults: single - 10 mg, daily - 30 mg,

Single doses for children per 1 kg of body weight:

  • newborns and infants - 0.03 5 m g/kg (0.0175 ml/kg);
  • 1-5 years - 0.03 mg/kg (0.015 ml/kg);
  • 6-10 years - 0.02.5 mg/kg (0.0125 ml/kg);
  • 11-14 years - 0.02 mg/kg (0.01 ml/kg).
Side effects:

Dry mouth, thirst, decreased blood pressure, mydriasis, paralysis of accommodation, tachycardia, intestinal atony, dizziness, headache, photophobia, convulsions; urinary retention; acute psychosis (in high doses); atelectasis of the lung.


Symptoms: paralytic intestinal obstruction, acute urinary retention (in patients with prostatic hyperplasia), paralysis of accommodation, increased intraocular pressure; dryness of the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose, throat, difficulty swallowing, speech, mydriasis (until the iris completely disappears), tremors, convulsions, hyperthermia, agitation, depression of the central nervous system, suppression of the activity of the respiratory and vasomotor centers.

Treatment: forced diuresis, parenteral administration of cholinergic stimulants and anticholinesterase drugs. For hyperthermia - wet wipes, antipyretics; when excited - intravenous administration of sodium thiopental; for mydriasis - topically, in the form of eye drops. In the event of an attack of glaucoma, a 1% solution of pilocarpine is immediately instilled into the conjunctival sac every hour, 2 drops and subcutaneously - 1 ml of a 0.05% solution of Proserin () 3-4 times a day.


Enhances the sedative and hypnotic effects of phenobarbital and magnesium sulfate. Other m-cholinergic blockers, phenothiazines, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, and some antihistamines increase the risk of side effects. Antagonism - with anticholinesterase drugs. enhances the inhibitory effect on the cardiovascular system; monoamine oxidase inhibitors - positive chrono- and bathmotropic effects; cardiac glycosides - positive bathmotropic effect; hinie din,

This medication has a vasodilating, sedative and antispasmodic effect, and has a dose-dependent anticholinergic effect. Small doses inhibit the secretion of the bronchial and salivary glands, sweating, cause dilation of the pupils (accommodation of the eyes), and an increase in heart rate. Large dosages reduce the contractile activity of the alimentary tract, gall bladder, biliary tract, urinary tract, and inhibit gastric secretion.

Instructions for use of Platyfillin

According to the manufacturer's description, the drug Platiphylline is prescribed if necessary to relieve spasms in liver and kidney colic, bronchospasms and other spastic disorders of internal organs. The medication is convenient because it can be taken in any convenient form: microenemas, injections (intramuscular and subcutaneous), suppositories (suppositories), tablets.

Composition and release form

In the pharmacy you can find the medicine in two main dosage forms: solution for subcutaneous administration and tablets. The first one looks like a clear, colorless liquid, 1 ml in an ampoule. Contains 1, 2, 5, 10 vials in one package, the set contains an ampoule knife. Platyphylline hydrochloride is produced in tablets together with papaverine, the medicine is white, 10 pieces each. in one package. The medicine has the following composition:

Mechanism of action of Platiphylline

The pharmacological effect of the drug is to provide an antispasmodic, sedative, and vasodilator effect. According to the instructions, the drug is an m-cholinergic receptor, which has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the digestive tract and bronchi, and has a weak sedative effect. The medication helps reduce the secretion of the salivary, bronchial, lacrimal, and sweat glands. Platiphylline helps dilate the pupil and cause moderate paralysis of accommodation.

Indications for use

After the medicine penetrates the body, smooth muscles relax. This is achieved by blocking m-cholinergic receptors. The main components of the drug help to dilate blood vessels, reduce the tone of the muscles of the genitourinary system and bronchi. The main indicators for prescribing medication are the following problems:

  • hepatic colic;
  • platiphylline for pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas);
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum;
  • hepatic colic;
  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • dyskinesia;
  • poisoning with strong chemicals;
  • angina pectoris;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • angiotrophoneurosis;
  • bronchorrhea;
  • diarrhea;
  • spasm of cerebral vessels;
  • cholecystitis;
  • eye injury;
  • ophthalmological diseases;
  • algodismenorrhea.

Ophthalmologists often use this drug when examining the fundus of the eye. The product helps to dilate the pupil, and this greatly simplifies diagnosis. To avoid harm to the patient, it is important to take it only in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. If you violate the dosage regimen, the drug will begin to accumulate in the tissues of the central nervous system, cause disruptions, and inhibit its functioning.

Directions for use and dosage

You cannot take the medication yourself; each package contains instructions for use, but the drug is dispensed only with a doctor's prescription. He must prescribe a course of treatment, indicating the dosage and duration of administration. Platiphylline is administered intramuscularly or taken in tablet form. A specialist selects a suitable dosage form based on the nature of the disease and the patient’s age. Below are the dosages that are indicated in the instructions for the medication.

Platiphylline tablets

This form of medication is prescribed for oral administration, preferably before meals. According to the instructions, the following dosage regimen is recommended (a single dose is indicated, it must be taken 2-3 times a day):

  • adults – 1 tablet;
  • children from 6 to 10 years old – a quarter of a tablet;
  • from 10 years – half.

Platiphylline in ampoules

The solution is injected intramuscularly or subcutaneously using a syringe. Platiphylline injections are necessary to relieve pain from peptic ulcers, acute pain from renal and hepatic colic. It is recommended to administer subcutaneously in a dosage of 2-4 mg (1-2 ml). the duration of treatment does not exceed 10 days. For an adult, the maximum daily dose is 15 ml (30 mg), a single dose is 5 ml (10 mg). Children are given injections according to the following dosage:

  • up to 1 year – maximum per day – 0.07 mc/kg, one-time – 0.035 mg/kg;
  • 1-5 years – maximum – 0.05 mg/kg, one-time – 0.025 mg/kg;
  • 11-14 years – maximum – 0.04 mg/kg, one-time – 0.02 mg/kg.

Special instructions

During treatment with this drug, it is strongly recommended to avoid hazardous activities, for example, operating vehicles (driving) or other mechanisms that require a high speed of psychomotor reactions and increased attention. It is prohibited to exceed the duration of treatment prescribed by the doctor or the maximum dosage per day.

Platiphylline during pregnancy

At the moment, there is no accurate information about the safety of Platiphylline during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding (lactation). It should be borne in mind that the benefits of taking the medication for the mother must significantly exceed the risks that may arise for the child or fetus. The appropriateness of using the drug should be determined by the attending physician.

For children

Children who have been diagnosed with chronic lung pathology should take the medication with caution; for example, a decrease in bronchial secretion can provoke thickening of secretions and the formation of plugs in the bronchi. Children with brain damage are at risk (the drug can increase the symptoms of the disease); the medication should not be used if Down syndrome is diagnosed (the risk of increased heart rate and unusual dilation of the pupils increases. Contraindications for children also include cerebral palsy.

Drug interactions

When prescribing Platiphylline, the doctor must take into account the presence of other pathologies that require constant treatment with other medications. Adverse reactions may occur when using the product with the following substances:

  • Prozerin is an antagonist of the drug in question;
  • Haloperidol – in patients with schizophrenia there is a possibility of a decrease in antipsychotic effect;
  • Morphine – the inhibitory effect of the drug on the cardiovascular system is enhanced;
  • magnesium sulfate, sodium etaminal, Phenobarbital - the duration of the hypnotic effect increases;
  • m-anticholinergic blocker or with the same activity (Phenothiazine, Amantadine, some antihistamines) increase the risk of adverse reactions;
  • cardiac glycosides cause a positive bathmotropic effect;
  • sedatives/hypotensives enhance the effect of Platiphylline in vascular spasms;
  • analgesics, anxiolytics, sedatives can increase the strength of Platyphylline for pain due to spasm of smooth muscles;
  • MAO inhibitors – increase heart rate, cardiac excitability (chronotropic and bathmotropic effect).

Side effects

If the doctor's instructions are followed, the drug does not cause any complications. Unpleasant consequences occur when the dosage is exceeded or when taking other medications at the same time that have not been approved by a specialist. Platiphylline can cause the following side effects:

  • stimulation of the central nervous system;
  • paresis of accommodation
  • difficulty urinating, urinary retention;
  • thirsty;
  • pulmonary atelectasis;
  • dry mouth;
  • convulsions;
  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • acute psychosis;
  • photophobia;
  • tachycardia.


If the dosage regimen is violated, the patient develops side effects that must be eliminated with the help of cholistenase inhibitors in order to alleviate the symptoms of tachycardia and intestinal paresis. If convulsions or agitation occur, you need to take magnesium sulfate, in severe cases - sodium hydroxybutyrate, mechanical ventilation, oxygen therapy, forced diuresis. If a condition develops that threatens a person’s life, it is recommended to use quinidine sulfate, Propranolol. Signs of an overdose include:

  • accommodative paralysis;
  • urinary retention;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • mydriasis;
  • convulsions;
  • tremor;
  • stimulation of the central nervous system;
  • hyperthermia.


When prescribing treatment, the doctor must take into account the possible presence of contraindications for taking the medicine. Platiphylline should be prescribed in the following cases:

  • ulcerative colitis;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • intestinal atony;
  • atherosclerosis in severe form;
  • stomach bleeding;
  • arrhythmia, tachycardia.

Terms of sale and storage

Platiphylline tablets and solution are dispensed only with a doctor's prescription; they are not freely available. The medication must be stored in tightly closed original packaging in a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees Celsius. Tablets in damaged packaging are stored for 3 years, ampoules for 5 years.


If the required drug is not available in the pharmacy, you can purchase a product with a similar effect. A structural analogue of the drug is Platiphylline hydrotartrate. From the pharmacological group of antispasmodics you can buy:

  • Halidor;
  • Andipal;
  • Dicetel;
  • Bendazole;
  • Droverin;
  • Duspatalin;
  • Dibazol;
  • But spa;
  • Novitropan;
  • But spa forte;
  • Papaverine;
  • Nomigren;
  • Papazol;
  • Drotaverine;
  • Altalex;
  • Nikoshpan;
  • Platyphylline with papaverine;
  • Spasmol;
  • Spasmonet forte;
  • Cistrine.

Platyphylline price

You can buy the medicine only with a prescription. The drug is sold in regular pharmacies and online outlets. The estimated cost of Platyfillin in Moscow is as follows.