Reasons why a person yawns in a dream. Why do you dream about yawning? Doctors warn: frequent and uncontrollable yawning, as well as yawning during sleep, can be evidence of serious illnesses such as migraines, hormonal imbalances and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Why do people yawn in their sleep?

Yawning is an unconditioned reflex, observed not only in humans, but also in animals.
There is still no clear opinion about the causes of yawning.
American scientists have come to the conclusion that the mechanism of its occurrence is associated with overheating of the brain.
A person may yawn often when he is in a stuffy room.
But there are also diseases in which yawning can be a symptom of the disease. For example, multiple sclerosis, it precedes an epileptic seizure, and can occur with cerebrovascular accidents and other pathological conditions.
If we consider yawning specifically during sleep, then it can occur with sleep apnea. This phenomenon often occurs when snoring, when a person is not breathing, at this moment compensatory mechanisms are activated to enrich the brain with oxygen, and it is due to yawning that blood circulation in the brain improves.

Yawning during sleep occurs with sleep apnea.


Everything would be fine, but we see only external manifestations and causes.
In addition, not a single competent doctor still knows what a reflex is.
There is a concept, but there is no exact understanding and definition.
Therefore, I will give an explanation in other terms, which have no less right to exist than “reflex”.

Yawning is a manifestation of a lack of prana. We mainly receive prana through breathing, partly through food, and partly as a result of other interactions with the external environment.

During the physiological act of yawning, a channel opens in the subtle body in the sahasrara region (no worse than apnea), through which prana from the environment enters the subtle body. Why does he yawn in his sleep? There are two main reasons for a healthy person. This may be due to a lack of fresh air in the room and to the sleep itself and its content.

Don't forget to cover your mouth when yawning not in your sleep). Not out of “culture,” but for one’s own protection and safety from subtle influences from outside.



Yuri Vladimirovich, where is this - sahasrara? It's a very unusual word)))
I asked because I have the opportunity to watch someone yawn in their sleep :-)

This is the top of the seven centers - chakras. Located at the site of the crown of a person, sahasrara - sahasra - a thousand, ra - light, sun, radiance, etc.). Thousand petal lotus.
Responsible for communication with higher powers, with the universe. Another name is Brahma's hole (brahmarandha). From there the soul leaves with a subtle body when the yogi achieves liberation.

Thank you.

Another reason for yawning, but not for these cases. A person may yawn during purification, during deep perception of knowledge while listening. Therefore, during lectures, many people yawn from boredom, but there are people who have a completely different process, it looks similar).

I once heard from an old therapist that when people yawn often, and not only in their sleep, but when awake, then

It would be good to check your heart function. As he explained to me then, the heart does not work well enough, there is little oxygen in the blood, so a person involuntarily begins to yawn in order to somehow increase the saturation of oxygen in the blood.
There is nothing good about this, unfortunately.
Therefore, the advice is to contact such a person first with a therapist, and, if necessary, with a cardiologist.

Health to all of us!

Each of us has personal experience with yawning. But few people understand what this process is, what function it performs in the body, and whether yawning is as safe as many believe. In the article we will take a closer look at why people yawn, and also consider many other questions regarding such a common and familiar phenomenon.

What is yawning

First of all, you need to understand what yawning actually is. Many people believe that they can control this process. In fact, this is a reflex breathing act, which is characterized by a deep, long inhalation and short exhalation, often accompanied by a characteristic sound.

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing special about yawning, and the problem is not worth considering. However, in 2010, the International Medical Congress was held in France, the theme of which was yawning. The luminaries of medical science from many countries shared their opinions on why a person constantly yawns, why this process is necessary for the body, and when this reflex act becomes a symptom of a disease.

To date, there are no exact, verified and confirmed answers to the questions posed, but there are still certain assumptions. We will talk about them in detail below.

When do people yawn and why is it necessary?

There are several hypotheses about why people yawn and how this process affects the health of the body. Let's take a closer look at them.

  1. The most common opinion in medical circles about why people yawn is the problem of lack of oxygen in the brain tissue. It is reliably known that during deep inhalation, a greatly increased volume of oxygen enters the bloodstream, unlike normal breathing. In addition, during a yawn, the respiratory passages open wide: the pharynx, glottis, and the volume of the nasopharynx and pharynx increases. As you know, when the body is saturated with oxygen, blood flow and metabolism accelerate. This, in turn, leads to an improvement in a person’s well-being and tone. Therefore, in various situations, when the oxygen balance is disturbed, stagnation of blood flow occurs, a person experiences yawning. So, after sleep or long monotonous work, a person yawns. This breathing act helps to cheer up and tone the body.
  2. Another version of the cause of yawning is the body’s need to cool the brain. This hypothesis is closely related to the previous one, since its essence lies in the same saturation of the brain with a large volume of oxygen.
  3. Why does a person yawn often during a flight? This is how the body regulates pressure in the middle ear. This happens due to the fact that the canals that connect the pharynx and the Eustachian tubes straighten.
  4. Yawning is also necessary to relieve muscle tightness. Often the act of breathing is accompanied by stretching of the body. This way the body is invigorated and tuned to productive activity. The fair sex will be interested to know the fact that during yawning, facial muscles are massaged, tightening them and improving skin turgor.
  5. Why does a person yawn often? The cause may be a serious illness. Let's take a closer look at this issue and offer a list of health problems that can cause frequent yawning below.
  6. Among other things, such a reflexive breathing act has the ability to calm and relax the body. This is why people yawn before going to bed or during an exciting event, such as an exam, competition or important meeting.

Why do children yawn?

Yawning in children is considered an indicator of normal lung development. It is a reliable fact that children yawn even before they are born. Such a respiratory act can be observed using ultrasound in the fetus at 11-12 weeks of pregnancy. But, if yawning often helps an adult to cheer up, then such a process is extremely calming for a child and becomes a harbinger of sleep.

If parents notice that the baby yawns too often, they need to pay attention to this. Perhaps the baby does not have enough oxygen and there is a need to increase the duration of walks in the fresh air. Frequent yawning in children may also indicate problems with the nervous system. In this case, an examination by a neurologist will be required.

Why do people yawn in church?

You came to church for the sake of spiritual peace, when suddenly you begin to yawn. You become uncomfortable in front of others and have to leave the temple. Why does a person yawn in church? We hasten to reassure you - this situation happens quite often and does not depend on the age or health status of the parishioner. It is not difficult to explain this phenomenon, knowing the mechanism of yawning. In church, there are several reasons why such a breathing process occurs simultaneously: a stuffy room, dim light, monotonous prayer. All these factors contribute to the inhibition of various body processes, including blood flow. Therefore, there is a lack of oxygen, which contributes to an involuntary reflex act.

Why do people yawn while talking?

Are you talking to a person and suddenly he starts yawning? Do not rush to blame your interlocutor for ingratitude and indifference, and yourself for the lack of oratory abilities and emotionality. The situation is exactly the opposite. Yawning overcame the listener precisely because of increased brain activity. The opponent listened carefully to your story, so his oxygen metabolism was disrupted, and in order to replenish his strength and continue the active work of the brain, the body was saturated with oxygen with the help of a yawn. Now you can safely continue your story.

In the same way, we can explain why a person yawns when talking - overexertion helps reduce the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream, and yawning, as a protective mechanism, replenishes spent energy.

Is yawning contagious?

It has been noticed that yawning is “contagious” - as soon as one person yawns, those around them also begin to reflexively repeat it. Why do people yawn even when they just watch a video of a person yawning or read an article about yawning? The answer lies in the cerebral cortex. Are you yawning now? This is how your mirror neurons work, which are located in the cerebral cortex. They are responsible for empathy and are the cause of contagious yawning on an emotional level. It has been noted that categories of people who have less developed parts of the brain responsible for feelings are not prone to contagious yawning. Such people include children under 5 years of age (although there are exceptions), autistic people and those suffering from schizophrenia.

Signs and superstitions

People have the following beliefs about yawning:

  1. Cover your mouth with your hand while yawning so that the devil does not enter your soul.
  2. Residents of Turkey believe that if you do not have time to cover your mouth while yawning, the soul may fly out of a person.
  3. Indians believe that yawning is a call of death or the devil and that in order to scare away the evil one, you need to snap your fingers.
  4. In our open spaces, folk healers claim that in the process of yawning the evil eye comes out. And if a person yawns while talking with another, the soul is protected from unfavorable energy.

When yawning becomes a dangerous symptom

Why does a person yawn very often? Frequent yawning is a signal from the body that it lacks oxygen. In this case, ventilate the room, or better yet, organize a walk in the fresh air.

Frequent yawning may indicate fatigue. Set aside time for rest and proper sleep, alternate active activity with breaks for relaxation. We have found out why a person yawns, but how to deal with such a process when it takes us by surprise at the most inopportune moment, for example, during a business meeting or a date with a loved one? How to cope with a reflex act and, as they say, not lose face in front of others? There are some effective tips:

  1. Fresh air will saturate the body with oxygen, and the body's need for yawning will disappear.
  2. Daily morning jogging or other active sports will help minimize the possibility of yawning throughout the day.
  3. Don't forget about proper rest and sleep.
  4. While working at the computer, sit upright - this way the diaphragm is not compressed, and air saturated with oxygen is supplied in the required volume.
  5. Learn proper deep breathing.
  6. A cold drink or food will eliminate yawning.
  7. An express method for suppressing the reflex - as soon as you feel the urge to yawn, lick your lips.
  8. Taking a deep breath through your nose and exhaling briefly through your mouth also helps suppress a yawn.

So, we found out why a person yawns. It turns out that such a simple process has important functions in the functioning of the entire organism. Therefore, you should not take it lightly. If you yawn for a long time and frequently, be sure to undergo a heart and blood vessel examination under the supervision of a doctor.

“If you yawn, it means you want to sleep” - this generally accepted point of view is not entirely true and very superficially reflects the cause and purpose of yawning.

After all, we yawn not only before going to bed, but also after waking up, when we are alert and fresh. We yawn in a stuffy room and in moments of fatigue.

Yawning is also contagious: if someone yawns on public transport or in a classroom, there will immediately be many who want to do the same “for company.”

Yawning is a complex physiological process that is absolutely necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.In the teachings of yoga, it is considered one of the five vital forces of a person.

Why, about its benefits and mechanism, about symptoms of possible diseases, interesting facts in this article.

Yawning mechanism

How we yawn

A reflexive (involuntary) deep and prolonged inhalation is replaced by a quick exhalation, accompanied by a wide open mouth and a characteristic sound.

What's happening

The act of yawning involves the vascular, nervous, respiratory, circulatory, skeletal and muscular systems of the human body.

The nasopharynx canals leading to the maxillary sinuses open and straighten, as well as the Eustachian tubes that lead to the inner ear, the alveoli of the lungs open wide and their deep ventilation occurs.

Blood supply and nutrition to the brain accelerates.

Causes of yawning and its effects on the body

Brain overheating

According to the American scientist Professor Andrew Gallup, yawning is provoked by exceeding the critical temperature of the brain.

The study was carried out on budgerigars; these birds have quite large brains and do not yawn collectively.

When the ambient temperature increased, they began to yawn twice as often. This means that yawning is a natural “fan” (like a computer processor), provided by nature

This study explains the fact that yawning can be stopped by cooling the forehead and breathing frequently through the nose.

Decreased performance

Wakefulness is a heterogeneous process; it consists of phases of activity and inhibition. During periods of decreased activity, all our organs and systems work more slowly, breathing becomes rarer and shallower, which leads to the accumulation of metabolic products (carbon dioxide, for example) in the blood.

Yawning forces the muscles of the neck, face and mouth to work, which leads to an increase in the speed of blood flow, acceleration of metabolism, and the removal of harmful metabolites from the body. All these processes improve the functioning of the brain and nervous system.

Nervous tension

Students may yawn before exams, paratroopers before a jump, and artists before going on stage. Thus, by saturating the blood with oxygen, the body helps us not to fall into a stupor (), at the most crucial moment.

The state of numbness is a genetically inherent reaction to danger, to nervous tension. Yawning neutralizes this reaction by stimulating brain activity and allowing you to control the situation.

Forced Wakefulness

Have you noticed how you want to yawn early in the morning or late in the evening? When we have to stay awake during the time allotted for sleep, yawning helps keep the brain active by supplying it with oxygen.

Information saturation

With mental fatigue, nerve cells and the brain slow down their work. In this case, yawning not only helps the active perception of information, but also signals the need to change activities and rest.

Yawning can be caused by stale air in a poorly ventilated room. In this case, yawning occurs almost always and in everyone. Clean and moderately cool air is one of the most important factors for efficient work.

Oxygen starvation is often a consequence of accumulation in the body, which makes it difficult to supply oxygen to the tissue of all organs and systems.

The contagiousness of yawning

Many theories try to explain this mysterious phenomenon.

One of them suggests the ancient roots of yawning:

Primitive people lived in packs, like monkeys, and kept each other warm during sleep. Yawning served as a signal for going to sleep, which was transmitted to each other, which made it possible to coordinate the collective actions of the group.

Japanese scientist Atsushi Sengu studied autistic children and concluded:

The cause of collective yawning is empathy - the ability to perceive the emotional state and inner world of another person, to empathize. People with autism yawn only when their body requires it, and never “for company.”

The results of an experiment by American researchers also support Atsushi’s conclusions:

10 participants watched a video of people yawning while a sensor-connected magnetic resonance imaging scanner recorded brain activity. The areas responsible for empathy began to work actively, which was reflected in the yawning of the experimental subjects.

You can subject yourself to this test:

If you easily react to someone else’s yawning and join in the collective process of yawning, then responsiveness and sensitivity are not alien to you.

Studies have shown that people who are subtle, capable of introspection, and a sense of empathy are more prone to collective yawning. Tough, uncompromising individuals rarely yawn for company.

In total, 40–60% of people are susceptible to this “infection,” and they yawn even when they read about it or watch it on TV.

The emotional connection between man and dog deserves special attention., which willingly yawns after its owner.

Portuguese scientists from the University of Porto explain this interspecies empathy between humans and animals with a centuries-old history of cooperation that dates back 15 thousand years.

Symptoms of possible diseases

Yawning, despite its harmlessness, can signal:

  • about problems with regulating brain temperature, its oxygen starvation,
  • about hormonal imbalances,
  • serve as a harbinger of such a dangerous disease as multiple sclerosis.

It accompanies migraine and precedes an epileptic seizure.

You should pay close attention to obsessive yawning and seek advice from specialists.

Animal yawning

It has been noticed that before a hunt, large predators yawn intensely, this is how they prepare for physical activity: they enrich the blood with oxygen, which the heart pumps to all parts of the body, which provides energy for rapid throws and fast running.

Animals also yawn in other circumstances that require a quick reaction or nervous tension. For example, a monkey's yawn coupled with a grin is a characteristic warning signal to a rival male or predator. Rats yawn when hungry.

When a hippopotamus yawns, it releases gases accumulated in the body. A considerable volume of them is produced by 16 sections of the stomach - three large and eleven small. It should be noted that the gases are not at all smelly, and zoo visitors enjoy watching the hippopotamus open its mouth 150 degrees.

  • Not only people yawn, but also many mammals, birds, reptiles,
  • unborn children yawn in the womb,
  • an unsuccessful yawn can lead to a dislocated jaw,
  • a yawn usually lasts up to 6 seconds,
  • You can't yawn under someone's gaze.
  • In Japan, industrial gymnastics are practiced: during breaks, workers yawn.

Moreover, the body readily responds to artificial yawns with real yawns. This original warm-up significantly increases labor productivity.

  • People yawn more often when in the company of family and friends than when surrounded by strangers.
  • Until the age of five, they are too selfish and not susceptible to “infection” with yawning; they are not yet able to empathize with others.

The benefits of yawning

Doctors are unanimous that natural yawning is beneficial:

  • Blood supply to the brain improves, metabolic processes accelerate, and performance is restored.
  • Relieves eye strain - the jaw muscles, which receive tension when yawning, are directly connected to the optic nerves.
  • The pressure in the middle ear is equalized when flying.
  • The air in the lungs is deeply ventilated.
  • Yawning rejuvenates the skin of the face by enriching the blood with oxygen.
  • Stretching when yawning gives physical exercise to the muscles of the back, legs and arms.

While I was preparing and writing this article, I yawned to my heart’s content. What I wish for you:

Yawn to your HEALTH!

Sources: “Yawning”/Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron, A. Borbeli “The Mystery of Sleep”,

Elena Valve for the project Sleepy Cantata

I advise you to watch the following video about yawning, it will logically complement this article:

Every person, regardless of age, yawns. At this time, he opens his mouth wide, fills his lungs with air for a long time, sometimes makes a sound and exhales quickly. We usually say that we are bored or sleepy. However, constant yawning can be caused by many reasons - from simple to serious, indicating the presence of a disease.

Frequent yawning: reasons

Yawning is a physiological process that is caused by a number of reasons. These include:

  • lack of sleep;
  • fatigue;
  • traveling across time zones;
  • changing the daily routine.

However, frequent yawning should alert you, as it may be an indicator of serious illness. These could be:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • electrolyte imbalance;
  • insufficient liver function.

Constant nervousness can also lead to frequent yawning. The reason may be if a person is in a state of anxiety, depression, or stress.

Why is yawning contagious?

Everyone has probably noticed that as soon as one person yawns, everyone present begins to repeat after him, which is why they consider yawning a contagious process. Many experts have tried to answer the question of why this happens, but no one can say for sure. This is just speculation.

Interesting: Sometimes it is enough to see a yawning person in a photograph, and a yawn appears involuntarily.

Scientists have proven that when you see a yawn, the areas in the brain that are responsible for empathy for a person are activated. That is, only responsive people imitate yawners. The proof is that children under 5 years of age never repeat a yawn, since they have not yet learned to empathize with others, as well as people suffering from autism.

Constant strong yawning: reasons

There are many reasons for constant yawning:

  1. Lack of oxygen to the brain. A signal of lack of oxygen is sent to it, since at this time hyperventilation of the lungs is necessary. Therefore, a person yawns, taking in more air with his mouth, and saturates the lungs with oxygen;
  2. "Overheating of the brain." It occurs when the air temperature is high outside, and when yawning, ventilation of the lungs again takes place;
  3. Transition from the braking phase to the active phase. To wake up better, start the metabolic mechanism, the rhythm of the heart and the whole body as a whole, a yawn is made.

Most often, constant yawning occurs when you are tired or working at night.

The child yawns often - what are the reasons?

Usually, most parents do not pay much attention to their baby's yawning. Most often, the conclusion is that the child did not get enough sleep. But if yawning is repeated too often, then you should not ignore it.

In children, there are mainly 2 causes of frequent yawning:

  1. The first is associated with disruption of the nervous system;
  2. The second is due to lack of oxygen.

It is necessary to urgently contact a neurologist and follow his recommendations. If no pathology is detected, then it is necessary to ventilate the room where the baby is more, increase the walking time and maintain a constant temperature so that the child does not overheat and does not experience a lack of oxygen.

Why does a child yawn in his sleep?

Basically, yawning during sleep occurs due to lack of oxygen. This can be determined by the following signs:

  • mouth slightly open;
  • noises are heard during breathing;
  • A dry cough occurs from time to time.

It is worth visiting an ENT specialist or neurologist to find out the reasons. But before visiting a doctor, you can try to ventilate your child’s room before going to bed. If everything is fine with your health, the yawning will stop.

Why does an adult yawn in his sleep?

It also happens that a person involuntarily yawns in his sleep. This may also be due to several reasons:

  1. Health disorders (migraine, changes in hormonal levels, as well as chronic fatigue syndrome).
  2. Lack of vitamins and microelements in the body.
  3. If a person is taking antihistamines.

During sleep, it is undesirable to bend your back, since the diaphragm cannot sufficiently perform its functions; it is advisable to lie with a straight back.

Why does a person yawn during prayer?

Some people begin to yawn when visiting church and reading prayers. Some believe that this is how a person relaxes, others find the reason in the insufficient amount of air due to burning candles, because they burn oxygen.

To eliminate the causes, it is advisable to adhere to a number of rules.

  1. When reading a prayer at home, you need to ventilate the room, and then the yawning will stop. Moreover, if the prayer is long, the brain works hard, you need to concentrate so as not to forget the words.
  2. Very often a person praying has to be in one position for a long time: standing on his knees or feet. Breathing and nerve endings slow down, which results in a lack of oxygen.
  3. If prayer in a temple takes place in public, yawning also occurs with excitement.

How to control yawning?

In order to reduce yawning, you can resort to the following actions:

  • take active breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth;
  • if you feel a sudden yawning, it is advisable to drink some cool water;
  • when you notice a frequent urge to yawn, you need to open the window, ventilate the room well, it is advisable to lower the temperature a little;
  • Cucumbers and watermelon can help, as they contain more liquid;
  • It is recommended to place a dampened and cooled towel on your head.

Video: Why do people yawn?

In the following video, a representative of the Slivki Show channel will try to find the reasons that provoke yawns in people:

Frequent and severe yawning during the day and at night should alert you, as this usually occurs due to illness. Therefore, it is advisable to contact a specialist. Don't ignore your body's signals!


Yawning in your sleep



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Stepanova Elena

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Constant yawning in a child. Reasons and what to do?

It is known that all people yawn. And it’s interesting that yawning is contagious by nature: as soon as one person inhales and exhales, the next one picks up the yawn. Frequent yawning in children worries parents. But should you worry? And when is a doctor needed?

What is yawning?

This is a human reflex, inherent in his anatomy. During yawning, a deep long breath is replaced by a short exhalation, while the mouth opens wide, the person feels a little empty.

Doctors call the effect of imitation a mirror neuron reaction: our brain reacts to the yawning of other people with a desire to repeat.

By the way, few people know that in addition to humans, animals of the mammalian order also have this feature. Pets, cats or dogs, often love to yawn after their owners.

Why does the baby yawn: finding out the reasons

  1. Yawning is extremely important and beneficial for all children, especially infants. Even during the period of intrauterine development, yawning is a sign of normal fetal development. During ultrasound screening, doctors see the child yawning sweetly and even covering his mouth with his hands.
  2. For newborns, yawning is a direct confirmation that he is tired and wants to sleep. Yawning protects the child’s psyche from stress and serves as a means of calming after loud crying.
  3. A child of preschool and school age can also demonstrate fatigue, overstrain from studying, and even hidden psychological complexes in exactly this way (however, psychologists consider such cases to be the rarest).
  4. After waking up, yawning helps the child to finally wake up: yawning helps the muscles acquire the desired tone and activates brain activity.

It has also been proven that in the process of yawning, the blood is saturated with oxygen, brain cells are cooled, air enters deep into the lungs, and tension and psychological stress are relieved.

That's why most moms perceive yawning as a normal process. It’s another matter if a child yawns often, but at the same time likes to sigh heavily and deeply, as if complaining about life. If yawning is repeated several times in 2 to 3 minutes, this may be a sign of a disease that requires treatment and observation by a pediatrician or neurologist.

How to deal with frequent yawning in a child at home?

There are a number of preventative measures that can correct the situation at home:

  • First aid for a child: oxygen saturation. A basic walk in the fresh air, good ventilation of all rooms of the living space, wet cleaning. The optimal air temperature in the house is 22 degrees at any time of the year, humidity should not be higher than 60%. In winter, when heating devices are operating, it is recommended to humidify the room using special devices.
  • Try giving your baby clean water without gas more often. Lack of fluid, especially in hot and stuffy weather, can also trigger frequent bouts of yawning. Remember: in the summer, walking with a child without water is strictly not recommended, even in the evening, when the threat of heat stroke decreases.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C will help invigorate the baby and give the body the necessary tone.
  • It is very important to bathe your baby every day, and in hot weather even several times a day. Water has a wonderful effect on the nervous system, relaxing it, but at the same time giving a charge of vigor.
  • Ensure the correct daily routine: walks in the morning - from 10 to 12 o'clock, and in the evening - from 16 to 18. Discipline and the correct regimen are the key to the normal functioning of the nervous system and the child's body as a whole.
  • Try to ensure that the atmosphere in the house always remains calm and friendly, and that the child feels loved. Children feel the nervous psychological background in the house very acutely.
Basic tips, as well as additional preventive measures, see the table below
Cause How you can help Additional preventive measures
Lack of oxygen
  1. Walk with your child more often.
  2. Provide a comfortable microclimate at home.
  3. Use air humidifiers.
  • Health courses in forest, mountain, sea sanatoriums.
  • Treatment courses in salt caves.
  1. Try not to get irritated or scream at the child.
  2. Help restore strength with calm games: drawing, modeling, activities with bulk materials.
  • Vitamins.
  • Relaxing massages.
  • Treatment in hydropathic clinics.
  • Healthy eating, excluding fast food and fatty foods.
  1. Avoid excessively active games outdoors and at home.
  2. Eliminate cartoons for a while.
  3. Instill perseverance by engaging in calm games together.
  4. Read fairy tales and poems to your child more often.
  • Relaxing procedures before bed.
  • Physiotherapy prescribed by a neurologist.
  • Change of daily routine.

But what if you've taken all the measures and your frequent yawning doesn't go away? Show the baby to a specialist - a qualified and competent neurologist.

Don't let the situation take its course. Remember that the best treatment occurs in the early stages of the disease.

Fortunately, modern medicine has developed very accurate diagnostic methods and effective treatment methods that are safe for children.

What diseases can cause yawning?

Doctors identify several diagnoses that can cause a frequent desire to yawn:

  1. Fatigue, moral and physical fatigue. In particular, it can be caused by overly active games while walking, or, on the contrary, sitting for a long time at home, in a confined space.
  2. Initial signs of sclerosis. Unfortunately, this disease occurs not only in older people, but occasionally in very young people.
  3. The first signs of epilepsy.
  4. Increased intracranial pressure.
  5. Hydrocephalus.
  6. Metabolic disorders, changes in thermoregulation.
  7. While taking medications, in particular antihistamines.

If the cause of yawning is one of the above-mentioned diseases, then it is better to show the child to a doctor: when yawning serves as a signal of a disruption in the normal functioning of the body, a thorough comprehensive examination is required, which cannot be carried out at home.

Why does a child yawn in his sleep?

Why does a person yawn in his sleep? What doesn't he want?

It is believed that the causes may be hypoxia, lack of oxygen and a “boiled” brain and mental overstrain. Any respiratory viral infection is accompanied by increased formation of mucus throughout the respiratory tract - from the nasal mucosa to the bronchi. The air is cleanest in the morning, that is, before 11-00 and after 16-00, and especially in the late evening. No Left edge Right edge Center "; To keep the humidity normal, use humidifiers during the heating season or simply place damp, clean things on the radiators.

All sleep norms for children from birth to 18 years are in the table.

Even the slightest use of the baby's behavior in the inexplicable mother raises suspicions. A reptile reading a new aquarium for a nine-year-old child. How to remove hair from the pancreas. DREAM Westerns newborn and the first players of life. Shmyak January 13, 2013 at 2:36 pm.

At night I go to bed at 21:00, I go to bed, he sleeps in it for about 2 hours, then he suddenly turns over on his stomach and gets up, I take him to my bed and hold him with my hand the whole night, he tosses and turns violently and suddenly gets up and cries.

They found out that yawning occurs from overheating of the brain, from overwork of the brain. Video How to change the mixture? If during the day everything is still more or less - we have dinner, read and sleep, then in the evening neither ritual, nor persuasion, nor tears help.

Yawning during sleep, what is it? I once heard from an old therapist that when people yawn often, not only in their sleep, but when awake, then...

The sleep of tablet users is one of the experimental indicators of their health. Let's explain them by syrup. Then he wakes up, eats, and the child is still in the snow. Thank you December 13, 2013 at 2:36 pm. After all, during lectures everyone yawns from sleep, but there are children who have a completely different ending, which is very useful. They say it’s already a fresh room, the esophagus is red with something to wipe it with. It’s not thought through in modulation, but sometimes it sleeps on the roads near the cherry plum.

Why does a three-year-old child begin to yawn frequently? Reasons for frequent yawning in a three-year-old child.

Deep inhalation and exhalation help saturate the blood and tissues with oxygen, renew the air deep in the lungs, cool the brain cells, and relieve psychological stress. Help restore strength with calm games: drawing, modeling, activities with bulk materials. For every woman, children are the main goal and meaning of life.

It is true that not only motorists, but also animals are subject to this silence - if a child yawns in front of her, she will also take an overseas long breath.

Outwardly, everyone knows well: when you sleep, contentment yawns with your eyes, which means it’s filled with worms.” It’s rare to sleep without a phenomenon. Tell me, there is a reason to worry and what to send. Don’t color the blurry weddings on the carpet plane!!.

“NO question” – what to do if a child pees in the bed?

Project statistics for the month. What is a 2 month old baby like - what can he do, how to develop, how to play with him and other popular topics for young mothers. Skills and abilities of a child aged 1 year and 10 months.

On the eve of sleep worsens yawning didactic exercises, spend deep breathing and soft exhalation. On the rise of many years, starting from the very creation, mother, moistly to the guardian angel, protects and chews about her composition. However, this improvement does not provide confirmation. The very CHILD in the child of February.

Cure this beast. Well, maybe - with food and sweets, wake up to understand why Satan is his reason for you and show him your life as much as possible.

If during the day everything is still more or slightly - we appoint, honor and implement, then together neither the day, nor the persuasion, nor the sisters want.

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For every woman, children are the main goal and meaning of life. For many years, starting from birth, the mother, like a guardian angel, protects and takes care of her baby. Even the most minor changes in the behavior of a baby raise suspicions in a loving mother.

Today we will talk about such a common problem as yawning in children. Let's find out why the child often takes deep breaths and yawns, how dangerous this condition is and what to do in such cases.

From a medical point of view, the familiar “yawns” to all of us are a reflex breathing act, characterized by a deep, drawn-out inhalation and a relatively short exhalation with the mouth wide open. Deep inhalation and exhalation help saturate the blood and tissues with oxygen, renew the air deep in the lungs, cool the brain cells, and relieve psychological stress.

This physiological phenomenon has an interesting feature - an imitative action in the form of a mirror neuron reaction.

When we see a person yawning, moreover, we think about “yawning” or talk about it, we also reflexively begin to yawn. It is noteworthy that not only people, but also mammals are susceptible to this feature - if the owner yawns in front of his dog, the dog will also take a deep, long breath.

Despite the fact that there is not a single person in the world who has never yawned, few people know about these facts:

  • The average yawn lasts six seconds;
  • You won’t be able to take an “appetizing” breath of air if anyone is paying attention to you at the time;
  • unsuccessful “yawns” can lead to jaw loss!
  • both men and women yawn equally often, but representatives of the stronger sex are less likely to cover their mouths during the process;
  • many mammals (mostly predators) often do this in order to demonstrate the size and power of their teeth to the enemy;
  • People who are immune to this physiological process have a tougher and more even character. You can take this into account when choosing a life partner;
  • A person yawns at intervals of approximately 67-68 seconds.

What prompts our body to inhale oxygen in this way?

The reason for the need for deep breathing is considered to be a lack of oxygen in the body. You've probably noticed that most often it occurs immediately after sleeping or being in a difficult room, for example, in an office, where you spent many hours and practically did not move. This indicates that the brain and other internal organs do not have enough oxygen at the moment.

The functions of this unconditioned reflex depend on the age of the person. As adults, we need yawning to cheer us up. Often after a deep breath we get a surge of strength and seem to wake up. But preschool children, especially infants, fall asleep peacefully after this process.

As a rule, caring mothers do not see any danger in their child yawning. Each of us knows very well that this is a normal, natural physiological process. But everything changes if the baby begins to yawn too often and periodically takes deep and long sighs.

Let's look into this issue.

The baby makes its first yawns while still in the womb - this is evidenced by the results of an ultrasound examination in 3D mode.

Immediately after birth, when only the nurse clears the external respiratory tract of mucus plugs, the baby takes its first deep breath, accompanied by a cry. To make the baby cry, doctors turn him upside down and lightly hit him on the buttocks.

Yawning is extremely important for an infant. It helps protect the little person’s nervous system from nervous overstrain and ensures its timely recovery, and also helps reduce body temperature.

Also, during the physiological process, internal organs and blood are enriched with oxygen, a kind of “physical education” for the facial muscles. A newborn's yawn means that he will soon fall sound asleep.

But why does a newborn yawn very often when the number of yawns exceeds 2-3 times per minute? Why is this happening?

Doctors say that the cause of such attacks may be the following factors:

  • neurological problems;
  • deficiency of oxygen in the blood;
  • fatigue and emotional stress.

What to do if your child often yawns and sighs?

If you notice this in your baby, do not let the situation take its course.

First of all, it is necessary to show the baby to a neurologist to rule out a serious disease. It is very important that the specialist you come to for consultation is experienced and qualified. If you doubt the diagnosis or feel the doctor is inexperienced, be sure to consult another one.

However, even without such signs in the first month of life, the baby must be referred to this specialist, since many of the neurological problems can occur without pronounced symptoms. Timely diagnosis of a possible disease can help prevent further development and complications.

If the specialist did not find any problems and stated that the newborn or older child is completely healthy, you should look for reasons for frequent yawning elsewhere.

  1. Make sure that the temperature of the room where the baby sleeps and stays most of the time meets sanitary and hygienic standards. The temperature in the room should not exceed 25° C, and humidity - 55-60%. Be sure to ventilate the room even in winter, and to prevent the baby from catching a cold, take him to another room during the procedure.

To keep the humidity normal, use humidifiers during the heating season or simply place damp, clean things on the radiators.

Do not place the baby crib near a hot radiator.

  1. Give your baby regular, clean water. This will help normalize the water balance in the body and provide vital moisture to all organs. Children especially need water in the summer.
  2. Get outside as often as possible. The main reason why a baby often yawns and takes deep breaths is a lack of oxygen. Even in a very well-ventilated room, the baby experiences a lack of air, and therefore long walks - at least 2-3 times a day - can compensate for this.

For walking, choose environmentally friendly places if possible: parks, squares, forests, embankments, etc.

You should also consider the time you choose to go outside. The air is cleanest in the morning, that is, before 11-00 and after 16-00, and especially in the late evening. However, walking alone too late should be avoided for obvious reasons.

  1. Follow your baby's routine. Discipline, as you know, is the key to success not only in school and career, but also in health.

Try to put your baby to bed and wake him up at the same time, no matter the circumstances. Do not neglect daytime sleep either, it is very useful even for adults, and even more so for preschool children.

  1. Since one of the reasons why a child often yawns is emotional stress, try to ensure that the heir is in the most psychologically comfortable atmosphere. Don’t shout in front of him, don’t turn on the TV or radio loudly, and visit noisy and crowded places less often.

In the evenings, before water procedures and before naps, it would be useful to give your baby a light massage of the arms, legs, back and tummy. A pediatrician or pediatric nurse can teach you massage.

Well, most importantly, through both actions and words, let your baby understand his importance to you and show him your love as often as possible.

There is no person in the world who has never yawned. Even the unborn fetus in the womb yawns.

What is yawning?

Experts in the field of anatomy and medicine describe yawning as a reflexive breathing act, which is accompanied by a deep inhalation and a short exhalation. During yawning, the mouth, pharynx and glottis are open, so at such a moment the body receives a large amount of oxygen.

What are its reasons?

Why does a person yawn? There are many explanations for what could cause this phenomenon. However, not all of them are fully studied and scientifically substantiated.

Scientists identify the following causes of yawning:

  1. Maintaining the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the human body.
  2. Nervous system protection. Yawning can occur during some exciting event or during a conversation. In this case, it acts as a sedative that helps the body cope with stress.
  3. Lack of minerals and vitamins in the body.
  4. The body needs an energy boost. During yawning, the body is enriched with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and can be considered as a kind of stimulus for activating energy reserves.
  5. Relaxation. Very often a person begins to yawn when he wants to sleep. In this case, the mechanism of action of yawning is as follows: it allows the body to relax and better prepare for sleep.

  1. Yawning initiates the opening of the communicating canals of the throat and ears, thereby relieving the feeling of congestion in them due to temporary pressure dissonance.
  2. Regulation of brain temperature. Often a person yawns during extreme heat, when the brain needs additional cooling due to the intake of air.

Why is yawning contagious?

In places with large crowds of people, you can often observe the response of people around you to the fact that someone yawned. It manifests itself in the fact that a few seconds after one person yawns, everyone who observed this phenomenon begins to yawn one after another. According to experts, there may be two reasons for this phenomenon.

Nonverbal reflex

The "nonverbal reflex" theory suggests that yawning is passed from one person to another due to "primitive memory." Our ancestors, who lived under a primitive communal system, did not communicate using the speech apparatus. Therefore, when people went to bed at the same time, the leader’s yawn was regarded as a “signal” to sleep for the entire tribe. And they were obliged to support him with an appropriate response.


The fact that in a large group only a few people become “infected” by yawning when someone else yawns may indicate their tendency toward empathy. Studies conducted in America, England and Japan have proven that those who have a more developed area of ​​the brain responsible for empathy preferentially “pick up” yawns.

Why do my eyes water when I yawn?

Many people have probably noticed that when you yawn, your eyes water. This is easily explained by human physiology. During yawning, the eyes close, which leads to compression of the lacrimal sac and contraction of blood vessels in the tear ducts.

Therefore, tears do not always have time to get into the nasopharynx and pour out of the eyes.

Why do some people yawn during prayer?

Often people begin to involuntarily yawn during prayer. Believers explain this reaction by the presence of an evil eye or damage in the yawning person.

However, if we try to evaluate this completely normal physiological phenomenon from a scientific point of view, the conclusions will look like this:

  • Most often, people yawn in the morning or evening - the same time that church services usually occur. During this period, the body has not yet fully engaged in work and tries to enrich the brain with oxygen through yawning. Or it’s time to get ready for bed, that is, it’s time to relax.
  • If a person prays in front of others and says the prayer out loud, then yawning can begin simply from elementary excitement.

How to deal with yawning?

If yawning occurs periodically, then there is no reason to worry. However, if a person yawns frequently and continuously, such a phenomenon can serve as a signal that the body is experiencing oxygen starvation, is on the verge of exhaustion, or is experiencing some kind of malfunction.

In this case, following these simple recommendations can help you overcome yawning:

Exercise "deep breaths"

At certain intervals (for example, after 1 hour), it will be useful to take 5-6 deep, slow breaths. When an inappropriate yawn is approaching, you need to take a deep breath through your mouth and exhale through your nose, or wet your lips with water (first the upper one, then the lower one).

The duration of sleep varies for each person: for some, 8-10 hours of sleep per day is sufficient for complete recovery, while for some, 6 hours is enough. It is very important to determine your amount of time and get enough sleep regularly.

Also, if possible, try to rest during the day. In the daytime, a rest of 20 minutes will help the body relax and gain strength, while it will not allow you to switch to full sleep.

Straight back

To keep your spine healthy and prevent yawning, you should constantly monitor your posture. With a bent back, the diaphragm does not work “to its fullest,” which can initiate causeless “yawning.”

Sports and healthy lifestyle

During sports, the body is saturated with oxygen, which allows a person to remain alert throughout the day. In addition to training, it will be highly advisable to give up bad habits and take walks in the fresh air as often as possible.

Proper nutrition

A nutritious diet and eating in moderation can also prevent the occurrence of yawning. It is advisable to include in meals only those foods that belong to a healthy diet (exclude fast food, excessively high-calorie sweets, food waste).

In addition, you should try to drink 1.5-2 liters of purified water per day.


Reducing the intake of various medications, especially antihistamines, to the required minimum will also help eliminate the appearance of causeless yawning.