Why a girl shouldn't be the initiator of a relationship. Psychology. Reasons for male passivity

Not only are people susceptible to this madness women, everyone is susceptible to this madness. “This is madness” is that altered state of consciousness in which something forces us to talk only about our feelings, to attach significance only to what we talk about, and to believe what we really want to believe.

Call it what you want - infatuation, passion, lust, love, everything is one. This is a temporary psychosis, a clouding of consciousness with passion. We are in the clouds, we don’t sleep, we don’t eat, we don’t feel pain. And it’s not surprising - after all, our brain at this time is intensively washed with endorphins, which soothe pain.

Under the influence of this drug, we are ready to overcome any obstacles and obstacles.

Under the influence of this drug, we give our chosen one enormous power over us: his approval becomes necessary for our self-affirmation, his disapproval leads to self-condemnation.

Under the influence of this drug, we are sure that our feelings will never change. We talk about it all the time and, what's more interesting, we believe in it.

And then the obsession passes. Like all overly strong emotions, it cannot but pass. After all, the body cannot stay awake and eat forever. The mind regains the ability to make correct assessments. And we begin to realize that eye color does not indicate a person’s merits. Discussions about dating times turn into boring bickering. And your passion turns into irritation. No, it is not love that is blind, but only falling in love.


Ask anyone women: “Who falls in love and grows cold easier - a man or a woman?”, and most likely she will give you all those popular opinions that are passed on from mother to daughter:

Women fall in love more often.

Women keep hope longer.

Women less often become the initiators of the breakup.

After woman breaking up suffer longer.

If you believe that women fall in love easier than men, you are mistaken. If you believe any of the above statements, you are wrong!

You can re-read a lot of Gothic novels, have romantic candlelit dinners, go to sentimental films, but at the same time not be an easy prey for Cupid. Yes, we are romantic in our dreams, but our actions are completely earthly. Analyzing the differences between the concepts of “love” and “infatuation” and interviewing many men and women, I found that for the most part women do not suffer at all from separation syndrome. We look at our novels from a practical point of view!

Sometimes the beginning of love gives warmth in intimacy, a warmth that we so lack in everyday life. But these are episodes of our lives that have a planned end: we in no way want to spend too much energy and time on all this, so necessary for our career.

During the initial period of love, we feel less responsibility for our behavior.

Who said that women Are you looking for masochism in love? Just not statistics. Ph.D. in psychology and sociologist Zeke Rubin conducted a two-year study at Brandeis University, Waltham University, Massachusetts, and surveyed more than a thousand students. The question was asked the same: “Would you agree to marry a person who would have all the qualities that you dreamed of, but with whom you would not be in love?” So, 76% of girls answered “yes”, 64% of boys answered “no”.

Since most men expect to be the breadwinner of the family, they can afford to choose a girlfriend who will capture their imagination. In fact, men more often, rather than women, admit that their marriage is the result of passionate love. This means that women are more likely than men to break off love relationships. And they interrupt them, again for practical reasons, hoping to meet a more reliable and faithful chosen one.

Men dispute the words of women that they, men, cool down more easily and more often go to others. Men claim they are being abandoned more often(according to statistics, 90% of men and 61% of women have been deceived at least once) and they rarely leave for others, they just like to have more than one close woman in their life.

Does all of the above mean that women incapable of falling in love?
Of course not! We really can, and we’re happy to do it!

In all age groups (except divorced women aged 30 to 40 years) women they said that, regardless of the consequences

I hesitated, because it was no longer possible for me to come up with a reason for conversation - all my strength was devoted to trying to hand her the ICQ number.

“Eeeeeee... Well, send me the name of the textbook you talked about today,” and he smiled charmingly, as it seemed to me. Now, now the job is done, I must write, if, of course, the smile was actually charming. What if not? We still need to take the initiative into our own hands! But there was nothing to take, L. gave me a goodbye “bye” and left the carriage. This is her stop.

I was driving home and thought: “A real man would ask for HER ICQ number, or better yet, her phone number! And I’m just the whiny “network loneliness of Vishnevsky,” and not a man. There doesn’t seem to be anything to count on.”

Nevertheless, she wrote. And even a few days later she invited me to sit somewhere and eat. Showing all my masculine ingenuity and activity, I proposed an alternative plan: first, we’ll go to the cinema to see a film that critics called the best female melodrama of the year, and then we’ll sit in a good cafe not far from the cinema...

The movie turned out to be long and boring, and I couldn’t go to the cafe after it either - L. said it was time to go home, since it was already late, and tomorrow was a work day. Complete failure.

Most women have long been familiar with the immutable truth: the man should be the initiator of a relationship. This wisdom is drawn from ladies'

novels in which it is written in black and white - you don’t need to do anything, he will come himself. He will ride on a horse, drive up in a limousine and, in the latest versions, fly in on a private jet. And, of course, it doesn’t matter to him whether you live in New York or are languishing in sadness in the village of Sinye Lipyagi. At the same time, the main character must resist - what if this tall, muscular, white-toothed millionaire, piercing with his gaze, is not her destiny at all? And that’s true, you can’t make a mistake in such a matter. But the handsome guy won’t give up, he’ll shower you with flowers and sweets, and give you pearls until you tell him the cherished “yes.” The same truth is preached in their own way by Soviet films (only without pearls) and Hollywood films (as a rule, without sweets, but with expensive cars), girlfriends and your mother’s favorite story about how Uncle Fedya sought Aunt Lida’s favor for three years.

It's hard to argue with this truth. In the end, it is not supported by a cobweb, but is supported by unshakable facts and has been tested for centuries by more than one generation of women. And yet there is no such woman's truth that men would not doubt. So we doubt it. It’s not that we like to argue with you and think that we are always wrong... We just doubt it.

Judge for yourself, from this truth of yours it follows that a man who does not show initiative is not a Real Man. And who is not a Real Man? That's right, woman, even if she's wearing pants. Simple and powerful, it kills us men on the spot. It is useless to bring anatomical facts in your defense. But still, I confess to you that it is very difficult to be proactive when there is a lady nearby who is not indifferent to your heart and eyes. If a man hesitates in front of you, it means that in his eyes you are a real beauty. Let this reassure you when you decide to help him a little. Well, after that he will carry you in his arms, and will not forget about the flowers and sweets. At least on March 8th and birthday...

Our next meeting with L. took place three months later. These three months I cursed myself with the last words that I missed such a girl. I dreamed about her all my life, and all I could organize was one single disastrous date. Well, where is this good? And suddenly she sent me a joke about computers, and I can talk about various types of devices. I can even joke about them, honestly! At this point I started a conversation. I even managed to relax a little, and when L. invited me to go to a cafe after all, I did not bother with reciprocal proposals, showing the obligatory male assertiveness. But he simply agreed. And he did the right thing!

Are you still not convinced by my arguments? Then I propose to look at initiative from the other side. If a woman can't seduce a man, is she a real woman? The answer suggests itself.

So why do most girls still prefer not to be active: “What if he thinks that I’m so approachable and behave like this with everyone? And in general, a decent girl shouldn’t hang herself around a man’s neck.”

Yes, it happens that initiative is punishable. Especially in the workplace. This is only in proverbs - if you’ve done the job, walk boldly, but in life it’s different. He showed quickness, gave his superiors an idea - so you put progressive thoughts into practice yourself. In free time from main work.

Perhaps women believe that such harmful practices also apply in personal relationships? They think: she will invite him to the cinema, but he will refuse, and then everyone around will know that she sticks to him. Or even worse - another time he will remember that she started everything herself, she herself wanted this relationship. If so, why complain now? Well, the last example is, of course, an extreme. If this happened to you, then you can only sympathize - you really met a “woman”, you shouldn’t even be sad about this, spit and forget. Most men are still normal people and do not shift responsibility for relationships onto a woman, even if she took the initiative.

There is one more important point, besides the ability to take the first step - this is the ability to respond to male interest in a timely manner. It’s sad when a lady of your heart accepts the advances of a man who looks like a Snow Queen. And then he spends a month discussing with his friends whether it was worth or not worth responding to the “harassment.” Girls, you need to remember that everything should happen on time. Because by the time you discuss the situation and come up with a resolution “the candidacy is suitable,” the men will have disappeared without a trace. He went to the cinema with some scoundrel.

In general, you probably already understand that we men definitely need a sign. A solar eclipse, a parade of stars, or at least one of your smiles to understand that there is a chance. So if you like a man, show it, help him navigate and appreciate you. As a last resort, if you are so disgusted by the open manifestation of initiative, veil it as much as possible. Let a man think that everything is accidental, as if by itself. We met by chance, talked by chance, touched by chance, kissed by chance, and quite by chance we started living together. Women who know how to organize such “accidents” will definitely not remain lonely.

I’m studying another work on economics and sharing with L.:
- You know, there is such a type of error as “post hoc fallacy” - after this does not mean at all that as a result of this.
L. uncomprehendingly makes his eyebrows look like a house, and I illustrate this idea with an example from life:
- Well, you remember when you sent me that joke... I told you so much about computers then, and that’s how our relationship began. So you thought that I was just answering you like that, without a second thought. But I deliberately recalled all sorts of interesting stories from life in order to attract your attention and, in the end, arrange another meeting. It turns out that you had a “post hoc fallacy”, you drew the wrong conclusions.
L.'s eyebrows rise even higher:
- You know, you told me all about your stories about computers before the movie. When I saw that joke, I immediately decided - if you hesitate this time, then I’ll give up!
Whatever you say, if a smart woman takes the initiative, it’s always beautiful.

It would seem that complete harmony reigned between the lovers. And suddenly the man tells the woman that he does not want to continue their relationship and leaves. For a woman, this situation is very unpleasant and painful. In most cases, the abandoned partner blames her ex-man for the breakup. Nevertheless, she needs to try to pull herself together and understand why this happened, and whether she is also partly to blame for what happened. At least to prevent this from happening in the future.

Relationship breakup: why do men leave?

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Why did the man leave his family?

Men do not tolerate neglect or excessive care. After the first, most powerful emotions have subsided, try to objectively and impartially evaluate your relationship and understand what your man was dissatisfied with, what did not suit him. Maybe you behaved too self-confidently, suppressed your partner, tried to have the last word in any matter? Maybe they allowed themselves to be unceremonious, especially in the presence of strangers? Or, for example, they paid too little attention to their partner, constantly making excuses either because they were busy at work or for other reasons. That is, in your value system he was far from in first place. Then you shouldn’t be surprised that your loved one eventually gets tired of it.

Even a calm and reserved man perceives this behavior of his partner very painfully

But often a different situation happens. A loving wife is kindness and attention itself. She literally lives in the interests of her man, almost blows away specks of dust from him, constantly makes sure that he is always well fed, that his clothes are spotlessly clean and ironed, etc. Moreover, she is beautiful and smart. It would seem that a man can only dream of such a partner! And instead of loving her and carrying her in his arms, he leaves. Why? Yes, because the care and guardianship of a woman, unnoticed by herself, has become truly suffocating. The partner is so used to taking care of her loved one that she has completely deprived him of freedom of choice and initiative. As a result, the man escapes from the “golden cage.”

Don't get along with each other? And this is not uncommon...

During the romantic period of “candy-bouquet” courtship, people in love often idealize each other. In the eyes of a man, his chosen one is almost an ideal. And after a certain period of living together, the partner begins to notice the shortcomings of his beloved, experience irritation and dissatisfaction. And often it comes to

12 chosen

February 29 is a rare and exceptional day in every sense. Especially for residents (or rather, residents) of the United Kingdom. After all, in England, Scotland and Ireland in ancient times there was a tradition, following which, a woman can propose to a man on this day (it’s clear why such a rare date was chosen for this). Moreover, in case of refusal, the would-be groom was obliged to pay a fine. So, we must hurry: now or in four years. Men, beware!

But seriously, can a woman initiate in a relationship, and what will come of this story? Our expert helped us deal with this issue. psychologist Maria Pugacheva.

No matter how much we celebrate March 8th every year, we still live in a man’s world, and The initiative in love belongs to the stronger sex. Women are left with a second role - to agree or refuse after a man has taken the initiative. Well, perhaps you can still flirt and make eyes at them to encourage them to take action.

Is it possible to play love in reverse, to turn relationships on their heads, in which the main role will belong to the woman? It all depends on what kind of man you are building a relationship with, Maria Pugacheva is sure. But in some cases the consequences can be the most unpredictable.

As a rule, enterprising women are encouraged by notorious ladies' men, confident in themselves and their exploits: they are interested in a certain “reverse game”, the process itself, and their result is always positive. Or will the women’s initiative be approved by uptight men?, insecure and not very popular with the opposite sex: this approach will be a real opportunity to build a relationship. As for “ordinary” men, accustomed to the traditional rules of courtship, there are some nuances here. If a girl is initially interesting, then a slight initiative on her part will be received with a bang and everything will go like clockwork, but assertive tactics will most likely quickly devalue her bright image. When a girl does not evoke any emotions, her active steps will be met with hostility, and she will simply be brushed aside like an annoying fly."– explained the psychologist.

In some cases, you can take the initiative yourself, but this must be done carefully, do not go ahead, and with the help of hints, smoothly transfer the initiative into the hands of your partner. Maria Pugacheva helped imagine what this might look like. So, if a girl wants:

  • Go on a date. Don't focus on the fact that this is a date. For example, call in this form: “A very beautiful park has opened, I would like to go, what about you?” It doesn’t look too intrusive, and besides, receiving a refusal is not so offensive.
  • Start dating. Again we resort to allegory. For example, this way: “If I had a young man with a character like yours, I would be happy.”
  • She is the first to confess her love. The psychologist suggests doing this not in person, but coming up with some interesting form: card, valentine, virtual message. No, of course, it’s more pleasant to speak words of love to someone’s face, but if a man hasn’t confessed it himself yet, he may feel a challenge, get scared and somehow react inappropriately. Give him time to think, understand his attitude and develop a behavior strategy.
  • Marry. For many men, this is a sore point, so if you decide to raise it yourself, you need to act carefully. You can first accustom a man to this idea with the help of jokes: “I couldn’t find you better, I’m ready to become your wife, what do you say?” Or argue your desire to get a ring on your finger this way: “I don’t really like it when other men approach me, seeing that I don’t have a ring on my finger, girls can probably approach you too, let’s avoid these situations - I think we need to get married, huh?”

But in reality, the problem, of course, is not the initiative. If a man is psychologically ready for a particular decision, you can push him with your action. And if you’re not ready in principle – "to persuade" it definitely won't work. And no fines will help.

A woman's initiative in a relationship with a man - is it necessary? What makes a lady take everything into her own hands? Men's attitude towards women's activity. How to show your sympathy correctly and when not to do it.

Contents of the article:

Women's initiative is more a response to men's indecision than a manifestation of emancipation. This is exactly how a woman interprets her behavior, since not all princes dare to take the first step. But it happens that they simply don’t want to do it. Therefore, it is very important to know whether the initiative on the girl’s part will be appropriate and decent.

Reasons for male passivity

There are representatives of the fair sex who do not wonder how the chosen “object” will perceive their activity. They just act. However, most women are still focused on gender stereotypes, one of which says that initiative in relationships is the prerogative of men.

He is a protector, a provider, a conqueror. He chooses, achieves and reserves the right to decide how long the relationship will be. However, either women are in a hurry to live, or men do not want to change their usual way of life, but decisive action on the part of the latter sometimes takes a long time. And there can be many reasons for this.

The most common reasons for men's lack of initiative in relationships:

  • Timidity. Indecisiveness and self-doubt are one of the highest barriers a man faces on his way to the woman he likes. These feelings literally paralyze him, especially near the object of passion.
  • Circumstances. On the part of a man, his personal attitudes (difference in age, social status, financial situation), national and racial characteristics and restrictions can also act as an obstacle to the path to joint happiness on the part of a man. In many companies, firms and organizations, office romances are not encouraged, which can also inhibit male activity.
  • Fear of failure. Previous failures in relationships can significantly moderate the ardor of even the most active representative of the stronger sex. Disappointment in women can change a man’s behavior in two ways: either block his desire to start a new relationship, or change the vector towards unstable relationships.
  • Loss of interest. The reason that a man does not show interest in you may be that he has lost this interest. This may be the result of stagnation in a relationship, loss of feelings, or meeting another woman. The worst option is a sharp cooling of the relationship after the man got his way. Especially if the initiator of the relationship was a woman.
  • Gender stereotype. Adherents of masculinity in relationships categorically do not accept the activity of women. Therefore, one of the possible reactions to a woman’s attempts to build a relationship with him on her own may be to ignore him. Or a complete loss of interest, even if he was there before the woman’s first steps - after all, she stole his chance to do everything himself.
  • No contact. If the man you like is quite active, successful and self-confident, but does not show interest in you, most likely you have not touched the chord in him that would make him act.
  • Infancy. Passivity in relationships with the opposite sex is the natural behavior of men who, from childhood, live and make all decisions under the strict control of female family members. They can't do it any other way.
  • Abundance of offers. The modern man is truly spoiled by the number of beautiful, free women who passionately want to get married. The statistics, once voiced in a famous song, are no longer relevant: today, for every 9 unmarried men, there are no longer 10, but 45-55 unmarried women. Ready to do almost anything to arrange their personal life. This relaxes the “grooms” - the “brides” will do everything themselves.
In addition, men's lack of initiative can be explained by a simple reluctance to start a serious relationship and get married. There is a category of men for whom loneliness is a comfortable state of life, which they do not allow to be intruded upon. Or they allow it, but on their own terms.

Peculiarities of men's attitude towards women's initiative

All men are different. Therefore, a woman’s initiative in a relationship is perceived differently by them. They can even be divided into several types.

The main types of men in relation to initiative from a woman:

  1. Business man. He has everything planned out several months in advance, he has a ton of things to do, and his head is busy with business plans, projects, problems and meetings. Therefore, the tactics of “working” with him need to be chosen accordingly - direct and clear. If you decide to take the first step - make an appointment with the exact time and exact address. In this case, coquetry and other feminine “tricks” have little chance - he may simply not notice them.
  2. Master. A man of this type a priori does not accept women’s initiative. His whole life is a set of rules. He was ruled. He decides everything himself. Therefore, attempts to directly influence his feelings and decisions are initially unsuccessful. But if you dream of just such a solid shoulder, try to take it with simple everyday joys, which, by the way, he really values. This could be unobtrusive care, interest in his life, delicious simple food and hints about how much you love home comfort and family values. And no hint of a career, independence and self-sufficiency.
  3. Romantic nature. One of the most difficult types, since the romantic principles of courtship require the initiative exclusively from the man: flowers, gifts, dates and original declarations of love. In this case, your active position can be veiled into friendly relations. You can start with simple requests for help: replacing a light bulb, sorting out a gadget, fixing a faucet, etc. (depending on what your chosen one is into). And while he is solving your vital problem, chirp to him how much you love romance and how important it is in a relationship.
  4. . An assertive initiative in relationships with men of this type is not always successful, despite the apparent ease of “processing” the gentleman. At the last moment, an insecure man can backtrack. Due to doubts about the sincerity of interest: are there mercantile nuances or a desire to get married urgently (according to the option “without fish, there’s cancer”). And the older such a “groom” is, the more careful he is. Such a man can succumb to your feminine tricks only if you are fully confident that you are driven by a truly sincere feeling, and not by his material values ​​(apartment, car, money) or your need to gain the status of a married woman (due to age, unwillingness to live with your parents, as revenge on another man, etc.).

How to show female initiative correctly

If your man does not have any of the above “contraindications” to relationships, you can move on to more specific actions. However, first decide on three points for yourself. First: do you really need your chosen one? Second: what will you do with it if you succeed. Third: your actions in case of refusal. And only after this can you decide on tactics and look for the most effective way to take initiative in relations with the chosen object of attention.

Preparatory stage

If being active in relationships with the opposite sex is not exactly your path, sit down and do some careful soul-searching on this topic. A categorical internal rejection of such an idea should be a compelling reason for you to choose a different tactic to attract attention. Even if you don’t have such experience at all, but you have enthusiasm, a desire to get the man of your dreams and at least a drop of confidence that he will reciprocate your feelings, start preparing for action.

To make your initiative as natural and easy as possible, practice on other representatives of the stronger sex. Meet men in public places (transport, shops, cafes, cinemas, offices, organizations, etc.). The reason for getting to know each other could be a request for help, advice, consultation, or simple communication on free topics.

During communication, your goal is to learn to naturally and freely tell your interlocutor that he is attractive and pleasant to you. And also calmly and easily accept any reaction on his part. As soon as you feel ready to express your sympathy to any young man without any problems and to survive any response without any problems, you can safely move on to action in relation to your chosen one.

Initiative towards a stranger

If you are wondering whether to take the initiative in a relationship with a man you don’t know but really like, then there is no clear answer to this question. Exactly the same as identical men.

Some people will be very pleased with the attention from an unfamiliar (or little-known) woman, while others may react ambiguously to attempts to establish contact. Therefore, it is better to start with intelligence - how he will react to the most transparent hints of sympathy.

To do this, first just hold your gaze on him a little more than usual. If no inappropriate consequences follow, the next time you meet, smile slightly at him, because he is already almost your acquaintance. It is much easier to act if you very often intersect with your object of attention (at work, in the yard, in an educational institution, in the gym, in transport, etc.).

Having “become familiar” with each other, it will not be difficult to move from smiles to greetings and one day say “Hello” to him. Just like that, in passing. Or ask for help - any, no matter how insignificant. And don’t forget to show reciprocal sympathy if the man takes the bait.

Active actions towards a male acquaintance

The fact that you know each other makes the task easier on the one hand, and complicates it on the other. After all, he hasn’t shown any increased interest in you yet. Such a nuance requires delicacy in behavior so as not to reproach yourself for what you have done and not to hide your eyes in case of refusal.

The beginning of your actions is standard - light flirting, the purpose of which is to inform your friend that he is pleasant, interesting and attractive to you. Flirt as carefully and unobtrusively as possible.

Your main weapons are hints, play, jokes, mystery (in moderation) and charm. No pressure or zealous attacks. If your future gentleman joins your game, it means that he cares about you too and did everything right. Now you can gradually give the initiative into his hands.

If all your attempts to attract attention do not touch him in any way or, moreover, force him to avoid you, leave such a “groom” alone. He is not the last and not the only one. Therefore, there is no need to waste your precious energy.

Returning the interest of an ex-lover

The object of activity on the part of a woman does not necessarily have to be a man who, for some reason, does not take the initiative towards her. Quite often, after certain thoughts (or circumstances), we want to attract the attention of our ex or the person whose advances have gone unanswered. If the breakup or attempt to start a relationship was calm and civilized, the chances of attracting the attention of such a man are quite high.

First, you need to get in touch with him - in any way and under any pretext. This could be congratulations on some holiday, lyrical memories of past times of relationships or friendship, a request for help, etc. That is, you need to remind yourself and come up with a reason for the meeting.

After establishing contact, communication can be “seasoned” with small hints and signs of attention that would show him that there is something more than friendship between you.

However, you also need to act carefully here, especially if you were the culprit of the failed “love story”. A man can remember everything and pay close attention to your behavior and emotions. Your task is to prove to him that everything on your part is sincere and honest. And do it delicately, gradually.

Important! Remember a very important rule of female initiative - not to be intrusive. Therefore, if you decide to be the first to invite a man on a date, he should invite you to all subsequent meetings.

Taboo for women's initiative

There are cases when taking the first steps towards a man is not just inconvenient, but inappropriate or even undignified.

Cases when it is better to refuse initiative in a relationship with a man:

  • The object is already occupied. If your chosen one already has a serious relationship or family (especially with children), do not try to build your happiness on someone else’s misfortune. It has been proven for centuries: nothing good comes of it. It is an absolute taboo if his wife or girlfriend is in an interesting position.
  • Object - rude. The man you have chosen does not consider it necessary to treat you with basic respect, observe the rules of politeness and friendliness. That is, he can allow himself to ridicule you, be rude, make fun of you, make rude remarks and use obscene language.
  • The object is not your cup of tea. That is, there is a gap of social or material origin between you. There is no point in arguing with the rule established by the ancient Romans that love loves equals. Even if you are very impressed by the story of Cinderella, remember that in it the initiative came from the Prince. If the man you love has a higher status, it is better to make an effort to get as close to him as possible: learn, develop, achieve success yourself.
  • Object - not according to age. Misalliance can also happen in the case of unequal relationships in age, when the age difference is more than 20 years in the direction of seniority and more than 10 years in the direction of the younger man. Such age gaps create a certain vacuum in interests, hobbies, life principles and perception of life in general. Therefore, activity here may cause an inappropriate reaction in your object of attention.
  • Object - target. There is no need to spoil your karma and try to win a man for selfish or some personal purposes. Revenge, position, connections and wealth, of course, make a man beautiful, but you should not put them in first place. Focus solely on your feelings for him - real, honest. Otherwise, you may get a not entirely pleasant response, both from the object of passion itself and from the all-seeing Universe.
  • Object is a ghost. Of course, conditionally. The term “ghost” refers to a man who regularly disappears from your life without warning or explanation. If he does not consider it necessary to inform you about his “movements,” you should not make efforts to return him to his native nest. If he doesn't consider him that way. Look for a new life partner who will be next to you in constant orbit.

Important! Don't forget that you are a woman. Sensual, worthy of respect and good treatment. Therefore, turn on your intuition and reason at the same time, they will definitely suggest the right choice.

Watch the video about the women's initiative:

Women's initiative in relationships is largely the result of our fast-paced times, when the modern woman decides to take this area of ​​life into her own hands. And there are many examples where such pressure brings beneficial results in the form of strong relationships. Likewise, there are many failed examples. Therefore, each girl must choose her own position in a relationship with a specific man.