Why doesn't the cat eat anything? The cat sleeps constantly, does not eat anything and refuses food for several days: it lies in one position and drinks only water. The cat does not eat Hills medicinal food, raw meat, what to do

Sometimes a cat owner is faced with the fact that his pet refuses to eat. He begins to worry and tries to force the cat to eat. And you should start by correctly determining the reason for your cat’s refusal to eat. Often this reason is not so dangerous.

The cat does not eat - reasons

Reason #1. Changes in diet.
This is the most common reason why a cat refuses to eat. Perhaps she is accustomed to a certain food, but now you are offering her natural food. A cat may even refuse pure meat and milk. She may also not like the new food.
It is better to feed your cat always one type of food or only natural food. But if for some reason you need to change her diet, proceed gradually.
Or you can use patience. If your cat gets very hungry, she may start eating the new food offered. Just don't overdo it. A young cat can fast for no more than 5 days without harm to health, an old cat - 3 days, and a kitten only for a day.

Reason #2. The cat is having a fasting day.
If your cat doesn't eat for just one day, there is no cause for concern. Some pets do this specifically to solve temporary digestive problems or simply empty their intestines. Perhaps the cat simply overate in the previous days.

Reason #3. The room temperature is high.
This reason is especially relevant in summer in hot weather or in winter, when the heating in the house works hard. After eating, the cat produces additional heat. And this may prevent her from withstanding the heat. Therefore, she drinks more liquid and deliberately refuses food.

Reason #4. Expression of protest.
Sometimes cats refuse food to express their displeasure to their owner. She may want you to play with her, pet her, or clean her litter box. How can you think about food when there are so many unresolved problems!

Reason #5. Consequences of the surgery.
Most operations (for example, sterilization) are performed under anesthesia. Anesthesia causes temporary inhibition of body functions in animals. During such a difficult period, they may not have time to eat. Wait until the substance is completely out of your pet’s body.

Reason #6. The cat is in heat period.
During heat, many cats refuse to eat because they are busy looking for a mate. A hunger strike can begin a week before the onset of puberty. This is fine. But if the cat is starving for a very long time, it is better to show it to the veterinarian, since this behavior may be a consequence of hormonal imbalance.

Reason #7. Illness and stress.
This is exactly the reason that should worry the owners. If your pet is not just hungry, but also feels lethargic, drowsy, and moves little, this is a signal for alarm. It is better to immediately contact a veterinarian, he will help solve the problem. How to determine that a cat is sick - .
When stressed, cats also refuse to eat. Stress can be triggered by the following factors: the appearance of a new pet in the house, a quarrel between owners, rearranging furniture, the arrival of guests, etc.

If a cat refuses to eat, there is always a reason!

It is not always possible to find out on your own why a cat refuses food and drinks only water. If, along with these alarming signs, severe lethargy appears, turning into almost continuous sleep, the provoking factor may be diseases or mechanical trauma to the oral cavity. To identify the causes and provide timely assistance to your pet, it is recommended to contact a veterinarian.

Lethargy due to illness

Often a cat refuses to eat due to pathological disorders in the body. He is thirsty, so fresh water must be in the bowl at all times. If the state of hunger strike continues for several days, the pet weakens. It is advisable to contact a veterinarian and find out what type of infection is developing in your furry pet:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases. Typically, pathological disorders in the gastrointestinal tract are manifested not only by loss of appetite. The cat develops prolonged diarrhea, which quickly depletes the body.
  • Anorexia. Most often, due to a neuropsychic disorder in the form of anorexia, a small kitten suddenly stops eating. This is due to stress during meals - shouting loudly at the pet or hitting it. In the future, he simply does not approach the bowl of food.
  • Liver problems. With pathological problems with the liver, the cat mostly lies down, getting up only to use the toilet or drink water.
  • Tick ​​bite. If, after a tick bite, a cat develops a dangerous disease such as encephalitis, the animal quickly loses strength. It does not get up due to paralysis of the limbs, sleeps all the time and can die without qualified help.
  • Malignant formations. When a cancerous tumor appears in the digestive system, the cat wants to, but cannot, absorb food. If the disease is advanced, over time the animal will stop drinking even water, which will lead to death.
  • Diseases of the pancreas. The cat often loses its appetite, turns away from food, getting up only to drink water. The functioning of the pancreas is impaired.
  • Diseases of the reproductive system. Painful manifestations that negatively affect appetite appear in cats after castration surgery, and in females after sterilization. Cats begin to behave anxiously after a difficult birth and during the period of estrus.

If furry pets do not approach the food, stop playing, or drink a lot of water, this may indicate the development of diabetes. This condition is one of the symptoms of kidney problems, blood diseases or the appearance of worms.

Other reasons

If a cat has lost his appetite and has lost a lot of weight by drinking only water, this indicates that a pathogenic infection has entered the body. There may be other reasons for this condition:

  1. 1. Changing your diet. The cat does not eat unusual food in situations of a sudden transition to another diet. There are cases of demonstrative hunger strike if the pet simply does not like the new food. Fatty foods cause vomiting followed by loss of appetite.
  2. 2. Change of place of residence. An adult cat does not tolerate moving well. In a new place, he hides, climbing into dark places, is afraid to touch the bowl of food, and does not go to the toilet.
  3. 3. Getting a throat injury. A stuck bone or other foreign object that makes swallowing difficult can cause painful damage to the throat. The danger comes from swallowing a sharp fragment that can get stuck in the intestines and cause obstruction. Vomiting begins, there is a bad breath, the cat does not eat anything.
  4. 4. Painful lesions in the oral cavity. A cat even refuses its favorite food if it has ulcers in its mouth that cause burning pain. Bad teeth also cause suffering.


Getting poisoned is a common cause, causing lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea. This condition is provoked by poor-quality or spoiled food and drug overdose. Often a cat walks around lethargically if some surfaces in the room were painted during renovation. He experiences weakness from the fumes of acetone, strong chemicals. You should not leave your pet in the house if you are being treated for bedbugs, cockroaches and other insects.

Character traits

There are extremely capricious and touchy cats. They may ignore their owners for some time and not feed.

A serious factor that provokes poor appetite is stress. Vomiting occurs if the cat eats food too quickly or overeats due to the presence of excessive amounts of food in the bowl. Constipation accompanied by vomiting causes hair to accumulate in the intestines.

How to help

If your cat is sick, your veterinarian must make a diagnosis and prescribe specific treatment. During an initial examination of the oral cavity, skin and abdomen, it is not always possible to determine the type of pathological disorder, so the animal’s blood and urine are donated for analytical research. An x-ray and stool test may be required. Having determined the reason for the cat’s refusal to eat, it is necessary to develop a set of therapeutic measures. If it is possible to treat a sick pet at home, the doctor will recommend not only specific medications, but also a regimen for taking them. If there are no signs of infection, owners will need to constantly follow simple rules that will allow them to avoid many situations that could cause the cat to refuse to eat. They are:

  • If the cat is accustomed to professional ready-made food, you need to replace it with higher quality premium varieties. A diet of natural foods should be improved by eliminating heavy and fatty foods and adding the necessary mineral and vitamin complex.
  • Provide a properly organized diet with portions that are optimal in weight and composition. Feeding should be done at a certain time so that the cat can easily navigate. They provide fresh food, removing uneaten leftovers so that they do not turn sour and spoil in the bowl.
  • Long-haired pets need to be brushed twice a week. If excessive hair loss is observed, the procedure becomes daily.
  • Having noticed that the cat has lost its appetite or is constantly salivating, visually examine the oral cavity. This will help detect stomatitis, inflamed gums or other pathological lesions of the oral cavity. After contacting a veterinary clinic, treatment is carried out.
  • When washing bowls in which cat food is placed, preference is given to laundry soap, excluding household chemicals.
  • If you are about to take your cat to the country for the first time, then you need to accustom it to the carrying basket in advance. First, they carry the animal around the apartment, then they begin to go outside and get into the car.
  • Having decided to give your pet a new food, you need to add it to the usual food in small quantities for several days and observe the reaction. It is not difficult to understand whether a cat likes an innovation or not. If the food is not to her taste, it will remain untouched.
  • Having noticed worms in the excrement, they buy complex action tablets at the pet store - Drontal, Milbemax, Dirofen. Usually they give one piece, dissolve it in water and pour it into the cat’s mouth.
  • It is necessary to protect the animal from stressful situations. You can’t beat him or lock him in dark rooms.

Situations often arise when a cat refuses to drink and eat, but the owner does not see any serious reasons for this. In medical practice, there is a concept called anorexia - refusal to eat and loss of appetite in a cat.

Normal appetite and good appearance are among the main indicators of a pet’s excellent health. And when a cat is clearly not interested in food, and does not even look towards the tray with it, its owner has to ask questions, what could be the reason for such reluctance to eat? And isn't this due to some serious illness? What should you pay attention to first?

It should be said right away that a cat’s refusal to eat is not necessarily a violation in the animal’s behavior or a symptom of a disease; in some cases it can be a completely normal phenomenon. There are a large number of situations when a cat loses its appetite - from quite simple reasons to quite serious reasons. If appetite is to a greater extent a psychological phenomenon, and it is determined by various kinds of memories and associations, then hunger is characterized by a physiological nature of origin.

In this regard, it is worth considering certain moments when cats resort to refusing food in order to better understand why the animal does not eat. This means being able to timely and correctly assess the situation and provide the necessary assistance. Below are the most common reasons that can affect a cat's appetite.

When not to worry

Of course, it's hard to watch when your beloved pet won't even look at his favorite treats. However, you don't always need to worry when your cat doesn't touch food for a relatively short time. In addition, if the animal appears healthy and reasonably active, it does not have a high fever or any symptoms of gastric or other disorders.

In order not to worry about your pet’s health and to know how long a cat can refuse food, thereby expressing its protest against a new diet or other stressful situations, look at the following data:

  • for a young healthy animal, such a hunger strike does not cause significant harm to the body for up to five days;
  • for a pet that is healthy, but is already many years old, this period is slightly reduced and is approximately two days;
  • but for a kitten that is not yet six months old, such “stubbornness” regarding food intake cannot be harmless if it exceeds one day;
  • an animal with any chronic disease, regardless of the stage or form in which the disease manifests itself, can go without food for up to two days.

Of course, these terms are conditional and can occur if the animal does not eat, but drinks a sufficient amount of liquid. But in any case, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian for advice, because refusal to eat may hide more serious reasons.


When a cat does not want to eat, you should understand the reason for this behavior and decide what needs to be done in this situation. Since there are many reasons for loss of appetite, it is better to consult a specialist. He will determine the specific reason for the animal’s refusal to eat by conducting the necessary diagnostics, which includes a number of procedures for a comprehensive examination of the cat:

Once an accurate diagnosis has been established, the specialist will prescribe special treatment or supportive therapy.

The basis of specific treatment is the task of eliminating the factors that provoked the development of this problem. Various drugs may be involved here, including antibiotics that will destroy the infection or drastic measures, including surgery. The latter will be applied if a foreign body is found in the cat.

Maintenance therapy will help bring the cat’s weakened body back to normal. In this case, it is possible to use subcutaneous therapy, which will help the animal develop appetite.

The cat does not eat anything: reasons

There are, as already mentioned, quite a lot of them. Often, lack of desire to eat is the initial sign of the disease. Often these are diseases of the digestive system or other important organs of the cat. It happens that the cause of loss of appetite is severe pain. The following are diseases that can provoke food refusal in an animal:

  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver;
  • pancreas;
  • genitourinary system;
  • blood;
  • throat, nose, eyes, mouth.

However, do not panic, since there are often less serious reasons when a cat does not eat. For example, she simply did not like the change in diet or place of residence, which caused severe stress. It is probably worthwhile to dwell in more detail on the main factors of loss of appetite that are encountered in veterinary practice.

Sexual instinct

Cats are the most sensitive and, as a rule, lose their appetite seven days before the onset of estrus. This, however, mainly applies to cats going into their first heat. She is experiencing new sensations for the first time and therefore may be in a state of confusion. In this situation, it can return to normal quickly, and therefore the owner should not sound the alarm.

Of course, each animal has its own physiological characteristics, so in one pet the appetite returns immediately after the start of estrus, in another - only after its completion. Some owners, according to observations, claim that at this time their animal refuses to eat for five to seven days. She spends this time calling the cat and sleeping. This situation is quite normal if the cat has no health problems and drinks enough fluid.

As for cats, they do not refuse food so often. However, if a cat in heat lives nearby, then even the most phlegmatic cat can experience loss of appetite. It would be a good idea to show both those and other individuals who experience these conditions too strongly to a specialist. It is possible that the cause of this is a hormonal imbalance. Options for castration or medications, including vitamins, may be offered.

Fasting days

It happens that an animal does not eat food for about a day, without showing any special reasons for this behavior. Some experts believe that a cat can sometimes, absolutely voluntarily, do fasting days for itself. Thus, they cleanse the intestines. Others are sure that there can be no reasonless refusal to eat, and the following reasons are the reason for a hunger strike for a day or more:

  • the day before the animal overeated;
  • the pet has eaten food that is difficult to digest;
  • the cat showed excessive activity after eating: it ran and played, so the digestive system was temporarily upset;
  • the cat was “offended” by one of the household members who rejected her caresses or proposal.

Taking into account all that has been said, we can conclude that even such behavior, when an animal, for one reason or another, does not eat for a day or two, but feels well and most of the indicators are normal, there is no particular reason for concern.

Stressful situations

Cats are very sensitive animals; they, like humans, are capable of experiencing feelings such as sadness, excitement, and fear. Even reorganization of their permanent habitat, home renovations, or a new pet can cause stress for them. Not to mention the absence of the owner or when she was sterilized. If a cat does not eat under such circumstances, it is possible that it is in a state of extreme stress.

Of course, the reasons may not be very significant, but only from a human point of view, such as a small quarrel, guests. In such an environment, it is quite acceptable to refuse food for a day and have a depressed mood. It is advisable for the pet owner to first find out what affected the animal’s well-being and refusal of food, and if possible, eliminate it.

When correction of the situation is impossible, for example, in the absence of the one the cat loves and other factors, then time and attention to the animal from the owner is needed. You may even need to consult a specialist, as well as use sedatives for the animal. An attentive and kind attitude on the part of the owner, playing games - in a word, good emotions - help to rectify the situation and overcome stress. Also, do not forget that stress can also be a harbinger of the development of a disease or an exacerbation of a chronic disease.


An owner who, for example, has a dog on a leash is very familiar with the situation when the animal eats differently depending on the time of year. If during the cold season a dog eats a lot and with appetite, then in the summer it is no longer so greedy for food. Seasonal fluctuations in appetite are one of the phenomena in the mechanism of thermoregulation of an animal.

  • If there is extreme heat, the cat will not be so willing to eat food, or even refuse it altogether. In this regard, the question arises: how long can she go without eating if the high ambient temperature lasts for more than one week? Of course, the cat cannot help but eat for so long, but eating becomes less intense. As a rule, the animal may not eat for a day or three, and during breaks it eats only small portions. This is explained by the fact that when eating large volumes, it receives more calories, which means that heat production increases during the digestive process. And this, in turn, complicates the fight against high temperature.
  • If everything is more or less clear with the warm season, then for what reason does a cat refuse to eat in winter, when it is freezing outside? Owners often do not take into account the fact that cats live in a home microclimate. After all, it is not located on the street, but in a room where heating operates, which can work to the maximum. If a person spends a lot of time outside the home, then the animal can leave the room only when walking. Therefore, he may sometimes experience discomfort and refuse to eat.

In general, when a cat, even the most voracious one, clearly doesn’t like the temperature, it will lie on the floor exhausted, not thinking about its food. In such situations, you should not force feed her, but you should not forget about clean drinking water.


An animal in this state must eat well in order to supply its body and the babies that grow inside it with all the necessary substances. The owner of the pet must carefully select food for it and monitor the amount of food consumed, and if there are any suspicions of poor health, immediately contact a specialist.

However, there are two cases when a pregnant cat can be denied food for reasons that are considered completely normal and do not harm its health:

  • The first reason should be called toxicosis, which occurs in the early stages of pregnancy. This is expressed in most cases by drowsiness, lethargic behavior; Brief vomiting and drooling may also be present. This does not last long - a day at most, and there is no increase in temperature, any discharge from the vulva, or pain in the abdominal area.
  • The second reason for refusing food may be a signal of impending labor. In such situations, when, approximately a day before the onset of labor, the cat refuses to eat.

Not all cats are susceptible to toxicosis and can eat until the very last minutes of the onset of labor - in general, everything should be assessed individually.

Postpartum time

In the case when a cat after giving birth does not touch food throughout the day, but the animal itself and the offspring feel normal, you should not force it to eat. There is nothing wrong with this, since the cat has enough reasons to forget about food during this time:

  • She is still completely absorbed in taking care of the kittens and does not want to leave them alone;
  • After lambing, the animal ate several placenta;
  • Postpartum stress is a common occurrence for an inexperienced mother;
  • The birth is complicated, and the cat needs some time to fully recover.

However, if the animal continues not to pay attention to food for more than a day after birth, it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist, even if outwardly it does not show any health abnormalities. Also, you should not postpone a visit to the veterinarian if, in addition to refusing to eat, the animal exhibits such signs as deviations in body temperature from the norm, severe postpartum discharge, tightness in the abdomen, vomiting, and diarrhea.

If a cat does not eat during the feeding period, this is also an alarming symptom, since the process of milk production requires a colossal expenditure of energy and nutrients from it, which means this should be accompanied by an improvement in appetite, and not its loss.

How to help a cat

When your cat refuses to eat, you can try to help her yourself, but this is provided that you know the reasons for this behavior. The first step is to examine the animal well and carefully, and it is possible that signs of a different nature will be revealed to you. Then you will need to go to a specialist, and the sooner you do this, the better it will be for your pet.

Important: special means are available to prevent dehydration, but they should be used only after consultation with a veterinarian.

You need to watch the stool: if the animal has problems with bowel movements, then it is advisable to increase the amount of food given each time. Veterinarians also recommend giving your cat more good, clean water.


  • If refusal to eat indicates an accumulation of hair in the stomach, since animals are engaged in licking their “fur coat,” then it will certainly be present in the intestines, especially in cats with long hair. In such a situation, experts recommend using Malt-Soft. This paste works well in preventing the accumulation of hairballs.
  • If the cat does not eat anything, this may indicate general intoxication. In this case, experts prescribe Enterosgel. It is necessary to give the animal a teaspoon of this medicine orally for seven days. Take orally three times a day. Cerucal is also used, it is given intramuscularly, the same number of times a day as the previous remedy.
  • Refusal to eat can indicate a number of diseases. You need to examine the cat's oral cavity and see if there are any wounds or red spots. Before going to the veterinary clinic, it is advisable to treat them with Lugol. Blood donation will be required for biochemical analysis. If pathology is present, antibiotics may be used for a period of one and a half weeks. The most popular is ceftriaxone. In addition, injections of glucose and sodium chloride are performed.
  • Particular attention should be paid to vaccination. Such measures will significantly reduce the risk of developing various diseases, including those that can be transmitted to people. If there are no vaccinations, you should give your pet Vitafel.

When using these means and preventive measures, you should not forget that they are all used only as prescribed by a veterinarian. Therefore, you should always contact a veterinary clinic and not self-treat. Since it is not always possible, even in laboratory conditions, to quickly and easily establish the correct diagnosis, much less do it based on just one symptom. After passing the necessary tests and conducting research, the reason for refusing to eat will be identified and adequate treatment will be prescribed.

Sometimes cat owners are faced with a situation where their furry pet begins to refuse food. It’s not scary if this happened once, and your appetite returned very quickly. But if the cat does not eat for several days, this should alert the owner and become a reason to contact a veterinary clinic.

Reasons for refusing to eat

There are many options when an animal does not want to eat:

· Heat. Especially for the first time, a cat during estrus “listens” to her body, and of course she is especially not in the mood for food;

· Heat. During the hot period, especially in block houses, any animals “suffocate” from the heat and only drink;

· New type of food. If a cat is abruptly transferred to a new type of food, especially if it “does not agree” with the menu, then the animal may not eat for several days, methodically begging for the previous type of diet;

· Refusal + vomiting. In long-haired individuals, vomiting is often observed when refusing food. This is due to the presence of bezoars in her stomach. Under favorable circumstances, the cat regurgitates a dense ball of hair and its appetite is restored. In some cases, you will need a course of taking a special paste that helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract;

· Moving. Any cat perceives a new place as an unknown threat. Until she examines everything, she will have no peace and no appetite;

· Noisy guests (holiday). If any event is celebrated in the house, only the guests have an appetite, but it’s difficult for the furry pet. Calm by nature, she cannot stand sudden noises or moments when she is prevented from enjoying her food. Of course, there are also cats who don’t give a damn, who don’t care about any external stimuli, the main thing is to eat. But most cats lose their appetite during the festivities;

When to go to the vet

If a cat does not eat for several days, its nose is dry, this indicates that it is sick. Severe internal and external pain also provokes refusal to eat. In this case, it is important to show your pet to a veterinarian as quickly as possible.

With age, the animal becomes calmer, the work of the digestive tract slows down, an old (especially sterilized) cat sleeps a lot and eats little.

Reluctance to eat food in normal amounts may also indicate serious internal diseases: ulcers, kidney disease, liver disease, etc. In this case, a full examination is necessary.

Wounds and ulcers, tumors in the oral cavity, and dental problems also do not contribute to the manifestation of appetite. If it is painful for a cat to eat and impossible to swallow, then refusal of food is a very real consequence.

If the cat does not eat for several days, it is in any case important for the owner to find out the reason for refusing food. It is useful, even as a preventive measure, to contact a veterinary center, where the cat will be examined by doctors and, if necessary, treatment will be prescribed.

Veterinary center "DobroVet"

For no apparent reason, the cat refuses to eat. He is not attracted to his favorite cat food, no amount of persuasion works. This is a sign of a serious illness, but what kind? What to do in such a situation?

The article provides answers to frequently asked questions related to pet nutrition and focuses on the most common problems associated with refusal to eat. It is worth understanding that in such situations you need to go to the veterinarian, since other solutions will not have the desired result.

The cat has not eaten for 4 days, what should I do, he just drinks, vomits, cloudy eyes, severe shortness of breath

It is necessary to show the cat to a doctor. Get an x-ray, urine and blood tests. The animal may need to receive a drip, injections of painkillers and antibiotics.

What should I do? The cat hasn’t eaten for 3 days, he’s vomiting, but he’s drinking water.

Refusal to eat and vomiting can be caused by poisoning or an infectious disease. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis, and the sooner the better.

The cat does not eat regular uncooked homemade food from the table, for diabetics, buries the food

It is better to feed the animal with special cat food, alternating canned food and dry food. Give enough clean water to drink (three times more than food). If a cat buries food, this is probably his hunting instinct.

The cat does not eat, and if he does eat, he burps, only sleeps and does not drink, is lethargic, lies constantly

If a cat refuses not only food, but also water, he will not live long. Dies from dehydration. It is necessary to show it to a doctor immediately.

The cat does not eat shezir, fest choice, acana, liquid food, the stomach is bloated, loose stools

These symptoms are typical for a cat with worms. In addition, the abdomen may be swollen due to peritonitis, oncology, accumulation of fluid in the abdomen or pus in the uterus.

The cat needs to be shown to a doctor.

The cat sleeps all day, does not eat minced meat, staggers, has greasy fur

A cat may have oily fur due to poor nutrition (minced meat). Perhaps she lacks microelements and vitamins. Show the animal to the doctor. Try adding seaweed and homeopathic remedies to her food.

The cat does not eat after castration, catheterization, moving, antibiotics, anthelmintics, anesthesia, what to do

There are excellent homeopathic herbal preparations that help cats cope with castration more easily, reduce stress after moving, and reduce the harmful effects of antibiotics, anthelmintics and anesthesia. Your veterinarian will advise which medicine is right for your pet.

The cat does not eat, biochemistry is normal, he goes to the toilet energetically and has been like this for a week, what is the reason, fur in the stomach

To prevent cats from accumulating fur in their stomachs, they need to be given green grass. Young sprouts of wheatgrass, wheat or rye.

The cat does not eat, hides in a dark corner and does not go to the toilet

If a cat hides in a dark corner, this is an alarming symptom. This means he is in a lot of pain, he is suffering. Show it to your doctor as soon as possible.

The cat does not eat liquid food, only dry food, what to feed

If funds allow, the cat should buy the best dry food, balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates, with vitamins and microelements.

The cat does not eat Hills medicinal food, raw meat, what to do

If your cat doesn't like Hills medicated food, there's a reason for it. You need to respect the cat's tastes and choose food that he will eat. Raw meat should not be given, as the animal may get sick.

The cat does not eat, his teeth, stomach, lower abdomen hurt and he is losing weight before his eyes

If the cat refuses to eat, he must be seen by a doctor immediately. With calcivirosis, a dangerous viral disease, ulcers form in the mouth, which cause pain when eating.

The cat does not eat, the eyes fester, they are closed, what could it be?

The cat's eyes fester due to conjunctivitis. There are many causes of the disease: allergies to household chemicals, rhinotracheitis, chlamydia, vitamin deficiency, worms. Only a doctor can determine the true cause and prescribe the correct treatment.