Why you can’t boil water has been proven again by scientists. Is it possible to boil water several times? Physico-chemical characteristics of water

The molecule consists of oxygen and hydrogen, but the water that we drink from springs or from a tap contains a lot of impurities of mineral elements. Each time the water is boiled, the composition of the water changes and its density increases. You cannot boil water twice, and here's why - you can harm your body by drinking heavy water.

When boiling, part of the water evaporates, but only the lightest H2O molecules take on a vapor state. At the same time, salts and minerals remain in the kettle, making the water more concentrated in impurities. Also, when water molecules break down, hydrogen isotopes are formed, which make the water heavier and make it harmful.

If you are going to boil water several times for the purpose of disinfection, biologists have found that the bulk of microorganisms die during the first boiling. New microbes are formed only after a few hours.

Is it possible to boil water twice?

It is not recommended to boil water several times. Ordinary consumers, having seen how scale settles on the bottom and walls of the kettle, often think that a similar process occurs in the stomach and intestines. Therefore, they begin to boil the water almost ten times. But in the body, minerals are absorbed first (in the small intestine), and then in the last stages of digestion of water molecules (in the large intestine). Therefore, the stronger the concentration of impurities in the water, the more you immediately poison your body.

Where do these impurities come from? Artesian water passes through many layers of soil and underground layers, each of which contains salts, chalk, sand, etc. All these layers saturate the water with their components. Tap water must be chlorinated for disinfection purposes. During the boiling process, only pure water molecules evaporate, leaving impurities behind. The hot water supplied through the central water supply is often supplied with many reagents; it is strictly forbidden to drink it, even boiled.

Boiled water has a different taste, many find it unpleasant. Water acquires this taste as a result of the reactions of impurities present in it. Repeated boiling only worsens the taste of the water.

When the temperature rises above 90 degrees, organochlorine compounds are formed. The longer the water boils, the more the production of these substances negative for health is activated. Therefore, water cannot be boiled twice, otherwise you will harm your health - you will provoke the formation of stones in the kidneys and gall bladder, blood vessels will lose elasticity from organochlorine substances and the risk of atherosclerotic plaques will increase. Due to the deposition of the hydrogen isotope in the body, the digestibility of various groups will deteriorate and metabolic processes in the body will be disrupted.

Nowadays, boiled water is used almost everywhere. This article explains why re-boiling water is harmful. There are a lot of useful tips and recommendations here.

As you know, the human body consists of 55-85 percent water, depending on age and body weight. During the day, part of the water leaves our body naturally, and, naturally, a person is forced to replenish its deficiency.

This is done simply - a person drinks water. And a significant share of it comes from boiled water. Few people think about what effect boiled water has on our body - is it beneficial, harmful, or does it not matter whether you drink it raw or boiled?

Boiling water has been known to mankind since, perhaps, man mastered fire. Boiled water, in one form or another, accompanies a person throughout his life - in the form of tea and coffee, soups and sauces. Many people prefer boiled water to raw water, trying to get rid of possible pathogens or the smell of chlorine. An electric kettle is now an integral part of the kitchen interior.

But let's try to figure out what actually happens when boiling water and understand - is boiling water harmful or is it still necessary?

As you know, most microorganisms, including pathogens, cannot withstand high temperatures and die when boiled. Hence the benefit of boiling, as the simplest and most affordable way to disinfect water, especially in camping conditions, when water has to be taken from natural sources - springs, lakes or rivers. But is it really necessary to boil water taken from the tap?

Firstly, as a result of recent research it has become clear that not all microorganisms are killed by boiling. Spores of fungi, some spore-bearing bacilli and spores of the causative agent of botulism tolerate boiling well. In order to kill the causative agent of viral hepatitis or “mad cow disease,” water must be boiled for at least 10 minutes. In addition, all mechanical contaminants, as well as oils, petroleum products, pesticides, herbicides and other contaminants are not only not removed from water by boiling, but can also react with each other when the temperature rises, forming dangerous compounds.

But let’s even assume that the water taken for boiling has been thoroughly filtered and does not contain impurities. What will happen to it when boiling?

As you know, when water is brought to a temperature of 100 degrees, the water changes its state of aggregation - it goes from a liquid to a gaseous state. But does this only happen in a boiling kettle?

Probably everyone has heard the expression from Russian fairy tales - “dead water” and “living water”. So, the existence of “dead water” is not a myth at all. We are talking about heavy water.

Heavy water is no different in appearance from ordinary water. The difference lies in its chemical structure - the hydrogen atoms in it are replaced by atoms of its heavy isotope - deuterium, therefore its formula is written not as H2O, but as D2O or 2H2O. The destructive effects of heavy water have been proven in laboratory experiments. The consequences of its use are varied - from sterility, often irreversible, to the death of the body.

It would seem, what does boiling have to do with heavy water? The most direct! The thing is that when water boils, a small amount of heavy water is formed - due to its greater specific gravity, it “settles” near the bottom of the kettle. But many people, without using all the water from the kettle, add raw water to it and boil it again! As a result, the heavy water content gradually increases with each boiling. The effect of such water on the body has already been discussed above.

For many, especially for residents of large cities, boiling is a way to rid water of the unpleasant smell of chlorine. It is believed that chlorine vapor evaporates from water when heated and boiled water does not contain it. However, this is not at all true. Chlorine is a chemically quite active substance, and increasing temperature is known to accelerate many chemical reactions.

As a result, along with aromatic tea or coffee, a person receives a whole “cocktail” of chloride chemical compounds, many of which are not eliminated from the body and accumulate for years, poisoning a person and disrupting his metabolism. These, for example, are trihalomethanes - and they are much more dangerous to human health than the chlorine originally contained in raw water.

What is the way out? Very simple. Chlorine contained in tap water is quite volatile. It is enough to leave the water in an open container for a day and the chlorine will “dissipate” on its own, after which the water can be safely boiled. Just don’t forget that when water settles, chlorine salts and other impurities settle at the bottom of the container in which the water settled. Therefore, it is better to use only two-thirds of the volume of water, and drain the lower third and rinse the container thoroughly.

Another aspect that speaks against boiling water is that when boiling, the volume of water decreases, and therefore the concentration of salts in it increases. Excess salts lead to a whole bunch of diseases - heart attack, kidney stones, atherosclerosis, joint diseases.

Scale on the walls of the kettle is also a consequence of the increased salt content in tap water. When they reach boiling temperature, they precipitate, eventually forming a dense layer on the walls of the kettle. And the opinion that this makes the water cleaner is very wrong! In fact, by pouring water from a kettle into a cup (especially if there is a lot of scale in the kettle), the tea drinker provides himself with an “additive” in the form of the same scale, which will later settle in the kidneys and can cause urolithiasis. Also, iron salts, cadmium, mercury, and nitrates cannot be removed by boiling.

Another interesting feature of boiled water, for which it can rightfully be called “dead,” is the fact that boiling destroys the internal structure of water. The fact is that raw water consists of fragments of a structure resembling a crystalline one. Such water can subsequently be relatively easily incorporated into the cells of the human body, because, as it turned out, as a result of numerous studies, water in the cell is stored in crystalline form - we can say that the cell “freezes” the water.

When a person consumes boiled water, in which all intermolecular bonds are destroyed, the cell requires enormous efforts to organize the structure of the water - because only after that can it use it. It’s not for nothing that our grandmothers wiped their faces with ice cubes, thus slowing down the aging process and accelerating cell regeneration. To verify the validity of this theory, just try watering 3 identical plants with different types of water for a month: boiled, ordinary raw water and melted water obtained from melting ice or snow.

The results will speak for themselves - a plant watered with melt water will develop much more actively than a plant watered with ordinary water, and a plant receiving boiled water will be depressed.

And finally, when boiled, especially when boiled repeatedly, water loses almost all the oxygen contained in it in dissolved form, which adversely affects both the taste of drinks and dishes and the metabolism in the human body.

Those who use sorption carbon filters should take special care: if you do not replace the filter cassette in time, carbon dust from the filter can get into the kettle, and when boiled, it forms toxic dioxide. In general, such a filter is not the best choice, since if it is not used for some time, its filler begins to actively multiply microorganisms that feed on organic matter settled in the filter cassette.

So, what can be done so that boiled water, if not beneficial, at least does not cause harm?

Always drain the kettle of any unused water and rinse it thoroughly. Each time, pour fresh, settled or filtered water into the kettle.

Make sure that a layer of scale does not form in the kettle. If necessary, clean it using special products.

Use a combined sorption-ion exchange water filter, be sure to change the filter cassettes on time (you must remember that for many brands of household filters, the actual service life of the cassette is significantly less than the declared one).

When pouring boiling water or tea into a thermos, do not close the thermos immediately, but let the water “breathe” for about five minutes; this will preserve the taste of the drink and allow the water to at least partially replenish the oxygen lost during boiling.

He tries to take care of his body and maintain good health. Drinking is an integral and vital function. If a person can go without food for about five or seven days, then the lack of water will begin to negatively affect well-being within 24 hours. This article will tell you about the harm and benefits of boiled water. You can find out which liquid is best to drink and in what quantity. You will also draw conclusions about the beneficial and harmful properties of boiled water. It is worth studying in detail each factor influencing the state of drinking fluid.

Repeated boiling of water is most often done in the same container as before. The resulting deposit on the walls of the kettle or pan heats up again and reacts with the collapsing molecules of the liquid. All this is not only not beneficial, but can also be very dangerous for humans.

How to protect yourself when drinking boiled water?

If you still prefer to drink heat-treated liquid, then you need to do it correctly. Observe the following conditions:

  • drink water immediately after it boils, do not wait until it cools completely;
  • after processing, pour the contents of the kettle into a separate container (preferably glass);
  • never store water in the container in which you boiled it;
  • regularly wash the kettle to remove scale and deposits;
  • do not consume the liquid 2-3 hours after boiling, but rather prepare a new portion;
  • Drink raw, purified liquid periodically.

Summary and conclusion

So, you now know what boiled water is (the benefits and harms of the product are described above). Having concluded, we can say that raw liquid is less dangerous than heat-treated liquid. So what kind of water should you drink? Processed or not?

It all depends on the region in which you live and the condition of the tap fluid. Find out what your boiled water is. The benefits and harms of this product can be tested in a special laboratory. Recently, cleaning filters have become very popular. They rid the liquid of harmful compounds and fill it with beneficial properties. Drink only good water and always be healthy!

How often have you forgotten about the water boiling in the electric kettle because your favorite TV show started? The water cooled down and you boiled it again? But did you know what happens in the kettle in these cases?

Even though this is very important, you probably weren't taught about it in school. Namely: heating once cooled water in a kettle again is a very dangerous decision!

What happens in the kettle when you re-boil water in it?

They should have told you about this in chemistry class, but they didn’t. The fact is that any tap water contains a lot of “left” substances and minerals. When you heat them up, their chemical composition changes. And the water that evaporates in the process delivers these chemicals to your lungs. And those that remain in the water enter your body along with the hot drink.

The more you boil water over and over again, the more contaminated it becomes with dangerous substances. Let's name just a few: fluoride, arsenic, nitrates. Beneficial minerals (calcium salts, for example) also turn into harmful ones when boiled. If you consume them in large quantities, you will earn at least kidney stones.

So yes: if you boil water once, you guarantee for yourself that you have killed the germs in it. But if you do this over and over again, you only dissolve beneficial substances in water, converting them into dangerous ones. volatile connections.

The devastating effects of repeated boiling of water. 1. Arsenic.

The World Health Organization says it straight:

“The greatest risk associated with using tap water comes from arsenic.”

This is a toxic substance that is present in water to kill dangerous microbes in it. The physical effects of its use by humans accumulate slowly: This takes years.

But the dangers are: peripheral neuropathy, gastrointestinal disorders, skin lesions, diabetes, kidney problems, cardiovascular diseases and even cancer.

  1. Nitrates.

Nitrates are substances that are abundant in the earth, soil, water and air. These chemicals become harmful when they are used as food preservatives, such as in deli meats. The reason is the effect of high temperature on them. When you heat these substances in boiling water, their chemical composition changes: nitrates are converted into nitrosamines, and these are carcinogens.

Possible consequences: leukemia, colon cancer, problems with the bladder, ovaries, stomach, pancreas and the risk of developing esophageal cancer.

  1. Fluorine.

Fluorine is a very controversial substance. But most scientists still believe that it may pose a threat to your health. When you boil water, some of the fluoride compounds are converted to fluorides.

Harvard University compiled data from 27 studies conducted on this topic over the past 22 years. Conclusions: Fluoride has negative neurological effects on children and may even slow down their mental development!

What happens to all these substances when water boils? Bacteria and viruses definitely die at the first boil, so this is simply necessary for water disinfection. Especially if the water is taken from a dubious source - a river or a well.

Salts of heavy metals, unfortunately, do not disappear from water, and when boiling, their concentration can only increase due to the fact that a certain volume of water evaporates. The greater the number of boils, the higher the concentration of harmful salts. But, according to scientists, their number is still not enough to cause significant harm to the body at one time.

As for chlorine, during boiling it forms a lot of organochlorine compounds. And the longer the boiling process lasts, the more such compounds appear. These include carcinogens and dioxins that can have a negative effect on the cells of the human body. Scientists, in the course of laboratory studies, have found that such compounds appear even if the water was purified with inert gases before boiling. Of course, the harmful effects of such water will not be noticeable immediately; aggressive substances can accumulate in the body for quite a long time, and then lead to the development of serious diseases. To harm the body, you need to drink this water every day for several years.

According to British woman Julie Harrison, who has extensive experience in researching the influence of lifestyle and nutrition on the occurrence of cancer, every time water is boiled, the content of nitrates, arsenic and sodium fluoride becomes higher. Nitrates are converted into carcinogenic nitrosamines, which in some cases cause leukemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and other types of cancer. Arsenic can also cause cancer, heart pathologies, infertility, neurological problems and, of course, poisoning. Sodium fluoride has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system, and in large doses can lead to sudden changes in blood pressure and dental fluorosis. Substances that are harmless in small quantities, for example, calcium salts, become dangerous when boiling water repeatedly: they damage the kidneys, promote the formation of stones in them, and also provoke arthrosis and arthritis. Repeatedly boiling water for children is especially not recommended, since its high sodium fluoride content can seriously harm their mental and neurological development.

Another fact in favor of the inadmissibility of repeated boiling is the formation of deuterium in water - heavy hydrogen, the density of which also increases. Ordinary water turns into “dead” water, the constant use of which can lead to death.

However, scientists are of the opinion that the concentration of deuterium in water, even after several heat treatments, is negligible. According to the research of academician I.V. Petryanov-Sokolov, to obtain one liter of water with a lethal concentration of deuterium, you will have to boil more than two tons of liquid from the tap.

By the way, water boiled several times changes its taste not for the better, so tea or coffee made from it will not be what it should be!