Why can't you sit on the cold ground? We sat in a cold room - my lower abdomen and testicles hurt, what should I do? Why girls can't sit in the cold

We live in Europe, and here all children are always seated with their butts on the floor - by themselves, by teachers at school and in kindergarten. And not on some kind of warm floor, but on the most ordinary tiles. Moreover, they get so used to it that they continue to do the same for up to 20 years - they can sit outside on cold stones, or sit on the floor in a store to try on shoes. And you said that you can’t sit in the cold... Who’s right? Tell me please!


Let's try to theoretically substantiate: why is it still impossible to sit in the cold? When two bodies with different temperatures come into contact, heat is transferred from the warmer body to the colder one. This is what we were taught at school. If a person steps on something cold, the leg reacts in a very specific way: a spasm of the blood vessels in the skin occurs, and accordingly, the amount of blood that flows to the skin of the leg decreases sharply. As a result, the temperature of the skin of the leg decreases, and the amount of heat that the human body loses, in turn, decreases. This completely understandable physiological mechanism makes it possible for people in general and human babies in particular to walk barefoot for quite a long time without any harm to health. Let us pay attention once again: the human foot is anatomically and physiologically adapted to contact with cold. There are no such contacts (from birth there are always socks, shoes, carpets, warm floors) - the vessels lose the ability to quickly limit blood supply, and wet feet (an option is a cold floor) lead to hypothermia and provoke health problems. Now let's try to imagine what will happen if the butt comes into contact with a cold one. It is clear that the skin in the buttocks area is thinner and more delicate than the skin on the feet. However, nothing dangerous will happen from short contact with cold - first there will be a spasm of the skin vessels, then a spasm of the muscle vessels. Already at the stage of spasm of skin vessels, a person will begin to experience real discomfort, so he (a person with a frozen butt) will get up from the cold, i.e. there are no real dangers. So, it turns out that they are right there in Europe? In most cases, yes. However, prolonged contact of the skin of the buttocks with cold objects that are large in size and have high thermal conductivity (for example, granite steps near the entrance to the museum) can lead to serious local hypothermia and provoke vascular spasm not only of the skin and muscles, but also of the urinary system. tract, genitals. And local hypothermia of the sciatic nerve is generally a separate risk. But let me draw your attention once again: in order for a risk to arise, several conditions are necessary:

  • bare or scantily clad bottom;
  • a large cold object with high thermal conductivity in contact with this butt;
  • long contact time.

It is possible to reduce the risk. To do this, from an early age (more precisely, from the crawling stage), you should train the vessels of the buttocks, allowing occasional contacts with the cold floor, but controlling the duration of contacts. Again, it is quite obvious that the temperature of the floor (even unheated tiles) is not comparable to that of a metal bench sleeping under the open winter sky.

Two nuances, purely European. Firstly, it seems to me that most European countries are a little warmer than most Russian territories, and a direct comparison of the habits of Brussels residents with the habits of Krasnoyarsk residents is not entirely correct. Secondly, modern Europe has nothing against the use of disposable diapers, and here not only grandmothers, but also many doctors sing songs about overheating of the testicles and other passions. But a disposable diaper is a very good heat insulator. Agree that sitting on a tile in a diaper or in wet underpants are slightly different things, and Europeans do not consider a three-year-old child in a disposable diaper to be inferior. In most cases, our parents don’t really want to analyze and learn. And these conversations about blood vessels, thermal conductivity, physiological mechanisms, time control, etc. etc. - all this is boring and not interesting. Why waste time on proceedings if another series about unhappy love is shown on TV! Therefore, they want a direct answer from me, as a doctor: is it possible or not to walk in the cold? So is it possible or not to sit in the cold? In the first case, I prefer to say “yes”, and in the second, “no”. But common sense is either there or not. If there is, it will be like in Europe...

Text: Ksenia Akinshina

Most women in the post-Soviet space The phrase “Don’t sit on a rock - you’ll freeze your kidneys” is familiar, which was said first by grandmothers and mothers, and then by teachers and even strangers in the park or on the street. We talked with urologist and urogynecologist Alexei Tolmachev and tried to figure out where kidney and bladder diseases come from and whether they are related to the fact that someone sits on cool steps.

Can kidneys “freeze”?

The buds are located quite far from the surface, under several layers of tissue. The temperature inside the human body is maintained at an optimal level, and when it decreases even by a couple of degrees, pronounced and unpleasant symptoms of hypothermia occur: from increased heart rate and slight loss of coordination to decreased reflexes and coma. It is clear that in such a state a person is unlikely to continue to sit on the stone floor and continue to do what he was doing - and vice versa, female students rereading lectures in a clear mind while sitting on the steps are not in danger of hypothermia. Internal organs can cool down if a person has slept for several hours in the cold without clothes - and then medical attention will most likely be required not only for the urinary system.

Back in 1988, a study was conducted in Minnesota on the effect of extreme temperatures on the kidneys of rats: isolated kidneys were heated to 41 degrees and cooled to 30. Even in this form, far from the possible effect of temperature in reality, the structure and function of the kidneys were much more impaired when heated; the low temperature caused virtually no harm. That is, we can assume that the cold is not as terrible for the kidneys as is commonly believed, especially since it is almost impossible to truly reduce their temperature.

In general, it is well known what factors affect the functioning of the kidneys: among them are taking various medications, tumor processes, increased blood pressure and others, but cold is not one of them. Inflammation of the kidneys - pyelonephritis - can develop either when bacteria enter them (from the bottom up, from the bladder), or when the outflow of urine is disrupted, for example, by a stone stuck in the cavity of the ureter. This is not such a common disease, unlike inflammation of the bladder (cystitis) or urethra (urethritis), which every fifth woman in the world has encountered at least once in her life.

Can cystitis develop from cold?

No, it can't; Cystitis in the vast majority of cases is caused by a bacterial infection. Most often, E. coli enters the bladder, but sometimes other bacteria are also the cause; in this case, we are usually talking about microbes that normally inhabit the human body, and not about exotic infections. The urinary tract is normally sterile, and if bacteria enter it, for example from the intestines or from the surface of the skin, inflammation can develop. Of course, there are also cases when cystitis is caused by a fungal infection or specific sexually transmitted diseases.

Most often, microbes enter the urethra, from which they then rise to the bladder, due to problems with personal hygiene or during sex - in the latter case, we can talk about the microbial flora of both the woman herself and her partner. In women, the urethra is short, wide and located near the vestibule of the vagina - and this anatomy, unfortunately, contributes to infections. Sometimes acute cystitis occurs after a change of partner - this is how the urethra can react to a new, unusual microflora.

Cystitis can also be non-infectious; It can be caused by certain medications, radiation, or an allergy to spermicides or bubble baths. It happens that inflammation is caused by injury - for example, after inserting a catheter into the bladder. There are certain factors that increase the risk: sexual activity, anatomical congenital anomalies, pregnancy and menopause (due to hormonal changes), and urinary retention. At the same time, cold exposure is neither a cause nor a risk factor for cystitis and urethritis.

Then why does this happen after swimming in cold water?

And yet it happens that it is after exposure to cold that a person notices the typical symptoms of cystitis: pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen, pain when urinating, frequent urge to go to the toilet, sometimes even blood in the urine or an increase in temperature. In this case, we may be talking about an exacerbation of chronic cystitis - and its cause is an infection that was once untreated. There is no definitive evidence that cold can trigger an exacerbation: one experiment found a link between hypothermia in the legs and the onset of symptoms of cystitis, but the design of this study is questionable, if only because of the very low number of participants.

It is quite possible that in many cases, sitting in the cold or swimming becomes only a mental reference point and cystitis would have arisen or worsened in any case, but it is remembered precisely as something that happened after exposure to cold. You need to understand that very often “after” does not mean
"because of". Don't blame yourself for being undisciplined; It’s better to see a doctor as soon as possible, get examined and figure out the best treatment option.

What to do and how to treat?

For acute cystitis, a broad-spectrum antibiotic is usually prescribed, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids and avoid sex until the inflammation goes away - this treatment can be prescribed by a general practitioner. If cystitis recurs frequently, it is better to consult a urologist for additional examinations - for example, using ultrasound or cystoscopy (examination of the bladder using a special device). For chronic cystitis, longer treatment may be prescribed; The doctor may also recommend taking an over-the-counter antibiotic on your own in case of an exacerbation, so as not to run to the clinic every time.

It wouldn't hurt to consult a gynecologist: perhaps cystitis is often aggravated due to the specific position or increased mobility of the urethra. During pregnancy, the risk of urethritis and cystitis is increased due to changes in hormonal status, and women prone to these infections need to pay special attention to personal hygiene and use condoms. But you don’t have to worry about sitting in the cold - statements about its dangers are exaggerated.

Illustration copyright Thinkstock Image caption People with hemorrhoids may experience discomfort when sitting on a hard surface

There is little to support this stereotype, but there is a lot of information on how to avoid this problem, the correspondent assures.

If you're a sensitive person, you might be better off reading something else. I'll understand.

But let no one say that in this section (“Medical Myths”) they are embarrassed to talk about inconvenient or unpleasant things when it is necessary to debunk another myth.

An example of our omnivorousness is this material dedicated to popular ideas about hemorrhoids.

Speaking about this problem, two things can be said with confidence.

Firstly, it is surprisingly widespread: as many as 50% of people will suffer from this disease at least once in their lives.

Secondly, the idea that the cause of hemorrhoids is sitting on a cold (and often wet) surface, upon closer examination turns out to be very far from the truth.

What are hemorrhoids?

Before we turn to studying the available data, it will not be useful to explain what hemorrhoids actually are.

Hemorrhoids are itchy, bumpy nodules that form from the vascular plexuses located in the anus. Sometimes they feel like soft balls to the touch - some even compare them to a small bunch of grapes.

People suffering from hemorrhoids may experience discomfort when sitting on hard surfaces - perhaps this is the reason for the myth about the dangers of exposure to cold.

But considering that one of the ways to relieve pain, especially with the development of blood clots in the blood vessels, is cold compresses, sitting on the cold may actually be useful.

The relationship between temperature and the development of hemorrhoids has been virtually unknown.

However, a 2009 study in Germany implicated sitting on cold surfaces as one of many factors that may contribute to the condition.

Scientists compared two groups of people: some experienced pain associated with prolapse and hardening of hemorrhoids, others did not.

Based on the results of a wide variety of experiments - from lifting weights to coughing, sneezing, eating spicy foods and using wet wipes for intimate hygiene - none of the factors studied (even sitting on cold surfaces) were found to have any effect on the likelihood of developing hemorrhoids.

(Research materials are posted in English, but keep in mind that they contain corresponding, rather frightening photographs).

Although hemorrhoids have nothing to do with sitting on cold or hot surfaces - and apparently not with any other factor studied by German scientists, at least one thing is clear.

More specifically, why this particular part of the body is susceptible to such a problem.

Weak point

General practitioner Anne Robinson explains: “It’s just one of the body’s weak points.” The reason is that three different venous systems connect in the anus.

Slightly distending these veins can be beneficial as it helps dilate the corpora cavernosa and prevents stool incontinence.

However, their excessive swelling leads to veins bulging into the anus, which causes discomfort and pain.

Bleeding is also possible. If they occur, you should undergo a medical examination, since bleeding can also be a symptom of bowel cancer.

Anything that causes a rush of blood to the pelvic organs (for example, pregnancy) complicates the course of hemorrhoids. Constipation puts pressure on the veins and forces a person to push so hard that hemorrhoids can fall out and cause pain, including severe pain.

But it's not all bad. There is information about how to prevent this disease from occurring.

German scientists have found that those who often shower or bathe develop hemorrhoids less often, and those who strain heavily during bowel movements, on the contrary, are at increased risk.

To prevent hemorrhoids, everything that prevents constipation is useful - foods high in fiber (vegetables, grains and nuts), exercise to maintain a normal weight and drinking plenty of fluids.

In addition, it is important not to restrain the corresponding urges, but to immediately go to the toilet. By the way, I hope you are not reading this article while sitting on the toilet.

Research shows that people who read on the toilet spend more time there than necessary and end up pushing unnecessarily.

Limitation of Liability. All information contained in this article is provided for general information only and should not be construed as an alternative to the advice of your physician or other health care provider. The BBC is not responsible for information contained on external sites linked to in this article and does not endorse any commercial products or services mentioned or recommended on any of these sites. If you have any health problems, contact your physician immediately.

Not only women risk their health when they swim in cold water, wear thin tights in the cold or sit in the cold... For men it is no less dangerous. But many of them, especially young people, neglect the simple rules of preventing hypothermia, because they believe that their health will not suffer from the cold. However, men, just like women, are susceptible to many serious diseases associated with hypothermia, including the lower body.

For example, sitting on a cold surface (ground, concrete, bench, etc.) is fraught with many very unpleasant consequences. Hypothermia of the lower body can provoke the development of inflammatory processes, including: swelling of the scrotum, inflammation of the prostate and other infectious diseases.

If it so happens that you sat in a cold place, your lower abdomen or testicles hurt, naturally, you have to think about what to do in this case. The answer is simple - contact us as early as possible. This will help avoid serious complications. We will talk about which diseases most often arise from hypothermia in the male body on this page www.. We will also talk about some folk recipes that will help alleviate the painful condition. However, their use does not cancel an early visit to the doctor.

Prostate inflammation:

It is very easy to get a cold in the prostate gland. To do this, it is enough to walk around in the cold in light trousers, thin jeans, plunge into ice water or sit on a cold surface.


The disease manifests itself differently in every man. However, there are a number of common signs that you need to pay attention to, these are: acute pain in the perineum, rectum, genital area, pain in the lower abdomen. The pain worsens when sitting. There is frequent urination, accompanied by pain and burning. Well, we sat in the cold - what to do now?!

Measures necessary for treatment

This inflammatory disease is fraught with numerous problems and complications in the future, so treatment should be started as quickly as possible. The patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, hormonal agents, and immunomodulators. Physiotherapy methods are used and a course of prostate massage is prescribed.

If the disease is not treated, drug therapy may not be effective. Then only surgical methods will help. Do you want it?! Probably not...

Folk remedy

Pour a glass of high-quality alcohol (96%) into the jar. Add 40 g of propolis. Close the jar tightly, shake, put in a dark room for 10 days. Take 30 drops. with milk.

In the evening, mix the tincture and olive oil thoroughly, maintaining the ratio: 1::4. Heat a little in a water bath until it is comfortably warm. Make a microenema (50 ml) at night. A course of 10 enemas, every other day in the evening.

Kidney inflammation

One of the main reasons for the development of the inflammatory process is hypothermia. It’s easy to catch a cold in your kidneys even on a cool summer evening: you swim in cold water, sit in cold water, and after a while unpleasant symptoms appear:


It all starts with a feeling of discomfort, aching or sharp pain in the lower abdomen, and pain when urinating. In addition, nausea, vomiting, fever, and increased temperature may develop. The urine becomes cloudy, sand and bloody spots may appear.

What to do if you sit in a cold room in this case?

To avoid serious complications, it is very important to start professional therapeutic treatment on time. The patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics (always individually) and anti-inflammatory drugs. Bed rest and a special diet with plenty of fluids are indicated.

Folk remedy

Finely chop the garden parsley and celery roots. Mix with chopped asparagus and fennel fruits. Take all plants equally. Put 1 tbsp. l. mixture into enamel dishes. Pour one and a half glasses of cool drinking water there. Wait 6 hours. Then boil everything, reduce the heat to low, and cook for 10 minutes. Remove from the stove, wrap in a towel. Let it cool on its own. The entire broth should be drunk, after straining, a day before.

Inflammation of the epididymis

During a date, we sat in the cold and our testicles got cold... It happens. If a man is lightly dressed, even sitting for a short time on a cold bench, ground or other surface can lead to an inflammatory disease from hypothermia of the scrotum. Serious diseases may develop, in particular inflammation of the epididymis. This disease is called epididymitis.


In the presence of an acute process, the lower abdomen hurts, swells, the scrotum and testicles hurt, soreness appears in the groin, and body temperature rises. General malaise appears. There is a burning sensation when urinating. The pain intensifies with bowel movements.

What to do?

You should go to bed and call a doctor. The doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics. These drugs are always prescribed individually after the necessary tests have been carried out. The following drugs are also prescribed: Safotsid, Tavanik, Vitaprost. Perhaps the doctor will recommend using Vishnevsky ointment topically. In case of suppuration of the appendage, the patient is indicated for surgery.

Folk remedy

As an aid, you can use an infusion from a collection of plants: mix the same amount of crushed dried cinquefoil leaves, celandine herb, and finely chopped steel grass roots. Add the same amount of birch leaves and juniper berries. Add 2 tbsp. l. into enamel dishes. Pour half a liter of boiling water. Warm the dishes well and wait until they cool down. Drink half a glass three times a day. Don't forget to strain first.

At the end of our conversation, it would be useful to remind you that it is easier to prevent any disease than to have a very long and expensive treatment later. To avoid hypothermia, do not neglect basic preventive measures: if it is cold outside, wear insulated trousers or jeans. Wear thermal underwear, long johns, or sweatpants. And, of course, do not swim in icy water, protect yourself from the chilly wind, try not to get your feet wet in the cold, and do not sit in the cold. Be healthy!

Young girls almost never listen to their elders, especially in matters related to fashion. Young people believe that the older generation does not understand anything at all either about fashion or how to behave in different places.

Why girls can't sit in the cold

Adults are especially concerned about the autumn period, when summer is still in their minds, and there is already a noticeable drop in temperature outside. As everyone knows, in the disgusting October weather, flaunt in patent leather shoes and thin tights. If the mini closes this parade, then it becomes clear that the girl has never been to a doctor’s appointment. Sometimes this happens, but extremely rarely. After such a parade, in 90% of cases there is a reckoning. I showed off during the day, but at night I started having frequent and very painful visits to the toilet. For those who are not friends with their heads, this is called acute cystitis. If you don’t immediately pay attention to this and consult a doctor, you can safely wait for a temperature of +40 and emergency hospitalization. Kidney inflammation is not something to joke about. Diseases of this kind often affect the reproductive system and can cause serious kidney problems during a future pregnancy. This is called hypothermia, so women are advised that in this case, and during menstruation, they should not swim in cold water, as all this leads to serious consequences in the future.

Young fashionistas are constantly told that if she wants to complicate her life, then all she has to do is walk around all day in unseasonable shoes, especially in wet and cool weather, and troubles in the genitourinary area are guaranteed.

Sitting in the cold is generally not recommended for everyone, especially for girls. Here is a direct road to adnexitis - inflammation of the ovaries and a full basket of diseases associated with pelvic hypothermia. Therefore, it is important that with the onset of cold weather, girls begin to wear something long - a raincoat, a coat, a long sheepskin coat in winter.

In general, diseases caused by hypothermia of the pelvic organs are not something to joke about. Cystitis alone is worth it. According to medical observations, more than 98% of women have had cystitis. Characteristic signs of cystitis are frequent and painful urination, incontinence, lower back pain, and high fever. The result is ascending inflammation of the kidneys, problems with pregnancy, and the inability to get pregnant at all.

Girls! You need to know that if fashion comes first and a short jacket and top are more important than your own health and future as a woman, then the body itself will begin to insulate itself, increasing the fat layer in unprotected places.

Regina Lipnyagova especially for