Why does a child cry in his sleep? “Night Tears,” or why does a child cry in his sleep? Why does a baby scream in his sleep for 3 months?

Newborn babies (up to 1 month) sleep differently than their parents. The child spends almost half of his time in the so-called REM sleep phase. It is necessary for children's brains to grow and develop rapidly. During this period, babies’ pupils may move, children begin to move their upper and lower limbs, grimace, smack their lips, thereby reproducing the process of breastfeeding, make different sounds and whine.

Such a dream is rather weak and disturbing, so the baby may cry and wake up from this. But more often it happens differently: the child cries for a few seconds, then calms down on his own and continues his night’s rest.

In addition, the duration of sleep also differs. For example, a baby up to 1 month old will spend about 21 hours a day sleeping. Growing up, the child sleeps less and less, and at the age of 1, many children have 2 hours left for daytime sleep and about 9 hours for night rest.

Thus, children's sleep is just being formed, “honed”, established, so disruptions in the form of short-term crying at night cannot be ruled out. Usually, such whining does not bother the child and his parents too much, but if the baby cries a lot in his sleep, the hidden reasons for this process should be established and the quality of rest should be improved.

Why does a child cry at night?

If a child cries a lot at night, screams loudly and shrilly, you should definitely understand the reasons for such behavior. Sometimes the culprits are the discomfort experienced by the baby in his sleep.

In other cases, nighttime tears are a symptom of serious illnesses, especially if the child suddenly starts crying and does not stop for a long time. When experiencing pain, the baby tries to signal this to his parents. But since its capabilities are very limited, the most accessible method remains screaming. Let's look at the main reasons for crying at night.

External factors

Often children cry due to discomfort caused by so-called external factors. Night crying may occur if parents do not take into account when putting them to bed:

  • temperature in the room (if perspiration appears on the skin, it means it’s too hot in the nursery; if there are goosebumps on the skin, and the arms and legs are cold, the room is cool);
  • the level of humidity in the nursery (if the room is too stuffy and dry, the child’s nasal and oral mucous membranes may dry out);
  • dry diaper (a baby 6 months old and younger may start crying if he feels in a dream that the diaper has become wet);
  • the convenience of a vest, bed linen, pajamas (many children have an extremely negative attitude towards creases in clothes, seams, folds and other inconveniences).

Such factors may seem frivolous only at first glance. Children at 2 or 3 months, unable to roll over or otherwise correct the discomfort, begin to cry and scream, attracting their mother’s attention.

Internal factors

When answering the question of why a baby cries in its sleep, many experts also point to the presence of internal factors. These include various diseases, hunger and other unfavorable conditions. Each of them deserves a more detailed description.

If a child cries a lot in his sleep, then his health should be checked. The baby is probably unwell due to teething, inflammation of the middle ear, or a cold.

The gastrointestinal tract of an infant up to 3 or 4 months only adapts to or artificial formula. The resulting gases are not completely expelled, which causes colic.

If a baby 2 or 3 months old begins to cry in his sleep, pull his legs up to his tummy, and clench his fists, most likely he is worried about intestinal colic. In this case, the crying will be even, prolonged and incessant.

To reduce pain, the mother should reconsider her own diet, monitor proper breastfeeding, hold the baby upright so that he burps excess milk and gets rid of gas. Another popular way to combat colic is dill water.

The cause of pain can be such unpleasant conditions as a runny nose or inflammation of the middle ear. When a child lies in a crib, being in a horizontal position, the processes intensify, as a result of which the child cries and screams in his sleep.

Another probable cause of night crying is. Many children start teething at 5 or 6 months, which is accompanied by a decrease in appetite and high fever. The pain syndrome is especially intensified at night, hence the sobbing and crying in sleep.


If a child cries in his sleep and does not wake up, then the mother may assume that a feeling of hunger has arisen. Satiety is an important condition for a good night's rest, whether at 3 months or 2 years. Correcting the situation is quite simple - the child is given milk or formula.

Do not overfeed your baby, otherwise he will start to wake up constantly, cry due to a feeling of fullness in the stomach or bad dreams.

It would seem that you need to physically load the baby as much as possible so that he goes to sleep “without his hind legs.” However, there is an inverse relationship here: if parents missed the optimal time for sleep, overloaded the child with exercises and games, then he will have difficulty falling asleep.

When he closes his eyes, fatigue will not allow him to sleep properly. A small child will wake up crying or whimper in his sleep, which, of course, will affect his well-being. This behavior is especially typical for excitable children.

Experts advise to act the same way, regardless of the child’s age. Both a month-old baby and a one-year-old toddler should go to bed before they start crying from overwork. You should also not get carried away with massage, games and gymnastic exercises.

Overabundance of emotions and information

Does your baby cry in his sleep? Perhaps this is due to excitement and excessive emotional fatigue. A 5-month-old child reacts equally to informational and emotional oversaturation.

  • Excess emotions and experiences during the day, especially in the evening, lead to babies crying in their sleep. Thus, nighttime tears are a child’s response to strong emotional stress;
  • Experts advise turning on the TV when the child turns two years old. However, many parents introduce cartoons and television programs when babies are not yet 9 months old. This puts excessive stress on the nervous system.

Minimize your child’s contact with the TV and especially the computer during the day. It is especially important to stop watching cartoons before bed. Also, you should not overload your child with communication with peers and strangers.

If your child wakes up at night and cries loudly, it is probably due to bad dreams. Up to a year, dreams are not so vivid, but after this age, night visions become more and more realistic, which affects the quality of rest.

In a dream, the baby does not always see something pleasant, and this is completely normal. However, if such terrible dreams happen regularly and the child constantly cries in his sleep, you need to think about what is the source of nightmares.

Psychological problems

If a child often whines at night, but is absolutely healthy physically, it can be assumed that there is some kind of psychological problem.

A 2 or 3 year old baby can react sharply to a strong emotional impression. Such a shock is often a sudden change in his life: adaptation to kindergarten, the appearance of a brother/sister, moving to another place of residence.

Why does a newborn cry in his sleep? Perhaps this is how he reacts to the psychological state of his mother. If there are problems in the relationship with her husband, the woman is stressed due to fatigue, the baby will definitely feel this and express it in the form of bad sleep.

Night restlessness is often the first and most obvious sign of diseases of the nervous system. That is why, in case of repeated cases of children crying at night, parents should definitely show the child to a neurologist.

What to do if a child cries at night?

If a child rarely cries in his sleep without waking up, you should not be afraid. Perhaps these are one-time cases. But with constant roaring at night, it is necessary, if possible, to identify and eliminate factors that interfere with proper rest:

The famous pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky is convinced that only rested parents can achieve good sleep. If the mother does not get enough sleep and is in constant stress, then the child also feels this stress, which is expressed in night crying. Therefore, adults should also get enough sleep.

As a conclusion

So, answering the question of why an infant cries in his sleep, we have discovered many provoking factors. The main task of parents is to pay attention to the crying baby, try to identify the true “culprit” of children’s tears and respond correctly.

Some children require their mother’s presence in this way or signal discomfort, while others require qualified medical assistance. But in any case, all babies could use maternal tenderness and love!

Infants cannot talk about their problems, so they often cry. Crying is an opportunity for a baby to inform parents of a desire or need.

Sometimes children may cry in their sleep, waking up or even continuing to sleep.

The occurrence of such a condition is possible due to many reasons. Often this occurs as a result of ordinary discomfort, but there are situations when crying in a dream is caused by various pathologies.

What the crying of an infant in a dream indicates is discussed in this article.

The baby begins to cry in his sleep when he feels certain inconveniences, for example, wet diapers, hot or cold air in the room where he is.

The main reasons why a child cries in a dream are also:

  1. Intestinal. Usually, with this condition, the baby tenses his legs or begins to move them.
  2. Feeling hungry. Most often, crying for this reason occurs when parents feed the baby by the hour.
  3. Teething. This reason provokes crying in sleep after four months.

Infants also begin to cry in their sleep if their mother is not around. When they stop feeling their mother, they cry and wake up.

In frequent cases, the development of a certain disease prevents a child from sleeping normally. Typically, sleep is disturbed in infants due to pain in the ears or throat, or cough.

Why does the baby cry without waking up?

The child usually cries without waking up when he feels uncomfortable. The baby may be cold or very hot. This problem can be eliminated if you do not wrap the baby too much so that he does not overheat. In addition, you should ensure optimal temperature and humidity in the room where the child sleeps.

Sometimes, without waking up, children may cry if urination or defecation occurs. In this case, they feel discomfort and cry until the diaper is clean and dry.

Another reason for such crying in a dream is an overexcited state. To prevent this from happening, you need to avoid disturbing your baby in the evening with too active exercises or games. It is necessary to provide a calm and quiet environment for normal sleep.

Some children may even cry in their sleep due to psychological or neurological reasons. If crying does not stop for a long time, the child should be examined by a qualified neurologist.

Why does he cry in his sleep at two months?

Experts say that seventy percent of children constantly cry both during daytime and nighttime sleep. Most children under three months of age sleep restlessly.

At night, such crying is physiological. This condition is not considered dangerous. This phenomenon is associated with the unstable functioning of the baby’s motor and nervous system. This will continue for some time until the baby’s biorhythms normalize.

Only thirty percent of newborn babies sleep normally.

Usually, by one year, babies stop crying in their sleep; only physiological or psychological problems can cause disorders.

Often, at just two months, babies cry while sleeping if they feel hungry. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to when crying begins. Typically, a child up to three months of age wants to eat every three to five hours.

Increased excitability and emotional stress at this age can also provoke crying in your sleep. This condition can even be influenced by the arrival of new people in the house.

At two months, crying can be a result of intestinal colic or bloating, because the digestive system at this age is not yet fully formed. The baby may whine without waking up until the sleep phase changes.

Why does a baby cry at six months?

At six months of age, a baby may cry not only as a result of physiological reasons.

Often crying in a dream indicates that the baby is beginning to erupt. This phenomenon may be accompanied by fever, lethargy and moodiness of the child.

In addition, at six months the baby may still be bothered by colic. But this condition is extremely rare; colic usually goes away by the age of six months.

Sometimes children cry in their sleep due to the stress they have experienced during the day. At this age, the baby is actively exploring the world and any phenomenon can cause him a stressful situation.

Frequent crying in your sleep is a reason to consult a specialist

If the cause of crying is not teeth and abdominal pain, it is important to pay attention to the child’s condition, because this may indicate various health problems (stomatitis, otitis, colds, central nervous system disorder).

If, in addition to crying during sleep, there is an elevated temperature, nasal discharge, nasopharyngeal congestion, cough or difficulty breathing, then it is better to show the child to a doctor.

In order for an infant to have normal sleep, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations from experts:

  • It is necessary to ensure the optimal temperature in the room: from 18 to 21 degrees
  • It is important that the room where the child sleeps is ventilated and there should be no drafts
  • When a child sleeps there should be no loud or harsh sound
  • It is better not to engage in active games or exercises before going to bed at night.
  • To ensure that your child sleeps well, it is advisable to buy it before bedtime.
  • It is necessary to protect the baby from negative experiences, provide him with care and affection
  • Parents must adhere to

You can eliminate crying in your sleep by identifying its root cause.

If the baby is hungry, he calms down after feeding.

In case of intestinal colic, methods are used to eliminate abdominal pain. Pediatricians recommend giving your baby fennel tea or dill water. You can also do a light massage on your stomach, making clockwise movements.

Crying due to teething can be prevented by lubricating the baby's gums with a special gel before bedtime. It is better to consult with your pediatrician about which pain reliever to choose.

When a baby cries due to the absence of his parents, sleep will normalize if he sees them near him, especially in the arms of his mother or father.

Physiological night crying is not considered dangerous and usually resolves before one year of age.

The video contains information for parents:

  • Why a newborn does not sleep during the day: causes, consequences and methods...

baby crying- the ability to convey information to parents about the lack of any need or the occurrence of discomfort.
A baby cries in his sleep for a number of different reasons. Every family goes through the test of crying. Let's look at the reasons for children's tears at night and how the whole family can live with them.

Newborn babies

Newborns need constant outside care. Tears are an alarm signal and should not be ignored.

An infant cries in his sleep.

    1. . The baby's internal organs get used to mother's milk or an adapted milk formula. This process is often accompanied by colic in the intestinal area.
    2. Pain. Symptoms such as: runny nose, (otitis media - inflammation in the ear canal), cough. It is during sleep, when the body is in a horizontal position, that the exacerbation of diseases begins.
    3. Mom isn't around. Children very quickly get used to their mother's presence: body warmth, calm heartbeat and breathing, quiet voice.
    4. Teeth. Discomfort during teething accompanies every baby, starting from 5-6 months.
    5. Hunger. A growing body needs regular feeding. The choice of each family remains with it, whether feeding will be on demand or by the hour.
    6. Thirst. The body loses fluid and needs to be replenished.
    7. The atmosphere in the room. Dry air in an unventilated room with high temperatures creates discomfort during sleep.

There are positive aspects to children's tears. It is with the help of sobs once

lungs curl. There is nothing more effective than this method. 15 minutes of crying a day is preventive. The tears that we see on the cheeks also flow down the nasolacrimal duct. They contain lysozyme (an antibacterial enzyme), which contributes to a kind of antibacterial therapy


  • The baby pulls his legs towards his stomach, clenches his fists tightly, and shows activity. The crying is even and incessant. Taking the breast into his mouth, he falls asleep, but immediately wakes up with another cry. These are signs of colic in the intestines;
  • The baby was sweating, his clothes were wet, and the hair on the back of his head was matted. When you take him in your arms, the crying intensifies. These are signs of overheating. The temperature in the room where the child sleeps exceeds 18-20 degrees. In newborns, heat exchange is not yet developed, and it can regulate body temperature through breathing. It is easier to do this by inhaling cool air;
  • At first the baby cries quietly, then louder. Taking him in his arms, he shakes his head in search of a breast or a bottle. If he is not understood, the tears turn into a hysterical scream. It is also called hungry crying;
  • The baby begins to scream loudly and heart-rendingly and rub his hands on his face, eyes and ears. When pressing on the gums, the scream becomes stronger. This is teething, the baby cries in his sleep, because at night the pain always intensifies;
  • Intermittent sobbing (whines for 7 seconds, silence for 20, screams for 10 seconds, remains silent for another 20). This cry is a call. If you take a baby in your arms, he immediately calms down and becomes quiet;
  • . For such first-years, a cry can mean her loss. As soon as the pacifier is put in the mouth, the baby begins to suck on it and calms down.

Children over one year old

Children over one year of age are also susceptible to nighttime tears. They grow and there are more reasons to cry.

Reasons for crying at night in children over one year old

  1. Overeating. A child who overeats at night is subjected to heavy sleep with awakenings.
  2. Failure to follow a routine during the day creates difficulties for the child’s body when falling asleep and throughout sleep.
  3. Gadgets. and passion for computer games leads to the creation of frightening images during sleep.
  4. Increased emotionality. Tears can be caused by an unhealthy atmosphere in the family, negative experiences during the day.
  5. Nyctophobia (fear of the dark). There are children who are afraid of the dark for various reasons.
  6. Overexcitement. Active games in the evening and fun lead to the same night.


  • The child was offered to eat his favorite sandwich for dinner. He will be pleased, but fatty foods may cause night screams;
  • Today the little one fell asleep at 21.00 (no nap), tomorrow at 23.00 (watching his favorite movie), the day after tomorrow at 01.00 (could not sleep). In this mode it is difficult to fall asleep, and even more difficult to sleep through the night;
  • The kid asked to play a little on the computer in the evening before going to bed or watch a cartoon. By allowing a little fun, you expose the child to memorizing unnecessary information that will haunt him in his sleep, causing terrible dreams;
  • Children over one year old become active even at night, and crying can mean inconvenience: an arm or leg gets stuck, tangled in a sheet, opens up or covers itself with a blanket and pillow;
  • During the day, the little one witnessed a quarrel between his parents, lost his favorite toy, and did not learn a poem. These experiences can cause sleep disturbance;
  • Cheerful music or fun in the evening can overstimulate a child. It will be difficult to calm him down to sleep and throughout the night.

Anxieties and fears

Anxiety is a stable state of anxiety, characterized by frequent repetitions in different situations.
Fear is an emotional reaction to an external stimulus.

Children prone to fears and anxiety behave restlessly both during the day and at night. Such children don't sleep well, cry and scream a lot in their sleep. It is difficult to wake them up during an attack. They have an increased heart rate, increased pulse and breathing, increased sweating, and increased blood pressure.

Types of fears:

  1. Visual. The baby sees non-existent objects or images;
  2. Impermanent images. The child dreams of simple pictures. Such fears arise in cases of serious illness;
  3. Same thing. Such a dream always follows one scenario. Accompanied by movements, incoherent speech, urination;
  4. Emotional. At the moment of emotional shock, the child experiences everything again in a dream. Accompanied by crying and screaming.

For children who show anxiety, a quiet, favorable environment should be created in the house. Parents should pay more attention, especially before bedtime. Read, talk, put you to bed, hold your hand. The main thing is that he feels your protection.

What to do if a child cries in his sleep

you need to pick him up and talk to him calmly. Crying? We try to feed, check the diaper, give a pacifier. We check the temperature, uncomfortable clothes, bed. Does the crying continue? The last option remains - pain. The cause may be bloating, ear inflammation, etc. Your pediatrician will help you with diagnosis and treatment.

Every mother is familiar with baby crying at night, and often its cause is difficult to determine. We will try to tell you why a child cries in his sleep and what parents should do in different situations.

Newborn babies

Babies cry in their sleep when they feel the slightest discomfort: a wet diaper, cold or heat, tummy pain or hunger. So the crying of a baby cannot be ignored; you definitely need to approach the child.

  1. Intestinal colic. Newborn babies often experience tummy pain. At the same time, they strain their legs, jerk them, and the babies pass gas. For such a case, you can purchase special drops or get by with dill water and tea with the addition of fennel. And be sure to stroke the baby’s tummy clockwise - mother’s affection always helps ().
  2. Lack of mother nearby. Usually newborn babies fall asleep either in their mother's arms or next to her. When a child stops feeling his mother's presence, he begins to cry in his sleep. In this situation, just take the baby into your arms until he falls asleep again. Or you can teach your baby to fall asleep on his own. To do this, be patient for 3 days (this is the period that allows you to retrain the baby). When your baby wakes up and starts crying, just be patient and let him fall asleep on his own. Although this method causes a lot of controversy. An article about
  3. Teeth. At 4-5 months, any mother encounters the problem of teething. So, promptly purchase pain relief gel from the pharmacy and smear your baby’s gums before bed. Both your doctor and your pharmacist will help you choose the right gel. Article about the period
  4. Hunger. Immediately after birth, babies should establish a feeding schedule. If you feed your baby according to his demand, then gradually he will get used to sleeping at night for about 5 hours and not waking up. But if you have made the decision to feed your baby on a “schedule,” then be prepared for nighttime crying and feeding demands.
  5. Hot or cold room. Another reason why a child may cry in his sleep is a hot, stuffy or, conversely, cold room. Ventilate your baby’s room more often and maintain its temperature at 20-22 degrees.

A child cries in his sleep:

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Children after one year

The question is why do children cry in their sleep? aged one year and older , deeper. Children after two years begin to have nightmares. The reason may be not only various experiences, but also banal overeating, disruption of the daily routine, or too active pastime before going to bed.

  1. Nightmares can be caused by eating a heavy or heavy dinner. Let your baby's last meal be 2 hours before bedtime, but not later. Food should be light. A daily routine will help you avoid sleep problems. If a child goes to bed at the same time, then his body does not have to experience stress and the likelihood of nightmares is minimal. With rare exceptions (trips, guests), the time when the baby goes to bed should not deviate by more than an hour.
  2. To set your child up for rest, come up with a traditional activity before bed. This could be reading a book or an evening walk. The main thing is that the activity is calm and the child associates it with getting ready for bed. Active games before bed lead to overstimulation. Not only does it become difficult for the child to fall asleep, but his psyche may react too aggressively to such fun.
  3. One of the common reasons why children may cry in their sleep is playing computer games and watching TV. Nightmares can be caused not only by games and films with elements of violence, but also by harmless cartoons. Therefore, reduce your child's exposure to computers and TV, especially before bed.
  4. Emotional turmoil may haunt your baby. This could be a conflict with peers, arguing in the family, anxiety before a test, fear during the day, resentment. If you notice that something is bothering your baby, try to cheer him up before going to bed. Speak kind words to your baby and support him.
  5. Nightmares can be caused by a fear of the dark. If your baby is afraid to sleep without light, then let him fall asleep with a night light. This will help the child feel protected and avoid unnecessary fears before bed.

Many babies may cry in their sleep, and most often there is no serious cause for concern. Try to protect your child from negative emotions, support your baby, do not be afraid to show your care and love. Be friends with your baby, watch him and sleep peacefully!

The baby, who cannot yet speak, expresses his anxiety by crying. After some time, parents independently begin to understand the peculiar language of their child. If all parents get used to standard situations over time, sometimes situations arise when the baby begins to cry in his sleep. In such situations, parents first begin to check whether the diaper is dry, monitor the temperature in the room and the child’s posture. But all these factors turn out to be in order. Therefore, parents begin to think: why does an infant cry in his sleep?

Physiological reason

This condition is physiological night crying, and it does not pose any danger to the health of the baby. The baby cries during sleep due to unstable function of the nervous and motor systems. This is due to the fact that an emotionally intense day can provoke the appearance of dreams at night. The child, experiencing anxiety in his sleep, begins to cry heavily and does not wake up.

Even visiting guests or meeting new people at home can contribute to the development of such experiences. After such a busy day, the child must throw out unnecessary worries, which is why crying at night is observed. Therefore, parents can be calm - the baby screams and cries not because of illness.

There are situations when a baby begins to cry in his sleep, and as soon as the mother approaches his crib, the crying stops. In this way, the infant simply checks to see if his mother is nearby, since during the 9 months of pregnancy a strong bond has been established between them.

The baby may also begin to cry or wince during the transition from REM to NREM sleep. The same effect often accompanies the sleep of adults, so it does not pose a danger to the baby. If the child is not disturbed by his whining and does not wake up, parents should not worry about the health of the baby. After some time, the baby’s nervous system will develop and become stable, which will allow the baby to experience sleep more smoothly.

Reason: discomfort

It happens that a newborn cries at night due to pain or discomfort. The baby may be hot or cold, or he may have a wet diaper or diaper. The baby may suffer from abdominal pain, increased gas formation, and teething. But if the baby does not wake up, but simply whines, then he is not experiencing any discomfort. He will wake up only when the sleep phase changes.

Other reasons

There are also other reasons why a baby screams or cries heavily in his sleep without waking up:

  1. Feeling hungry.
  2. Runny nose making breathing difficult.
  3. Extreme fatigue.
  4. Negative impressions after an active day.
  5. Presence of illness.

Many parents overload their child with excessive exercise and walking, after which cortisol, a stress hormone, accumulates in the baby’s body. Usually the reason for the formation of its excess is increased loads and a large flow of information.

What to do

Sobbing at night may subside on its own, or may abruptly give way to screaming. All parents often check, approaching his crib, how their child feels during sleep. If they see that the baby is sleeping, they do not need to wake him up or calm him down, as this can only harm him. In such a situation, the child will wake up, and then it will be difficult for him to fall asleep.

If a baby screams to find out if his mother is nearby, then he needs to be carefully and gradually accustomed to sleeping independently. This will help gradually reduce crying to a minimum - both during sleep and before bed. If you show care to a child at his first call, he will get used to it, and each time the situation will worsen, and the volume of crying will increase.

It is worth considering that by 6 months, children should be able to calm down on their own without maternal care if their crying before bed is caused by loneliness. But such situations do not refer to the presence of pain or discomfort.

Help for the baby

To help your child become calmer during sleep and before bed, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • You need to spend a lot of time with your baby outdoors. Such walks have a positive effect on the function of the nervous system. Don’t forget to regularly ventilate your child’s room before going to bed and use a humidifier.
  • Before going to bed, you should not play active outdoor games with your baby or give him strong emotions. Such activities can overload the baby’s nervous system. Due to such intense activity, the baby will cry in his sleep and be capricious before bed.

  • To calm the baby while bathing, you need to use herbal infusions. They can be used only after the navel has completely healed. Usually infusions of thyme, oregano, string, and thyme are added to the water. But before such a bath, you should check the baby’s reaction to such an infusion. To do this, you just need to wipe a small area of ​​skin with it and wait a little. If redness does not appear, you can proceed to water procedures.
  • Also, before bedtime, the mother can place a bag of soothing herbs next to the baby. The baby will inhale their vapors while sleeping at night, which will calm his nervous system and relieve him of crying.

How to prevent night crying

To avoid crying during sleep, parents should be sensitive to their child and perform a certain ritual after an active day.

  • It is necessary to strictly adhere to the schedule of actions before putting the baby into the crib. Gradually, the child will remember this algorithm and it will be easier for him to fall asleep.
  • The day can end with a calm massage that will relax the baby. It is strictly forbidden to play active games before bedtime if the baby often screams or screams at night.

  • It is necessary to ensure that the optimum temperature is maintained in the room where the baby sleeps. Bed linen should be pleasant and warm.
  • All tense situations in the family should be excluded.
  • You should not put your baby in the crib after feeding, as this can impair digestion and cause colic at night.
  • There is no need to turn off the light in the room; it is better to leave it dim so that the baby is not afraid to fall asleep alone again if he often wakes up.

To understand why the baby cries out at night, you need to take a closer look at him. Basically, the causes of this condition do not harm children. But if the crying is caused by disturbances in the functioning of the body’s systems, they should be immediately eliminated by seeking help from a doctor.